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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"My knowledge in this is limited, but I think it shouldn't be anything besides the time maintenance needs if the patrons are very involved with their subjects and have strong need to guide their actions or perform tasks towards their own goals, whatever they are." Kathia would mostly repeat what Shiori had already said before, the latter looking on with some bemusement at the ongoing dealings being made. Nina too was looking at them, now leaning on the backrest of the couch and sipping on a cup of wine.
"Mmm... that sounds fair I guess. I would be willing to try both for the time being, if that is okay with you both. I want to learn as much as I can, and who knows maybe this would help unlock something within me that would allow me to break through to be able to use magic of my own. Like I said, I'm no mage myself. But it seems like something that could happen," Adelle would say, looking more than a little eager to have both backing her as she walked over and grabbed Kathia's succubus tail and gave it a light tug as if it were Kathia's leash, and pulling the succubus over to her where she grabbed her ass firmly with her left hand and squeezed it possessively. "You don't have anything against that. Now do you Kathia?" Adelle asked Kathia with a smirk, before looking to Malpha with a more respectful look on her face and giving her a polite nod or bow of her head. "Nor do you, miss Malpha?" she'd ask Malpha.
Kathia's tail would wrap itself around Adelle's hand as she grabbed it, suggesting that she was probably already expecting something to be done to her again, and would be proven correct as the was pulled up from her seat next to Shiori. "There she goes already. No rest for the wicked, as they say." Shiori would think of it as she saw it happen.

But even as she was grabbed and felt up, Kathia was at least temporarily maintaining her composure in the face of her fetishes. "N-n-no, not at all." she'd agree, as would Malpha as her agreement could be heard physically for the first time with a simple "Hmmph" and a head nod back.
Adelle smirked and would look between the pair of demonesses. "Alright then. What do I have to do?" Adelle asked curiously as she gave the two their looks, curious what she'd have to do, and how this would affect her, and what powers it might end up giving her too.
Malpha would revert back to mindspeak as she'd mention the next step., starting to get closer to Adelle with calm, steady steps. "What happens next is the most... unpleasant part of this entire thing. You will not like it at all, but you will have to bear through it as it is the part where we bestow the shard of ourselves to you and enable you to break out from the limits of your untuned body and mind. If you think you need someone to keep you up, ask for it now. Or if you'd have me hold you, that is fine too." she would warn of this not being something to look forward to as one her hands came up, two fingers held out as she got closer, only to stop less than a foot away from the busty girl's forehead. "This is the final spot to back down. If you choose to do it, I'd also like to know where you'd like my brand to appear on your body. It can be anywhere you want, whether you want to hide it or show it."
Adelle listened to Malpha and looked up at her. She took in everything that was said, and after a few moments she gave a nod to the taller demoness. "Well depending on just how painful it'll be, you might want to hold me up, yeah. Or Shiori, or Kathia, I'm not picky really," Adelle told Malpha as she gulped softly. "And brand? Um... hmm... somewhere not easily noticeable I guess. But... I want to be able to stand up and help my friends when they're fighting someone, or something, that is beyond me. I don't want to have to rely on others to protect me from the magically inclined. And when someone stabs me in the back I want the power to be able to show them that they made a mistake, and to protect what's mine," Adelle would go on to say.

"What sort of mark will the brand be? Do you choose it? Do I? Or what? Depending on what kind of mark it is, I may have you put it on my hip, my butt, or somewhere else entirely," Adelle would ask one last thing before making her final decision on where to put the mark, which she would let Malpha know that was what she wanted.
"My brand is my horns, and it's a tattoo-like mark about 3 inches across. If you want to have Miss Kathia's pact too, consider that as well when it comes to the placement, she might not let you pick the spot. I'm fairly sure she's got the spot planned already" Malpha would point her other hand to her fused halo-horns to show what hers looked like and simultaneously warned about Kathia probably needing some convincing to let the spot be picked if she was to follow up with her own pact after this one.
"Mmm... let's see then... lower back might not be a good spot. Maybe... hmm... upper back, across the shoulder blades. It'll be under the shirt and not in a spot to be easily viewed," Adelle told Malpha, and glanced over at Kathia. "We'll get to yours in a moment," she'd add, before glancing back to Malpha.

"Alright let's do it before I reconsider. I've never had a tattoo before. But I've seen people getting them though and it's painful to watch, so I can only imagine how painful it is to get one. I hope this won't be quite as bad as that, or at least not worse," Adelle would comment and braced herself for what would be to come.
Shiori would step up once she saw the that the situation was getting real, coming behind Adelle as she locked her arms down behind her back with strength that seemed almost unwarranted. "Time to go, huh. You gotta fight through it girl." she'd say as Malpha's finger started to glow as it got closer to Adelle's forehead. And then it touched her.

What Adelle felt next could charitably be described as having a white-hot piece of rebar stuck inside her brain, the searing pain was that intense. Shiori would hold her up so she didn't trash around and even covered her mouth to muffle the inevitable screams that would follow. While she was the one doing this, Malpha didn't look like she was happy to see what was happening. And as long as it felt with that intensity, the pain was over quickly, no real pain remaining after. Only a feeling of heat in the area where Malpha's brand had been applied remained, and even that cooled down in a minute.

Once Adelle had settled down from the shock of the pact-making, Malpha would contact her again. "And with that, it is a pact. A shard of my power is now in you. If you want to deal with Kathia first, then do so. We'll discuss what power you want initially after that."
Adelle braced herself as Shiori grabbed her and somehow she knew that this would end up being Far more painful than it should be. The pain was indescribable in its intensity, and felt like someone, or something, was turning her inside out. She tried her best, she truly desperately did, to not thrash around all that much, but was unable to resist that need to do so to escape the pain. In the few moments it took for her to go through that pain, it was over, but she was drenched in sweat, and looked a bit ragged, and though the pain had subsided, she felt awful. "H-Hah... y-yeah... let's do it. I'm no baby..." Adelle panted softly, showing her determination to see this through, despite the pain, though she had noticed that Malpha genuinely seemed to not like the fact that this had caused Adelle such pain, which was nice at least.

She would give Kathia a look after a few moments. "What's your crest going to look like, Kathia?" Adelle asked, just letting herself remain in Shiori's arms for the time being.
"Mine? Oh..." Kathia would throw her coat sleeve off from her left arm to show a simple enough piece that was a simple silhouette heart with bat wings. "This thing..." she'd say as she put the sleeve back on.
"Ah I see. Well... let's get it over with. Just try and not put it somewhere too obvious please. I would prefer maybe on one of my biceps, or even my waist perhaps, or lower back," Adelle told Kathia and braced herself again, now knowing the type of pain that would be coming, and able to prepare for it.
"Yeah... one of those for sure..." Adelle could hear Kathia reply, the slight devious look on her face telling more than clearly that it was not going to be quite that hidden as she had the control over it. Just like earlier, Kathia too would raise up her fingers and land that poke of suffering on the busty girl's forehead to make the pain flare up all over again. In the aftermath, the heat of the brand was not in one of Adelle's chosen spots at all, but could be felt from the inner side of her right boob, where it would show up every time her cleavage was visible.

Sensing that it was all done, Shiori would finally release Adelle from her surprisingly strong grip. "Welcome to the world of magic, silly. Now you get to deal with them for that beginning level stuff." the archiver would congratulate Adelle as she sat herself back down.
Looking down afterwards, Adelle sighed softly and gave a look at Kathia. "That hurt... a lot more... than I was expecting..." Adelle panted softly to herself as she stood there somewhat leaning against Shiori.

After she had recovered from the pain, Adelle looked her body over and tried to look over her shoulder at the mark Malpha had put on her, and she couldn't help but feel almost a bit... weird now. Almost like she were cursed or something. "That one's kind of cute honestly, hehe," Adelle giggled softly to herself at the sight of Kathia's mark. "Now Malpha... Kathia... between the two of you, what would you recommend me learning first. To... you know, figure out how to use? Also... one question. Is body modification something you can grant me the ability to do?" Adelle would ask the pair.
"There is nothing cursed about my mark." Malpha could be heard communicating mentally again, the idea getting into Adelle's head that the demoness was now likely able to hear her surface thoughts now that she had been given the power. But she seemed to get over it fast as she was quicker to offer her opinions on what to start with. "Start with one of the elementals, get used to your new abilities. Having simple fire and forget spells lets you get used to the mental toll these skills take from you. Force magic is multifaceted and flexible, but it requires deeper focus to use and thus tires one faster if not accustomed to spell usage, especially under pressure. Light and dark are a bit more limited in application despite their power." she'd offer her veteran opinion, one which Kathia had little to add on, though she did state that she had the branch of Otherworld magic in her own offense spells.

Once the topic of body mods came up, Malpha would be the one to come forward again, looking like she had taken a small slight from the question this early. "What would you do with that, now?"
When Adelle heard Malpha's voice in her mind, she actually genuinely jumped a bit, not having been expecting it. "Eek! Oh... shoot I forgot that was a thing. Um... well I meant no offense, just so you know," Adelle told Malpha, before pausing and conjured some flames in her hand, idly wondering whether or not she should throw them, play with them somehow, or something else entirely.

In the end, the fireball she had conjured in her hand, she simply willed it away, and proceeded to use a bit of force magic as Malpha explained how to do it. Her force magic consisted of giving a light open palm tap on Shiori's butt, not hard, but enough to make it jiggle. After going through and getting used to, or trying to get used to, how the drain and tax on her mind and body were as she used said spells, Adelle would pause and give Malpha a look in regards to the shapeshifting magic, or body modification.

"Oh? Well, something like... making my fist bigger so it hits harder, or hardening my skin like stone momentarily to punch or kick a door open. Or more somewhat... lewd uses on occasion too, I suppose, to temporarily conjure up a penis without the need of that spell. Or more practical things like making my hair longer and changing its color to disguise myself, maybe alter my eye color, what my face looks like. There's honestly a lot of different applications that it could be used for that would not only help me in my work, but also give me an advantage where I didn't normally have one," Adelle would answer truthfully, as her intentions weren't solely lewd, and she had a lot of thoughts on the matter really.
With the shards of power now inside her, Adelle did indeed manage to perform what she had been dreaming of for a good while. While she probably understood the newfound interest towards one's ability and desire to test it out, Adelle could catch Malpha briefly bringing out two separate balls of water without any real sign of casting, maybe just in case there was an unfortunate fireball accident. That alone was one difference the busty girl could make to almost every other caster she had met before, the complete lack of words or gestures in Malpha's ability. She herself would need to gesture as she was still that new, but she too seemed to have the advantage of not needing to speak words, only think of them as they came to her from the shards. And it was as Malpha had told her, at this beginner level she was already feeling like she had exercised after those two novice spells. And with those options made, Adelle had picked her start in the field of magic, now attuned to Malpha's fire and Kathia's force side respectfully.

Malpha would remain quiet for a while after hearing Adelle talk, but did reply after a bit. "It's not my primary field, but we'll give it a chance eventually."
"Mmm, that's good to know. Can I learn water along with fire too? Just in case something gets burned and stuff, I mean," Adelle would ask Malpha curiously, already trying to concentrate and form a ball of water using the moisture in the air around them to do so, and focusing them into a small ball, or trying to anyway, but looking like she was genuinely taking it seriously, and trying to be responsible with all of it, which would likely surprise Malpha and Kathia both.
Going for a water ball or spout or any other alternative of water didn't produce any results for Adelle, no matter how hard she imagined it to come. "That will come in time, if you want to access it later. Do not be hasty." Malpha's voice would come to her mind again, telling her to not chase too much at the start. "You are yet but a budding bloom, you need to develop first to be able to handle all of these things."

Malpha and Kathia were very different in this, it seemed. The elder demoness, if she was even fully one, seemed to be as much of a guiding mother as she looked, while Kathia seemed to not take any part in the pact. At least not yet.
"Oh, I see. That makes sense. A little disappointing, but understandable though," Adelle would say, giving Malpha a nod, and began to instead start getting more used to the fire magic.

She knew she wasn't immune to fire, or at least she didn't expect to be immune or even resistant to it. But she was thinking that to a degree, so long as it's flames that She was manipulating, that she could handle it in a manner of speaking. She would conjure two small flames in either hand, and then extend them into a link between one another, before making a sort of... fiery blade that she "held" in her right hand, and took a few steps away from everyone, and tried giving it a swing.

If it began to get too hot for her hand to hold or handle, then Adelle would shifted it back to a small ball of fire in either hand, and quickly snuffed it out.