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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia examined the dart carefully. It was quite the interesting object, in her opinion. Wonder why the mechanism didn't work. Was the impact too weak, somehow? Also, what was that toxin supposed to do? Well, no matter. For now she'd pocket the projectile and save it for later rather than risk destroying it somehow. Maybe later she'd learn what the effects of that drug were. In the meantime, she had a journey to make... A journey that led her to the edge of the game field. This was rather annoying - she had been heading in the wrong direction this entire time. There was no point trying to climb out, she'd have to head in another direction.

Sighing, Rumia turned around and began to retrace her steps. If going north didn't work, she'd head south then. Granted, this meant that she basically wasted a lot of time moving back and forth, but she wasn't deterred. She'd simply go in the opposite direction for a bit, then turn elsewhere. Who knows, maybe she'd find something interesting on the way. Maybe another contestant? Or some monsters? She more or less expected everything to be out for her body around here and she was eager to meet some kind of challenge. It'd be fun to test herself anew against whatever this place had to offer.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would go back to where the remains of the pod was that launched her into this game world. Continuing south, Rumia would find herself starting to sink her feet further into the ground as she was stepping. The ground was much softer here, and she would look down quickly enough to realize that another few steps would have found her smack dab in the middle of a quicksand pit trap.

This was something that she should try to remember, a trap was directly south of her starting spot that she might be able to use later to her advantage. As she would circle herself around the pit to the left, she would start to head off in that direction.

After about 20 yards, Rumia would find herself feeling like something was wrong. The win was picking up for some reason, and Rumia would find her legs already bound by vines. Another set of vines would lash out and Rumia would find herself bound completely. Her arms, legs and torso all bound by vines now.

As Rumia was lifted skyward, the vines would tighten. The sensation of pain would be real soon enough were she to let the vines constrict themselves much futher. The punch line of it all was the two other vines that looked as if they were ready to assault Rumia sexually if she could not get herself free.

Rumia: 5/5 FP 0/10 AP 2/2 CP - Bound by vines
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Moving on past the crashed pod, Rumia found yet another hazard waiting for her in the jungle. This one was much more natural - a pit filled with quicksand, one that could suck her in and immobilize her had she walked straight into it. Thankfully, the girl spotted it before she really began to sink, allowing her to avoid it by walking around. Still, she took note of the location - it'd make a great spot for an ambush. She broke off from her previous course after this, deciding to head left and see what was waiting for her in that direction.

Walking past the pit and continuing on, Rumia would soon realize something was amiss. Before she could react, however, she found herself bound by animated vines. Her body was lifted up and she could feel the pressure they put on her, enough of it to be really uncomfortable and make breathing a bit difficult. Still, the girl struggled with all her might, knowing that if she failed to escape she'd end up violated. Maybe if she could get off a couple fire blasts to burn through the aggressive plantlife, she could slip free.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would be strung up though certainly not helpless before she could react. If she could aim true enough maybe she was able to burn a vine to get herself free.

Rumia Escape: 10(-1) - 6 Success
Rumia Attack: 12(-1) - 9 Hit

Vines Attack: 3 - 8(-1) Rumia - Counter

Rumia would use her frame to her advantage and get one of her arms free. As she started to fall back to the ground she was able to burn away the vines. Not entirely wanting to be deterred, the vines would attempt to reclaim their prize. Rumia would have none of it, and burn the vine that lashed out toward her.

At this point, there were two options Rumia could explore. She could move away from the trap, and hope that it could be used on someone or something else later on. The second was the more straightforward and she could continue to engage the vine trap and extinguish it from the game entirely at the risk of course of being snared again if she was not careful.

Rumia: 5/5 FP 0/10 AP 2/2 CP

Vine Trap: 3/5 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

In the end, breaking free proved to be far easier than she anticipated. Rumia would slip between the vines, her lithe body making it easier to squeeze an arm through and start throwing fireballs around. The spreading fire quickly forced the vines to drop her and she easily incinerated the one that tried to recapture her. Now that she was free to move again, the pyromancer decided to leave. With a bit of luck, those vines would capture another competitor and do to them what they've failed to do to Rumia. No point in destroying them completely right now.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Having freed herself from the trap, Rumia would take a quick glance upward to see which way the sun was and simply continue on in that direction. Roughly a half hour would pass and Rumia would see an opening. A few hundred meters more and she would find herself in an open area. A river would be in front of her.

What was likely still a few hundred feet away was a river flowing from north to south. This may help satisfy a basic need of water. Of course, this would only hold true so long as she stayed near the river as Rumia currently had no way of carrying water away from the river. There were a few fairly harmless small game creatures on the other side of the river, maybe something Rumia would be able to use for food as well if the need arises? Then again they may be far more powerful than their small frames would let Rumia to think they were.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia surveyed the river. This was a good sign, now she had access to a water source. Furthermore, local animals would likely seek the river too in order to drink, allowing her to hunt more easily. The girl decided to stick to it for the time being, moving to cross it first, then follow it while moving south. She'd try hunting some prey later, when she started getting hungry. For now, she wanted to keep moving a bit longer. She had some food, access to water, now it'd be a good time to look for something that might be a decent shelter to spend the night in. She suspected this contest would take several days at least.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would finish looking around the river. A water source that seemed good enough along with some small game animals, Rumia might likely have been the first to find it so far. Looking the river over, Rumia would see that it was easy enough to cross as the water in some spots barely went above her ankles. As she would progress across the river, Rumia would see a few spots where the water was far deeper. Traps? Fishing holes? A few ideas of what was in them would dance in her mind but Rumia was far more interested in exploring the area.

Right on the edge of the riverbed, Rumia would notice a sound. Looking toward where the sound was coming from Rumia would start to see something off in the distance. Was it a snake? It certainly looked like one from how it was slithering about the area. When it approached it's prey it would rear itself up and reveal the sword it was holding in both arms.

A Yuan-Ti by the looks of it and it was now aware of Rumia as it carved through the rabbit like it was nothing. Rumia would have the initiative to make a move before the Yuan-Ti could react.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Examining the river, Rumia would note that it'd fit her needs quite perfectly in her opinion. She'd have to be wary of the deeper spots, but she could definitely make use of it. Her attention was soon occupied by a scene of murder, however. Looking away from the river, she saw what she at first thought to be a simple snake tear a rabbit apart with a well-aimed sword strike. A Yuan-Ti, something that was unlikely to be friendly. Still, she'd try to be diplomatic, just in case. "Uh, hi. Don't mind me, just passing through. No need to get hostile and trust me, you won't like what's going to happen if you try to hit me with that thing. I'd rather not get stabbed either so how about we go our ways without bothering each other." The girl would lob a fireball at him if he tried to attack, though.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would encounter the Yuan-ti and attempt to talk to it. Watching as the snake like creature had just murdered a rabbit that it likely planned to eat for food. Rumia would attempt to have the Yuan-ti stand down and they could go on their seperate ways. The Yuan-ti would lash out with a gaze directed toward Rumia in reponse to the noise she was making.

Snake: 7 - 7(-1) Rumia - Paralyzed

Rumia Escape: 10(-1) - 11 Fail

The Yuan-ti sent out a powerful telekenetic spell that seemed to stop Rumia in her tracks. For the immediate time being, Rumia was unable to move. The Yuan-ti seeing that the spell took hold would not tarry about and ingested the rabbit halves. After licking its chops with the snakelike tongue, it looked as if it were already time for dessert.

Rumia would have one more chance to break the spell, though there would be no escape from the yuan-ti unless Rumia were rather resourceful. Combat was almost guaranteed at this point.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia swore as she cursed her reluctance to harm the creature without asking. She was dropped into a hostile territory for a last man standing contest, what was she thinking? She ought to just kill the monsters instead of giving them a chance to rape her. Watching the Yuan-Ti eat the rabbit, the girl realized she had to act fast. She gathered all her strenght, struggling against the spell that bound her in place, hoping to break out so she could fight back. She wasn't quite sure what it was going to do to her if she failed but she wasn't in a rush to figure that out.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would try as she could to muster the mental strength to overcome this spell the Yuan-ti placed her under. As the Yuan-ti approached, Rumia would give one last try at breaking the spell upon her.

Rumia Escape: 6(-1) - 6 Fail

Snake Attack: 4 - 3 Rumia Hit

Rumia Escape: 5(-1) - 5 Fail

Snake Attack: 7 - 12(-1) Rumia - Counter

Rumia would not be able to get free of the spell. The Yuan-ti slithering up to her and striking with it's sword at Rumia's defenseless body. At attempt to see if Rumia was bluffing, as she would have certainly flinched were she faking being paralyzed as the sword stopped about an inch from her face.

Realizing that Rumia was still in fact paralyzed, the Yuan-ti would start to coil itself around Rumia. Rumia could only watch on in horror as the beast started to work its tail around her body. However, Rumia would be inspired by an adrenaline rush as when the Yuan-ti attempted to bite her, she broke free.

Lashing out instinctively with an attack Rumia was able to break the hold that the Yuan-ti had both physically and mentally over her. It would be some time before the Yuan-ti were able to try something like the gaze attack again, however it would seem the battle was now at its proper beginning.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP

Yuan-ti: 5/6 FP, 0/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Watching the sword come close, Rumia tried to dodge out of the way - in vain. The spell kept her immobilized, preventing her from getting away. Thankfully, the snakeman was only testing her, stopping the blow at the last moment. Unfortunately, this also meant that he was going to take it's time with her, slowly coiling himself around her body and preparing to bite. Fueled by desperation, the girl managed to dredge up some hidden strenght at the last moment, spraying fire around her and forcing the Yuan-ti to step back.

Now that she could move and fight, the girl was going to press the offensive. Pointing her palms at the enemy and focusing her flames before them, she began to unleash one bolt of fire after another, aiming to kill the monster quickly. She'd fire constantly, trying to keep her distance from the sword and hoping he'd go down fast. If he managed to last long enough to use that paralyzing ability of his, she might lose the battle.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

As the battle proper began. A short feeling out would occur. Rumia would fire an errant shot with the snake swiping wildly. Rumia's next attack would be interrupted as the sword came back around and smacked her in the shoulder.

Rumia would recoil backward and evaded the followup attack though she was able to land a blow on the snake as it closed back in to strike the last time.

Rumia: 4/5 0/10 2/2
Snake: 4/6 0/10
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Firing off a wild shot, Rumia found herself caught off-guard as the serpent man simply batted the burning missile away before slamming her in the shoulder quite painfully. Thankfully, it used the flat of the blade, making it rather obvious it wanted her alive. She could easily guess why he'd want her alive. This thought enraged her, and when the Yuan-ti came in swinging, she countered the attack by interposing her hand in the path of an incoming blow and letting loose, the explosive burst sending her opponent reeling even as she burned through his scales. The fight was evening out now, and the pyromancer intended to end it quickly now. With how close the bastard kept getting, she'd resort to wide, short-ranged jets of flame to both burn her opponent and grant her extra momentum.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

As the battle raged on, both Rumia and the Yuan-ti would counter the other. Rumia was standing her ground pretty well, though she felt that there was almost an impending doom if the Yuan-ti were to try paralyzing her again with its hypnotic gaze.

Rumia: 4(-1) - 6 Snake Miss
Snake: 5 - 7(-1) Rumia Miss

Rumia: 10(-1) - 9 Snake Hit
Snake: 7 - 12(-1) Rumia Counter

Rumia and the Snake would dance around a little. Feinting an attack, Rumia would lure the Yuan-ti in closer. Able to evade the sword strike, Rumia would lash out with a focused flame jet that did a good bit of damage to the Snake. Recoiling from the sudden outburst, the snake could do nothing as the flames continued to roast him.

Rumia had this thing on the ropes now. All she needed to do was finish it off it would seem.

Rumia: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP

Snake: 2/6 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Despite the bruise on her shoulder, Rumia smirked. The battle was going her way as the extra speed boost and mobility from her flame bursts let her dodge the snakeman's swipes while simultaneously serving as her weapon. She went on the offensive again, moving around as she attacked. Just a couple more hits would put it down, allowing her to rest and continue her journey. Hell, maybe she'd take a little time to capture a small animal after this to celebrate? She'd definitely take it's sword if she could help it, too. Never know when one might come in handy.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would seem to gain the advantage in the last salvo. The snake was certainly on the defensive, though it was not quite done for yet. It still was moving, though it would have to find a way to avoid the flame spray from Rumia.

Rumia: 6(-1) - 6 Miss
Snake: 8 - 6(-1) Hit

Rumia: 8(-1) - 6 Hit
Snake: 6 - 2(-1) Hit

Rumia would not seem to be able to continue the attack, her flames not able to reach the snake as it was able to back off enough to use its range to land a few clubbing blows with the side of its sword on Rumia. Rumia switching back to more conventional attacks would land a retaliatory strike in the middle of her arms getting clubbed by the blunt side of the sword.

Rumia: 2/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP

Snake: 1/6 FP 0/10 AP (3 turns remain for gaze cd)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia yelped in pain as more blows were rained upon her. The snake realized quickly he had superior reach compared to her and took advantage of that promptly, battering her. The blows were exhausting her and hurt quite a lot - a few more hits and she'd likely fall. This only strenghtened her resolve, however. Realizing melee was no longer an option, Rumia quickly switched back to ranged combat, letting the last blow push her away before aiming her palms at the snake once more, letting loose with a bolt of fire that hit her enemy with a very satisfying impact. She felt that if she could repeat this one more time, she'd win this battle. Just one more hit would be enough.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would start to feel that she had taken control of the fight. She was right, as she dealt the killing blow to the Yuan-ti. Having already stated her desire to take it's sword, Rumia would be in for a surprise when she attempted to lift it. The thing had to weigh about as much as she did. She could certainly try to carry it, but it would slow her down cosiderably and she would not likely be able to wield it either. Though the thought did enter into Rumia's mind that she could use it for a trap possibly if she could think something up.

Now that her immediate vicinity was secured, Rumia would have some options. The first would be what direction she wanted to venture off in. As the water flowed to the south in the river, Rumia at least would have an idea which way she was going. She could try to hunt down some smaller animals similarly to how the Yuan-ti had.

Were Rumia to simply rest, that would be a valid option as well, though time she spent not doing anything was time other competitors could be doing something to gain an advantage over her.