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RPG Ace: Project!!(help)


Jungle Girl
May 19, 2011
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Hi Ppls,

I am trying my hands on the rpg maker ace doing a hentai rpg project but i'm kinda bugged at,

* the character nude sprite made up isn't transparent
[ please check the project attached along to clarify your doubts from the above statement ]

* the clothing system :confused:

well i have only recently started it so sorry for no contents in it at all.
kindly bear with me just completed all the maps in a general way of speaking.

hentai content might either be on CG basis/3DCG basis which ever is easier done than said..;)

so kindly please help me with the two bugs i mentioned about..have a nice day.


  • Project1.zip
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Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

At first glance:

What program did you use when you created the nude sprite? It looks like you used paint and if I recall correctly it doesn't give you the option of transparency and fills in blank spaces with white. Which then shows up when you try to use it in game. May I suggest you use GIMP in the future?

Can you clarify what you mean by Clothing System?
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

First of all thank you for the reply mate:)

You were right i did use paint..i know i screwed it up , is there possible anyway that it can be made back like the other sprites?

well the clothing system i meant in the sense like if you wear any armor the character sprite would be clothed whereas if you aren't the character sprita appears naked..;)
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

You should be able to repair it easily in GIMP.

Open it up in GIMP, use the select by color on the white outline and delete, it should leave a transparent background.

Let me get back to you on the clothing issue. It's on my own to do list.
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

thanks again mate for the quick reply really appreciate it:)
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

The easiest way to do it the clothing change is to make an event and a switch trigger in parallel process triggering and common event called clothing change.

So first open an event on the 1rst map and have it trigger the clothing change switch.

Now open the data base and go to common events.

In the common event set it to parallel process and triggered by the map switch at the beginning of the game that triggers switch clothing change, You now have to make a conditional branch for each type of clothing and each character.

So in the conditional Branch set it for the character for your main,if she has (whatever armor she has) changes to the armor sprite, but in the else section
You have her nude walking sprite because she does not have any armor equipped.

That's it, pretty simple to do.

And if you need more help and couldn't understand this, i could make an example but i don't have the time right now i could do one later though.

I did two nude spritesets as well so hope this helps.


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Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

Thanks for the heads up uri really thanks:)

tried to implement it but...well you see couldn't make it happen..a bit confused..when your free please show a small example.
thank you.
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Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

Paint (at least the Windows 7 version) is perfectly capable of saving transparency if you save the image as a .png, I believe.
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

Paint (at least the Windows 7 version) is perfectly capable of saving transparency if you save the image as a .png, I believe.

I was using win7(paint) and tried saving it as .png
...but the problem was still there..:eek: or perhaps i might have you knw screwed it up but thank you
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

Thanks for the heads up uri really thanks:)

tried to implement it but...well you see couldn't make it happen..a bit confused..when your free please show a small example.
thank you.

uri thanks again i implemented it somehow...
what i did was create a common event clothing change as you said ..
then on the main map i created a treasure chest , when opened up gives you a a cloth and shield and immediately i made it launch the menu option so as to equip the armor and sheild...and also made a conditional branch like if the actor equips the cloth show the real sprite else the nude one and guess what *tada* :D it works..
i tried even removing and then re-equipping..it works..thanks again to all once again for the help really appreciate that..:)
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

hi again one and all hope your all having a good day nd doing fine there..:)

well onto matter at hand i seem to have a small problem while making a condition branch for an event in the game :confused: ..please take a look at the event that i'm gonna post now that i want fixed...

@>display text: dear maria you had to leave so soon..
@>display speech balloon : player, silence
@>display text: dear young lady , from the looks it seems your a adverturer .. do you mind helping this old man?
@>display choices: yes, no
:when [yes]
@>display:event text
@>display speech baloon: player, music note
@>display text: more event text and a mission to kill a beast..
@>conditional branch: [werewolf teeth] is present
@>display text: you have done well and the event ends by thanking you.
@>display text: i got nothing else to say please take care of the monster
:branch end
: when [no]
@>display text: well i wished that you might have helped..please leave me be then.
: branch end

now what the actual problem is the event starts normally till the conditional branch after taking up the quest...
the problem is after i get the tooth the process just begins from first...like dear maria...and so on..

i want someone to help me on this...

thank you in advance for your time
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

I'm going to guess that you have the event set to autorun. That means that when you get to the end of the instructions, the game goes back to the top and runs it again. You have a couple of options.

1: Put an Erase Event command at the end of the list. However, if you exit this map and then return, the event will run again.

2: Turn on a self-switch at the end of the list, then create a new page for that self-switch and leave it blank.
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

I'm going to guess that you have the event set to autorun. That means that when you get to the end of the instructions, the game goes back to the top and runs it again. You have a couple of options.

1: Put an Erase Event command at the end of the list. However, if you exit this map and then return, the event will run again.

2: Turn on a self-switch at the end of the list, then create a new page for that self-switch and leave it blank.

Thank you Koze but , the event repeats even now like from the beginning everytime i talk with the person...

by the way koze i kept it so that it responds to action button only...

The event starts only when the player presses the action button on the character giving out this event..
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

Yeah, okay, I think I see now.

The thing is that when you trigger an event, it starts from the top of the page each time. If "Dear Maria" is the first thing on the page, that's what you'll see first; the game won't process the conditional branch until it gets down there.

So you have a couple of options. You can make the entire page a big conditional branch (so that the first thing it does is check if you have the fang), or else create an entirely new event page with the condition that the fang is in your inventory.
Re: RPG Ace: Project!!(help)

Yeah, okay, I think I see now.

The thing is that when you trigger an event, it starts from the top of the page each time. If "Dear Maria" is the first thing on the page, that's what you'll see first; the game won't process the conditional branch until it gets down there.

So you have a couple of options. You can make the entire page a big conditional branch (so that the first thing it does is check if you have the fang), or else create an entirely new event page with the condition that the fang is in your inventory.

Thanks koze it surely turned out well...
the bug seems to be gone now thank you again:)