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[RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 21, 2010
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Hi Community,

i want to present my work on a RPG Maker VX game.
The mainreason i am posting already is cause i need a scripter for ruby.

I am just too untalented to learn it...tried already.
For better communication i would appriciate a german but i doesnt really matter.
He/She will be also the beta tester right before the beta or trial release.
Cause it is a fan project, there will be nothing to gain besides thanks.

Infos of the Game:

Name: Desired Dreams
Genre: Battle Fuck game
Platform: RPG Maker VX

Short Story:

An adventurer is going to visit an island with a strange rumor for his parents.
Quickly he will find out more about it and decide to stay after the chief requestet help from him. This ruins got some secrets he may find out.
-I dont want to spoil too much, cause it is much more complex-

-changable main charakters, different/open endings
-companion system (like capsule monster in Lufia)
-archievments (with state-rewards)
-repeatable requests, sidequests
-Home, Furniture, upgrade and Town building system
-Bank, Smithery, Alchemy, Synthese, Herbalism, Storage
-some secrets

-no own materials (cause i cant draw xD)
-basic chipsets, charakter (for now)
-a lot of problems to solve with scripts
-cause of the big feature list a lot of development time (also 40h work week)

(If the project come to a good point i will decide to release a U18 version with changed Monster, Events, Equipment etc.)
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

I'm pretty decent in 3dcg. If you are using human women I can create some decent images for you. Check out harem on this board if you want to see what I've done.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

I mainly used rpgmaker xp(that was 3 years ago) but i think its around the same as vx for scripting so I can sorta understand whats going on and help with debugging if i have some extra time.

Just letting you know i have little experience so I'd say I'm a novice maybe less, a lot of problems can be solved with simple common events,and variables so you might not need some of your problem scripts I'd have to see.

I would try to avoid putting too many scripts because they conflict with each other sometimes.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

3D CG, i am not sure if i want it, cause it could ruin the 2D game base.
I like to use pictures like in Leotard quest, but instead of only text i want to add animated skills.

Like in Aniki, but we could use 3D Sprites as Monsters for the Monstercompedium, cause pictures wount fit in there.

@UrineOnU: Thats the reason i want a skilled scripter, so he dont only can write scripts, but also read them and change the basic code if nessesary.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

Bank, Smithery, Alchemy, Synthesis, Herbalism, Storage all these scripts are have been done already look for them you'll find more than one kind.

Repeatable missions side quest are not hard to do at all, unless you want a quest log, that may need a script(found one for that also) or you can make a diary room for quests like Vh so if one quest is active you hover over the event below hero(main character change sprite too a cursor or something) and give you info how many times completed,reward(when quest complete add variable 1 to quest completed number 1 variable).
I'd have to see if you choose to leave the room you'll be placed exactly where you where before but I'm sure that would work.

Home, Furniture, upgrade and Town building system, very easy just call invisible events when you buy furniture, pay to build a house ect.

The only thing i see that should be the biggest problem would be the feeding the monster items and it's evolution(cuz sometimes they don't like some) I'm assuming you are referring too lufia 2.

I am not aware of any scripts like that i could build one simple like when you go to use an item you have the option to feed to monster and it adds exp and if he levels too lets say 5 he changes class or something.

Anyways if you don't want my help that's fine, hope you can find somebody good enough to help you more the game sounds like it could be interesting.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

I need a script to check on gender to decide if the attacks are possible or not.

I tried some things but the didnt work out and cause i dont know were to look
or how to impliment them i need some help with the scripts.

Here is a...lets say paperwork:

#class genderskills
# def gender
# 1 = Male 2 = Female 3 = Futanari

# Charakter ID 1 = 1
# Charakter ID 2 = 2
# Charakter ID 3 = 3
# Charakter ID 4 = 1
# end

# def skills

# 1 = Male 2 = Female 3 = Funtanari

# Skill ID 1 = 1
# Skill ID 2 = 2
# Skill ID 3 = 3
# Skill ID 4 = 1,3
# end

# def gcheck

# If Skill ID == Charakter ID
# return true

# return false
#use normal attack
# end

something like that, i need to decide if the skill is aviable for the attack on this charakter.
Cause an penetrate attck work only on female and futa but not male.
The maker itself have no such a situation.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

Here i made a quick example of something you can pull off without a script
it needs more flexibility but it does the trick for now.

The problem with this way is that if you have an extra skill learned it needs to refresh it after battle.

So if you add a common event trigger when lets say you learn a skill called"SuperMegaPenisBlast" or something, it changes the parallel event via switch too refresh that newly learned skill.


  • a simple example no script but needs varables.zip
    241.5 KB · Views: 0
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

Nahh, thats not quiet what i was looking for ^^
I meant it more like for the enemies not myself.

I give you an example:

Encounter, Enemy = Succubus

Your Party = 2 Male, 1 Female

Easy to do is setting the skills from the charakters like learn Skill XYZ if enemy ID 10 (Succubus)
So the male chars get penetrate and the female lick pussy...
but thats not my concern.

I need to do exactly that for the opposite.
Succubus has skill "Dreamcatcher", Blowjob, Suck nipples

Now we get to the problem...she uses her skill on all the partymembers
not just on the right gender.
Also if a charakter gets confused (normaly no skills) but if i wanted to add skills to that it also need to be checked on my side.

So i need a check like if Charakter/Enemy ID and Skill ID is same the skills works otherwise use a normal attack.
Then i give every enemy and charakter an ID for the gender and every skill
like Males = Char ID (1) Blowjob = Skill ID (1) and it it is the same value
the skill is possible to use/activate.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

Small Update, yes the game is still in development.

I almost finished the rougelike battle system, just need adjustments later on.
HUD is also implimented just missing a bar for the 2nd charakter. (not decided which i will use)

Currently rewriting the Game Over Scene...still some errors not sure why but i will find it.
It will be like, if you collapse in the tower you get the options to revive (via special item) return to Town or close game.

Also trying to get the basic frame for the picture battle animations.
Still a lot to do and not that much time cause exams closing in.

If someone has experiance in scripting with the rpg maker VX engine RGSS2 (Ruby) please contact me if you are interestet in the project.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

Cause an penetrate attck work only on female and futa but not male.
The maker itself have no such a situation.

Instead of your long code, just use this

#// on attack
#get attacker gender
#get defender gender
#// for penetration
#if(attacker != "female" && defender != "male")
#// penetration occurs
#// penetration does not occur

The problem with your code is that blowjobs effect both males and futas, so blowjobs would have id value of (1,2) which does not equal exactly 1 or 2.

#// gender
#// 1 is male, 2 is female, 3 is futa
#// blowjob skill
#// combat
#get defender gender
#if(effect_gender(defender gender)==true)
#// blowjob works
#// blowjob doesn't work
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] Desired Dreams

Thanks for the effort but i already changed the whole system ^^"
But thats still incomplete i will post it later, need to go to work now.