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When I run "ryonasaga_090927DXL302" I get a blank black screen with music. I don't seem to have any crusor control and no keys seem to function anything.

Damn. I wish I could help you there, but I'm not sure what that could be. The game is keyboard only, so don't bother with trying to make the mouse do anything. You have jap unicode settings enabled right?

The one odd thing with your problem, is that the music normally only starts when you get past the title screen. Does it only start after you press Z a couple of times? If so it sounds like things simply aren't displaying for you.

Whilst it's a long shot and probably irrelevant, you could try changing the full screen setting, just to see if that changes anything for you. Go to the 'Startdata' folder, then open 'Option_S.txt' and edit the line...

FullScreen = 1        : 起動時スクリーンモード(0:ウィンドウ,1:フルスクリーン)
To be = 0

I noticed only a couple characters have a "cutaway devour" animation in your version, any idea how I'd edit the other characters' files to use the one that Saki has?

I noticed only a couple characters have a "cutaway devour" animation in your version, any idea how I'd edit the other characters' files to use the one that Saki has?

Yeah, characters will only have a cut away art/animation if a player has specifically added them themselves. Most characters have simply never had one. Though if you can either find suitable art, or are able to draw your own, it shouldn't be too hard to work it into the game. I've never tried it myself, but it'd generally be a case of comparing the characters that do have a cutaway animation and using those to imitate from. Might also need to look at the txt files for the devour skills that trigger the cutaways and replicate a section. A bit of copy-pasting and tweaking the relevant names.

My build of the game is using the latest update that I was able to find when I last rebuilt it sometime in late spring this year, so if any extra devour artwork/animations have been added since then, they'll be missing. Don't think there has been any real work on it since then. But if you have any suitable art available, I'd be willing to give it a go or help taking a proper look into how it works.

I noticed only a couple characters have a "cutaway devour" animation in your version, any idea how I'd edit the other characters' files to use the one that Saki has?

If you have a correct image, adding one's not hard. ( I'll be using my Q-Bee as example )

Make sure to name the image something (Such as 'CutIn_Devour' or something )
In the _pd.txt file, add an extra exCG_# line such as:

exCG_1 = Q_bee_d
exCG_2 = CutIn_Devour

From there, we need to set data so when this effect happens, the image is shown.

anim_CutInDevour_0 = 2,0,0,394,412,3,0,0
pzdat_CutInDevour = 0,0,100,0,256,0

That's chances are a lot of stuff you don't understand right?

Numbers in anim_CutInDevour_0 = stand for this in this order:
2 = the exCG_# file we are using for this, if any. If set to 0, it'll use default character image.
0,0 = The 'start' of our square selection in pixels. This will always be 0,0 for large images, but if setting animations for other things ( like attacks and other things ) set it correctly
394,412 = The 'End' of out square selection in pixels. As my image for Q-Bee is 394x412, that's the entire image selected then.
3,0,0 = the 'Frame count' and 'placement' in X and Y cords. The Frame count is how long this section is displayed before changing towards the next frame of animation. In this case, as it's the ONLY frame for the animation, anything works, for some reason I had 3. The X and Y is how much you want to 'shift' the image around to center it around the screen correctly.

pzdat_CutInDevour = Is a little harder to explain...
pzdat normally sets 'points' on a sprite to allow other things to interact with it ( 'Waist/Sex', 'Face/Mouth', and the 'Center' ), but for the CutIn, this changes to altering different factors about the image, like Brightness and color contrast. I do not recall what each value does, nor did I write that down, so Trial and Error is your best friend.

If you guys need more help with this, just ask.

I had some fun with ROA myself

I did a few modifications of ROA way back when. 1 had mantas/QBee that would get to lv 3 rape and stay there forever , another version had an endless post defeat rape black screen.

With RPG Maker it's not too hard to mod an action script to get it do what you want. But yea, trying to create something new tho is a lot harder.
Ressources (images) are a problem.

Anyway of porting monsters from Ryonasaga to ROA? I find ROA a lot more enjoyable, would be great if it had more characters (the big breasted Rydia) and lots of more enemies! *prays someone can mod more stuff into it*

Anyway of porting monsters from Ryonasaga to ROA? I find ROA a lot more enjoyable, would be great if it had more characters (the big breasted Rydia) and lots of more enemies! *prays someone can mod more stuff into it*

Honestly unless someone here is fluent in Fighter Maker I doubt we'll have a moddable ROA. A shame really as that would be amazing! If I could I would dust off my old characters natani, Felecia, and Gnole and make them into enemies. Hell I would actually feel like making custom sprites again.

Huh. Let's see... Reading the character file, the animations just seem to be frame numbers, in the order of their animation.


This seems to say Frame 1, Frame 0, Frame 1, Frame 2, Frame 1 (loop), with durations as in the time line. I haven't tried yet, but this new ROA looks quite moddable. At least from the character and monster side.

Oh hey, wait... Vossryn=Rynvoss? I recognise that name from the game files too. : )

Some really nice enemy additions. I made a pair of simple event battles starring your troll.

My Slime_Lair dungeon is coming along nicely. Got the roaming enemies all set up, and the boss fight works, albeit still using the other dungeons treasure chart. Might change the map layout a bit. Still got to figure out how to remove object graphics as part of a battle victory. Any tips? And also want to add some kind of extra events or details in the side passages perhaps.

I've uploaded my current game build again, because now I've started poking the game again, the last one I linked already feels old and obsolete. Lots of tweaking and polishing. Gonna edit the old link cuz OCD. >_>

Also added another TitleBG, because I just can't help making these things. Compared to messing with code and PZdata, making these is kind of therapeutic. Pink slimes! ^_^



[Edit] The extra 'Celeste' player character in there was just me idly messing around with recolouring things. She has rather silly stats. Don't take too seriously.
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Honestly unless someone here is fluent in Fighter Maker I doubt we'll have a moddable ROA. A shame really as that would be amazing! If I could I would dust off my old characters natani, Felecia, and Gnole and make them into enemies. Hell I would actually feel like making custom sprites again.

I some what understand it when it comes to editing but starting from nothing I don't think I have what it takes. I'll try working on it some more and if I figure it out maybe we could make something?

I did it I added a new character to ROA it only took like 3hr to do it but hell I did it. still needs a little cleaning up and fine tuning but its very doable.
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So... are we still talking about the RoA side scrolling fighting game? Or the experimental and very fun not-side scrolling fighting game that's actually something like a unique RPG?

Big difference. I know the games are still really close but for someone who's looking for a community updated RoA, a community updated Ryonasaga could be a little bit of a letdown. (If I wanted the other (which I do, but not right now) I'd go to a thread called Ryonasaga.)

I think we let the chatter die just BECAUSE we noticed how much Ryonasaga focused where where getting.

So sadly, I think for now the ROA chat's kinda done. 2 people expressed interested in doing things, but past that the rest of us have done what we can on that matter.

I some what understand it when it comes to editing but starting from nothing I don't think I have what it takes. I'll try working on it some more and if I figure it out maybe we could make something?

I did it I added a new character to ROA it only took like 3hr to do it but hell I did it. still needs a little cleaning up and fine tuning but its very doable.

If you're still around and if you don't mind me asking. How where you able to alter the game? Did you use fighter maker to do it? If you did how was you able to get into the program?

My knowledge on fighter maker is pretty much crappy but if it's feasible I may take the time to play with it for a bit to see if I can learn anything. I mean yeah I doubt I'll get far thanks to IRL things but I'm feeling motivated to try something new.

I think we let the chatter die just BECAUSE we noticed how much Ryonasaga focused where where getting.

So sadly, I think for now the ROA chat's kinda done. 2 people expressed interested in doing things, but past that the rest of us have done what we can on that matter.

Kinda plus I only pop in here every so often so when I last popped up and didn't see this topic on the first or second page I figured it was dead.

HATE to be that guy, but does anyone have a copy of the 3 red manta version they'd be willing to share? It's the only one I'm missing now and I can't find a working link anywhere.

HATE to be that guy, but does anyone have a copy of the 3 red manta version they'd be willing to share? It's the only one I'm missing now and I can't find a working link anywhere.

I'd like to second this request.
The nostalgia boner is strong today :D

I really need to tidy up my old game folders
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. This includes asking for download links to the games or asking where to find a game (especially if it is already purchasable). Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
I know this is old but I was wondering if there is a folder with all off the these games or something? o:
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