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So about what websites people use for viewing streaming hentai...


Jungle Girl
Aug 29, 2010
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There's maybe 3/4 sites I like to use to watch hentai, although I can't help but notice in ads on certain ones, that have stuff that looks too good to be true.

Pretty much I assume all the ads on these kinda sites are scams/not worth going to, but just happened to see something that made me go like... I hope it's real+safe, was a place called hentaitubehd.com, although thing with it is that it requires a credit card to verify your age but, "won't charge anything". I dunno, just always been paranoid of that sort of stuff.

Hate it though because, at least the base pictures/etc. of the stuff there that may or may not exist, is pretty high quality+haven't seen it before.

But eh, just in general find me being very careful with trying new websites lol.

How bout you guys, whats your thoughts on this kind of thing?
Re: So about what websites people use for viewing streaming hentai...

although thing with it is that it requires a credit card to verify your age but, "won't charge anything".

You must be new to the internet. Or at least google.
Paying for streaming anime really isn't necessary. On the one hand you could argue it to be "fair". On the other, the original creators won't see a dime of it and the subbers (more often than not) include something like "not for sale or rent". So there you go, just google something up.
Re: So about what websites people use for viewing streaming hentai...

Sounds like a straight up scam to me. If a hentai streaming site is illegally sharing high quality anime or hentai, then I highly doubt they actually give a shit about the legality of their visitors ages. There are plenty of other methods they could use and be legally accountable if they wanted to verify age, so asking for something like a credit card number is ridiculous.


I would recommend avoiding anything that asks for those kinds of details.
Re: So about what websites people use for viewing streaming hentai...

If something asks for credit card info, you'll be losing money, whether it's willingly or not.
Re: So about what websites people use for viewing streaming hentai...

Well, was just that it all seemed original, and I have been watching hentai for over 10 years+, I have seen a ton of hentai, and finding new stuff/things I haven't seen is hard lol, but then I stumble upon a place like that and go new stuff? Wait D:, it's one of those "need credit card to verify places" which makes me go like :(