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Rumble in the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Vira Idikane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The human woman colored with indignation for certain, this time. Then she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, her lips moving slightly with unheard words. "You really are a most improper... woman." Unfortunately, Vira can't tell if the woman watches as she walks seductively to her weapon, and by the time she turns around Rachel is looking her in the face.

"Perhaps la... no. If we're going to travel together, then now is the time to begin." Rachel turns as she speaks, looking in the direction of the village. Which was very nearly the opposite direction she had been going when Vira had run into her initially.
Re: Vira Idikane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“No?” Vira cooed as she turned back around to face the human woman, her Naginata held resting against her shoulder. She had just been teasing the girl at that point, not really looking for her to take her up on the offer anymore. “Oh well. Perhaps later, then,” she finished with a playful grin.

“Very well, then. We’ll get underway,” Vira replied and began making her way back over to Rachel as the woman turned to begin their journey.

Before they could get underway, however, Vira had a couple of simple questions she needed answering first. “Oh, but before we set off there are a couple of things I need to ask you, if you don’t mind. Firstly, who are you, exactly? Where are you from?” Vira had her suspicions about this one, based on the woman’s haughty attitude and her manner of dress, but she would like to know for certain who exactly she would be traveling with. “Secondly, do you have any combat skills or magical abilities? If we run into any enemies I need to know if I can count on you to at least defend yourself, if not offer assistance to me.” Vira also had her suspicions about his one, based on the woman’s complete inability to recognize the threat of the Shorn Weed, but it was worth finding out for certain either way.

“And, of course, if you have any questions for me I would be more than happy to answer them...after you answer mine, of course,” Vira would finish, fully expecting the same sort of questions to be directed at her...and maybe one or two about their little sexual foray from before. Vira had noticed the confused look on the woman’s face when she’d seen what had been leaking out of her pussy earlier, after all...
Re: Vira Idikane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"I am Rachel Almoth. The Lady Rachel Almoth. From Badaria. I am here on business from the Academy, as I expect you already know. And I am quite adept at magic, thank you very much." The haughty air was back, and this time done somewhat better, as if she'd practiced that line. Or at least said it many times before, which wasn't quite the same thing. "And as for you... perhaps it would amuse me to hear what story you have to tell. But do talk as we move, I am a busy wo- Lady."

With this pause from erotic action, Vira felt her body reluctantly calming down, and noticed that the other woman was as well. Her nipples were no longer distinct about her dress, and her flush had slowly faded to nothing. She had an air of calm serenity.

Just then, Vira heard a distinctive howl in the distance. One of the twisted wolves that occasionally wandered in this part of the forest. It wouldn't have howled if it was stalking, but it was clear that the human woman didn't know that, from the look of fear that crossed her face. The beast was at least half a mile off, but it would eventually be drawn to the smell of sex if it remained nearby.
Re: Vira Idikane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Really, now? A noblewoman?” Vira responds, her suspicions about the human woman being someone of at least some importance seemingly confirmed. “In that case, it is a pleasure to have made your acquaintance, milady,” Vira added with a partial bow, teasing the other woman slightly as she put just a tad more emphasis on the honorific, but not in any sort of sarcastic or disrespectful manner. She straightened her posture as she continued, “Unfortunately, however, your reputation does not precede you in this case. I had no idea who you were when I met you or why you were out here. If I'm honest, I still don't really know who you are. I am pleased to hear that you are a capable mage, though. It would be...inconvenient if I always had to watch out for the both of us.”

“As for me, my name is Vira. Vira Ikidane...” As the pair walked and talked, Vira could feel her arousal starting to fade, noticing offhand that the same thing was happening with Rachel. As they went, the Night Elf filled the other woman in briefly on her status as a Warrior-Monk from Celesis, and of the mission assigned to her by her master. She also briefly explained her skills with weapons, and her abilities as a Spirit Warrior and Shadowmancer. She left out any mention of her Demonologist powers, though, reasoning that they would like only scare the woman or make her think she was evil. A headache she didn’t need. Besides, she would learn about them soon enough if she had to use them. She would wait until then to bother with it.

It was then that the distinctive howl of a twisted wolf that wondered this part of the jungle could be heard off in the distance, immediately drawing Vira’s ears and setting her mind into motion as she analyzed the situation.

“Calm down,” Vira said softly, noticing the sudden fear on the human woman’s face. “It’s alright. Judging by the sound it’s still a half-a-mile off at least, and if it were stalking us it wouldn’t have given itself away by howling like that. We should be fine if we keep moving, just keep your eyes and ears open for anything unusual. Oh, and if you have any spells that could help mask our presence somehow, now would be as good a time as any to use them.”

- Keep moving towards Preoria.
- Let Rachel cast any spells she deems appropriate.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Perception (Vira): Failure.
Stealth (Vira): Failure.
Perception (Rachel): Failure.
Stealth (Rachel): Failure.

Grapple (Stalker1): auto-success
Grapple (Stalker2): auto-success
Grapple (Stalker3): auto-success

The woman stayed silent through Vira's explanation of who she was and what her mission was, not giving any indication of what she thought of the matter. "Hrm. Well, perhaps you will prove useful. Certainly better that you stay with me rather then bumble around behind me while I work. I was planning on finding a native guide in Preoria anyway."

The woman seemed to hide her fear quickly once Vira explained, and quite well considering how transparent she was in most other things, like the smile of delight she gave when Vira named her a Lady. "I could hide us, if need be, without trouble. But not while we're moving, not for any length of time. Keep me appraised if the things get closer."

Once the two started moving, it quickly became obvious to Vira that the other woman wasn't going to be much help spotting anything. It was a wonder that she had made it all the way to where she had met Vira alive, considering the difficulty she apparently had in telling the difference between, for example, a vine and a python. One would usually think that a person couldn't make that mistake more then once, but Rachel proved them wrong.

Perhaps it was the distraction provided by her incompetent companion or perhaps it was just luck, but the first warning Vira had that she was under attack was something landing heavily on her back. She managed to hold onto her weapon, but found herself unable to turn over and see even what her attacker was. Fortunately, a big clue was provided by Rachel, who turned around with a confused look at the sudden crash of Vira being tackled, and so didn't notice her own attacker until she was already bowled over. It was a being made out of plants, shaped like a great cat, and apparently with a cat's strength and weight. A second one joined the one on top of Rachel, pinning her legs.

Vira recognized the attackers as Feral Stalkers, and knew that they had the same end in mind as the Shorn Weed had - sewing their seed with the aid of the two women. But the stalkers would have somewhat different methods. Vira also realized that she still had a firm grip on haft of her weapon.

HP = 55, PP = 53, EP = 76; Grappled
Rachel: group grappled.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira rolled her eyes as she watched the human woman’s incompetence at moving through the jungle, completely baffled at how this woman could have made it so far and so deeply into the jungle and remained as essentially untouched as she had. She was making far too much noise with her constant overreactions to the harmless vines strewn about the underbrush, apparently mistaking them for snakes. An easy enough mistake to make once or twice, sure, but it was getting ridiculous. What’s worse, it could potentially make it more difficult to take notice of or react to real dangers.

‘For Heaven’s sake...’ Vira thought, sighing to herself. ‘Well, she’s proved to be a completely useless look-Kyah!’

Before she could finish her thought, the Night Elf was suddenly and roughly tackled to the ground by an enormous weight landing on her back, catching her completely by surprise. Her first instinct was to identify her assailant, but found herself unable to maneuver enough to see. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Rachel had been tackled to the ground moments later in the same manner, giving Vira a clear view of their attackers, which she quickly identified as Feral Stalkers.

‘Shit!’ Vira cursed to herself, noticing another Stalker land on Rachel a moment later. ‘Just one of these things can be difficult enough to deal with, but three? Aagh-and they already have the advantage, too! Damn!’

Vira thought quickly, considering what to do. She knew they needed to get these things off of them as quickly as possible if they were going to have any real chance at fighting them, and more importantly, avoid ending up as carriers for their spawn.

“R-Rachel! If you have any spells that can get those things off of you, use them!” Vira would quickly call out in instruction to Rachel before concentrating her attention on her own assailant. Focusing her energy, she would summon a Shadow Tentacle out of the ground nearby and order it to grapple the lone Feral Stalker holding her down in an attempt to get it off of her, struggling against it herself as well and striking at it with her Naginata if she manages to get free.

- Summon Shadow Tentacle: X=10
- Cost = 13 EP(3+10), 1 EP upkeep, attempt to grapple the Feral Stalker grappling Vira.
- Attempt escape, and/or attack the Stalker with Naginata when/if free.
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Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Rachel (casting): 6+35-12 = 29 v 30 -> Failure!

Stalker1(shift clothing): 6+40-8 = 38 v 32 = 28+4 -> Success!
Stalker2(remove clothing): 20,9+40+20-12 = 77 v 23 = 10+13 -> Success!

Tentacle(attack to join grapple): 10+70 = 80 v 35 -> Success!

Vira felt energy pour out of her body and form into a a coiled tentacle, throbbing with the intense strength she had given it. Unfortunately it failed to form halfway through a strike, and in the mean time the elf felt the cold of moving air as her clothing was pulled aside, exposing her glistening pussy to open air. She felt the beast's vine-like member rub against her folds for a moment. Then her summoned tentacle lashed out and wrapped around the stalker, coiling tight, ready to lend its strength in whatever Vira choose to do next.

Meanwhile a flash of pale flesh drew Vira's eye to Rachel, where she saw that the two stalkers on top of the girl had between them completely removed the girl's clothing. The light bent in a funny way, and the girl's body started glowing brightly, quickly building up to a flash of light. When the afterglow faded, Rachel looked shocked and slightly shaken, and the two stalkers on top of her just looked angry. One of them was lining up its member to penetrate the girl, and it seemed unlikely that she would manage to defeat both foes in the seconds before she was violated.

Rachel (casting): 7+35-12 = 30 v 30 -> Success!
Rachel (damage): (2,2 + 3)*4 = 28-4 = 24

Vira (escape grapple): 2+69 = 71 v 46 = 40+6 -> Success!

Attack(stalker1): 9+40 = 49 v ??? -> Success!
Damage(stalker1): 4,2+10 = 16

Penetration(stalker2): 12+40+20 = 62 v 25 = 10+10+5 -> Success!
Pleasure(stalker2): 13
Damage(stalker2): 20
Pleasure(rachel): 4

Vira twisted beneath the stalker and pushed as hard as she could. It wasn't very hard, but the tentacle obeyed her telepathic command to help her escape, and the beast went flying more then five feet, still tangled with the tentacle. Vira got back to her feet, shifting her robes back into place and picking up her Naginata.

Just then another much brighter flash of light filled the clearing, and this time the two stalkers on top of Rachel writhed in pain, both giving off steam or possibly even smoke from where they had been closest to the nude human. Vira felt intense heat on her own skin even well separated from the girl, but unfortunately neither of Rachel's attackers seemed willing to give up. One rested with both its front paws on the woman's shoulders, and Vira heard the girl scream as the other one pushed its member between her unwilling petals, trying to escape badly enough that she threatened to hurt herself.

The beast that wasn't inside the poor girl looked straight at Vira with its eyeless face, and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as it seemed to be deciding if it should stay where it was or attack her.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira gasped slightly as she felt a fleeting wisp of air followed by the Stalker’s firm vine-like member briefly rubbing and teasing her nether lips, threatening to force its way inside, before the plant-beast was suddenly and violently ripped off of her by her Shadow Tentacle. She grinned lightly, musing to herself as she recovered and readjusted her clothes. ‘Heh, looks like mine’s bigger.’

Her attention was then quickly drawn back to Rachel, who had unfortunately already been stripped of her clothes and was fighting desperately to break free, although based on what looked like a failed spell earlier was not managing well. Just then, another, much brighter flash of light emanated from the human woman, this time garnering a painful reaction from the two Stalkers atop her and powerful enough that Vira could feel the heat from the attack, even at her distance. It wasn’t enough to dissuade either of her assailants, however, as they were still in on her and a moment later one of the plant-beasts was pushing its way inside of her, eliciting a frantic scream from the pinned woman as she struggled to get away.

Vira knew she had to do something quick, and considered her options. She didn’t like the way the one holding down Rachel’s shoulders was looking at her, but it wasn’t the immediate concern. Remembering the Stalker still suspended by her Shadow Tentacle, she got an idea.

“Hold on, Rachel!” Vira called, starting things in motion.

Vira would quickly order the Shadow Tentacle to throw the Stalker in its grasp at the two attacking Rachel as hard as it could, hoping the resulting impact would be enough to knock them off of her and do some damage to all three, or at the very least force them to have to withdraw in order to dodge, either way hopefully making them leave the woman alone long enough for her to recover. At the same time, Vira would use the opportunity to close the distance between herself and Rachel, helping the human woman to her feet and back to where the Shadow Tentacle awaited if its attack had freed her well enough to do so.

- Pay Shadow Tentacle upkeep (1 EP), and have it throw the Stalker in its grasp at the ones on top of Rachel.
- Move Vira over to Rachel’s position.
-> If Rachel IS free: Vira will help her up and escort her back to where the Shadow Tentacle awaits in order to regroup.
-> If Rachel is NOT free: Vira and her Shadow Tentacle (if within range) will attack the still-offending Feral Stalker(s) in an attempt to help her escape.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Hrm... I'll allow it, but using an unwilling, living creature as a weapon is going to take some hefty penalties.

Tentacle (grapple): 82+19 = 101 v 54 = 40+5+9 -> Success by margin 47
Tentacle (attack): 12+47 = 59 v 53 = 35 + (35/2) -> Success!
Tentacle (damage): 2,4+18 = 24-4 = 20

Rachel (casting): 7+35-20 = 22 -> Success!
Rachel (to-hit): 19+30 = 49 v 35 -> Success!
Rachel (damage): (6+5)*3 = 33-4 = 29

Both girls get 4 XP.

The beast that wasn't penetrating Rachel seemed to make its decision, and bounded towards Vira as she called to the poor woman. Unfortunately for it, Vira's tentacle understood her command, and threw the Stalker that it still held firmly in its grasp at that same moment. The thrown stalker tried to twist in midair to avoid a collision, but with nothing to push against this was an exercise in futility. The two bodies collided with a sound like a snapping branch, and rolled back toward the prone Rachel.

Vira rushed towards the stalkers with Naganita held at the ready, but before she could reach the fight Rachel attempted another spell. Electric death leaped from the girl's fingers, going through the beast on top of her before landing on the two fallen stalkers, still tangled together. Sparks jumped from the beast thrusting inside her to her own body, but they seemed to crawl down her skin to the ground.

Another cloud of steam rose from all three stalkers, and this time large parts of their bodies were blackened, and one of the two on the jungle floor caught fire. None of them were moving. Vira reached the prone human in time to help push the dead stalker off of her, and noticed that it had not managed to reach climax before its violent death.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Hooray for allowance of flavorful attacks and power usage! :D

Vira hissed inwardly when the Feral Stalker on Rachel’s shoulders made up its mind and launched itself towards her. The upshot was that it was now away from Rachel, meaning her job was already half-done in that respect. The downside was that it was now heading towards her. Luckily, the Shadow Tentacle had reacted to her command at almost the same time, sending the Stalker it had entangled flying and intercepting the her new attacker in mid-flight, resulting in what sounded like a huge branch cracking and snapping off under too much pressure as the two bodies collided and crashed to ground near where the human woman still laid.

The Night Elf then rushed off to the human woman’s aid as quick as she could with her weapon in hand, but before she could close the distance another spell arced out from Rachel’s hands, this time literally, as bolts of electricity began coursing through the body of the Stalker still atop her and landing on the two tangled and damaged ones nearby, effectively frying them. A few sparks seemed to jump back to the mage’s body as well, but they seemed to dance harmlessly across the girl’s skin and down to the ground.

Vira paused momentarily as she saw steam beginning to rise from the three fallen Stalkers, eyeing the massive areas of their bodies that were left burned and blackened, one of them even having caught fire. When she finally reached the scene, she hurried to help push the now-dead Stalker off of Rachel, somewhat relieved to find that it had not managed to climax and plant its eggs in the human woman before meeting its fate.

With their assailants dead, Vira would kneel down next to Rachel and helped her into a sitting position, resting a hand on her bare shoulder as a sign of reassurance that the ordeal was over. “Are you alright, Lady Almoth?” she would say, looking around briefly for the woman’s displaced clothes and retrieving them if they were within arm’s reach.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"La...? Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." Rachel accepted her dress from the other woman, and quickly pulled it on, climbing to her feet. She walked over to examine the corpses of the stalkers, pausing briefly to pull water from the ground and put out the one that was still smoldering. "Well, that was an amusing diversion. But we should be moving on."

The human woman didn't look well - her skin seemed more pale then it had, and Vira's touch on the woman's shoulder revealed that her skin was cool and clamy. She also seemed to be limping slightly. Unfortunately, she refused to acknowledge any injury, and this wasn't exactly the place to do anything about it in any case. Fortunately, nothing else attacked them before they finally did arrive at a place where something might be done about it.

The village of Preoria was small, and if not actually hidden, at least subtle. There was no clearing in the jungle, just a sudden feel that the trees were tended rather then allowed to grow wild. There was still underbrush, but it was small and clumped in such a way that one could avoid walking in it without there being anything so crass as a trail. Houses, such as they were, blended in to the landscape. Some were hollowed out of the trunks of great trees, others built into the ground, and the few that were obviously constructed still had living things woven into the walls.

Obvious to Vira, if not her companion, was the archer sitting in a tree who saw them well before they reached the first home. It was clear that while there was no actual wall, there was a perimeter that was at least reasonably well guarded. Once they were actually inside the village, soft light could be seen glowing from a few homes in the slowly fading light of early evening. Preoria was a night-elf village, and Rachel was the only human Vira could see, though it was likely that Amazonians visitors were not unusual.

Vira recognized the sign outside one dwelling that indicated it as a small inn, but it seemed that the human woman had recognized it, heading towards it without a word.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira recoiled slightly at the human woman’s abrupt response and quickness in getting dressed. “Good. I’m glad,” Vira said, rising to her feet as well.

After Rachel extinguished the small fire on the dead Stalker, the two women set off once more towards their destination, hoping this would be the last of any more unwanted encounters. Fortunately the remainder of their journey was, indeed, uneventful, as Vira doubted the young mage would fare well against another group of attackers. Even if she did fervently insist on the fact that she was fine, the signs that the woman was indubitably NOT fine were quite clear to the Night Elf.

Even so, they eventually arrived at the small village of Preoria without incident, finding it nestled and well-blended into the jungle around it. As they made their way into the village, the light slowly fading into early evening, Vira spotted a sign outside of one of the dwellings that indicated it as an inn. She was about to suggest to Rachel that they head there to get a room for the night, but before she could open her mouth to speak she noticed the human woman already heading towards it, not saying a word.

‘Huh, looks like she’s one step ahead of me this time,’ Vira chuckled to herself, following after her.

As they entered the inn, Vira would look around momentarily to get her bearings before seeing what appeared to be the innkeeper standing behind the counter, and casually approach him/her. “Greetings. My name is Vira,” the Night Elf would say, pausing briefly to allow Rachel to introduce herself as well. “My companion and I would like to rent a room for the night, if we may. We’ve been traveling for a while and need a place to rest.”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The room Vira had walked into was fairly typical of the common room of a small inn, with a number of tables. Several were occupied by men and women talking quietly, and one held a dice game played for small stakes. The innkeeper, a slender elf with the dignity of age about her, stood behind a counter, apparently cleaning glasses. She listened as the two travelers introduced themselves, Rachel somewhat listlessly, using only her first name. "Well, that is a surprise. I'm afraid we've only got one room available tonight, the other is taken. It's 10 denarii a night for the room. And I'll have a healer sent up to you, if the young woman is hurt?"

Rachel nodded her ascent, and handed over the coins. Meanwhile, the dice game seemed to have broken up, and a number of patrons were leaving, some glancing at the clock displayed behind the bar disconsolately. It was still before sundown. The innkeeper lead them up a small set of stairs, where there were three doors along a short hallway, and showed them to the room they would be sharing. It was a small room, with one bed and a few simple amenities. After a moment a young elven man in a robe showed up, and introduced himself as the village healer. He laid a hand on Rachel's forehead, and she gasped, suddenly breathing heavily. "She should be fine, perhaps a bit tired. I'm afraid I can't accept payment, I provide healing for free as part of my vows." This last in response to Rachel fumbling at her money pouch. He bowed to the two women and left.

Rachel looked much better after the healer's attentions, perfectly fine other then a little tiredness around her eyes. "This inn is even smaller then I'd thought. I think there really may only be these three rooms. I wonder who are in the others, or if they thought we couldn't afford two rooms and just didn't want to offend."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“That will be fine, thank you,” Vira replied to the innkeeper, following after her as she led them to their room.

The young elven healer arrived a few moments later and worked his magic on the human woman, who gasped slightly as he placed a hand on her forehead, and began breathing a bit more heavily that before. He seemed to finish fairly quickly however, leaving Rachel looking much better than she had been, if not still a bit tired. “That’s very kind of you,” Vira responded to the man’s refusal of payment, returning his bow with a respectful nod as he left.

“This inn is even smaller then I'd thought. I think there really may only be these three rooms,” Rachel said. “I wonder who are in the others, or if they thought we couldn't afford two rooms and just didn't want to offend.”

“No, I doubt it,” Vira replied, thinking for a moment. “If anything, it seems like it’d be more offensive to assume we couldn’t afford it, although I’m sure she wasn’t trying to offend either way. Based on the size of this place, they probably do only have two or three rooms used for board, and if both you and I have made our way here to investigate these strange rumors, it’s not a stretch to think others might have as well.”

Vira paused a moment as she considered what she wanted to do at this point. She wasn’t very tired, and it wasn’t quite sundown yet, so there would certainly still be people up and about around the village. Although, even after sundown there were bound to be at least some people up. This place had to have a night-life of some kind, after all. It might be a good opportunity to find out a little more about what exactly might be causing all of these alleged disappearances...and maybe even have a little 'fun' on the side.

With this in mind, Vira would walk over to the foot of the bed and lean her Naginata up against the wall before turning and making her way over to the door, stopping short of it and turning back to face Rachel. “I’m going to go out and have a look around for a while, maybe get some leads on what exactly we’re here to investigate. If you’d like, you can stay here and rest. You look a little tired after the long trip, so you could probably use a little more time to recover. If you’d prefer to come along, though, that’s fine. It’s up to you.”

With that, Vira would open the room door and make her way out, leaving it open if Rachel chose to follow but closing it if she did not. The Night Elf would then casually make her way back down the stairs and have a brief look around before making her way over to the counter where the innkeeper had been cleaning glasses, assuming that where there were glasses, there was a bar that sold drinks to fill them. Vira would then casually lean up against the counter, taking a seat on a nearby stool if there was one, and wait for a few minutes to see if some hot-looking man or woman would be so kind as to offer her a drink.
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Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Rachel nodded amiably to Vira's plans. "I'll probably go down in a few minutes, but I think I might take a quick nap first." The woman curled up on the bed, fully clothed and above the sheets, and was breathing regularly before Vira was out of the room.

In the common room, almost all of the guests were gone, and the few who weren't were deep in quiet conversation. Vira sat down at the bar, but it was quickly clear that nobody was going to buy her a drink. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, and Vira turned to see a much younger version of the innkeeper holding a plate of what seemed to be roasted venison and potato. The plate was set in front of her, and the innkeeper spoke up from behind the bar. "Dinner and breakfast come with the room, though you'll have to pay for any extra drinks. Beer or wine?"

Another glance around the room seemed to confirm Vira's fears that nobody wanted to talk, but the innkeeper herself seemed open to conversation. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly are you doing here? We don't get many visitors, and with the recent troubles I hadn't thought to see so many at once."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira sighed in disappointment as it became clear that none of the few patrons remaining at the inn were feeling very ‘friendly’ this evening. She perked up a bit at the scent of a plate of food wafting up into her nose, though, which was then set down in front of her at the bar. The food wasn’t the only tasty-looking morsel to catch her eye, though, taking a moment to admire the beauty of the young woman who had brought out her food. “Really? That’s very kind of you, thanks,” Vira replied to the innkeeper’s comments about the food. “Oh, but no drinks, though. I actually don’t drink alcohol very much...well, unless some cute guy or girl is buying them for me, that is,” she said, finishing with a quick wink.

“If you don't mind my asking, what exactly are you doing here?” the innkeeper said. “We don't get many visitors, and with the recent troubles I hadn't thought to see so many at once.”

“Actually, I believe those troubles are the reason I’m here,” Vira replied. “My master sent me on a mission to investigate the rumors that have been originating from around here that people have been disappearing, and that unnatural beasts have been roaming the area. Do you know any details about what has been going on around here? Who’s disappeared, and why? What these strange creatures might be?”
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Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The innkeeper looked shrewdly at Vira for a long moment before responding. "Well, I suppose it's not exactly a secret, and I don't suppose you could actually make things any worse then they already are. It's a bit of a story, though. Go ahead and finish your meal, and I'll tell it to you once I've gotten a few chores out of the way."

While Vira ate, the innkeeper helped the younger woman clear the tables of the last few patrons as they left, set chairs on the tables, and quickly swept the floor. As Vira was just finishing the last of her meal, Rachel came down the stairs, and sat beside her. "I got hungry" was the only explanation she gave.

Finally the woman finished, and sat down on a stool on the other side of the bar, setting down a plate for Rachel of by now cool roast, and pouring a cup of wine for the human woman, and then one for herself. "Are you sure you don't want any? I really must finish this cask before it turns. If you really wish to help with our troubles, it's all on the house." The wine smelled faintly of apples, and strongly of alcohol.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira paused for a moment as she considered the innkeeper’s offer, liking the faint apple-y smell coming from Rachel’s glass. “Hmm... Very well, then. I suppose I’ll have some wine,” she replied with a soft smile. “I should warn you, though. I can get a little...frisky after I’ve had a few drinks. Well, friskier than usual,” she finished with a playful grin, simply smiling at any quip that might come from Rachel in response.

After receiving a glass of the wine, Vira would take a sip of the seemingly alcohol-rich liquid before setting it back down, refocusing on the innkeeper. “Now then, what can you tell me about these troubles you’re having around here?”
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Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

A sip of the wine was enough to confirm that there was more then just grapes in the glass. From the taste and the burn of alcohol, it had been considerably fortified with some sort of apple brandy. To one with Vira's experience a single glass wouldn't hurt, but any more and she would really start to feel it. Rachel, meanwhile, had already finished half a glass, and the innkeeper had helpfully refilled it already. The innkeeper was somewhat more wisely barely sipping hers.

"I suppose this all started more than a year ago," she said, "that was when the first woman vanished."

"We didn't think too much of it at the time. Girls run away from home from time to time, and Alyssa was 21, old enough that she didn't need anyone's permission to leave. But she didn't talk to anyone, or leave a note, or write a letter from wherever she went to, and her mother was worried. Well, the council didn't think there was much to be done, but after she'd been gone a couple of days they organized a search. Nothing. By then everyone was sure something bad had happened to her, but what is there to do? The jungle isn't exactly a safe place, and these things happen from time to time. We moved on."

"More then a month passed, and we got word from another village that a girl had gone missing. She was only barely 18, so we joined in the search right away. Nothing. But we told the others about Alyssa, and now we were on high alert." The innkeeper took another sip of her drink, and filled Rachel's glass again before she continued. "But a few weeks without seeing anything unusual, and people got complacent. Another village sent a message saying a young mother had vanished without a word, leaving her children behind, and the very next week my own sister, Jasmine, disappeared."

"Well, as you can imagine we were quite worried by that time, but we still had no clue as to what was going on. Just that women were vanishing, 4 in a few months. We thought perhaps that some of the twisted plants or animals had changed their habits, but our hunts turned up nothing. In fact, we noticed that there were fewer of the foul things around then usual, if anything. Not exactly a cause for alarm, you understand."

"The disappearances slowed, then. Maybe it was just luck, or maybe our watches and patrols were helping. They never stopped entirely, but we combined reports from villages for fifty miles around and between us all the disappearances had changed from more then one a week to less then one a month once patrols started up. For a few months."

The innkeeper paused then, filling Rachel's drink again. The girl was already looking tipsy, but she didn't seem to mind. "Then about two months ago an adventurer showed up. He looked suitably impressive in gleaming armor and with a magic sword. He claimed that he'd heard about our troubles and wanted to help. Well, we had lost three young women from our village by that point, so we promised him gold if he found the cause and more if he stopped it."

"Two days later he came back, looking much less impressive. His armor was damaged beyond wearing, his sword was notched, and he himself was badly injured, but all the same he'd succeeded where all of our own had failed. He came back with a piece of strange black material, and an improbable tale."

"He claimed that he had cast spells over an article of my sister's clothing, and followed a magical trail to a particular cave not a mile from this village. And there the trail had ended. The cave isn't more then fifty yards deep, a place young people sometimes go when they need private time. But the man wasn't done. He cast more spells, and eventually realized that one particular boulder was strange. It resisted close inspection, somehow, and then resisted being moved. But eventually he did move it, and found an entrance to a much larger system of caves. He hadn't been more then a hundred yards when he was attacked. The first thing the attackers did was take out his torch, but all the same he managed to fight his way back to the entrance before it could be closed."

"In the smaller cave he faced a single beast, which was shaped like an enormous beetle, entirely black but somehow giving off light. He bested it, damaging its carapace enough to retrieve a chunk of strange black material. It retreated, pulling the boulder back into place, and the young man had been badly enough injured that he had to remove his armor to make his way back to the town to tell his tale. We paid him the agreed upon price for finding out the cause, healed him, and got his armor and weapons repaired. Then he went forth to try again, this time taking two men from the village with him, the best warriors we had. That was more then a month ago, and we haven't heard or seen any of them since."

Rachel didn't seem surprised so far. But then, she did seem drunk, and wordlessly gestured for the woman to fill her cup, which was now empty. The innkeeper did so with only a slight frown. She herself had only emptied half her glass, and never refilled it. "And that was only the start. Still interested?"
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira listened intently while the innkeeper recounted the tale, taking only small sips of the rather...potent wine every so often as she did so. Rachel seemed to be far less restrained in her alcohol consumption, though, which made the Night Elf’s choice to restrain herself a wise one in retrospect. It would help if at least one of them could actually remember the innkeeper’s story in the morning, after all. ‘Although, on the plus side, it might make for some...interesting bedroom activities later...’ Vira thought to herself.

“And that was only the start,” the innkeeper said, finishing what seemed to be the first part of the tale. “Still interested?”

“Very,” replied Vira, sliding her empty glass forward a bit to signal a refill of her own. “Please, continue.”