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Sandra (Kln)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Amy was obviously teasing her sister now that she was sure that she was okay and all. "Just, be careful alright. And hopefully we'll see each other soon. I wouldn't mind meeting your girlfriend, hmhm," Amy said with a giggle. "One of them had the most beautiful platinum blonde hair I've ever seen, big full tits, lips that would suck your dick off just about. While the other had beautiful silky black hair and even bigger tits. I could only assume that they took you for the best ride of your life and you were still recovering. Or at least that was what I was hoping for the most anyway," she went on to say.

"Just be keep in touch okay. I'm sure mom and dad would love to meet that Petra too, hmhm. And we love you too sis," Amy said, sounding much happier now that she was certain her sister was okay.

After Sandra had hung up the phone, Petra and Gina looked over at her upon being asked about Marianna. "Lady Marianna is the goddess of love, beauty, art, and other things. She wouldn't have brought you here without a very good reason surely. I mean, maybe she brought you to us to answer our prayers for a matriarch so that our tribe doesn't die out. Because we have been praying for a matriarch after all," Petra said, looking at Sandra, caressing her cheek lovingly.

Gina did the same to the opposite side and smiled, kissing her on the lips in the same loving manner. "So matriarch, why don't you tell us about your sister while we eat," Gina said, seeming curious about Amy.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Recomforted from being able to contact her family, and being in a wonderful place and position for the fun-looking girl she was, Sandra ate her breakfast, with much more motivation than yesterday. She would ask Petra and Gina what that "Lady Marianna" looked like, just to confirm that it was that "goddess" she met at the party or someone else. After this, she would tell her two companions about her sister.
"Amy is a wonderful sister. She's a woman, but never once did she considered me different because of my gender. She has darker hair than me, and her eyes are green instead of dark brown/reddish like mine. She's a little more round, but she's got one pair of breasts that would put most women to shame. She's a rather mischievous person, always taunting people or making jokes, but inside she has a heart of gold. My life and my relations with my parents would have been very different, had she not been here. It's a good thing I could contact her; it put my mind at ease."

While eating, Sandra showed Petra and Gina her communication device. She was pretty sure it was the first time they saw something this advanced. She suddenly realized that the battery could be running short, but whatever Marianna did, it also charged her battery full, and seemingly unusable; which is a good thing as she would not find electrical outlets outdoors.

The breakfast finished, Sandra streched her back. Now what? Populating back her new tribe? She was no leader, but the choice had been taken out of her hands.
"Is the village far away? Maybe we should get going..." the volunteer-appointed matriarch proposed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Well, Marianna can take many forms really. But her most commonly known one is a tall gorgeous woman, with large breasts a couple of sizes larger than ours, silvery looking hair, long beautiful legs, gray eyes, and curves in all the perfect places that are very pleasing to anyone that looks at her. The aura she gives off is supposedly one that attracts any matriarchs to her, and arouses them to the point that they must have her," Petra said, giving a description that Sandra faintly remembered from somewhere, though she wasn't entirely certain if it was at the party or not.

Petra and Gina sat and listened to Sandra talk about her sister, seeming intrigued about her almost as much as they were with Sandra. "Is she a matriarch like yourself?" Gina asked curiously after Sandra finished talking and went back to eating.

Looking at the battery strength, she saw that the thing was at full and wasn't dropping at all. "It's about another day's travel give or take. I hope that this isn't that big of an inconvenience for you Sandra. And... we're sorry if it you're not happy about being here and if you'd rather be back home with your family," Petra said to Sandra, obviously happy that Sandra was there with them now, but looking sorry that she had been taken from her family. "Maybe we can... you know, find a means of travel between your home and ours," she added with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"For now though, we should get moving once we've got everything packed up," Gina said, looking around at the two before getting up to get started on packing their things.

After the trio got everything packed up, Gina led the way, using her spear as a walking stick after she hefted her backpack up. Petra took the rear, letting Sandra stay in the middle so she didn't fall behind or anything. They made good time that day, stopping for a light lunch before starting up again. It was relatively peaceful too, the only thing that they saw that was interesting being a couple of large deer moving along one of the animal trails.

As they made their way along and it was a couple of hours before sundown, Sandra saw what appeared to be a large very pretty looking flower not far from the path. Gina had called for a little break to rest their feet, so Sandra could check it out if she liked. There was also a small cave within sight of the path too that she could explore, as Petra and Gina were looking at a map as if deciding the quickest or safest path back to their village.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra's feet were tired from the walk, and the trio's rest was welcome. She took a look around her, on that strange, yet familiar land. She saw the cave, but what focused her attention was the big flower by the path. She was pretty sure it was the first time she saw such a flower, and a pretty one at that.
The herm left Gina and Petra to their map scrutation, and approached the flower to take a closer look.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Trap: 32 + 50 = 82
Sandra: 25 + 45 = 70

Sandra has been afflicted by a Hypnosis Spell and gains one instance of Charmed for 2 turns.

I think I did this right at least, for an intellect roll I mean. Also I'll make a character sheet for this creature and put it up in the next post.

Moving closer to the flower, which was actually on the way to the cave entrance, she saw it was blooming beautifully. It was a gorgeous deep dark red color like a rose, yet large... very large. As she neared the thing, Sandra saw the center of it had a small yellowish bloom wrapped in the petals. She felt compelled to lean in and smell the thing, unable to help herself.

As she did this, the yellowish part of the flower began to glow very faintly and practically mesmerized Sandra. Her sight began to blur a little and she heard a voice whispering in her mind. "Come to the cave dear, and I shall make your day much more pleasurable," the voice whispered in her mind, sounding very sultry and mature. Looking towards the cave entrance, Sandra saw a pair of yellow eyes glowing and staring directly into her own. She could almost feel them drawing her towards the cave entrance, while Petra and Gina both continued talking to one another as they looked at the map.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

((Yup, you did good. I wonder what kind of creature you thought up :-3))

Sandra got a whiff of the flower. Instantly, her head felt dizzy. "Wha... Who?" she whispered, as she heard the voice. Looking up, the herm's eyes lost themselves in the gaze of these deep, yellow eyes. They were deep, so deep, like tiny vortexes attracting her mind. Her body began to follow.

Something... Wrong... I must... Gina... Sandra said softly. She wanted to raise her voice, but something blocked her mind. She tried to struggle internally, trying to snap out of her transe.

((I'll try an INT check to get out of my charmed state))
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

If I remember rightly, you take a -15 to your attempt to resist right? Also monster at bottom of spoilers, which I think I did properly at least.

Sandra: 55 + 45 - 15 = 85
Trap: 43 + 50 = 93

Sandra failed to break free of the hypnotizing.

Trap: 52 + 50 = 102
Sandra: 44 + 45 - 15 = 74

Sandra has been more hypnotized for another 2 turns, giving her a second instance of it


PHY: 45 | INT: 65 | SEX: 40

RP: 5/5 | SP: 6/6 | LP: 4/4

Special Attacks

Hypnosis: Caster and target both roll 5d20 and add their Intelligence. If the caster wins, the target is charmed for 2 turns

Grab: Each successful grab adds one stack of restriction on the target

Lusty snake women that have both sets of genitals, though their cock also serves as an ovipositor to implant their eggs. They can hold up to several dozen eggs at a time, varying in size but usually around that of a chicken egg. Lamia love grabbing girls and herms more so than anything, to lay their eggs in, and if its a herm they can both lay their eggs as well as make more after milking their cocks.

Note: I only made the trap part with 50 INT since it was the start Hypnotize and the Lamia isn't out there herself, so she takes a -15 penalty to perform the Hypnotize spell until Sandra is up close to her.

As Sandra stared over at the eyes, she heard the voice whispering more into her ear even as she tried to resist the temptation of walking over to the cave. "No no dearie, you want to come over here and let me make you feel good. You don't want to resist, you just want to come over here and let me wrap my arms around you," the voice whispered in her ear again, a bit of a hiss in it as it spoke.

The girls didn't seem to hear Sandra as she softly called for help, with Gina's voice behind her getting a little louder for a moment. "Petra, I say we head follow the river, because it's safer and heads straight for the village. Even if it might take a little longer. And we must make sure that Sandra stays safe," Gina said, although the two were in fact not keeping a very close eye on her and had obviously assumed that she was still just behind them and merely keeping quiet while they debated which path to take.

The yellow eyes kept Sandra's fixed on them, the hypnotizing spell taking a stronger hold on Sandra before she could resist it and drawing her closer to the cave. She was only about thirty feet from the entrance now, and the body those eyes belonged to was slowly coming into view. It looked like a large snake woman, whose tail stretched out several feet behind her. She had a couple of dark green loincloths covering both her large breasts, which easily dwarfed Gina's and Petra's, and another around her crotch area.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

((OOC: Actually, Sandra needed to roll less than her INT stat to get out of the charm. She rolled 55, to which you added 15, which makes 70, which marks a failure. The malus does not apply to a defense roll against another mental attack, for balance purposes. But otherwise the rolls are okay :) ))
((OOC2: Aaah, the dangers of exploring alone :p))

No sound came out of Sandra's voice as she walked towards the cave entrance. Her vision was blurred, except for the two yellow orbs staring straight at her. She felt her mind blank at a moment, as her next bit of consciousness found her standing next to a big snake woman. Sandra could not even try to think what the heck was that creature. She could only think about wanting to hug that big reptilian creature, and those enormous, bouncy-looking jugs from which her face was only a few feet from.

In a corner of her mind, a part of Sandra's psyche knew this was wrong. She made another try to call out for help, despite the headache as she tried to do so.
"Uh... Ah..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra's Resist: 29 + 30 = 59, failed

Trap/Lamia: 59 + 50 = 109
Sandra: 57 + 45 - 30 = 72

Sandra has been Hypnotized completely and can't resist the lamia's advances any longer. At least I think I did that roll right. If not let me know.

"No no, no more trying to talk to them honey. Just come over here and let mama Kyra make you feel all good," the voice whispered in her head once more, enticing her further.

Sandra's voice barely escaped her lips, and with the sounds of wildlife around them there was no way that Gina and Petra could hear her. The snake woman held her arms out in front of her and Sandra found herself welcomed in as the snake woman, Kyra, wrapped her arms around Sandra and scooped her up. Sandra's lips were smooched by the snake woman who then carried her into the cave, slithering along and smiling as she carried Sandra like a princess, leaving Sandra's backpack sitting at the entrance.

One of the snake woman's hands was gently tickling Sandra's belly as she carried her, and after a short while Sandra saw a secret rock door open up. She was carried inside and laid down on a bed, where the snake woman smiled gently at her and kissed her on the lips again, her hands gently sliding up and down Sandra's sides before pulling her loincloths off to reveal her cock and balls. The snake woman gasped and licked her lips, where she leaned down and immediately ran her long forked tongue up Sandra's shaft.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

It was like being a stranger inside your own body, except you could feel everything that happened. Sandra looked at the snake-woman carry her in her lair and lie her down on a couch.
"What is she going to do with me?..." she thought, while her face maintained a dazed expression. She felt the Lamia pull off her robes. Not so long after, she felt something tickle her length.
"U... Hn!" her lips escaped as the forked tongue explored her shaft. She felt herself grow quickly due to the involuntary pleasure.
"Aah..." she exhaled, as the tongue traced circles around the head of her cock; she felt every flick of the appendage on her rod, despite feeling at the same time like a watcher.
Gina... Petra... Someone... her mind screamed silently.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Kyra seemed delighted at Sandra's reactions to her tongue tickles, and as Sandra's length reached full mast the snake woman looked at it with a wide grin, looking impressed. "Mmm, such a young virile cock for me to play with. I'm so so lucky you looked at my trap flower, hmhm," Kyra giggled as she stared at Sandra's shaft.

Before Sandra knew it, she felt those large easily G-cup tits wrapping around her shaft, the silky smooth skin of the human half of the snake woman feeling oh so good. Sandra couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure as those tits gently squeezed her between them, with the long forked tongue flicking out of Kyra's mouth and tickling the very tip of her cock and gently probing just inside of her urethral slit. "Delicious, simply delicious," Kyra murmured as she pulled her tongue out as Sandra's pre began flowing.

With that, she felt Kyra's tits squeezing her a little tighter as the snake woman pushed them together with her hands, where she began lifting them up and down. She used only her breasts and tongue though, the latter tickling the underside of the head of Sandra's cock as the large soft breasts did all the rest. Sandra could move, but her mind didn't really want her to move much, so the only thing she could really do was raise up and watch her cock disappearing and reappearing between those huge tits.

Soon, Sandra felt her balls beginning to churn as an orgasm built within, but just a she reached her peak, Kyra's tongue wrapped tightly around her length just under the head of it, while her hand grasped the base of her shaft and prevented her from releasing just yet. "Nope, not yet. Don't want to waste any of that. And just to make sure that doesn't happen, we'll need one of these," Kyra cooed, reaching over beside her bed/nest, where she pulled a small ring down over her cock, going all the way to the base. "There we go, now you won't pop until I want you to, hmhm," she added.

With that, Sandra felt Kyra moving up on top of her, gently pushing her back down on the bed, where Sandra felt a tight orifice that could only be Kyra's pussy pressing down against her tip. Sandra's cock was suddenly assault from all sides by immense pleasure as Kyra began rocking her hips and moaning softly in Sandra's ear as she went, her lips pressing against Sandra's and her tongue easily wrestling Sandra's down. "Come on dear, you can be on top too if you want," Kyra cooed after breaking their kiss, the compulsion loosening a bit to allow Sandra some freedom here to be on top if Sandra wanted to be, if not though then Kyra would pick up the pace and drive the pleasure into Sandra as her body remained on the edge, still unable to find sweet release yet.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra emitted gasps and moans as her cock was expertly massaged by the Lamia's generous breasts. The name "pillow" would never be more proper than in these circumstances, as the young herm felt her rock-hard shaft being smothered by the plump bosom. The thin serpentine tongue tickling her urethra each time her dick went up added to the pleasure.
She felt herself wet the bed below with her vaginal juices, and within a few minutes, she felt a now familiar sensation reach her hypnotized brain.
"Go... Gonna... Ahh..."

But the release did not come. The Lamia abruptly squeezed her base with her tongue, leaving Sandra's cum trapped inside her testes. "Aaah! Aaaah!" Sandra voice screamed, but internally she screamed Let me cum! Let me cum pleaaase! The tongue was quickly replaced by the tight cock ring. Saliva drooled from the dark-skinned herm as the blood-trapped inside her dick made it throb.

Very soon, the crushing sensation of Kyra's pussy applied another pressure on her blood-engorged organ. The sensation on her cock and balls was almost unbereable. At this moment, Sandra was given back some control to her body. Her arms tried to push the Lamia off, but instead they weakly fell on the Snake-woman's torso. Even if she wanted, she did not have the strengh to roll on top.
"P... Please, I beg of you, let me cuaaaaaah!". Her plea was interrupted as the Lamia rode her cock even faster. Her next words sounded like a littany of disordered syllables "Nwooaaa... Aaaooofuuuuuck!" she gasped, as the complaint of her balls yearning for release overtook her brain, keeping her on the brink of orgasm.
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

Kyra rocked her hips hard and fast, driving Sandra near insane with pleasure as that extremely tight pussy was milking her cock for all its worth. Despite Sandra's pleas, Kyra kept going and didn't remove the cock ring, her tongue flicking across one of Sandra's nipples while one of her index fingers teased the other. Sandra's moans seemed to only delight Kyra and egg her on even harder and faster, and tighter too.

Finally, after nearly five full minutes, Kyra flicked a finger up the underside of Sandra's shaft and she felt the ring loosen around her as she bottomed out on top of Sandra. The pure ecstasy of release was so much that Sandra saw stars and her moan was drowned out by another kiss. "Mmm, keep it, hmhm, cumming sweet one. Just let mama Kyra have all of that baby batter and I'll let you keep a few of the eggs," Kyra cooed as Sandra came inside of her.

As Sandra lay there after her incredible climax, she felt Kyra lifting off of her, taking the now looser cock ring and setting it aside. After a few moments, Kyra lifted Sandra's weary legs up and a small pouch looking place on Kyra opened up to reveal a large foot long partially human like cock and a pair of pretty large and hefty balls that were each at least the size of a small cantaloupe give or take. "Now comes the next part. I'm going to fill your sweet tight little pussy here up with my eggs, and then I'm going to fertilize them, and my offspring will carry on," Kyra cooed softly, kissing her on the neck and leaving a couple of hickeys.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

The five minutes felt like hours, as Sandra's body itched for release. When it happened, when Sandra felt the cock-ring being removed, it felt like her entire body's energy flowed out by her cock into an intense explosion which left her mouth gaping, and her eyes roll up. "Oh Gaaaaaaaaaawd!" she howled, as she could feel her balls litteraly emptying themselves inside the hungry reptilian snatch.

Sandra panted heavily, hoping this was all the Lamia expected from her. The effect of the hypnosis slowly weared off, just in time to let her catch on Kyra's choice of words. "Uh. What... Eggs?"
She looked down when she felt the snake lifting her legs with her big hands, and her eyes bulged when she saw the enormous organ and the just as enormous balls leaving their pouches and press against her juice-soaked pussy.
"Wait. I've never... It will never fit." moaned Sandra in the lamia's ears, emitting a little "Nnh." each time she felt the snake-woman leave a mark on her neck. She vainly tried to wiggle away from the thick ovipositor presenting itself against her tight vigin pussy, but all she could do was to frot the odd member against her lower lips and the bottom of her tired scrotum.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

"Mhm, eggs honey. You'll bear my eggs for me so that my cute little ones will be born into the world. I've not had a matriarch in quite some time after all, so I have to make the most of it. Plus these babies have been cooped up in my balls here for so long and they want a mama that'll take good care of them. So please take care of them for me, unless you want to stay that is until they come out," Kyra cooed in her ear. "Oh don't be silly. A girl's pussy was meant to take big fat cocks and have babies and eggs put into them," Kyra went on to say, kissing Sandra on the nose before rearing back and preparing to thrust forward.

Sandra felt the ovipositor cock pressing itself against her virgin slit again as Kyra began pushing forward, her slit splitting open little by little in the wake of the huge cock. Just as it bumped against her hymen, she heard Gina calling out frantically for her from behind the hidden door. "Sandra! Matriarch... where are you?" Gina called out for her, sounding incredibly worried for her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

A loud moan escaped Sandra's lips, as she felt the ovipositor part her lower lips. Her body streched to accomodate the newcomer, and she could feel the thick organ frot against her inner walls at the same time it slowly buried in. The already lubricated passage proved no match against the Lamia's push, despite its tightness, and it actually brought enough pleasure to Sandra to bring her cock in an erect state once more; her legs crossed around Kyra's serpentine torso. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuuck... It's so big..." she moaned.
Just as the Lamia's progress was shortly halted by her soon-to-be bypassed hymen, Sandra heard a voice half-muffled by the secret passage's wall. She recognized it as Gina. Panting heavily, the herm tried to take a breath in and call out to her friend. If she managed to do it, she would shout. "Gina I'm... I'm here! H... Help!"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

As Sandra cried out to Gina, Kyra quickly put a hand over Sandra's mouth, her initial thrust stopping as she leaned down over Sandra and pressed her large breasts down over Sandra's face to muffle her. "SANDRA! HANG ON WE'RE COMING!" Gina shouted back before Sandra heard a thump on the hidden door that was obviously Gina slamming her shoulder into it.

"No no no, I need to lay these eggs dammit... please, they ache so badly," Kyra whispered softly to Sandra, a pleading look in her eyes.

Soon the door burst open, where Gina and Petra both raised their spears at Kyra. Kyra quickly slithered around behind Sandra and pulled her up between herself and the others. "Let her go this instant!" Gina growled angrily, with Sandra's backpack slung over her shoulder.

Kyra was obviously scared, as it was technically three against one here. One of Kyra's hands was gently holding Sandra's waist while the other had cupped one of her breasts and was gently squeezing it. Gina and Petra were both stepping forward slowly, and Petra had closed the door behind them so that Kyra wouldn't be able to escape easily. "Release her right now friend and we'll leave you be," Petra said softly and more calmly.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sandra (Kln)

((It's in those times that I almost wish for my character to fail their rolls :p))

Sandra shivered while watching her two bodyguards rushing in the room, as she was about to serve as mommy for that labia's eggs.
"P... Please. I'm sure you'll find someone else." tried to plead Sandra, a little embarassed. She realized that Gina and Petra had a full view of her snatch spread around the serpentine intruder, and it aroused her enough to flush her cheeks red.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

(Heh, indeed. :p)

"N-No I won't. Because I'm not that lucky," Kyra said, her tongue licking up Sandra's cheek before she looked back to the two Amazonian guards.

"We can't let you have our matriarch. Please return her to us," Petra said softly, trying to diffuse the situation with words rather than force. "If you would be willing to come with us back to our village, then I'm sure we can find someone willing to bear your eggs for you. Would that be acceptable?" she then said.

Kyra seemed to regard her for a long moment before finally she nodded, looking down as she set Sandra down and pulled her ovipositor out of her, leaving Sandra's hymen thankfully intact. "Thank you, now come on and we can move onward. We'll forget about this if you'll help us get Sandra safely to our village," Petra told Kyra after she let Sandra down, with Gina quickly taking Sandra's hand and pulling her into a protective hug.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Sandra (Kln)

Sandra almost felt sorry for the Lamia, before remembering that she was seconds away from being filled with a thick monster cock, and then eggs.
"I... Guess some people like being filled with eggs." she pondered, wondering how it must feel. "If you ask for the person's consent before doing it, I have no complaint about you accompanying us to the village." she added.

Sandra asked Gina to put her down, after thanking her, and Petra. Her legs felt woobly from the thourough milking she went through, but she recovered quickly.
"Are we far from the village yet?"