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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs ????
Escape Attempt
9 vs 14

Senira twisted and bucked against the strong arms that were holding her against her will but to no avail. She could feel the arms restrengthening their hold on her as she could feel a warm breath on her neck. “Oh, it's so cute when they squirm like that...”

???? vs Senira
3 vs 15

The figure tried to release one of her arms to begin groping at Senira's body but every time the attempt was made Senira renewed her attempt to throw her off forcing her to reapply her hold. “Stop struggling, darling. I may even permit you to enjoy this.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

She kept it up, kicking and squirming, doing her best to break free. Whatever this thing was, she wasn't about to let it get its way without a fight. Hopefully it would underestimate her... and then she'd be able to hit it with a large amount of fire.

She just hoped she wasn't going to tire easily...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs ????
Escape Attempt
12 vs 10

With another set of bucking, squirming and kicking, Senira was finally about to break free of her enemies strong grip and finally got a good look at her opponent. She was just a little taller then Senira and had shoulder length blonde hair. Her medium sized bust floated proudly above a very large phallus the bobbed above her feminine folds. From her shoulders, a pair of small leather wings were visible but they seemed only partially grown. Almost like she hadn't made the full conversion to Succubus yet.

Futanari Succubus Hopeful vs Senira
2 vs 12

The futanari woman gathered some sort of pink mist around her hands and threw it toward Senira. Senira remembered the lesson she learned from the Living Armor and quickly covered up her nose and mouth rendering the mist ineffective.

“You're only making this hard on yourself...” The Part Demon Girl stated. “And it'll feel so good when you give in!”

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 0/10 Status: Free

FSH FP: 4/4 AP: 0/10 Status: Pondering what Senira will look like when she moans.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Oh, am I supposed to make it easy? You know, nobody ever told me that... but honestly, you'll have to work that much harder. I mean, come on- what kind of a succubus can't keep hold of victim? I guess that's why everything looks so... small."

She gave a cocky smile, and unleashed her fire against the succubus, hoping to at least let her know what she was in for.

"Getting too hot for you, huh?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs FSH
17 vs 17

The almost inhuman growl issued from the succubus and her anger caused her to not notice the incoming fireball until it was practically in her face. She barely had time to snap her arms up in a desperate attempt to protect herself and she hissed in pain issuing forth from her arms.

FSH vs Senira
Grapple Attempt
3 vs 15

“Alright you bitch, I'm going to fuck your ass raw!” The succubus threw herself bodily at Senira in an attempt to pin her but found only empty air. She stumbled a bit but managed to regain her footing as she glared at the mage.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 0/10 Status: Fine

FSH FP: 3/4 AP: 0/10 Status: Angry
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Oh, such a rude way to address one of your betters... I really should give you something to think about, then. I was going to summon up a little water for your burn... but instead... you can just freeze!"

As she said 'freeze', she'd bring up her hands and call forth a blast of ice, intending on cooling the succubus's ardor, among other things.

"Anything to say, yet?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs FSH
20 vs 4 Crit

The blast of frost easily found it's mark and the succubus gave a scream as she found herself shivering uncontrollably. She sank to the ground uncontrollably shuddering from the cold aura hanging about her and she could only glare up at the taunting Senira but she wouldn't be able to muster the strength to attack again for the moment. “D-damn... y-you... you're the... o-only thing b-between me and f-f-full s-succubus hood.”

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 0/10 Status: Fine

FSH FP:2/4 AP: 0/10 Status: Stunned by Frost
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"I guess you're just going to have to wonder what might have been, I guess. Besides, I hear that plenty of what you're after happens where you're going. Of course, you'll be on the recieving end, and the few picture ideas I've seen of hell mean you might want to stretch yourself out, you're going to be in for some big guys down there."

She smirked, and then sent two more ice blasts at her target, hoping to end her threat before it even began.

One ice blast this round, and another for the next. Figured you can do both in one post.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs FSH
5 vs 12 - 2

Senira launched another blast of ice at the wannabe succubus who desperately threw herself to the floor causing the ice blast to sail over her prone form. She shivered at the close call as she stared up at Senira and with a final shudder she finally threw off the frost.

Senira vs FSH
13 vs 12

Which only got her another blast of frost to her back as her prone form made her an easy target for the sorceress. She could sense she couldn't take another such attack and jumped to her feet to make a dash for it.

FSH vs Senira
8 vs 11

But there was still enough chill in her joints and bones that after only a few feet she stumbled and fell to the ground. She briefly tried to scramble but her limbs refused to respond to her commands. Realizing that her number was up, she stared back at Senira with a strange look in her eyes. “Do it... all this means is that you'll be replacing me when they finally turn you.”

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 0/10 Status: Fine

FSH FP 1/4 AP 0/10 Status: Resigned
Last edited:
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"...replacing? You mean..."

She let down her guard for a moment. Did she mean she used to be... like her? Swearing under her breath, she shook her head.

"Just one more thing I'll have to get Miguel and his master for. No wonder people who enter here haven't been returning. He's been corrupting you all into these forms."

She'd have to take a risk, but if it paid off...

"Is there any way I can change you back to being a human, then? I'm here to put an end to him, and I'm getting as many others out that I can. This has been going on for far too long."

Drawing closer, she'd see if the the succubus would accept her help.

"Come on. Between the two of us, his forces won't stand a chance."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Yeah... leaving all the people they break just laying around is wasteful. Best put them to work.” The succubus answer, a little surprised at her continued existence. “That's what Miguel does... he takes care of the toys until they break and he puts tools to work... and he doesn't take care of useless tools. I'm doomed...”

The succubus sat up from her position and paused to glance at her own form. “No... some of the transformations can be reversed... but succubization involves tainting the soul. It's one way. Regardless of whether or not I wanted it at the time... this is who I am now.”

The succubus looked up with uncomprehending eyes at Senira's suggestion. Whatever had been done to her had seemingly left the concept of revolting against the Master of the castle a foreign concept. Then a spark of recognition appeared in her eyes before she suddenly clutched her knees to her chest as she harshly whispered to herself. “No, I'll be good! I'll be good! I promise! Just don't hurt me!”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"...you could come with me, if you wanted. I could always use someone watching my back, if you like... and even if you claim there's no hope for you, wouldn't you at least like to get one over on Miguel? Prove that you're the stronger being by telling me where all his little secrets are? I would appreciate the help..."

There wasn't anything she could do to help this woman. It was just one more thing she'd end up trying to take out of Miguel's hide.

"So, how about it? I might even know the location of a breach in the walls, should you want to get out of here..."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“If I leave... I'll either turn into a monster or starve to death...” The succubus said with a sad look. Then she gave a sharp gasp. “Miguel just cut me off from the residual energy I'd normally subsist on...”

The succubus looked down at the ground before taking several deep breaths. Slowly Senira realized that she was trying to work up her own courage and before she could comment on it the succubus looked up at her. “I'll help you as best I can... but I will need to feed sooner or later.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

She took a deep breath.

"...all right. Do your worst. I'm expecting an ally I can count on, so if you take your fill, then you'd better prove yourself. If you run, I hunt you down and freeze you solid- and you won't be able to make that hardness go away."

What was this place doing to her- she'd been adamant about keeping herself away... but she needed any help she coiuld get...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Alright... don't worry, I'll earn my keep...” The succubus stood and approached Senira. She placed a soft kiss on her lips before leaning in to whisper in her ear. “...and I promise you'll enjoy this.”

The succubus began nibbling on Senira's ear as she embraced the mage. Senira could feel the hardness press into her thigh as two hands rubbed her back and began to trail their way down to her curvy buttocks. The contented themselves with groping her fleshy rear before they grabbed the hem of her tunic and slowly slid it up and over Senira's head taking her hat with it. The demon girl began trailing kiss down her neck until she reached her bosom where she began suckling at one teat and then the other. As her mouth sucked and nibbled on her hardening nipple her hand groped and massaged the neglected breast.

Once her heaving breasts had been thoroughly enjoyed, the succubus continued to trail her kisses down Senira's belly until just above her thoroughly moistened panties and paused to tease her quivering flower through the fabric. She smiled teasingly up at the mage and caught the hem of her underwear in her mouth and slowly pulled down the offending garment. She began administrating her folds with her tongue slowly lapping at her wetness and sucking at her clit. Her hands slowly parted the thighs further apart as Senira found herself leaning back against the wall. Delicate fingers slowly parted her lower lips, before she began thrusting her tongue into the sorceresses wet hole. With the succubus' experienced tongue, it wasn't long before Senira found her legs go weak as her climax hit her.

“Mmm.... you're delicious. The kind of girl we'd be fighting over deeper in the castle.” The demon girl licked her lips, savoring Senira's flavor. “They keep us intentionally on a minimal diet so we'd fight to savor moments like this... but you don't mind returning the favor, do you?”

The succubus gently lowered Senira to the floor when it seemed like her legs were giving out, before presenting her hard cock to her. She pressed the hardness to Senira's lips and if the mage allowed it began to enjoy the feeling of her mouth around her cock.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

The feeling of the succubus's lips on hers was nothing like she'd ever experiened. Senira had been in encounters with men before, who claimed to be an expert at this sort of thing, but this... this sent waves of pleasure stroking through her, which only intensified as she felt her rump being molested. Her hands worked the flesh seemingly expertly, and she let out a light moan as the succubus's hands left her buttocks. That had felt good, blast it all...

...and that was promptly forgotten with the feeling of chill air on her skin as the tunic and hat came off over her head, and her breasts were the next thing on the menu. The feeling of a hot little tongue teasing and suckling at her breast always had been one of the things she'd most enjoyed, and if this succubus was only a newborn, if you will, she shuddered to think of what an older, more experienced one might do to her.

She felt her slide lower, and the, a poking, inquisitive spike of warmth started probing at her through her panties. This completed her excitement, rewarding the succubus with a moan and a fresh few drops of her juices to tempt her further in. Then she felt her panties being lowered, and allowed herself just enough time to look down and-

She nearly cried out, feeling that hot tongue dance over her folds. It washed over her clitoris, sending waves crashing through her, her juices dripping oout and onto the talented tongue working her. She felt the stone against her back and leaned against it, feeling the tongue lick around and then suddenly find its way inside-!!

Her voice became what seemed to be one continuous moan as she rode the feeling of the squirming tongue, one that seemed to hit things inside of her that she never thought could be reached-

It only took a couple brushes of her tongue before her walls clenched and senira came on the succubus's tongue. Giving her plenty of her juices to drink, she tried to bear down on that tongue as much as possible, feeling the waves of pleasure working through her.

She fell to her knees, and caught her breath, and was then presented with a new quandary- to continue with the feeding, or to deny the little succubus her release? She reached one hand out tentatively- the same hand that had only minutes before, almost caused the death of this being before her- and grabbed hold, slowly pumping it up and down, slowly guiding it towards her lips, which opened slightly enough for her own tongue to come out, tasting the head of the cock presented to her. Her tongue worked the slit, all around the head, and then focused on teasing the rough patch under the head, the tip of senira's tongue seeking out and working every last ridge. Then she opened her mouth wider, and allowed the succubus cock to penetrate her mouth, tongue washing and licking every bit of the length that she could as her head began to bob on it, green hair waving back and forth, eyes closing.

One hand braced herself on the succubus's firm thigh, the other was busy working the root of her cock, pumping away. After a bit, she would remove that hand and start pushing her head down, trying to take as much of it inside her mouth as she could before it gagged her or just wouldn't fit anymore. It ought to have the succubus close to bursting, she thought- there weren't many men who could last long with that kind of treatment...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

The succubus smiled as Senira began stroking her member and guided it to her mouth. This was replaced with a lewd moan as Senira's tongue began tracing the curves of her cock head. The hot member twitched under the ministrations it was receiving and the succubus released a throaty moan as the tip of her cock was covered was the sensation of a warm mouth. She rubbed Senira's head encouragingly but not actually grabbing it yet.

The succubus found her hips bucking of their own accord as she found herself being taken almost to the root by Senira's skilled mouth. Despite the succubus cock bearing down the back of her throat she found that she wasn't gagging nearly as soon as she thought she would. Perhaps, it was simply the nature of the member being taken? However, before she found seed being pour down her throat, Senira felt the succubus withdraw herself from the confines of her mouth.

“That was a magnificent appetizer, darling. But now it's time for the main course...” The succubus whispered into Senira's ear as she knelt down to her level. Her soft, firm hands spread Senira's thighs as she lined up her mouth moistened member with the still soaked flower. She slowly entered Senira, taking her time as she enjoyed every part of her pussy until she finally bottomed out. She same warmth Senira felt when the succubus used her tongue returned ten fold with every inch she was penetrated.

The succubus took a moment to savor Senira's depths as she started planting a series of long, deep kisses to her lips. And then she began to slowly thrust herself in and out of the trembling lips as Senira could swear that she felt the member swell just enough to rub all the right parts of her folds. And just as Senira's level of arousal seemed to stabilize the succubus started speeding up her pace trying to drive her mad with pleasure. The succubus' tongue explored the mages mouth trying to taste her everything as Senira could feel herself come closer and closer to the edge.

With a shudder, the succubi slammed herself into Senira's depths one final time and released a torrent of her seed into her womb sending Senira over the edge. Senira could feel the tsunami of her own juices mingling with blast after blast of the succubus' seed to fill her to the brim and beyond. Around the point of their union, the mixing of their fluids oozed out as the succubus' planted one final, gentle kiss on Senira's lips. “Mmm... delicious...”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As she was escorted to the floor, Senira wondered what she must look like to the young succubus. Flat on the ground, mouth half opened, breasts heaving with every breath... a red flush over her face and chest, and splayed legs that revealed her flower, which quivered occasionally, allowing the slightest bit of her juices to escape down her thigh and onto the floor. If she truly was a meal, then at the least, she would be a perfectly roasted side of beef, with plenty of bread, butter, and honey-sweet ale to quench her thirst.

She felt her lips get parted, and then the head of the succubus's length slipped inside her flower. It provoked a cry from Senira, which turned into a wavering moan as she was slowly filled by the young demoness. For a minutes, they lay there together, Senira with her head lolled back, enjoying the stuffed feeling inside her, while the succubus laid there buried inside her... until she began to move. The sensations of being stuffed with a hard cock, but having a woman's soft curves and gentle touch alongside it, proved to be one of the things that could get her proverbial dander up. She pushed her hips up to meet the thrusts, and when she felt the soft lips of the demoness upon her own, she accepted her without a further thought.

Their tongues met, swirling and tasting, each struggling to gain dominance over the other. Though she could taste her fluids on the succubus's lips, the taste of her tongue wasn't anything like she'd ever had. There was a hint of something in there, something that made her think of... well, she couldn't put a finger on it, as the cock pistoning in and out of her depths had been steadily rising in speed, driving her closer and closer to the edge, feeling it hit every bit of her that it needed to drive her absolutely wild... she tried her best to wrap her legs around her, to draw the succubus close to her even as she closed her eyes and arched her back-

To be honest, she didn't start her orgasm until the third blast of demoness cum shot into her womb. Her body writhed and rolled, much like her flower's walls as they squeezed and coaxed the cock to keep gushing its milky load. Soon, the mix of gooey white and fragrant clear juices was oozing out around the succubus's cock, and Senira's half-lidded rolled-up eyes kept her stunned for a few minutes as she relished the full feeling, the combined juices pooling between her legs.

"Delicious...? I should hope so... you certainly ate your fill, I think... now... what should I call you? Do you have a given name, or should I just give you one?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Hm, I certainly did. I would love to turn this into a five course meal, but I fear I lack the control.” The Succubus paused to give a final thrust, as if to drive as much as her seed deeper into Senira, before withdrawing from her folds. “I... I don't have a name. They don't give us new names until we fully turn and... I'm not the same girl who first walked in her anymore. So, feel free to call me anything you like, Darling... and I'd like to know which name I should be moaning out in the future, as well.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"I guess you can call me Senira. As far as you... well,,, I had a companion once, by the name of Kila- we journeyed together for years, and had a good time doing it. One night, she just up and vanished away on me- apparently she'd gotten close to home and didn't tell me that she'd been saving money to start her own shop, and abandoned me in the middle of the night."