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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no comment back from Emily, the daughter simply tilting her head at Adelle and waiting for the shocking confession of something unknown and dramatic. But in the end, it didn't seem to have too big an effect on her. Instead, she briefly broke out from her calm and cool facade, a rich laugh filling the air for a bit. "So, what all that accounted to was that you think you are a bit less into men and more into us ladies with your bisexual tendencies? I thought this was something serious or dramatic. How you feel about others sexually is not really a revelation... But I'm sure that might have helped you out with your mind somewhat, so I'll say no more on the matter." she said. Rosie, on the other hand, had gone a bit more red than before. "And really. Looking at Rosie is not really surprising. I too think she is pretty spectacular."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The way Emily reacted to her revelation kind of pissed Adelle off a little, as it sounded to her in her quite drunken state that Emily was kind of making fun of her in a way. She still however was in the right state of mind to keep her mouth shut for now at least, though she did show a bit of a hurt look.

"Well... I... I've never told anyone about this before... ever. You make it sound so... childish and like it isn't a big thing. But to me it is, because like I said I've never told anyone that before," Adelle said, sounding a little hurt as well as embarrassed for speaking about her secret. "But... you are right about Rosie... she is very pretty, and... strong. And... (Adelle blushes furiously red again)... I find strength and beauty... r-really attractive," Adelle added after another drink, stealing a glance at Rosieta before downing another gulp of her wine, the alcohol starting to get the better of her as she got a little dizzy... dizzy enough to feel the need to set her glass down for a moment and hold her hand over her eyes and hiccuped.

As soon as her dizzy spell passed, Adelle would reach out and grab her glass of wine and take another sip or two, pulling her legs up enough to hug her knees before she drank the rest of the glass, blushing from not just embarrassment but also from being drunk. Adelle would keep drinking her alcohol until she was almost too tipsy to walk, then she would tell the others that she was going to call it a night, unless either of her drinking companions had anything else to say that is, in which case Adelle would stay and talk a little longer.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There didn't seem to be too much response left in the two other ladies. Rosieta hadn't had too much to begin with, and Emily had probably seen it best to not poke further at Adelle, even though she could have gotten away with it anyway. For all that wine that had gone into her, the boss' daughter still seemed to be in a remarkably clear-headed state as the busty girl was about to leave. The maid on the other hand, while being in about the same level inebriation as their guest, still considered it her duty to escort Adelle to her room. The two of them left shortly, Emily still staying there and enjoying herself.

The two of them didn't get far until something noteworty happened again. The second visitor from before came across the two in the corridor, this time by herself. It appeared Sebastian didn't worry about her going around, and was now most likely heading out. Much like the earlier spotting, Adelle could have sworn that it was one of the sisters she had been doing jobs with, considering the dress. Even by looks and physique, she was pretty much identical to Mariela, though sporting ghost-white hair. Some kind of polearm was strapped across her back, most likely a warscythe of some sort.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she got up to leave, since Emily nor Rosie seemed to have anything else to say on the matter at hand, Adelle stumbled a little after standing up, from the amount of drink she had in her, but managed to catch herself. "Thanks Rosie... I don't know if I could trust myself to get back to my room tonight alone," Adelle said as Roseita got up to follow her, thanking the maid and holding on to her shoulder as Rosie led her along.

"I'll uh... (hiccup)... I'll see you in the morning Emily... a-and just so you know, I'm not mad about what you said... I just... (hiccup)... though it would have been a bigger deal to you both is all," Adelle said with a slight slur to her voice from the drink.

Not long after leaving the room they had been in while drinking and snacking on things, Adelle noticed the other girl that Sebastian had let in, and she still looked very like Mariela, though with some very beautiful snowy white hair instead. Maybe she was a relative of Mariela's, Adelle idly thought to herself when she noticed her.

"H-Hello there miss. Um... might I ask your name? I... (hiccup)... I'm Adelle. A-And do you by chance know a girl named Mariela? She's a good friend of mine and she dresses the exact same way as you do, and I could have sworn you were her if not for your hair being a different color," Adelle said as she stopped, holding her hand out to shake the girl's hand if she would do so, though if she wished not to then Adelle wouldn't really feel insulted, as she was more than a little tipsy after all and understood. The only reason she wanted to know who the girl was was because she was curious, which was only made more curious by her being as drunk as she was
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, sleep well." Emily told them as the two left.

The girl had not paid any attention towards the two others coming towards her, but did stop when spoken to. Then, another difference from Mariela came obvious as their gazes met. While their eyes were pretty much the same purplish blue in color, there was no real emotion or even compassion in them, a severe coldness even. While Mariela was mostly emotionless herself, she did care and showed it somewhat, unlike this one. "Margaret." was the very direct and fast answer to the initial question. The following stuff she listened to while maintaining the drilling look at Adelle, not offering replies to the handshake. Maybe she was not liking the fact that she was being addressed by an obviously drunk person. Or maybe she just didn't see a need to do it. It was hard to say.

After hearing what Adelle had to say, a brief giggle came forth from her. "Ho, so she still lives around here... But yes, I do know her."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You too Emily," was all Adelle said in reply to the master's daughter before leaving.


When the girl that looked amazingly like Mariela replied to Adelle, the busty girl learned that her name was Margaret, and that she apparently knew Mariela to some degree from the sounds of it. Adelle merely shrugged her shoulders when Margaret decided not to take her hand, pulling her's back and grabbing hold of Rosie's shoulder again. "So you do know her then? Cool. If you're going to be here for the night... I'll uh... (hiccup)... talk to you some more about her tomorrow. I'd like to know how you both know each other," Adelle said, deciding to call it an early night as she had Rosie help her on into her bedroom, where as soon as she was in there she would undo the tie on her robes and let them pop open and let her amazingly perky large breasts bounce free where she then flopped over onto the bed facing up, her breasts jiggling deliciously for Rosie to see while her nipples perked up for no apparent reason other than she was feeling a little horny. Adelle would lay there, quite helpless actually as she swooned a bit from how drunk she'd become, her cheeks rosy red as she lay there, so if Rosie wanted to take advantage of her, Adelle wouldn't put up any form of resistance against the maid to stop her, as she was too drunk to do so effectively. Another thing Rosieta would notice would be the hastily put away sex toys in her backpack on the foot of the bed, which was sitting open where on top of everything else there was one of the strapons that Adelle had pilfered from the factory earlier, a very enticing situation indeed.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't think so... I have things to attend to." was the only thing that Adelle managed to get out from this Margaret before the girl left, apparently not interested in further discussion. There were no signs of her being a threat, and she soon exited like she had just arrived a while back.

At the guestroom, it was only a brief visit for Rosieta, who apparently was tired enough to not linger there too long. While she had surely heard all of Adelle's earlier gushings about her being a wonderfully beautiful person, the maid still left in pretty quick order and left the visitor to her own devices. If she did it because of Adelle's current position or because of the sloppily packed toy selection bursting out, or some other reason altogether, it was a thing the busty girl wouldn't likely know that day.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... very... (hiccup)... well then. Maybe we can talk some other time," was all Adelle said before going on to her bedroom.

After getting there and flopping onto her bed after undoing her robes, Adelle lay there, not so much waiting for Rosieta do do anything to her, though it did give her the opportunity to do so, which she apparently didn't take, either because she didn't want to do something to Adelle in the condition the busty girl was in, or she merely didn't swing that way. In any case, Adelle was too drunk at this point to care, and as such she was barely able to summon the strength to roll over and crawl up to her pillows and under the blankets before rolling back over and falling asleep, her robes and underclothing left halfway down the bed as she shrugged out of them on the way up to get under her covers, leaving her stark nude under the blankets as she pulled them up to just under her breasts, so anyone coming into the room would see them as she lay there on her side facing the door.

(Unless you have anything for her, Adelle isn't going to do anything else until the next morning, and likely wake up with a slight hangover.)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After Rosieta's departure, there was little further activity as a wonderful silence filled the room. There had been some outside noises to be heard in the previous places she had stayed in previously, but inside this walled-off manor in the rich quarter, no such disturbances were heard even during night-time. Thus, with that and the help of her inebriation, it was really easy for Adelle to find sleep.

In the morning, there had been nothing to bother her or cause her to wake up, so she had gotten enough time to sleep as much as she wanted. Of course, now that she was awake, the hangover came to visit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she was still awake, which wasn't for very long after Rosie left the room, Adelle noticed the relative silence that she was getting that she didn't get at Lacri's or Mari's places. The silence kind of unhinged her a little bit, but with her drunkenness and all that, she barely had time to notice it as she fell asleep.


When Adelle woke back up, she found that she'd slept very soundly and that nothing had bothered her through the night, and that she'd slept a good 8 or 9 hours or so. But she did have quite a hangover, though she'd expected that after the drinking the night before. Holding her head a bit as she raised up, Adelle grabbed her robes and a fresh pair of panties and a bra out of her pack, which happened to be one of her sexy thongs and bras she'd gotten from the factory the day before. Once dressed, Adelle would go and wash herself up a bit and grab her hairbrush and toothbrush from the small front pouch on her backpack to use as well. After she got through getting her morning business over and done with, Adelle would get all of her things together, stuffing all of the things she'd gotten from the factory down into her backpack before grabbing the last piece of fruit from the fruit bowl brought to her the night before and eating it as she waited for someone to come tell her when breakfast was ready.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was a good while of free time allowed for her as Adelle found herself awake once more, and she could quite handily do everything she planned, getting ready and staving off the worst dryness in her mouth with the remaining fruit. Eventually, there was a knock on the door and Rosieta appeared into the room with the expected announcement that breakfast was indeed ready in a snap. After the night, the maid had properly set herself back together and was now looking as sharp and orderly as before. There was no sign of hangover on her either.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While eating her piece of fruit, Adelle idly wondered how long breakfast would be, as she wanted to hurry up and get her pay so she could go and let Lacri know that she was alright after yesterday and let her know why she hadn't returned last night. When Rosieta came in to let her know that breakfast was ready, Adelle almost jumped out of bed, but kept from it for fear that she might hurt herself in the process.

"Hey Rosie, you doing alright this morning? I feel a lot better after all that stuff yesterday in the factory, though I do have a bit of a hangover, which I can really only blame myself for I suppose," Adelle asked her friend as she got out of bed and followed the maid to eat breakfast, her stomach growling a bit along the way. "Anyway though, how long do you think it'll take for me to get my pay and stuff, because I kind of need to hurry on and let my friends know that I'm alright, cause I didn't go back last night after we got done and stuff," Adelle added as she followed the maid to breakfast, letting her know that she needed to hurry on soon, but that she didn't want to seem too greedy or anything.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"There is no need for concern, I am quite fine. I got enough rest and time to prepare." the maid told her as they headed towards the dining room. "I'm sure the master has not forgotten and will get to that shortly, he surely knows of that too. He was all over the materials of the case last night, but did tinker around with something else too while he was at it. I am certain he will pay you shortly after we eat."

And at the dining room, there was a setup waiting for the two. Like yesterday, there was plenty of things to choose from, but as was appropriate the foodstuffs were more of the morning variety. Eggs, tiny sausages, milk and juice, cereal, some berries, all the works. Both Emily and Miguel were already there, so it was up to Adelle to do as she wanted since the two had already started their meals.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that's good to hear Rosie, I'm glad you're alright after yesterday in that factory, because we were getting a little... beat up," Adelle said as they went along, smiling and nodding her head when Rosie said her master hadn't forgotten about her. "Alrighty then, for now though I'm starving. And if there is any, I could use a bit of coffee to help kill this hangover," Adelle said as they got to the dining hall doors.

Once they went into the dining hall, Adelle saw that it was going to be the four of them again just like with dinner and figured a much to be honest. "Morning all. Everyone feeling okay? And gods I'm starving," Adelle asked the others as she sat down and grabbed a plate and piling on some eggs and sausages and some berries, while looking around for some coffee if there was any, which she'd take a mug of the stuff straight black so it hit her real good and knocked out the hangover. If there was no coffee though then she'd take a glass of juice instead and a bowl of cereal as well. Adelle would talk to the others if engaged in conversation, but she was so hungry that she wouldn't spark up any conversation on her own for the moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Looks that way if you asked me. Not having anything particular wrong with myself, and father too appears quite like he usually is." Emily was the one to reply, Miguel only nodding to confirm his daughter's words as he was busy eating. While there was no coffee initially on the table, the question brought out a pot-carrying Sebastian from the kitchen, a cup of the black hotness getting poured for the busty girl as the butler arrived to her spot. That way Adelle could get her needed caffeine along with the rest of her food. There was little in the way of conversation as the others seemed to notice their guest's appetite and hunger, and they stood to mostly talking among each other so Adelle could eat remarkably undisturbed. Miguel did comment on her eating once though, saying that he liked having a guest that was not shy on indulging in the hospitality offered to them. The other eaters were faster to finish, but they didn't leave the table yet, staying seated still. Possibly it was a mannerism thing, not to leave when Adelle was still eating.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that's good to hear, I'm glad everyone's feeling alright this morning, I've got a bit of a hangover after last night, but all in all I'm just fine," Adelle said as she ate her breakfast. "Oh thank you so much Sebastian, you're godsend," Adelle added when the butler brought her some coffee, thanking him greatly.

Adelle demolished everything on her plate and in her bowl, eating everything in sight, then destroyed the rest when she got seconds. When the master made his comment about liking a guest unafraid to truly indulge in hospitality or anything like that, Adelle blushed more than just a little bit at his words, realizing just how she much she'd eaten as she glanced up at him with her fork raised to her mouth as she was about to take another bite of her sausage.

"Oh my... I uh, I'm sorry about that. I suppose it was a little rude to indulge like that. I was just so hungry though," Adelle said, still blushing a bit as she thought that she'd been a little rude for taking advantage of the hospitality of her hosts. If they told her not to worry about it and to please continue eating, then she would, though a little bashfully.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I do mean what I say. It's kind of silly to see some of my guests come here and eat like ants when I've had aplenty set for them to not leave with half-filled bellies. Please, eat as much as you want."Miguel quickly intercepted the silly need to apologise and let Adelle carry on until she was truly ready. The others still carried on with their discussions, the boss and Rosieta asking for some coffee afterwards while Emily went with tea. This way, it didn't likely feel too awkward for their guest to still go on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"T-Thank you sir Miguel, I'm really grateful to your hospitality and all that. As well as for putting me up last night. I... really didn't want to try and make another walk home late at night again, not after what happened night before last," Adelle said, shuddering as she remembered the rape two nights before when she and Lacri were ambushed.

A few minutes later, Adelle was finally through, having thoroughly stuffed herself full of food to the point she was patting her belly and sighing softly. Once she was through eating and drained her third cup of coffee, Adelle glanced around the table a little and blushed at just how much she'd eaten while she took a napkin and wiped her mouth, this being the first time since she came here to the city that she actually stuffed herself as full as she could. After that she was ready to continue with whatever when the others around her were, after her food had settled a little of course.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she was eventually ready, Adelle was quick to see that all the others had finished their their cups at about the same time. It did appear that they were making this breakfast into a real performance of sorts. After a short while, they all got up, apparently ready to move into their respective things for the day. "Since it appears you will be leaving, I'll have Rosieta bring your pay before you leave. You'll likely need some time to pack, so do so in all due time." Miguel told Adelle as he passed her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, thank you sir, it isn't that I want to leave though, I just kind of need to hurry up and head back to Lacri's place and let her know that I'm alright. I really would like to stay here though, because it's so beautiful here. And I'd be happy to work with Rosie again sometime in the future, or anyone else if you require me. But I'll leave it up to you all to decide when you require me again, I' in rush to go a fighting again. Also if you ever wish to invite me back for any reason, even if it's just to hang out or anything, just send word to me through Samson at the bar where all the hunters go and he'll get a hold of me somehow," Adelle said, standing up and bowing a bit to Miguel before hesitantly holding out her hand to shake his if he wished.

When he had left, Adelle would talk to Emily and Rosie for a couple of minutes, just chitchatting about things before she went to gather her things together, answering the maid or Emily if either of them had any questions for her, maybe being curious and wanting to ask what she meant about what happened night before last. If asked about that though, Adelle would blush and quietly begin explaining what had happened, and about the woman that saved her in the end as well and how strong she was.