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Samantha Grace (GM Char because why not)

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Samantha Grace, Yiwen Ding, Tramie Angel Nguyen and Nicole Steinmetz moved on to a large portion inside of the Cathedral, on the other side of the Chamber Door they had opened a few minutes ago. Once inside, the four women quickly came face to face with the boss and her minions, and a fight ensued!

Enemy Encounter:

Chaotic Temptress: HP: 100,000. Stamina: 6,600. Pleasure: 825. 50-50 Blowjob/Pussy. Inescapable Rape. Releases to give birth.

Hama Dryad: HP: 50,000. Stamina: 5,200 (Pussy Tentacle Only). Pleasure: 650. 75% Blowjob, 25% 'Pussy'. Can get pregnant either way, does not release. Inescapable Rape.

Doppelganger: HP: 30,000. Stamina: 4,000. Pleasure: 500. 50-50 Blowjob/Pussy. Shapeshifts into your form for sex!

Harpy: HP: 25,000. Stamina: 5,200. Pleasure: 650. Pussy only.

Combat Order:

1: Chaotic Temptress. 2: Harpy. 3: Tramie. 4: Hama Dryad. 5: Nicole. 6: Yiwen. 7: Samantha. 8: Doppelganger.

Round 1:

The Chaotic Temptress starts the fight off by instantly grabbing Nicole before she can react, forcing her into a magical chair and restraining her helplessly! Then, the Temptress starts giving her an intense blowjob, causing Nicole to cry out in pleasure as for the first time in her life, she gets her dick sucked! Nicole loses 20 HP, suffers 925 Pleasure and gains 1,025 KP from the blowjob. She has 3,075 stamina left.

The Harpy lunges at Yiwen, and manages to tackle the sexy asian woman, straddling her and then taking her inside of her tight pussy for some wild sexy pleasure! Yiwen cries out as she loses 10 HP, suffers 850 Pleasure and gains 950 KP. Yiwen has 5,650 stamina left, while the Harpy has 4,550.

Tramie lashes out at the Doppelganger, electing for the moment not to use any of her items, wanting to see how the enemy attacks them first. She lands for 7,500 damage and STUNS the Doppelganger, leaving it with 22,500 HP and unable to react until after it's turn would have passed.

The Hama Dryad reaches out with too many tentacles for Tramie to dodge, and she's helplessly ensnared! She's quickly tentacle restrained and tied up against one of the walls, and then the creature begins to ride her dick with it's all too humanoid feeling tentacle pussy! She tries to cry out in pleasure, but tentacles shaped like large hands clamp down over her head and mouth from behind, silencing her! Tramie writhes in helpless pleasure as she loses 10 HP, suffers 1,250 Pleasure and gains 1,350 KP. She has 4,750 stamina left while the Hama Dryad has 4,550.

Nicole Steinmetz is helpless!

Yiwen tries to break free of the tight pussy riding her cock, and manages to do so!

Samantha blasts the stunned Doppelganger for 16,000 damage, leaving it with 6,500 HP and both poisoned and bleeding.

THe Doppeleganger lost it's turn, and takes 4,000 damage. It has 2,500 damage left and will DIE on it's next turn!

Round 2:

Nicole loses 20 HP, suffers 925 Pleasure and gains 925 KP as her blowjob continues to dominate her! She has 2,150 stamina left.

The Harpy once more lunges after Yiwen, and takes her down again! Yiwen loses 10 HP, suffers 850 Pleasure and gains 950 KP from the new pussy ride. She has 4,800 stamina left, while the Harpy has 3,900.

Tramie, keeping an eye on things the best she can while being raped in a tentacle pussy that's incredibly tight around her, elects to keep the Hama Dryad busy by NOT using her Hurricane Skill just yet. SHe decides that if Samantha can free Yiwen, then the two can hopefully burn down the Harpy quickly and then free her. She takes note though that she may have to use it to help Nicole, as it looks like the woman is having trouble with getting her dick sucked. Due to this, Tramie loses 10 HP, suffers 1,250 Pleasure and gains 1,250 KP. She has 3,500 stamina left, while the Hama Dryad has 3,900.

Yiwen manages to shove the Harpy off of her again!

Samantha is unable to hit the Harpy, complictating matters a degree.

The Doppelganger DIES due to bleeding and being poisoned.

Round 3:

Nicole loses 20 HP, suffers 925 Pleasure and gains 925 KP as the blowjob continues to work her closer and closer to an inevitable orgasm. She has 1,225 stamina left and can only handle this for 2 more rounds before succumbing!

The Harpy again lunges at Yiwen, and this time fails to get hold of her!

Tramie decides that even though one foe is dead, and Yiwen and Samantha have a shot at another, she just can't risk letting this go on any longer. Nicole is rapidly about to get her dick sucked dry, and they can't continue allowing free hits with options available to them. As such, she unleashes her Hurricane power for the one and only time she can in this fight, dealing 5,000 damage to all 3 foes and freeing both her AND Nicole!

The Hama Dryad, having been forced off of Tramie, sets her sights on Nicole Steinmetz, reaching out with too many tentacles for the sexy woman to escape from, especially since she'd been getting raped hard just seconds ago. Nicole is helplessly tied up against a wall and once more begins to get her dick sucked, only this time she's silenced by the hands gagging her! Nicole thrashes in the tentacled embrace, losing 10 HP, suffering 750 Pleasure and gaining 850 KP as once again she's being given a blowjob! She has 475 stamina left and is about to orgasm!

Nicole is helpless!

Yiwen blasts the Harpy, dealing 5,500 damage to it and leaving it with 14,500 HP.

Samantha hits the Harpy for 8,000 damage, leaving it with 6,500 HP and making it bleed, while poisoning it!

Enemy HP Values:

Chaotic Temptress: 95,000.
Hama Dryad: 45,000.
Harpy: 6,500.

Round 4:

The Chaotic Temptress lunges at Yiwen, and forces the Chinese beauty into her magical chair before straddling her and taking her inside of her tight pussy! Yiwen cries ot as another pussy grips her dick and starts to ride it, losing 20 HP, suffering 1,025 Pleasure and gaining 1,125 KP. Yiwen has 3,775 stamina left, while the Temptress has 5,775.

The Harpy lunges at Tramie, who easily avoids it. The Harpy loses 2,000 HP and has 4,500 left.

Tramie sighs as her plan backfired. She'd been freed and stayed free, but Nicole hadn't been so lucky, and now there was no way she could risk trying to free the woman without first killing the wounded Harpy. Turning, she lashed out with her tornado power, but was unable to hit the thing!

Nicole shudders and violently ejaculates her pleasure out as the Hama Dryad finally sucks her off to an intense orgasm! The sexy brunette thrashes in complete and utter blissful defeat as she's sucked dry, and is easily forced into giving up her seed! Her adrenaline begins to flow, but even with it her struggles are futile. Her sexy body strains with all her might, her muscles and arms bulging and straining with maximum effort, but the tentacles easily keep her restrained and helpless! Expertly her orgasm is sucked out of her, being prolonged in hot ways she'd never imagined she could or wold experience, and had she not been silenced, she'd have been screaming to the stars above how good it felt to be sucked dry! To her horror though, she somehow knew she'd managed to IMPREGNATE the Hama Dryad, wondering how the hell that was possible! She loses 50 HP, suffers 750 pleasure and gains 5,500 KP from the rape, orgasm, giving up her seed and her own weakness to being dominated! She has adrenaline for 10 turns and has 3,725 stamina left. The Hama Dryad is now pregnant for 20 turns.

Yiwen is helpless!

Samantha KILLS the Harpy, knowing things are about to get ugly.

Round 5:

Yiwen loses 20 HP, suffers 1,025 Pleasure and gains 1,025 KP as her ride continues! She has 2,750 stamine left, while the Temptress has 4,950.

Tramie turns her attention to trying to help Nicole out, and manages to finally free her!

The Hama Dryad is unable to grab Nicole again, giving the woman a chance to finally attack! It is pregnant for 19 turns.

Nicole unleashes an attack, hitting the Hama Dryad and Binding the bitch! She deals 7,000 damage, leaving it with 38,000 HP and unable to move or resist damage! She has adrenaline for 9 turns.

Samantha deals 16,000 damage to the Hama Dryad, leaving it with 22,000 HP! It is poisoned and bleeding for 3 turns.

Round 6:

Yiwen silently cheers for her friends as they start to make headway, determined to hold on against her rapist until they can help her. She loses 20 HP, suffers 1,025 Pleasure and gains 1,025 KP anyway, and has 1,725 stamina left. The Temptress has 4,125.

Tramie blasts the Hama Dryad for 15,000 damage, leaving it with 7,000 HP. It also loses 2,000 from bleeding and being poisoned and has 5,000 now.

The Hama Dryad can't move and is pregnant for 18 turns.

Nicole KILLS the Hama Dryad that had raped her, and has adrenaline for 8 turns.

Samantha turns her attention to the Chaotic Temptress and lunges at it, but is unable to force it off of Yiwen!

Round 7:

Yiwen loses 20 HP, suffers 1,025 Pleasure and gains 1,025 KP as her rape continues. She has 700 stamina left, while the Temptress has 3,300.

Tramie shoves the Temptress off of Yiwen, freeing her!

Nicole hits the Chaotic Temptress and binds her, effectively ENDING the fight as the women just keep taking turns blasting her until she is dead, and there is nothing the Temptress can do about it! They KILL her and begin to check their loot!

Loot Phase:

Chaotic Temptress: Parasite Remover and Ultimate Booster.
Hama Dryad: Nothing!
Doppelganger: KL Lowering Potion.
Harpy: Nothing!

Sifting through the loot, the women decide to let Samantha Grace and Yiwen take what dropped as they will be moving deeper onward into the Catacombs first. Before they move on, Yiwen heals them all to full, and then they part ways.

Samantha takes a Parasite Remover and the KL Lowering Potion, using the one she had to remove her KP and bring her back to the start of the 2nd level!

Yiwen takes the Ultimate Booster.


Samantha Grace: Human Hybrid Rogue. HP: 5,000/5,000. Stamina: 5,000/5,000. KP: 0/175,000 (KL 2). Damage: 6,000 (+2,000 Poison and Bleeding for 3 turns additional, 25% chance of stun). Interactions: +400 Pleasure vs. Tentacles or Spiders. 9+ Pregnancy Normal (6+ if Tentacles or Spider involved). Has 1 KL Lowering Potion (Max 1), 3 HP Potions (Max 10), 3 Parasite Removers (Max 6), 1 Temporary KP Stopper (Max 2), 1 Ultimate Booster (Max 1), 1 Accuracy Booster (Max 1), 1 Evasion Booster (Max 1) and 1 Attack Booster (Max 2).

Yiwen Ding: Human Holy Warrior: HP: 6,500/6,500. Stamina: 6,500/6,500. KP: 6,500/175,000 (KL 2). Damage: 5,500 (Can't miss). Interactions: +200 Pleasure vs. Pussy Rides. 9+ Pregnancy Normal (6+ if Pussy Ridden). Has 1 KL Lowering Potion (Max 1), 1 Temporary KP Stopper (Max 2), 1 Evasion Booster (Max 1), 3 HP Potions (Max 10), 1 Attack Booster (Max 2), 1 Temporary KP Stopper (1) and 3 Parasite Removers (Max 6).
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