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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

My bets are still straight on:

-Simon takes down the incubus emperor, unifies his continent.
-As soon as he does (or maybe a bit after getting some social decisions on), one of the enemy incubus kings will attack, maybe Estaven, pushing Simon toward international affairs, and locking him out of peace (as his victories will merge the soul shards, pushing other incubus kings to action)
-The lustlord could look like the main threat, but I'm betting more on Xerces.

I'm not sure. Xercres seems to instead want to understand the truth behind the world. Which is why he is studying theology of all things and is very uninterested in the Chosen creation process.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

I dunno, the lustlord looks like the obvious pick for a villain, but at the same time he's status quo incarnate, he wouldn't try something that risked ending the world, like kidnapping the goddess or whatever happened to her.

of the other incubus kings, the fucklord looks like an obvious opening for international conflict, he's a fool who most likely could find himself at ease with the incubus emperor, and his rule is both tyrannic and impossible to maintain for long. Strong but stupid, he's perfect as a second step from the stupid and not so strong incubus emperor.

The lord of blood is another perfect second step, he's a conqueror type, so he's another who could initiate conflict against a war ravaged Arclent, but he's not a schemer.

Esthera is so far an ally, most likely she will fall at the hands of the true main antagonist, since she cannot coexist with Simon.

That leaves the Lustlord, the Anak and that queen as possible main threats.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Hmm. We've altered quite a number of musical tracks, either for quality/format or better looping, so it's possible that we've produced artifacts in this one. I'm not very good with music - someone going by Lamsey usually helps me with that, but I'm not sure if he reads ULMF. I will try to check on this, anyway!

Hi. I am the aforementioned Lamsey.

But within Yarra's Route/Rodak/The Gathering the theme that plays for that section.
(The normal one, not the battle or action themes.)

Has a bit of an auditory glitch within it. I know the theme plays a few times before that section, but it never happened during those parts. (And I can't remember if that theme plays again or not.)

About every 30 seconds to a Minute. A crackle/tick like sound, will happen, but it would go away like nothing happened. And it would just repeat until the theme is over with.

I can't reproduce this on my machine, either with headphones or speakers. It may be machine or OS-specific. I've just received the original files from Sierra, so I'm going to try re-encoding these tracks, but in the meantime it'd be useful to know if the clicks also occur when you open the file in a standalone music player, outside of RPG Maker. They can be found in the Audio/BGM folder in your TLS folder, and are named "Dungeon7" (Rodak) and "Orgasmic Palace".

I also note that both of these tracks are played at different speeds/pitches. In Rodak, it's played slower/lower in the servant tunnels, while in the Orgasmic Empire, it's slowed down in the main palace but at normal speed in the training grounds. It would be useful to know if the clicks occur at both speeds, or only one, or only after changing speeds.

It seems like the Orgasmic Empire's theme also suffers from it. It's not nearly as pronounced yet rare compared to Rodak's theme though.
It's more frequent and scattered about the song. At least in the first half of it. Usually at the starts and ends of the flute playing (or whatever that instrument is.)

FYI, I'm pretty sure it's an oboe :)

Edit: OK, I've gotten a hold of the original version of the Rodak theme and I've produced a new version at a higher bitrate. Please let me know if this fixes it. To install it, just copy it over the existing file.
Annoyingly, I'm not allowed to post URLs as a new user, so you'll need to copy this: dropbox.com/s/vk3u42o9zwqzxf8/Dungeon7.ogg?dl=0

I've actually listened more closely to the Orgasmic Palace track and I can hear the clicks in this one. This file is at a low bitrate and there's no way I can see to fix it - it's not clipping at overly-high amplitudes or anything like that, it seems to be part of the waveform. I've had no luck finding a higher-quality original, so I'll need to go back to Sierra and see if she can link me to the source.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Edit: OK, I've gotten a hold of the original version of the Rodak theme and I've produced a new version at a higher bitrate. Please let me know if this fixes it. To install it, just copy it over the existing file.
Annoyingly, I'm not allowed to post URLs as a new user, so you'll need to decode this: www dot dropbox dot com/s/vk3u42o9zwqzxf8/Dungeon7.ogg?dl=0

All you need to do is remove the www from the start and the forum will no longer recognize it as a link.

Clicky for help.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Well I have a feeling that Xestris is going to be someone important to us, granted I have no idea how important. Just that her design along with what looks like she uses lances or something, just strikes me as a party member.
So Anak is possibly going to do something that would cause us to clash with him.
And Sabitha also feel's like a party member, and since the Fucklord is a damned fool, I have a feeling he is going to invade or be slighted by something thus giving us her in the end.
And the Lord of Blood just seems like a bit of a jobber with his design and motivations, and he might just decided to invade or something. Thus giving us that sweet mobile fortress we have heard about and some much needed power.

Lustlord feel's like the true villain, or he would be the Pena-ultimate enemy to the True Final Villain he have yet to see. Or at least know of.

Update on audio bugs.

I ended up using 5kPlayer (the only player I have that can play ogg files) to play those tracks and they still had those audio issue's within them, both the Rodak theme and the Orgasmic Palace.
And after downloading that Dropbox file it cured the issue's within the Rodak theme, within both speeds also.

And for the Orgasmic Palace theme. Yes, the issue's are happening within both the training grounds and within the Palace itself.

So now, I am only at the Ardford Castle so I am going to continue and see if any more audio bug's pop up.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

I've actually listened more closely to the Orgasmic Palace track and I can hear the clicks in this one. This file is at a low bitrate and there's no way I can see to fix it - it's not clipping at overly-high amplitudes or anything like that, it seems to be part of the waveform. I've had no luck finding a higher-quality original, so I'll need to go back to Sierra and see if she can link me to the source.
That 16kHz whine that shows up in a spectrogram makes this sound like it might be a SNES soundtrack thing... crappy samples were often part and parcel.

In fact, the file has got valid Vorbis tags. It's from RPGMaker Super Dante... You can dig up the original SPC from . ("rmk-11.spc") ... the clicking is definitely original.

Pulling out the original tune data and re-mastering it with better samples should be doable.

edit: well, ok, now I've done that. Someone else can clean up the egregious extra MIDI effects and render this with a nice softsynth instead and add a fade-out.


  • rmk-11.zip
    34.5 KB · Views: 0
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

I ended up using 5kPlayer (the only player I have that can play ogg files) to play those tracks and they still had those audio issue's within them, both the Rodak theme and the Orgasmic Palace.
And after downloading that Dropbox file it cured the issue's within the Rodak theme, within both speeds also.

And for the Orgasmic Palace theme. Yes, the issue's are happening within both the training grounds and within the Palace itself.

So now, I am only at the Ardford Castle so I am going to continue and see if any more audio bug's pop up.

Thanks for the confirmation. I'll send Sierra the updated Rodak track and she'll hopefully fold it into the next version.

That 16kHz whine that shows up in a spectrogram makes this sound like it might be a SNES soundtrack thing... crappy samples were often part and parcel.

In fact, the file has got valid Vorbis tags. It's from RPGMaker Super Dante... You can dig up the original SPC from snesmusic.org/spcsets/rmk.rsn ("rmk-11.spc") ... the clicking is definitely original.

Pulling out the original tune data and re-mastering it with better samples should be doable.

edit: well, ok, now I've done that. Someone else can clean up the egregious extra MIDI effects and render this with a nice softsynth instead and add a fade-out.

Many thanks - looks like you're a lot more familiar with this stuff than I am! I've tried a couple of tools to render it, but it looks like it'll need a good soundfont and a fair bit of cleanup of the MIDI to get anywhere near the current version. I'll play around some more to see if I can get anywhere, but I've no experience in this area apart from playing around with Sibelius a bit at school (longer ago than I'd like to imagine). If anyone's got any recommendations for free MIDI sequencers and/or a soundfont with a good oboe sample, it'd be a big help.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]


Uh, just to be clear: I chose the thing that sounded closest, and I may have screwed up when I chose the patch. I thought I was picking a flute, but it's rather subjective anyway.

The output of the AirFont 340 soundfont seems pretty good to me, but I'm really not picky enough to be a good person to consult.

Here's the output of a different SPC-to-MIDI converter. It might be a better starting place.


  • rmk-11x.zip
    7.5 KB · Views: 0
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Thanks for the confirmation. I'll send Sierra the updated Rodak track and she'll hopefully fold it into the next version.

Update on music and audio issue's

Alright a few more that I have found out:

Ardford's theme also has issues, it's far more light but more scattered about it. I hear them within the game itself and using the 5kPlayer I have. Both with and without headphones, (but more recognizable with headphones.)

"Dungeon3" has it really bad, game itself and using the 5kPlayer, both with and without headphones. And equally noticeable. I think I heard it before but I tried to ignore it, and it wasn't until I did the Hidden Stronghold where the theme played again that I couldn't ignore it.

I don't hear any more issue's using the player in a most of the other song's I have listened to with the 5kPlayer, but I have yet to play the Elven Forest and past that yet.

I'll have one last update once I get caught up until the end of Zirantian.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]


Uh, just to be clear: I chose the thing that sounded closest, and I may have screwed up when I chose the patch. I thought I was picking a flute, but it's rather subjective anyway.

Hm, I'd been thinking of it as an oboe since it has a more plaintive, reedy sound, but I think I've actually been led astray by the pitch-shifting when it's played at the slower rate in the palace. The flute (instrument 73) is the correct choice, I think - most of the oboe (68) samples in the various soundfonts I've tried don't seem to have the same breathy quality.

The output of the AirFont 340 soundfont seems pretty good to me, but I'm really not picky enough to be a good person to consult.

Here's the output of a different SPC-to-MIDI converter. It might be a better starting place.

That's definitely a better MIDI file - the previous one had lots of duplicate channels, whereas this one seems to have the right number. However, I've struggled trying to produce something at the quality (clicks notwithstanding) of the one in TLS. The best I've managed is linked below, but I don't think it sounds as good at normal speed, and it sounds positively awful when slowed down in-game (I think because of the pitch bending, but I've no idea how to clean that up):

For reference, I settled on using XMPlay to play/export it, and the OmegaGMGS2.sf2 soundfont (I didn't have any luck finding a .sf2 version of Airfont 340). In terms of editors, the only free one I found that could even play the file properly was Anvil Studio. However, I got utterly flummoxed when I looked at editing the actual score - I think it's because a lot of the notes are achieved via pitch bending, rather than as separate notes.

I think I'm going to have to admit defeat on that one for the moment at least, sadly - it's way beyond my skillset (I have no background in audio, I'm just a software developer who knows just enough to be able to loop things for RPG Maker using Audacity). Thanks for the effort pulling it out, though - maybe if we're lucky, someone with the right skills might be able to do something with it.

Ardford's theme also has issues, it's far more light but more scattered about it. I hear them within the game itself and using the 5kPlayer I have. Both with and without headphones, (but more recognizable with headphones.)

I assume you mean Ardford.ogg (the one that plays in the city, not the castle). Sadly, this one is from the same source as the Orgasmic Palace theme, according to the Soundtrack page on the TLS wiki. I assume it's a similar issue, i.e. subtle clicks when certain notes are played. I don't think I'll be able to do anything about that, as per my comments above.

"Dungeon3" has it really bad, game itself and using the 5kPlayer, both with and without headphones. And equally noticeable. I think I heard it before but I tried to ignore it, and it wasn't until I did the Hidden Stronghold where the theme played again that I couldn't ignore it.

Better news on this one - it's from the same source as the Rodak theme, so I was able to snag the original. Can you please give this version a try?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

However, I got utterly flummoxed when I looked at editing the actual score - I think it's because a lot of the notes are achieved via pitch bending, rather than as separate notes.
Soundtracks ripped from SNES games are often missing note-off events, so the durations are often really wacky. And the timebase is also usually wrong.

I think I'm going to have to admit defeat on that one for the moment at least, sadly - it's way beyond my skillset (I have no background in audio, I'm just a software developer who knows just enough to be able to loop things for RPG Maker using Audacity).
I could easily separate out all the individual voices, and then synthesize/record just a new acoustic bass track...

Or I could slow down and/or transpose the MIDI for subsequent re-rendering for each desired playback speed... that seems easy enough to try right now:


  • rmk-11x-60percent-speed-and-9-semitones-flat.zip
    7.5 KB · Views: 0
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Or I could slow down and/or transpose the MIDI for subsequent re-rendering for each desired playback speed... that seems easy enough to try right now:

I tried flinging that one through XMPlay, but I'm afraid it sounds pretty much the same as the slowed-down version of the previous one.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Just put out another patron-only release!

Version 0.25.1
- New synergy skill system introduced!
- The bug with restarting the game via F12 has been fixed.
- Assorted bugfixes and polishing.

The release schedule is unusual because I wanted to take the time to implement a new system: synergy skills. These allow party members to use new skills when another character is in the party. For example, if Robin is in the same party, Aka will gain a fire elemental stabbing skill. I think this is a fun way to expand the game mechanically and build on the relationships between party members.

Here are the party's private training grounds, featuring an area you haven't seen in quite a while:

Expect more of these as the game goes on! We're currently brainstorming the whole system's balance and many specific skills in a special Patreon thread, so feel free to stop by there if you're on the right tier.

Next public release is on Friday, see you then!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/17]

Version 0.25.2 is here, enjoy!

Version 0.25.0 [3/3/17]
- New iteration of Yhilin.
- Four new plot sex scenes.
- Three new affection sex scenes.
Version 0.25.1 [3/11/17]
- New synergy skill system introduced!
- The bug with restarting the game via F12 has been fixed.
- Assorted bugfixes and polishing.
Version 0.25.2 [3/17/17]
- More bugfixes and polishing.
- Hardcore hugging action added to the reunion section.

This update covers a very busy visit to Yhilin, plus the new system of synergy skills. Lots of fun content in this update, as well as a development I know may be controversial for some. As always, I welcome all feedback and criticism.

That covers it for this release, so I'll be beginning work on the next section of the plot. However, you're also going to see some other fun things here in the near future. So stay tuned for those, and meanwhile enjoy the release!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/17]

I have to admit, I barely remember what I even did back in Aram. Along with a lot of other stuff. I've been playing off one continuous file for like a year now.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

Yeah, we are definitely past halfway. Though a lot of events have yet to happen, keep in mind just how many characters have been introduced that will become harem members eventually. As for antagonists, now that all the pieces are on the table, I'm free to set up some serious clashes, so things could move faster than you think.

This is good to hear. I am debating whether to play again when it is finished or whenever the protagonist gets funky with his daughter (did it happen yet?).

Haven't played it since ver 0.13!! So, I have to start from scratch, anyway.

Love it, came for the porn, stayed for the story and gameplay (and there's also sexy times, of course)
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/17]

This is good to hear. I am debating whether to play again when it is finished or whenever the protagonist gets funky with his daughter (did it happen yet?).

Haven't played it since ver 0.13!! So, I have to start from scratch, anyway.
You don't have to start from scratch if you still have your saves! The only time old saves have been made incompatible was the transition to 0.8.

As for your first question
it can happen this very update, in fact.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/17]

Sorry about not trying that music as soon as I should have, needed a break for a bit. You probably reached out to Patreons or other user's with how long I was taking. Anyways, I'll still say my piece.

Update on audio issue's and such

Dungeon 3 is cured, with and without headphones. Both in the game itself and using 5kPlayer.

And that's totally fine, that nothing can be done for Orgasmic Palace and Ardford both place's you don't stay at for long. And the theme's issue's ain't massive and bothersome as the one's that have been fixed.

I also haven't run into any issue's in the game up to the end of Zirantia, I don't know the names of the song's that play during that entire section so I can't use the 5kPlayer reliably though.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/17]

Where do you find the succubus to get the spell to transform Aka?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/17]

If you mean the spell that would free up Robin to do something different?

2rd or 3rd floor of the Palace, where the magic crystals were. You would be kicked out of the location normally but would be let in after you got enough Esthera mood points.