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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That is unfortunate, but surely Priscilla will be able to make things better." the doctor said after hearing what Adelle had to say about the missing kids and their plight. Eventually Priscilla came to her senses, not really missing Adelle and Rachaela as they were right there next to her. "Oh... we meet yet again..."
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, that is my hope anyway," Adelle said to the doctor before taking her guns out and checking her ammo and stuff, if only to give her something to do while they waited.

When Priscilla did finally wake up a while later and spoke up, Adelle turned to look over at her as she holstered her guns again. "Oh hey there sleepyhead, looks like you finally decided to wake up it seems," Adelle said jokingly to Priscilla as she moved over next to her, giving her a grin before giggling a bit. "For real though Priscilla, I'm glad you're alright after last night. I was... kinda worried about you after you came bursting into that place and all with that scythe a swinging. I hotfooted it over to the elevator and went down, was afraid you might swing again and my head would suddenly roll across the floor, or a stray bullet would hit me more likely. I was just there to work as a waitress and all to make some extra money, didn't expect you there honestly," Adelle went on to say to Priscilla, patting the tall girl on the arm before offering to help her up if she wanted to get up.

"Anyway though I was looking for you to see if I could get some information about something that's happened here in the city. Now I'm not asking you to accompany us on this endeavor per se, but I doubt I could really stop you even if I wanted to considering you got literally riddled with bullets it looks like and that barely slowed you down," Adelle said to Priscilla after she either helped the girl up or Priscilla decided to remain laying down for now, then Adelle would explain to her what had happened and say pretty much what she had already told the doctor guy a little while before. "I was hoping you might know something about it, even a single lead would be better than anything we've found out so far from elsewhere. Oh and also you might want to lay low for a little bit since you have a lot of people looking for you right now," Adelle added when she was done explaining things to Priscilla, warning her also of the search for her after last night.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If something had happened to you, it would not have been from my blade." Priscilla assured as she lifted herself up to sit but did not bother trying any further just then. "Those children... I think I have seen them before... I can provide you with some directions if you feel like it is necessary to try and go there right now... but... I will see to this tomorrow myself. No child deserves that kind of life, and I will correct the matter myself. I've heard some rumblings about this creature as well, so it will be... interesting." the tall lady aired her thoughts, not really being one to sit idly, even as she was still on the recovery side of things. The homeless guys had been grilling a whole chicken over the fire, and now that Priscilla was up, one of them handed it over to her for consumption. Despite all of the people there not having homes and more likely having very little in the way of money, they still gave the entire thing to her. And while she was clearly a bit hesitant to eat all of it, the woman still started to devour it after a few long looks at all of them. Again, some beastly eating presented itself to Adelle as Priscilla did not seem to have any issue with bones, the things giving up any resistance completely as they were snapped and eaten just as easily as the meat.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I only meant that I wasn't sure you recognized me in there last night is all," Adelle replied to Priscilla as the tall girl started to raise up, where Adelle moved to help her do so. "And if you'd like to deal with it then I don't mind... hell it'd probably be better to wait until tomorrow to try to get rid of him anyway, since my bullets did pretty much nothing to the bastard last night when I hit him a couple of times. So I don't know if me and Rachaela here would be able to handle it ourselves or not honestly, and it's probably safer to go in with the three of us together than just me and Rachaela, because I don't want to endanger the children by not being strong enough. Just let us know when you go for it, because I promised Clara that I'd help her friends, and Rachaela can use magic too so surely the three of us together can handle it," Adelle went on to say to Priscilla after she'd raised up and the guys there offered her the chicken to eat.

With that, Adelle sat there while Priscilla ate the chicken given to her by the people there, which made Adelle feel a little bad, probably just as much as Priscilla was feeling for eating so much when offered it by these people, who had little money and whatnot. She wished that she could help them out more, but she had to take care of herself too, and needed good equipment with which to work and whatnot. When she fell into some money she would definitely help these people out more than she had, Adelle thought to herself with a feeling of determination in mind. "Do you think you'll be back up to a hundred percent by tomorrow Priscilla? If not then don't try and force yourself okay, you're very important to these people," Adelle asked while the tall girl ate the chicken.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It will be tomorrow, whether I am completely able or not. This situation will not go on." was all that Priscilla had to say as she went over the final pieces of the chicken, nothing remaining once it was all over. No bones, no shreds of skin, no nothing. Everything had gone down the hatch during the eating process. And just as soon as she had finished it, the exotic lady slipped back to her earlier position, once more lying down as the food time ended. "I'll have to pay this favor back as well, Roman? I can find something for you people as thanks, it should not be a problem." she talked to the doctor next, who tried to put up some sort of denial against her, but could not push himself against the iron will that he was against. Surely even he saw the benefit that accepting the return favor could bring from behind his facade of modesty.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I certainly hope it won't, but regardless come and get us when you get ready to go for it okay, I've got a score to settle with that... thing too," Adelle said as Priscilla finished her food and promptly laid back down afterwards, with everything having been eaten, bones and all. After the tall girl spoke to the doctor, Adelle looked over at him as Priscilla insisted on repaying him and the others for the food and smiled at her. "It's good to repay debts and favors Priscilla, just make sure you're healthy too though and that you're able to do so without too much risk to yourself, alright. Now get you some rest and all that good stuff, and we'll see you tomorrow whenever you're ready to tackle that bastard. We're gonna head on out for now, but we'll need a place to meet tomorrow. Where can we meet up at?" Adelle added to Priscilla, trying to figure out a place to meet up at for saving those kids.

Once they had a meeting place worked out, Adelle and Rachaela would head on out, unless Rachaela wished to stay longer, and once they were back out on the street Adelle would turn to her companion. "Well now, what should we do for the day since we seem to have plenty of free time now? Go find us a job or something maybe to make some extra money for that thing you girls are striving for?" Adelle asked Rachaela once they were back out.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, I imagine we could meet at the spot where you got called in here... it should not be a problem to find it again." Priscilla offered a place for them. The man who had escorted them before stepped up to take the girls back once they were done, just in case they had missed out on memorizing the twists and turns of the path.

Back on the street, Rachaela seemed to be receptive of whatever ideas Adelle had in mind for the day. "You did have something that you wanted to do? We can do that."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course, that'd be a good spot I think, we can come back to here with his help, if the good sir there doesn't mind showing us the way again. I mean I could make it about halfway, but I kind of lost track around that point," Adelle replied to Priscilla, glancing over at the guy that had brought them in with a nod to him. "Say about... half an hour before noon then? Seems like a good time to get started on that unless you have another time you'd like to get started at," Adelle then asked, suggesting a meeting time, but going with whatever Priscilla thought best.


Once they were back on out, following the guy back the way they'd come to his place on the street, Adelle bowed her head to him in thanks. "Thank you sir, we'll be back tomorrow, so keep an eye out for us alright," Adelle told the guy as they were coming to the end of the alley he'd been in.

"Hmm, yeah I suppose I should go ahead and go by there and get my pay they owe me, and see if there's a match to be had afterwards. Who knows maybe I could win even more money, though I get paid some even for a loss," Adelle said, deciding to head on to the wrestling place since it was later in the day now, and thinking to herself that they ought to be able to grab a bite to eat for lunch at the wrestling place surely.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Silly Adelle went hungry with seeing Priscilla's eating.)

"That could be a nice thing, surely. There always seems to be need for some further wealth." Rachaela agreed with getting some money, at least collecting the pay that Adelle was owed was a good idea in her mind. But for all their walking, there was only disappointment waiting. The place appeared to be empty, at least the gym side was. No girls were there, not even Zero who had been there every time earlier. It appeared that the loss of their leader had caused a cease in operations for the bikers, and the wrestling was no exception. It would either end in Adelle getting paid later, or finding someone that was still there, the possibility still remaining open as they had not looked anywhere besides the gym.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Eh kinda, not too much though.)

When they arrived at the gym for her to speak with the ladies in charge about getting her pay, Adelle found that nobody was there, at least not out front anyway. "Well shoot, I didn't expect them to close up today honestly, I figured they'd have kept everything going here so as to make sure they had some way of blowing off steam," Adelle said as they looked around the gym and found the place virtually deserted.

Deciding to see if anyone was around the wrestling arena place itself, Adelle went through the locker rooms and took a peek through the doors to see if anyone was in there. If nobody was in there though then this would be a bust she figured and then they'd head on back to the bar to check with Samson for a job of some sort for them to do.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The pair went out to see if there was something going on around the side of the arena, going past the lockers and the showers which were not in use, the sauna being cold despite the earlier constant use. The arena was equally empty, but there was some hope as the entry hall had lights on over to the other side. Going there was a good thing to do, for the girls found that the place was not completely deserted. The man at the front was still there, where he always was, sleeping behind the counter with his head resting on a pillow this time around. Their approach snapped him out of it for a brief moment, a roll of notes in the one hand that he bothered to raise. "Freya said... to give that to you if you showed up." he mumbled as he waited for Adelle to take the thing. "There's no real telling when things will start up again here though... if you were waiting for a match, it might be a little ways into the future still." he shed a little light into the situation with the bikers.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When they reached the arena portion of the place itself Adelle saw it too was deserted, though after a bit of searching she found the same lazy guy from before there. When he handed her the money she was owed and then told her what Freya had apparently told him to tell her, Adelle frowned slightly, feeling a bit disappointed that they'd close up shop for now until things blew over, as she'd thought it was quite fun, despite being a bit lewd.

"Well that sucks to hear, was actually looking forward to a match tonight honestly, though after what happened last night and all I suppose I can understand," Adelle replied to the guy. "Well I'll check back every now and then over the next week or so to see if they're gonna be back up soon. If you see Freya, tell her to let me know when you all do reopen shop, because I had fun on that first match and would like to go again when they're ready," Adelle added before heading on back out and towards bar with Rachaela in tow, as that was their only source of a job and income for the day it seemed.

When they got to the bar, Adelle would check with Samson since he was back for any jobs they could get done before or by nightfall, as it likely wasn't too safe to be caught out then with just her and Rachaela... hell it wasn't safe for her and Lacri by themselves, so it definitely wouldn't be safe for her and Rachaela.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, yes, I'll try to remember that..." the man half-heartedly tried to assure Adelle about her getting to know about the re-opening of the place before turning his head to make a more comfortable position on the pillow. Since both parties had little interest towards each other after that, the girls departed for other things while the guy continued napping away on the counter like nothing had happened. Maybe he had done all of the day's work right then.

Going back to the bar produced some results, Samson and Shiulin providing a job if the two were up for it. The girl gave the two while Samson explained the situation. "That girl is the sister of our client, and he has approached us and the police force for a search as she has gone missing. The guy himself is basically a computer nerd, so he is not one to try and look for her if there is kidnapping or similar involved, considering that he has basically no capability for physical conflict. A few hints have already been given out by the scouts, and they have a location staked out as the place where this girl could be located. The situation is a kidnapping, but we have no idea if it is by human or monster yet as there's been no ransom demand or similar by now. What you are asked to do is retrieving her alive and hopefully unharmed as well." the old guy explained what it would be if the pair accepted.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When they arrived back at the bar and talked to Samson and Shiulin about something to do to earn some money, Adelle listened intently as they were informed of a rescue mission for a kidnapped girl, who's brother was apparently not strong enough to do it on his own. Adelle looked at the photo that Shiulin gave them while Samson talked, making sure to remember what the girl looked like so she didn't shoot the wrong person if it came to it.

"Hmm... sounds like something we can do I think, depending on the situation when we get there that is. I'd like be more certain that she's in this place you spoke of and how many we'd be going up against, but sometimes life deals you a bad hand and you've just gotta play it and make do," Adelle said after handing the photo to Rachaela and glancing over at her. "What do you think Rachaela? I'm up for it if you are," Adelle asked, checking if the smallest of the sisters was up to this task before accepting.

If Rachaela agreed and said she was in, then Adelle would accept the job and get the rest of the details from Samson, feeling that they might get a good bonus if they managed to save the girl and maybe bring the culprit in to the police or the hunters either one. Finally something to do, she was really starting to get fired up now after having virtually nothing to do all day.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, it has been only half a day since we received this request, so there's not been much chance or time for deeper scouting just yet. If you are unsure, it can wait, but someone else could pick it up before we get further information about the specifics." Samson told the two while Rachaela appeared to agree with Adelle that it looked like they would need to take what they had if they wanted to earn something. Getting an innocent out from trouble always appeared to be a thing that the sisters would do. Shiulin provided a map for the two, the highlighted area showing that the girls would have to access another building in the same district as the now partially demolished sex toy factory was. The information suggested that it was not as far away as the factory was, fortunately, so there was less ground to cover and thus more time to avoid the dark of night. The building they would enter was reported as a former furniture company front, with a store and offices in the place instead of a factory like before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Wow that soon, hmm... regardless it's best to try and save someone before too long into a kidnapping like this. That way they have less time to prepare any sort of response to an attack to rescue whoever they've taken, at least I would think so anyway that that makes sense. So yeah we'll go ahead and take it and have a look in the place in question," Adelle said, looking determined to help this girl if they could. "Is there any reason as to why this guy's sister was kidnapped exactly? Rumors or anything I mean that you might know about it," Adelle then asked curiously while Rachaela looked the picture over.

When she was handed the map to the location in question, Adelle looked it over with Rachaela and found it was near the sex toy factory from before, just not as far. Well at least that's one good thing anyway, that it wasn't in that old place to make her go back in there yet again. Once they had all of the talking with Samson and Shiulin out of the way, Adelle would nod to the two of them. "If something happens to us too, then send in the cavalry alright, preferably with some big and accurate guns," Adelle told Samson and Shiulin as they departed the bar to go to the furniture place that this girl was supposedly being held captive in for some reason.

With that they went on and made their way quickly over to the furniture shop/office, where they would check with the scouts if they'd been told their locations, to see if any changes had been made between the time they took the job and the time they arrived. Though if they couldn't locate them then Adelle would glance over at Rachaela to see if she had any preference as to an approach. "I say we go in as stealthy as we can and catch them off guard. What do you think?" Adelle said, giving her thoughts on the approach they should take.

As soon as Rachaela was ready to move in, Adelle would follow the mage sister's lead if she had a better idea than stealth, though if she didn't then Adelle would take the lead and look around for a good way in that they could sneak in through, checking for traps on the entrance they took as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"We don't know really. The guy did not appear to be much of a rich man, so that appears to not be the case. Could be something personal, not that we were told about it." Samson could not really provide any further information, but did promise to send some of the hunters after them if the return went into longer than early dark time.

The scouts had already left by the time the pair arrived, so there was no real further ideas to be given for the two besides what they already knew. There were two entrances they could use, one being the main store door while the other was an employee entryway that was a little less obvious and to the side of things. Rachaela had no suggestion of her own to go with, Adelle's suggestion being the best way in her mind as well as making a loud entry might have unwanted effects such as alerting not only the possible targets but whatever else might be lurking around the building. As this building did not appear to be inhabited in a constant manner, the chance of there being strange things that desired young ladies around was high indeed. The store front appeared to be perfectly calm both outside and inside, though a look through the windows gave away the fact that there had been activity in there. The employee door did not really give as much away as there were no windows nearby and the door itself was a solid metal security door. Neither of them were locked though, as initial inquiries would reveal. The two could try to enter via either, or try to find another way in via a window or fire exit if they so decided.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, we'll just have to find out the hard way I guess when we get there and find whoever kidnapped her, and thanks," Adelle said to Samson about it before they left, thanking him for the promise to send help if they'd not come back by the time it got too dark.


The scouts were already gone unfortunately she found, so that was a bust, but it did seem like the place only had two viable points of entry that they could really use short of a window or something. When Rachaela decided to go with Adelle's idea of stealthily moving up and sneaking in to catch their foes by surprise, Adelle just nodded her head as they approached and looked through several of the windows to gauge the situation inside.

"So both doors unlocked huh, very suspicious if you ask me. And I don't like the looks of going in through that employee door over there, not enough windows to see what we'd be walking in on. So it's either this door, or a window... my vote is for a window, but only if it'd be easy to get in through one without causing more attention to be drawn to us than using the other door. What do you think Rachaela?" Adelle whispered after checking all of the windows, voicing her opinions and thinking that maybe the roof would have a good sneaky way in too. "Or we could try the roof of course if you like," Adelle added in an extra suggestion with a shrug of her shoulders.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Two possible windows were found on the ground floor, and both went to the same office space from slightly different directions. The threat level was the same as it was over in the main entrance, no visible threats but signs of activity still present on the desks that were littered about the place. A threat did come from Rachaela though as the mage slapped Adelle's rear with her staff. "Make a decision and stick to it, silly. Since you are the pointman, you have to make decisions and stick to them. You don't have to ask me how to go every time, I expect some level of competence and confidence from the pointman. And I am not exactly the best when it comes to tactical sense. We'll go how you decide." she told the busty girl, apparently getting somewhat impatient with her behaviour.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle felt her rear prodded by Rachaela's staff, she let out a little eek and looked over at Rachaela as she spoke to her about taking point and whatnot. "W-Well I was just seeing what you were thinking we should do, I'm still kinda new at this and all remember, a-and I didn't know if you trusted me enough to let me lead just yet. But you're right I should be confident in my leading capabilities," Adelle said, looking a little abashed at Rachaela's words, but feeling that she should have a bit of confidence in herself, as Rachaela was obviously willing to put herself in Adelle's hands, and that made Adelle feel quite a bit better actually.

Nodding her head, Adelle made a decision and gestured over at the lowest and nearest window. "I'll go in first and help you in through that window alright, keep an eye out for me while I help you in in case I gotta swing around really quickly and shoot. Hopefully that won't happen though and we'll be able to sneak in," Adelle whispered to Rachaela before heading over to the window she picked out and trying to slide it open as quietly as possible for them to climb in.

If it opened, then she'd climb in and then help Rachaela through, flipping the safety off on her guns to prepare to fight just in case just beforehand. If the window didn't open Adelle would look for a way to get to the second floor or the roof and use that path as stealthily as they could, as she didn't want to use the doors unless they had to really.