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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori continued pushing her jizz out of Kaei's body she barely noticed her member going soft as her arousal left and was replaced with fear for Kaei. When Kaei sat up and hugged Shiori, Shiori hugged back, holding her mate tightly against herself while still crying a bit. When she heard Kaei's soothing words, it calmed Shiori's heart as she held Kaei, now knowing that she didn't hate her.

"Y-You mean you actually liked those horrible and degrading things I did to you?" Shiori asked, holding Kaei's hand as she helped her get the last of the seed out of her womb, wondering why Kaei seemed so happy after what she'd done to her... she was a terrible alpha for doing what she did to her beloved mate.

Shiori helped Kaei to her feet after she got up, staring back into Kaei's eyes as her tail wagged happily back and forth because Kaei didn't seem to be angry with her. When Kaei told her that she didn't care what happened to them as long as they were together, Shiori nearly burst into tears at her mate's words, pulling her into a kiss and holding her close, not caring about the cum covering her body any as it was her own after all.

"Well you're my mate, so I'm honor bound to care if something happens to you sweetie, but it's more than just that, I truly care about what happens to you because I love you so much. And don't worry about your clothing, I'll give you mine if I have to to make sure you're warm," Shiori told Kaei, still holding her close and refusing to let her go just yet.

"And about how our mating works, well I think you Know how it works because we just got through mating for nearly two hours I think. But you mean something more than just that I believe," Shiori then said, giggling along with Kaei as she reached up and petted Kaei, scratching her behind her wolf ears. After scratching her for a moment or two, Shiori continued with her explanation, "Well first off, all alpha's like myself usually have more than just one mate, though our first mate is usually our alpha mate for life unless one of our other mates proves that they're the stronger and more dominant one. But anyway, we'll usually build our pack as large as we can, having as many females that can bear children as we can get in it, because the more we have the stronger we'll be. Of course I'm not sure if I can impregnate you so it'd be a little pointless to have more than one mate right now if I can't do that. There's a bit more, like how our beta or basically our second in command in short, may choose up to two of any females in our pack that aren't already one of the alpha's mates, who can have as many as they want really. Anything else you wanna know? There's a little more I can explain if you really wanna know it all."

I'm totally coming up with this on the fly, hope it's alright with you. If not, I can edit.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei smiled rather devilishly and said "Well if you cant get me pregnant yet you can atleast make it look like i am~", giggiling slightly, the two returned to the floor before so Shiori could save and retrieve a spare set of clothes if she wanted to, they could even go back down to the hot spas if they wanted thanks to the secret passage the succubus provided them with.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"That's true I guess sweetie, I can at least make you look pregnant even if I can't make you that way. Do you wanna get cleaned up hon? If so we can head back down where we met those succubi earlier and those baths. No you shouldn't be all dirty like that, you're too beautiful to let yourself be dirty, come on and I'll clean you up okay. That's another thing we alpha's do for our mates, we take extra special care of them, make sure they stay clean, well fed, healthy, and as happy as they can be, and we do whatever we have to to keep them safe from harm of any kind, even allowing ourselves to be grabbed to keep our mates from getting grabbed," Shiori said to her mate, slipping an arm around her as they headed back down for her to save and get an extra set of clothing for Kaei.

Regardless of whether or not Kaei wanted to get cleaned up, Shiori would continue to insist that they head back down for them to get cleaned up, with Shiori gently washing Kaei's body after they got into the warm water. If the two succubi were still there then they would talk to them while they bathed. Once they were done, Shiori would help Kaei dry off and into the extra change of clothing, pampering her mate as much as she could. While they bathed, Shiori would look down at her new full appendage, the feeling of it being there permanently a little weird now, but not uncomfortable... in fact she rather liked it, as it allowed her to make Kaei feel good and happy.

Once they were through down there in the baths, Shiori would gesture to her mate to come on and they would head on up to the floor after the corrupting tree that raped Shiori earlier. Shiori would have her naginata at the ready as they traveled on up the stairs to the floor above where they had their raunchy sexual romp earlier, keeping herself in front of Kaei to protect her mate because it was expected of her to do so. She was taking it a bit slower this time around so as not to get them trapped again like the tree thing did earlier.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When they got into the spa they noticed that the succubi had left, probably looking for people to help them out, after cleaning each other and a little bit of splashing each other out of pure fun, the two were back up at the sixth floor, going up the staircase to the seventh floor they found a large arena like place, similar to the large desert arena in the desert, Shiori could see three posts in the ground, going up to them, she was given prompts by the egg that the obelisks were difficulty posts

[You are going to fight your partner, you may pick one of these difficulty posts, they either make it harder or easier, but the harder ones grant better rewards...]

[Post 1: Regular] [Engage in a simple duel with your partner, provides a regular floor award]

[Post 2: Mutation] [You and your partner will take on the traits of a random enemy or monster, the loser reverts to being human and the winners instincts for sex are amplified, the changes are not permenant, grants a slightly better reward]

[Post 3: Imbalanced Mutation] [Only your partner takes traits of a monster or monster girl, losing will result in them permanently taking on the traits of it and becoming much more dominant, provides the best reward of all]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When they got to the baths, Shiori saw the succubi were already gone, which saddened her a little, as she kind of liked them a little. But nonetheless she cleaned Kaei up as best she could, then Kaei did the same for her, much to Shiori's delight. After they got through in the baths, after having themselves a little splash fight for a few minutes, they headed on back up, passing the sixth and going all the way on to the next floor without stopping at all.

When they arrived on the seventh floor, Shiori saw it was actually kind of like the arena they found in the desert earlier, or the day before she couldn't remember, as she'd lost all track of time since the arena in the desert. Shiori also noticed the three pillar like things extending from the floor. When she went up to check them, the EGG gave her a prompt of some sort and explained what they were and what they were for.

"Well Kaei sweetie, apparently we've gotta fight each other... but I'm not really sure why. We've got three options, we can touch this post here and just go at it normally, for a regular little old reward. Or this one here and we'll both take on the traits of something or another, don't know what, but it doesn't seem to be permanent, and it gives us a little better of a reward. Or we could use this one here and it'll just be you that changes, and if I lose to you then you'll permanently change and take on whatever traits you get for the fight and... (Shiori blushes cutely)... and you'll become a lot more dominant, but we could win the best reward if I did manage to win, and I doubt you'd be able to throw the fight for me either," Shiori said to her mate, explaining what she'd just learned about the posts.

"I personally don't think we should risk the one where you would permanently change, because I think you're beautiful just as you are, and... I don't want you to change... (Shiori blushes cutely again)... but I wouldn't mind trying the second post here, where we both change temporarily, but if you wanted to try the hardest one then... well I'll do it, but I won't like it," Shiori said after explaining to her mate, hoping that Kaei wouldn't choose to pick the third post, and would vote for the second one instead.

If Kaei decided with Shiori, then Shiori would pick the second post and touch it or whatever she needed to to begin the battle, though if Kaei didn't think they should risk using even that one then Shiori would choose the first post and go for the basic fight. She would do what she could to persuade Kaei to not choose the third post, even going so far as crying to try and persuade her not to pick it. After that Shiori would assume a battle stance and prepare to fight, or spar rather with her mate, as she didn't intend on truly causing any harm to Kaei.

"Well sweetie, are you ready? If so then let's get this show on the road so we can move on to the top," Shiori would say to her mate, hoping that Kaei would at least no just sit back and allow her to win that easily.

(I'm assuming that whichever one of them wins gets the reward for themselves. Or am I wrong about that?)
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

-Nope, prize is shared out between the two-

[Shiori gets...vampire traits! Bloodlust (?) acquired! Seductive Aura (?) acquired!]

[Kaei gets...werecat traits! Light Body (?) acquired! Enhanced Senses (?) required!]

Looking at Shiori, Kaei drew her rapier as Shiori picked the second pillar "Your choice, you are my mate~", Shiori felt her body start to change as the pillars descended back into the ground, Shiori could see her skin pale and feel her fangs grow as she took on the traits of a vampire, Kaei moaned slightly as her wolf features retracted, replaced with cat features, giving her blonde cat ears and a blonde cat tail "W-What happened nya?" Kaei said, slightly confused.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

(Ah, I didn't expect that honestly.)

"Well Kaei just because I'm your mate doesn't mean I make all of the decisions by myself, but I'm glad you trust me so much... it makes me really happy to know you do," Shiori said, smiling and blushing cutely at Kaei's words as she touched the second pillar.

When she felt her body begin changing, Shiori knew that the fight was about to be on. She watched her skin getting paler than it was, while her canines grew even more than they already were from her being an okami(wolf) girl. Shiori soon realized that she was taking on the traits of a vampire as she felt her bloodlust beginning to surface some.

When Shiori glanced back over at Kaei, she noticed that her mate had taken on the traits of a cat of some sort, which made Shiori growl softly for a moment, before she stopped herself, remembering that it was Kaei and that she loved her. She couldn't help but giggle at that fact that Kaei was changed into some sort of cat creature, thinking it funny since both she and now Kaei were okami girls.

"Well, I seem to be a vampire... and you seem to be a cat girl of some sort Kaei,. This ought to be fun don't you think, of course it won't really tell us who's stronger because it isn't our natural forms. Let's get this fight started then sweetie, but I'll let you know that just because you're my mate, I don't plan on losing easily, but I'm not going to hurt you any at all," Shiori said to Kaei, winking at her mate lustily as she decided to try and defeat Kaei through sexual means.

Shiori's plan now was to get Kaei to submit as she moved in and attempted to trip her up with her naginata, where she would then try and grab her to pleasure her mate to make her submit to her so that she didn't have to risk hurting Kaei any at all. She wondered how Kaei was going to try and beat her as she attempted plan.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a arousal hit, Kaei fails to hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit, Kaei fails to hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit, Kaei gets a normal hit]

[Shiori has chosen to only use arousal hits for this battle]

Kaei 6/6 HP, 3/6 AP

Shiori 6/7 HP, 7/7 AP

Blinking as Shiori said that, Kaei was surprised when Shiori tripped her over with her naginta and mounted her, Shiori slipped her hands into Kaeis panties and rubbed her lower lips, teasing her entrance as she leaned down and rubbed her dick on Kaeis chest area, Kaei responded with a quiet mewl of pleasure before trying to slash her rapier up at Shiori, only cutting her arm.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori found she was able to catch Kaei a little off guard as she tripped her down, then got on top of her, where she slid a hand down into Kaei's panties while rubbing her member across her chest. Shiori saw Kaei let out a quiet catlike mewl of pleasure and was about to lean down and kiss her, but Kaei swung her rapier at her, cutting her arm some.

"Ouch... (Shiori growls)... I'll make you pay for that one sweetie, but I refuse to hurt you, because you're my mate," Shiori said as she clutched her arm with one hand where she'd been cut.

After that, Shiori was going to try and put Kaei into a submission hold where she would then attempt to use her already stiff member to put her in her place.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a arousal crit, bringing Kaei to orgasm, Kaei gets a normal crit]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit, Kaei gets a normal hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit, Kaei gets a arousal hit]

Shiori 2/7 HP, 6/7 AP

Kaei 6/6 HP, 4/6 AP, Orgasm, -1 to rolls.

Suceeding in her attempt, Shiori managed to tackle Kaei to the ground, getting Kaei on her knees and slipping her skirt and panties off, exposing her asshole to Shiori, who rubbed her now erect dick against it and smirked to herself, her arms keeping Kaeis hands to the ground making her vunerable to whatever Shiori planned.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori managed to tackle Kaei to the ground under her where she quickly stripped her mate naked, smiling as she held her down and slipped a finger into Kaei's pussy, and another into her soft pucker where she began fingering her. She licked her lips as she heard Kaei squealing in pleasure as she brought her to a swift climax, feeling quite satisfied in her ministrations thus far. Shiori was kicked in the gut by Kaei as her legs kicked out in the throws of her ecstasy, though she was able to recover quickly enough to keep Kaei from turning the tide on her too much.

Shiori positioned Kaei with her butt sticking high into the air as she rubbed her fully erect penis against her mate's soft puckered ring, while at the same time holding Kaei's hands to the floor to keep her from moving too much. Shiori grunted a little in pain as Kaei struggled to break free, kicking and scratching her up a little in her struggles, but Shiori maintained her grip on her mate. Shiori knew she needed to end this now, and since she had a good target, she slid her fully erect member into Kaei's moist pussy, hoping to finish her struggles off.

Ha, I've got you now sweetie, you aren't getting away from me now,” Shiori said to her mate, trying to end this match in her favor by making Kaei climax again as quickly as she could, using every technique she knew with sex as she began knocking away at Kaei's pussy.

(I decided to add in a little more detail if that's alright.)
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a arousal crit, Kaei gets a normal hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit, ending the fight]

Kaei gave out a startled moan of pleasure as Shiori started to tease her holes with her fingers, trying to struggle Kaei managed to scuff Shioris elbow in the struggle, however Kaei couldnt prevent the course of Shioris action and reached her orgasm, shuddering in pleasure, yanking Kaei back suddenely, Kaei moaned again as she sat on Shioris dick, grinning as she had Kaei right where she wanted, thrusting repeadetely and making Kaei bounce and buck, Kaei tried to struggle and attack, to knock off Shiori, pulling out to avoid one of Kaeis attacks, Shiori smirked slightly as the naked Kaei tried to cover her womanhood as the two paced, Kaei tried to attack but Shiori felt her new reflexes kick in as she swiftly disarmed Kaei and jumped at her, catching Kaei in a glomp hug and suddenely penetrating her.

Kaei gave out another startled moan as Shioris member slid perfectly into her lower lips, Shiori wrapped her arms around her mate and kept her legs around Kaeis waist, Kaei stumbled as she tried to keep herself standing, Shiori felt herself start to instinctively thrust into her mates pussy and her newer instincts made her lick her mates neck, making Kaei mewl in pleasure as Shiori softly bit into Kaeis neck leaving a love bite, thrusting more quickly and feverishly Kaei could only stand for so long as she was leant against a wall and reached her orgasm at the same time as Shiori did, Shiori shooting her seed into Kaeis waiting inner walls, gasping in pleasure, Shiori felt her vampire features fade as the same happened to Kaei, her features returning to that of a wolf girl, a treasure chest materialized in the center of the arena, Shiori was still penetrating Kaei though, her corrupted mindset egged her on to continue having some fun with her mate.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori managed to sit Kaei right in her lap where she began bouncing her up and down over her hot hard dick after Kaei shuddered in climax from her earlier ministrations, giving a very satisfied smile when she heard Kaei's mewls of pleasure. She watched as Kaei attempted to struggle and fight back, trying to push off of Shiori, but Shiori simply pulled out to avoid her strike.

When she saw Kaei trying to cover herself, Shiori smiled again, thinking she had her where she wanted her now. When Kaei swung her weapon at her again, Shiori jumped back to avoid it, her swift reflexes saving her from the blow. Then Shiori jumped back in and knocked Kaei's rapier out of her hand where she then jumped in and pulled Kaei into a tight hug, holding her where she couldn't get away as she lifted Kaei up and aimed herself perfectly as she thrust back into her mate again.

She licked Kaei's neck as she continued thrusting, making Kaei let out moans and mewls of pleasure as she gave Kaei a gentle love nip on the neck. She began thrusting more and more rapidly as she leaned Kaei against the wall and turned her around to take her from behind, her cock beginning to throb greatly as she knocked away at her mate. Soon enough they both reached orgasm together, with Kaei writhing in ecstasy and squeezing Shiori's cock like mad while Shiori spurted her seed deep into her beloved. She barely noticed when her own features changed back that of a wolf girl, but when Kaei's features returned to normal she did notice that and figured her own had as well, reaching up and feeling of her ears and finding them back to normal. While they were still both reeling from orgasm Shiori sat down, gently pulling Kaei along with her to sit in her lap while they recovered.

Shiori noticed the treasure chest appear in the center of the room they were in while she sat there still inside of Kaei. Once she saw the chest appear, she knew that she'd won the fight against her mate. She still felt a bit riled up and ready to fuck some more, her mind urging her to keep taking her mate until she begged her to stop. But Shiori's heart and love for Kaei won out on that regard and she merely turned her around in her lap to face her, where she then leaned in to plant a loving kiss on Kaei's lips while holding her.

"Well sweetie, I think I won... barely. Did I hurt you any at all sweetie? If I did, then I'll hurt myself to make up for it if that's what it takes for you to forgive me. Would you like to have a little more fun with me? I'm up for more if you want, but if you don't want to and need to rest some, then I'm satisfied enough for now," Shiori asked her mate, gently caressing Kaei's cheek as she kissed her on the cheek.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei squirmed slightly as Shiori sat with Kaei still penetrated on her dick, kissing Kaei seemed to tip her as she kissed Shiori back, only stopping to listen to what Shiori had to say, looking like she was about to say no, she panted, smiled and said "Ofcourse...a-anything for my mate...", kissing Shiori passionately again and letting her do what she wants.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Oh Kaei, don't be silly. If you don't want to, then we won't, because as my mate I'm supposed to treat you with love and respect. I'm even supposed to give you gifts and whatever I can to make sure you're happy. It's my peoples way to do things like that,” Shiori said to her mate, giving Kaei's cheek a gentle caress.

Regardless, Shiori would try and fight down her urges for now, not wanting to make this a habit to want to fuck Kaei for all her worth after every battle, because she didn't want to wear Kaei out or anything from repeated sex, because Kaei meant more to Shiori than anything right now and she didn't want her to get sick or exhausted because of her.

I would do anything for you Kaei, no matter what it is. Because you're my mate sweetie, and that's what I'm supposed to do, my honor dictates it of me. But enough about that sweetie pie, let's see what that chest has in it,” Shiori said, lifting Kaei off of her and sliding her member out of her as she kissed Kaei again.

As soon as Kaei was off of her completely, Shiori would help her back up and into her clothes, then get back into her own clothes. Once they were both redressed, Shiori would head over to the chest and open it up to see what was within, wondering what their prize was. She hoped it was something good considering they had to fight each other for it.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After the two stopped and got back into their clothes, Shiori opened up the treasure chest and found a unique magic book, this one was about darkness and would allow the user to learn either a Lv.1 Black Pulse magic attack or add the element of [Corruption] (?) to their normal and arousal attacks.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Well well now, a magic spellbook. Do you want the spell Kaei, or should I take it since you already know some magic?" Shiori asked her mate, kind of wanting the spell herself so they would both have some form of magical attack.

If Kaei said she didn't mind Shiori having it, then Shiori would take the book and read it for the magic attack rather than take the extra corruption with her normal attacks. Once she'd read and learned the spell, regardless of how long it took to do so, Shiori would get up and kiss Kaei on the cheek before telling her she was ready to go. If Kaei wanted it, then Shiori would wait for her to learn it herself and merely do the same thing either way.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Thinking, Kaei nodded and let Shiori learn the magic spell from the book, Shiori noted the spell was a multi-hitting one, allowing her to hit multiple opponents at once in battle, after this the two got up and moved on up to the eighth floor, finding themselves in a labyrinth like entrance.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori smiled at Kaei when she allowed her to learn the spell, thinking that now they would both be able to dish out some form of magical attack on their enemies to take them out before they got close. When she learned the spell could target multiple enemies at the same time, she smiled to herself and told Kaei about it, wondering what her mate would think about the spell she just passed up, unless of course Kaei could learn it also.

Regardless of that, once they arrived on the eighth floor, Shiori saw they were in a labyrinth like place. When she saw the area they were in, she immediately began sniffing around for what might be in there awaiting them, not liking the looks of the maze.

"Kaei... stay close okay, I don't like the looks of this place at all. And keep a watch behind us too, don't want anything to sneak up on us," Shiori said to her mate in a brave voice, warning her to keep a watch out. The reason Shiori was talking bravely like that was so that she didn't let Kaei think she was scared even though she was terrified at the moment, not wanting her mate to think her weak.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, the two went into the labyrinth and looked around, keeping a eye out for anything approaching, it was long, winding and confusing and they could hear footsteps, it was worrying for Shiori.