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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

On a vaaaaguely related note, Sierra do you have like anything to do with this.

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Cool. It has a similar themes in the form of 'use evil powers to do good stuff' and 'good is dumb, evil is pragmatic' and stuff. The protagonist veers more 'evil' than Simon's 'anti-hero-kinda' thing, though. Evil evil. Evil.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

This game is really well written, although im disappointed it seems to have no cgs.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

This game is really well written, although im disappointed it seems to have no cgs.
That's something I would very much like to change, but it's more difficult than you might expect. Many of the good artists are busy with their own projects and completely uninterested in commissions, for example. It's difficult to find a good artist willing to commit to a project of this length, and keeping a generally coherent visual style is important to me.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I just got the scene between Aka and Varia about burying the hatchet, but it feels a little odd. (During Govern Yhillin II)

It's been probably a year they first met and this is the first time they've really spoken.

If there was really this intense animosity between the two of them until after Aka got transformed and reevaluated her life, then surely they should have had some sort of conflict earlier?

It might just be a consequence of Varia not having much interaction with anyone in the party (presumably because she comes in two flavours and requires twice as much writing for each scene) but I don't remember Aka even speaking to Varia at any point after she joined the harem.

TLDR: A scene where they put aside their mutual animosity doesn't really work because it's been so long since that animosity was actually shown.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I just got the scene between Aka and Varia about burying the hatchet, but it feels a little odd. (During Govern Yhillin II)

It's been probably a year they first met and this is the first time they've really spoken.

If there was really this intense animosity between the two of them until after Aka got transformed and reevaluated her life, then surely they should have had some sort of conflict earlier?

It might just be a consequence of Varia not having much interaction with anyone in the party (presumably because she comes in two flavours and requires twice as much writing for each scene) but I don't remember Aka even speaking to Varia at any point after she joined the harem.

TLDR: A scene where they put aside their mutual animosity doesn't really work because it's been so long since that animosity was actually shown.

Not everything is shown on screen. There's no telling what went on between timeskips,
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I think it was mainly due to their animosity (or at least on Aka's end) that they were avoiding each other, Aka in particular not wanting to deal with Varia (but putting up with her, since Simon decided to bring her along) so they never really spoke much. The whole scene that followed was more "breaking the ice" than anything else.

As for their earlier conflict, Aka mentions this around the time where recruiting Varia plays out, Aka being a bounty hunter in the same region where Varia was a bandit and all and them having something of a history, or at least Aka knowing about Varia's "exploits".

Not to mention of course the situation where Varia lobbing a bomb toward Aka, Simon and Tal led to Aka having a rather traumatic experience with Tal later, all in all plenty of reasons not to be getting along with someone and taking quite some time to open up.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I think it was mainly due to their animosity (or at least on Aka's end) that they were avoiding each other, Aka in particular not wanting to deal with Varia (but putting up with her, since Simon decided to bring her along) so they never really spoke much. The whole scene that followed was more "breaking the ice" than anything else.

As for their earlier conflict, Aka mentions this around the time where recruiting Varia plays out, Aka being a bounty hunter in the same region where Varia was a bandit and all and them having something of a history, or at least Aka knowing about Varia's "exploits".

Not to mention of course the situation where Varia lobbing a bomb toward Aka, Simon and Tal led to Aka having a rather traumatic experience with Tal later, all in all plenty of reasons not to be getting along with someone and taking quite some time to open up.

I know WHY she's upset, it's the fact that it took them multiple chapters and at minimum of several months traveling together to "break the ice" that bothers me.

They should have had interactions before this. Even if they were limited to recognizing that they dislike each-other and deliberately choosing not to interact in order to prevent party-conflict.

Varia responds to Aka's approach with "I knew this was coming" as though she'd been waiting all this time for Aka to approach her.
It's simply far too long a time-period for something like this to stay buried without it even being brought up or mentioned.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Varia responds to Aka's approach with "I knew this was coming" as though she'd been waiting all this time for Aka to approach her.
It's simply far too long a time-period for something like this to stay buried without it even being brought up or mentioned.

They pretty much have their first interactions in the elf kingdoms, which I imagine is what set that off. They don't really have any shared conversations until then I believe, and prior to that they were either split up or preoccupied with more pressing matters, consider that the party's return from the elf kingdoms is the first time in a long while that they actually had something of a break since preparing, executing and dealing with the consequences of the Yhilin coup.

It's also a bit of a different scene with dominated Varia, which is more along the lines of Aka trying to figure out how to deal with Varia as she is, and Varia just offering herself to Aka, who then sets up the scene with Simon as 'normal'
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

They pretty much have their first interactions in the elf kingdoms, which I imagine is what set that off. They don't really have any shared conversations until then I believe, and prior to that they were either split up or preoccupied with more pressing matters, consider that the party's return from the elf kingdoms is the first time in a long while that they actually had something of a break since preparing, executing and dealing with the consequences of the Yhilin coup.

It's also a bit of a different scene with dominated Varia, which is more along the lines of Aka trying to figure out how to deal with Varia as she is, and Varia just offering herself to Aka, who then sets up the scene with Simon as 'normal'

Yeah, my previous playthroughs were all with the other Varia, so she had no real personality to speak of, which is why I've just found this scene now.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Version 0.29.0 has been released to patrons! This is another extra large release that covers the end of the war through the end of the chapter, so it has quite a bit of content!

The war events will culminate in the assault on the Incubus Emperor's home base, a large dungeon that forces your party to split into three groups:

And so you'll finally arrive at the screen you saw two years ago, in the very first first version of the game, to fight the enemy introduced in the beginning:

But of course by now you understand that just defeating one enemy doesn't save the world. No, there's a complicated political situation surrounding the conflict. You're going to have to deal with that situation, which will vary widely depending on your choices up to this point:

There are several pieces of the war I haven't spoken about, either. But I'll just leave you with a glimpse of one of the challenge battles this update:

Though there are a lot of events going on, expect to be able to spend some time catching up with your harem, too:

This update includes not just the end of the war, but all the aftermath and scenes leading up to the next section of the game:

That includes an entire round of investing - yes, you'll get new ProN returns. Depending on your choices, you'll have different options that will get you an early advantage on the next cycle of investing:

And of course, it's all leading up to this:

Right now, I need to focus fully on bugfixing and balancing this version. There's a lot to do, and the whole war may need tweaking, so this may be another two week wait for the public version. But once I have a little more space to breathe, I'll be making a post about what the rest of the game will look like, a roadmap to the ending.

The Last Sovereign is not almost done... but we're definitely closer to the end than the beginning. Thanks to everyone for supporting me this far, and I intend to keep providing the game all the way to the conclusion!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

on one hand I'm quite hyped to see the end of the first of Simon's big goals, on the other, I know you'll patch and modify a lot of stuff, so I'll guess I'll wait one month and then maybe start from scratch.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

on one hand I'm quite hyped to see the end of the first of Simon's big goals, on the other, I know you'll patch and modify a lot of stuff, so I'll guess I'll wait one month and then maybe start from scratch.
I hope things will be pretty much finalized by the time of the public release, even all the hidden variables. As for replaying, you might want to take a look at the end of the chapter, first! You'll see the consequences of a lot of political decisions and investments that could give you different ideas for your replay.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I hope things will be pretty much finalized by the time of the public release, even all the hidden variables. As for replaying, you might want to take a look at the end of the chapter, first! You'll see the consequences of a lot of political decisions and investments that could give you different ideas for your replay.

Yeah, that too, for one reason or another I didn't got the option to create the slums' petition house, for example, so maybe I should get to the end however I can and then restart knowing many of my mistakes.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

You need to be fairly well optimized to get the slums house of petitions on the first pass through Yhilin but you can get it after the elf kingdoms as well.

All in all the factors in this massive war are so wide and varied it'll be a while I think before fully optimized setups are determined (also depending on other goals like whether you get Reshaped or Dominated Varia for example) so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I hope things will be pretty much finalized by the time of the public release, even all the hidden variables. As for replaying, you might want to take a look at the end of the chapter, first! You'll see the consequences of a lot of political decisions and investments that could give you different ideas for your replay.

Posted this on the Patreon too, but I've hit a bug in the new release.

I seem to be caught in a loop.


It's the Hilstara/Varia defending-the-passes scene. But every time I beat a wave of orcs, the dialogue from before they showed up just replays again and it starts all over.

Varia leaves to do her thing, then Hilstara has to retreat and defend the pass alone. First battle, then second battle, then the dialogue from before Varia left triggers again.
''These orcs aren't normal'' followed by ''The incubus Emperor has destroyed the southwest passage'' Followed by Varia leaving, the orcs showing back up again, Hilstara retreating even more, then the same two battles again.

As you can see from the screen-shot, if you follow the cycle enough times (three) she runs face-first into a crate and the whole thing freezes.

Sidenote: I really liked these fights.

Throwing us into battle with only Hilstara really makes you think tactically.
She doesn't really have any decent ways to deal damage, but against these enemies you don't need it. Between burners burning and Bash to confuse, you can make them kill each-other.
On the first wave, I was desperate to kill the burners before they burned themselves don, I was convinced they'd explode or something.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

It's been fixed in the 29.1 version I believe, but you can also escape the loop by simply losing one of the fights.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

It's been fixed in the 29.1 version I believe, but you can also escape the loop by simply losing one of the fights.

Wait, there's a new version out already?

And yeah, I'm not losing until I actually lose, just incase each battle won raises some hidden variable. (lets face it, it probably does)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Yea this bug was fixed some time last night, and really letting yourself lose is only so you could see what came after if you didn't want to wait or change versions for whatever reason ;)