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Problem seeing some in game movie


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
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So, I've grab back some stuff from my storage HDD to put on my new PC using win 10, and I got some problem with a few games.
Same problem and so far I encountered it only with game from and .
I've try redownloading some of them but no luck getting rid or the error - and it happen for years old game as well as the latest release.

So, my problem is the games won't display correctly the movie - it's only sound with black screen. I need to click or use the shortcut to replay the movie for it to work correctly after like a one second delay (instead of at once when I was using the games on my old rig using win 7).
Other game with movie / animation (hentai or not), or plain movie work perfectly. I'm using win 10, my win is up to date as well as my cg driver (same brand as on my last rig, but not same card of course). I got my local setting to Japanese like on the old computer, I tried using compatibility mode to win 8 & 7 - no luck.
I tried forcing admin mode or using Local emulator; also try moving the games to another folder but no luck.

So, if anyone got any idea, I'll gladly accept it ^^
It might be that whatever codec is used to play the video isn't supported by win 10. I imagine before bink dominated the market there were a slew of in-game movie players.
It might be that whatever codec is used to play the video isn't supported by win 10. I imagine before bink dominated the market there were a slew of in-game movie players.

Well, there no info in Oz site or readme. Marmalade star readme spoke of dx9c and window media player. Which are both installed with win 10 (and are up to date).
I'm thinking about a codec or something since I haven't read comment about problem on these game on the multiple forum I check so I doubt It's a win 10 only problem (especially since the latest games are officially win 10 compatible).
Try installing the community codec pack.
Try installing the community codec pack.

Tried it and k-lite codec pack. Neither solve my problem.
Guess I hit a rare problem (or the kind of problem where everyone encountering it got a different solution to found).
I've seen on the dev blog that he updated the Harenchi (Yui one) to supposely solve wome recurrent problem with win 10, maybe that what I need to - but so far I've yet to found a link and I can't afford to buy the game for the moment (RL heavy wallet impact incoming until next years with lot of birthday and end of year gift to buy ^^).

At least, thanks for trying to help :)
Ok, a litle head up to say how I fare trying thing.

So everything fail so far.
However I managed to find the new version oh the mikan version said to solve problem related to win 10.... and yep, it work fine. So since there really little comment on the forums I check I guess it's a win 10 problem due to multiple factor coming into a few unlucky guys (why me ?) got the problem. So unless someone found a miracle solution, it seem I'll have to bear with it for the few games impacted :/
I'm like 99% sure you know what you are talking about when you say you tried in Japanese locale, but just to be safe, you meant the good old-fashioned restart-needing 'Current language for non-Unicode programs' setting changed to Japanese, right?

The reason why I'm asking, is that I know from personal experience that @OZ games won't run correctly if not started in Japanese locale - that is to say, I remember at least one instance of the black screen while audio commences, like you described, but many more of the game quitting with an error message at some point near the beginning of 'New Game' (or rather, 'All Play' as they usually call it lol) - when started without Locale Emulator. With LE, they all work fine.
Check if you have the latest version of LE, because some of the older versions may have problems correctly doing their job on the newer/most recent Win10 builds.

Well, if you are in Japanese locale, then all the above shouldn't matter, still, I thought it may be of some help.

Also, if you haven't already, install the Japanese language pack for your Win10.
I'm pretty certain I'm in japanese setting, same as what I used for year on win 7 (only didn't change time format as it mess up some software and even more excel files for work).

Since game that NTLE / applocale couldn't make work on non japanese setting work fine without using LE at the moment, yeah I'm pretty certain I'm on japanese setting (well, some files could be damaged or the installion not fully perfectly done by win / messed up by an update, but runing a check found no problem on win file and even using LE isn't working. Although, yes, I got a "new version" pop up when I tried and didn't installed it yet - because I don't need to use LE to make all my game work).