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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Taio's mind was set without too much asking, the previous encounter probably having hurt her pride enough to set up her mind right away. "Don't know about you, but I'm not trusting that floor anus enough to let it pull me in to who knows where." she would step past the thing with knife already drawn, ready to rip and tear anything that got close enough, and that was what the creatures were doing. Firing a web shot would prove to be a waste of ammo as the web wasn't really large enough to do anything to more than one creature, and the one that did get fired would just kinda wrap on a piece of the slug creature's body. The gap between the girls and monster trio was rapidly closing, and Taio was certainly making it happen faster.
"Mmm, fair enough," Adelle replied and opted for the web shot for the first shot on the things.

"Well that didn't work. Acid... no wait, shotgun it is then. I don't want that floor melting out from under us" Adelle groaned and switched to the shotgun shot and took aim at the nearest of the creatures, and fired, though if that proved useless too she would switch to regular single large barbs even though she didn't think they would do much good against these things since they looked so... fleshy. "Don't know what they'll do if they grab us. So uh... let's not get grabbed," Adelle would say to Taio as she fired.
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Firing upon the slug monster was a reasonable thought, and it was hard to miss a larger target like it. The rain of shards would hurt it, but not to the same degree as it had the previous monsters. Taio had little concern to her own safety it seemed, and would leap upon it after having heard the shot go off to stab into it's flesh, which actually turned out to be an effective attack right then. Both it and the anemone were reaching for her, but did not quite manage to get a grip even as she was in their reach. The flower monster was still briefly unable to get any action it, but would be soon as it moved around it's fleshy companions to position.
Adelle noticed she was running low on ammunition in her cute little alien gun, and pat it along its top side. "Alright buddy, gonna save the last few shots you got for now. Just in case I need them," Adelle whispered to the gun, unsure if it understood her, but feeling it did to some degree.

She put it up and pulled her regular pistols out and took aim, loading a couple of incendiary rounds into her regular pistol and shooting the flower monster with those, and then continuing to fire her regular rounds at the thing to drive it back, or kill it outright. If her bullets proved ineffective against it, she'd holster all of her ranged weapons and pull her short sword out and start hacking its tendrils away to get at it good and proper like Taio was with her foe.
Having done what she did with the alien blaster, Adelle's quick switching wouldn't hamper her aim any as she fired off an incendiary, the shot hitting home and burning a mark and hole on the flowery monster, a move which would end up drawing it's attention away from Taio, the previous surrounding strat they had been doing breaking as it would deviate towards Adelle to try and get into grips with her instead. While maybe not as effective as desired, the bullet was nonetheless effective, making regular bullets a viable weapon against these fleshy beasts. With relative quickness, the creature had closed the gap and was now upon her.

With her previous success, Taio would likely be disappointed at not having quite a similar competence now, the slug creature rushing at her and using one of those weird arms to suck her knife hand inside it, holding her in place. The anemone would come down as well, the tentacles on one side gripping at the girl's other arm, making it look like they were having a tug of war with her to confirm who would get to have the pretty girl.
Adelle fired a few bullets into the creature, and with some success, she decided to reload, before opting to hack and slash the thing with her sword and the alien teeth blade thing. She didn't want to waste All of her ammo after all. She knew by the time she'd reloaded and changed out weaponry that the thing would be on her, so she worked quickly and prepared even as Taio was partially grabbed by the other creature.

"Come on big boy, let's wrestle," Adelle told the creature and would hop around to dodge its attempts to grab her while slashing any tendrils it would send at her, or just slash at its body as best she could, and try to keep a little distance while also attacking it.
Even as the other section of the field was going all sorts of places, Adelle was not just having too bad a time with it. She would find her mark with the gunshots, peppering the flower monster and making it reel back, after which she would step in to bring the pointed teeth of the alien blaster to bear, those being actually kinda decent as a melee weapon. They would even kinda bite at the flower monster in the stabbed area, removing a chunk of it that was swiftly spat out to clear the barrel in case Adelle wanted to fire. Though she would not, having decided to engage the thing up close, and would meet success yet again, scoring a hit that looked like it struck something critical in the monster's anatomy. It was starting fade out at that point, the sudden nasty hit driving away most of it's desire to engage any further.

The tug of war between the two other monsters wouldn't last long, the slug overpowering the anemone as it was a bulkier and apparently stronger creature, with a stronger grip as well. It would move and tackle the anemone back as it pulled on Taio's trapped hand, actually throwing her a few feet upwards as it let her arm go, the girl's weapon flying from her hands in the process. The toss would make her land on the creature's back, near the joint of the "tail" in a riding position, facing away from the tail. Some tentacles there would secure her limbs, pulling up and back on her arms to bend her upper body over while the legs were simply held in place to keep the riding position. The tail itself would come down on to press itself against the girl's back, countless tiny bumps and short little tendrils rubbing her skin the entire lenght of her back and sides, from crotch to neck while the hole in the tail would start to try and get her head inside there. The previously used arm things would now be presented with a new duty as well, the large balls opening up as they hovered closer to the large boobies teasingly hanging near them. It lookee like Taio would be getting a severe pleasure mauling unless she managed to get herself free, which looked considerably hard at the moment.
Driving the flower back after a series of pretty nasty attacks on it that left it almost down, she would soon begin to turn her attention towards Taio, She saw the other girl getting manhandled from the looks of it, and as soon as she made sure the flower was falling back, Adelle dove at the slug like beast. "Hang on Taio I'm coming!" she called out and jabbed her blade into the most sensitive looking area on the slug thing, and slamming her toothy maw of the alien gun into it to try and get it to let Taio go, even if it grabbed her instead.

She only hoped that anemone thing didn't come for her, because Adelle was fairly sure she couldn't handle fighting both of them at once, even if Taio had most of the slug thing's attention. She had to try and free Taio though, that much she was determined to at least try. If the anemone did come for her, she'd turn her attention to it instead and leap from the slug onto it and take the fight to it instead to ensure she'd have a clearer means of freeing Taio.
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The flower was not going to engage any further as it closed up, coiling some of it's tentacles around the petals to keep them closed as it started to slowly wobble towards the nearest corner, looking like it was trying to preserve itself at that point. This would indeed leave Adelle free to rush off to Taio's aid, and while she would make the charge it would be intercepted by the slightly bullied anemone creature. The two of them would be scrapping out from there, a brief exchange of blows and some struggling with tentacles later would still leave Adelle victorious against it, the sea creature looking thing now as messed up as the flower. And it would follow suit with the other monster, trailing away towards a corner in a heavily wounded state.

Now it was only the slug, who had properly pinned Taio down by then. Multiple tentacles held her limbs in place, the tail hole had lowered itself over her head and now covered half on it, leaving the lower half of it out as tentacles wiggles around her neck, one inside her mouth. The arm parts had also moved forward by then, each now clamped on and sucking her boobs hard as she was getting a pleasure hell experience, albeit one without any penetration downstairs. Weirdly enough, the monster itself looked rather uninterested with what was going on, and would likely have a hard time dealing with any attacks as it was all in with Taio. It only really had it's bulk, and even that would be hard to use with it's relative slowness.
Adelle yelped as the anemone practically snatched her out of the air. But, Adelle was able to fight the thing's tendrils off, and as he retreated, she went after it. "Oh no you don't. You wanted me, now you get me. I'm gonna put you in your place," Adelle growled softly at the anemone creature, and grabbed a pair of its tentacles as it retreated from her, and dragged it back out away from the corner.

Adelle would maneuver around in front of it and press herself over it slightly, but in a dominant position so it would know that she could easily finish it off if she desired. "Now... you chill. You... and me, we can work things out. Cos damn I'd really love a ride inside there," Adelle whispered to the creature and rubbed her hand across its body or bed of tentacles somewhat. "I'm the boss now. Okay?" Adelle whispered to it, pulling her shirt up and gently pressing her exposed titties against it to show she didn't intend to kill it, so long as it listened to her.

"Now, I'm sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me and I'll make you feel better soon, I promise. So you go rest, and later you and I can have a more... intimate time together. I'll lay in your bed there and you can do All kinds of things to me," Adelle would whisper after a few moments, glancing up at Taio as she fixed her shirt back into place and stood up properly as she did.

Adelle would walk over at that point and climbed up onto the beast's back, and made her way over to Taio. She didn't make any overly forward attempts to break her free though. Not yet at least. "Hey there Taio. Having fun? I'm not entirely sure how to handle this. It clearly likes you, and doesn't seem to wanna hurt you. And furthermore... you look like it feels Really good too. So uh, I'm a little unsure if you even Want me to break you out just yet. H-Here lemme just... come on big guy let her talk to me," Adelle said, reaching out and trying to pull the tentacle out of Taio's mouth and wanting to just bury her face in Taio's titties and motorboat the beautiful bouncy things, but she kept her cool and didn't do that... yet at least.

If the creature wouldn't let Taio speak to her, she'd hop back down and hope it could understand her. "Hey there big guy. You know if you'll let her down, and let her go... I'm sure we can work out a deal and you can have her again later. Come on, what do you say? Hmm? I'd rather not get us too messy. So... please? I'll let you suck on and play with my boobies too," Adelle would say to the creature, gently patting its side as she tried to become the tentacle creature whisperer essentially. "Come on, I don't wanna hurt you to make you let her down, and... I promise you won't regret it. I can convince her to jump back in willingly," she'd add in a whisper that Taio couldn't hear.
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Hard as she might have tried to get a convincing statement on the battered anemone, Adelle would only meet rejection as it brushed her diplomacy away, not wanting to do anything morr with someone who had beaten it down that severely. It would push her away as many times as needed while it retreated towards the corner.

A fairly surprising turn of events would be met with the slug though. Initially moving away to make do with what it had, it would nonetheless stop once Adelle touched it, an eye the size of a small plate opening up just near the tip of the tail, revealing that the tail was actually the body and head of this bizarre creature, with the hole currently covering Taio's head being it's mouth. Suddenly it looked more like a weird style of french kissing was going on. It would speculatively look at the busty girl coming up it's body, actually rising up to lift Taio more upright and letting her hefty chest go to make way, but it would keep watch for any sudden moves as it did so. It would take a few tugs on the tentacle to convince the beast to pause, but it did allow this, a small spray of white liquid splashing onto Adelle's chest as she finally got the tentacle out and aside for now. If the trapped girl wouldn't have had half of her noggin inside the thing, they would be face to face there. It would take a bit for her to speak, but after a bit of juice was coughed out she did. "Feels so fucking wrong but... I told you I'd try anything once... if I can get away with it..." she would actually seem somewhat accepting of what was happening.

The beast would not be sitting idle though, and while it did not directly interfere with the two working their ideas and possible differences out, Adelle could see a transparent tentacle come in, a familiar pink glow inside it. She knew what that was, having experienced it twice, and while she could see it coming, Taio did not. It looked like the creature had released the girl's breasts for a reason after all.
"Aw... don't be mad. Hey now, aw boo," Adelle whined at the anemone and looked back to the slug and Taio and went over to them.

"Heh, yeah I'm kinda like that too. And you say it feels so fucking wrong. But it'd be more convincing if your nipples weren't as hard as diamonds you know, hmhm," Adelle giggled softly and couldn't help but give Taio's huge titties a light grope and squeeze each and even leaned in to lick Taio's left nipple playfully. "Sorry, couldn't help myself. You've got some amazing tits. I can see why he targeted you, hmhm. Aw if that other one didn't get so battered when I jumped on it, I'd have let it play with me but he's all mad at me now," Adelle chuckled softly and spotted the eye as she looked down at her chest... now drenched in cum and juices.

"Hmm... I think it can understand me. Somewhat at least. Lemme try and negotiate with it. Might be able to make us a friend in here which would be nice," Adelle would say after a few moments, and she'd climb over to where the eye was.

"Hey there buddy, after you've had some fun with her, if you'll let her go, then I'm sure we can find a nice place for you and uh... you'll have not one, but two willing fuck toys to tease. I know what you want, and I can help provide it," Adelle would coo enticingly to the slug thing, even leaning in and kissing it lightly next to the eye as she lifted her shirt completely off to shake the liquids off of it, and at the same time show the creature what she meant, as she squeezed her left breast enough to make her milk bead at the tip of her nipple. "Think you can convince the poor anemone over there that I'm sorry too? I didn't mean to hurt him so badly. I got a little overzealous is all, and I'd like to apologize if he'll let me," Adelle would add as she gently hugged the slut creature with her now topless body, using her charm to try and well... charm it... and potentially even making it think she was a succubus herself.
It did appear that the slug creature had some kind of personality and primitive understanding of human speech as it did show the kind of emotive gestures that a single eye could provide. Maybe the creatures in this nest weren't quite as simple to classify as Shizu had laid them out to be in her earlier talks about these places and the inhabitants. or maybe she had not quite told the entire truth of how things worked with these different nests. "Yes, I know of this... can we get some development in he---" Taio would confirm that her chest was indeed amazing but was cut off as the ominously stalking milk fluid needle suddenly moved in and poked the tip deep into the side of her other boob in a surprise attack. "The fuck... is this... do we need drugs now..." she would manage to speak as the fluid went in, the heat and swelling being almost instantaneous as it spread inside, a milk trickle coming out from the swelling melon as it worked it's insidious chemical magic inside. "Come on, I know I said anything but this is mmmph!" the sudden protest against the introduction of the milk fluid would be halted midway, the slug probably getting bored of backtalk as it stuffed the tentacle that it had removed earlier back into her mouth to stop the complaints, once again leaving the trapped girl without sight or voice as it would finish what it had started. The needle tentacle would move and inject the other breast as well, managing to make the distribution of liquid between the two large orbs fairly even.

The suggestion that it should be the one to convince another creature to join in did not seem to sit well with the slug as it rolled it's eye at the suggestion, likely unwilling to share the relatively huge score it had managed to catch with only a minor wound and struggle with the competition. But as far as the first offer was concerned, that seemed to be far more up it's alley, and it would follow Adelle's actions with less caution and more curiosity at that point by the looks of it. After seeing the busty girl's actions and hugs, it would wait for her to stop hugging it and get back to sitting position before it would make something of a counteroffer. Despite still holding her in it's pleasure hell position, the beast had not brought it's sucking arms back as they would be in the way, kinda pushing the restrained Taio forward a bit in her newly engorged chest state. It almost looked like it was looking to share.
Adelle had noticed the stalking tendril, but she didn't say anything about it, nor did she really try and stop it. Taio's breasts were already beautiful in her mind, and being milky would only make them even More beautiful to her. Plus, she wanted to stay on the slug thing's good side as she hugged it. "He isn't gonna hurt us I don't think. And yeah there's drugs involved from the looks of it. He managed to sneak that one in while I had my head turned. Bad boy," Adelle said softly, and looked at the slug thing when calling it a "bad boy" and giving a knowing wink, as if she was merely playing about that.

"Aw, you greedy boy. But I can understand it though, hmhm," Adelle giggled softly when he rolled his eye at her suggestion of getting the anemone to forgive her, and pulled back to let him lean Taio forward a bit.

She was a little surprised about that, but smiled nonetheless at the slug. "Yeah he's liking this idea I think Taio. Come on, let's milk her. Poor Taio needs some milking now I think after you little devil sneaking those drugs in while my head was turned," Adelle told Taio, and then the creature.

Adelle would then lean down, pressing her naked tits against the thing, and she'd unbutton her shorts and pull them and her panties off too and stuff them into her bag, and wring her shirt out and put it in the front pocket of her bag after rolling it up, leaving her naked now. "There we go, much more comfortable," she'd comment and lean in and kiss Taio's left breast, as that was the side of her friend that she was on, where she would gently wrap her lips around Taio's nipple and suck firmly, before running her tongue in circles around her areolae teasingly, and then making another sucking motion on Taio's breast, gesturing her hand at Taio's other tit and offering it to the slug creature as she both drank Taio's milk from the breast she took, and slowly started caressing Taio's body.

At the same time, Adelle was laying on her side on the beast's back, playing with Taio, and her butt was sticking out, and if the creature had any other feelers and wanted to tease Adelle too, her body was completely exposed and her pussy dripping with arousal and anticipation for what the thing might do next, even as she drank Taio's milk and caressed her body to give her as much pleasure as she could, her left hand even drifting down between Taio's legs and into her panties if they were still there, to rub her more directly. "Good boy. Mwah. And you can play with me too if you want to... I'm more than ready to have some fun too," Adelle would coo softly to the slug creature and kiss it near the eye again, raising back up to do so and letting it know she was happy that it was listening to her and would be appreciative in the future.
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There would be little in the way of resistance from Taio, and Adelle could enjoy her as much as she wanted to with the slug's helpful restraint keeping the girl strapped down. With the offer to grab the other breast present, it would take it, the large ball mouth engulfing half of the engorged, milky melon. As much as it all would pleasure and work the trapped girl over, she could really only wriggle her body and moan in quiet, muffled tones as she still had a mouthful of tentacle.

There would be very little in the ways of molestation coming at Adelle while she was still clothed, but once she was naked and sat back down to continue messing with the trapped Taio's body, she would feel the same wriggling of bumps and small tentacles at her crotch and inner thighs as the other girl, those things going along the monster's back almost the entire way. And while it had an arm free, the slug seemed to go fuck it and would clamp that onto the busty girl's other boob in a way that would least interrupt the action between the two, keeping it to the side as much as possible.

While she had been thrown around and sucked, Taio's bikini bottom was still very much on as the entire body massage didn't really need to remove those to tease her. Adelle could still slide in of course, the bumpy track squishing against her hand as she did. It looked like this was the way, and the creature followed what was going on with renewed interest. Adelle could probably guide it to some other acts if she wanted and maybe even convince it to release a restraint or two to shift things around.
Adelle was growing more wet and more excited by the second as she watched the slug latching onto Taio's breast that Adelle wasn't toying with. Adelle's tongue started got a little more bold and before Taio's other breast was partially engulfed, Adelle used her teeth to gently nibble on Taio's nipple and would brush her hand across Taio's breasts again to shift her bikini top away enough for her nipples to be fully exposed.

Adelle seemed mostly content with the way Taio was bound up, but in an effort to not have Taio all angry and whatnot, she did try and convince the slug to release her legs somewhat, and loosen the grip on her arms as well. "Come on big guy we aren't gonna run. Hell I'm too horny to at this point I think. So let's just all have some fun, and we'll all be happy in the long run I think," Adelle would tell the slug creature, kissing it again and rubbing her body up against Taio's this time, pressing her breasts up against Taio's as much as those sucker tentacles would allow, as if presenting their huge squishy boobies to the slug thing as a gift.

Then as if to sweeten the offer, Adelle got directly in front of Taio, ducking in and leaning forward so her head was close to Taio's crotch if it was available. At that point, she'd lean in close and gently run her tongue across Taio's tummy, slowly traveling down to her crotch. For a few moments, this would present her big luscious booty and tight wet cunny to any larger tentacles the beast might have that it would want to use on her as it wiggled back and forth in the air. After a few moments though, Adelle would press her own body down against the creature, making her heavy breasts press directly against it now as her tongue slowly traveled down to Taio's clitoris, which she would lick and gently suckle on if she could reach it. If she couldn't reach it with her tongue and lips, Adelle would instead reach in with her left hand and rub Taio's moist folds to help tease her further and inch her closer to her peak, while also pressing her body against the slug to get herself off using its little tentacles and those bumps against her own pussy.
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There would be some compromise to be had with how much freedom Taio would have when it was asked for. It would unwind her legs, the tentacles withdrawing their grip to release her from the riding position. Still having the rest of her on hold, it would kinda bend and shift it's body around, lifting the girl up so her feet would touch down on it's back, then moving a little ways back and down to set her up into a near liedown pose with her upper body slightly angled to help with Adelle's apparent ideas as proceeded with them. Then the previous tentacles would return to their positions, pulling those wonderful legs apart to open Taio up for an attack to her lower parts, which the busty girl had clearly been planning as she went down on her partner. The whole position looked like it was difficult for it to maintain with the limited reach of it's sucker arms, showing how specialized this creature was in it's game plan.

Lying down more bodily against the creature's teaser-covered back would eventually reveal that those parts were secreting a fairly unnoticeable amount of clear liquid as the contact with them was extended, and Adelle would notice that the stuff appeared to be increasing her sensitivity wherever it was given the chance to seep into her skin. The extended contact with the nubs and tentacles would start to feel more and more arousing as they wriggled and vibrated against her body, the idea that she would likely be forced to cum just like this becoming a very real idea. And then it became even more apparent how Taio would be at the moment, having had a more body-wide exposure being forced on her for a good bit more as she had been held inside the slug's body curve with her entire back, crotch, ass and neck having absorbed the stuff for far longer than Adelle had in the few minutes past.
Adelle was quite agreeable with the new position, as she watched the slug thing eventually have Taio laying back with her legs spread wide. Adelle immediately went down on Taio and started eating her out, her own hands gently caressing Taio's booty, hips, and sides as she did. "Mmm... goddess above Taio I think this is so fucking hot. The whole situation makes you taste even more erotic," Adelle moaned a little whorishly and buried her face in Taio's crotch.

It was at that point that Adelle realized the fluids seeping into her skin, and making her hornier and more sensitive at the same time. She couldn't stop herself grinding a bit more firmly against the slug creature though, and found herself making sure her nipples would push against it as she began to grind slightly. "Mmm... c-come on big guy you got anything more to push into me?" Adelle moaned softly to the slug creature, wiggling her big bubbly booty back and forth as she buried her face back in between Taio's legs and pushed her tongue as deep into Taio as she could, swirling it around vigorously... almost violently.

"F-Fuck I'm gonna have to market this thing's fluids as an aphrodisiac lotion or something," Adelle thought to herself and reached down with her left hand to start fingering and rubbing herself if the slug had no larger tentacles to insert into her and mostly just started enjoying herself... maybe a little too much, but she couldn't help herself anymore.
Letting Adelle have her way, the slug did not unfortunately seem to possess any real penetrative tools to use on her. Or at least if it did, it wasn't presenting them despite the request being made for it.

While somewhat unfocused in her actions, Adelle could nonetheless see some further developments happen at the upper end of the act. A pink light would emanate from the hole Taio's head was still halfway buried in, blink a few times in some fairly hectic patterns, and then keep a solid light for ten seconds or so. Once it faded out, the tentacle in the trapped girl's mouth would once again withdraw, doing a repeat of the earlier as it leaked some white stuff onto Taio's upper body during the exit. As it did, the entire thing would come off and let her head free once more, with some slightly concerning things now present. The usual red eyes she had were now glowing, and she had a noticeable, equally glowy pink heart in them too as well. While she had clearly lost her previous aggression and disgust towards the ongoing act, it did look that she had not lost her mind any. It looked as if it had been... suggested that she not be too negative about it all and try to have fun and enjoyment while it lasts. And with that, her arms too would be released, one going for her free boob as she started to touch herself, while the other would scoop up a little bit of the white liquid from her chest and bring it to her lips, where she'd lick it up with slow, probing touches with her tongue.
Adelle kept rubbing herself as she lie there on her front, face buried in Taio's crotch, and tongue in her pussy. She'd pull it out and lick all around Taio's labia, and flick it across her clitoris several times before diving it back inside. When the pink light began to glow around Taio's head, Adelle looked up curiously, even as she kept eating Taio out, but she couldn't help but climb up when the head piece lifted off of Taio, and she was able to look into her eyes again. "Hey there beautiful," Adelle cooed softly to Taio and leaned in to kiss her on the lips, moaning sweetly as she did, and causing their breasts to push against one another.

Adelle noticed the pink glowy hearts in Taio's eyes, and couldn't help but grin a bit even though she knew this might not be a necessarily good thing that just happened to Taio. "Your eyes are even more beautiful Taio," Adelle moaned softly in Taio's ear as she made out with her friend/lover, and reached down with her left hand and started rubbing and fingering Taio's pussy she'd been licking just moments before, and unable to help the urge to press her body half against Taio's and half deeper into the slug thing below.