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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the brief moment it took to clear out the dead snake off her the rest of the way and look things over, they gave the girl some time to snap out of it. And just as Rose was about to scoop her up, she would return to the waking world in a snap, clearly not sure what to think of all the things she was seeing in front of her as she still sat there on the floor.
"Oh there you are dear. Are you feeling alright? We're here to help get you out of here. Your grandpa requested us do so," Adelle would ask the girl after she began to snap out of it, before they moved to leave.

Adelle would make sure the girl was back in full control of her body, and hold the flaming sword up to her. "Also I think this belongs to you, my dear," Adelle would tell the girl, offering the fiery blade to the girl they had just rescued. "Can you walk, dear? And what happened to you in here?" Adelle asked her curiously, making sure she could, before they made any move to leave the place.
"Could be better, but I'm not inside one of those things, so it's pretty peachy right now." the girl would reply once she got herself in control enough to speak and act like normal again. Her getting back to her feet looked somewhat wobbly at first but she didn't fall or anything. And as she pulled her bikini top back, probably to Adelle's immense disappointment, she would go on as she stretched and tested her functions again. "He did? Of course... I want to be disappointed with him as the watching over me is getting a bit annoying but... he was right to be concerned this time around."

Taking her big sword, the girl would flick a switch on the handle, following up by sticking it up on the ground as the edge started to slowly lose it's heat. "What happened was that I put too much trust into a work in progress, the thing burned out after only some use. You see, this thing here, it's a what you'd call a personal protective field generator. It just doesn't hold against too much force in short notice. It is still a prototype work of mine." she would point the Walkman-looking box on her belt that was connected to her mechanical cat ear headband. "These things on my head project the field but this is the main unit that generates it. And now that it's burned out, it's not of any use to me." she would explain her gear as she picked up the loose gun on the side as well, the thing looking like a water gun with it's colorful design that matched her bikini, but the hazard sign and metallic tank on it suggested that it was indeed a weapon. She would pull the connecting cable from her cat ears and take off the belt unit before throwing those away to the corner of the room. "So what happened was... after clearing a few rooms with that thing basically protecting me from everything before I got here. As these things came at me from ambush, it shorted out and the field shattered, letting that one monster grab me before I could raise my weapons. Then I could see that pink light, and I knew what it was... they've had fun with me for some time it looks like. Doesn't look like it went too far though as I still have my pants on."

Reaching back into a belt pack she had on the backside, the girl would offer Adelle a bikini top, one that looked identical to the one she was wearing. "Oh yes, my name's Kei. I'm an honorary member of grandpa's old order and as these things might suggest, a bit of a gadget maker."
Adelle listened to the Kei's words, and she was rather intrigued by the personal field generator, and knew those things might come in handy at some point. But she didn't say too much about it just yet. "Heh, well if you could call those pants, of course, hmhm," Adelle chuckled softly at Kei's words. "I'm Adelle. This is Rose, and Taio. Now... before we leave, I think it probably best, if you're up for it, to deal with the heart in here, but we're unsure where it's at. You got any ideas?" Adelle would go on to say after a few moments, looking around to make sure nothing was about to ambush them.

"Taio and I helped Shizu yesterday deal with another dungeon a bit bigger than this one. They aren't... overly large, I don't think. But the way Shizu spoke, we can't have them spreading their influence, if we can help it," Adelle would explain, taking the offered top and putting it on, for all the good she knew it'd do if that pyramid thing came back and gunked her again.
The top she got from Kei was indeed the same yellow and black type that she had, and as it was not quite Adelle's size, it would dig into her boobs but nonetheless covered her up in a somewhat effective manner. She would be looking over the trio before her, probably having some thoughts about them as she went past each of them, Rose obviously drawing the most inspection, which caused the large girl to turn away slightly. With Taio she had less issue, maybe their shared dress code making them have an understanding with each other even as Kei was so far very different a person from the other bikini girl and her reckless, carefree attitude towards most things. Or maybe it was Taio seeing that she was the one with the superior assets and thus not feeling like she needed to compete.

"I came from that way, nothing there worth looking at anymore as I cleared the few monsters there." Kei would point out one side they had not gone through, the path that was on the right from their earlier entry. That left the door across the room, or the one to the left, the latter possibly taking them back to the pool if the earlier corridor designs were an accurate presentation. There could be a room there as well, they couldn't really tell from the room they were in at the moment. And as soon as her blade had heated down so it wasn't searing white, she would pick up that large thing, still holding it in a careful way so she would not brush anyone with the edge that was still probably not the safest thing to touch.
Adelle would, after fixing the bikini top on her chest properly, looked around at the surrounding paths, and decided on the path across the room from them, and looked to the others. "Anyone got anything against this way? Might as well find the heart and destroy it, while we're here, after all. Right?" Adelle asked the others, preparing to move out, after taking Kei's directions into consideration and everything.

She was a bit curious if Kei had to contend with the pyramid thingy, but she pushed that out of her mind and would continue onward across the room now that it was clear, idly wondering what would be in the next room after that, and what the heart here might be like.
"That was the plan, even if my main thing about coming here was testing my stuff out." Kei would agree, and the other girls had no objection so that was what they'd be doing. So, across they'd go.

Again, there would be a downward slope to the path, a fairly shallow one but it was there. And yet again, there would be a room in the same mold as the others up to that point, the same dimensions and shape. It was empty though, and there was only one other door across the room. Before they'd make it too far, Mr Pyramid would show up again as it popped out from the flesh floor near the other door, almost looking like it was trying to stop them from going further by standing in their way.
After entering the next room, Adelle growled at the sight of the pyramid thing, and narrowed her eyes at it. "Yeah not this time you asshole..." Adelle growled and pointed her shotgun right at him, and firing a shell right at his center mass in an attempt to drive him off, or kill him outright.

Adelle could only imagine just what might be beyond him too, considering he seemed to almost be guarding the door.
The quick shot at the pyramid thing would shred him some, but it was not quite the killshot that Adelle might have hoped for. And that would be all that she got before they'd retreat again, as quick as it had arrived. But that would not be the end of it as there was a sudden ground rumble shaking the room a bit. Something was happening inside the surrounding flesh that made up the room, and it seemed to be big.
Seeing the pyramid thing retreating, Adelle felt the ground shaking as she shot the thing. It was rather frightening to be honest, with the rumbling and whatnot. But Adelle didn't let it get to her too much, and prepared for... just whatever was about to attack them. She could only imagine it was massive, whatever it was. "Alright girls... let's get ready," Adelle said to the others, making sure she had a full load of shells.
Everyone else too was alerted by the rumble and getting ready to face off with whatever it would be that was coming.

But... it did not come. It was awkwardly quiet for a tense moment that felt far longer than it was. The standoff would be broken though as there was another rumble, but instead of a monster, what they got was the floor tearing open under them. It was a fast happening too, and before they knew it, the whole squad was tumbling down to a massive hole that swallowed them all.

The fall would be quick but still noticeably high, at least a couple dozen feet, ending relatively quickly as the whole group of girls landed into the biggest pool of cum they had seen up to that point. Once Adelle had cleared herself to a spot where the cum was not deep enough to end over her head, she could see that the room they were in now was a massive one, bigger than the entire upper floor combined. And most of it was once again a pool of cum with the size and depth of large pond, several fleshy landmarks looking like miniature volcanoes that occasionally produced spurts of new cum to add into the pool. And there were some small islands of dry flesh land poking out here and there, but those would not help much as it would take a lot of cum walking to get anywhere in this massive room.
Adelle stumbled a bit as the floor rumbled quite a bit for several long seconds, that felt more intense than anything she'd ever felt before. But... it died down after a bit. She breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around at the others, before the floor ruptured open and Adelle, along with everyone else, fell down the now enormous hole that dominated the room's floor. When she splashed down in the veritable lake below, Adelle sputtered as she surfaced and swam towards a shallower portion of the place, and got a proper view of it all. "Damn, this place is massive..." Adelle muttered to herself, before looking around to where her friends had fallen in, hoping that they were nearby.

The sights of the cum volcanoes in there was actually a little amusing, in a way, but she shook her head clear of those thoughts, and made her way towards some of the drier looking bit of "land" so to speak, in the room, assuming none of the others had fallen close to her, and were nearby, to suggest something.
The fall had not separated the ladies too hard, and they were within talking distance from each other the entire time. Taio looked like she had taken it the worst, but it was not because she had hit something or anything like that. No, it was probably the jacket again, and it looked like she was ready to stab the cum and hope to kill it somehow for doing this to her beloved jacket. But she would have to spare the effort for a more substantial target as Rose picked her up, picking both her and Kei up as she lifted each above the surface with her hands, the additional height she had giving her a natural advantage in this environment as it would take a deeper spot to give her trouble. All of them would soon take perch on the nearest spot of dry land, which was not terribly big but they could sit around if they wanted to and not end up dipping anything in the cum. None of them really attempted to clean themselves as it was an exercise in futility, the soak having flattened Kei's previously wild ponytail to a much more droopy one. "So... you look like you have something in mind?" she would be the one to notice Adelle's intent.
Adelle looked... frustrated at them falling down in here like they had, but she had no choice but to pick herself up and keep going. Adelle would sit down and catch her breath, hoping against hope that they would be able to get themselves out of there... soonish. "Hah... well I Was thinking maybe we could get ourselves to one of the larger islands in here. Maybe closer to the wall and find our way back up," Adelle would say and began to look around the room in more detail, looking for an exit.
It was a thing they all seemed to agree with, none of them had come there to have a vacation in the cum lake, that much was certain. With all of them looking to the different directions of the room, there would be some discoveries made. There did seem to be at least two different spots that looked promisingly like there would be a pathway there, one was basically to the same direction they had been trying to go in the upper floor, and one towards the entrance of the entire cave system. Just as she had observed it before, there were more islands of larger size here and there, in both directions.
"Well... which way girls? Towards the entrance of the whole thing? At least... I think it is anyway. Or that way?" Adelle asked the others, slipping the top Kei had given her off, and trying to wring the cum out of it as best she could, before doing the same with the rest of her clothing, taking it off piece by piece, to do so, and putting it back on, minus the top as it was virtually useless, though she would give it back to Kei for now to hold onto. "Ugh... this is a stickiness I fear will never wash out," she'd comment as she started towards the far side of the cave, in the direction opposite the entrance had been, and making her way through the cum lake with the others close behind, unless they all wanted to head the other direction that is.
The sentiment about the stickiness seemed to be shared, Taio especially muttering about the volume of scrubbing it would take to get her jacket clean again and what she should wear during the time she didn't have it available. Rose's primary clothing had shown signs of good stain and dirt resistance, so she could be the one among them with least concerns even with the two bikini bearers there. With their target readily set in the so-called forward door, the group would go on to start the trek there.

It would take a while spent traveling through the cum even with the help of the scattered islands, the varying depths making it an uncertain situation most of the time, and would take swimming here and there. On one of the closer islands, they could make out that there was indeed a hole in the wall that they had been looking at. But there was still distance, and off to the side a bit, there was also something a little less fun-looking. It was a decently-sized fleshy mound, one that had eyes and random tentacles coming from it here and there, and it was clearly looking at them.
When they had to swim a bit, that was a bit... worrisome for Adelle. Because she wasn't sure what might be lurking in the cum lake. But thankfully nothing seemed to attack them for the time being. "Well that thing doesn't look like fun," Adelle commented about large eyes looking towards them that seemed to be an island of its own.

Adelle decided to try avoiding that one, and made a more angled path towards the hole in the wall they were going for. "Keep an eye out, girls. No telling what's lurking in here," Adelle told them.
They would move on quick without too much further looking around, and that would raise the creature's attention even more as it started to turn with them going along, and not long into it, they could see the thing starting to slide forward in the cum like a giant tentacled fish. Clearly, coming towards them as well, and it's pace was considerably quick for something like that thing.
Seeing the creature coming for them, Adelle's eyes widened. "Oh dear... let's uh... let's move just a bit more quickly ladies," Adelle told the others and began to quicken her pace, hurrying along towards the exit, and switching to her old pistol, and giving it a few shots at the jellyfish thing, to maybe deter it from coming closer.