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Sonja (freeko)

Re: Sonja (freeko)

So once both girls had decided to work together, the two son started to look first the room where they are before take the door. As they look the paintings and statues they could notice some of them be almost all of women, some few males and in mostly all they have a lusty scent. Some were for torture and others of terrible events happening to the women at the art.

Just then the door at the left get opened just when the girls were close it, from that room three figures come out, they looks to be humanoids yet some kind of curse looks to had change them, they have dark scales in some parts of theirs faces, claws and at least they are a little slow. At theirs hands they have some clubs and nets, it looks easy for the two adventures until they heard more sounds bellow them, more likely growls than without doubt don’t come from humans
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Can you throw a fireball, or just make a sword? Guess I should have asked before now. If you can do a fireball, then I will try to go in behind it and finish off whatever you happen to hit with it. Otherwise I plan on going for the one on the left of the group if you happen to kill one with the fireball, or if you can only make that sword. That is of course unless you have a better idea?"

Sonja would wait for confirmation from Jane before charging herself forward either behind a fireball or simply going for it, and taking the fight to these lizardmen.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

The statues were unpleasant to say the least and the paintings no better, Sunflower grimacing. Why'd they smell like that? Sadly her questions would go unanswered, as the door abruptly opened, dis engorging some sort of mutant lizard people.

Sonja was quick to the task on strategy, Sunflower eyeing the situation. She didn't like the sounds coming from below them, but there wasn't much she could do about it without knowing what was happening.

"I can do range, move!," she barked, conjuring a fireball and launching it forth at the one on the left.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The sudden action from these girls take this guys with the guard down, the fireball conect direct in its target making the poor guy growl in pain by the dangerous magic send to him. Sonja soon tried to finish the poor guy but then something make her fall at the floor before reach them, instead touch the floor her exposed torso notice a strange cold skin this thing crawl with force draging her through the room until hit the wall with enough force to make her see some stars. Sunflower could see than Sonja was just resting at the wall, maybe one of these guys was a mage and it was using some kind of power over her ally.

Before she could recover she notice a small needle touch inyecting something at her lower back cheeks. The others two strange males turn their attention to the one than had send them that nasty fireball, theirs soulless eyes look at the room to decide theirs actions and then rush toward the mage. They were getting close her ready to dodge any power to her.

Sonja fail at her perception roll and also her attack.

Two of them made defensive stances as they rush to the mage

The poor guy at the left is still at the same place some feet away of Sonja

Sonja: 3hp -2 at rolls thanks to an strange force at her

guy 1/3 burned in great pain
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja got herself stung in the ass by something, then she was unceremoniously thrown against the wall. Trying as much as she could to recover and get back to her feet, she would start to again make an attempt to finish off the lizardman that was blasted by her partner.

"Something stung me when I fell, I dont feel right..."

Sonja would stammer about trying to spit this out as she attempted to get herself back up and moving toward the already injured enemy. Sonja still not sure if it was simply being smashed into the wall, the effects of whatever it was that happened to sting her, or a combination of both that was making her move with far less vigor than before.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The sudden launching of the girl was very concerning. Of more immediate concern though was that she was being bum rushed. She swore and backed up, lashing out with a flame, this time at one of the two close to her. She started manoeuvring towards one of the statues, hoping to use them to her advantage.

That something stunned Sonja was worrisome though. Hopefully the girl wasn't poisoned. Lord knows why she chose a skirt to a place like this with a sword.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

With that foe still aflicted by the pain, Sonja even with the strange feeling at her body manage to make a sudden slash at this poor guy. Soon after take out the head of this guy she feels once again a needle at her, hitting her leg but the point not manage to introduce that fluid thanks to her sudden reaction.

The tide of the battle havent changed yet and soon the mage girl tried her best to maintain her distance casting a new fire spell to hit her pursuers, the fire reached to wound the side of one but this dont stop them at all. They have theirs clubs up ready to hit the poor girl when this move toward a statue to use it to protect herself.

After that sudden attack at her leg Sonja know now than she was not alone with these guys, something more hidden close her was making her day suck, her eyes noticed a move on the floor, as a transparent mantle with the same colors as the floor. No doubt than it was a foe with a camuflage skin, but that was all.

Sonja: 3hp -2 at rolls thanks to an strange force at her

guy dead, still two more to go and Sonja detect another thing close her.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Take this!" Was all Sonja could muster as she finished off the aready wounded lizard. Soon thereafter, she felt another attempt at whatever it was that had previously pricked her in the ass just in time to be able to notice where it was coming from. More importantly though, Sonja was able to avoid it this time.

Not entirely pleased that she had let two of those enemies get past her, she was however relieved to finally have figured out what it was that was stabbing at her. This second time that thing had attempted to stab her, she was more aware of it and was able to avoid it. Now knowing what she was up against, she would attempt to do what she could to defeat this translucent thing that was just discovered. Of course, this would rather simply involve trying to introduce her sword into this apparently camouflaged mantle moving along the ground.

(Attack the camouflaged mantle.)
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The assault was relentless. Still, Sonja managed to strike down the wounded one from before, so this could still work. Manoeuvring around the statue for cover, Sunflower quickly gauged how solid it was. If it was loose enough for her to topple onto the lizards, or to get it in their way, she'd do so, otherwise she used it as cover to lash fire at the same one as before.

Though she'd love to know why Sonja seemed so focused on the floor all of a sudden, she didn't have the time to ask.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

After suppose what she should do against this possible almost invisible foe, Sonja prepare her sword to stab this thing, she quickly attacked but she was not fast enough with the strange effect than this creature has placed on her, her sword just manage to create a new scratch on the sone floor. As she get ready to try again moving her sword the monster who is faster than her has already hit her again after evade her attack, a large syringe at his tail pinched her already exposed breasts, soon the substance placed on her made her nipples get fully erect as also her breath increase at rate, she wanted to move her sword to cut that tail before it dissapeared but she couldnt react as normal she would had do it.

Meanwhile Sunflower tried to check if she could do something with one of the statues, but her girly strenght was not enought to push or pull this things. Her attempts to check her possibility with the statue made her miss her chance to shoot at her foes and even one manage to hit her side with a club, it was not a really powerful hit yet for the girl some more of these will make her faint for sure.

Sonja: 3hp -3 at rolls thanks to an strange substance at her
Sunflower 4/5hp
All continue the same with the others foes
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower grunted as the club struck her side, the attempt to move the statue evidently too much for her alone. She snarled angrily, eyes ablaze in anger as she unleashed a cone of flame at the beast she injured before.

What the hell was Sonja doing, striking the floor. Was the poison a hallucinogen? IT looked like she was on her own for the time being.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja knew she saw something now, and she was able to make it out along the floor. She thought she tripped over something when she first attempted to charge, though being thrown against the wall had rattled her. Now she knew what she was up against.

"Something.. stung me.. again.. OW!"

Sonja really had no choice but to try to fight defensively now, as the effects of whatever it was that was being injected into her were starting to take effect over her. Sonja could feel the effects starting to really take hold over her, and they felt similar to something like a party drug. Both inhibiting her motor skills, and probably leading to her passing out over time. Sonja not being one to give up, would try to simply occupy enemies, as when she glanced over after being stung this last time to see how Jane was doing, she saw a club smack Jane.

(Defensive fighting, attempt escape from the monster I am fighting to go over toward the lizards to help Jane.)
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

With the possibilities to fight these things reduced by the strange venom placed on her, Sonja order her body to run and call the attention of all the foes as she try her best to defend herself. The almost invisible creature tried to stop her but she move at the right time, her attempts to call the attention of the two others foes soon worked, yet she was still a little far so Jane could still use a magic to attack the two males, however they move away and used the statues to dodge the powerful spell. Another blow come and the mage lost her vision and balance for a moment, the man in turn soon take out a a chain and pull her close him, making her top get almost out as her hands were tied, just then Sonja manage to get close them followed maybe by the invisible creature, her pprescense made the second guy focus on her instead sunflower.

Sonja: 3hp -3 at rolls thanks to an strange substance at her
Sunflower 3/5hp -1 at rolls
All continue the same with the others foes
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja now seeing Jane trapped by one of the lizardmen, would attempt to bullrush the one who was holding Jane. Having drawn the attentions of everything else she knew to be in the room, hopefully her plan of just being a gigantic distraction would allow Jane the time she would need to at minimum get herself free so that she could fry up some lizardmen. Though now that Jane was almost exposed herself, Sonja was starting to find her body somewhat attractive to look at. Hopefully her arousal would be able to be controlled enough for this plan of hers to work.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sadly the beasts managed to use her own plan against her, Sunflower snarling in rage. However one of them clubbed her upside the head, making her see stars a moment. Before she could recover and respond, she was yanked, yelping as a chain wrapped around her arms and pulled her close, the front of her robes nearly yanked open by the chain.

She snarled in indignant rage at the act, and tried to grab a hold of the arm holding the chain and channel her flames over it, difficult though it was with them bound like this.

It looked like Sonja had gotten some moments of lucidity too and rushed to help. Hopefully it'd be enough.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja decide to rush toward the guys some moments after make all notice her. She almost get caught many times but fortunately she manage to reach her target, then Sunflower casted her spell at the chains but even after her great attempt from both of them the fire mostly get out of control, the man close them almost die by the damage given what it was the best than happened.

Looking the total result it was not an awesome moment, the fire hurted the hands of the casters and put softly on fire the clothes than Sonja was using to cover her lower body. They would soon recover by this little incident yet soon they would need to defend themselves of the others two foes.

Sonja: 2hp -3 at rolls thanks to an strange substance at her
Sunflower 3/5hp
One is almost dead the others however are cmpletely fine.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"You bitch..!" Sonja would bark at Jane as she notices that her skirt is now on fire.

Sonja however would still at least for the time being start to focus her rage over someone so much as touching her skirt on her enemies. Sonja would simply look to finish off the lizard that was damaged now seemingly twice by Jane hitting with fireballs. After this attack, Sonja would have to do something to put that fire out before it grew to a point that it would simply burn her skirt to an unusable crisp.

(Offensive strike against injured lizard, all-in!)
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Chains being what they are, her aim was thrown off slightly, and she charred Sonja's skirt instead. "It's not like I'm trying to hit you, let's see you wield your sword with your arms chained up!," Sunflower snaps back, before trying to grab a hold of the lizards face and channel her flame directly into it with a snarl.

This was getting old, and them snapping at each other wasn't helping, but she was pissed as it was.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The injured guy wouldnt wait for then to decide to finish him as his dear frien, he quickly get up as Sonja tried to hunt for his head, quickly using that adrenaline boost to dodge Sunflower fire spell. The terrible attempt to kill that poor one soul hit them in their face, as Sonja soon fall on the floor, something pull at her underwear and before she could get free something pinched her butt and fill her with more warm venom, the sudden effect on it made her remain at the floor as her rage made it react faster, the last guy was ready to end her but then he saw Sunflower exposed the time enough to launch a net at her than he was getting ready the whole time.

Weak and in drugs the poor swordswoman was almost nude and helpless at the floor as the creature wrap his tail at the handle of her sword trying to pull it away to throw it so Sonja get completely under his mercy, but she cntinue fighting holding her weapon with all her remain force. Meanwhile Sunflower manage to shoot an spell under that net making a hole and killing the poor guy who almost escaped from the fight, leaving now just two healty creatures fighting against them and one of them Sunflower still dont notice.

Sonja: 1hp -3 at rolls thanks to an strange substance at her
Sunflower 3/5hp
two more to end this battle
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The good thing, Sonja was on the ground now so the fire her partner had caused was snuffed out as she rolled about on the ground. Her partner now able to snuff out the one lizard that they were both attempting to finish off, that would put an end to the good side of things.

The bad, well now she was rather exposed, Sonja was topless and her panties pulled down her legs now. Instead of trying to get up right away, she would kick one of her legs free of her panties. While she did this she felt yet another sting. Her arousal was increasing more and more each time she would get stung, though she was still able to focus enough on the task at hand, albeit barely at this point. Not only was Sonja feeling her arousal increase, she was seemingly on the verge of passing out now from simply being stung so many times. Not the best place to be in for Sonja.

No sooner does she recoil from being stung again, she starts to feel her sword being pulled away from her. Now simply struggling to keep both her sword and virginity, she tries to focus herself on doing exactly that. All Sonja really wants to do for the here and now is get herself back up to her knees at least so she can resist having her sword and/or her virginity taken away from her.
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