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Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Rising from her seat, patting Tolly on the shoulder in some non-verbal release (the curly-haired young woman stood as well and scampered off), Ozen barked shortly in laughter. "You're one of the few who takes so quickly to this... lifestyle," she noted. "Most of the people brought here take a couple of years to adjust, and some never do. Poor souls."

She quirked a feral grin as she began towards the ramp that would inevitably lead them to that dark jungle, "who says I'm planning on making a run for it when we get there? It's been a while."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Well then, we can stay while he makes a run for it. Although it would be rather funny to watch a guy get ass-raped. Pheonix and Shale say, apparently able to separate themselves the more they practice talking, although they still might have the same thoughts, and shale did seem to be getting at least some ideas from Pheonix.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen laughed outright! "Well, 'funny' works in some cases. I like watching a man who likes it, though. Call me a voyeur if you want." She shrugged one shoulder as her daemon slithered lazily over her back. Passing the third tier and on the ramp to the fourth, Pheonix could hear more noise from this jungle-like level. Now that it was later in the afternoon, most of the diurnal creatures that lived on this level were quite wide awake.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

So where about is Flaqus, and what is playing with him. And how much fun do you think it'll be to join in? The pair says as Pheonix and Ozen walk.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"That's..." Ozen began to reply, turning to face a direction that was decidedly not the path, "hard to tell, just yet."

Hearing a noise much like a human cry -- and a male one, at that, she cast a glance over her shoulder at Pheonix. "Well, we'll find out soon enough. Step lightly, now." With that, she tread off the path, pressing undergrowth out of her way as she went!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Alright, then. Let the fun begin. Pheonix says following after Ozen fingering at the flaps on her suit in preparation to open them.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Before she had a chance to get those flaps undone, she caught a blur of motion (or was it Shale that noticed first?) and deftly leapt back and out of the way of a pair of vines that had sprung up to greet her, avoiding a third by sheer luck as she stumbled to one side! Apparently the trees weren't all interested in allowing her to continue forward, though on closer inspection, not all of the trees held the same bark-like texture. There were definitely a few (two close by, and more further away) that looked much like well-weathered skin!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I think we may have some other friends up here. Pheonix says hurriedly undoing the flaps: she didn't want to have her suit damaged so soon. You want us to occupy them while you be the dashing heroine and save the defenseless prince from certain sexing?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen, already obscured by the heavy underbrush, gave a yelp and a thud in reply -- apparently she was not so quick to dodge those sneaky vines!

Hunt, taken aback by the surprise attack, slithered off of his bonds shoulders and up along the vine, his rather massive length briefly visible to Pheonix and her own bond before he disappeared into the canopy.

But there wasn't time to watch much just now, unless Pheonix wanted to get herself caught, the fleshy vines were poised to strike again, and this time she was really rather surrounded.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Fine we'll try and go ahead, but I'm going to have to at least come by later if I can't play now. Pheonix says before trying to maneuver through the brush to the male damsel in distress. It wouldn't be bad if she got caught, but she wanted to try and get to him first. At the very least he would provide an erotic show for her to get fucked while watching.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Sorry!" Ozen called after Pheonix as the woman passed by underneath her. She seemed to be undecided over whether to laugh or ask the redhead for help, but hopefully she could take care of herself!

As Pheonix waded through the trees, she managed to avoid two more attacks on her person -- one from a vine that tried to slip around her waist, the other that dropped out of the canopy to loop about her. She could hear Flaqus' voice from somewhere nearby, attempting to negotiate by the sounds of it (though occasionally she heard a yelp or a gasp in the meantime!) and, distracted by that, she missed the snare that was laid cleverly on the ground.

Falling flat on her back, Shale thrown from her shoulders to the soft, loamy ground, Pheonix found herself dragged a short ways along the floor before her leg was pulled upwards, the vine trying to take the rest of her body with it!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix tries to wriggle free from the vine so that she can get to Flaqus, but if she can't get free, she won't consider it a big loss. Besides, the trees look fun, and it would be something new as well.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Considering the vine didn't have as good a grasp on Pheonix as it wanted, she had only but to twist her body a bit before she slipped loose. Long practice on the rigging of her old ship gave her the experience that she needed to land with a roll, where she came up short right next to her bond.

Undeterred, the vines had made a game of trying to snatch the feisty redhead up again, though whenever Pheonix didn't notice a fleshy tendril, Shale alerted her, even from his worm's eye view on the ground. This was all a little exhilarating! Quickly she found herself in a clearing, a thick, fleshy tree much like the ones surrounding her, though wider and a little shorter, taking precedence in the center of the relatively empty space. Above its foliage, which looked much more like frilly, fern-like gills than leaves, the trunk widened significantly, and apparently created a hollow that opened from the top. Pheonix could tell this easily enough, given that Flaqus was plugging it up to his chest. Only two vines like the ones that Pheonix had managed to evade were wrapped around the blonde's arms, as the human looked like he was done putting up a struggle, at least for now. Spur was nowhere to be seen, though that wasn't difficult, as she was no longer than an arm's length and she blended in quite well with the dark undergrowth!

The man looked flushed, dazed, and rather floppy, even from down where Pheonix first spotted him. "Really," he was saying, "I'll do you better if you give me a few minutes to reco--oh Godd'ss!" Whatever was happening to cause him to cry out, Pheonix couldn't see it!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix walks towards the tree, not knowing how to get the man loose now that she was here. Deciding that discretion is for those who don't know how to have a good time, she walks up to the tree daemon. You know, men like him can only go once or twice before they have to stop. He's probably had too much by now. You may want to let him go. She tells the tree, her suit currently open to reveal her breasts and privates. She may not now how to talk the tree into handing over Flaqus, but she knew what the tree wanted and was considering bartering.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The tree didn't seem to notice her at first, preoccupied as it was. Flaqus, on the other hand, had heard Pheonix's bartering, and he began to revive his struggling anew! Several vines that had been hidden beneath the foliage unwound and settled around the man's shoulders, keeping him in place.

"S'not... that easy," he gasped down at her, plucking ineffectually at one of the vines as he listed forward. He seemed to lose focus entirely for a moment, his words lost in a low whine. Through Shale, Pheonix could feel a low, pulsing heat like something was pressing, sharp and tight, across the length and breadth of her body. For some reason the unusual sensation felt good.

Realizing that the pressure felt the same as her earlier impressions of Spur, she knew that the older daemon was at least in the vicinity, even if she wasn't out and speaking!

Flaqus, the wave of pained pleasure passing, gasped explosively and sagged within the tree. He seemed to be reeling, now! "Gotta get right up close... s'not as sensitive--" he actually squealed a moment as he squirmed! "not's sensitive when it's got... uh, me." Sensitive to outside input, perhaps? He wasn't in any condition to elaborate!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Hey there, Mister Daemon. The guy doesn't have anything left in him. Pheonix says, this time actually having moved up and started touching the tree.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Though the daemon didn't reply, the touching sure seemed to get its attention! Two more tendrils dropped out of its foliage, looping around her to snatch her off her feet -- at least this time it wasn't by her ankle!

Shale was left on the ground as Pheonix was hoisted through the strange looking foliage, and as she was brought up, she could catch sight of Flaqus being removed from the creature's... what, maw? It was partially a blur, though, as the redhead was being whipped around at the same time that the man was being lowered to the ground. She also saw Spur, now, wriggling weakly in one of the vines, removed after her bond. So, she'd been under Flaqus, perhaps?

Something thick and red and very nubbly was slipping out of the center in the hollow of the trunk, though Pheonix didn't have a lot of time to inspect it. She found herself dangling a handsbreadth over the hollow and that... tongue? before the wet appendage rose up to taste over her legs and find the patches of bare skin between her thighs. Finding what it wanted, it pushed her legs apart even as she had begun to be lowered into the daemon itself, the tongue-like appendage pressing up against cunt and anus so that thick nubbins of hot flesh massaged her eagerly.

Down below, where Shale could see Flaqus and Spur deposited, the daemonet would notice that the vines weren't done. They snaked out, searching for the smaller black snake amongst the low underbrush.

Pheonix's Pleasure: 7/27
Tree-Daemon's Pleasure: 12/24
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Hey, Flaqus, while I'm still thinking straight: Me and Ozen came up to get you so you may want to set sail back to third tier before you get caught again. I think the two of us though will wait a few hours before coming down. Actually scratch that: we'll do a lot of cumming, but we won't be back to tier 3 for a while. Pheonix says, before she starts to relax and get ready to enjoy the ride. Shale, on the other hand, started trying to dodge the tentacles as he makes an attempt to climb the daemon tree to get to Pheonix. He could feel her pleasure start to build and wanted to join her in it.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Urrgh," Flaqus replied, though he had the sense of mind to clear his throat and reply properly, "just call'f it's too much." Ushering an exhausted Spur to his shoulders, the man began to wobble off through the forest, taking his chances in hopes of reaching the path back to safer ground!

Back at the tree, Pheonix felt flesh contracting around her body up to her waist as the daemon eagerly set to work. While the tongue-appendage was too big to fit where she'd probably most like it, it seemed to know what to do in order to please a woman! Grinding up against her, the woman's clit was barraged with a delicious buzzing. This daemon seemed at least interested in her exposed breasts: the two tendrils that had hefted her up here were curling around her shoulders and over her chest, their tips toying eagerly with her pert nipples.

Though Shale was fast, he'd find that those damned vines were faster! The little black daemon found himself snitched right off of the 'bark's' surface, hefted through the air in an exhilarating manner before being shoved down Pheonix's front. The vine pass that rolling tongue, diving the daemonet deep into the hollow of the trunk. Down here it was slippery, hot, and even tighter than up where the human woman was being held... it felt... well, good, actually! Considering the daemonet was feeling the shocks of pleasure that his bond was experiencing, it didn't take a great leap for the little guy to find all of this pleasurable!

The only problem would be, if he wanted, trying to get out!

Pheonix's Pleasure: 15/27
Shale's Pleasure: 6/12
Tree-Daemon's Pleasure: 12/24
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ooh. Pheonix coos as the buzzing starts, and once again when the demon starts playing with her nipples. Not sure if the vines are sensitive she starts rubbing them to try and increase the daemons pleasure. Down below, Shale simply decided to just enjoy the experience and was soon wriggling away trying to pleasure himself.