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I'll be able to help you with the monster-rape problem.

the Z X C buttons are your 'rape' buttons.

Z is for doing an attack in the air, if the girls are there you grab them and slam them down,

X & C are both for jump attacks on ground lvl

Now when you mount them, you have to get there resistance bar (one above) down till it's black, you gotta spam the C button to do that, afterwards, the creature starts the rape and you can sit back and watch. If she escapes.. rinse and repeat.

At least the above are my button combo's could well be yours are A S & D, depends on how you've got it set up.

you're using the classic button setup like i do. by default the buttons you're talking about are A,S,D and the movement keys are something stupid like T, F, H, B... it's generally good practice to go through and fix it all to get the proper feel for the game.

and cybeast, as far as the funny face version, which characters have you tried? i haven't played that version but in other newer versions i've noticed different setups depending on which girl you're playing as.

I'll be able to help you with the monster-rape problem.

the Z X C buttons are your 'rape' buttons.

Z is for doing an attack in the air, if the girls are there you grab them and slam them down,

X & C are both for jump attacks on ground lvl

Now when you mount them, you have to get there resistance bar (one above) down till it's black, you gotta spam the C button to do that, afterwards, the creature starts the rape and you can sit back and watch. If she escapes.. rinse and repeat.

At least the above are my button combo's could well be yours are A S & D, depends on how you've got it set up.

Actually, Z is 'block' when I was playing, with X C being light/strong hit respectively

to do a pounce you have to do a hadoken motion(quarter circle forward/236, as some called it) and hit the button, then it'll do a pounce based on the button
you have like 1-2 seconds that you stay in one spot before you pounce though, and the heroin can hit you out of it, or if they're attackin when you pounce you'll most likely pass through them without getting them

so just let those minions of yours distract the girls, and pounce them when they're not facing you for better chance

you're using the classic button setup like i do. by default the buttons you're talking about are A,S,D and the movement keys are something stupid like T, F, H, B... it's generally good practice to go through and fix it all to get the proper feel for the game.

and cybeast, as far as the funny face version, which characters have you tried? i haven't played that version but in other newer versions i've noticed different setups depending on which girl you're playing as.

well I just don't know how to mount on them >:3

I have tried 3 chars :

the green haired one (the first char on selection) => endless small manta ray + the grey one when you're low on health/long enough (don't know)

the one with pink hair+big axe as her weapon=> two of the green haired girl (later become 3)

the one with wings => same with the first

Got it working. Awesome.
I still haven't done the first game in this thread but I was able to get like halfway through the enemies' moves before I had to go home

Sorry for the late reply, but can I inquire how you fixed your error?
I seme to be getting the same error as you were getting (crashing after the game full screens)

So just to get the events right cuz I hardly remember. You double click the game icon, it loads up, but you get a split second black window and nothing opens up and everythings back to how it was before you even clicked?

I remember a certain amount of things I did. But I don't know which was right.

I change any language setting in my control panel that can be changed to Japanese. Then I restarted my computer to make sure it started up in Japanese. Nothing's not understandable, the worst it does is change up the font in certain programs but doesn't change it from English. Even with the stuff on Japanese, I find the little language notification at the bottom of my screen sometimes setting back to english, especially when I open a browser. Every step that you take, check back on that and change it to japanese. Download the file straight to your desktop. Once it's there, right click it and extract everything onto the desktop so you're no longer opening it through zip/rar. So right now, you've downloaded it in japanese for sure, you're still in japanese, it's opening closer in your C folder (don't know why that helps) and it's straight off a folder in your desktop. At this point, absolutely nothing should go wrong. If you've done all this, most of which I'm sure is unnecessary, I don't know what to tell you. Even after this, I've sometimes had games that I try to open a second time a few days later and it won't work then, I don't know what to tell you if that happens either, haven't found a fix to it other than redownloading.

Oh, weird.
I didn't know it could change from Japanese to English.


is that what it was doing for you? You changed to japanese, but the second you open a browser, it's back to english?

Most of the issues from this game have come from having incorrect regional settings... Do we have a guide on this forum how to change them?

I've just been doing the same thing that I said above with every game I've downloaded from here and haven't had trouble.

does anyone have the old up1801.zip version where it's the older style and the manta rapes the girl?

newest version out by the way...
up1864.rar 09/08/20(Thu),20:44:05 壁端見切り修正
5.3MB application/octet-stream ROATGO03S0820.rar

FUCKSTICK! I don't have japanese settings anymore. Thats just weird
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XD The new version are pretty good. I'm itchin' for them to release the newest yet.

All right, so I think I need to refind my cd rom just to install the language settings just to play, not sure I'm gonna do that.

I mean, I guess if I can download the rom, I have no idea.

Yeah. XP pro. or something.

I'm not too much up on it cuz it's fairly new since the crash and my bro set it up.

The recent versions look like they're improving quite a lot. I especially like that the boring brown mantas can finally do something better than chew on your toes. Nicely animated too. They sure do release a lot of confusing versions though.

the newest version is hard >.<

<==never succeed at killing 20 mantas


does anyone have the old up1801.zip version where it's the older style and the manta rapes the girl?

newest version out by the way...
up1864.rar 09/08/20(Thu),20:44:05 壁端見切り修正
5.3MB application/octet-stream ROATGO03S0820.rar

Okay, I'm confused.
Why is it that I can only play with Rydia, and only one level? Am I supposed to put that on top of one of the uploads I already have? (My last full version is up1416, I believe...)
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