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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When she stepped out she couldnt see a thing, as the basement was almost pitch black, however she eventually let her eyes adjust letting her see slightly, she could make out she was in a large open room, and some bare sunlight shined through a window, but that was the only source of light in the room...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When the elevator doors opened, Shiori almost jumped back and pressed the button to go back up, but decided to wait and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. She saw a large room laid out before her with only the little bit of sunlight coming through the window to light the room.

Shiori decided to cautiously move into the room, heading for the window the sunlight was shining through to take a look out of it and see what was outside.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

She managed to get to the window unmolested and look out of it, she could see a sort of meadows beyond, with a forest just ahead of that, it was almost picture esque.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When she looked out the window and saw the forest outside she momentarily wondered how big this place could be. She then turned around and started looking back into the room, letting her eyes readjust to the darkness before going back into the room and looking around for anything useful.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As she walked around she eventually found what looked like a treasure chest, a generic wooden fantasy one with the golden metal, something useful could reside in there...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori made her way through the room and eventually found a treasure chest inside the room. She decided to check it out after making sure it had no traps on the locks or anything.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The chest was innocuous enough, after opening it she was greeted with golden coins, gems and other rare and expensive items, she wondered how much she could buy with this stuff...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori opened the chest and nearly fainted at what greeted her, real treasure. She had expected something a little... different to say the least. Shiori decided to take a coin and look closely at it to see if there was anything off about it, doing the same with the gems and other things. If nothing proved to be wrong with them, then Shiori would try to find some sort of a sack to stuff full of the contents of the chest.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As she picked up a coin, she immediately discovered something off about it,the fact it melted in her hand into a golden goo was the first warning klaxon, the second being the other coins forming into the same goo and making a humanoid shape of a woman "Tsk tsk, you know where greed gets you~? Nowhere~!" it said to her, before suddenely wrapping its arms around Shiori and pulling her into a deep kiss, Shiori found herself getting distracted as she was pulled into the chest, which was larger than it appeared on the outside, she was stomach deep in the slime which suddenely rose in height to above her breasts as she felt her clothes dissolve, she then felt something prod against her lower lips as the slime grinned and pulled her into another kiss, this was ofcourse combat time...

[Shiori starts with 2/5 AP due to being taken by surprise by the chest monster!]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit on C.M, C.M Fails to hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal crit! C.M Fails to hit]

[Shiori fails to hit, C.M gets arousal hit]

[Shiori fails to hit, C.M gets arousal hit]

[Shiori orgasms!]

Shiori 5/5 HP, 5/5 AP, Orgasm, -1 to attacks, Tight hold, -3 to attacks.

C.M, 4/4 HP, 2/6 AP

Even as Shiori managed to get a stab on the C.M off, she couldnt guard against the slimes sudden advances, the slime had vanished under the sea of goo, but Shiori felt tendrils wrap around her wrists and keep them above her head, "Tee hee, your so easy to trick..." the slime taunted, Shiori felt something prod against her lower lips again then it penetrated itself into her, getting a moan of pleasure from her, it started to roughly fuck her repeadetely, almost hitting her cervix, until eventually she reached her orgasm, the slime seemed to as well, as it pumped some of its goo into SHioris stomach, bloating it slightly "Dont worry, your gonna get the full package in a moment~" the slime said again.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori saw the coin melt in her hand and turn into a golden goo, then fall to join the other coins which were also turning into the same goo, she became quite scared. She was about to just turn and run, but as soon as she was turning to do so the goo took on a humanoid shape of a woman and grabbed her, then pulled her into a deep kiss. Shiori whimpered in the goo girl's arms as she was pulled into the chest and partially submerged in the slime, which dissolved her clothing.

Even as Shiori attacked the slime girl with her naginata, she was being aroused more and more from the slime girl's advances against her. After her wrists were pulled above her head and pinned there, Shiori felt something penetrate her lower lips rather roughly, going almost all the way to her cervix. The rough fucking caused Shiori to moan out against her will, until finally she cried out loud as she climaxed at the same time the slime girl seemed to. Shiori felt her belly being filled with the goo and couldn't help but enjoy the warm feeling it brought her.

"P-please don't k-kill me... I'm sorry I got greedy. Please forgive me, I give up, just please don't hurt me," Shiori panted weakly in the slime girl's hold, unable to find the strength to keep struggling to get free as she went totally limp in her hold.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Give up? Really?", some of the slime formed into a humanoid shape again, as the slime had a mischevious smirk, Shiori could feel the slimes hand rubbing against her lower lips again, occasionally putting her two fingers into her flower ellicting a moan or two from Shiori.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I... yes, I give up... just please don't hurt me," Shiori replied weakly, hanging her head in shame as her ears flattened against her head and her tail curled down between her legs as far as it could in defeat as she pleaded with the slime girl not to hurt her. Shiori shivered and cooed almost expectantly as the slime rubbed her lower lips with a slimy hand, dipping a couple of just as slimy fingers into her honeypot every few seconds.

Shiori awaited what this slime girl would do to her, wondering if she would be gentle and not hurt her and hoping she would do just that, cause she didn't like pain.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The slime grinned at Shioris surrender "Alright then~" she said, giving Shiori a quick kiss on the cheek before melting back into the mass of slime, Shiori then felt the same thing as before, but only this time she was softly penetrated by the slime, although it was quite slow this time, almost teasing, however she could see the slime had other things to do as the slime formed again and raised one of Shioris breasts, the slime then started licking and suckling on it, ellicting more and more moans from Shiori as the slime drank her breast milk, eventually this brought her and the slime to their orgasm again, more slime being shot into Shioris womb, the slime then grinned as Shiori was lifted out of the chest and gently placed on the ground, her clothes which were surprisingly non dissolved following her, then the chest shut, Shioris belly was slightly bloated from all the slime in her womb and being weak didnt help the strange feeling either.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's ears twitched when the slime girl kissed her on the cheek, then she watched as she melted back into the slime mass. She felt the slime gently penetrate her and cooed as she was fucked, then when the slime formed into the shape of a girl again and began suckling on her breasts, she moaned and mewled lewdly with pleasure. After a few short minutes of the slime thrusting into her drooling pussy and milking her breasts, Shiori finally threw her head back and with a cry, she came, her womb being filled with more slime as it too came along with her.

The slime gently lifted her out of the chest and set her back down onto the floor, amazingly along with her undissolved clothing. Shiori glanced down at her belly and saw it was slightly bloated from the slime in her womb, but she was too weak to try and force it out and it was surprisingly warm she thought, so she decided to just lay there for a minute or two before trying to press her belly a little and maybe push it out.

"T-That felt kind of nice, and you were really gentle... I might have to come find you again later," Shiori said to the slime before the chest shut, blowing the slime a kiss as she lay there recovering.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Eventually the slime in her womb pushed itself out, forming into what looked like a completely new slime, the new slime looked puzzled and dissolved into the ground almost immediately afterwards, when Shiori got reclothed she could finally get moving again, if she wanted to that is.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Once Shiori had regained her strength enough to move again, and after the slime had exited her body, she got up and redressed herself. Once dressed again, she decided to continue going, checking to see if there was anything else in the basement of any worth before going back to the elevator and heading on up to the 2nd floor.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori found nothing else in the basement and moved on, she managed to get herself into the 2nd floor, however it was less of that and more of a artificial environment...as she found herself in a place that looked like underground caves, and the droning sound of buzzing filled the air.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori got up to the 2nd floor, she stepped off the elevator into what seemed to be an underground cave of some sort. She wondered how she could have gotten underground when she went up, and she knew she had gone up from the way the elevator felt. She heard buzzing coming from somewhere in the caves and immediately thought it was bees. She started cautiously following the cave tunnel, keeping ready for anything that might attack her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Her paranoia had its roots almost, as soon as she passed a corner, she saw someone sitting on the ground facing away from her, it looked like a girl who was crying, but she had a strange parasite on her back, with its tail silently waving at the air, the girl also seemed to be naked, but she heard Shiori and turned around, her eyes were a deep red and the parasites "arms" were covering her breasts, as soon as she spotted Shiori a look of lust ran across her face as she suddenely attacked!

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Shiori gets a normal crit! P. Girl fails to hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal crit! P. Girl gets a normal crit!]

[Shiori fails to hit, P. Girl gets normal hit]]

[Shiroi gets normal hit, P. Girl fails to hit]

Shiori 1/5 HP, 5/5 AP

P. Girl 2/6 HP, 3/6 AP

The battle started off greatly when Shiori managed to easily slash the P. Girl repeadetely, almost scaring her off, however she attacked in response with the tail stbabing into Shioris arm, almost disabling it, then again into her stomach as she had a hungry stare fixated on Shiori...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori rounded the corner up ahead, she saw a girl sitting there looking like she was crying. Shiori was about to go over to her and ask why she was crying, but stopped as she noticed the strange parasite on her back, it's tail waving dangerously around behind her. The girl suddenly turned around and looked at Shiori with a look of lust on her face and attacked her.

Shiori quickly stabbed her spear at the girl when she attacked her, nearly driving her off in the process, but unfortunately the girl stabbed the tail of the parasite into one of her arms. When it stabbed her arm, her limb nearly went numb and then before she could react and counter again, the tail stabbed her right in the stomach.

"Ugh... what the... p-poison huh? You have to resort to tricks to win, I'll make you pay for that," Shiori weakly snarled at the girl, intending on killing that parasite on the girl's back as she maneuvered around good enough to slash it with her naginata. She knew that if this didn't work then she was likely going to lose this fight, so she had to make it count.