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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While Kaei cuddled with Kaei on the ground, Shiori's ears twitched with joy for every second she held Kaei, her body totally exhausted from such a powerful orgasm, which was more powerful than any of her previous orgasms. This kind of scared her, but at the moment she was too concerned with basking in the bliss of her sweet release with her mate and instead held Kaei close, raining kisses down on her mate's face.

"K-Kaei... that felt amazing... I mean really amazing. A lot more than usual," Shiori said after a few minutes of basking in the afterglow of orgasm, still panting slightly from their fun, but willing to go again if Kaei needed to.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Cuddling with Shiori, Kaei giggled as Shiori gave her kiss after kiss, however they heard something moving about in the brush, it was safe to say that it had ruined the moment, both of them got up and quickly re-clothed themselves, drawing their weapons as the bushes rustled loudly again.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While Kaei lay there with her on the mossy forest floor, Shiroi cuddled with her, kissing her many times. Suddenly though they were snapped back to reality as they heard something rustling the brush near them. Shiori quickly pulled out of Kaei and the two got dressed again, where they then grabbed their weapons and got ready to fight in case whatever it was coming towards them intended them harm.

"Get ready sweetie. If it's something that tries to hurt us I want you to stay back and let me protect you, while you take shots with your magic," Shiori said, stepping in front of Kaei and taking a defensive position.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding to her battle tactics, Shiori found that the enemy they were going up against were what looked like....skeletons, just plain skeletons, huh, the weird part was that they were all missing their skulls, at this point they were just standing there, not attacking at all, confusing Kaei somewhat "Wha....?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As they prepared themselves for a fight, Shiori was taken rather aback when she saw skeletons emerge from the brush. They didn't have heads which Shiori thought was a little strange, but what was stranger was that they weren't attacking them and merely standing there. Shiori exchanged a confused look with Kaei for a moment before looking back to the skeletons.

"Um... do you maybe know why they aren't attacking us Kaei? Cause I sure don't," Shiori asked, staring at the things with a curious look, yet not taking her guard down any at all yet. If they started to attack them, then Shiori would step back in front of Kaei and defend her mate.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I dunno..." Kaei said, walking over to one of the inanimate skeletons, she poked it and got no response, looking over at Shiori she gave a shrug and said "I guess they are broken or something?" trying to rationalise what just happened, Shioris wolf ears pricked up in alertness as she heard bushes rustle again, whipping around suddenely, she could see what looked like a humanoid figure of mist which quickly phased through her and ran towards Kaei, trying to stop it, Shiori was too late as the foggy humanoid phased through Kaei and hid again, only now Kaei was completely naked, making her give out a startled yelp of surprise, looking around, Shiori could see another figure, only this one was actually more humanoid, with the face of a woman and long dark grey hair, she looked around 20 or so, she said "Oh i see you stumbled on our little domain~"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... maybe, but I doubt they're broken if they were able to walk towards us like this," Shiori said, looking curiously at the skeletons as Kaei went over and poked one of them.

Suddenly Shiori sensed something and heard the brush rustling again. She spun around quickly she barely caught what looked like a misty figure run through her and towards Kaei. She tried to swing her naginata at it before it made it to Kaei, but was too late as the thing ran through Kaei as well, and suddenly Kaei had no clothes on. Shiori couldn't help but laugh a bit at the absurdity of the situation, what with whoever or whatever it was taking Kaei's clothing off, which Shiori didn't really have much a problem with, as she thought Kaei had a very nice body.

She looked around again and saw someone else, though this one looked more human like. When the woman spoke to them, Shiori was kind of glad, as they could talk rather than fight it seemed. She looked around for Kaei's clothing to see if she could find them and give them back to her mate, but if she didn't see them nearby then she would take her own robe off and wrap it around her mate before turning to the strange woman.

"Um... yeah. Hello there, I'm Shiori and this is my mate Kaei. We were exploring this temple and went down this slide and ended up here in this forest. Who... are you exactly? And what did you mean by our domain? Are you not the only one here?" Shiori said to the strange woman, introducing herself and Kaei before asking the woman's name in return, and also dropping her fighting stance if it seemed the woman was not hostile and taking on a more curious demeanor than anything.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Nope, i have a few friends but we are the only ones here..." the woman said, yawning and stretching "We dont have names, its taboo..." the woman was looking at Shiori and smiling, looking over at Kaei she had to stop herself from gasping as she said "Oh! I could use your help with something~" it seemed like she really was curious as Shiori had thought "See i need to test something out...those skeleton things? I assume you`ve seen them."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh so you aren't alone, that's good I suppose. And forgive me please for asking your name. It's not taboo from where I come from, everyone has a name of some sort," Shiori replied to the strange woman, lowering her naginata as it seemed she wouldn't need it any.

When the woman told her she could use their help to test some things out, Shiori wondered just what it was she wished to test out. "Yeah we see them. It's kind of hard to miss them really," Shiori said, then went on to ask in a curious tone, glancing over at Kaei, "What do you want from us exactly?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I need you to help me test them! A friend of a friend told me that physical humanoids enjoy sex more than anything! So i designed this special armor, you wear it under clothing, it keeps you happy sex-wise and it improves the armor of whatever your wearing! Its made of a special kind of bone you only get from dead vampires~!" the fog woman explained, Kaei was still very confused and poked one of the skeletons, the skeletons arms and legs fell off, as did the pelvis, but the ribcage it self opened up so it could be worn a bit like body armor or a vest, Kaei was very curious "And dont worry, one size fits all!" the fog woman finished.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Yes we do enjoy our sex to say the least I believe. But an armor you say, now I'm very curious indeed," Shiori said as she got closer to the skeletal armors, looking at them closely and examining them thoroughly as Kaei poked one and it fell apart mostly before opening up.

When Shiori saw how curious Kaei looked, that was all the convincing she needed to try one out as well, figuring that if her mate was going to go through with it then she would do so herself, not willing to let Kaei take the leap alone. Shiori moved over into one of the suits of armor as well, looking a bit too eager most likely, and when the woman told them one size fits all Shiori was a little relieved, as she was wondering if she'd have a tight fit and all because of her member.

"So what exactly do you want us to do with these now exactly?" Shiori asked while putting her suit on, wondering if the fog woman meant for them to fight something to test it.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Going over to the armor, the fog woman said "It goes on under your clothing!", nodding Shiori disrobed and slipped the strange armor on, the rib-cage now shutting to secure it into place, the ribs on both sides latching onto her skin and one pair covering her nipples to give her some modesty, then she felt something soft come out of the spine part of the armor, giving out a small yelp she felt a soft and long member penetrate her pussy, keeping itself inside but not thrusting, smiling, the fog woman watched as Shiori put her clothing back on, then saying "Et voila! You should be able to take more hits and no one can see the armor underneath your clothing~!", Shiori nodded but gasped out in pleasure as she felt the member now stuck in her pussy slowly thrust, making her blush, Kaei seemed slightly astounded by this new armor.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When the fog woman explained it went on under their clothing, Shiori stripped right there shamelessly, where she then put the armor on. She felt the armor snap into place, with a couple of the ribs covering her nipples as they pulled around into place. Suddenly she felt something soft maneuver out of the spinal bit of the armor, which then pushed its way into her lower lips, bringing a soft cry of pleasure from her as whatever the long thing was went inside of her, thankfully not thrusting or vibrating.

After that, Shiori put her clothing back on while listening to the fog woman speak once more, nodding at her words and liking the fact that she had some form of armor now. However she then suddenly felt the soft member inside of her begin slowly thrusting inside of her, making her coo softly as her face flushed with arousal again. She glanced over at Kaei to see what she thought and noticed that she seemed to like it.

"S-So miss... can we make it... s-stop thrusting? B-Because it'll m-make it... hard to fight with... this thing going inside of us like this," Shiori asked the fog woman, hoping there was a way to get it to stop thrusting, or else she likely wouldn't be able to really use it effectively.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Thats the lowest setting, you`ll get used to it over time, besides it really does make your armor quite strong!" The fog woman replied, Shiori felt like it was a bit of a toss up, suffering a bit more arousal wise to get some more defense on her.

[F.W Armor grants +2 to HP in exchange for -2 to AP]
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh... hmm... well I guess I can handle it for the increased protection it gives then, plus it'd probably make it a lot harder for anything to actually get in here to get me more hot and bothered," Shiori admitted, deciding to keep the armor on for now, then as she got used to wearing the armor and shifted around in it to see how well she could move while wearing it, she suddenly remembered something and decided to ask the fog woman, "Also, do you know what was causing all that light earlier? When we got here I suddenly got some sort of angelic wings that grew out my back, but we never found what was causing the light."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh that was one of the embodiements of the divine ladies will, they like to do that to people, they grant the one wish they want so much, what was yours by the why~?" the fog woman asked, looking over at Kaei, Shiori could tell her stomach was still bloated, despite having recently finished and cleaned up after their quick session in the middle of the forest.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"So it really was an angel then? And a wish huh... well the main wish I had was for me and Kaei to be able to have a baby together," Shiori said, glancing over and noticing Kaei's belly still bulging slightly after their fun earlier, despite having cleaned up and her seed mostly having leaked out of her mate. Suddenly it hit her like a hammer to the face, maybe the angel or whatever it was had made her capable of impregnating Kaei now and she stared at Kaei for a couple of moments, wondering if she had indeed impregnated her after all.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Staring at Kaei, Shiori was still unsure whether or not she had impregnated Kaei or not, Kaei looked back at her slightly confused, she said "What is it?" as her wolf ear twitched.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Huh... oh nothing, just thinking about something," Shiori replied, shaking her head a little, not wanting to tell Kaei anything as yet to get her hopes up too much only to disappoint her in the end. She then turned back to the fog woman after a couple of moments.

"Can we take these off at will? Or are they stuck on us now?" Shiori asked, poking at the armor through her clothing.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, The fog woman said "Ofcourse you can take it off! Just tug at the lowest rib on your left and it`ll come right off, you need to get the tentacle out first though...." the fog woman said, scratching her head and saying "Do you wanna help me with something else? You really are great helpers~!" in a joyous tone.