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[ ぽに犬 ] Way'' RJ123273

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Re: [新作]Way2

Yeah, going to have to hope he makes an Engrish version again because there's way too much going on here. Text all over the place makes AGTH unreliable.
Re: [新作]Way2

he say he not gona do it because hes bad at english and cost of translations to some company.

he skip to update Haru 1.53 english and done Haru 1.85 japan version with more scene.

not really, all he really has to do is run "I don't really mind if someone fan-translates this, so long as they only share the translations not the rest of the game" into a google translater, then post it on his blog in english

frankly, its amazing how far the fans will go to accommodate porn creators.
Re: [新作]Way2

Anyone figured out how to get high quality food yet? I've cobbled together a semi-decent hero trio but it's not where near strong enough to progress beyond the simplest of raids without consuming tons of regular food.

If the element system is retained from Haro, then I should have better heroes to summon during the quest mode but most of the time I keep getting the shitty basic hero with the wooden sword. Anyone figured out the element system works?

Some of the scrolls are new from Haro, unfortunately the lack of explanation means a lot of trial and error.
Re: [新作]Way2

It's going to be alot harder to figure out all the elemental stuff since unlike Haro you can't see the exact element values of anything anywhere. If you need food just use your heroes to do food raids!
Re: [新作]Way2

It's going to be alot harder to figure out all the elemental stuff since unlike Haro you can't see the exact element values of anything anywhere. If you need food just use your heroes to do food raids!

I use too much food sending out my heroes without getting anything in return since they don't have the skills to kill even the simplest of village raiders.

I've found that doing quick food raids on the quest mode works provided I can meet the score restriction.
Re: [新作]Way2

Yeah doing auto quest hunts also works for gathering food. Remember though your heroes need to go out and do stuff to get experience (though if you push them too hard and they die they don't get any experience for that run).
Re: [新作]Way2

Can anyone explain how to gear/level up enough to beat the snake boss? I can't seem to dish out enough damage to off him.

Edit: nvm figured that out, changed spirit loadout to have more red to match the environment. Think that made the deck larger to make room for combos. Can't seem to progress from here though. Seems to want me to get 3 of something but not sure what that is or how to access the altar...

I really need to learn japanese... lol
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Re: [新作]Way2

Can anyone explain how to gear/level up enough to beat the snake boss? I can't seem to dish out enough damage to off him.

Edit: nvm figured that out, changed spirit loadout to have more red to match the environment. Think that made the deck larger to make room for combos. Can't seem to progress from here though. Seems to want me to get 3 of something but not sure what that is or how to access the altar...

I really need to learn japanese... lol

I was stuck at the same part forever, but then I accidentally figured it out. You equip food(Fish,snake,etc) then click the altar.

Also, save file included.


  • Save01.zip
    13.5 KB · Views: 8
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Re: [新作]Way2

Woah...this game is sure great but hell yeah i found item ! bling bling.
If you cant read japan stufss like items stats ! you nerver will get attack power bonus up over 50 and more. OMG i just lose my item by using scroll that i dont have any idea what it do, bling bling. Never faps on ponidog made games because i must gay, the art are great and soo on but the dont turn me on. Reason for this is i turn addicted to click the card, i all ready beat 4 quest but i still fail made AAAA 10000Lv soldier because she need great item that i upgrated and it gone brokend.

I just hope he made english version but no he say no on hes way 2 blog, back to hanafuuu.
Re: [新作]Way2

I've confirmed a sure fire way to get food and high-quality food used in the main quest and in the harem mode: Keep producing heroes and the game rewards you with a fixed amount of food and high quality food depending on the strength of the hero produced.

The food "acquired" during party raids appears to be specific to the acquisition of hero-only items like a house, whores, gifts etc. The amount of food acquired depends on the Blue skill each hero is assigned after creation.

1.27 was supposed to have strengthened heroes all round, but I'm noticing any significant differences compared to 1.26. Anyone progressed far enough to have opinions to share?
Re: [新作]Way2

Anyone notice a bug with Yeadow in harem mode? Each time I finish Yeadow with maximum possible stats and all slots filled she somehow comes out with darkened squares for the main abilities and the special slots.

I don't see this problem with Semirama, Mariel is partially affected if I do her right after a Yeadow run.
Re: [新作]Way2

So uh, I think prostitutes have a high chance of giving a std during hero adventures so don't pay for any unless there is some kind of secret hero type that is only possible from a heroine with stds.
Re: [新作]Way2

How long time take pregnacy stage ? i got 7 bitch pregnant AAAA soldier and now i cant do anything on them. I cant have fun with harem blade if the all just care take child time, this version 1.32b. Item drop rate its so lame all item i got is kind negative -stats, some where good +10 +10 item but it was patch before. New options on game play and difficulty lvl was on 1.32 but not seems much differends.
Re: [新作]Way2

We seem to get a lot of posters on this thread who don't have English as a native language, it does make it harder to answer questions about what is admittedly one of the more complicated games to come from the Doujin circles.

As for pregnancy, to end it in this game requires the player to find the "sheep" item from the main quest line or from hero raids. Once equipped, the pregnancy status is removed in return for several bonuses. I've also read it's possible to get away from pregnancy using other animals like the fish, alligator, bull or cobra but have yet to verify it myself.
Re: [新作]Way2

Ok...this is me playing this game.

I've "moon-language-played" lots of hrpg and I've never been more confused. I looked around for rules to play hanafuda, still, I'm not sure if I didn't understand them or if the game has its own rules, or simply how good or bad the game went. As I could not get a h-event with the hot cook girl in the main screen, I quit, clicking the door at the upper right corner, gave me a choice, the one I chose sent me to...another game?. Something about harem. So I was like, ok, now you are speaking my language. Played a game vs Haro-like-girl, and again, no idea how good I played but at the end I did got a h-event...where once again, I had no idea what to do. I just clicked a bunch of option, got sex, paizuri, anal (I do know the kanas =D)....some kind of screen where you can "move" the image and cum. Blowjob from a blonde girl...aaand...that's it. I got annoyed and quit.

Unless some good soul posts a guide this game will be beyond us non-japanese reading mortals o_O
I try to learn to play this epic game,but finally I'm the same with u:(
Re: [新作]Way2

After playing this game for more or less an entire week, I've finished the main quest and am now trying to create better heroes for use with the explore mode. The elemental attributes for each class has changed from Haro so I'll probably need a table to figure out which combination of elements grants the ideal type of hero.

ID scrolls are surprisingly hard to come by especially with the number of items I pick up just by randomly doing searches in the main quest.
Re: [新作]Way2

The body anatomy in this game kind of terrifies me. I feel like the girls could break in half at any moment lol. The style otherwise is pretty cute though. Judging by the trouble people seem to be having understanding it, maybe it's best to skip.
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Re: [新作]Way2

Can anyone explain how the two harem blade game modes work? Are they related at all? Some girls don't have the second game available, is it unlockable or do some only have the one mode?

Does the first with all the options you spend points on after train the woman somehow and make the second easier? I noticed starting red/green/blue mana for the second game can increase somehow how exactly?

Yeah I realize there's a lot going on here but if anyone that understands can shed some light that'd be awesome. I'm pretty good at figuring stuff out but this is a super complex game lol.
Re: [新作]Way2

Can anyone explain how the two harem blade game modes work? Are they related at all? Some girls don't have the second game available, is it unlockable or do some only have the one mode?

Does the first with all the options you spend points on after train the woman somehow and make the second easier? I noticed starting red/green/blue mana for the second game can increase somehow how exactly?

Yeah I realize there's a lot going on here but if anyone that understands can shed some light that'd be awesome. I'm pretty good at figuring stuff out but this is a super complex game lol.

1.You need item with great stats that helps alots, example Dick size, ejucations power, girl shyness and other stats on item.
2.Harem blade has two mode 1 one its just for make bonus on your soldier that you get from mating on 2 mode, basic test your mod girls that you can make or get more from mods share page.
3.Red vagina, Green Blow Jobs, Blue Anal.
4.You can get more girls if you beat all quest and then buy more girl with your money that you make mating thoes girls.
5.When girls pregnant best sacrafice rabit because its give best bonus only if rabit has good stats.
Re: [新作]Way2

1.You need item with great stats that helps alots, example Dick size, ejucations power, girl shyness and other stats on item.
2.Harem blade has two mode 1 one its just for make bonus on your soldier that you get from mating on 2 mode, basic test your mod girls that you can make or get more from mods share page.
3.Red vagina, Green Blow Jobs, Blue Anal.
4.You can get more girls if you beat all quest and then buy more girl with your money that you make mating thoes girls.
5.When girls pregnant best sacrafice rabit because its give best bonus only if rabit has good stats.

Where do you sacrifice at?
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