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[ ぽに犬 ] Way'' RJ123273

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Re: [新作]Way2

Still relying on those automatic translators? I thought the text was clear enough: 種成分 refers to the bonus each hero provides when 調教 points are spent on the various areas. So for the hunter example, the first bonus is guaranteed to be a 三光 tile, the second will be the scale tile etc.

If you really want a specific hero class, go to the main quest mode and summon the required hero there. As far as I'm aware, getting something like 魔眼 is next to impossible unless you have a clear knowledge of which combination of elements unlock the class and ensuring that the final ejaculation phase has an element which matches the hero class element.

The orgasm level and number of special seed tiles ejaculated per session also seems to have an effect on the final hero class obtained.

Thanks again for your fast answer!
Re: [新作]Way2

Game version is currently 1.5.2, but you can't patch it unless you have 1.5.1 which you can only get if you bought the game off Dlsite or DMM. Seems like 1.5.2 added a bunch of unintended bugs.
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Re: [新作]Way2

Can someone tell me how to default the Censorship setting, I mess up when am trying to figure what's the usage of each option of the setting in Harem Blade Mode.

Re: [新作]Way2

Great looking game got corrupted file names again.

If someone were to upload the game in 7zip, I'll see if I can translate game.
Re: [新作]Way2

I should still have a dlsite account from buying Way and Haro (the only Hgames I've ever paid for!) but of course it's on the US English side. Does dlsite restrict gaijin customers from buying Jgames?

I'm currently playing a pirated 1.50 version, and a fair ways through having the ain translated, at least 80% of the interface. I'm a little concerned how well a translation patch would update to a new version, though, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to buy the update, or branch off the code from 1.5. (In my defense, while drunk I donated $60 to him when Way" was still in production.)

The benefits of branching off would be complete freedom to mod without compatibility worries over future patches. I could reformat text, revise interface and mechanics, and integrate new characters and quests. The cons are that it would forfeit all of ponidog's future expansion (which you know he does a lot of) not to mention his support since it would be a bootleg branch. What's more, it would make him no more inclined to release an English language version, which is what I started this translation project to convince him to do.

What do you think? Who here is getting 1.51+ and who is settling with 1.5?
Re: [新作]Way2

I should still have a dlsite account from buying Way and Haro (the only Hgames I've ever paid for!) but of course it's on the US English side. Does dlsite restrict gaijin customers from buying Jgames?

I'm currently playing a pirated 1.50 version, and a fair ways through having the ain translated, at least 80% of the interface. I'm a little concerned how well a translation patch would update to a new version, though, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to buy the update, or branch off the code from 1.5. (In my defense, while drunk I donated $60 to him when Way" was still in production.)

The benefits of branching off would be complete freedom to mod without compatibility worries over future patches. I could reformat text, revise interface and mechanics, and integrate new characters and quests. The cons are that it would forfeit all of ponidog's future expansion (which you know he does a lot of) not to mention his support since it would be a bootleg branch. What's more, it would make him no more inclined to release an English language version, which is what I started this translation project to convince him to do.

What do you think? Who here is getting 1.51+ and who is settling with 1.5?

Unless new material was introduced (via a new side-story or expanded dungeon), any translation you finish for one version should see the text carry over to the next without much issue.

I haven't played this in ages, but I only update when the fan-run website that covers strategy confirms the patch is a stable one. Frankly you might be alone in wanting an english patch since virtually all of the posters on ponidog's BBS board are native Japanese speakers (or close to it) who couldn't care less about english.
Re: [新作]Way2

Considering 1.51 is only released as a full installation, there could be any manner of code changes and overhauls. From following his blog with my limited Japanese, it does appear to have new material, side story, whole new sections, so there will be at least some modification to character's stat displays.

Frankly you might be alone in wanting an english patch since virtually all of the posters on ponidog's BBS board are native Japanese speakers (or close to it) who couldn't care less about english.
From this thread and Hongfire's, it looks like I'm not the only one interested in an English patch. From the beginning there was a lot of interest that died with the announcement there would be no English version, and then others who tried to play it incomprehensibly gave up later.

I don't think it's too late to make it. I've learned a lot about this game from translating it; most of all I learned how much more awesome it is when you know how to play it.
Re: [新作]Way2

Considering 1.51 is only released as a full installation, there could be any manner of code changes and overhauls. From following his blog with my limited Japanese, it does appear to have new material, side story, whole new sections, so there will be at least some modification to character's stat displays.

From this thread and Hongfire's, it looks like I'm not the only one interested in an English patch. From the beginning there was a lot of interest that died with the announcement there would be no English version, and then others who tried to play it incomprehensibly gave up later.

I don't think it's too late to make it. I've learned a lot about this game from translating it; most of all I learned how much more awesome it is when you know how to play it.

1.51 = Milk farm special. Looking at the patch notes it appears to be an extra feature for the harem mode. All guest users on the Japanese DLsite are apparently converted to registered users after 6 months, that's probably why ponidog has decided to leave the full version on Dlsite and DMM unlike Haro where the complete set of patches is still available from his webpage.

1.52 patch is alpha, so wait a while unless you're desperate.

I've replied in the first way hongfire thread on gameplay questions and no one really bothered reading what I posted. I wouldn't call "lots of interest in an English patch" when your thread doesn't even make 10 pages. Some of the other games that really need an english patch for the storyline get worked on, this one doesn't need it.

It's his call, frankly I don't blame him for not bothering with an English version since Way1 and Haro were more or less machine translated. No different from the non-Japanese speakers plugging it through an automatic translator themselves.

I stopped playing a while ago as other more addictive games caught my attention. When I did stop I'd finished the main storyline, created heroes decent enough to clear the 6 default raiding areas and found a few artifacts. It's not a full clear but good enough, I missed out on Valentine's day specials since I don't play the game on the necessary dates.

All of the above just using the wiki page helpfully created by dedicated players. Since you've got some Japanese knowledge, access the following URL and learn a few tips.

Anything you can't read, use the automatic translators like 95% of the users on this forum.
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Re: [新作]Way2

I saw that webpage, very nicely done. Unfortunately google translate can't pick it up and give me a lazy translation, so I have to go over it with Rikaichan and zkanji. But at least it's well organized enough to find where to spend the effort for best results.

Over at Hongfire, most the attention is grabbed by Illusion releases, but they've got such a long production cycle from announcement to release this time that people are going to wear out their speculation (most of them, anyway...) and look for something in the meantime. And if this doesn't get played, oh well; the only other project I've finished completely was an an obscure, and imo underrated, Teatime game.
Re: [新作]Way2

Out of curiosity, which teatime game? Most of the Lovedeath series was well-covered at Hongfire so it must have been an obscure release.

Unless a product/company really grabs the attention and imagination of the otaku English-speaking world, the reality is the vast majority of 18+ games from Japan will never see a translation and this is just for the professional companies. Independent doujin games either do a Type-Moon and go pro or get unofficial fan translations if there's a critical mass of English speakers who can translate and are bothered to do so for no financial reward.

Frankly the fan website you're looking at has literally enough info to help beginner and advanced players alike. Use machine translators for the language barrier and there shouldn't be a need for a translation.

Alternative never considered by most users here: Actually put in time and effort to learn a new language.
Re: [新作]Way2

Very obscure. I did decensors for the later Gear engine up to LDF, but no translation. I translated Kasou (or 妄想性仮想人格障害), released with Tech48's engine but more plot driven. Pretty dated now, but if no one ever plays it, I'd borrow that plot, it's pretty good.

Btw, how tied to combat ability is pussy rank? According to what I can see, by itself it only affects combat frequency, but anyone investing mana into it would probably maximize their score by dumping cum into it too, which would increase combat ability. Combat frequency is already biased by getting checked first, so cutting Green and Blue reduces your search (Green) and hunt (Blue) even further.

So I tried making a Blue-heavy character, and I am disappoint. I have Demonologists below 999 power who could clear all 6 named expeditions before anyone else could, but this one couldn't consistently get past the second. However, he does haul in a hell of a lot of meat, so now all my mighty warriors who were living in hovels have 3 digit incomes and mansions furnished with Incubus Vibes.
Re: [新作]Way2

Very obscure. I did decensors for the later Gear engine up to LDF, but no translation. I translated Kasou (or 妄想性仮想人格障害), released with Tech48's engine but more plot driven. Pretty dated now, but if no one ever plays it, I'd borrow that plot, it's pretty good.

Btw, how tied to combat ability is pussy rank? According to what I can see, by itself it only affects combat frequency, but anyone investing mana into it would probably maximize their score by dumping cum into it too, which would increase combat ability. Combat frequency is already biased by getting checked first, so cutting Green and Blue reduces your search (Green) and hunt (Blue) even further.

So I tried making a Blue-heavy character, and I am disappoint. I have Demonologists below 999 power who could clear all 6 named expeditions before anyone else could, but this one couldn't consistently get past the second. However, he does haul in a hell of a lot of meat, so now all my mighty warriors who were living in hovels have 3 digit incomes and mansions furnished with Incubus Vibes.

The higher your combat score, the more frequent combat encounters become. On the other hand, a really high score (normally needs a good class) means only the toughest expeditions will actually hurt your heroes. Like blue and green, for each light you turn on during harem mode, combat ability should go up by 1.

My approach to creating heroes was always to get 4,4,4 at the very minimum. When I stopped playing I hadn't figured out the trick to get the LOS gems on each coupling which further boosts potential hero power. I'm quite sure it's possible to create a hero exceeding 2000 rating without help from hero artifacts.

The key to using blue-heavy characters is to keep them in the 2nd or 3rd slot. The hero leaders are far more likely to encounter enemies.

Demonologist? What's the hero class name in Japanese?
Re: [新作]Way2

Ah ha, I've been playing with my own translation for so long, I can't help thinking in the terminology, and forget that I'm the only one who knows it so far. But I just so maybe that will change. Incidentally, while I was zipping that up, I found the translation patch I forgot I had made for Love Death Final, so there's another one I did on my own.

But to answer your question: from 魔眼 - demon+eye, demon seer? I went with Demonologist. The main character (魔神) I simply call Majin for now, the bodies he operates through, 英雄達->Shadow Heroes.

I still don't know how to get the class I want. I've got a Shinobi Shadow Hero, but all I can get from breeding with him is Gladiators and Demonologists. The Gladiator does kick some ass, but still isn't what I was shooting for. I'm also unsure how to get the crystals, but I did get up to three of the same kind (green) on the same girl, and again I don't know what power that's supposed to grant.

EDIT: Btw, what does it mean when a hero's icon is red? I had a Gladiator turn red after taking August Snap Spirit(布都御魂) from a Houkei Swordsman (包茎剣士) who was green when he had it.
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Re: [新作]Way2

Ah ha, I've been playing with my own translation for so long, I can't help thinking in the terminology, and forget that I'm the only one who knows it so far. But I just released a beta patch at Hongfire (which I can't link to directly because I haven't made 15 posts here...hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/405365-Way-2-English-Patch) so maybe that will change. Incidentally, while I was zipping that up, I found the translation patch I forgot I had made for Love Death Final, so there's another one I did on my own.

But to answer your question: from 魔眼 - demon+eye, demon seer? I went with Demonologist. The main character (魔神) I simply call Majin for now, the bodies he operates through, 英雄達->Shadow Heroes.

I still don't know how to get the class I want. I've got a Shinobi Shadow Hero, but all I can get from breeding with him is Gladiators and Demonologists. The Gladiator does kick some ass, but still isn't what I was shooting for. I'm also unsure how to get the crystals, but I did get up to three of the same kind (green) on the same girl, and again I don't know what power that's supposed to grant.

You're good. 魔眼 is one of the strongest classes in the game so you might as well stick with it. I never succeeded finding the elemental combination that unlocks the class so if I have restart my game I'll have to rely on sacrifices to unleash it for breeding purposes.

Incidentally one translation for 魔眼 which will be familiar with anyone who played Haro or Tsukihime/FSN is "mystic eyes". Think medusa stare and you'll get the idea where the class name came from.

Gladiators are weak, ditch them if you get them. Good classes to shoot for are 銀の射手, 龍騎士, 龍戦士 and 黒の御手. Unsurprisingly the classes which were excellent in Haro generally turn out to be strong in this game too.

3 green crystals = VERY HIGH chance of getting treasure chests during raids. More treasure chests = more experience for the heroes helping them get stronger from their default stats with more adventuring.
Re: [新作]Way2

You're good. 魔眼 is one of the strongest classes in the game so you might as well stick with it.
Normally I'd agree, my others hit well above their weight, but this one is so weak he still hasn't hasn't passed the 3rd expedition alive, and doesn't always succeed on the 2nd. He's still got one secret ability unlocked, so maybe he'll improve.

Incidentally one translation for 魔眼 which will be familiar with anyone who played Haro or Tsukihime/FSN is "mystic eyes". Think medusa stare and you'll get the idea where the class name came from.
Interesting. I think that would be more appropriate for a unique character than a base class; the Mystic Eyes of Death are unique to the protagonist in every text they've appeared (Tsukihime/Melty Blood/Kara no Kyoukai.) I'll keep it in mind for ' the shade of a strange old man' who has a unique class I currently call 'Spirit Seer', but I'll figure that out when I get around to playing his quest.
Re: [新作]Way2

Normally I'd agree, my others hit well above their weight, but this one is so weak he still hasn't hasn't passed the 3rd expedition alive, and doesn't always succeed on the 2nd. He's still got one secret ability unlocked, so maybe he'll improve.

Interesting. I think that would be more appropriate for a unique character than a base class; the Mystic Eyes of Death are unique to the protagonist in every text they've appeared (Tsukihime/Melty Blood/Kara no Kyoukai.) I'll keep it in mind for ' the shade of a strange old man' who has a unique class I currently call 'Spirit Seer', but I'll figure that out when I get around to playing his quest.

Something else you might want to know regarding hero abilities: players are guaranteed 3 abilities (plus special move) with a new hero provided they activate enough of the red, blue and green lights during each phase. The other big determinant is the pleasure meter (but you knew that already). 999% is the limit unless you succeed in overcoming the girl's orgasm limiter, it varies depending on the girl since you need specific combinations of cards during each phase.

999% is usually enough to create heroes with an average of 6-7 for each category (variable depending on created class). You're almost certain to get 3 abilities (and good ones at that) if you tick the boxes.

Hero effectiveness hinges heavily on your skill level and special move. The absolute minimum for a decent hero is 3 skills (all at level 10, preferably with modifiers) and 3 modifiers for the special move. After that it's a matter of getting a good class and high numbers for red, blue and green.

Having a look at what I finished with, my best hero is a 銀の射手. 6,8,7. 3 skills at level 10 but two of them have 4 suffix modifiers. Considering what the real experts of the game can come up with, mine is only good enough to lead parties into expeditions with a difficulty level of around 200 (that's crap, rare and elite artifacts need a crack squad which can handle expedition difficulty levels of 600 upwards).

Your translation, your call. Personally I can't see how you could equate 魔眼 with "demonologist" when the latter matches better with 召喚師 (This was not a hero class in Haro but one class Haro herself could become).
Re: [新作]Way2

Just wanted to say thank you for putting the effort in making a English patch. This game was really something I wanted to play but can't due to always being lost on how to play this game.
Re: [新作]Way2

999% is usually enough to create heroes with an average of 6-7 for each category (variable depending on created class). You're almost certain to get 3 abilities (and good ones at that) if you tick the boxes.
I wouldn't overrate pleasure too much; even after regularly cracking the limit, I still had a few at 999 that were too good to get rid of, mostly shadow classes, Demonologist, Haunted Warrior, Dark Axeman. This Demonologist is an exception; 267power/1840score without an artifact, and is worthless in the lead. But awesome for meat; I've never seen meat hauls like this before putting him in a party.

Your translation, your call. Personally I can't see how you could equate 魔眼 with "demonologist" when the latter matches better with 召喚師 (This was not a hero class in Haro but one class Haro herself could become).
Nothing's set in stone, I expect these to change after going through the story. Demonologist was just the least awkward sounding class name I could come up with. 召喚師 isn't specific to demons, so I would translate it as 'Summoner' or 'Conjurer'. But I wouldn't attribute a title like 'Mystic Eyes' to a class that could be cranked out by the dozen.

Re: [新作]Way2

Now I'm curious as to what kind of stats you're getting on that meat-farmer. Any chance of a screenshot? I'll figure out the rest as long as the display is big enough.

Early characters are shit precisely because pleasure can't be cranked up at the start without a decent equipped artifact. If you lay up the pleasure counter and tick all of the boxes for each phase, it's almost guaranteed that the difference between a good and a great character is the max pleasure score.

影の剣 = shadow class? That's top drawer for breeding but not necessarily good out on the field unless you did well at the harem phase.

I had a 呪いの戦士 with raw stats of 7,8,9. Unfortunately it was an early character so he was useless out on the field because his skill-set and special move was worthless. Conversely, I've lucked out on skills and special move with a 輝きの巫女, but a red score of 5 and barely over 1000+ max pleasure means she can't hold her own outside of the named expedition fields.
Re: [新作]Way2

I'm only 1 post away from being able to insert direct links, but I went one further with the image here: hongfire.com/cg/showphoto.php?photo=218645&title=way-26quot-3b-demonologists&cat=516

Sousa on the left is my most recent, and Euphoria on the right has been around so long he has heroID 2. Euphoria was my powerhouse for the longest time, and though he's only recently getting outclassed by newer heros, he can still hold the lead up to ~200 difficulty. Sousa is so frail that he's actually losing exp from the back of the party! And I was trying for a Shinobi, so you know I loaded up the nutsack with seeds of courage and intellect, yet he only hits twice before using a special move, then he's done.

Shadow Class is the internally designated name for a whole range of classes. I'm not sure about the kanji because I'm only referring to it from the function names: ShadowClass and ShadowClassCheck. Some of the regular classes may also be Shadow Classes, but there are a few that are exclusively ShadowClass, like Shadowblade, Shinobi, and Nazgul.

And speaking of surprisingly powerful characters who look like crap on paper, I just accidentally created a Haunted Warrior when I meant to discard, but she rocks the quest expeditions just fine. Oddly she never gets requests for assistance (or maybe not so odd since she has a ghost and a skull on her head,) so she's become a career plunderer.

Now I'm curious as to what kind of stats you're getting on that meat-farmer. Any chance of a screenshot? I'll figure out the rest as long as the display is big enough.

Early characters are shit precisely because pleasure can't be cranked up at the start without a decent equipped artifact. If you lay up the pleasure counter and tick all of the boxes for each phase, it's almost guaranteed that the difference between a good and a great character is the max pleasure score.

影の剣 = shadow class? That's top drawer for breeding but not necessarily good out on the field unless you did well at the harem phase.

I had a 呪いの戦士 with raw stats of 7,8,9. Unfortunately it was an early character so he was useless out on the field because his skill-set and special move was worthless. Conversely, I've lucked out on skills and special move with a 輝きの巫女, but a red score of 5 and barely over 1000+ max pleasure means she can't hold her own outside of the named expedition fields.
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