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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a sigh, turning her staff around as she looked up, mulling over the hag's words. "You know. I didn't exactly go through the trouble of sparing that spider, training it to follow me and making it grow this big just to hand it over. And much as I don't like the thought of shooting you... Ah, who am I kidding. I've done worse things than that." The mage sighed, recalling the creature she killed in it's sleep. She entered a battle stance, aiming at the hag. "If the only way I can proceed forward is over your dead body, then so be it. I'll be walking over your corpse soon enough." With that declaration, the pyromancer began her bombardment.

(Forked blast, have spider and Master assist with spit and net, respectively.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would cut off her talking, and get right to business. Launching what was to be quite the outburst toward this hag.

Rumia Forked Bolt: 5,3 - 9,9 Hag - Miss, Counter
Master Net: 11(-1) - 2 Hag - Snared, Knocked Down
Spider Venom: 11(-2) - 5 Hag - Critical

Hag Escape: 9 - 8 - Halfway out

Rumia would try to capitalize on the element of surprise, but this would prove ineffective. The hag seemingly was reacting almost as quickly as Rumia and her attack was dodged quite easily. The hag was able to even land an attack of her own before Rumia would be able to get far enough away. A few pieces of her newly made armor were starting to buckle from the sheer force of that attack.

Master and the spider seemed to have far more success as they both landed their respective attacks. Master seemed to tangle the hag so well that she fell to the ground flailing about making the net take effect even more so than it normally had in the past. The spider seemed to have no real effect with its venom attack, but this likely meant that the hag was being affected in another way if Rumia were right in her assumption that the spider was causing an alternate method of damage.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP
Master: 5/5 FP - Snared Hag
Spider: 4/4 FP

Hag: ?/? FP, 2/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a vile curse as she stumbled, the force of the hag's counter pushing her back. She could actually feel her armor lose integrity after that blow, one more like this and she'd be in tatters. Still, her companions were quite effective in their own attacks. Master managed to snare her quite beatifully even with how she struggled there was no way of escaping his net so easily. The curious thing was how she reacted to the venom - rather than keel over or suffer like the previous creatures they've encountered, she seemed to be fine at first glance. Still... Weren't her movements just a fraction slower? Perhaps humanoids, or certain kinds of monsters, were affected differently.

Still, it mattered little in the end. The mage commanded her minions to keep up their attacks - Master to activate the electric shocks, the spider to keep the poison coming. She would contribute to the battle as well, setting the hag on fire to ensure she'd go down faster. The sooner that barrier was removed, the better.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would notice that the hag was affected by the spider venom, though not seemingly from a physical standpoint just yet. Master would look to prolong the hag being on the ground while her spider companion would keep on with the venom attacks. It would just be a matter of time for the hag to be defeated.

Rumia Attack: 5(+1) - 11 Hag - Counter
Master Electrocute: 10 - 11 Hag - Miss
Spider Attack: 4(-1) - 7 Miss

Hag Escape: 6 - 8 - Fail

Well, that did not quite go to plan at all. Rumia somehow had her attack redirected toward herself and the hag was somehow able to resist the shock that Master had sent through the net. The spider was unable to hit as well. The only good thing is that all the wriggling around did not seem to have the hag any closer to escaping her predicament with the net still stopping her from going on the offensive.

Rumia Attack: 3(+1) - 9 Hag - Counter
Master Electrocute: 7 - 6 Hag - Hit
Spider Attack: 5(-1) - 8 Miss

Hag Escape: 7 - 3 - Success
Hag Charm Attack: 8(-1),3,9(+1) - 9,9,6 - Rumia and Master Missed & Spider Charmed

Rumia would again get her attack reflected back on her. Apparently it is just not meant to be with her it would seem. The hag was still capable enough to deflect the spells even with her body bound within the net. The spider again was unable to hit a moving target.

Master would crank up the juice a little and with this charge a very visible connection was seen between the barrier and the hag for what was maybe little more than a second or two. Something with the barrier that was erected by the hag was preventing her from taking physical damage possibly?

After the effects of the shock had passed, it was almost little more than a matter of time for the hag to figure out how to get herself free. Once she was freed enough from the net she had cast a spell. Rumia and Master were not affected (Master is immune) however there was certainly something noticeably wrong with the spider. It was looking like it was ready to turn against Rumia with how it was positioning itself now.

Would the spider be able to overcome the spell that was affecting it? Would Rumia be able to find a way to nullify the effects of the spell? Was it the hag that was going to get the better of the party this day?

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP
Master: 5/5 FP
Spider: 4/4 FP - Charmed

Hag: ?/? FP, 2/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a long string of vile and creative curses as she reassessed the situation. How the Hell did that even happen? How did that bloody hag manage to turn her spells against her not once, but twice? And that bloody spider not only failed to do anything to her, it also got itself charmed by that woman! Things were not looking good... Still, the pyromancer was learning something. That barrier seemed to be absorbing the blows for her opponent. This was bad, but there was no such thing as a perfect defense. There had to be a weakness to her protection, it was merely a matter of finding it.

Rumia mulled over her options for a split second. She really didn't want to kill her spider, but she wasn't sure how to do break the enchantment. Still, a stray thought came to her that suggested a possible solution. She turned her attention to Master and barked an order, commading him to use a sonic pulse. With a bit of luck, maybe it'd knock the spider out and break the spell. Or at least keep it from attacking for a while. Hell, maybe it'd even work on the hag?

Meanwhile, the mage would focus on her own target. If direct attacks against the hag were useless, she'd strike the barrier itself. The two of them were connected, so perhaps rather than assault the caster she ought to try destroying her ward. Perhaps it'd cause some form of backlash that'd damage her and bring her down. Or do something, anything really. At this point, Rumia was willing to take any sort of result that worked for her.

(Sonic Pulse from Master, Rumia attacks the barrier if possible)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would notice the brief flash of what looked like a link between the hag and the barrier stopping anything from either entering or leaving through that exit. She would also command Master to emit a sonic pulse to hopefully knock out the spider so that it would be neutralized without being harmed.

Rumia Attack: 8 - 10 Barrier - No Effect
Master Sonic Pulse: 9
vs Rumia(+3) 8 - Safe
vs Spider(-1) 7 - KO'd
vs Hag 5 - KO'd

Hag Resist: 8 - 7 - Awake
Hag Attack: 4 - 7 Rumia - Miss

Rumia would not seem to have any effect on the barrier with her attack. Master had a plan, and was sticking to it. Rumia knowing that the sonic pulse was coming was able to prepare against it and would cover her ears. The spider and the hag would drop almost instantly when the pulse was fired. The inner workings of Master were somewhat on display as the gears that draw in the net were exposed for a quick second while the pulse was fired.

The hag did not seem to be affected to the point that she was going to remain unconscious for very long. She was out for maybe a few seconds at most and was still able to muster enough to fire off a wild blast that was maybe targeted for Rumia. The attack was so far off that the only real thing to come of it was confirmation that the Hag was still awake.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP
Master: 5/5 FP (net 2 turns to fire again, pulse 4 turns)
Spider: 4/4 FP - Charmed, KO'd

Hag: ?/? FP, 2/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(If you could also keep posting how much time until forked blast is fully recharged, that'd be nice. I can't remember how many turns it was.)

Commading Master to stand back while it's weapons were reloaded, Rumia faced off against the hag one on one. The bitch was briefly disoriented, but she was rallying fast. Her next attack would likely end up being far more accurate than the last. And the barrier didn't seem to be taking much damage from her attacks either. Gritting her teeth, Rumia decided that maybe she wasn't using enough power. She channeled some of Lassic's power again, hoping that maybe his brand of magic would be more effective against the barrier.

(Channel 1 AP to attack the barrier, Forked Bolt.)
Last edited:
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(It was 3, I will make sure to keep track of that as well going forward)

Rumia would start to think that maybe she was not powerful enough to take the barrier down on her own. Channeling some of her staff's power, she would start to see visions of what the hag looked like ages ago. Quite the looker she was. As soon as those thoughts started to manifest themselves as anything more than a fleeting memory they were gone. Master would not really be able to do anything this turn as it was still recovering the net. The spider would hopefully not awaken any time soon either.

Rumia Forked Bolt: 5(-1), 2(-1) - 6, 3 Barrier - Both Miss
Master: No Action
Spider Awaken: 5 - 7 Fail

Hag: 7 - 10 Rumia - Miss

Rumia would seem to be distracted by these visions. The power of the blast was certainly there, however its accuracy was not. Fairly well off target with her attack, it was a few holes in the walls surrounding the barrier that were starting to form. Master had finished recovering his net and would only need to reload it next turn. The spider was still unconscious from the sonic pulse.

The hag looked to be weaving some manner of spell on Rumia, but whatever it was seemed to have no effect on her. The hag did not seem to be attempting to attack her directly in any manner now. Rumia could potentially try a different tactic? She could continue with what she was doing and hope her luck was a little better going forward all the same. Maybe the holes around the barrier could be leveraged somehow?

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 2/3 CP (bolt 2 turns)
Master: 5/5 FP (net reloading, pulse 3 turns)
Spider: 4/4 FP - Charmed, KO'd

Hag: ?/? FP, 2/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Those fucking rolls.)

Rumia felt like swearing. Very, very loudly. That goddamn vision messed with her aim really badly, making her miss a stationary target. A large, stationary target. It was like she suddenly graduated from imperial stormtrooper marksmanship academy. At the very least, the spider was still down and the hag's spell wasn't working on her. Still, fighting her was beginning to get really damn frustrating. But perhaps...

Looking at the holes she made, Rumia had a small idea. Perhaps it could be possible to bypass her? Maybe if she could use a couple fireblasts to widen them and break through, she'd be able to create a route leading past the barrier? Of course, that'd still leave her with the issue of bringing her spider back to it's senses somehow and through the hole. But she'd deal with that when the time came.

(Attempt to break through the holes, use firepower if necessary.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(I need to change these dice.. or sneak them into a casino.. they seem to only land on 7 and 9 like 2/3 of the time)

Rumia would get an idea.. If the barrier itself wouldnt come down then she may as well take out everything else around it instead. Seeing a few holes along the walls where her empowered attack had done some damage, Rumia would try to capitalize on this. Master was about to finish reloading his snare, so another attempt at using it could be made in short order as well.

Rumia Attack: 7 - 9 Wall - Miss
Master: Reload Completed
Spider Awaken: 7 - 10 Fail

Hag: 10 - 6 Rumia - Hit

Rumia would let fly, and the attack seemed to lack any power behind it this time and just impacted off the walls with little effect. Master had finished reloading at this point, and the spider still was showing no signs of awakening from a dormant state.

The hag had continued the spell that she was casting. Rumia was starting to realize just what it was. A lust based spell that was affecting her mind in a similar fashion to what Lassic would do to her. Lassic immediately lashed out at the hag and interrupted the spell. Something was said that Rumia could not possibly understand but from the sound of it, Lassic was not happy that the hag was staking a claim to it's property.

Lassic AOO: 11 - 9 Hag - Hit

Lassic was successful and the hag recoiled enough that the link between the barrier and herself would visibly flicker again. Lassic made it immediately clear to Rumia that the method to defeating the hag directly was not through physical damage but sexual damage. However Rumia could certainly still attempt to break the barrier with her spells. Were she to attempt to defeat the Hag directly, her spells would have almost no effect.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 3/10 AP, 2/3 CP (bolt 1 turns)
Master: 5/5 FP (net ready, pulse 2 turns)
Spider: 4/4 FP - Charmed, KO'd

Hag: ?/? FP, 3/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Are you fucking kidding me.)

Rumia was ready to start screaming in frustration by this point. WHY was EVERYTHING failing to burn like it should today? The universe was failing her. It was plainly failing her here. The spider was still out, though at least Master finished setting the net back up. The hag was starting to become a genuine nuisance, though, her spell finally beginning to affect the mage. She recognized it immediately, a kind of lust-based enchantment meant to drive her sex-crazy. Thankfully, Lassic had the situation well in hand, shocking the hag and stopping her casting before more damage was done.

Mulling over her situation and what the demon of the staff told her, Rumia decided she and Master would split their efforts. Master would use his net again and attempt to finish the hag off using the tools they had installed in him some time ago. Out of the entire group, he was probably the most reliable choice when it came to sexual attacks. The pyromancer, meanwhile, would resort to bombarding the barrier until it gave, reasoning that enough fireballs would bring it down sooner or later.

(Rumia attacks the barrier, Master uses net on hag and goes to town on her.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Dice be trolling.. hardcore mode trolling)

Rumia would try to assault the hag on two fronts. Master would try the direct approach while Rumia would herself attempt to bring down the barrier. A sound plan as the hag may not be able to defend herself on multiple fronts for very long before some part of her defenses would break.

Rumia Attack: 10 - 9 Barrier - Hit
Master Net: 11 - 7 Hag - Snared
Spider Awaken: 5(-1) - 5 Fail

Hag Attack: 10 - 2 Rumia - Critical

Lassic AOO: 11 - 10 Hag - Hit

Rumia would redouble her concentration and land a clean hit on the barrier. The flickering was lasting longer now and the barrier was probably starting to weaken. Master would seize this opportunity to ensnare the hag again within his net, the follow up plan was simple as Master already had his prosthetic drill at the ready. The spider seems to be starting to stir a little, but does not seem to be able to get back into the fight just yet.

The hag still seemingly undeterred by being snared by Master, would attempt to manipulate Rumia's mind again. This time she found a sweet spot as the visions Rumia would experience felt like they were very real this time. Almost as if the hag were a few hundred years younger in her prime. Lassic of course would disapprove and would attack the hag to sever the bond again. However the damage to Rumia was done, she was starting to feel it now. Probably halfway to her mind succumbing to the desires and impulses being implanted there.

Rumia Attack: 8(-1) - 10 Barrier - Miss
Master Shock: 4- 8 Hag - Fail
Spider Awaken: 3 - 10 Critical Fail

Hag Attack: 10 - 4(-1) Rumia - Critical

Lassic AOO: 9 - 8 Hag - Hit

The hag seemed to be gaining the upper hand on Rumia now. Rumia could not seem to muster enough power behind her attacks to have an effect on the barrier. Master was not able to do anything to the hag as the squirming about inside the net was still enough to make it impossible to do anything. Shocking the net again did not seem like enough to slow her down either.

The spider would seemingly finally be able to get itself back up, only to stumble to the side and go crashing into the wall. The hag would capitalize on this and attack Rumia's mind yet again. More manipulation would have Rumia almost on the edge of her mind breaking. Lassic was yet again still able to break the spell, but not before more damage was done.

Master now had his sonic pulse recharged along with still being able to send shocks through the net at the hag in an attempt to disable her. The spider did not look like it was going to be doing anything any time soon. Crashing into the wall looked to have knocked it out completely for a short time.

Rumia was almost on the verge of breaking, and her mind was a muddled mess at this point. Barely able to tell fantasy from reality any longer, it would take a good deal of focus to land a blow on anything at this point. Maybe if she were to allow Lassic control in an act of desperation to prevent the Hag from getting in her mind again?

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 7/10 AP, 2/3 CP (forked bolt ready)
Master: 5/5 FP - Snared Hag (pulse ready)
Spider: 3/4 FP - Charmed, KO'd (skipping next turn)

Hag: 4/10 FP, 2/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)


Rumia shook her head. What the Hell... Where did the hag go? Why was she all shriveled up like that, wasn't she a sexy woman a moment ago? No wait, that was the vision. But where were the other things? She could swear... Dammit, this was messing with her head! She had no idea how the bitch suddenly found a way to attack her like this, but she had to act fast! If she got hit like this one more time, she'd have no choice but to let Lassic take control of her and gods only knew what he'd do with her body later. Though she had to admit, some part of her was rather curious about that.

Shaking her head, Rumia made her stand as she continued to fight. Were she a little bit more lucid, she'd have noted just how much of a farce this battle was. The spider got up only to knock itself out again in a fashion that could only be described as pathetic. From the moment it got charmed and stunned, it became a danger only to itself. Master managed to land his net, but beyond that the robot had very little success, failing to be of much use beyond inconveniencing the hag. The barrier continued to be there, not getting hit much. And she stood in the middle of it, flailing and failing to hit much.

Out of all the combatants, only Lassic had proven himself to be competent the entire time. Three times Rumia got charmed and three times he broke the spell before it got hold of her mind completely, even if damage couldn't be prevented entirely. The hag, on the other hand, was gathering steam after her weak beginning, proving that she should not have been judged by her appearance. The pyromancer considered her options. The sonic pulse would likely affect her now easily and there was no guarantee it'd work on the hag. She was loath to give up control right now. Maybe if the hag managed to get another hit like that in, she'd let Lassic take over. For now, she resolved to continue with her prior tactic, hoping she'd last long enough.

(Forked Bolt against barrier, Master keeps trying to work the hag.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(My dice hate you.. Confirmed)

Rumia was not quite desperate enough to give herself to Lassic, but it was certainly looking bad for her as the realization that she had very plainly either overestimated herself or underestimated her enemy. With the likelyhood of defeat starting to creep into her head, Rumia would make one last stand.

Rumia Forked Bolt: 9(-2), 7(-2) - 2, 9 Barrier - Critical, Miss
Master Attack: 4 - 9 Hag - Counter
Spider: No Action

Hag: 11 - 4 Rumia - Critical

Lassic AOO: 9 -8 Hag - Hit

Rumia would almost seem to give herself into this attack as it was quite certainly an act of desperation at this point. The channeling of the attack took alot out of her, but it was at least partially successful as the first attack was a clean direct hit on the barrier. The other attack just did not seem to have enough behind it to be effective.

At this point the barrier was now visibly weakening to the point that the connection between the barrier and the hag was about to itself become broken. With this, the hag had found an opening to land an attack on Master as it got careless trying to charge up another shock into the net. The hag did not seem to really do much, but the attack certainly damaged Master.

Of more importance was that the Hag would again have her way around Rumia's mind. This was getting to feel all too real for Rumia now, the line between the fantasy that the hag was providing was truly starting to merge itself with the reality of the situation Rumia was in. Just so much as another poke in the wrong direction and Rumia would simply lose her mind into the void of pleasuring herself. At least Lassic was again able to stop the hag. Without Lassic around, Rumia would already have been reduced to little more than a toy for the hag to play with.

Now on the edge of either victory or defeat, Rumia would get one more (at least) attempt to do something. The barrier was about to fall, which would mean the hag would lose her power if that happened. The battle truly had reached the point where this one final decision would very likely decide the outcome of the whole encounter.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 9/10 AP, 2/3 CP (3 turns on forked bolt)
Master: 4/5 FP - Snared Hag (pulse ready)
Spider: 3/4 FP - Charmed, KO'd

Hag: 1/10 FP, 2/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Aaaaaare you fuuuuuuucking kidding me. Again.)

Rumia found her head swimming from all the images implanted in it. Damn it, that last illusion felt so real, she almost gave in and became a pleasure toy. She was feeling so goddamn horny now that giving up was a really tempting option by now. She didn't want to surrender yet, though, not when she was so close to breaking that barrier. One more good hit would be enough, but her willpower was growing very weak. She could try sacrificing her life-force to push out more attacks, but they were all unlikely to do damage in her current state. And she had little doubt that the next mental assault would overwhelm her.

Meanwhile, neither of her companions was making progress. The spider remained where it knocked itself out, while Master had it's electric shock reversed and turned against him. The hag's ability to redirect attacks was proving to be infuriating. Again, Lassic was the only one who consistently managed to perform well, breaking the spell cast upon Rumia before it could finish her off. The mage tried to focus, thinking of a way to swing the battle in her favor. Sadly, many of her options were not viable, very risky or depended on others.

As it stood, she could ask Master to use his pulse again, possibly knocking her out and maybe knocking the hag out as well. She could try to go all out against the barrier and hope one of the blasts broke it. Sadly, both options carried the risk of not working as intended and failure would mean imminent defeat. Whether she liked it or not, if she wanted to assure her victory, Rumia had to rely on Lassic. Channeling the last of her strenght into the staff, she surrendered control to him. "Your turn... I don't care what you do to me now, just beat that bitch!"

(Lassic: Take Over.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Told you the dice went full hardcore troll mode.. was not kidding..)

Rumia could feel herself slipping away now. Her thoughts were not of battle and how to defeat her opponent, but of simply pleasuring herself now. With what little willpower she had left she would now allow Lassic control of her. The battle would now commence with the apparent prize being Rumia's mind and body between Lassic and this hag.

"About time you gave yourself to me. I will make this quick.. this time.

Rumia herself had no differentiation of fantasy or reality now. All she would know was that there was a physical manifestation of what Lassic and the hag probably were in a time long ago. Lassic was a fairly average man with glasses and a dark gray robe that hid most of his features below his neck. His staff looked eerily similar to the one that Rumia was using previously. The hag was elven in appearance. Long flowing robes around her waist that left little to the imagination as her chest was prominently displayed under what little armor she wore. It was more akin to a bikini top with a jewel engraved between her breasts.

All that was great and all, but the battle was on between the two.

Lassic: 9 - 5 Hag - Hit
Hag: 8 - 6 Lassic - Hit
Lassic: 3 - 11 Hag - Counter
Hag: 7 - 7 Lassic - Miss
Lassic: 8 -4 Hag - Hit
Hag: 9 - 6 Lassic - Hit
Lassic Chain Lightning: 6
Hag - 6,6,5 - Two Hits
Hag Charm: 2 - 11 Lassic - Counter
Lassic: 5 - 6 Hag - Miss
Hag: 10 - 5 Lassic - Hit

The hag would tear away Lassic's clothing soon after having her armor blown away by Lassic's chain lighting attack. It would seem that this was going to end up devolving into a three way orgy inside of Rumia's mind as Rumia would manifest herself as well and join in the fun.

The hag was the dominant of the two between herself and Lassic, however Rumia would be able to interject herself in any way she desired. The whole scene was devoid of any violent intentions now, the feelings of bliss overriding all else now at least between those two. Rumia having saved just a small part of herself before allowing Lassic into her mind would potentially be able to resist this as the compulsion of bliss was not absolute.

Rumia: Unknown
Master: Unknown
Spider: Unknown

Hag: Unknown
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia could only groan in response to Lassic, feeling herself slip away. She managed to protect a small part of her mind, allowing her to remain conscious and watch, but beyond that she could do little. Hell, she wasn't even entirely sure about the "conscious" part, considering she no longer had the strenght to see past the fantasies and illusions. Though she had to admit, at least what she was seeing was impressive. Granted, Lassic wasn't all that impressive to look at - suprisingly - but he definitely had the archmage look down pat, at least. The hag, on the other hand, went full-on elf-slut mode. Revealing clothes, skimpy armor that showed off her body rather than offered protection, unlike the iron-Behirscale combo Rumia had made for her. Still, she didn't have much time to contemplate that before the battle began.

It began rather normally, with bolts of lightning from Lassic, met by countermagic and spells of force from the hag. As soon as clothing began to fall apart under the mutual arcane assault, however, Rumia realized it wasn't going to remain a proper battle for long. In fact, soon enough the battle turned into a bout for dominance of a decidedly carnal nature. The hag seemed to have a slight advantage from what she could tell, even with Lassic breaking her charm spell with enough force to cause a backlash. As the two of them continued to get frisky, the pyromancer felt herself materialize in the illusion as well. Perhaps it was because she managed to hold onto some sanity before this happened? She was certainly coherent enough to still think, even if she found the urge to succumb to pleasure nearly overwhelming. Maybe that's what allowed her to act in this mindscape.

Realizing that she had the ability to intervene and possibly affect the outcome of this bout, Rumia decided to join in. She shed her armor and clothing, figuring she wouldn't last long in a direct confrontation or had the power necessary to shift the course of the fight towards one. Instead, she opted to go at the hag from behind, grab her and start teasing her to break her dominance. Maybe if she worked together with Lassic, they'd be able to overwhelm her and gain control. Hmm, perhaps if she used one hand to grope and play with the hag's chest while the other one worked her cunt... Yup, that sounded like it'd get her attention.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The battle was on inside of Rumia's mind and for now it looked as if the hag had the upper hand. Lassic seemed to be losing, though it could be argued that getting laid by a hot elf chick was something that was just simply on his to do list.

Rumia would sense herself manifesting within this reality, or was it a fantasy? Truthfully Rumia would not be able to tell the difference at this point. Being able to have any level of awareness was a feat all of its own at this point. As far as Rumia could tell, everything certainly felt like it was real, as her armor was still on.

Deciding that it would be little fun to be clothed with the other two completely naked, Rumia would soon remedy that by unclasping her armor and then dropping her dress soon after. Deciding that the hag was the bad girl, Rumia would move to "help" Lassic. The hag would offer no resistance to Rumia's advances.

With herself firmly mounted ontop of Lassic at this point, the hag likely had exactly what she wanted. Rumia getting in on it was a bonus gift. Her breasts and pussy being worked over by Rumia's hands while Lassic would just let the hag work his shaft between her legs. With this, the race was on.

The hag had little chance of "winning" since she was getting double teamed. The pleasure would override her first by a wide margin, but Lassic certainly was not content to allow this to pass with only the hag getting hers. Rumia at this point could feel herself regaining more of her own mind at this point as well, as she would start to feel more aware of just what exactly was going on.

With the hag seemingly out of the way and at least within this reality defeated, it would be up to Rumia to decide if Lassic would finish on or in the hag, or if Rumia wanted to take the hag's place and have a go at Lassic at this point. Then again, there seemed to be little stopping anything at this point. Rumia could pretty much act as she wished at this point. Though the way "out" was clear to her as her mind would unmuddle itself over time, Lassic would need to be finished off before this would end.

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

As the debauchery progressed, Rumia could feel herself regain a greater measure of control and clarity. The hag, on the other hand, seemed to be losing herself in pleasure more and more, which likely meant she was succumbing to their influence... Not that Lassic was doing much besides letting her ride him, lazy bastard. Still, at the very least this meant she was likely out of the way. With a bit of luck, this meant the path would be open once the pyromancer managed to return to reality. The only problem was getting back there.

Thankfully, as her mind continued to clear up and she felt herself grow more aware of everything, Rumia was able to divine a way out. She'd have to make sure Lassic finished as well. And convenienty, she had an elf fucktoy on hand to accomplish that. Maintaining a strong grip on the hag as she pressed herself against her, the mage forced her opponent from earlier to keep fucking Lassic until the end. She'd make her take his dick all the way in and she'd also make sure she'd have his entire load poured inside of her. As tempting as screwing her benefactor was, the girl wasn't entirely sure whether letting him have his way with her in this mental world would affect her later. Better test this on someone she didn't particularly care about first.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Through the combined efforts of Lassic and Rumia, and it was truly mostly Rumia, the hag would reach her peak and pass out from the orgasm. Lassic however was not entirely finished, and Rumia would decline his generous offer and he would instead continue on the hag until he would also reach his climax.

Once this was all over, it would be with a flash that Rumia would remember just where she actually was. The hag was limp and still encased within Master's net. However the barrier was no longer protecting either her or the way forward. Taking a quick look at the hag, her eyes were rolled back in her head as if what she experienced in that dream state was entirely real for her. There also seemed to be something like a small amount of drool coming from the twisted face of Lassic on her staff. Rumia would look down to find her clothing and armor on the ground as she was presently naked to boot.

The long and short of the situation was this. The spider started to actually be able to stand itself upright again, Master still had what was left of the hag ensnared in the net, and Rumia was still very close to losing herself to the still implanted impulses of pleasuring herself by both Lassic and the hag. Rumia would likely want to address this before proceeding forward, however there were still a few things that were left lingering in all truthfulness.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 9/10 AP, 2/3 CP(assuming it is put back on)
Master: 4/5 FP
Spider: 3/4 FP
(All abilities at the ready, aside from the still deployed net)