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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"Hmmm..." Alira felt a drain but it was barely there. It was the drain of maybe jogging 10 feet. "That ruby there gives off a slight aura. If you press it up against me, I could probably get a better reading." Assuming Alira does this, he responds. "It was enchanted to give off light when you say the command word Ignus. " At the word, the gem began to glow, its core holding a steady light. She had to admit, it made the gem go from pretty to breathtaking. The illumination was as strong as the lantern, maybe even a little brighter. It also grew warm in her hands, though not hot. "That's it, though." Then, during her gathering, she heard the clanking getting louder. Louder than before. She heard the crunch as something heavy stepped on bones.
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira felt a cold shiver run up her back as the ominous clanking of the armored guardian echoed louder and louder through the passage behind her. The dry snapping of old bones told the thief that the guardian had reached the bottom of the steps, and she had only moments to act. She glanced down at the glowing ruby in her hand, it's reddish light reflecting weakly off the old, dull gold trinkets and casting shifting shadows all around the treasure room. Just when I need some cover, I'm holding a glowing "I'm here!" sign... wait a minute..

There was no time for second guessing. Trusting her instincts Alira rolled the glowing ruby into the far corner of the treasure room, where it gently clinked to a halt against a small pile of tarnished coins. In the same motion, she threw herself back toward the exit. Instead of heading for the door however, she pressed herself against the side wall, concealing herself as best she could amongst the old trinkets. As the steps outside grew louder, Alira stilled her breath, waiting to spring her trap.

Going for a sneak attack (perhaps a penalty to the guard's perception roll because of the gem?) with the following modifiers: Strike the Weak Spot, Shadow Striker, and Guileful Strike: Blinded and Stunned.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

The suit of armor stopped at the entrance to the room. It looked left and right before entering. It stooped to note the damage to the skeletons and zombies, picking up a bone that Alira had sliced through and turning it in its hand before dropping it. It looked around again but Alira had positioned herself well and the light actually helped her, making the shadows more pronounced and easy to hide in. It moved towards the gem and when its was to Alira, she stepped lightly forward and plunged her dagger into one of the gaps in the armor. She struck something, something fleshy. And by the blood dripping, it was alive. It instantly stumbled and hit the ground, yelling something in another language. "Wow, what a mouth he has on him."

Stealth 15 + 31 vs 9 + 23 ALIRA SUCCESS
Resistance 2 + 25 vs 40 FAILURE (BLINDED)
Resistance 9 + 25 vs 40 FAILURE (STUNNED)
Damage 4 + 5 + 20 + 8 = 37 (Ignores AV)
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira hesitated as her wounded target fell to the ground with a yell. She'd expected another undead monster, or some kind of arcane guardian, but the yelling didn't suit her image of either of those things.

"Wow, what a mouth he has on him."

Alira blinked at Astok's comment. "So you can understand him? And you know its a he?"

Alira considered her options. The figure on the ground was clearly hurt, and she knew it would have trouble seeing for at least a few minutes. She was confident could finish it off with another strike or two. But I'm walking blind in here. I could use some information.

Making up her mind, she placed the point of her dagger against a gap in the figure's armor. "Don't move. I'd hate for you to get another little prick. If you don't want to bleed more, stay very still. Astok, translate if necessary. Since you like to talk so much, you'll be telling about what's going on in here. How much you tell me will determine how much more stabbing will take place. Nod if you understand. "

Alira was careful to stay behind the figure, which though wounded, still looked formidable. If it refused to comply with her demands, she was ready to spring back and hide in the shadows once more, reading another sneak attack.

Not initiating a grapple yet, but readying a Sneak action if the armored guy makes a threatening move.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

The man shouted in the foreign tongue once more. He sounded pissed. He did not, however, move a muscle. Even if they didn't speak the same language, violence transcended such barriers. "Hmm... his anger boils over. But I'm guessing you could guess that. I'll tell him what you said.." Astok spoke in the same tongue, which made the man start, almost causing Alira's blade to cut him. Then the man nodded slowly, allowing Alira to move her blade to match his movement. "He's asking to be allowed to remove his helmet and get the blood out of his eyes. Apparently it's burning him. He said he'll talk if you allow him that small gesture."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira considered for a moment. "Fine. Tell him that I'll allow it. But he'll do it slowly. Very slowly. And then talking needs to start."

As Astok relayed the commands, she dug the point of her dagger a little deeper, reinforcing her threat.

"Ask him who he is, and what he's doing here. Ask him what's behind the undead. Remind him that as far as I know right now, he's in league with some evil bastard that's trying to wipe out a town. So it had better be a good and convincing story."

Alira kept a close eye on the man as Astok began to speak.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

He does so, very slowly. As soon as he removed his helmet, Astok whispered into her mind. The helmet just sent out a pulse of energy. I'm not sure whether he was aware of it or not. I don't think so. Then the man wiped the blood out of his eyes that Alira had managed to fling in. He began to speak "He's here as a... contracted mercenary from some guild. He agreed to the contract but he didn't know the full extent of the necromancer's plans and he still doesn't. The guild uses very special contracts that are magically binding. Apparently there are severe repercussions if either of them attempt to break it." He is under a magic effect, that much is true.

"He is under orders to make sure no one enters the room beyond the hallway, that's why the contract isn't being broken right now. If you intend to, and he knows you do, he's obliged to attempt to stop you."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira swore under her breath when Astok told her of the helmet's enchantment, but listened to the rest of his translation carefully. When he was finished, she thought a moment, before replying. "If he wasn't aware of the signal, then he can't know where it was headed or what it did. Let's assume the worst, and that reinforcements are already headed this way. Well, that'll teach me to be nice to my prisoners. Next time, its interrogation first, then favors!"

The elf looked down at the mercenary. " Well, it seems we're at a crossroads. I can't have you following me, and you can't really stop yourself. I don't like the idea of killing you in cold blood, so... this is for your own good, really. "

Waiting until the man was distracted listening to Astok's translation, Alira deftly flipped her dagger around, and struck him on the side of the head with the pommel, aiming to disable rather than kill. She quickly knelt by the fallen man's side, and ran her hands over his body, her deft practiced fingers searching for any stashed valuables or keys. How much time? How much time do I have? Likely not a lot...

Stooping to pick up the gem and her lamp, and extinguishing the former, Alira headed back to the stairwell, leaving the insensate mercenary behind. Once outside of the treasure room, she crept down the tunnel she had initially ignored, hugging one of the walls.

"You did good back there," she whispered to Astok as she made her way along, "translating and detecting that signal. You keep this up, and I just might start to consider despising your presence less. Maybe get you something nice, like a tin of armor polish."

Mechanically, whatever way you think is best to handle the knocked out guy, I'm fine with. Your suggestion of weakened and almost dead is good.

I've been using quotes to handle communication between Alira and Astok. If they've got a telepathic link going, which makes sense, let's use something in addition to italics to keep a distinction between Alira's private thoughts and those that she addresses to Astok. Maybe bolding the telepathic messages?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Your praise means so much to me. Alira found a contract on the man... which reappeared on him as soon as she tried to take it. She also found a bag with 3 red marbles in it. Those have fire magic radiating from them. They probably explode or something equally primitive. Finally, she found the man's mace if she wanted it, though it didn't seem to have any particular value. As she left the room to go to the hallway, she heard the bones rattle again. A quick look back showed the skeletons were converging on the treasure room. Fortunately none of them seemed to notice her.

I'd be careful here. The necromantic energy is beginning to overwhelm my hold on your soul in my weakened state. I would suggest getting too close to whatever is causing this. The item in questions was probably the orb of negative light that rested on a pedestal. It was visible because it was darker than the rest of the area that wasn't lit, if that made much sense. A robed figure was standing next to it and crooning. It was all random words, it didn't make any sense.

Stealth 12 + 31 vs 4 + 15 STEALTH SUCCESS
Stealth 9 + 31 vs ??? Success?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira stared at the robed figure, it's outline uncertain in the faint light. Perfect, another crazy magic man. You guys should start a club, can't seem to go into a tomb or ruin without running into one of these.

Despite her attempts to keep the darkness of the situation at bay, she could feel that Astok was not exaggerating the threat. An uncomfortable and unnatural tug grew within her as she entered the room, centered on the round black void on the pedestal. She was well hidden by the deep shadows of the room, but neither could she make any headway toward the robed man. Good thing I brought a crossbow... but what do I target, the robe or the orb? She hesitated, weighing the two options. Wait a minute.. why not both?

Her hand reached to her belt, pulling out one of the fire marbles she took off the mercenary. She hefted it once, twice, getting a sense of the weight of the thing. Then, swallowing down her nerves, she threw the stone at the figure, aiming to catch the orb in the explosion as well. As soon as the stone left her hand, she changed position, slipping around the room to the right, staying close to the wall and out of the orb's field.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

You know, maybe you should- Whatever Astok was going to say was lost in the giant kaboom that sounded even louder thanks to small chamber and the lack of light made it seem even brighter. There was a sucking sound, as if air was being drawn in through something. It was too bad Alira was half-deafened and blinded or she might have seen what it was. Whatever it was, she felt herself leave her body for a moment, sucked towards whatever void the orb had left. She saw Astok, chained to her body. He glared at her YOU! ARE! MINE! He grabbed her and held on to her as she saw dozens of other spirits being drawn in. Then it suddenly stopped and they all dropped to the ground. Astok was drawn back into the bracer... taking Alira with him.

She was in darkness that you could see through. There was no light but no need for light either. She could see she was in a throne room. Well, where a throne room was, where it will be, it was hard to tell. She had entered a strange dimension where time wasn't quite the same. Beginning to sit on/has always sat on/will sit on the throne was Astok in his humanoid form. She saw seven dark flames, humanoid shaped, marching towards him. One of them, she saw, was Ahael. She didn't know how she knew that because Ahael looked nothing like what Alira had seen. He was impossibly handsome, with smooth red skin like velvet and striking eyes that could see into one's soul. Yet she could also see his ugly imp body, and then something unknown, like chaotic lust, uncontained by any mortal ideas."Lord, we have poor news. They've broken through the first barrier." Astok was about to/already had/was always going to respond when Alira found herself waking up in her own body.

Daylight had awoken her. Wait, what? Looking around, Alira found the tomb, and the surrounding graveyard, had been leveled. A crater had formed with her near the center, propped up against some stone.

Alira gains 2 XP

Firebomb (4 + 6 +10 + 12 + 10) * 2 = 84
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira's eyes fluttered open, and she lay very still for a moment, her mind hazy and sluggish. The memory of the terrible sucking void, pulling at her soul came back to her, and she shuddered in revulsion and tried to sit up. Immediately her body protested, sharp pain searing through her side. Gingerly, she reached a hand up to examine the area. Thankfully, the ribs seemed intact, though the bruise was likely to be with her for a long while. Wincing, Alira rose to her feet, other aches and pains chiming in as she did so. Blinking, she looked around at the destruction around her.

"Astok? Remind..oh, that stings... remind me not to blow up ancient necromantic artifacts. They...just don't make evil soul sucking orbs like they used to. One little fire bomb..." Alira tried to chuckle, but the pain from her side turned it into a groan.

The black whirlpool of spirit energy flashed in front of her eyes again, then the rest came back in a rush. Then Astok... he saved me and I saw... the throne room, Ahael.. the first barrier... Guess he wasn't making up the "Lord" part....

Alira glanced down at the dark bracer glinting on her arm. "Astok? I'm going to have a look around, see if anyone, or anything else survived this... whatever this was," Alira began to carefully pick her way around the rubble, heading for the center of the crater. "While I look, why don't you talk. Start with explaining what just happened. And then continue right on to your relationship with Ahael."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Astok was quiet for several minutes while Alira looked around. "You, recklessly, destroyed the orb that was collecting loose souls and using them to power the undead. The combination of magic mixed together and briefly caused an augmented effect. You were almost sucked in and I didn't allow it. To do this, our souls had to touch. Normally, we are separated by your body and the bracer but when I did that, the lesser soul was temporarily drawn into the stronger.."

He paused, then continued "I met Ahael years ago, when I summoned him while looking for a competent servant. He proved to be one and as time went on, I grew in power and he with me. Eventually he, with six others, would serve me personally without the need for contracts in exchange for a greater connection to me. When I fell in power, he, and the others I assume, did so as well.."

There wasn't much left of the graveyard. However, she did find the suit of armor. It was empty and there was nothing left around it. The only other things that had survived were any items Alira had currently on her.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"Well, it may not have gone as I imagined it, but all the undead are gone, the necromancer is done for, and I'm alive. I'll chalk this up as a win. Still though, point taken. I knew I should have just put a bolt between his shoulder blades...," Alira kicked the suit of armor despondently, producing a hollow ringing sound. She hesitated before continuing on, "And, thanks, I guess, for keeping me from flying off to... wherever that portal was headed. I know you didn't do it for me, and I'll gloss over the whole "You are mine!" line, but... the end result is what counts. So, thanks"

Alira turned away from the armor and started to climb out of the crater. "Maybe I'll get you two tins of polish. You'll sparkle."

As she moved up, Alira considered the rest of Astok's words. "That little glimpse I got of your fancy throne room - that was the beginning of the end for you, wasn't it?" the elf recalled the fluid sense of time in the vision, and hesitated before moving on. "And what's your plan now? Recover your power, rebuild the old empire, gather the legions, and... what? Wait for them to break through the barriers again? You know they will, right? In fact, that probably was exactly what the crazy bastard I just blew up was doing, and look how that worked out."

As she waited for Astok's response, Alira reached the top of the crater and looked up at the sky, trying to get her bearings. After consulting the map she was given, she headed back toward the town.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Astok took a long time to respond. Something itched in the back of her mind and she knew, somehow, that there was something else involved. Had she seen seven flames or six? Astok's voice went back its usual arrogance. "Hmph, you know nothing. The powers that defeated me last time were simply stronger than I thought they would be. That was h- my mistake. I won't take any chances this time. Besides, the aliens have either destroyed them or are currently occupying them. I should almost thank the invaders. Though I won't.." There was something wrong about that statement, something that was out of place.

The walk back was boring except when they got within a mile of the town. Then she began to see bodies. A lot of bodies. Zombies, skeletons, zombie dogs, giant zombies made of smaller zombies, etc. "Looks like that was why security was so light. He must have emptied the tomb in a final strike." At the entrance to the town was about 2 dozen villagers, all armored, all dead. Not a single undead made it past them. She saw, in the front of the defenders, Cal. He was face down in a puddle of blood. Then she saw something: the blood was still dripping. "Oh? He's still alive. He's quite tenacious. Not much anyone could do at this point. His soul is just about to leave his body. I can't heal him, I was never any good at that. But, gems make an excellent container.." In Astok's voice she heard an offer.

Here's the reason if you can't guess it
How would Astok know about the invaders and what has been going on? He's been in a tomb for who knows how long.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira listened to Astok's response without comment. Something was off about it, his choice of words, or... She shook her head, trying to clear the remains of the cobwebs. Damn it, I can't think straight The vision she saw of Astok's throne room floated through her memory once more, the colors faded and indistinct, and one of the seven flames was... fading? Or was it still there? I just need to get back to town, get paid, and be on my way... I can figure out Astok later...

In silence, Alira continued across the grasslands, but Astok's words kept roiling in the back of her mind. The was something wrong, it was on the tip of her tongue... Soon, the walls of the town were already in sight.

The smell of decay hit her before she reached the site of the battle itself. Looking at the numerous undead, Alira wrinkled her nose in disgust and pity.
"Looks like that was why security was so light. He must have emptied the tomb in a final strike." She nodded, but offered no reply, continuing on to the town.

The gates of the town offered another grisly scene, the bodies of the desperate defenders strewn around the barricades and defenses. Yeah, this definitely looks like a win... Fast, but not fast enough...

Taking another step, Alira stopped short as she saw Cal's body amongst the fallen. Kneeling, she saw blood pumping weakly from several deep wounds. He was already insensate, and would be gone soon.

"...His soul is just about to leave his body. I can't heal him, I was never any good at that. But, gems make an excellent container."

Alira was silent for a moment, then shook her head. "No. Sticking people in jars never leads to anything good. I know I wouldn't want to bounce around in someone's pocket offering glib advice. This one's earned some rest...let him go to it." She stayed next to the body for a few more moments, until she was sure the man had passed. Then she moved on into the town, even as the survivors, gawking at her lone figure, began to gather up the fallen.

She headed for the fortified building where she had met with Cal and the others, hoping to find someone in charge. Her feet moved mechanically, as her thoughts were drawn back to that vision. And what was it that Astok had said...A mistake.. who's mistake?..Invaders... invaders... the aliens that destroyed my city... my city... wait a minute...

Alira cleared her throat, and spoke in a bright voice. "Astok? Say, Astok? Those invaders you were talking about? They'd be the same invaders that destroyed the capital wouldn't they? You know, just a little while back."

She stopped short in the street, drawing a few more curious glances. "Start talking. How do you know about that? You've been stuck underground for a good long while, and I didn't see any aliens down there with you. They tend to stick out."

Thanks for the hint with this one, I was focusing on the number of flames instead of the invaders comment. I don't have a good grasp of the timeline yet either, so that helped a lot.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Astok was taken aback and stopped talking for a long time. He didn't respond to any questions until quite a while later. As Alira was helping dig the last grave for Cal, he responded. "Ahael, as you know now, wasn't my only servant. Another of them was much weaker than him and yet maintained his form well. I had just enough energy to keep him summoned for quite a while. I suppose I might as well introduce you now that I've been revived a bit. It will take me a minute, take that time to get somewhere a little more private." The bracer began to glow

A few minutes later, a form appeared out of greasy light blue mist. The figure looked much like a human, except for a key few details. For one, their ears were pointed and tipped with a tuff of blue fur. For another, they had horns that resembled a goat's horns. They also had hooves. Tuffs of fur occasionally spotted their body but gave the appearance of a whole creature rather than a balding or irregular one. It was wearing no clothes but it had no gentials, including nipples. It was also prone and asleep. Astok sighed. "This is Kozel."

At the sound of his name, the demon opened his eyes and yawned. "Mmmm! Been a while since I've slept this long. Astok, you finally get-" It rubbed its eyes and looked at Alira, then Astok. "You found a host! Fantastic! Quite a comely one at that!" Astok coughed.

I'm not really sure either. The six/seven flames is important and you could figure it out but you don't really have enough information to do so yet.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"This is Kozel."

Alira regarded the demon in front of her with some bemusement and the touch of exasperation in Astok's voice didn't go unnoticed. "Hard to get good help nowadays, and all that, eh Astok? Servants falling asleep on the job, uppity hosts refusing to cooperate... life's rough... well not life I guess, but existence." Where as Ahael's presence brought up different emotions and earnings that Alira wasn't really sure how to deal with, Kozel's presence and appearance was far less intimidating. Still, Alira recalled the change that Ahael underwent. He's not much now, but do I want to see what he could be? She recalled the wavering vision of the seven..six?...flames and decided to take advantage of the situation while she could.

She leaned down over the horned figure. "As you noticed, I am comely. I am also really good at stabbing things," Alira glanced pointedly at the demon, "But doesn't look like you stand to gain much from that in any event. So, you've been Astok's errand boy up here... what kind of errands did you run?"

Kozel wouldn't happen to be Козел, would he?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Kozel grinned. "Oh, well, this is a surprise. Well, I should introduce myself. My name is Kozel. What would your name be, my lady?" His eyes sparkled with amusement. "I've just been keeping track of the others, what their doing, keeping them from dying. I also watched the world burn. That was unfortunate." He shrugged. "I kept my head down, watched those things come and wipe out pretty much anyone who could oppose them and told As- er, Lord Astok of what I saw." He looked unhappy. "Then Lord ran out of energy for good and I went to sleep." Seeing as how Astok didn't interrupt him once, it didn't seem like either of them had much to hide on that point.

Yes, he is. I wanted a good name, something that could sound demon-y and
"Kozel" was good for it.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Well, it's nice to know that they can die. Alira listened to Kozel's story intently, keeping a neutral look on her face. When he finished, she smiled. "Well, my name is Alira. It sounds like Astok's kept you busy, even from the grave! I've already met Ahael, and now there is you. So who are the other five, Kozel?" Alira watched the demon carefully.