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[WIP - Partial] [RJ318793] 黒より深き漆黒の闇から -奈落の脱獄者- (English Translation)


Jun 17, 2009
Reputation score
Discussion Thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/onrain-hitori-online-yori-ki-no-kara-no-rj318793.14646/

The full game has been released!
As I guessed, the demo translation can be applied to the full game. It's not perfect, but it should be enough to play the game with.
I'll be looking into updating this sometime soon, at least to the level of a partial translation of the full game.
(If you'd rather not wait for a better version, MTOOL recently added support for this type of game.)

What is translated:
The game menus
Most of the items
Most of the choices
Most of the achievements.
Some of the story

Current Status:
It's a little rough, but the game should be playable in it's current state, even without any knowledge of Japanese, or OCR translation tools. I'll probably do more in a later release, and/or when the full game comes up, but I wouldn't hold your breath for a full translation from me. Even in the demo, there's a lot of text.
If you find something that seems important, or a choice that isn't translated, let me know how you got there and I'll add it in the next version.

Wait, a translation of a demo? Who does that?
I do. But also, because of how this game engine works, you should be able to apply my translation as-is to the complete game as well. Obviously, only the demo content would actually be translated, but this translation should work regardless of the game version you have.

How long is the demo anyway? Is it worth it?
Pretty long, actually. While you'll probably be disappointed by the 'This is the end of the demo.' screen, suffice to say that all of the achievements listed in the achievement room you'll find can be achieved in the demo.

Instructions :
Just unzip in the game directory and launch the patched exe. That's it.


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Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
thanks for this chief, good game and mad respect for spearheading it!