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[Complete - Full] RJ222676 - Book of Hypnosis and Climax

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Jan 9, 2018
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(Name for title taken from English dlsite page)


Major theme (obviously based on the name) is Hypnosis/Mind Control. The type of mind control used for this one is "common sense manipulation". Basically instead of mind controlling the Heroines to love the Protagonist/become sluts, they're mind controlled to think certain things or actions are just how things are done.

Please post here if there are any issues or untranslated lines. MV games are still a bit of a learning experience for me for patches and such.

NOTE: I modified the drop rates and EXP gain in the game a little. All of the H-scenes in the game are locked behind item collections from random monsters/bosses in an attached dungeon. The original game had a 1/4 drop rate on the items per monster, which I upped to 1/3. I also increased the level gain rate by roughly 20% to compensate for the lessened need to item grind. I did this because in the original game I would always spend 25+ minutes per level walking in circles to grind drops from random monsters. It was either poorly tuned or just intended to be a time padder for no reason. Even with the increased drop rates there may still be minimal grinding for items, but it's nowhere near as bad. The data files containing the original experience gain and drop rates will also be included. Just overwrite with those files if you want the original, grindier drop rates/experience.

Disclaimer: I'm still what I would consider a beginner/intermediate when it comes to Japanese. I liberally use wwwjdic and online dictionaries to help, so expect some inaccuracies. I spend more time on story dialogue to get it right than generic NPC speech, though. If you have any edits or things I can fix, I won't take any offense, please post/let me know.
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(Name for title taken from English dlsite page)

After I finish Fran and put it out on Thursday, I'll finish up this one and release it after a while (Maybe a week later?). Fran was such a long game that this small one got done concurrently despite only touching it once a week or so.

DLSite: DLSite:

Major theme (obviously based on the name) is Hypnosis/Mind Control. The type of mind control used for this one is "common sense manipulation". Basically instead of mind controlling the Heroines to love the Protagonist/become sluts, they're mind controlled to think certain things or actions are just how things are done.

NOTE: I modified the drop rates and EXP gain in the game a little. All of the H-scenes in the game are locked behind item collections from random monsters/bosses in an attached dungeon. The original game had a 1/4 drop rate on the items per monster, which I upped to 1/3. I also increased the level gain rate by roughly 20% to compensate for the lessened need to item grind. I did this because in the original game I would always spend 25+ minutes per level walking in circles to grind drops from random monsters. It was either poorly tuned or just intended to be a time padder for no reason. Even with the increased drop rates there may still be minimal grinding for items, but it's nowhere near as bad.
How do you manage to keep churning out these translations so fast? I didn't think it was humanly possible.
(Name for title taken from English dlsite page)
NOTE: I modified the drop rates and EXP gain in the game a little. All of the H-scenes in the game are locked behind item collections from random monsters/bosses in an attached dungeon. The original game had a 1/4 drop rate on the items per monster, which I upped to 1/3. I also increased the level gain rate by roughly 20% to compensate for the lessened need to item grind. I did this because in the original game I would always spend 25+ minutes per level walking in circles to grind drops from random monsters. It was either poorly tuned or just intended to be a time padder for no reason. Even with the increased drop rates there may still be minimal grinding for items, but it's nowhere near as bad.

Sounds like "Japanese balance" at play here, as is so often the case with their games. Thank you for improving on that.
Absolute madman spitting out translation after translation.

Godspeed, lad. Godspeed.
You suck

You suck my balls dry

I want my semen back in my balls

I want my future babies
Disclaimer: I'm still what I would consider a beginner/intermediate when it comes to Japanese. I liberally use wwwjdic and online dictionaries to help, so expect some inaccuracies. I spend more time on story dialogue to get it right than generic NPC speech, though. If you have any edits or things I can fix, I won't take any offense, please post/let me know.

Aren't you quite the modest one. Honestly I prefer a good translation written in great English like yours over a "correct" translation written in barely legible English like oh-so-many others. So heads up, you are doing well.
Planning on posting the patch sometime tomorrow night (6/22). Probably later in the evening (EST time zone). I'm also including the Enemies and Classes data files that contain the unmodified drop rates and experience gain for those who prefer the grindier drop rates. Just copy them in and overwrite.
Planning on posting the patch sometime tomorrow night (6/22). Probably later in the evening (EST time zone). I'm also including the Enemies and Classes data files that contain the unmodified drop rates and experience gain for those who prefer the grindier drop rates. Just copy them in and overwrite.
God has once again spoken.
Posted it, let me know if it crashes or doesn't work or something!
MSE is blockng the DL as a virus(Trojan), most possibly a false positive, but maybe you should check what got in there.
Edit: Meh, checked it online, only script files(as I suppposed) no risk of something executable in there. So whatever, MSE is crazy. Sorry for the false warning and thanks for the TL.
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Judging by the error message, it looks like it can't identify the japanese text in the filename. Probably need japanese language pack installed or run it with applocale or something like that.
MSE is blockng the DL as a virus(Trojan), most possibly a false positive, but maybe you should check what got in there.
Edit: Meh, checked it online, only script files(as I suppposed) no risk of something executable in there. So whatever, MSE is crazy. Sorry for the false warning and thanks for the TL.

I got a trojan warning as well, listed as "severe threat".
With microsoft security essentials? Which file is it flagging? I use MSE too and it didn't flag anything.
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