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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city

So I made a different version of the hardmode mod a while ago and had enough requests to put it back on the internet.
You can grab it here:

It adds some resource bars and removes a lot of the random tripping. The simple thing to remember is that if stamina runs out, you will trip. This version has some bugs but it is some old code built around game maker's virtual machine game code so I can't really make things as high quality as I would like. On that same note, I locked the old arousal mechanic in order to inject my own arousal mechanic via the new resources bars. The directional struggle is hidden when the struggle mechanic is empty and makes escaping a bit harder. I actually can't say I can beat the 3rd stage with the mod at the moment, so good luck! The rest of the mechanics I am going to leave as a mystery so you can keep guessing.
Re: parasite in city

So I made a different version of the hardmode mod a while ago and had enough requests to put it back on the internet.
You can grab it here:

It adds some resource bars and removes a lot of the random tripping. The simple thing to remember is that if stamina runs out, you will trip. This version has some bugs but it is some old code built around game maker's virtual machine game code so I can't really make things as high quality as I would like. On that same note, I locked the old arousal mechanic in order to inject my own arousal mechanic via the new resources bars. The directional struggle is hidden when the struggle mechanic is empty and makes escaping a bit harder. I actually can't say I can beat the 3rd stage with the mod at the moment, so good luck! The rest of the mechanics I am going to leave as a mystery so you can keep guessing.

I couldn't ever get the top bar full, so I couldn't figure out what that does when it gets into the danger zone.

I still found I tripped randomly A LOT. In the second level, I would trip about 80% of the time I climbed on to a crate/car. The biggest problems are that the get up minigame is extremely unforgiving, and therefore tripping becomes about half the play time. I ended up stopping because I was tired of trying to get up over and over again for nothing. I liked the idea of empty stamine=falling over, but that never happened, and instead it was just random bails.

The minigame also seemed to be completely impossible if you were out of stamina, and the stamina wouldn't regenerate while I was on the ground. Meaning I just got stuck.
Re: parasite in city

So I made a different version of the hardmode mod a while ago and had enough requests to put it back on the internet.
You can grab it here:

thanks a lot sir!

Well the latest update on a new game was little under a year ago, so what's to be happy about?

yeah i was wondering aswell, he did make quite frequently updates at the beginning and then it was dead
however i got the feeling that he isnt lazy but just works on his own and decided to post for huge progress steps or the next release
Re: parasite in city

version 1.3? The only one i got was 1.03 since i donated back then when he was still making it. Anyone got a link? or unless they are the same thing..
Re: parasite in city

hey I had the mod thingy.

well i cant play it
ive already had the other hardpic mod and it kinda worked but at some point the grapple bar just revoked so fast that you couldnt even stand up anymore (i know it is bound to the stamina but this was a bug and unrelated to the stamina)
however it happened randomly after getting grabbed and ya i had to restart my game when that happened

with your mod it happens guaranteed, the first time you fall or get grabbed. So i cant play the game :O
anyone else having this issue?
Re: parasite in city

I think it was mentioned before but I'm also getting a sound bug in 1.03. There is no idle sound playing and she doesn't cry or anything after and h scene, anyone know a fix? I know the dev's post sometimes so maybe they can fix it?
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Re: parasite in city

I think it was mentioned before but I'm also getting a sound bug in 1.03. There is no idle sound playing and she doesn't cry or anything after and h scene, anyone know a fix? I know the dev's post sometimes so maybe they can fix it?

That was me who originally posted about the problem, couldn't find any solution to it I am afraid besides going back to a previous version of the game. And I don't think the dev is active anymore sadly :(
Re: parasite in city

[...] And I don't think the dev is active anymore sadly :(

He is. He's just poor and had to delay it, if I recall? Anyway, there are a bunch of screens of the new game being developed on their blog.

Re: parasite in city

Isn't that screen from a year ago?

Yeah. Making games takes a long, long time. Especially if you are a two-man team and you run out of money. Taking a hiatus several months long is not unheard of.
Re: parasite in city

Maybe they should use Patreon as I'm sure many will support it as the previous game was solid albeit short.
Re: parasite in city

Patreon isn't a guaranteed increase in productivity, Dungeons and Prisoners hasn't ever been updated significantly since after the Patreon launched as far as I know.

I don't know if they really ran into monetary issues or not, from my understanding it was more about the guys getting burnt out on the project and taking a break.
Re: parasite in city

Patreon isn't a guaranteed increase in productivity, Dungeons and Prisoners hasn't ever been updated significantly since after the Patreon launched as far as I know.

I don't know if they really ran into monetary issues or not, from my understanding it was more about the guys getting burnt out on the project and taking a break.

It's not a guarantee, but I guess it can act as incentive. I definitely hope he considers doing one if he returns to the project. This is one of my favorite h-games, and I'd be more than happy to contribute a big something to him on a regular basis.
Re: parasite in city

People brought up Patreon to him in the other thread.

I don't think he likes the idea, but I also don't think he understands the concept entirely. What he did say is that he doesn't think it's fair to release an uncensored version through Patreon but have his version on dlsite be censored.

This was last October and Patreon has since become something people use and understand quite regularly now. Hell, the last time he was approached about the avenue, it was only just after Patreon adjusted its policies on pornographic projects.

Re: parasite in city

them he not make any new game anymore i keep waiting a year now :(
Re: parasite in city

Does anyone know what happened to Dot_slave?
Is he dead?

Maybe , maybe not
But it seems to Me he abandoned the project
Well given no update since , maybe already a full year?
Well let's hope not , but don't hope too much either
I even already forgot this game
My hype is already dead
Re: parasite in city

Lately I reflected upon at how many projects and games I have seen unfinished with the maker disappearing without a trace for at least a year and there really is a ton.

These makers made lots of concept art, lay out their plans of what features they are gonna implement in the game and sometimes even a demo only to left them unfinished for unknown reasons. It's kinda sad.

It's just feels like it's getting common.
Re: parasite in city

I mean, Dot_Slave had just released a game, then his team kinda split (the other one doing the Fighting Girl Sakura/Mei games) and then he'd just come up with a concept for the character of the next game and said it would take a long time.

Go read the last post on his blog, he says "please be patient, it may take year but I will never stop"

So yeah, don't wait up on the games, but at the same time I don't think he's abandoned the whole thing.
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