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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Fight ends with P. Girl getting normal crit]

Even as Shiori tried to hit the parasite, she was caught off guard as the tail stabbed itself into her arm, disarming her again and knocking her to the ground, the parasite infected girl mounted her and had a hungry look on her face as the parasites tail tossed Shioris panties away and roughly shoved itself into Shioris flowerpot, causing both the girl and Shiori to moan, the girl then suddenely kissed Shiori to keep her quiet as the tail did its work, repeadetely thrusting in and out while the girl shared a french with Shiori, eventually both of them orgasmed, and the tail spurt cum into Shioris womb along with 2 eggs, this repeated twice more until Shioris womb was full of eggs, the parasite infested girl then got up, the parasites tail plunging into her flowerpot instead, ellicting a moan from the girl as she walked off, Shiori eventually was forced to give birth to the eggs, one of which hatched into a parasite that attacked her again!

[Shiori gets a hit]

[Shiori fails to hit]

[Shiori fals to hit]

[Shiori gets a hit]

[Shiori fails to hit]

She managed to stab her spear into the parasite twice, but it wasnt enough to deter it as it suddenely latched onto her back, its arms keeping her arms tied to her sides and leaving her unable to do anything as the tail slowly rubbed her wet lower lips, teasing her as she was too tired to respond and she was forced to sit on the ground.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori was unfortunately unable to hit the parasite, which caught her in her arm with its tail again. She dropped her spear to the ground while the girl mounted her with a hungry look. Shiori's panties were easily pulled off and the parasite pressed its tail into her rather roughly, causing her to whimper out in slight discomfort, though one could easily tell her whimper was mixed with pleasure as well.

The girl kissed her as the tail fucked her, while Shiori could do nothing save moan into the girl's mouth. She was soon brought to an orgasm right along with the girl, the parasite depositing several eggs into her. The girl then got up and left Shiori laying there while the parasite plunged its tail into her as she walked away.

Soon Shiori birthed the eggs and she watched in horror as one of them hatched and the parasite inside attacked her like its 'father' did. She tried to fight it and managed to do a little bit of damage to it, but it managed to latch onto her back and pin her arms to her sides, its tail moving down to rub her pussy that was still wet from her earlier encounter with the other parasite.

Shiori wasn't about to give up though, she tried to flex her shoulders out and force the parasite off, so that she could then skewer it upon the end of her spear. After which she would destroy the rest of the eggs along with it.

"N-No... I'm not going to let another one of you win against me... especially not one I just gave birth to dammit," Shiori said to the creature on her back as she struggled to get free.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Try as shiori might, she wasnt able to get the parasite off as it clung tightly to her, the parasite detected this and silenced her by plunging its tail into her flower, causing her to shake in pleasure as it thrusted in and out again, eventually bringing her to orgasm, however she felt something change in her, as the tail remained curled inside her womb, then the tail pulled out, the tail enlarged so it became hollow and she could see inside the tail, then it planted itself outside her wet flowerpot, she felt strange as it seemed to make something, then she realised what it had done, for a split second she could see a strange parasite penetrate her lower lips and plant itself there, unmoving, however she could see it "blended in" with her skin, making it seem like she didnt even have her cunt at all, but instead in her place she had grown a erect penis, the parasite remained clinging on for a bit, using its hollow tail to suck on Shioris newly grown organ until she reached orgasm again, cumming into the tail which the parasite hungrily sucked up, then the parasite left on its own accord, leaving Shiori on the ground, naked and tired with a erect penis that thankfully stopped being erect after a while.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori wasn't able to shake the parasite off of her no matter how hard she struggled. The parasite took advantage of this and shoved its tail into her drooling pussy, causing her to moan out in pleasure as she shuddered from the tail plunging in and out of her over and over again. Soon enough, Shiori's resistance gave out and she was brought to climax, screaming out as her juices squirted out around the tail plugging her hole.

The tail then pulled out of her and enlarged and became hollow where she could see inside of it, but because she was so weak she couldn't do anything to stop what it was about to do. The tail planted itself just over her pussy and she felt strange as it did something to her. She wasn't sure what it was doing and it scared her, and she jerked around in the creature's grasp as she suddenly felt something penetrate her honeyhole and plant itself there. Shiori looked down and saw whatever it was had caused her to grow a very erect penis, which the parasite used its hollow tail to suck on it until she came hard into it.

Once the parasite was gone, Shiori lay there for a while totally exhausted as her new organ slowly calmed down. She looked at it for a moment once she'd caught her breath, wondering if it was permanent or not and reached down to touch it to see if it was truly real. Upon touching her new... equipment, Shiori gasped at the sensation.

"I... I guess it's really real then. I wonder if the rest is still down there too?" Shiori mumbled aloud, reaching down with her hand to feel and see if her pussy was still there also, as her new member had mostly blocked it from view.

Once making sure her new acquisition was all that happened and that she hadn't lost anything in exchange, Shiori would gather up her things and if she still had any clothing left she'd put it back on. After that she would try to move onward, hoping to find her way out of this place.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully her lower lips were still existent, it just blocked the view of it, thankfully she could get most of her clothing on and her new equipment was thankfully easy to hide, moving onward she could see a new door ahead, but the sound of buzzing and droning was getting louder and louder...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori gave a sigh of relief after making sure her honyehole was still there, and was glad that she could get most of her clothing back on and that it blocked the view of her new member from prying eyes. She continued moving, her legs a little wobbly after her last encounter and eventually came to a door. She could also hear the buzzing sound from earlier getting much louder than before.

"That buzzing sound can't be good. It's probably a giant bee or something knowing my luck," Shiori whispered, commenting on the buzzing sound.

She expected to see whatever was causing the buzzing sound on the other side of the door, so she took an extra moment or two to make sure her body would work right, then she carefully opened the door and peeked inside to see what awaited her, though didn't go in unless it looked clear.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori avoids a ambush]

She manages to look through and see that no enemies were there, when she pushed through, she realised she was standing ontop of a log in a swamp, and the lab was just behind her, she had thankfully managed to escape, but now she needed to get through the swamp to try and find a place to atleast sleep as it was turning night time.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After making sure the area was clear of any dangers, Shiori slipped out and into the swamp. With the lab behind her, Shiori wondered where she should go now, but whatever she decided would likely have to wait until tomorrow, as she was getting quite tired after all of her encounters thus far.

She decided to try and push through the swamp some to find some in hopes of finding some dry ground to set up a small camp for the night at. Shuold she find some dry enough ground to sleep at, she would take all of the survival precautions to make certain she would be able to have a decent nights sleep, like setting up some form of shelter to sleep under in case it rained. She was tired and hungry, and hoped she'd be able to find some food the next morning, as she was too tried to search for anything that night.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully she did manage to find a dry patch of ground, and enough supplies to help her safely sleep through the night, she managed to settle down and have a nice long sleep...

The next morning she woke up, in the same place as normal, ready to go like normal.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori lay her head down to go to sleep, she fell sound asleep as soon as her head touched her makeshift pillow.


When she woke up, Shiori stretched just like a wolf would, arching her butt up into the air. After stretching, she would go out and try to find something to eat. If she was able to get some food in her belly, she would then pack everything up and try to get out of this swamp.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nearby were some berry bushes, although she couldnt identify what the berries were, she could see a clearing up ahead though, so atleast she knew where to go when she was able to eat, there was also a pool of pure water nearby.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

She picked enough of the berries to fill her belly and afterwards drank her fill from the pool of water, then decided to wet her over clothing and used those to wash herself off some. Once clean, Shiori would make her way on towards the clearing she noticed while getting her breakfast.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The clearing lead into a massive wide open forest, the trees stretched high up and Shiori was only on the ground level, mud beneath her feet, there were ways to get up into the higher parts of the forest but at this point it looked like she was going to remain here for a while...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Once in the clearing, Shiori noticed that it led into a large forest with massive trees. She saw a few ways to get higher up into the upper parts of the forest, but first she'd have to make her way there.

"Aw jeez, that looks like it's going to take a while... (sigh)... might as well get going then," Shiori said to herself, moving onward into the forest, trying to make her way higher up.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

First of all she manages to find a few notches in a tree to get her up to a first couple of branches, but then she notices something following her, however it was quite tiny, only really as big as her hand, it was a fairy "Hey miss where are you going?" she asked, flying around Shioris head and eventually sitting on her shoulder.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori started pulling herself up into the first branches of the tree she felt as if something were following her. When she glanced over to see what it was, she was surprised to see the little fairy, which almost caused her to fall back out of the tree as she passed in front of her face.

"Eek, don't just scare someone like that while they're trying to climb," Shiori yelped in fear as she clung to the tree branch and shivered. When the fairy landed on her shoulder Shiori relaxed a little after seeing that the fairy likely didn't mean her any harm.

"Well I'm trying to get up there actually miss, so I can get a better look of this forest and find my way out," Shiori said to the fairy girl in a much calmer tone after relaxing.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The fairy looked up, then around "Well okay...Be careful if you start seeing webs or slime marks..." she said, flying off, as Shiori climbed further, the tree she was on didnt have any further way up, meaning she was left standing on the quite large branches, needing to find another tree to continue scaling, however she started to hear bushes and leaves rustling as she looked around.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh uh... okay then, thanks for the warning then. You be careful too then okay. Before you go could you maybe tell me what all is up here, and how much farther I'll need to go before I reach the top?" Shiori said to the fairy as she flew away, hoping to at least get some sort of a clue as to what awaited her up there.


After the fairy left and she started climbing again, Shiori eventually made her way up until she couldn't go up any further on the tree she was climbing. Standing on the huge branches, she looked around at the adjacent trees to maybe find another one to climb further up, however before she could do so she heard rustling in the nearby bushes and branches.

She readied her weapon and got ready to fight in case there was something about to attack her. She kept a careful eye out all around her and tried to put her back to the tree she had been climbing to make sure nothing came up behind her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Eventually she got her answer of what was behind the bush as a harpy came out from behind it, noticing Shiori she had a sly smile and dive bombed her, trying to wrestle her to the ground!

[Shiori gets normal hit, Harpy gets normal crit!]

[Shiori gets normal hit, harpy gets normal hit]

[Shiori gets normal hit, Harpy gets normal crit, ending the fight]

Unfortunately the battle ended almost as soon as it begun, despite powerful first blows against the harpy the harpy managed to rake Shiori several times with her talons, causing her to bleed, however her panties were cut away in the process, the harpy was slightly surprised, but took advantage of it, suddenely clinging to Shioris front, wrapping her legs around her arms and doing the same with her wings, being surprisingly quiet she set about arousing Shiori, by planting a kiss on her lips at first, Shiori felt her go into a more passionate french as her tongue dominated Shioris and she felt her penis erect, the Harpy then retracted the kiss and smirked, penetrating herself on her erect shaft, then planting another french, repeadetely thrusting herself while kissing Shiori, the two moaning in the throes of ecstasy as they continue kissing each other, eventually they both reached their climaxes, Shiori shooting her seed into the Harpy, the harpy smiled and kissed Shiori on the cheek before flying off, eventually Shiori passed out...

Eventually Shiori woke up, albeit in a different place than before, this time in a house, she was currently clothed and in a bed, having just woken up she could barely get her surroundings, then she saw someone looking out the window, then turn around at look at her "Oh hey your awake now!" she said in a cheery tone, walking over and pulling up a chair to sit beside Shiori "Before you ask, i saw you on the receiving end of a harpy assault, and i saw about 5 different monsters coming towards you like a tide coming in, so i caught you and brought you back to my place" she said, explaining in a very fast way, she then looked out the window again, then back at Shiori "How are ya feeling?" she said, "Names Kaei by the way, what about you?" Kaei asked.

Kaeis appearence
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's question was answered by a harpy coming out from behind the rustling bushes, which came straight at her in an attempt to wrestle her to the ground. Shiori's attacks were powerful, but the harpy seemed to shrug them off and countered by clawing her, making her bleed. Shiori's panties were cut off of her when the harpy clawed her and the young wolf girl saw the harpy looked a little surprised, likely surprised that Shiori had a penis.

The harpy quickly took advantage of Shiori and after pinning her to the ground began kissing her, quickly slipping her tongue in to wrestle Shiori's down, which wasn't too hard for the harpy to do as Shiori flattened her ears and lowered her tail in defeat. The harpy soon had Shiori's new member fully erect and broke the kiss, Shiori saw her smirking at her and gave an embarrassed blush. She moaned out loud when the harpy lowered herself down onto her hot hard dick, which was already starting to throb with need. Shiori accepted the harpy's next kiss without even thinking about struggling free, her lust already haven taken over as she enjoyed every second of her domination. Shiori cried out one last time as she reached her peak and gave up her seed to the harpy, filling her assailants womb with her cock milk.

Shiori couldn't help but think she would love to meet another one of these harpies again in the future. When the harpy kissed her, Shiori gave her a weak smile in return as she lay there, her consciousness fading.


When Shiori woke again, she could feel she was in clothing of some sort and she could tell she was laying in a soft bed. She gave a soft groan and opened her eyes, and upon opening them she saw a woman standing next to a window looking out of it. The woman turned to look at her, likely because of her groaning and then came over to her and sat on a chair beside her bed. After the woman spoke, Shiori nodded her head to let her know she heard her.

"Yeah I'm awake... and I... well I think I'm okay anyway. I'm still a little weak, but otherwise okay, thanks to you at least. Thank you by the way Kaei for saving me from whatever was coming to get me. I'm Shiori Okamitetsu, but you can just call me Shiori. W-Where are we anyway? I remember being at the top of a giant tree. so how did I end up here?" Shiori replied to Kaei in a slightly weakened voice, mainly from just waking up. Shiori laid her head back down onto the pillows while awaiting Kaei's answer, wanting to savor every second she got to lay in the nice comfortable bed.