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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I am still the one who grants you this power, and I don't want you to burn yourself out with the power until you can maintain and control with some proficiency. Too much usage of the powers can have detrimental effects for your body and mind in the beginning stages. Train, but do not overdo it. I don't want to see the potential in you wasted in such a manner." Malpha would throw some figurative cold water on Adelle's ambitions about her new powers, while simultaneously encouraging her a bit.

The fires in her hand could be made into a stream of vaguely bladed shape, though it would probably not be a literal fire sword capable of cutting just yet, more of a focused stream like a short-range flamethrower.
"I understand Malpha. Thank you. It never hurts to ask too, I've always found," Adelle would reply, and looking like she was starting to understand how she could go about doing all of her new powers.

When she attempted her flaming sword, and found it wasn't quite That the fiery sword that she wanted, but it was still a bit of a flamethrower. "Alright well that wasn't quite what I was expecting. But it's still awesome nonetheless," Adelle would comment more to herself than anything, before looking to Kathia. "Now... let's see how I can manipulate this magic that you gave me, Kathia," she would add and looked to the nearby wall and sent a force punch out at said wall.
The attempt at the physical force punch turned out just fine, basically looking like Adelle had magically extended the reach of her fist's impact across the room as some of the dust on the wall flew off as a result. "Looks pretty good to me. You can telekinesis light things nearby in the beginning too, Very handy for getting that towel you misplaced when you got into the shower. Or maybe a beer from the fridge. Assuming you can open the door first, as you need to see what you want to move right now."
"Oh? Let's try then..." Adelle commented, and looked around the room, and would try and pull, slowly, one of the dusters Nina would use to brush hair off of whoever she was cutting their hair.

If the maneuver worked out, she would grab the little duster thing and playfully flicked it across Malpha's tummy in a joking manner, before she would then ease the brush back to where it had been sitting. "Hmm... this is really cool, heh," Adelle chuckled softly as she looked excited about the fact she could use magic.
The duster would move just fine with the minor telekinesis, going over where it was guided and earning Adelle a raised eyebrow look from Malpha as the thing barely did anything as she was wearing that multi-layer dress of hers. It was easy to imagine that she was probably having some very motherly thoughts about children and their games from that look and the following sigh.

"The things you see in this castle. Somehow there's always something unexpected going on..." Nina would think aloud, having settled down on the couch next to Shiori.
Adelle was happily testing the limits of her current abilities, and after a couple of minutes, she would stop and with a bit of a grin she'd look over at Malpha and Kathia. "Sorry, heh, was just testing the limits of what I can handle. Stress testing, kind of," Adelle said to the more motherly of the two demonesses.

"Alright, so... what now?" Adelle would ask, unsure just what would be happening now that she had been gifted these abilities.
"I don't have anything particular just yet. Remain true to yourself, and practice the art. You'll see me when I have something more specific I need from you." Malpha would not ask for anything right then, most likely just wanting to give Adelle time to get used to her gift and practice before she made her do something for her own goals, as mysterious and grand those could be. And with those being her last words for then, she stepped back into some sudden pillars of bright light that appeared all around her. Once those lights were gone, so was she.

That would leave Adelle in the company of the rest of them, Shiori and Nina looking on with interest what would be next, Shiori maybe more than the insectoid lady was. For her part, Kathia was possibly not sure what to do as she was just kinda looking around awkwardly, not really looking like a mighty pact maker.
Adelle looked to Malpha and gave her a nod, very clearly liking the fact that Malpha was being almost like a mother to her, or maybe a big sister or aunt, rather. It really made her feel like she had an almost guardian angel, in a manner of speaking, watching over her. Adelle watched Malpha seemingly vanish in a pillar of light, before looking to the others. As soon as Malpha was gone, Adelle grinned a bit and shifted herself over behind Kathia and began to feel her up like Shiori had, giving her boobies a nice firm and possessive squeeze.

"Mmm... your tits are as good as mine to squeeze, heh. Sometimes I just grab and play with mine, but with these I've got another pair to grope. Just like with Shiori's..." Adelle would say with a grin as she stood there behind Kathia, in full view of Shiori and Nina. "Anyway though... what can we do for some fun around here? Or should I maybe consider preparing to leave? I don't really know, to be honest, and Ragvald hasn't mentioned anything specific that he'd like me to do right off either. Though I'm not against doing something for him of course," she'd add after a few moments, looking to Shiori and Kathia both.
"Looks like you are already having some right there." Shiori would comment as she saw the interaction between Adelle and Kathia. "I mean, if you had a meeting with Rags, surely he made some deals with you. It would probably be you who knows of what that was. But I think you have been here for a while, so it might not be a bad thing to leave soon-ish? Unless you had something you still wanted to do around here?"

Kathia, for her part, was taking being molested the best she could, looking away if Adelle looked at her.
Adelle would look at Kathia with a smirk. "You're a succubus, hon. You love this and you know it. No need to feel embarrassed about it really," Adelle whispered to Kathia and kissed her on the neck, before glancing at Shiori and giving a nod. "Aye, I have been here a while. I'm... honestly not sure how long, but it feels like hours, if not days almost," she'd add to Shiori before deciding it might be best to head home for now.

"Hmm... Shiori can you escort me to Ragvald please, so I may ask him if he has anything he needs of me before I leave, please? If he doesn't, then it might be best for me to head on out. Though... well, I'll let you know where I live so you can come visit, if you want, hehe," Adelle would tell Shiori, figuring that Malpha and Kathia both would be able to find her easily enough and where she lived, if they wanted to.
"I guess I could take you? Maybe have a brief discussion with him myself too if he had something to say about the library." Shiori would agree to be an escort while Adelle was still there. As she got off the couch, Adelle could feel Kathia grabbing her other hand and taking it off of her, before she reached inside her own cleavage to pull out a leash that was attached to her collar already and sticking it into the busty girl's hand without saying a word. Somehow this felt like it would be a part of Kathia's pact activities if Shiori's earlier words were something to go by.
Adelle would give Kathia a smile as she was handed the collar and leash. She didn't say anything at first, but did lean in and kiss Kathia right on the lips in a more than passionate manner, giving her butt a playful, yet firm squeeze. "We'll have some fun later. But for now..." Adelle would whisper after a minute or so of making out with Kathia, before drawing Kathia's hand up to where her mark was at to rub Kathia's hand across it for a moment, after putting the collar on the succubus's neck, and attaching the leash to it. "Alrighty then... let's go home, hmhm," Adelle would giggle softly to Kathia and giving the leash a little playful tug.

After that, Adelle would go with Shiori to find Ragvald, idly wondering what Shiori had to talk to him about.
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