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RPGMaker MV games - laggy as fuck?


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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Is it just me that experiences this? Or are the vast majority - if not all - RPGMaker MV games subject to intermittent slow-downs, short hangs etc?
My computer is mid-low end by modern standards, but considering I can run Battlefield V fairly well, I don't imagine it's a hardware issue.
Never had this problem with the previous iterations of RPGMaker, and it's making these newer games practically unplayable, on top of not being able to use a text hook.
Is there anything I could try to mitigate/resolve this?
It isn't just you. My computer can run games using older versions of RPGMaker fine (by my standards; by other people's standards, there's lots of lag), but has significantly more trouble with MV games, to the point of becoming unplayable on large maps with lots of NPCs moving around. And when I say unplayable, I mean that I literally gave up and used the option to skip that section of the game.

As for mitigating this issue, the only thing I've found to help is to close other programs to free up some processing power.
...I'd say it's about 50/50 that the problem lies with the RPGMaker upstream scripts, cause just as well it may with one or more plugins.
Ease of programming often leads to bad programming. For all the bad things to say about Chromium, its engine must be doing something right.
I've got a decent gaming rig, still happens to me with MV. It's just coded shitty.
on top of not being able to use a text hook.

There's been a hook patcher for several years, hosted right on this forum, actually: https://ulmf.org/threads/rpgmakermvgame-hook-patcher-how-to-hook-rpg-maker-mv-games.8960/
In addition to that, more recent versions of textractor supposedly work with MV as well:

As for MV being laggy, yeah, it's not just you. It varies depending on what version the dev used to export the game (older versions of MV will be worse, generally), and on which plugins they use. Some plugins can make it much worse. One thing it uses a lot of is RAM, since it's based on Node-Webkit, which basically means you're running a game with Google Chrome.
Yeah, what everyone else above said. Scripts and plugins effed up over 9000, most of the times when shit hits the fan, I reckon. Though honestly, I haven't had that bad of a general experience with MV, but the ones which sucked, sucked BIG-time. I mean, look at this:
3. Three! Three Fucks Per Second. I mean... That's laggy, right? Completely unplayable. Granted, it was a game released 2 years ago, but still...
This one was the one the name of which I remembered that got LAF. But there were like 3-4 others as well. Odd thing was, though, that there weren't many others complaining in the game's thread iirc, so I guess there is an element to it which stems from the running environment/OS.

I wondered many a time if it had something to do with the glory of Win8.1. (I know, I know, dammit... xD) Like with XP/VX/VXAce games becoming almost unplayably laggy when ALT-ENTERed. But that was (still is) a Microsoft DirectDraw emulation issue in Win8.1 (not fixed after Godonlyknowshowmanyyears).

Maybe something similar persists on some OSs/OS versions/OS+software combos. They just don't play well with MV... But yeah, mostly bad coding, I think.