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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The bikers that had Adelle surrounded did not seem to be hostile towards her, but they still paid her little attention as she spoke. "Do what you gotta do, girlie." one of them said, a rather raspy voice at that. It was easy to see why it was that way though, as a jagged scar ran across this particular biker's neck. He had survived a throatslit, it looked like. This particular one slid his arm around the busty girl, the hand ending up on her other shoulder as the first bout was about to begin, the first two girls coming to the ring from the catwalk. They got only modest applause, but still didn't shirk away from doing what they had come to do, and they started from standing. "Those two have not proven themselves yet. Once you show just what you are willing to do, the crowd will give you more respect." the biker spoke up again as the first throw of the evening was seen.

From his corner, Pitbull was already eyeing the situation. His expression had tightened visibly, but it appeared that he was still not sure how the current biker approach affected Adelle's sensitivities.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed that the biker guys seemed to not be paying her too much attention, though she nodded to the one spoke up to her with his raspy voice. She noticed the scare on his throat indicating that someone had tried to slit it at some point. Adelle felt him slip his arm around her and setting his hand on her shoulder, which she didn't mind really, so long as he didn't take it any further than that. When the first two girls came out along the catwalk, Adelle watched them closely, looking for anything that she could use in her entrance to the ring to draw the crowd's attention and cheers.

"Ah I see, well I suppose the more I go into the ring to fight the more I'll learn and be able to entertain everyone. I do hope that I don't screw up and get everyone to hate me on my first fight," Adelle said when the biker guy was through while she watched the girls coming out to the ring and starting their match, watching the first couple of punches and pushes.

Adelle did feel a little uncomfortable with the biker guy's arm around her, but it wasn't really bothering her all that much per se, so long as he didn't go any further than that. She noticed the guy Pitbull over in his corner getting a little tense as he eyed what was going on where she was at, but she nodded to him and shook her head slightly while waving her hand where the biker guys couldn't see her very well, letting Pitbull know that she was alright for the moment, but giving him the sense that if it went any further than it had that she'd call for him. Assuming nothing further happened with the biker guys, Adelle would simply sit there and watch the fight, looking for tips and such that she could use during her own, making mental note of all she saw, thinking to adapt it into her own techniques for her fight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While he had pretty nonchalantly grabbed Adelle for himself, the scarred biker made no further moves towards her, apparently quite content with just keeping her there under his arm. The other bikers were mostly ignoring her too, though there were a few sneaky looks aimed at her boobies. Looked like Pitbull could keep himself away for now and not have to take any precautions to see that order was maintained.

The two girls in the ring kept going under the watchful eyes of the audience, actually doing little in the way of sexual acts. Only a few gropes were seen before one of them went a little hard on her opponent, slipping under an incoming clothesline and grabbing the other by their waist. Having secured a firm grip, she proceeded to pull off a brutal German Suplex. It was not enough apparently, for she went and dragged the other girl up while still maintaining her grip, then repeating the move for a second time. This was enough for the referee's nerve, and she called the match for the suplex machine, a knockout victory. Some off-card ladies came to get the loser out, who barely managed to get back to her feet after two hard smashes against the ring. The winner remained behind for a little while, enjoying a small degree of applause from the mostly male crowd.

At that point, it was probably time for Adelle to go and get ready as she was up next.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle paid little mind to the biker guy a he sat there with his arm around her, since he seemed to be content with just sitting there like that and all. The rest of them seemed to be paying her no mind, but she could almost feel their eyes peeking over at her chest every now and then, along with a few other people as well. As time and the match went on, Adelle saw that they were seeming to be steering clear of the sexual type attacks and keeping it mostly like a regular wrestling match from the looks of it all, though they did grope each other a bit so it wasn't totally normal.

Adelle watched the duck under a clothesline as one of them slipped around behind the other, where she then suplexed her, then did so again, where the ref apparently got fed up with the brutal moves and called the match on a knockout. Adelle watched the applause, though did none of her own, feeling that wasn't really deserving of it herself as it was a little too brutal a way to win, and it ended a little too quickly also.

"Well boys, time for me to go. I'm up next,. Wish me luck," Adelle said, mainly to the biker guy with his arm around her, giving them all a wave as she bounded off to get ready for her match in the backstage area.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Do what you gotta do." the biker that had been using Adelle told her as she took off.

Back at the locker room, the twins were waiting, though the nurse was just looking over the loser of the previous match. It did not appear that she was hurt too badly, just rattled after the hits she had received. "Alright, your first bout in the ring. Go and show them what you got." the red-eye told Adelle, shushing her towards the catwalk entryway. "You will enter first, Kanai will come second. Since you are new, you gotta give the audience an introduction. The ref will have a mic waiting for you, so think fast."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Making her way back to the locker room, Adelle was met by the twins again, where she saw the nurse one tending to the girl that lost in the last match, who thankfully wasn't hurt too badly and had just got her bell rung a bit. "Alrighty then... though... I don't really have much in the way of a ring name yet. So what should I do in that case? Just come up with one on the spot, or ask the crowd to help me come up with one? I'm not really sure," Adelle said as she was ushered to the catwalk leading out to the ring. "But... hang on a sec... I do have a name in mind now that I think of it, if you think it'd be a good one that is. How about the Sapphire Siren?" Adelle added after thinking for a few moments, where her mind suddenly clicked and a ring name popped in her mind.

When she got to the edge of the catwalk, Adelle was looking out at the crowd that seemed to almost be eagerly awaiting her arrival in the ring. She was new blood after all and she had been sitting out there in the crowd area while waiting for the first match to get done, so she figured that many of the crowd had seen her sitting there and was wanting to see her get stripped and groped in the ring.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose you could think of one. Pretty much all of us use them. You need not hurry with... Ah, right. That was fast. Not sure if it's the most appropriate name, but it is your decision." the red-eye listened and spoke up about the name thing.

Once she was near the entryway to the catwalk, the referee cracked out her mic. "Aaaand now ladies and gentlemen, we have a new girl trying herself out here. I'm sure you'll want to hear from her, so come on out." she gestured briefly, waiting for Adelle to get there with the mic already presented for her to introduce herself to the gathered customer base.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well my hair is normally blue, so when I get that fixed then the name will fit better I think," Adelle replied with a shrug of her shoulders as she went over towards the catwalk after the red eyed girl spoke up.

After getting to the catwalk, Adelle heard the ref start speaking into the mic to the crowd, introducing Adelle to them all, Adelle took a deep breath and sighed, then she stepped out onto the catwalk when she was told to come on out. Adelle set out down the catwalk with a smile on her face, trying to take it all calmly. Along the way out, Adelle waved to the crowd, making sure to bounce a bit as she came down the catwalk to the ring, so that her breasts jiggled some in her shirt for all of the guys out there that wanted to see them... as well as any women out there that did also.

When she made her way to the ring, Adelle figured that she'd make a little bit of a show of it as she hopped into the thing, making sure to bounce around a bit as she went around the ring some, waving to the crowd around her. After a few seconds when she'd finished that, she went over to the ref and took the mic from her, thanking her for holding it for her whilst she tried to make a show for everyone. "Should I tell them my real name and then my ring name I've chosen, or what? I'm not really sure on that," Adelle asked the ref girl in a whisper so it didn't go into the mic. Once that question was answered, Adelle would nod to her and then turn to the crowd, looking around the entire place at everyone around with a bright smile on her face.

If Adelle should say her real name in the introduction:
"Hello there everyone, I'm Adelle. But you all can call me the Sapphire Siren, now I know what you might be thinking, but my hair is normally like a blue sapphire, and someone pranked me and dyed it while I was asleep a couple of days ago. Anyway though that's beside the point. Now I'm new here and I'm still learning a bit, so please forgive me if I don't do as well as you might like the first time around. But I'll do my best for everyone, so cheer for me alright, and I'll try and give you all a Very good show," Adelle cheerfully called out to the crowd through the mic, bowing her head to them all as she asked in advance for forgiveness in case she performed badly in her match, finishing the last sentence in a slightly seductive tone of voice. When that was done, Adelle would give the mic back to the referee girl and smile as she waved to everyone again, blowing kisses out to the crowd as she did.

If Adelle shouldn't say her real name in the introduction:
"Hello there everyone, you all can call me the Sapphire Siren, now I know what you might be thinking, but my hair is normally blue like a sapphire. Someone pranked me and dyed it while I was asleep a couple of days ago, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I'm new here, and still learning, so I ask in advance if you'll forgive me for performing poorly for you all. But I promise you all that I will do my best for you, so cheer for me alright and I'll try and give you all a Very good show," Adelle cheerfully called out to the crowd through the mic, bowing her head to them all as she asked in advance for their forgiveness in case she performed badly in her match, finishing the last sentence in a slightly seductive tone of voice. When that was done, Adelle would give the mic back to the referee girl and smile as she waved to everyone again, blowing kisses out to the crowd as she did.

[Wasn't really sure which was appropriate, so just use what is in whichever one of the above spoilers that would be the most appropriate for her talking to the crowd.]
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The initial reception from the crowd was almost cold, for there was no real reaction to her coming in. Still, all eyes in the hall were on Adelle as she was presented with the mic. As she sneaked in the question, the ref sighed at Adelle. "Do whatever you feel comfortable in, it's your style. If you ain't comfy with using your real name, don't. Not every girl uses them, so it would not be new to just perform with a ring name." was the answer that she got.

After whichever intro Adelle decided to share with the crowd, her first opponent was to head into the ring. There was a small round of whooping present when Kanai was called in, apparently a small fan club of sorts. The girl ran in from the room and across the catwalk, using the ropes as a springboard to initiate her entry, Kanai was surprisingly small, one of the youngest ones present undoubtly, and was pretty much living up to her ring name when one looked at her. "With three losses as her record, we will see if Cutey will manage to push herself out from a bad start. Cheer your favorite now, guys." the ref called to the small group of Kanai fans before handing the mic away. Battle was about to start.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, thanks miss," Adelle whispered back to the ref, nodding her head in thanks.

She decided to use introduction she'd thought up using her real name and then telling them all the ring name she'd thought of, figuring that there really wasn't any reason not to at the moment, since the ref had told her that some of the other girls use their real names too. After handing the mic back to the ref girl, Adelle then watched Cutey Kanai running out down the catwalk from the locker room, where she then used the ropes to spring herself into the ring as she struck herself a pose in mid air. Adelle had to say she was impressed with the entry, maybe she should have done something a little more flashy herself, but it was too late at this point to do so, so she'd have to wait until next time at least.

The girl she was to be facing appeared to be quite small, and she was obviously young, possibly younger than Adelle it was hard to tell exactly, and she did indeed look cute, Adelle thought to herself. Adelle listened to the ref state that Cutey here had 3 losses and thought to herself that she better not lose to someone that's already lost 3 times themselves, because that would just look embarrassing. When the ref had finished talking, Adelle stepped forward with a last second question in mind before the match began.

"Okay, any last minute details about this match I should know? Or is it basically anything goes save anything against the rules? I'm new and I don't wanna screw up my first time out," Adelle asked the ref in a low voice where Cutey could hear, making sure that there were no extra things added in without her knowledge or something. Once that was out of the way, Adelle looked over to her opponent and nodded to her. "Let's have fun then alright Cutey," Adelle would say to her opponent with a slightly naughty wink, shaking Cutey's hand in a friendly manner if the smaller girl wanted to before they started.

When the bell sounded and the match started, Adelle would back away quickly to give herself some room to work with as she analyzed the situation. She was almost positive that Cutey here was faster than her because of her smaller size, but that likely meant that she wasn't quite as strong as Adelle was. So Adelle's plan then was to stay as close to Cutey as possibly, to keep her hard pressed to utilize her speed that she probably had from her small size. She would take a defensive stance for the moment though before making her move, hoping to force Cutey to make a move first, where she could counter her with a grapple and then she would think of something else from there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Do whatever. Try to avoid mauling the opponent completely though, beating someone to a wreck is not cool, even if there are few individuals among the crowd who might get off on that. Whatever you think is your style and your idea of pleasing the crowd." the ref told Adelle in a brief summary, basically allowing pretty much everything besides outright bloody beatdown of the smaller Kanai. Despite initial waryness, Cutey did do a very brief handshake before backing down.

Thinking about her tactics with this smaller girl, Adelle made a defensive stand as her initial move, following Cutey's initial approach. That was a circleing maneuver, as it appeared that Kanai was pretty much doing the same thing as Adelle was in a more mobile way. She did not seem to want to do that too long though, and soon stepped in, apparently aiming to grapple herself. But it turned out to be a feint as the smaller girl rolled under the much bigger Adelle's counterattempt. Gripping on her busty opponent's leg with her right arm, Kanai tripped Adelle with a legsweep as she got up from the roll, the whole thing leaving Adelle flat on her face and Kanai now holding onto one of her legs.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Indeed it isn't cool, and I'd never do that unless it was in self defense myself," Adelle said as soon as the ref was done talking, where she then shook Cutey's hand to indicate a friendly match. "Don't worry Cutey, I'm not going to go out of my way to hurt you, but I'm not going to go easy either," Adelle said as they shook hands, giving that slightly naughty wink at her opponent, where she then did her preparations for battle and began analyzing her opponent.

Adelle saw that her opponent was apparently doing the same thing she was herself, trying to analyze her opponent and figure out the best strategy to take her on. Adelle smiled at the smaller girl, thinking to herself that this would be fun. Just before Adelle was about to break the stalemate and make a move, Cutey did first and darted in at her, looking to be about to start a grapple on Adelle. Adelle of course went into a defensive position to block and reverse on the smaller girl, but just as she did that, she felt her legs being swept out from under her by Cutey's leg as she feinted and rolled down at her legs. The large breasted Adelle fell forward onto the ring where she felt Cutey holding onto her legs.

"Damn, should've gotten closer," Adelle thought to herself as she attempted to roll over and push Cutey Kanai off of her, using both her arms and legs to do so and her heavier weight to make sure that she could roll over. Barring that, she would attempt to reach back behind her and grab the smaller girl's arms and try to reverse the hold or break free, whichever was the easier thing to do.

"You're pretty fast. But I don't plan on going down that fast Cutey, because I don't want the match to end too quickly, or else we won't entertain everyone properly," Adelle said to the smaller girl with a half smile on her face as she attempted her break free maneuver, indicating to any that could see her face that she was having fun and obviously didn't truly care about losing so long as they had fun and everyone was entertained and had fun watching them.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she was pretty strong, Adelle didn't manage to get herself rid of Kanai immediately. The smaller girl tried to move over her and pull her leg back in a submission maneuver (single-leg Boston Crab), but the resistance was strong enough to prevent her from doing that, at least. This allowed Adelle to turn around to her back and kick the opponent off from her. Cutey showed that she was proficient enough in the ring though, and followed up by taking a run to the ropes, using them as aid to make a flying body splash onto the busty girl before she could fully get back to her feet. While she was small, the weight of her coming onto Adelle at a decent speed and the off-balance factor allowed the quick wrestler to tackle her bigger opponent down again. Still, she did not stay on Adelle, quickly getting up while she was still down. There was indication that she was going to attack again, though it was not entirely sure whether it was going to be by ground grapple or another flying technique. Mostly it appeared that Cutey was aiming to tire Adelle down with her quick attacks.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite how much smaller Cutey Kanai was, Adelle wasn't able to shake her loose very easy, having to endure the smaller girl trying to pull her leg back into a submission hold before she managed to kick her away after rolling back over onto her back. She breathed a sigh of relief even as she smiled once freed, as she was having a bit of fun with this and was now starting to get into it. When Cutey bounced off the ropes as she raised back up and splashed onto her, Adelle let out a little yelp as she was knocked back down by the smaller girl before Cutey bounded off of her and away whilst Adelle scrambled back to her feet.

"Whew, you're a spry little thing aren't you Cutey. Well come on then, let's keep going, I've got plenty more in me for now though. And I'm having lots of fun," Adelle said to Cutey a she got back up, her blood pumping as she smiled at the smaller girl, unable to contain her joy from the match so far, despite having been knocked down twice now.

Once back on her feet, Adelle shook her head slightly as Cutey seemed to be trying to wear her out, which was working slightly as she was panting a bit now. When it looked like she was coming in again for an attack of some sort, Adelle quickly got an idea of her own to counter the smaller girl, waiting until she got a little closer and gave a better indication of what she was about to try. If she came flying at Adelle again, then the busty girl would jump into the air with her arms wide open, where she would catch Cutey in her arms as she wrapped them around the smaller girl as they both fell back down to the ring, where Adelle would quickly attempt to pull Cutey around into a quick little submission hold of her own, the hold being a slightly naughty thing as she pulled the smaller girl's face and smushed it in between her breasts and held her there with one arm whilst she started tugging at the smaller girl's top to try and pull it off and perhaps make her mess up some from embarrassment.

If Cutey came low though and attempted another grab, Adelle would wait until she came at her to try and trip her up, where she would throw her own legs out from under herself, grabbing hold of Cutey by the shoulders in the process and pulling her down with her where she would scramble around to get behind Cutey. Once there she would swing her longer legs around the girl's waist, planting her feet in between Cutey's legs on the ring, where she would use her own legs to prise the smaller girl's legs apart as she grabbed her arms and got a good enough hold on her wrists with one hand so she could begin pulling and tugging her top up and off of her, tossing it out of the ring if she managed it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Cutey's follow-up was quick as ever, little breathing time given to Adelle as she was immediately set upon again when she was getting up, the smaller girl attempting a chokehold of some kind as she slammed into the busty girl's back. Adelle's balance held out though, the move coming somewhat expected at this moment. Only the briefest of holds was managed, the speeder holding onto her opponent for a mere second before she was overpowered and forced to retreat in an effort to avoid getting into a sticky situation herself.

From there, the two of them clashed in a standing grapple, Kanai actually managing to somehow hold her own in a straight contest of strenght.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was taken aback a bit as Cutey's next attack came just as fast as her previous ones did, giving her almost no time at all to prepare her own counter as the smaller girl slipped around behind her and tried to put her into a choke hold. Adelle got slightly frantic as she felt the other girl's arms slipping around her neck as she rammed herself against her back, though thankfully Adelle managed to stay balanced and didn't fall over. She breathed a little easier as Cutey released her and backed off after failing to get a good hold on her, seeming to not want to risk Adelle grabbing hold of her, which was good considering what she'd planned to do once she did so.

After scrambling back to her feet again, Adelle and the smaller girl went into a standing grapple, where Cutey seemed to be holding her own against Adelle, which surprised the busty girl a lot actually, as she'd figured that Cutey here wouldn't be able to manage it. "Well now... looks like she's got a bit of strength in that little body of her's. Let's see if she can handle this then," Adelle thought to herself, preparing to try and break this stalemate they seemed to be in at the moment.

Before Cutey had time to act, Adelle tried to quickly bring one of her legs around and sweep the smaller girl's legs out from under her, so that she landed on top of Cutey breast first, hoping to angle it so that when she fell her breasts landed right in Cutey's face. If she managed that, Adelle would grab the smaller girl's arms by the wrist and hold her down there for a few moments in a lewd sort of smothering hold. When she finally did maneuver around and let the smaller girl breathe again assuming she'd managed her leg sweep to begin with, Adelle would try and slip around behind her, where she would pin her arms around behind her back with one hand while tugging her top off, like she'd planned on doing the first time around. No matter what though, Adelle would never quit smiling during the match, as she was having too much fun to not smile, and she hoped that Cutey here was having fun as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Having wisened up a bit to the workings of her opponent, Adelle was able to pull of her plan of attack this time around as she caught Cutie in an unstable moment of the grapple and went down with her after the succesful trip. Her aim was spot-on as well, leading to the intended result of Kanai ending squarely between her huge knockers. There was struggling as the smaller girl tried to escape the bouncy trap she had been placed into, but Adelle remained in control with minimum effort. After she had done enough titpressing, the busty girl moved on to continue her plan of attack, doing it quite handily as Cutie was still somewhat stunned in the wake of the boobchoke. In scant seconds, she was pulling away at the smaller girl's top, which she did not manage to completely take away but still did the intended damage as she revealed the opponent's small chest to the eyes of the crowd and possibly her own schemes. All in all, the move had drawn a degree of approval from the crowd, who were beginning to warm up to Adelle somewhat.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Haha, now I've got you Cutey, time to get smothered in here. I told you I wouldn't go down easy," Adelle said, letting out a little laugh as her plan worked this time around when she tripped Cutey up and her breasts landed right in the smaller girl's face as she squished her face into them as deep as she could.

As she scrambled around behind her opponent, with Cutey seeming to be a little stunned from her smothering attack, she was able to begin pulling Cutey's top off of her, revealing her chest to the crowd. She didn't wait to see what Cutey might try and do in retaliation to her and continued with her attack, swinging her legs around and planting her feet right between Cutey's legs on the ring where she then pulled her own legs back, trying to hook them around Cutey's and pull her legs apart, while at the same time using one of her hands to try and pull the top off the rest of the way as the other held Cutey's arms trapped behind her back and between her and Adelle.

If Cutey struggled against her too much for her to hold with just the one hand though, Adelle would abandon her attempts at pulling her top off the rest of the way for the moment and she would instead holding both of her opponent's wrists tightly to try and keep her grappled while she swung around in front of Cutey, burying the smaller girl's face in her breasts again, quickly letting go and wrapping her arms around Cutey in a bear hug as she squeezed her against her bosoms, though not so much that it would hurt the smaller girl very much, just tightly enough so she couldn't escape easily.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite her show of resistance, Cutey failed to overcome Adelle superior position over her. It was almost too easy for the busty girl to do what she wanted, and soon the smaller opponent was relieved of her small top. Despite her inexperienced status, Kanai managed to avoid showing her embarassment in any verbal way.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle sat there behind Cutey and continued on pressing her attack on the smaller girl, tugging her top off completely now before she could prevent it, Adelle glanced around at the crowds reactions to her stripping Cutey of her top as she forced her legs apart for them to see. Adelle was a little bit concerned though as stripping the smaller girl seemed almost too easy, so as she prepared to continue with her lewd assault, she maintained a state of readiness to counter anything the smaller girl could throw at her.

She debated quickly in her head what to do now. Should she try and pin Cutey for the win now? Or should she try and give the crowd an even better show than they've already gotten so far with this match? If she took the latter, then she'd run a greater risk of Cutey countering up on her and beating her, and she dearly needed as much money as she could get, so the quicker win would likely be better for her now, and she didn't really want to humiliate Cutey to be honest, but she figured that stripping her like this was one of the better ways to go about winning and gaining the crowd's support and all.

In the end, Adelle decided to try and make the match last a little longer to entertain their crowd that was there, figuring they should get their money's worth even if it cost her the match in the end. So, Adelle attempted to slip around in front of Cutey, where while holding both of her hands down with one of her own as best she could, she would then pull the bottom of her own short shirt out, stretching the fabric out and over Cutey's head, smushing the smaller girl's face into her breasts again, though this time it would be her bare breasts. Though she wouldn't push her so deep into them that she couldn't breathe like the last time, she would try and push Cutey back as she rolled herself over onto her side in the process so that it wouldn't be a pin just yet on the smaller girl, though it would leave her in a position to get a quick and easy pin if it worked right. If her tactic here did end up working, then while she wrapped an arm around Cutey and held her there on her side, her face buried in between Adelle's breasts, Adelle would attempt to reach down with her other hand and start pulling and tugging Cutey's panties off, unless the ref stopped her from doing so that is.