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Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Fynn's eyes blinked themselves into a wider state as Llæwyn seemed to go about her business ever so casually, working his shaft without a care in the world as if he was still sleeping. The innocent look she gave him betrayed the inherently lewd nature of the act she was performing. Fynn could hardly believe what he was seeing. Provided, the bartender had a fairly good idea of the swordswoman's many exploits, but for any cultured elven woman from Grenwyll to do this much was practically unheard of, unless they had been specifically trained to acquire such a habit. Needless to say, this was Fynn's first time experiencing such a unique thrill, and Llæwyn could easily tell as much--after all, just about every one of the elves she had treated in such a way reacted with roughly the same degree of pleasant surprise. It was no grounds for him to complain, that was to be sure... and yet his objection came anyway.

"Auhhh... what about you?" he finally managed to ask, bringing attention to Llæwyn's own state of arousal and whether or not she would have him do anything about it. "Nnnn... nnnhahh!" he sighed intermittently as she continued to tease him, biting his lower lip while leaking more copious amounts of precum due to her playful form of near denial. His cock throbbed as he writhed softly, gripping the bedsheets and gasping for air. No amount of exaggeration was needed to express the ecstasy he was feeling at that moment. And though Fynn had acquired a steely look in his eyes as though he wanted to turn the tables on her, it likely wouldn't last long if the warrior was only to push him just a tiny bit more. On one hand, Llæwyn could soon be granted a more copious amount of the liquid she had been sampling for the past few minutes... but on the other, she could get another feel for Fynn's tonguework upon her. Just a tiny bit more effort and she could cause him to release it entirely. Would she? It was up to her.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn enjoyed her partner’s reaction to her attentions, and if she hadn’t had a mouth full of his cock she probably would have chuckled a bit at the way his eyes went wide, the little gasps of pleasure. He had obviously never been woken up in such a manner before, which was pretty typical; from what she could tell most elven women weren’t willing to do such a thing, not many even willing to use their mouths in such a fashion at all. She was not most elven women, nor was she terribly “cultured.” That Fynn objected on the grounds that he wanted to pleasure her as well was sort of hilarious to the green-haired warrior. It was cute… silly, but cute. She was turned on, yes, but more than anything because of his enjoyment; she enjoyed having the power to make him squirm around in front of her, to grip the sheets in an effort to withstand the pleasure she was giving him. Her teasing was definitely having its intended effect, making the bartender bite his lip and dribble quite a bit of his precum onto her tongue… Still, the look in his eyes told her he most certainly wanted her to stop and let him please her as well, so naturally this meant that it was time to put an end to that and give him the release his body clearly desired. Her cheeks sucked in lewdly, her tongue swirling rapidly around the head of his cock after some time spent lightly teasing him. She could tell he wouldn’t last long at all at this rate, which suited her just fine. She could use a spot of breakfast.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Fynn shifted about on the bed as Llæwyn made clear her intent of letting him finish with her lips wrapped snugly around his shaft. The look of disbelief in his eyes showed that he had perhaps expected her to stop. She didn't, instead opting to suck him off with greater vigor than ever before, putting on display a degree of lewd spirit that none had cared to show the experienced barkeep before.

If the green-haired beauty had taken a liking to the feeling of having power over another, particularly in a bedroom situation, she would be very pleased to find that her lover could do little to stop her despite his mock struggles. She had proven herself to be the aggressor in battle, and that was no different here. The warrior's lover gasped, biting his lower lip as he felt the build-up stirring within his loins. He reached down to grip at either her hand or one of her shoulders, whichever was available, giving her a gentle squeeze first, then a firmer one as he grew closer and closer to orgasm.

The inadvertent motions of his body told Llæwyn that he was but moments away from his peak, which proved itself to be a rather encouraging fact for the persistent elf. "Nnnnngh... uuhh, Llæwyn!" he groaned, and at that moment she felt his hips elevate just a few inches from the automatic tightening of his glutes. Then, the first burst of his warm, slightly salty cum erupted in her mouth, splattering upon her tongue--or further in towards the back of her throat depending on how deep she chose to take him at that very moment. Fynn wasn't one to get too aggressive with her, keeping his hands off the back of her head where her regular lovers might care to try and establish dominance.

However, he was certainly potent if nothing else, and Llæwyn would soon taste the second, third and fourth waves of his climax. His cock throbbed powerfully before each spurt, and if she chose to stay down on him the entire time, the swordswoman would be treated to five more helpings of her morning meal as Fynn panted, shuddering as he strained to squeeze out every last drop of seed he had available.

By the time he finished, he left the elven beauty's mouth quite full of his spunk, leaving her to do as she pleased with the generous helping of protein. In the end, she had managed to draw a satisfying amount out of him, which was difficult to not find impressive given the amount of times they had engaged in some sort of sexual activity for the past two days. He stayed erect for just half a minute longer before finally relaxing, only softening up if she released him from between her lips or stayed still long enough. If Llæwyn sought to take Fynn's morning drive away from him, she had succeeded.

Then, a firm rapping could be heard from downstairs. Was someone there? She was fairly sure that the tavern didn't actually open until later... but after a short pause, a second series of knocks followed. Fynn grunted and struggled to get up, but his post-orgasmic haze caused him to fall off of the bed instead. "J-Just a second," he called out, searching around for his pants with half-closed eyes. While Llæwyn was also in the nude, she was at least at a higher sense of awareness with which to answer the door--which she might have to do, seeing as the knocking wasn't about to stop anytime soon.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

It was funny, the way Fynn reacted to Llæwyn’s resolve to pleasure him. He seemed to be unable to believe that she was going to go right to the finish without stopping, the look on his face telling her all she needed to know. What silly partners he must have had in the past. Of course, it was better that way too. The way she could make him squirm there on the bed, the way he seemed to want her to stop, but couldn’t bring himself to do anything to make it happen… she enjoyed that sense of power and control, something she hadn’t had before where the bartender was involved. It was pretty clear that she was having an effect on him, too, because the way he panted and moaned, the way his cock throbbed, the way his hips lightly twitched and jerked, all were signs that he was very near his orgasm. He reached down, his hand grabbing hers and squeezing gently… she squeezed his in turn, holding him even as she pushed him over the edge with her lips and tongue.

Llæwyn took her partner’s cock about halfway into her mouth as she felt him race towards release, her tongue lapping rapidly at the underside of his tip as his hips bucked ever so slightly. It wasn’t long before she could taste his seed spurting against the back of her tongue and her throat, the pleasant salty taste she had grown to love filling her mouth. Fynn was delightfully passive, too, not trying to grab a handful of her hair or any other such thing, just settling for a tight grasp on her hand, which was kind of cute in itself. He gave her a pretty good amount, too, impressive considering how much sex he had been having the last few days. The green-haired elf took her free hand and gently grasped the lower half of his cock, gently stroking to ease every last drop of his cum into her mouth, looking up at him with that same look from before…

As he finally began to go soft, there was a loud knocking from downstairs, someone rapping on the tavern’s door. It certainly didn’t open until a fair bit later, but the knocking didn’t stop. Llæwyn grinned devilishly as she pulled off Fynn’s cock, slowly swallowing down his offering in total as he tried to get up and failed, stumbling off the bed and looking around for his clothes as he called out to the one knocking. The warrior was, by now, fully awake and aware, though she seemed to not have really helped him to wake up all that much. "My clothes, at least, are still downstairs on the floor" she said quietly, chuckling at him as she rolled around to sit on the edge of the bed. "If it’s at this hour they might well be looking for me. I think I’ll venture downstairs to collect my clothing and see who our guest is." She got up then, expecting him to try his damndest to stop her from walking down those stairs in the nude.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Fynn could only watch as Llæwyn greedily gulped down his thick, potent seed in plain view. Her actions triggered a slight look of shock in the dark-haired barkeep's eyes, and understandably so, as there were few elven women in Grenwyll willing to make such a lewd display--at least that he knew of. Then again, Llæwyn was one of a kind in many respects, and the tavern owner was reminded of such with the unique way she woke him up that morning. As he struggled to fight off the drowsiness, he continued to feel about the wooden floor of the bedroom, circling the bed in search of his clothes. The elf had just managed to pick his shirt up off the floor when Llæwyn casually mentioned the location of her clothes... then stood up, as if to leave downstairs to go fetch them.

The bartender's eyes widened at this. What if someone saw her through the window? Or what if the person knocking on the door was perhaps a male, even someone like Penril? Llæwyn might have proved herself fairly shameless with the way she flirted at times, but this was just too much, at least for Fynn, who had grown almost possessively fond of her over the past two days. "Ah, I'll fetch it for you instead," he offered as he donned his shirt, completely oblivious to the fact that he still lacked pants... or underwear. Whether the green-haired beauty thought to let him know with a gentle reminder or a giggle, he would notice several seconds later.

"Er, uh... well, wait! J-Just a second," he stammered, stopping to rub his eyes so as to clear them, then continuing the search for his pants in short order. It wouldn't take much for Llæwyn to seize the opportunity to continue on downstairs without him anyway, especially if she cared to tease him a little more, since his reactions were not likely to disappoint. When she did arrive downstairs, the swordswoman would find the bar empty, with daylight peering through the windows. It was a very different sight from what she was used to... peaceful and rather quiet--save for the continued knocks that could be heard upon the front door. The articles of clothing that she had shed in the heat of the moment from the night before were in plain view, piled up on the floor.

Whether she cared to don them or not, she would eventually have to answer that. And when she did swing the wooden door open, it would reveal a familiar face--that of Maerwyn's. But while Llæwyn might have inspired a general feel of deference or even admiration on her junior's end, right now it was absent. There was a look of concern, of urgency, upon the younger elf's face. "Llæwyn! There you are," she huffed. "We've been looking all over for you. The First Elder... he fell terribly ill this morning, along with several others. None of the medicines that we've tried have worked thus far. An impromptu meeting is being held at his place, so please, come with me! We need you," she urged, motioning for her to follow.

While her morning had started out pleasant enough, Maerwyn's visit reminded Llæwyn that there were many things going on in Grenwyll that simply would not let themselves be forgotten. Portals from the Void. An apparent increase in human activity around the woods. And now, this...
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The bartender’s fumbling about for his clothing amused Llæwyn, though she didn’t quite laugh at him again. Her getting up and heading for the door seemed to worry him, or at least shock him far more even than his little wakeup call had, and truthfully it was a bit risky; anyone could be down there, and if they were trying to do so they could easily see in through the windows. There were certainly some people who might be peering in that it might be embarrassing to be seen by, even for the green-haired warrior, though she didn’t care too awful much. It would take a little bit more than a tiny bit of embarrassment to deter her, though. When Fynn got up, ready allegedly to get her clothing for her, she couldn’t help but turn and note that he had only found his shirt, and didn’t seem to notice it. She didn’t say anything, instead letting her eyes wander down below his waist, grinning teasingly as they focused on his soft cock. He soon noticed his mistake, quickly stammering out that she ought to wait while he found his pants. "I can take care of it" she said quietly as he stumbled around, "I won’t do anything crazy. I’ve enough dick in my mouth for a few hours at least~"

With that Llæwyn turned back to the stairs and headed down them, still grinning wide. Fynn was going to be fun to tease, she could tell, he seemed to have really nice reactions. When she got downstairs it was nice and quiet and empty in a way she rarely saw it, especially with light filtering in the windows… which were thankfully empty of peering eyes as far as she could see. She didn’t say anything to the repeated knocking on the door, just walking over to the pile of her clothes and sorting through it. She didn’t really feel the need to put all of it on, so she smirked as she tossed her underwear behind the bar, a little temporary present for her partner, and then slipped her blouse and skirt on. She would doubtlessly look as if she had just woken up, her hair a bit of a mess and her clothing slightly askew. Anyone who thought about it even a little bit would probably be able to figure out what had gone on there in the tavern last night.

Once she was clothed the warrior called out "I’m coming, you can stop knocking already" and made her way to the door, pulling it open… to see a sight that was very odd to her. Maerwyn was there in the door, looking very concerned. It was odd in part because she hadn’t expected the younger woman to be up and about at so soon an hour after the events of the last afternoon, and in part because she seemed to have something very urgent to talk about. What she said, well… "Fuck" was about the only thing Llæwyn could come up with to reply. She knew the way to the First’s home, and she stepped outside, closed the door, and set off at quite a brisk pace towards it. They had probably wasted enough time finding her at the tavern, there was no time to lollygag about. The timing of this sudden disease from out of nowhere, one that they couldn’t seem to cure… what could possibly be causing such a thing? Her first thought was that they had made a mistake in allowing the short-ear into Grenwyll, that she had been poisoned in some way, though that would have seemed unlikely if she had been in a state to think a little more deeply on it yet. After all, she wasn’t sick, right?
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

"U-Uh--... wh," Fynn started, only to find himself rendered wordless by Llæwyn's lewd quip. It was hard for him to know what to think of his most recent lover and her playful openness about sex. Of course, he had always known that about her, but it was a different manner when viewed from the perspective of someone in a relationship with the green-haired beauty... or something like it, anyway.

Since he couldn't quite muster a proper objection to her answering the door, Fynn could only watch for a few more seconds, shaking off thoughts of how the warrior might seek to sate her oral fixations and returning to the bedroom to search for his missing bottoms. This left Llæwyn free to get dressed and answer the door at her own pace.

When Maerwyn appeared at the door, she bore slight dark rings beneath her eyes, typical of someone suffering from lack of proper sleep--or perhaps, in her case, that plus the aftereffects of a hangover. However, her stern and urgent demeanor would express that she didn't have the time to be nursing such headaches today, especially not with the matter at hand. While she did blink a few times at her superior's somewhat unkempt appearance, she wouldn't comment on it, nor offer an amusingly embarrassed look the way she might in less urgent circumstances. It seemed Fynn's gawking was the last Llæwyn would get of such reactions for the morning, if it could still be called that. Now, she was off to handle business.


The two swordswomen took to the First's home with great haste and long strides, reaching the large, hollowed-out tree in considerably less time than usual. When they entered, they would find a large gathering of elves. The interior of the main room, normally only limited to three or four individuals during daily meetings, was packed with over a dozen people from around the village, all of whom wore concerned looks upon their faces. The First, oldest of the elves in Grenwyll, was laying on a bed at the end of the room, his eyes fluttering open and closed as he struggled to hang onto consciousness. The Third was mixing several herbs with a mortar and pestle at bedside, while the Second stood nearby with his arms folded and a furrowed brow. They turned to look at Llæwyn as she stepped inside.

"We were wondering where you were," scoffed the Second Elder with a frown. "As you can see, some sort of... illness has befallen the First."

The Third nodded, managing a calmer look as she gradually poured an unknown liquid from another flask into her concoction. "He is sick with a fever and symptoms I have not seen before, including a slight loss of senses. The Fourth is also bedridden at his home, in a similar condition."

Despite her having said as much, the First slowly opened his eyes, directing his gaze towards the warrior, and uttered, ever so softly, in a voice raspier than normal: "Llæwyn... good..."

"If you have the energy to speak, then save it to take this," interrupted the Third, placing a hand behind the other elder's head to put him in a better position by which to drink the medicine she had just made. Weakly, he parted his lips to do just that, though every motion he took seemed strained. It was quite a change from the typically healthy First that Llæwyn knew.

"If we only had the healing magic of generations past," lamented the Second. "But that too, was taken from us."

"So far, it has only spread to the very oldest and youngest of those in our village, at least for now. I will move around to treat them all to the best of my ability, but I am afraid that the cure for this won't be as simple as with other illnesses," said the Third. Despite her status as one of the older elves, she at least seemed free of afflictions for the time being. Then again, of the four elders, she was quite the specimen of health and beauty at her age, second only to the most militant of them all: the Second. A glance over to the well-muscled general of sorts would also show that he was in good health, though the same could not be said for his attitude.

"No doubt it is a sickness of the short-ears," commented yet another one of the bystanders. "We've never had anything like this in the village before."

"Indeed," agreed the Second, before turning an eye to Llæwyn. "I have heard that your party admitted a short-ear to Grenwyll. So this is your doing?"

Maerwyn couldn't help but frown.

"Yes, but I sent them away, back to Coralynth," said the Third.

"Coralynth... hrmpf. They should not have been brought up here for such a simple decision," retorted the tallest and strongest of the Elders.

"And yet it is no surprise that such a disease comes from a short-ear. What other calamities will the humans bring to our people? They speak of boundaries, yet they constantly push ours. They speak of peace, but it is clear that such is not what they seek."

"And they won't even share their knowledge of medicine with us," another one of the nearby elves added with a huff. "If it's a sickness native to their lands, surely they ought to have some sort of treatment on their end?"

"If such an illness costs us any lives, I will consider the humans responsible for it," stated the Second Elder. "As well as your own foolish actions," he added, directing the remark towards Llæwyn. "From now on, not a single human, nor elf from any village outside ours, gets into Grenwyll. I will go and speak to the people on my side." Unless the swordswoman cared to stop him or make a retort, he would then take his leave, his entourage of four warriors following suit.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

It didn’t take long for Maerwyn and Llæwyn to reach the First’s home, far less time than usual in their haste. The main room was simply packed by the time they got there, maybe twelve to fifteen elves crammed into a space that was designed to accommodate a fair bit fewer. At the far end was the First Elder, and all it took was a quick look to see that he was quite ill, barely aware of his surroundings. The other elders besides the Fourth were gathered around him, the Third doing her best at creating some sort of concoction to heal him. The Fourth’s absence, so they soon discovered, was because he too was sick. The green-haired elf chewed on her lip as the group of them spoke in front of her, her level of worry and stress quite high. The village could ill afford to lose either of the two elders who were sick, and many more besides them were likely sick as well. To have it come on so suddenly seemed strange, no warning, just all in one night…

Apparently it was only the very old and the very young who had caught whatever this was, which was a plus at least; it could be really bad if it affected the most fit members of society in their prime. That there didn’t seem to be any cure, and that the symptoms were strange and new to even the Third, was much darker news. Speculation that the disease was from the short-ears quickly popped up, and it didn’t take long for the Second to get his typical dig in at Llæwyn, noting that she had brought one of them into the village. He and the Third had a brief exchange, after which he grumbled about the humans more and talked about Llæwyn being responsible for the incident before getting ready to leave. That she couldn’t quite bear quietly. "It isn’t as if that small-ear got herself enslaved on purpose to spread some disease to us" she said firmly; even she wasn’t quite so fantastic a racist. "Any of us could have picked it up handling the corpses of the slavers. Beyond that, we’ve had plenty of contact with the people of Coralynth in the past without such problems." She took a deep breath, clenching her fists tight for this last bit. "And we have to consider the possibility that the illness isn’t of this world. Who knows what foul air spews forth from the Void portals that have been opening all around our village?"

Llæwyn would hold the Second up for just a bit longer after that as she turned to address the room more generally. "Still, Coralynth is a good bet for getting at the root of the illness. I request permission to take a handful of warriors and at least one competent healer to their village to exchange information and see what they know. And if they won’t share what they know, we will simply have to persuade them" she said, having no intention of sitting around doing nothing when she saw the chance to be productive.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

The Second Elder raised a brow at Llæwyn, as if the fact that she even had an opinion to offer was an offense in itself. After all, to him, she was but a warrior, while he was the one in a position of actual leadership. "True. For them to even tread on our ground, let alone bleed on it, is offense enough, intentions aside. Even so, there is no reason for any short-ear to set foot into this village to begin with, which you should have remembered in the first place," he responded sharply, giving the green-haired woman only a moment's glance as he continued to search for excuses with which to belittle the swordswoman.

"It is far too late to be placing such blame, as we all share equal responsibility in resolving this problem. Llæwyn is right--it could be from any number of things. It is difficult to say," the Third chimed in, putting her medicine kit away after the unconscious First had been treated to the best of her abilities. "Either way, something here is out of the ordinary. And if we don't act, both of our wisest Elders, as well as our children--the future of this village--may not survive such an ordeal."

Then, Llæwyn made her offer. It was a solid enough plan; if the disease had indeed come from Coralynth, perhaps she could find some proper answers with a swift visit to the village of outcasts.

"And take more of our warriors with you?" questioned the Second Elder. The tall, rather muscular elf seemed skeptical of such a proposal. "One of our finest, Aeron, has already set off in search for answers to the Voidic anomalies, and yet now you want to take a handful of men from their patrol duties when portals are still opening here and there on the forest floor? If it is 'companionship' you need for such a trip, one man is plenty. Why not take one of your 'toys' with you?"

Maerwyn couldn't help but react defensively, giving him a somewhat angry look. She did not channel her annoyance into words, however.

"Judgments of lifestyle aside, her plan is not such a bad idea," said the Third. "This way, we can determine whether or not the visitors we had were indeed responsible for it. If it is a human disease, perhaps some of those living within the village can provide or share knowledge of it with us, along with any cures. While elven medicine has been known to be potent, perhaps its ineffectiveness in this case is something of an indicator that we've been separated from the outside world for far too long..."

"Not separated nearly enough, if you ask me. Either way, I cannot in good conscience allow for her to take more than three or four of our warriors along with her," the Second replied with a frown. "Don't misunderstand--it is not as if I truly wish for us to be patrolling so heavily all the time... but we must. By all rights, we shouldn't be defending, nor living in fear of the humans like this. Especially with them attempting to lay claim to our eastern wood and using parts of our forest as some sort of trade route for their unsavory businesses. It is disgraceful!"

Llæwyn knew part of such a speech before. She had heard it many times from Raengil, the current Second, back when she was but a little lass in training, and he was the top student beneath their shared mentor: a wise and seemingly invincible elf named Haelorn. This master, the previous 'Second', was a man that the young Llæwyn could actually look up to, unlike the current holder of such a title. He was taken too quickly from the both of them, said to have been killed by humans during a routine patrol. Such a death only helped fuel Llæwyn and Raengil's hatred for humans... one of the few matters that the two saw eye-to-eye in. To Raengil, Llæwyn had always been that little girl, and would always be just that--never a true warrior. Despite the respect she had earned from her peers, as well as admirers of her own like Maerwyn, it seemed as though she would never earn the new Second Elder's trust.

"Yes, I will agree that these are troublesome matters," remarked the Third. "But we must start somewhere. If I cannot heal it, then it is a troublesome ailment indeed. By my estimations, the First may not last even a month with the herbs we have access to now. As I said before, it is unlike anything I've seen. Even if the symptoms are not particularly violent yet--"

The older woman was interrupted mid-sentence by a loud coughing fit made by the First Elder. A glance over would show that the front of his shirt, was stained with red afterwards, and his previously quiet breathing had turned into something of a stunted wheeze.

"We may have less time after all," said the Third, looking to Llæwyn afterwards. "Go, and make haste with your preparations."

"I... I'll go too," offered Maerwyn tentatively.

"Take Aellyse as well," ordered the eldest healer. "While she is still an apprentice, she will be able to help with any other ailments and is a quick learner when it comes to medicine. She is currently treating the Fourth at his home."

This Aellyse, who Llæwyn had seen intermittently during her visits to the Third Elder's home, was a girl about her age, with long, beautiful white hair not unlike that of her mentor's, as if she were a younger version of the Third herself. She was always friendly towards the green-haired warrior despite burying herself in books and study much of the time. Where the Second had trained and commanded many of Grenwyll's warriors (outside of Llæwyn, who had learned from his predecessor), the Third was the primary tutor for the village's aspiring healers.

If Llæwyn cared to make any other preparations beforehand, or invite anyone else along with her, she would have a small bit of time to do so. She could head to the training hall, if she cared to pick any more warriors into her party. Alternatively, there was a spot that many of the archers practiced when not on patrol. Either way, she would have to remember to pick up Aellyse from the Fourth's home.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The Second quickly dismissed Llæwyn’s alternative explanations for the origin of the disease, his voice sharp and somewhat angry, as if he didn’t like the fact that she had spoken at all. Predictable, but really annoying all the same. The Third stood up for her just as predictably just before she made her proposal. The Second reacted poorly to the idea, talking about how short-staffed they were with Aeron gone and the portals opening from time to time… and then he took it a step further, throwing in a personal insult about her promiscuous behavior. If looks could kill he would have fallen to the floor dead, though the angry warrior managed to keep herself still and with an outward appearance of at least mostly calm. There was a time, not all that long ago in the grand scheme of things, when the two of them had been peers, training together under the previous Second. He had been her senior, sure, but even then if he had said such a thing in front of a room full of people he would have known good and well what the back of her hand felt like against his cheek. Unfortunately the discrepancy in position was just too wide now, and that was a bit bold for her, even with her growing dislike for him.

It really was a shame, because if he weren’t such a misogynist asshole the two could have been steadfast allies in their views on humans and what to be done about them. Llæwyn couldn’t keep completely quiet, though, not this time. "I’m not looking for companionship" she said, practically spitting that last bit, "I’m looking for muscle. The people of Coralynth may allegedly be reluctant to share their knowledge with us. If that’s the case, they may need to be coaxed to speak by a blade at their throats." Of course, fighting all of Coralynth would be an extremely poor option, and would probably end very badly, but they could perhaps convince their fellow elves that to fight would cost far more than to simply spill what they knew.

The Second and Third were in the midst of a discussion for a while, the latter addressing one of the former’s usual outbursts about the humans and how distasteful their presence was, when the First began to hack and cough quite violently, drawing Llæwyn’s gaze… The sight of him coughing up blood made her heart sink. She knew that the village could ill afford to lose him, now least of all, and that time was of the essence. Maerwyn volunteered to go with her, which presented some problems given her reaction to the last mission they had undertaken. The Third told her to take Aellyse with them as the healer, an apprentice of hers that showed much promise. She was a kind soul despite being bookish in a way that the green-haired warrior couldn’t really relate to. It was a solid enough plan, so she agreed to it readily before turning and walking from the First’s home with all due haste. She would pick out one, perhaps two extra warrior(s) and one archer, looking for ones with skill… and also in her perception a certain amount of willingness to do the unsavory. Probably not the most common trait in Grenwyll, but still… She would tell them to get ready and meet her at the entrance nearest Coralynth as soon as they were ready. In the meantime she would tell Maerwyn to find Aellyse while she went home and got her own armor and weapons. And underwear, of course.

She was also keenly aware, of course, of the pregnancy that she needed to end, though there wasn’t time right now. There probably wouldn’t be time… but that hardly mattered given the circumstances. There were other ways to deal with such a thing, after all, though they were all far more unpleasant than her favored herb solution.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

It wasn't difficult for Llæwyn to find a candidate or three from the main training hall to go with her. While she might not have had the direct level of command that the Second did, or the positive reputation that Aeron seemed to have for whatever reason, she still had the respect of many a warrior, enough so to not have much difficulty in finding recruits for a relatively brief expedition such as this one. If she was looking for the top choices in skill alone, however, the current pool of talent wasn't particularly large. Other than herself and Aeron, the truly elite fighters within the village often flanked the Second's side as his personal guard. For as 'successful' a settlement as Grenwyll appeared to be, was this the extent of their military might, that Llæwyn herself was considered one of the strongest? Much of the answer to that depended on the swordswoman's remaining faith in her own abilities.

Still, when it came to willingness, she easily found two warriors ready to step up for her. The first was Kilean, a well-built elf with short, dark crimson hair and piercing gray eyes who was known for carrying something of a mean streak during mock sparring events. He respected Llæwyn, if only for the fact that she was his senior and apparently stronger than her. And yet the swordswoman had managed to avoid any flings with this particular male, if only for the odd feeling that he might be as brutal to his lovers as he was to his opponents. More often than not, he wore a sort of condescending snarl upon his lips to those below him that he addressed. It was easy to get the feeling that he wouldn't be so kind to Llae had she been found lacking in the arts of war. But her prowess with a blade was part of what made her who she was, and so Kilean had never failed to at least consider the green-haired beauty's words. If nothing else, he would be one of the last in Grenwyll to hesitate when faced with the opportunity to inflict some necessary cruelty.

The second was Nerth, a purple-haired male of taller but slighter build than the other one that Llae enlisted. He was much younger than her, about Maerwyn's age. Even then, he was still formidable enough to not be considered someone that the swordswoman would have to 'babysit'. Above all, he was a stickler for the rules. Never had he questioned an order given to him, even on the most routine of patrols, and Llæwyn could find this aspect to be an advantage in her potential mission. Even Maerwyn had clearly shown second thoughts about things despite her distaste for humans, but Nerth had always shown himself to be cool, calm, collected. He was hardly the sadist that Kilean seemed to be, but given his respect for authority and established positions--of which Llae was both, compared to him--it was hard to imagine that he would hesitate in carrying out any order given to him. Like the other male in his group, he too had never experienced Llæwyn's more sensual aspects, perhaps due to his age or his outspoken support of the Second's policies. After all, such an association was hardly a flattering one.

Then came the group's archer. Passiel, as he was called, was a male elf of impressive build. Always cheerful and athletically gifted, Llæwyn always thought him to have made a fine warrior if not for his apparent obsession with archery. She found him practicing at the range that afternoon, though it wouldn't have been a surprise if he had been standing there shooting arrows in the dead of night. Passiel was one of the older members, only a year or two older than Llæwyn herself, and while his normally sunny disposition might have called into question his willingness to commit unsavory acts, he was still a very experienced archer and was known to have killed humans before in defense of his comrades.

And then there was Aellyse. Of the other members of the group, who for the most part were relatively experienced killers, she seemed the most out of place. Possessed of skin more pale than Llæwyn's with long, lavender hair reaching past her back, she hadn't spent much time outside, and it showed. The girl arrived with Maerwyn at the meeting place almost an entire half-hour late of the time she set.

"Hi! Ah, sorry about the wait! I was just trying to figure out all of the herbs and medicines I might need for the trip, but I couldn't decide, so I brought them all... well, most of them," explained Aellyse, wiping a few stray beads of sweat from her brow. A sizeable satchel could be spotted upon her back, and even Maerwyn could be seen lugging around a smaller bag that Llae didn't recognize to be her own. Like Lynnea, the newcomer had clearly overpacked for the trip. However, somewhere in there, Llæwyn knew that her favored herb solution for unwanted pregnancies was likely stowed away--something she had normally consulted the Third for. Whether she cared to pull Aellyse aside to ask about it while trying to convince her to lighten her load was up to her.

"Looks like you brought enough medicine for the entire village of Coralynth," commented Nerth as he laid eyes upon Aellyse's large stash. "You only need to bring enough for us."

"Hah. If I have it my way, we won't be needing any to begin with. And any pathetic half-elf who gets in our way will be beyond even the Third's help," remarked Kilean.

"I don't think we'll even have to go that far," Passiel chimed in with a shrug. "Coralynth wouldn't risk a war with Grenwyll over such a small thing."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn’s search for soldiers to bring with her didn’t take very long, though of course the best of the warriors were generally around the Second and thus not viable options in this case. The training hall was her first choice, and she quickly found two viable young men to accompany her. The first was named Kilean, someone she normally tried to interact with as little as possible. The redhead had a nearly intolerable mean streak, even during simple training exercises and sparring, and to be frank she found his personality creepy. She was quite certain that he would treat her very poorly if she weren’t able to whip his ass in a fight. He was good enough with a sword, though, that she was willing to overlook it for the most part. Besides, his cruelty might work nicely for this mission if things went poorly; she was confident he wouldn’t hesitate in the slightest to slaughter any number of people needed. The bastard would probably enjoy it. The second was a youngster named Nerth, probably about Maerwyn’s age or thereabouts, a tall thin man with purple hair. He was pretty good for his age, and she knew him to be the sort of person who always followed orders without hesitation. That was almost always a useful asset, and especially in a mission such as this. Perhaps his only unflattering trait was his staunch support of the Second, which was somewhat to be expected given the rest of his demeanor.

Those two picked up, Llæwyn headed towards the practice range most of Grenwyll’s archers used. There she found perhaps the ideal candidate amongst the archers, a man named Passiel whom she admired. He was a cheerful guy, seemingly quite happy, and he had a great passion for his craft. It wasn’t a surprise to find him at the range, and indeed she would half expect to see him there at any hour of the day or night. His willingness to kill in general wasn’t in question, because he was by no means a stranger to such an act, though it would likely take a bit more than the others to prod him into killing without what he saw as good reason. Once they were alerted and headed to the meeting place the green-haired warrior made her way back to her home to pick up her armor. Well, first to put on some underwear, and then to put on her armor and her sword. That done she headed to the meeting point… and waited. Aellyse was moving slowly, it seemed, so she addressed the assembled warriors. "The lot of us may be forced to do unpleasant things if this goes badly. I doubt they’ll actually try to withhold their knowledge of this disease, but if they do we’ll have to give them a better reason to. Fighting the whole village would end poorly in all likelihood, so our primary goal would be to take hostages. Their leaders would be ideal, but failing that women and children would likely have the most impact" she said, inwardly cringing just a little bit. "I want to stress, though, that this isn’t a hostile mission. Only if I give the order do we assume a hostile stance."

Aellyse turned out to be almost a half hour late, and the reason for it was readily apparent. The pale, slender girl had a heavy-looking backpack strapped to her back, and she had even stuck Maerwyn with one. Llæwyn nearly facepalmed at the explanation; she was bringing all of the herbs and medicines she could think of? What sort of nonsense was that. "No" she said simply, "there’s no need for such a load of herbs just to learn the cure for this illness. We aren’t going to to Coralynth to cure its every ill, and we very well may need to move quickly at some point in our trip through the forest. We can’t have you weighed down by all that. We certainly can’t have Maerwyn slowed. Set aside everything except what you might need for us if we get injured, the guards will keep it for you until you return." She wouldn’t relent on that point, knowing they might have to move quickly to evade Voidic creatures, and once it was settled she would have the group move out towards Coralynth, not wanting to waste any more time than they already had.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Upon hearing Llæwyn's disclaimer, the other elves gave a quiet and solemn nod of agreement. It was only Kilean who seemed even remotely thrilled by the prospect of performing these 'unpleasant' things, a sentiment made evident by the slight smirk that tugged on a corner of his mouth and the gleam in his eyes.

"Heh. That's a given. Anyone foolish enough to get in our way clearly deserves whatever punishment we can dish out. If they argue, it just means they're hiding something, and I'll be glad to remind them that it's not something they should do with two of our elders being as ill as they are. Just one of their lives is worth more than all of Coralynth as it stands."

Maerwyn bit her lower lip, unafraid to exhibit slightly more in the way of hesitation than the vicious Kilean. "Still, taking the women and children as hostages... that's only for leverage, isn't it? I mean, we won't actually harm them, or anything?" she asked, as if hoping for a proper reassurance on Llæwyn's end.

"I honestly don't see them resisting, as long as we present ourselves well," said Passiel. "We've had... some... cordial interactions with Coralynth in the past, so there's no reason why we shouldn't now."

"True," was all that Nerth said on the matter.

Aellyse's face dropped at the leader's short and direct objection to the amount of luggage she carried along with her. "But, I'm sure they might have some patients too! Maybe if they know the cure, but are low on supplies, or just need to point out the right one, I can show them my collection, and even treat some of them in the process? I mean, as a just-in-case thing, you know..." she began to ramble in explanation.

Kilean let out a somewhat condescending laugh. "Ahahahaha! Treat, them? You're kidding me, right? Save your herbs for the ones who really need it back here."

Nerth nodded. "Llæwyn's in charge here, and I support her decision. It only makes sense, after all. We can't afford to be weighed down both ways, especially if something comes up."

Aellyse huffed. "Okay..."

"I'll help take them back," offered Passiel before assisting Maerwyn with the unnecessary luggage to be dropped off. They did so at the closest available place, at the Third's home, before rejoining with Llæwyn, Nerth and Kilean. With the majority of Aellyse's inventory finally pared down to a small satchel that she could carry on her own, the group was off.


The trek through the autumn wood towards Coralynth was uneventful enough during its first hour, which accounted for a fraction of the total distance needed. On foot, it wasn't a particularly long trip--several hours on average. It might have taken much longer if Llæwyn had allowed Aellyse to take her entire stash of herbs with her. But seeing as she stood firm in her order, assisted by the other elven warriors, they were off to a swift enough start--one that found itself cut short by the familiar sound of Voidic breezes in the background.

It had only been a day or two since her last encounter with tanglevines, but already Llæwyn could feel the pressure upon her with the sudden emergence of the familiar creatures. Nine of them appeared from the unmistakably Voidic rifts within the party's immediate vicinity, with two being of noticeably larger size than the others--much like those she had to face alone. The very sight of them brought back momentary flashbacks of the humiliating violation she suffered at the tendrils of such creatures.

However, the odds weren't completely against the green-haired warrior, as this time around she had three capable warriors, along with a competent archer to back her up. On the other hand, she could still hear the sounds of portals opening in the distance. Was this planned somehow? It was hard to tell... but she'd have to be giving out orders fairly soon to either run or fight. Maerwyn, Nerth and Kilean drew their blades while Passiel readied his bow, and Aellyse gravitated towards the center of the group.

"Two big ones. Don't see those very often," remarked the archer, drawing an arrow from his quiver and nocking it, taking aim at one of the larger specimens. If Llæwyn cared to, however, she could direct him to fire elsewhere before he loosed his first bolt.

Enemies appeared!
Tanglevine x 7
Tanglevine (Large) x 2
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn frowned a little bit at Kilean’s reaction, shooting him a bit of a look. "They are yet elves like us… most of them, at least. We’ll treat them with the respect they’re due because of that until they give us a reason not to. And Maerwyn, if worse comes to worst we may have to cause harm, though a dead hostage is a useless hostage. I would very much so rather avoid any trouble, though, and as Passiel says we shouldn’t have to cause any ourselves. If blood is spilled today we won’t be the ones to start the conflict" she replied, taking into account everyone’s input. Next up was Aellyse’s objection to the demand that she shed all the excess herbs and baggage. Her objections, of course, were silly. There may well have been victims of the strange disease in Coralynth, but they would have their own store of herbs that likely outmatched the personal collection of one elf. Besides that, they would likely need all the healing materials they could get. Kilean and Nerth both brought up their points, ensuring that the green-haired elf didn’t have to defend her own decision-making to the young healer. She let the matter drop when Aellyse did, just waiting around for Passiel and Maerwyn to drop the stuff off at the Third’s home and get back.

Once they were back the group set out on their journey to Coralynth, moving relatively quickly about the forest floor. Under normal circumstances it only took about two, maybe three hours to move between the villages, though of course these were not normal circumstances. They got through roughly the first half of the trip before they heard the now familiar sound of a rift to the Void opening up near them, and that sickening breeze. Tanglevines issued forth into the forest, some smaller, some larger like the ones Llæwyn had faced recently… Her right eye twitched as she drew her sword, briefly remembering that incident and its consequences before shoving it from her mind. This time would be different. There were other warriors with her far more competent than Lynnea in a fight, and though there was still Aellyse to protect it would be easier with their numbers. "Passiel, soften up the big ones for us" the green haired elf ordered as she readied her mind, "the small ones should fall fairly quickly. Look after yourselves, and make sure to keep yourselves between these monsters and Aellyse." Soon after she waded into battle in her characteristic way, blade lashing out swiftly as she moved fluidly towards the “flank” of the small tanglevines.

Attack using Battle Dance, Lightning Strikes, and Power Attack. Dodge becomes 58. Three attacks, each at d20 + 63 to-hit, 2d6 + 31 damage. Take 4 damage each turn, must attack each turn.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 76/80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Grappled, Aroused, Pregnant
Nerth: HP = 63, PP = 33, EP = 32, Status = Grappled, Horny
Kilean: HP = 75, PP = 31, EP = 32, Status = Grappled, Aroused
Passiel: HP = 42, PP = 32, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Maerwyn: HP = 56, PP = 28, EP = 28, Status = Fine
Aellyse: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Tanglevine A (dead)
Tanglevine B
Tanglevine C
Tanglevine D (grappled with Llæwyn)
Tanglevine E (dead)
Tanglevine F (dead)
Tanglevine G (grappled with Nerth)
Tanglevine (Large) X (dead)
Tanglevine (Large) Y (grappled with Kilean)

Passiel attacks using Rapid Shot, taking a -4 penalty to his attack rolls and a -1 penalty to his damage for all attacks this round in order to attack both of the large ones. Both attacks hit on target.

Hit Tanglevine (Large) X for (Rolled a 2, 6) + 30 - 1 = 37 damage. Reduced to 32 (10 AV cut in half due to Passiel's Grandmaster).
Hit Tanglevine (Large) Y for (Rolled a 4, 3) + 30 - 1 = 36 damage. Reduced to 31.

Llæwyn attacks Tanglevines A (and / or B, C, D, etc) using Battle Dance, Lightning Strikes, and Power Attack. All attacks reach their mark.

Hit Tanglevine A for (Rolled a 2, 5) + 31 = 38 damage.
Hit Tanglevine A for (Rolled a 2, 3) + 31 = 36 damage. Tanglevine A is dead.
Hit Tanglevine B for (Rolled a 2, 1) + 31 = 34 damage.

Kilean goes into a Rage and gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple, and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV. He charges straight for Tanglevine (Large) X, using Rend. Both attacks hit, netting him a 2d12 damage bonus.

Hit Tanglevine (Large) X for (Rolled a 5, 4, 5, 3) - 8 + 21 = 30 damage.
Hit Tanglevine (Large) X for (Rolled a 4, 4, 5, 4) - 8 + 21 = 30 damage.
Damage Bonus: (Rolled a 2, 8) = 10 damage.
Tanglevine (Large) X is dead.

Maerwyn attacks Tanglevine E with Lightning Strikes, taking a -12 penalty to attack and -6 penalty to damage for each strike. However, all hits land.

Hit Tanglevine E for (Rolled a 2, 5) + 15 - 6 = 16 damage.
Hit Tanglevine E for (Rolled a 4, 5) + 15 - 6 = 18 damage.
Hit Tanglevine E for (Rolled a 1, 5) + 15 - 6 = 15 damage.

Nerth attacks Tanglevine E with Slay, taking a -20 penalty on his attack rolls and -10 to Dodge until next turn. His attack lands.

Hit Tanglevine E for (Rolled a 1, 2) + 29 = 32 x 2 = 64 damage. Tanglevine E is dead.

Nerth gets a free attack against Tanglevine F due to Cleave at a -10 penalty to attack and damage. His attack hits.

Hit Tanglevine F for (Rolled a 9, 4) + 29 - 10 = 32 x 2 = 64 damage. Tanglevine F is dead.

Baddies' turn!

Tanglevine B grabs at Llæwyn. Miss.
Tanglevine C grabs at Llæwyn. Miss.
Tanglevine D grabs at Llæwyn. Hit.

Llæwyn is grappled. The tanglevine's odd scent surrounds her.
(essentially, a Pollen Shot that can only be made via physical contact)
Resistance checks:
Llæwyn (Rolled a 9) - 4 + 22 = 27.
Tanglevine D (Rolled a 5) + 20 = 25.
Miss. Llæwyn is now Aroused.

Tanglevine G grabs at Nerth. Hit.
Nerth is grappled. The tanglevine's odd scent surrounds him.
Resistance checks:
Nerth (Rolled a 14) - 4 + 16 = 26.
Tanglevine D (Rolled a 17) + 20 = 37.
Nerth is now Horny.

Tanglevine (Large) Y grabs at Kilean. Hit.
Kilean is grappled. The tanglevines' odd scent surrounds him.
Resistance checks:
Kilean fails, but he is IMMUNE to the Horny status while in a rage. Therefore he'll just have to settle with Aroused, so -10 penalty on attack rolls.

The tanglevines thrashed and flailed their slick, green tentacles menacingly as they approached. While they weren't particularly fast creatures, they could still lug themselves across the ground at the speed that an average elf might be able to walk or jog, making it better to dispose of at least half of them before attempting any serious effort to retreat, as Aellyse might prove to be a liability if her usual traveling speed was any indicator--she had trailed behind quite often during the trip thus far. Still, there was little time to mull over every possible option, as the fight was coming to them. The tanglevines closed in on the group in a semi-circular formation, with the two largest ones in the center.

"Got it!"

The order that Llæwyn immediately gave was heeded by Passiel, who simply gave a short nod before loosing an arrow, then another, in rapid succession, prioritizing the targets that she specified--the two biggest vines. Each of his bolts struck center mass, causing the Voidic plants to tremble violently. While they lacked facial features or voices by which to communicate one's anger or displeasure, Llæwyn could guess that the attacks Passiel made caused plenty of both, judging by the monsters' physical reactions alone. It was quite a sight to see them shudder in such a pained manner, and there was no question that if he had accompanied Llæwyn instead of Lynnea during her recent expedition just days ago, the outcome would have been very different. But while they had been wounded, the two were not yet dead, continuing to crawl forward at a slower pace.

Llæwyn only caught as much via her peripheral vision, as she was the first melee fighter into the fray, leading the charge with commendable courage even if she had the most reason to be afraid of the tanglevines. Her movements were more like a dance as she pressed forward towards the right flank of the smaller creatures, meeting the first one with a powerful thrust, which alone was nearly enough to kill it. She could feel the feedback in her body telling her that it was a good strike, but not quite as good as to finish the job alone. Knowing as much, she swiftly withdrew her rapier before piercing the abomination once again. The second attack was enough to pierce its 'core', a fleshy mass that the swordswomen and many elves like her knew to be its weak spot, and flailing of its tentacles began to slow. Llæwyn then yanked her blade out to the side in a violent fashion, causing the elf-sized mass of tentacles to collapse before her.

Meanwhile, mad laughter could be heard just to Llæwyn's left, near the center of the formation. It was Kilean, and he was not to let the elven woman's sense of initiative outdo his own for long. Having drawn his favored weapons--dual beaked axes, he rushed forward, fueled the urge to inflict grievous bodily harm, which in turn overrode any sense of strategy or reason in the bloodthirsty elf.

"Hah! Save your arrows, archer--I'll take these big ones out myself! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

His cruel laughter echoed through the forest as he leapt forward, right into the grasp of the first of the two abominable plants. Its tentacles reached out for him, seeking to slither about his arms and legs. But such attempts to intercept Kilean's impending onslaught proved feeble, insufficient. Both of his arms had already come forward by that time, slashing into the 'core' of the larger tanglevine with an audible gulching sound in a scissors-like motion. Only a split-second later and he reversed the initial path of his first strokes, digging in deeper for another go as his adrenaline and rage pushed him further, deeper into the hapless creature. His somewhat muffled, cruel laughter could be heard as the giant tanglevine, bigger than Kilean himself, began to wilt around him. It wasn't enough to sate his bloodlust, however, as he continued to hack away at the monster even in its death throes.

Maerwyn was not to be outdone by her colleague, and demonstrated this by charging forth towards the far left flank of the plant formation. She drew her blade--a long, thin, double-bladed sword not terribly unlike Llæwyn's in make. The elf lunged in with as powerful a thrust as she could muster, but her relative lack of experience showed itself as she only managed to nick the core organs of the tanglevine. The difference between her and Llæwyn's strokes was made obvious, and this only seemed to frustrate Maerwyn as she pulled her weapon out in order to deliver two more successive strikes in rapid fashion, seeking to render the thing permanently still.

But while it was an impressive display from afar, her strikes weren't true enough to render the creature useless just yet. In retaliation, several of its tentacles shot forward to grab at her, looking to inflict the same sort of trauma that the girl's idol experienced only days before.

The tanglevine's attempts to assault Maerwyn were cut short by the precise, yet powerful thrust of a large-bladed spear, which pierced into its core and caused its tendrils to stiffen momentarily before falling limp only seconds later.

The owner of such a weapon, Nerth, could be seen with an ice cold, stoic expression upon his face--an approach bearing a noticeable contrast to Kilean's kill-happy frenzy. He wasn't done. As the first spear jab seemed to take only minimal effort from him, he used the momentum to follow through completely, running forward several feet and driving the skewered monster along with his polearm to deliver a thrust to another tanglevine that was unlucky enough to be placed not far behind the freshly fallen one. Upon a deeper impact, it too went stiff, lifeless, in a manner not terribly unlike its cohort. Already, Nerth and Kilean seemed to be proving themselves to Llæwyn as useful allies.

Aellyse did well to stay out of the way, shuffling back in order to make enough distance so that none of the visible creatures could make a lunge at her. Holding her hands up to her collarbone, she grimaced, with a frightened expression on her face. Perhaps she hadn't seen combat quite as visceral as the skirmish that was occurring?

However, as it turned out, she did have reason to be afraid. It was only seconds later that a third abomination on the left flank allowed its tentacles to shoot forward at Nerth. He thought to move his spear in order to intercept it, but with two tanglevine corpses already limp upon his weapon, weighing it down further, he couldn't muster the additional strength to do so in time. Nerth cursed under his breath. The piercing weapons that the elves favored--arrows, pickaxes, rapiers and spears--were an adaptation for the most part, largely meant to pierce the gaps in Brevnian plate armor. But in this case, they had proven themselves to be a liability against the Voidic threat. A fully bladed weapon might have been yanked out to the side; the spear was incapable of doing so. Nerth found himself pulled into the mass of the third tanglevine on the left side, and immediately, the tide of the battle seemed to change, just as things went wrong for Llæwyn back then. Tanglevines were easy enough to dispatch for a stronger warrior, but the effects on a hapless victim caught in their coils were capable of rendering a skilled fighter just about useless, as Llæwyn knew quite well.

Its motivations were no secret, and Nerth's gender did little to discourage the Voidic plant from its lewd intentions. Initially, he struggled, but the deep breaths he took as a result of his defiance only caused the tanglevine's sweet-scented musk to be taken in through his nostrils and absorbed by his system in very little time. A deep blush spread across the elf's upper cheeks as he kicked and punched at the creature intent on violating him, and a more noticeable bulge soon formed at his crotch, showing that even the normally stoic Nerth was far from immune to the creature's intoxicating pollen. Smaller tentacles quickly began to roam his body, slipping beneath the waistline of his pants and coiling around the base of his manhood, their slick and soft texture making the forced foreplay that much more pleasurable for the male elf. Nerth had made the noblest attempt to keep his face straight in spite of it all. But as the powerful aphrodisiacs took hold of his body and his senses, his normally aloof visage gradually shifted to one of sexual vulnerability, perhaps the way he would look if mounted by a beautiful elven woman. While Llæwyn had never seen Nerth's more passionate expressions--as they were quite difficult to imagine--she was subject to them now.

"Nnngh! H-hahuhh... rrnnnfff...! Nnn... uuuhhh..."

His lips parting ever so slightly, Nerth began to pant, his throbbing erection apparent as the vines pulled his bottoms down halfway to expose him to everyone else, revealing a most humiliating scene. The tanglevine was jerking him off rapidly to take him ever closer to orgasm, and a very fine tendril even made its way to the tip of his manhood, dipping down as if seeking to literally pull his precious seed out from him. Meanwhile, other tendrils slipped between his legs and under to find any orifice they could. As the purple-haired elf bucked his hips up slightly, giving in to the Voidic bliss, Llæwyn could only guess that the offender was seeking to take him in the most lewd of ways as he was suspended up and off of the ground. He groaned, shaking his head from side to side, but even his cries were soon muffled by a large tentacle forcing its way in between his lips.


Maerwyn gasped in horror and immediately ran towards Nerth, hoping to free him of the accursed weed.

As it turned out, Nerth was not alone in his peril. Llæwyn spotted two other tanglevines rushing her out of her peripheral vision, no doubt seeking to inflict the same degree of punishment and humiliation. She was quicker this time around, her reflexes allowing her to easily dodge the first but only narrowly dodge the second. The close call made it easy for her to lose track of the third tanglevine waiting on the right side, which wrapped its tentacles around her limbs and immediately began to pull her towards it. With it having caught her off-guard, the swordswoman's gasp of shock was just enough to take in the dreaded pollen.

Arousal worked its way through Llæwyn's system within a matter of seconds, making her struggle even more difficult. But unlike Nerth, she hadn't yet given in to the absolute desire to breed. She could still feel strength in her arms and legs, and as long as she had those, she could continue to fight, struggle. Whether or not she panicked this time in the grasp of such a creature, however, was up to her.

Several meters from where Llæwyn was grappled, Kilean had leapt up from the freshly felled corpse of the first large tanglevine only to be caught in the grasp of the second.

"Rrrrgh! Fuckin' piece of shit! You wanna die, don't you?! Come and get it! H-Hahh... hhhahahahahahaha!"

He didn't prove immune to the vine's terrible influence, as a tent began to form at his crotch as well. But the sadistic elf's rage was far more potent than his chemically induced lust, and even then he could be seen putting up a valiant struggle against his would-be violator. It certainly hadn't won against him yet, and he seemed intent on letting as much be known.

Passiel lifted an arm to retrieve several arrows from his back-mounted quiver, notching them simultaneously. If Llæwyn had an order to yell at him, she had very little time to do so, as she had her own struggles to worry about...
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The sight of the tanglevines moving forward ponderously was very strange to Llæwyn. Though it didn’t have a “body” per se, and it was mostly tentacles or vines, it did have a center mass, and it seemed to lurch forward awkwardly, flailing in a way that hardly seemed coordinated. Of course, they were dangerous enough even despite the appearance, as she well knew. They came at the group in a sort of semi-circle, the largest ones coming up the middle a little bit more slowly than the others. That would give Passiel some time to soften them up, which he quickly set about doing. His arrows found their mark with seeming ease, the way they flailed and trembled making it seem like he had quite the effect, even slowing them. This shouldn’t be too difficult then, right? The group was well-positioned to fight them, at least, and the small ones shouldn’t have been too tough. The green-haired warrior herself led the way, rushing against the forwardmost part of the semi-circle and stabbing into the nearest creature. Her sword sank in nicely, but it wasn’t quite good enough to put an end to the creature on its own. A second blow pierced deep into its core, and she knew that she had found her mark. She wrenched her rapier out of the creature with a slash, and it slowly fell into a heap at her feet, her first enemy down.

Of course, the rest didn’t necessarily follow Llæwyn’s plans, mostly just Kilean, who drew his weapons and charged forward at the larger ones in essentially a blind rage. While it wasn’t necessarily what she would have wanted, out of the corner of her eye she noticed that he was at least quite effective, hacking his way into one of them and killing it. Maerwyn and Nerth together felled two of the smaller creatures on the other side with a series of quick stabs with sword and spear. Though things had started out quite well they quickly turned around, as any combat can… but especially when up against creatures like tanglevines. First one managed to grab Nerth while his spear was buried in the corpse of one of the others, and the next thing Llæwyn knew she was hearing the normally stoic man moan out lewdly. Her vision darted over to the scene, and her eye twitched in disgust as she watched the creature begin to take advantage of him, tendrils slipping into his pants. She cursed, knowing just how simple a thing it was to fall prey to such a thing…

Maerwyn quickly moved to free him, though Llæwyn soon had much more of her own to worry about. Two of the beasts made their way to her, and with a few graceful motions she managed to avoid them, though only just barely… She didn’t see the third, and in an instant she felt tendrils wrap against her arms and legs, tugging her close to it. She let out a sharp gasp at being caught so off-guard, and in that moment she took in a fair amount of that wretched pollen… Immediately she felt her body heat up in a familiar way, even more as their slime began to seep in. Not again… she thought, I will not let these things have their way with me again… Not in front of everyone! This time she didn’t feel herself slowing down quite so much, the effect less the second time around, so she felt she had a better chance than back then, especially with such competent allies… though she might require a little alone time when it was all over anyway. There was no time to mess around, she just wanted to free her arm and stab the damn thing till it stopped moving. As for Passiel, she didn’t really care what he targeted… All of them were in danger, so if he shot any of the tanglevines it would be helpful to someone.

Battle Dansen and Power Strikan. Grapple is unfortunately only 41. Dodge becomes 58. To-hit is d20 + 75. Damage is 2d6 + 37.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 72/80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Pregnant
Nerth: HP = 63, PP = 33, EP = 32, Status = Horny
Kilean: HP = 75, PP = 31, EP = 32, Status = Aroused
Passiel: HP = 42, PP = 32, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Maerwyn: HP = 56, PP = 28, EP = 28, Status = Fine
Aellyse: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Enemies (at the start of the round):
Tanglevine B (16/50 HP)
Tanglevine C
Tanglevine D (grappled with Llæwyn)
Tanglevine G (grappled with Nerth)
Tanglevine (Large) Y (grappled with Kilean, 69/100 HP)

Grapple check, Llæwyn versus Tanglevine D:
Llæwyn (Rolled a 17) + 41 = 58.
Llæwyn wins the grapple check.

Llæwyn attacks Tanglevine D with Power Attack.
Hit Tanglevine D for (Rolled a 1, 5) + 37 = 43 damage.

Maerwyn attacks Tanglevine G with Lightning Strikes, taking a -12 penalty to attack and -6 penalty to damage for each strike. However, all hits land.

Hit Tanglevine G for (Rolled a 4, 4) + 15 - 6 = 17 damage.
Hit Tanglevine G for (Rolled a 4, 1) + 15 - 6 = 14 damage.
Hit Tanglevine G for (Rolled a 1, 4) + 15 - 6 = 14 damage.

Grapple check, Kilean versus Tanglevine (Large) Y:
Kilean (Rolled a 16) + 36 = 52.
Tanglevine (Large) Y wins the grapple check. It uses the opportunity to molest Kilean, dealing 20 PP damage. But he lasts!

Tanglevine B attempts to grab at Llæwyn again. It succeeds.
Tanglevine C also attempts to grab at Llæwyn again. It also succeeds.
Llæwyn is grappled. The tanglevine's odd scent surrounds her.
Resistance checks:
Llæwyn (Rolled an 8) - 4 + 22 = 26.
Tanglevine B (Rolled a 17) + 20 = 37.
Tanglevine C (Rolled a 20) + 20 = 40.
Llæwyn is now Horny.

Passiel attacks using Rapid Shot (5 targets) and Called Shot. He takes a -20 penalty to his attack rolls and a -5 penalty to his damage for all attacks this round, using one arrow for each of the remaining targets. Due to Called Shot, however, he acts last in the round.
Each arrow hits.
(Rolled a 7, 3) + 30 - 5 = 35, doubled to 70 damage on Tanglevine B.
(Rolled a 2, 3) + 30 - 5 = 30, doubled to 60 damage on Tanglevine C.
(Rolled a 4, 2) + 30 - 5 = 31, doubled to 62 damage on Tanglevine D.
(Rolled a 3, 7) + 30 - 5 = 35, doubled to 70 damage on Tanglevine G.
(Rolled an 8, 7) + 30 - 5 = 40, doubled to 80 damage on Tanglevine (Large) Y.
All of them die as a result.
Llæwyn gains 4 EXP.

The plant-like horror thrashed and flailed at Llæwyn desperately, with the bulbed tips of its tendrils seeking her mouth and crotch as if determined to seed her. The swordswoman never quite knew the purpose of why they did that. It was unknown to her whether they used the wombs of hosts as incubators for their own twisted offspring, or sought to corrupt an existing ovum... but either way, she didn't care to find out, as the thought alone was practically poisonous to the fencer given her state of arousal. Fueled by her resolve to avoid a second humiliation at the hands of creatures like this one, she managed to grab hold of two tentacles and wrench them away, before following suit with two others that tried to take their place in claiming her mouth and womanhood. It bought her just enough time to give her weapon one good thrust towards the monster's core.

A solid strike. The elf could feel the force behind her underhanded thrust as it sunk into her foe's flesh. Yet there was still a bit of doubt in her mind, as she knew it sometimes took two good stabs on her end to ensure the demise of a tanglevine this size. Still, while she wasn't sure that her attack had finished the job, it had done just enough to slacken the plant's hold upon her limbs. As Llæwyn withdrew her blade, she prepared herself to deliver yet another strike to finish the job... only to suddenly receive a reminder in the most direct way that she wasn't alone. The other two tanglevines in the immediate vicinity, which she had swiftly dodged the first time around, made their second attempts at grabbing the elf. As she was bogged down with her latest assailant, she hadn't the footing to evade their tentacles this time around. The pair latched onto her like two hungry orphans, as if she was the one serving their lewd meal.

Already the exposure to their pollen caused the warrior's existing arousal to heighten even further, and she could feel the trickle of her own juices rolling down her inner thighs. The two tanglevines began to molest her, with the weaker one sliding its tendrils beneath her breastplate to grope her breasts; the more robust of the duo opted to take her invitation down below, weaving between and past the few barriers of cloth remaining to find her soaked petals and rubbing her there. Yet in her increasingly lust-addled mind, it wasn't nearly fast enough. Llæwyn found herself overcome with the urge to be filled in every which way, to indulge in every sensual pleasure she found particularly alluring. It was still dreadful, humiliating even, to be pleased and toyed with by these vile creatures of the Void. And yet, as the seconds passed by and the level of stimulation they brought upon her heightened, the idea of being taken by them grew less and less repulsive. It wasn't quite mind-control, but it was a powerful suggestion indeed.

Meanwhile, Maerwyn ran up to the mass of vines that had been violating Nerth and tried her best to get them to stop, pulling one of the larger appendages from between his lips with one hand and employing the other to stab repeatedly at what she thought would be the center. All the while, she consciously looked to avoid injuring her cohort in the process. That mindfulness would ultimately cost her, as she couldn't get close enough to its vitals to render it lifeless.

Worse, sensing that it was injured only caused the organism to redouble its efforts at reproductive success, and as Nerth bent forward it was plain to see that the tanglevine had penetrated him, pumping two alternating tendrils back and forth into his rear orifice. It was a harrowing sight for anyone who watched, and Aellyse could be seen looking back and forth, fighting with the urge to simply make a run for it. Maerwyn, ever the warrior, continued to fight with the now injured tanglevine for the spear-wielder's freedom, but she wouldn't be assisted by the purple-haired male. Instead, he half-heartedly grabbed at her, his full erection still exposed and coiled about several times by the monster's smaller tentacles.

"Nerth! Damn it, n-no... snap out of it!" urged Maerwyn as she pushed him back with one hand, trying to free her weapon hand from the grasp of a few stray tentacles so that she might strike yet again.

On Kilean's end, the much larger tanglevine was still grappling with him, seeming to overcome him by virtue of sheer mass and number of limbs rather than any significant difference in strength. The red-haired berserker couldn't free himself, as the multitude of tendrils coiled about his swinging arms kept him from dealing any serious damage to the monster's core. As its cohort had done with Nerth, now it seeked to use Kilean as a vessel for its seed, its roaming limbs forcing their way past his clothing and seeking to tend to his erect manhood, perhaps as a distraction while it probed at his other side. But unlike Nerth, who was visibly moaning with pleasure and panting as if he were enjoying the time of his life with a beauty like Llæwyn, Kilean's sheer ferocity hadn't died in him yet. Physically, he was clearly aroused, but mentally, he was still on one mode: kill.

"Huhhahh... is that how you're gonna play it?! Fight me for real, you fag of a plant! I'll be the only one doing the fucking around here! Take THIS!" Wide-eyed and grinning, he continued his futile attempts to swing away at the massive creature.

The situation only seemed to be getting worse with every passing moment. Llæwyn herself was at her limit, and she felt one of the many tentacles upon her finally part her velvet folds; her sopping wet pussy didn't give much at all in the way of resistance. She didn't need to beg for it to start moving, as it would do just that, taking her right into a rhythm that was more than satisfactory for the horny elf. Another appendage sought to ease its way in betwen her lips, though whether she would cease her gasps to willingly take it was another matter.

Passiel took a deep breath. He had drawn his bow back to its limit, steadying his aim. Each one of his targets was directly in contact with one of his allies, and a miss at that point would be disastrous, arguably worse than the physical damage that the tanglevines themselves were willing to cause at this point. The one struggling with Nerth and Maerwyn was of particularly high concern, swaying back and forth actively to provide a challenging target. The only had one shot to make it right, but he was well-practiced, his palms and fingers callused from daily practice. After a few seconds of focus, he found the window of opportunity, taking it.

His shot pierced directly into the vital organs of the one having its way with Nerth, effectively killing the already weakened creature. But he wasn't done there--the veteran archer couldn't afford to stop. A second, third and fourth arrow hit the ones raping Llæwyn, bringing her episode of pleasure to an abrupt end. The green-haired beauty felt the tendril fucking her pull out, and a spurt of warm liquid hit the exterior of her womanhood as the creatures surrounding her flailed about frantically in their death throes. It wasn't enough to quench her lust, not by far.

The fifth target was the largest, with Kilean trying to hack at its center. The mad elf's actions caused the larger tanglevine to keep him at a safe distance while restraining him, and that gave Passiel all the clearance he needed to take his shot. Nocking two arrows at once, he loosed them into the creature's core, causing it to quiver in pain as its focus wavered. With it sufficiently distracted and dying, Kilean broke free, only to hack into its corpse with a flurry of slashes.

Afterwards, he stood up and pointed an axe at Passiel. "That one's mine, you hear me?! MINE! Hah... hahahahaha... huhhnnggh..." All the while, he continued to sport a notable erection, now freed from its fabric confines thanks to the Voidic abomination's efforts.

"Fuck, is that it?"

Passiel heaved a sigh of relief. "That was close," he remarked, wiping a few beads of sweat from his brow. Finally, the troublesome cluster had been dealt with. Some of them still moved, though barely--most were just residual actions after death.

But their troubles were not yet over. A scream could be heard from the left flank, where Maerwyn and Nerth had been struggling until just recently.

"Eeeeek! Let GO, Nerth! You're... acting weird! Something happened to you! Get off me!"

The taller, stronger male could be seen on one knee, trying to topple the petite Maerwyn, his hands wrapped about her waist. She was still standing, but wouldn't be for long if left to herself to fend him off.

"Hahh... huhh... please, help me," Nerth begged. "I c-can't think straight... I need relief, my body is... nnnnggh! Ohhh, hnnnhh," he grunted aloud, with his member still standing at full attention, leaking copious amounts of what appeared to be precum. "I need to get off, just once," he reasoned, trying his best to remain his composed self, but failing utterly. Llæwyn knew the feeling. It didn't rob an individual of their personality, but like some drugs, it temporarily stripped the person in question of their ability to think straight. Some substances made an individual inexplicably irritable or hyper; others could make someone sleepy or sad, but only lightly so, like alcohol. This one simply happened to make the victim unbelievably horny, and Nerth had fallen victim to it... as had Llæwyn.

Passiel reached a hand back towards his quiver, but thought better of it. This wasn't an enemy, after all--it was the reliable and normally stoic Nerth. Or rather, it was a side of him that few had ever seen. The powerful tanglevines' hormones had caused him to be possessed with an uncontrollable lust, like the one Llæwyn was struggling with.

"Aellyse! DO SOMETHING!" cried Maerwyn as she resorted to pulling Nerth's hair to try and deflect his advances.

The frightened medic began to dig through her bags, fumbling and panicking in the wake of the newest crisis. "I... I-I can't find them! Is it this one? N-No, wait, no, no, no," stammered Aellyse, digging through the darkness of her satchel, only to turn it over in frustration and search through the scattered pile of remedies. "I didn't... I didn't bring it! I don't think it's even here in my bag!" she cried aloud.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn didn’t have the time or the inclination to ponder the nature of tanglevine reproduction, or really to think about anything at all; there was only the muscle memory of combat fueling her now. With her free hand she grabbed and wrenched the tendrils holding her free, and then the others that were trying to invade her just after… that cleared the way for her to make a thrust with her sword, as powerful as she could level at the creature. She could tell that it had been a good one, too, that she had hit it right in the core of its being. Was the wound fatal, though? She couldn’t tell yet, and often enough she couldn’t just kill the blasted things in a single blow. She pulled her sword from its body, an easier task now that its tendrils were more limp, readying herself to stab it again and finish it off… but just at the last moment she noticed the other two unoccupied beasts rushing her way. She was still too entangled by the wounded tanglevine to make the quick movements necessary to avoid them, and her limbs were quickly secured again, this time from both sides, and that dreadful pollen brushed off onto her, burst into her face… It was too much at once, and her head quickly began to swim.

Before she knew what had happened the green-haired warrior had dropped her sword, her legs buckling beneath her as the arousal washed over her in waves. By the time she could think some semblance of straight again she could feel the tentacles propping her up, two of them from the smaller of the creatures worming their way up under her breastplate to curl about her chest, squeezing and writhing, the other, larger one having gone for her lower body, getting up her skirt and pulling her panties aside, running along between her lower lips. She was so damn wet her juices were running down her leg, drooling onto the vine that was teasing her. Again this wretched situation, except now even worse… Llæwyn couldn’t tell from where she was, but she was certain at least a few of the others could see her. She clenched her fists. This couldn’t be happening to her again… and yet, the more time went on the more she needed some kind of relief from the unnatural arousal that was taking control of her. Her hips weakly wiggled back and forth without much input from her, trying to get the tendril to penetrate her and end the frustration its teasing was causing her. She still managed to keep the noises she made to a relative minimum, down to gasps and slight moans, her desire not to make a scene of enjoying herself with the beast still present…

Finally the damned thing did as her body desired, slipping that tentacle into her sex and immediately beginning to pump it in and out. It was a nice, thick vine, able to get it in quite deep immediately thanks to her intense arousal. The elf couldn’t help but let out a rather loud moan of pleasure, all the opening the other tanglevine needed to force one of its tendrils into her open mouth. She sputtered and gagged at the sudden penetration, but the quick and steady thrusting between her legs was more than enough to distract her from the momentary discomfort, and this time she didn’t bite… That hadn’t worked out quite so well last time. The world around Llæwyn seemed to melt away as the voidic creatures fucked her, her disgust and rage at having been defeated by the vile things again slowly being battered away by the aphrodisiacs and pleasure.

The end came at the hands of the group’s archer, a couple arrows slamming into one, a single one piercing the other. The one taking Llæwyn’s pussy was the first to die, its “body” quivering as the tendrils alternatively went limp and spasmed wildly. It was certainly a strange experience, having a dying vine writhing around inside of her, but all too soon it pulled itself free, its sticky sexual fluids spurting against her crotch long before she was satisfied. The second died much the same way, pulling itself from her mouth and squirting the sap onto her face, a little spurting into her still-open mouth. The green-haired elf couldn’t support herself when the vines fell limp finally, falling flat on her back and letting out a somewhat disappointed groan.

It took Llæwyn a while for her to collect herself before she could look around and assess the situation, such as her reasoning skills were at the moment. It seemed that all of the tanglevines had been killed… She had made a very good decision in choosing Passiel to come with them, it seemed. Still, she was horny as fuck, and she didn’t think she could satisfy herself as she was. Maerwyn’s scream told her that there was at least one other person who felt the same way… Her eyes darted over to see Nerth trying to pull the young girl to the ground, desperate to find an outlet for his lust. It was… very strange to see him like that. Very strange indeed. Still, it was actually a welcome sight to the green-haired warrior; if he was like that, she had an excuse. She quickly stood on her wobbly legs and wiped the plantcum from her face, licking it off her hand and striding as quickly as she could over to the two. "Nerth" she barked sharply, "stop. Get off her." She was close then, and she reached out to push him onto the ground. "I’m having the same problem you are, unfortunately… Get on your back. We can get relief together."

Her tone, of course, didn’t imply that he was getting a choice. No, if he seemed to hesitate for even a moment she would more forcefully push him down and straddle him. While she had been hesitant to make it known that she was enjoying the attentions of the tanglevine, this was different; there was no shame in having sex with a fellow elf, not even under these circumstances. Besides, she needed it just as badly as he did. Without any sort of preamble she would grab his cock with one hand to steady it, the other resting on his chest to steady her, and she would sink herself down to the hilt. He wasn’t nearly as thick or as long as the vine had been, but he would be sufficient… She began to ride him almost violently after just a few seconds’ pause, bouncing up and down furiously in an effort to satisfy her primal need, no care for technique at all. She was mildly annoyed her armor was still on, preventing her from groping her own breasts… still, soon enough she was moaning out lewdly again, well on her way to the climax that would let her think properly again, to continue on with their mission…
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 72/80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant
Nerth: HP = 63, PP = 33, EP = 32, Status = Fine
Kilean: HP = 75, PP = 31, EP = 32, Status = Fine
Passiel: HP = 42, PP = 32, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Maerwyn: HP = 56, PP = 28, EP = 28, Status = Fine
Aellyse: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Llæwyn would find her legs to be as wobbly as ever as she made her way towards where Nerth and Maerwyn were struggling. As such, her stride was more of a stagger or a stumble, not terribly unlike the way a drunk might hurry to an urgent destination. The green-haired beauty's goal in this particularly case was no less important, at least as far as her body was concerned. Her instincts were pulling at her for satisfaction, and though she retained a trace amount of clarity, it still wasn't much. Certainly not enough to resist settling for whoever would provide any help for her more carnal drives--which, in her case, was noticeably higher than that of other Elven women to begin with.

As she saw Nerth tugging and pulling at Maerwyn's garb, she couldn't help but notice the full erection he sported, his bottoms already stripped away by the lewd creature that assaulted him earlier. While seeing him in such an exposed state was probably one of the last things she might have expected from this expedition, it was a relieving sight, in its own way. At least this way she wasn't suffering alone, and thus had something of a decent enough excuse to actually couple with someone just as her lust had been incessantly urging her to.

Maerwyn would continue to struggle with him, yelling all the while. "Stop! I'm not kidding--I don't want to have to hurt you!" she cried out, raising her blade, but finding herself unable to use it against him. At that range it proved difficult for the relatively inexperienced warrior to utilize the rapier properly against her would-be rapist, and even then, it wasn't exactly his fault, as he was the one to save her earlier...

While the spearman undoubtedly heard his superior's command, Nerth didn't stop even at the initial calling of his name nor the short order he received afterwards. And yet, knowing the powerful effects of the tanglevine pollen, Llæwyn couldn't easily bring herself to blame him. Had anyone been closer to her, perhaps even a human, she might not have been able to help herself if they had something nice and hard to fuck her with. Provided, it likely wouldn't have curbed the disgust she'd inevitably feel afterwards, but for the time being, it was all about the pleasure she could find immediately--and she could find just that with Nerth. The male elf would only release his hold on Maerwyn upon hearing the words 'relief' and 'together'.

So when Llæwyn pushed him to his back rather aggressively and straddled him in a single, hurried sequence, he would do little to stop it--not that he could if he was resisting, with the hasty way that the swordswoman blindsided him.

Before he could utter any words of agreement, Nerth would shift his vision towards the sight of their joined hips, a union that Llæwyn forced upon him. The swordswoman would find his member parting her folds to trigger a momentary wave of relief marked by a sigh, as the inexplicable void within her was filled. But only for a second or two at most. The urge to mate, wildly at that, would consume her once again, and so she wasted little time in getting to riding her new partner, even before her pussy had grown accustomed to his cock. Not that it needed to with how ready the tanglevine made her just moments before.

"Aahhh, hnn," he sighed aloud, grunting occasionally as she began to bounce up and down on him.

It was an amazing experience in and of itself, to be joined with him like this in her state of heightened arousal... and while there was no emotional connection per se, the 'high' she felt from the unnatural hormones running through her system was incomparable, moreso than any she had received from any drug or drink prior. Her legs still felt like jelly, but she would push through to hump him as fast and as hard as she could, feeling him strike her inner walls with as much speed and rhythm as she saw fit.

Nerth wouldn't remain completely idle, despite the fact that the ecstasy of the moment was threatening to devour his very consciousness. Desperately, he clutched at Llæwyn's breastplate, as if to fondle her chest as she bucked and moaned atop him, then sought to remove it after the fact as logic and common sense fell by the wayside. Unfortunately, he hadn't even the fine motor skills at the time to get it off properly. Failing that, his hands found their way to her hips, bolstering the force of the thrusts that she facilitated and bringing him in deeper still.

"L... Llæwyn!" The younger swordswoman cried out in shock. "What are you... oh, no. No, no, no! Wait, Llæ... please, you don't have to do this," she pleaded with the one that she had looked up to as an idol and inspiration. Needless to say, it was a strange and rather disturbing experience to see someone that she had held in such high esteem reduced to a desperate bitch in heat, thanks to the unique mutations of a few normally trivial creatures. Here she was, riding Nerth unapologetically, still appearing to have some degree of control of her faculties, but not much. Maerwyn would first try placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking, trying to snap her superior out of the lusty haze, but that simple touch would do little to deter Llæwyn from continuing her lewd tryst.

Aghast, Maerwyn turned to Passiel, who couldn't produce any answers. The archer could only shrug, with a grimace upon his face. "Not... really my field of expertise," he answered. "I can't say I've been hit by those things' effects before, nor do I really remember them having anything THAT strong. Maybe they're changing, or something? I mean, it's happened before! In the past, they were simple little things to deal with, but only recently have they gotten big and uh, poisonous, or whatever that stuff is. I'm sure it'll pass once they've gotten it all out, at least? Ehheheh..."

"Ugh, now's not the time to THEORYCRAFT about crap like that!" barked the swordswoman. "Do something useful for once!" she yelled, before stomping over to where Aellyse was kneeling.

Passiel could only yield to Maerwyn's angry order, and turned to keep an eye out for any other signs of approaching enemies. Indeed, if any more came upon them, it would certainly be up to him to fire the first shots, as the initial ambush had cost them dearly, rendering both Nerth and Llæwyn unable to fight for the time being.

But while he remained positive and calm, the atmosphere between two of the other elves wasn't nearly as controlled. "Well?! Isn't there anything we can do?! What now?!" cried the green-haired one at the herbalist, her voice dripping with anger and frustration. "Don't you have fucking anything in here that works?!" she went on, digging through the pile herself, even though she could only identify perhaps three or four out of the stash of dozens.

Aellyse scattered her hands about the collection of assorted herbs she created on the floor as well, seeming to find nothing of consequence. "I don't know, I don't..." she started, mumbling to herself as much as the other girl. A short lull would pass as she frantically searched the floor, then her thoughts for any solutions to the current dilemma.

Then, out of her lull of confusion, she perked up. "Wait. I, I have an idea!" she suddenly cried, running over to the fallen bodies of one of the tanglevines.

"Better make it quick," commented Maerwyn, turning just in time to see another troublesome sight, which caused her eyebrow to twitch in annoyance. It was Kilean, still sporting his unnatural hard-on thanks to the effects of the tanglevine pollen. He had made his way over to where Llæwyn was dutifully riding Nerth, and freed his own member in short order. "Oh NO you don't! Are you fucking serious, Kilean?! If you so much as touch her, I will..." she started, but it was too late.

"Shit, I got it bad too," came a voice from beside Llæwyn. It was Kilean. "Relieve me while you're at it, won't you? Fuck, even just watching you move those hips is... damn, I almost can't wait my turn," murmured the warrior. "Hurry up with Nerth already, huh? Hnnnhh... I wanna fuck you so badly!"

As the temporary battle rage that he first summoned seemed to wear off, the effects of the plant secretions looked to have a more potent effect upon him. Now, he carried all of the signs that Nerth and Llæwyn herself had; it was a wonder that a somewhat less disciplined warrior such as himself hadn't simply opted to take her unoccupied orifice from behind. Not that he would wait for too long, however. If she hesitated for any more than a second or two, he would take the initiative, grabbing the back of her head and forcing his fully erect rod between her lips.

Kilean was not gentle in the least, which perhaps worked just as well, as the sort of sex that Llæwyn sought thanks to the hormones' influence was not the gentle lovemaking that she had enjoyed with Fynn just the night before. It was more of a wild, primal fucking, and that was exactly what the berserker would do to her mouth, pumping his throbbing cock back and forth, its very tip striking the back of her throat with every thrust as his balls slapped against her chin lewdly. In little time at all, it had become quite the sight, with the esteemed swordswoman bucking up and down on the supine Nerth while using her mouth to please the horny Kilean, who held nothing back as he slammed himself into her face repeatedly with the same ferocity he exhibited in combat.

"Oh, for fuck's... I can't watch this! I... I'm gonna leave! I just need to go for a bit," cried Maerwyn, on the verge of tears. She had drawn her blade, and perhaps had even seriously considered skewering Kilean for his recklessness given her stance as she had closed in on him, but in the end she could only assume that it wasn't even entirely his fault. As such, she hesitated and stormed off in the opposite direction.

Passiel turned and gave chase. "Maerwyn, wait! Don't get too reckless," he warned while following her. They would stop and exchange a few words several paces down, not quite out of earshot... but at that point, to Llæwyn, it didn't matter what they were saying. She was having the time of her life. It wasn't tanglevines, it was elves this time around, and yet she was having more than one hole stuffed at the same time, helping sate the uncontrollable lust that had saturated her senses and reason.

"Hnnggghh.... hahuhhh... huuhh... uhh!"

But already she could feel a low groan rising from the Nerth's throat. He was getting close, and while it might have been wise from an outsider's standpoint to slow down or stop to prevent him orgasming before she did, she simply couldn't. At that point her body was practically moving on its own, as was Nerth's. The purple-haired spearman could hold out no longer, as Llæwyn's warm interior proved too inviting for him not to spill his seed into... and so he did just that. Based on the amount of heat she felt inside, Llæwyn could tell that his load was not a small one by any means; being as disciplined and controlled as Nerth normally was apparently led to a degree of pent-up frustration, which he released all at once deep within his fellow warrior.

"Uohh... hnn, uuuhh! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Oooooohhhhhhh! Aaaaaahhh," sighed Nerth aloud between pants and gasps. Llæwyn would feel his cock, lodged inside her, to throb powerfully before each spurt, thoroughly coating her inner walls and giving her the pleasure of being creampied... a sensation that was familiar, but certainly not unwelcomed by the horny elf. It boosted her level of bliss such that she would only be moments away, and even though he came first, she would be following him soon enough. It was just as well, since she could control the pace as she wished from there, and Nerth was still hard for her, likely thanks to the substance that had caused this mess in the first place. Without a doubt, she could finish herself this way--and she likely would. That feeling creeped up on her, deep in her core, less than a minute after Nerth had filled her with his seed, and when it hit her, it would do so with tremendous force. Rarely had Llæwyn enjoyed an orgasm that good, that memorable... especially after her partner had already experienced their own.

However, it still wouldn't give her much of a rest from the attentions of Kilean, whose pace quickened as he too reached his peak. The lewd, rhythmic impacts of his hips against her face gradually picked up. Before long she'd feel him clutch her head tightly before hilting himself against her lips. Kilean's member pulsed, only to release a thick helping of sperm-filled liquid, many globs of which slid straight down her throat, forcing her to swallow. Kilean repeated this process a second, third and fourth time, though by the fifth or sixth pump, his zeal seemed to wane enough for Llæwyn to dislodge him from her mouth and catch her breath. Perhaps as some sort of final insult--or unintentional rudeness--a last spurt of his cum would splatter upon her face and lips as he pulled out. Kilean then sighed deeply in relief. "Oooohh, fuck, yesss.."

But while, in theory, the orgasm would perhaps magically dispel Llæwyn's unnaturally boosted libido, it only did so for a few passing moments--enough for her to catch a breather. Similarly, Nerth and Kilean stayed erect, with the latter eyeing her once more...
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn could tell that her orders weren’t having any effect on Nerth, though she couldn’t fault him for it. She wasn’t sure she would stop if she were in his place, in any case. Her claim that they could work their trouble out with each other seemed to get him to stop trying to assault Maerwyn, at least, and he didn’t put up any resistance when she pushed him to his back and got atop him. He didn’t even really have time to react as she grasped his cock and slid herself down onto him, causing her to let out a long sigh of satisfaction. That pleasant feeling swiftly left her, though… her need couldn’t be quenched by mere penetration. Almost immediately she began to ride him, bouncing up and down quite vigorously. The unnatural arousal coursing through the green-haired elf made every sensation sharper, wonderfully so… She’d never been with an elf in this sort of altered state before, and it almost rivaled the feeling of the tanglevine from before. She felt weak in the knees, just barely able to keep it together to carry on fast enough to suit herself. For his part her partner tried desperately to grope her, his actions thwarted by her armor, and then tried to tug it off. He couldn’t muster up the ability to operate the straps in the state he was in, however, and she didn’t have any desire to slow down long enough to do it herself. Soon enough though his hands found her hips, and he began to help her put just a bit more force into each downward movement.

The others had their own feelings on what was going on, though, and at least Maerwyn seemed to go into a panic at what she saw. The hand on Llæwyn’s shoulder caught her attention, but mostly in an annoying sort of way, as well as the pleas not to do what she was doing. The younger woman obviously hadn’t been exposed to the pollen, had no idea what she was talking about. "Yes, I do! You don’t get it, they didn’t spray you with their shit!" she replied, "and besides, would you rather have Nerth on top of you!?" It wasn’t as if even if she could somehow restrain herself the problem would be solved, because there would still be her male counterpart, probably still trying to force himself on Maerwyn. That reaction prompted the other elf to leave Llæwyn be at least for a little bit, letting her focus her full attention on riding Nerth… for all of a minute or two.

With the battle over now Kilean lost the primary thing that had been holding him back from the same lustful haze that affected Llæwyn and Nerth; his lust for blood. He was somewhat surprisingly not forceful about getting what he wanted, walking next to the fucking couple and taking out his cock, asking Llæwyn almost politely if she would help him with his own erection. Not that he was likely to stay that way, but it wasn’t as if she could really say no once his member was in her vision. She practically lunged forward, wrapping her lips around him and beginning to bob with almost as much aggression as she was riding Nerth with. Kilean didn’t stay quite as idle as her other partner, though, bucking his hips to thrust himself into her mouth with all the force she would have expected. That wasn’t exactly a bad thing in her current state, though, as it meant she had less work to do to please him, and she didn’t have much in the way of a gag reflex by now anyway. It allowed her to keep up the vigorous pace of her hips, riding the spearman’s cock with reckless abandon while Kilean pounded his length into her mouth and throat. The green-haired warrior couldn’t help but let out increasingly lewd, though muffled, moans around that dick, enjoying the roughness of it and the way his balls struck her chin at the end of each thrust. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if Passiel were to get involved…

The aphrodisiac pollen had Llæwyn on a pretty incredible high, clearly audible to the others by the loud wet noise that emanated from her coupling with Nerth at each thrust. As good as the tanglevines had been, it felt even better to be with elves she decided. The only potential drawback was that it didn’t seem it would last all that long… Nerth was already groaning and squirming beneath her, clearly getting close to orgasm. Rather than slow down to try and make the experience last longer she sped up to hasten his bliss, an urgent need to feel him cum welling up inside of her. He obliged her quickly after that, his cock beginning to throb inside of her before spurting his seed inside of her. She couldn’t help but let out a lewd groan, closing her eyes as she felt that wonderful warmth spread inside of her… he had a pretty hefty load for her, and she could tell by the way his body was reacting that this was the first time in a long while that he’d been pleased in such a way. The green-haired warrior wasn’t finished, though, and she didn’t slow down even for a moment during his peak, trying desperately to bring about her own.

It took only about another minute or so before she succeeded in quite spectacular fashion. The elf’s orgasm hit her with some force, robbing her of much of her motor control and causing her to go mostly stiff, unable to keep up the coordination necessary to bounce herself up and down, just grinding her hips almost violently against Nerth’s still-throbbing member. Her lewd groan of pleasure was cut off as Kilean picked up his own pace, humping her face with gusto as he sought to join them in their bliss. It only got Llæwyn off harder, deepened her enjoyment. As her orgasm started to tail off he grabbed her by the back of the head and forced his cock fully into her mouth, until her lips were pressed tightly against his crotch, and began to unload his own helping of seed down her throat. He pulled back just enough so that he could pound himself in again at full force in time for a second spurt of hot spunk to gush down to her belly. He continued a few more times, enough that she was about to do something to get him to let her come up for air before he finally pulled out, a final shot of cum splattering onto her cheek and lips.

On a normal day this would have been enough, probably for all of them. This was not a normal day under normal circumstances, however. For Llæwyn it had been such a good orgasm, and she was still feeling the pleasant afterglow… and yet her desire had only abated a bit. She was a bit more in control of herself now than she had been, and perhaps if she had wanted to she could have denied that desire, but it would have taken more of an incentive than she had at that moment. The two males both retained their erections as well, and at least Kilean seemed as if he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. The green-haired warrior took a moment to catch her breath, taking a few deep ones, before slowly pulling herself off of Nerth, slipping her askew panties down to her ankles to kick off as she did so. A combination of her own and his juices dribbled down her thighs as she eyed Kilean, suddenly barking out a bit of an order. "Nerth, sit up a bit" she said with some force, "it’s time to give Kilean his turn." When he had done as she asked she moved to sit back against him, reaching down to grasp the base of his cock and carefully position it, prodding it against her ass for a moment, rubbing it around in a little circle before slowly sinking down onto the tip. "Nnn… Now get over here and get to work, Kilean" she groaned out, her legs spread to either side of Nerth’s as she held herself up for the moment, hoping between the two men they would make that quite unnecessary soon.