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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori chuckled at Kaei a couple of more times as she kicked the ice and broke it, looking straight at the dark green book after she'd done so. She immediately reached out for it to see what it had within its pages. "I wonder what's in here. You pick one too Kaei and we can get through quicker," Shiori said, gesturing at one of the other books for her mate to get and check out.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As soon as she tried to pick up the dark green book, Shiori felt something come out of the book and wrap around her hand, vines, startling her somewhat, Kaei noticed this and wrestled the book away from Shiori, the vines detaching and retreating back into the book "Careful shiori..." she said, going into another fit of coughing from the soot.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori started to grab the book she'd chosen, several vines came out of it and wrapped around her hand, stunning her a bit and causing her to jump in fright as she hadn't expected that to happen in the least. Kaei jumped over and helped Shiori pull herself loose from the things thankfully, the vines letting go and retreating back into the pages from whence they came. Shiori turned to Kaei after she helped free her and patted her on the back as she went into another coughing fit.

"Hey sweetie, you alright? And thank you, maybe I should poke them a time or two before just grabbing them," Shiori asked, caressing Kaei's cheek and smiling at her mate. After she had helped Kaei with her coughing fit, Shiori would attempt a different book, going for the blue one this time, but only poking it a time or two at first before actually taking it, and if something tried to come out at her again she wouldn't go ahead and take the thing.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Kaei opened up the book and read it, when Shiori tried to touch the blue book she felt her hand suddenely reach almost zero temperature levels, making her yelp in pain, looking at Kaei, she could see Kaei was very deeply engrossed with the book, muttering to herself as she read it and flicked through pages, almost as if she was in a trance.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As soon as Shiori's hand touched the blue book, which was so cold it made her let out a little yelp of pain as she pulled her hand back and away from the book, apparently not having any luck with books so far. She glanced over to see Kaei reading the book she had, muttering as she did so. Shiori waved her hand in front of Kaei's face a couple of times, and then she'd shake her a little to snap her out of the trance like state she was in, wondering if she was okay.

"Hey sweetie... Kaei look at me," Shiori said, trying to get Kaei's attention, and if she was successful in doing so, she'd then tell her she was just making sure she was okay, that she looked like she was in a trance. With that, Shiori would attempt the purple book, wondering what bizarre thing it might have in it.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shaking Kaei, she came out of her trance and looked around in a slight panic, looking at Shiori and saying "Oh hi, what were we doing?" Kaei didnt seem to remember going into that trance as she shut the book.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"We were looking through these books for anything that might help us out. Don't you remember?" Shiori said, caressing Kaei's cheek and brushing her hair from her eyes, looking very worried about her mate.

With that, Shiori would check some more of the books on the shelf, knocking some more of the ice away if need be to get a hold of them. This time she looked to the purple book and reached out at it, looking to see what's in it.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Kaei continued reading the dark green book, Shiori did the same with the purple book, however this time her hand immediately felt a burning sensation as she tried to touch the book, as if it was appalled with her presence, Kaei continued reading and said "These books are something about elements, i can only tell because of some of the pictures, its all in some weird language...." explaining to Shiori.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Well how come you can touch them all and I can't? That's not fair. I know a little bit of magic too," Shiori asked, puffing her cheeks out a little after she jerked her hand back in pain from the purple book when it burned her. It wasn't that Shiori really even cared about being able to read them or anything, it was just the principal of the thing, as she knew a little magic herself after all. She wondered if the books simply didn't like her or something as she listened to Kaei.

"Here Kaei, let's just put them all in our packs and check them out after we get back to Tendril's tower okay. Then we can check and see what turning that stone the other way does too after we put them up and before we go," Shiori said to her mate, pulling her pack down off of her back and opening it up to place the books into it. After they had put all of the books into her pack, Shiori would then head on back to the other room and turn the stone the other way to see what that did.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Well i think its because you aint a fully experienced mage yet..." Kaei tried to explain, Shiori said they should carry the books with them until they were available to be translated, Kaei nodded as she took the books and used small hooks on her belt to keep them holstered there, going back to the cave, Shiori moved the rock again, it slid up a panel of the wall, revealing a viewing slit from which they could see the slide would drop them into a pit filled with something unidentifiable from this angle.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, if you say so. Still shouldn't stop me from even grabbing them at the very least though," Shiori said as Kaei hooked the books to her belt.

Then they headed on back where Shiori moved the rock the other way, which opened up a part of the wall that looked like a window of sorts where they could see the slide leading down into a pit, which was filled with something, she couldn't tell what. She was glad that they didn't just slide on down though now, very glad indeed, as she still didn't see a way back up other than trying to climb the slide again.

"Hey Kaei, you got anything we could use to light that area up down there? I wonder if any of these little crystals would light it up down there enough for us to see," Shiori asked, taking one of the little heating crystals out of her robe and holding it up to see if it would light up the pit enough to see down in there if she tossed it through the overview window they were at.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei blinked and took one of the spare crystals off her clothing, examining it, she shook her head and said "Not enough light, its just for warmth" in a somewhat sad tone as she put it back into place to keep her warm "Besides we need all the warmth we can get right now."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Seeing that the crystals wouldn't give them the light needed to see down below, Shiori placed the one she grabbed from her clothing back into her pocket, wondering where they could get enough light to see down in there. "Yeah you're right about that Kaei. So what do you wanna do then?" Shiori agreed, then asked, unsure of what they could do to see what was down there without actually going down there to check it out, which she didn't want to have to do unless they had to.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I actually want to see whats down there, curiosity and all" Kaei said, peering through the viewing slit, "I Cant see anything moving about in there, its still as a lake" she finished, looking at Shiori "What do you wanna do about it?" she asked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Eh, might as well find out what's down there I guess, cause I'm curious as hell too, and we might find something useful down there too. Do you think we can climb back up that slide though Kaei? If not then let's find some rope or something to tie off up here so we can," Shiori said in a curious voice, agreeing that they should check it out, but wanting to make sure they had a way back out as well. Of course if they had no rope, or couldn't find anything to use, then Shiori and Kaei would have no choice but to just head on down and hope that there was a way back up elsewhere.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"It is ice, i can just melt it and we can climb back up by clinging to the rocks" Kaei answered, they searched around a bit for a rope, but they found nothing that could be of use to help them get out once they wanted to leave the area the slide led to.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, I guess that'll have to do then. Come on let's go sweetie," Shiori said, hopping up to the slide and pulling Kaei up to sit in her lap where they would then slide on down.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Kaei followed Shiori down the slide into the unknown, the two slid and landed in the liquid, it made a familiar splashing noise, looking around, they could see that it was just plain old water, nothing to be worried about.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As the two of them slid down the slide, Shiori waited anxiously for when they'd reach the bottom. When they made it all the way down, Shiori felt the liquid at their feet, which she quickly found out was just water. After that, Shiori would look around a little, trying to see what all was down here and if there were any other rooms to explore before they headed on back up, "Come on Kaei, let's have a look around," Shiori said, pulling Kaei close to her so they could stay as warm as possible down in the watery area.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Landing in the water, Kaei nodded as Shiori stuck close to her with Kaei doing the same so they could share body warmth, searching around this little pool they found a incline of rock rising out of the water and leading to a strange archway, looking at Shiori, Kaei shrugged and said "No idea what that is."