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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There seemed to be little resistance against her usage of the beauty supplements, so Adelle was quite free to use them. Emily didn't seem to linger in the room too long, doing a quick drying before slipping into a bathrobe and slippers and leaving. That move left Adelle by herself, but she could manage by now, having already seen the routes she needed to get around. While she managed to her a bit more dressed now, there seemed to be something wrong with her robe, for it never quite closed properly and left cleavage out in the open. In the guest room, a small bowl of fruits had been brought out for her. In the container, there was a banana, an apple and an orange, all looking quite nice and ripe quality examples of their kinds.

There seemed to be nothing going, as Adelle had to spend a decent amount of time in her guest room and yet no-one was there to get her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Bidding farewell to Emily for the moment, Adelle got herself dried and everything quickly, and then started getting her clothing on, which she found her robe was apparently unwilling to cooperate with her and pull around her breasts better to hide them more. "(Sigh)... guess it'll have to do," Adelle sighed, shaking her head a little as she set off for her room once more.

When she reentered her bedroom, Adelle noticed the bowl with the fruits in it as her stomach let out a growl, wanting food in it. So after grabbing her a thong and bra from her pack and putting them on, she reached down and took the banana first, peeling it down and eating it, placing the peeling back into the bowl before grabbing the apple and biting into it as well, her hunger still apparent for the moment as she devoured the apple down to the core which she also placed back into the bowl. After that she washed her hands off a little to get the stickiness off of them so that she could look through some of the other things she'd gotten from the factory, taking in a stock of it all while she waited for dinner, deciding to save that orange in the fruit bowl for right before bedtime.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Doing her eating and examining all the things she had taken along from the factory, Adelle found that she had aqcuired a decent stash of things, and it appeared that nothing had gone missing during her uncosciousness time spent at the lower levels. Combined with what she might be expecting to get as a payment for the job, it was a really nice haul, maybe just not in the most conventional way. Not everyone was into the sex toys as much as she seemed to be, all things considered.

Eventually, there was a knock on the door before the butler from earlier stepped in. "Dinner will be served shortly, miss. Whenever you are ready, we can go."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she rummaged around with her acquired loot from the factory and looked at what all she'd managed to get, thinking that maybe she could sell some of the lingerie sometime in the future since she'd grabbed so many bras and thongs and such, Adelle suddenly heard a knock on her door and the butler from before came in and informed her about dinner.

"Oh... thank you sir, I'm a... I'll be out in just a minute. Do you mind waiting for me?" Adelle replied, asking the butler to wait while she put her things back up, at which point she would leave the guest room and follow the butler down to the dining hall.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The butler was quite willing to wait, having already stated his business. He stood there at the door as Adelle packed up her loots, eventually taking her across the place once more as food time waited for her. Near a certain door, the smell was already enough to inform the busty girl that they had reached their destination.

Inside, a somewhat big table awaited Adelle. The dinner had been laid out already, various Mexican-style foods just sitting there on the table for the picking. Miguel, Emily and Rosieta were already there, the maid looking a bit disheveled but still happier than she had been at any previous time of the day. "Sit anywhere you want. The master asked that you do not stress over things and relax." the butler told Adelle as she passed him on the door.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thank you kindly sir, lead the way I'm starving," Adelle said to the butler after getting her stuff put up as she came out for the butler to take her to the dining room.

She followed the butler through the manor again, and she knew when they had arrived because she could smell the food, and her belly growled a little bit when she smelled it all and she blushed slightly as she went in because of that. When she went in and saw the huge table already set and ready for them to eat, Adelle almost began drooling, but managed to stop herself with a shake of her head as she noticed Rosieta, Emily, and Miguel all there and ready to eat. As she passed the butler and nodded to him when he told her to sit wherever she wished, she noticed that despite looking a little untidy and all, that Rosieta looked quite happy compared to earlier when they were in the factory.

"Hello all, sorry to be wearing these robes still after taking a bath and all, but as I don't really have any extra clothes I didn't have much choice, so I hope you'll forgive me," Adelle said as she came in, choosing a seat next to Rosieta and Emily if possible, but taking one next to just the maid if she couldn't. Once seated, Adelle would fill her plate with food, not being really picky about what she ate really as long as it was edible and all, so she got a little bit of everything she saw, wanting to try some foods she'd never tried before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not a problem. I do realize that you were hurried, and didn't have the opportunity. Don't sweat it, honey." Miguel told Adelle as she took her seat, munching on a large-ish burrito. She had to sit next to Rosieta alone, since the maid and Emily were sitting in position across the table from each other. Everything on the table was meant to be eaten, but a few warnings were given to the busty girl towards certain things on there as they were hotter than average, with potent chilies used in their creation. Still, there was plenty of things left over for her to pick from even if she didn't want to eat those, and it made for a much different meal than the pretty basic ones that she had experienced up to this point. The habits of the others were displayed quite clearly as well, with Miguel being the most eager of the trio, eating heartily and not being picky in the least. Even the more heated selections went into his mouth without too much hesitation. Emily was the polar opposite of her father, eating in a picky and elegantly restrained manner. Rosieta went middle of the road, but seemed to stick with the more traditional stuff on the table. Now that her thick hair was loose, it seemed to be a constant bother, and the maid had to adjust it a lot to keep it away from the food.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thank you sir, for the food and for understanding. I didn't really have any extra clothes with me, and I didn't feel it was right to ask you all if you had any that could fit me," Adelle replied with a bright smile, happy that her situation was understood and she wasn't going to be told off or anything for not changing clothes for dinner and into something a little less... revealing.

After sitting down and next to Rosieta, as her and Emily were on opposite sides of the table from one another, Adelle glanced over as she was warned about the potentially hot food, but she liked some spiciness in her foods, so she decided to grab a few of the foods that were hot, but not too much for her. Adelle pretty much tore into her food in the same way the master did, trying out everything at least once to see what all she liked and all. Adelle nibbled at some of the hottest foods to see if it was too hot for her, with some being that way and some not, but she didn't spit anything out and ate all she got, probably enough to feed 2 or possibly 3 people. She blushed a little bit when getting her second helping, but she was very hungry after all the action earlier that day and she was always eating as much as possible when she could, so as not to let any food go to waste.

While she ate she noticed the others eating habits, with the master being much the same way she was, while Emily ate slowly, reminding her of Lacri a little bit, and Rosieta seemed simply average with the way she ate. Adelle couldn't help but giggle at Rosieta a little bit when she kept fiddling with her hair, as it wouldn't stay back and out of her food. Adelle had tucked her own hair down in the back of her robes while she ate to prevent it from getting in her food while she ate.

"So uh... Miguel... if I may call you that. Might you have maybe any other work that needs doing sometime in the near future? I'm always looking for good work that pays well. I mean... I may not be the best of bounty hunters or anything like that, but if you've got anything that needs doing that you don't have anyone else doing it, then please let me know," Adelle said, asking about more work from the master, wanting to try and get on good friendly terms with the master in hopes of getting some more and better work later on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The boss seemed a bit curious about Adelle's suggestion, and most likely not all that assured about her being someone he could use. Still, he didn't appear to outright wave her off as a needless resource. "I'm not completely sure if you can handle things that I might require being done, but I'll keep you in mind nonetheless. You do realize what we in this family are, right?" he asked her back as the dinner time was drawing towards it's closing.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... well I was told a little bit about your family and what you all do. But honestly to me you're just a rich family, and you don't seem like bad people to me, and as long as you didn't have me running errands that would be... improper, then I wouldn't mind giving it a shot from time to time if you need any extra help for anything like another recovery job. I'm not that good or anything, but I'm certainly not the worst there is I think," Adelle said, lowering her head a little bit as she continued eating, realizing that she probably wouldn't get to work with the powerful Rosieta anymore after this most likely, which kind of made her sad, but then she remembered Lacri and her other friends and cheered up a bit. "But even if I couldn't work for you, I would still like to be friends and come visit you from time to time if that's okay, if only to see the flowers out there, they're very beautiful," Adelle added after a moment of thinking, not trying to push too much and maybe be told to leave or something.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I will keep everything in mind. I'm not saying that there won't be a possibility for you to work with us again. Just might be rare, those opportunities." Miguel finished off the conversation, getting up from his seat at the end of the table as they finished up. "That is alright with me. But you should contact Rosie beforehand, the guys at the gate are not too fond of strangers, and they are not always the same people. Also, if you want to do something to pass time now, ask Rosie if it can be done." the boss told her as he began to leave the room, still leaving the ladies behind as the butler came back to collect to leftovers and dishes from the table.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"O-Of course sir, forgive me for being so blunt with the way I spoke. And I will contact he before I come again. If you ever have anything that you need me to do though, just contact Samson of the hunters again and he can get a hold of me," Adelle replied as the master left the room.

"Hey Rosie, what is there to do around here before bedtime? I hate to say this, but I'm a little bored to be honest. Unless you've got something fun that we could do miss Emily," Adelle asked Rosie, then turned to say to Emily, waiting to see what they told her that they could do for entertainment around the manor she was staying in.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, cool." was the final reply of Miguel before he exited.

When there issues of entertainment were discussed, it appeared that Rosieta was not sure what to say. "Hmm, well... Now that you mention it... I'm not exactly sure what we should do... I usually have my hands full with keeping the estate in condition, and thus don't really have time to think about this stuff. It's either that, attending to the master, or practise..." she told Adelle, the master part apparently being a somewhat frequent event. Emily appeared to be similarly unsure what to do, but still had more to suggest than the maid. "Not sure what would be nice. Want to get drunk?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... so you're the only maid here then Rosie? I figured there would be lots of maids. Or are you just the head maid or something?" Adelle asked Rosieta curiously after the maid spoke, giving a wave to Miguel as he left the room. "And that sounds kind of good miss Emily, though I don't want to get too drunk," Adelle added with a giggle to the master's daughter, liking the idea of getting a little drunk to relax after all the fighting and stuff earlier.

With that, Adelle would follow Emily to wherever she intended on going to do their drinking, wanting either some more of that wine she'd drunk earlier, or at least some scotch if there was any to be had. "You want to come with us Rosie? I'm sure even you get time to relax around here, despite whatever work you've got to do," Adelle asked Rosieta before following Emily.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, you could say I am the head maid... I have been here longer than the other one we have... Dahlia is her name... Other than us, it's only Sebastian the butler..." Rosieta spoke out about the servants as they went back towards the living room, leaving one of them still unknown to Adelle as she was yet to meet this Dahlia. Before that had happened though, Emily briefly went to Sebastian, poking at him and urging the elderly man to bring along some booze and snacks once he was done with the dining room. Rosieta was apparently excluded from these responsibilities as she too came into the living room and took a seat.

Not a too long time passed on the comfy sofas before the request of the daughter was fulfilled, and the table near them was laden with small snacks and bottles of different kinds of booze. While he seemed a bit grumpy about it earlier, the thanks that he got from Emily seemed to light up Sebastian's mood. From there, he left them again, leaving the ladies between themselves.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, so there's only the two of you maids and Sebastian over there for house keeping then? That kind of seems... weird to me. I mean no offense, I just thought that families this rich would have a half a dozen maids and or butlers and whatnot honestly," Adelle said after Rosieta finished speaking about the servants, thinking to herself that she would likely meet this Dahlia soon enough.

Adelle followed Emily, while Rosieta followed the two of them on into the living room, with Adelle thanking the elderly butler when Emily asked him to bring the booze and snacks to them in the living room after he was through with getting the dishes and such cleaned up. Adelle followed Emily on into the living room and took a seat on the sofa with Emily, relaxing even more so than she had been earlier. When Sebastian brought what Emily had ordered him to bring, Adelle got up and went to see what all was there in the way of drinks, taking a glass of scotch if there was any, but some more of that wine from before if there wasn't, as well as seeing what kind of snacks there were, grabbing something chocolatey if there was any.

"Thank you mister Sebastian, for bringing this for us, and for being so kind to me," Adelle told the elderly butler as she bowed to him some, likely giving him a good view of her cleavage, but she didn't notice really or wouldn't notice what she'd done until after he was long gone.

Once the elderly butler was gone from the room, Adelle would indulge on either the wine or scotch, whichever she was able to get, and she would drink until she started getting a bit tipsy, talking to the other two and chatting the whole time about whatever they wanted to, with Adelle answering any questions the two may have that they wished to ask,
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no sure guarantee that the stuff was scotch, but there were whiskey bottles among the things that had been brought out. Still, there was variety, and Adelle could drink other things if the whiskey and wine were not up to her desires. Emily seemed to maintain her sophisticated and graceful self, still sticking to the wines while Rosieta seemed to be more interested in trying some of the more exotic-looking bottles. For all the alcohol being consumed, it was still a remarkably well-behaved and peaceful event. The two other ladies did their best to maintain the smal talk, Rosieta eventually falling back and letting the two others carry on as she simply kept to slowly downing more drink.

Along the way, Adelle could see Sebastian pass through the room, heading towards the front door. The sound of it opening and closing could be heard, and soon the butler passed by them again, a girl in tow. The busty girl could swear it was one of the sisters, as that dress style and make-up was unmistakable, the same frilly and grandiose design.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle noticed the whiskey on the tray full of booze, she decided to settle for that instead of trying to find some good old scotch. She got some more of the wine too later on also, deciding to mix it up a little and not drink just the one drink. Despite the fact they were slowly getting drunker, they stayed relatively calm and peaceful, with no drunken brawls or arguments starting up. Adelle merely chatted and made small talk with the others while they drank, noticing that Rosieta must have been getting a little tired or too drunk to talk any further as she kicked back and relaxed.

A ways into their drinking and relaxation, Adelle watched the elderly butler go past them and she waved to him and said hello as he did, then she saw him go through to open the front door. When he came back through he had a woman in tow, and Adelle idly wondered if this was Dahlia at first, but then she could have sworn it was Lacri or one of the others, as she looked almost identical in the clothing she wore.

"So... uh... (hiccup)... can I tell you girls something and you promise you won't get... weirded out on me or anything? It's something about myself that I've never really told anyone before, and... I just feel I gotta say it. I had planned on telling my other friends, but after what happened to me last night... I was a little skeptical in telling any of them," Adelle said to the other two after the butler and other woman were past the room.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

At the suggestion of hearing what Adelle had to say, Rosieta remained quiet, but Emily seemed a bit more interested. "I make no promises, but feel free to tell me if you need to get it out from your system." the daughter told her. Neither of the other two seemed to pay too much attention to the passing girl in the extravagant dress, only a brief passing glance from Rosieta signalling her acknowledgement of the visitor. The maid looked at Adelle too, maybe connecting her with the visitor.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... just please don't think bad of me for it is all I ask, please," Adelle replied to Emily, a pleading look on her face. After a few moments, regardless of whether or not Emily agreed to her pleading, Adelle continued. "I... earlier Rosie, when we were in that factory. I don't know if you noticed, but those times when we lost. I was... (Adelle blushes red as a beet)... staring at your naked body some. I... I've always been a little more attracted to girls than guys, but I'm not saying that I don't like guys too though, but... I just... like girls better, and I thought you looked really nice when I saw you naked," Adelle said, her cheeks so red she looked like she was on fire as she downed the last gulp of wine in her glass that she'd switched to.

Regardless of what they thought and said, Adelle continued blushing while pouring herself another glass of wine, her hands shaking a little bit int the process, making her spill a few drops onto the tray around her glass. Once she had her glass filled again, she would take a big gulp of wine and look away from the others for the time being, too embarrassed to look at them now after telling them one of her darkest secrets that she'd never told anyone, even her parents. Gods why had she told them about that, she couldn't fathom why she went ahead and did that, but she felt so... relaxed here for some reason. Maybe it was because she knew how strong Rosieta was and that she was her friend and could protect her if she was overmatched... but... still she couldn't understand why she'd done it.
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