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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding as the fog woman explained how to take off the armor, Shiori glanced back up when she asked if they wanted to help some more, since they seemed to be such a big help to her and all. "Well it depends on what you need help with. Do tell," Shiori replied to the fog woman, urging her on so they would know if they wanted to help or not, not that they had much else to really do at the moment other than find their way back.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Wellll~! Some annoying monsters wont leave me and my buddies alone~! Can you help clear them out? It would be a great way to test out that armor~!" she explained, Kaei looked at Shiori and sat against a tree saying "I Dont feel like fighting....", her belly still bloated and obviously putting her in a status that made her unable to fight.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... where are they, and how many? You've gotten my attention now," Shiori asked after being told what she was needed for, considering going ahead and doing it, simply so that she could maybe find a way out of that place for her and Kaei.

When Kaei suddenly sat down against a tree and told her she didn't feel like fighting though, Shiori grew very worried and concerned for her mate and forgot all about wanting to go and fight for the moment. She immediately moved over to Kaei's side and knelt beside her, kissing her on the forehead and petting her head a little. "Are you okay Kaei? Do you need me to get you anything?" Shiori asked her mate, a worried look on her face.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh just a randy arachane or two, im not really sure~!" The fog woman answered, walking around in circles while Shiori checked on Kaei, who shook her head and said "Im okay...just really tired...."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As she sat there next to Kaei, making sure she was alright, Shiori listened to the fog woman tell her who was giving her so much trouble. When Kaei told her she was okay, just really tired for some reason or another, Shiori calmed down a little, thinking it was likely because of them having sex earlier. She decided to see if Kaei would be alright staying here with the fog woman while she went and dealt with the arachne she'd been told was giving the fog woman trouble.

"Hey sweetie, do you think you'll be okay staying here for a little bit while I go and see if I can get the arachne to stop bothering our new friend here? If so then I'll go and either talk to them and try to reason with them, or beat the hell out of them and make them stop attacking," Shiori asked, letting Kaei know what she was planning, but wanting to first make certain her mate was okay and okay with her leaving.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei nodded at Shioris request saying "I-Ill be fine....do what you w-want ill always be waiting..." and smiling, the fog woman tapped Shiori on her shoulder and said "Quick note, she made off with some of my creations so expect the unexpected~!", warning Shiori to be extra careful if she departed.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Alright Kaei... I only want to make sure you'll be okay before I even think about leaving, because you mean more to me than anything," Shiori said, kissing Kaei on the lips and caressing her cheek, smiling back at her mate.

"Okay, I'll be careful then. Anything in particular I should know about? And can you keep an eye on my mate while I'm gone please? I'd really appreciate it. And how would you prefer me deal with them? Just beat them up and make them go away? Kill them? What? And which way do I need to go?" Shiori asked as she stood up and prepared to leave in search of the arachne, listening to the fog woman's replies to her questions before going in the direction she was pointed, giving a last wave at Kaei before she left.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The fog woman answered all of Shioris questions "Just get them away from us, ofcourse we`ll keep a eye on your mate and go north, whats your fetishes? Cuz then i can tell you whether or not it might be a bit more dangerous than normal~!"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you, and I've got a few fetishes really. I like to be held down by my partner a lot, I like anything to do with my dick being pleasured, I like being tickled too, as well as being denied release, bondage, I like being spanked, among others. These arachne wouldn't try and hurt me or anything would they?" Shiori said, blushing red as a beet as she admitted a few of her fetishes where Kaei could hear, wondering if her mate would try any of them on her at a later time or anything.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The fog woman thought for a moment and said "She can do all of that and more if you let her web you too much~! If you do lose i hope you like giving birth to eggs as well~!", intimidating Shiori somewhat, the fog woman looked around and said "They dont like it if you turn them over, whether you want to do it to make them vulnerable or dominate them it always works~!" the fog woman advised Shiori, hugging her "I Just met you and id be DAMNED if we arent friends by the end of this~!"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"So just stay out of their webs and I'll be alright then, gotcha. And i don't mind giving birth to eggs, I've done it before. But I'll keep turning them over in mind, may be able to use that to my advantage, maybe set a trap for them," Shiori said, then when the fog woman pulled her into a hug and said what she did to her, Shiori returned it, saying, "I hope we are too, because you've really helped us with this armor."

With that, she went and gave Kaei one more kiss on the lips, telling her to stay safe and that she'd return as soon as she could, once she'd taken care of things. Then she headed off to the north, in the direction that the fog woman pointed her towards
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding and waving bye, Shiori left the small forest to go northward, travelling along that route, Shiori had the undeniable feeling that she was being watched, meaning her target must be nearby, sure enough, she came across a part of the forest that had a large network of webs everywhere, some of them even having women trapped on them, all webbed up, some completely webbed in a cocoon and others simply restrained, with the same recurring trait, each of them had their bellies bloated quite a bit, meaning they were probably carrying the arachanes babies.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori went along the path she'd picked out to the north, she had the funny feeling that she was being followed by someone or something, which it was she wasn't sure yet. However she soon got a good hunch as to what that someone was when she came to a area around this part of the forest that had a lot of webbing all around her, with women bound in some of them in different ways, all with large bulging bellies most likely with eggs.

"Wow, hope I can handle this. I don't want Kaei to worry too much about me, so if it looks like I won't be able to handle this I'll run back and regroup," Shiori muttered to herself as she readied herself for battle, looking around for the arachnes she was supposed to get rid of, or at least get them to stop attacking the fog woman from earlier.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Looking around, Shiori had to wait temporarily, waiting and waiting....nothing came even after around five or ten minutes, maybe it would be a good idea to get all of these women free.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After waiting for nearly ten minutes or so as she looked around, waiting for anything to attack, Shiori didn't see anything coming out at her. So she decided to start trying to free some of the women trapped in the webbing, going for the ones closest to the ground first and using her spear to keep from getting stuck in the webs herself. While she freed the women though, she would keep a close eye on her surroundings, making certain nothing came out and blindsided her any.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Almost as if on cue, Shiori heard the sound of something large hitting the ground behind her, alongside a intimidating giggle, she slowly turned around to see the arachane of the hour, she looked like a regular arachane but her upper half was clothed in a black and white themed kimono, her hair was a ass length jet black spectacle, with red hair beads in them to resemble the extra eyes a spider would have, glinting maliciously much like the arachanes own deep red eyes as she gave a fanged smile to Shiori "Well well, a little wolfie has stumbled into my domain..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While she started cutting the poor bound women loose from their bindings, Shiori heard something hit the ground behind her and giggle, so she spun around, her naginata at the ready. The arachne she saw after turning around had a black and white kimono on she noticed, and she had red beads in her long black hair that matched her eyes. After giving the arachne a once over to see exactly what she looked like, Shiori noticed the spider woman smiling at her, her fangs showing and causing Shiori to shudder a little, but she kept herself from looking scared any.

Yeah... I'm an okami. And I didn't stumble into here, I came here knowing I'd find you. I was asked to come here by a fog woman that said you'd taken some of her things. Now I don't know if she was wanting them back or anything, but taking things that don't belong to you isn't nice,” Shiori said to the arachne, giving a suspicious look, maintaining battle readiness as she stared at the spider woman.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh you mean that insolent little ball of hot air?" the arachane said with obvious hate in her voice "I barely get any food because of her, i have to let all these woman go now because ive scrounged what i can from them." she finished, looking at the arachane, Shiori could see she was pale and she looked a bit under the weather, making her really wonder who was in the right here.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Um... wait a minute here. She keeps you from getting any food? She told me you made off with some of her stuff though. Did she... lie to me?" Shiori said to the arachne, whom she noticed looked like she was slightly sick, finishing with her last question not directed at anyone in particular.

Biting her lip, Shiori stood there a minute awaiting the arachne's response, growing more and more worried about Kaei, because she'd left her back with that fog woman. "That fog woman gave me and my mate these here suits of armor too. Do you know exactly what they are? And would that woman hurt my mate?" Shiori said to the arachne after she'd answered her first question, giving her another as she pulled her robes wide open for the arachne to see both the armor as well as her member. The arachne woman would clearly be able to see that Shiori was worried about her mate's well being.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh her things? Those are little "payments" i took from her so i can actually catch some food" the arachane said, crossing her arms in what looked like frustration, "So no she didnt lie, and those suits of armor i havent seen...until now." the arachane seemed to get turned on by the armor Shiori was wearing, blushing slightly as she noticed the soft tentacle from the armor stuck in her pussy, the arachane only getting more aroused on noticing her dick "Oh my, arent you one of those okamis or wolf girls whatever they call them?" she asked rather curiously, walking over.