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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once the cavalcade of bikes arrived, the men parked their bikes near the main entrance, leaving a gap in the middle of them for a possible bike number eight. While she was not sure, Adelle could possibly determine that Pitbull was not the boss of the bikers, more likely being a club enforcer or similar officer of his group. They marched inside without giving the bouncers too much attention and made their way to a table in the bottom floor. For all that she had heard about the place, the lowest floor did not really give away the fact that this place might be for more than just food and drink to Adelle. The look was more like a simple yet big restaurant with an atmospheric set-up.

Pitbull was not entirely sure what Adelle had to do, but he knew where she would have to go. "Go to the counter over there and tell them that you are one of the waitresses for the penthouse meeting. They will guide you further. We will wait for the boss." he told the busty girl as the seven guys stayed and waited, pointing her to a counter on the other side where an ordinary-looking waiter was doing his job.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they went on inside once there, Adelle noticed that they'd left a space clear for another bike, making her think that their boss wasn't here just quite yet. She stayed near to Pitbull until they were far enough in and he directed her to the counter to talk to someone at for what she'd need to do and where she could get changed and all. "Alrighty then, thanks Pitbull. I guess I'll see you boys upstairs then, and thanks for the ride too by the way, and the escort," Adelle said to Pitbull and the others, thanking and waving to them as she walked on, moving her hips in a sexy sway as she went over to the counter Pitbull mentioned.

"Excuse me, I'm here for the penthouse meeting, I'm one of the waitresses for it and I need to get ready for. I was told some clothing would be waiting for me when I arrived," Adelle said to the waiter that was at the counter, where she would follow his directions to get to wherever she needed to go.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Asking about the penthouse meeting caused a reaction that appeared to be a bit more cautious than usual, yet the man still did not lose any of his professional approach to the girl who was addressing him. "This way please." he instructed Adelle to come forwards, leading her behind the counter and along the wall where there was an employee door to the back. Even the employee areas were neater than normal, not looking shabby or lacking in cleanliness or maintenance. At the end of the hallway, the man pointed out the room where this new waitress was supposed to go before going back to his normal duties.

The room was a combined laundry and clothes storage area, an older lady working there and maintaining order. She appeared to be a bit more on top of the situation than the man was, and appeared to instantly know what this stranger was doing in her working domain. "Alright, which color do you want, young lady? We got the basic black, white, red, blue and gold for your chest size." she asked straight away, pointing to a uniform that was laid out on a nearby table. It was basically a bunny girl uniform, though it had no bunny bits as the tail and ears were both missing. The set-up had everything else though, including the corset, fishnets, shoes, cloth cuffs and collar. The one on the table appeared to be a more common size, so it would appear that the woman would hand Adelle her attire.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright thank you good sir, lead on," Adelle told the waiter guy, following him down the hall and noting his cautious demeanor somewhat and figuring that this was obviously a big meeting to say the least.

Nodding to the guy in thanks as she went through the doorway, Adelle saw it was a quite well kept place to say the least as she looked around once inside. When asked which color she wanted by the older woman, Adelle looked to where she was pointing and saw the colors she named off in her size and saw the blue, thinking it perfect to go with her hair. "Thank you miss, blue I think would be best for me, something to match my hair and all. And I'm Adelle by the way, just so you know and all," Adelle replied asking for one that matched her hair color the best, introducing herself as the woman got her outfit for her, then she gave her sizes as well so the woman would know. Once she had her work attire, Adelle took the clothing from the woman and nodded. "Oh yeah almost forgot. Where can I put my things for the duration miss? It's my first time here so I don't really know," Adelle asked quickly before going off to change, thanking the woman for the clothing as she went off.

Once she knew where to store her equipment, Adelle went to do just that and changed into her new mostly bunny girl outfit, looking around at the place to see how many other girls were there for this event. She'd chat with any nearby girls if they seemed to be open to it in order to find out a little more about the whole event and if there were certain people she should avoid and things like that, and she'd also ask if any of them had any lipstick for her to use, as well as a bit of makeup and or perfume she could borrow a little of. She would focus on finding perfume more so than the makeup though, leaving the makeup as an extra thing to add only if she managed to find some, not going out of her way really to find any.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Other side of the corridor, right behind you. That door has one of our locker rooms for employees, leave your belongings there. And don't worry about them being stolen, that won't be an issue over here." the woman told Adelle after finding her a uniform that had the necessary size to allow her to fit in it and not pop her chest out when she bent over a little. "Good thing that I did not throw those out. That size was practically unused until now."

In the other room, Adelle was not alone. Two other women were there already, one of Latino descent as well as an Asian one. Both had similar uniforms already on them, and seemed to be mostly on the wait. Striking up a conversation with the Asian did not seem to really happen as she was extremely reserved, but the Latino was more amicable. Readily offering her cosmetic supplies for Adelle to use, she introduced herself as Mikaila and told that she was there as the representive of jefe Miguel, the familiar name catching the busty girl's attention for sure.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, thank you very much, and I'm glad you didn't throw these out too or I'd have been in trouble I think. And yeah they just kind of... didn't stop growing really," Adelle said with a chuckle before heading on, thanking the woman for the clothes and whatnot as she went across the hall as directed to leave her things.

Once there she saw two other girls as she put her things in a locker for safe keeping for the evening until she was ready to leave. Once that was done she began getting changed and while she tried and mostly failed to get a conversation going with the Asian girl, she was glad that the Latino girl wasn't so reserved, as she had the cosmetic supplies Adelle needed, which Adelle applied as she chatted with her in a very friendly manner. "Oh thank you so much Mikaila, I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle told the girl as she took the lipstick out and began putting some on, listening and perking up a bit when Mikaila told her who she was there representing. "Oh... I worked for him the other day with Rosieta at that old factory, got something out of there for him that he apparently needed. Paid really well considering the job too," Adelle added as she moved on to put a dab of perfume at her armpits, one around her crotch, and one little dab around the bottom of her neck so as not to overpower anyone's sense of smell with it.

After she was done with that, Adelle just put a dab of blush on, letting Mikaila help her along the way if she didn't mind in order to get everything on properly and not overdo it with any of it. "So have you girls done this before? Anything special or strange to expect or anyone I should be wary of? I've been a waitress before, but it's my first time here because the girl for... well the biker guys from the wrestling club is all I know them as... but anyway their girl didn't show up and I'd come in late for a match, so I offered to do this so they wouldn't have to try and fit me in or anything," Adelle asked, looking at Mikaila as well as the Asian girl if she decided to speak up any to her as she explained her reasons for being there.

Regardless of their answers, once she was done with getting ready for the event, Adelle would sit with them and relax until they were called upon for whatever was expected of them, with Adelle looking around at any others coming in, curious about who they worked for, and she would attempt to be friendly as well and strike up a conversation with anyone that seemed open or friendly enough to do so themselves, though she would mostly stay with Mikaila and chat with her if no others seemed to want to.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"So you represent the bikers... I should have known, you sure look like someone they would pick, no offense." Mikaila remarked once Adelle told her who she was representing. She really didn't discuss her own alliances further, but curiously enough did not appear to know about Rosieta being there in Miguel's underlings. "Maybe she is new, or just someone I have not met."

No others appeared to be coming, but Mikaila seemed to know about it. "They have most likely gone over to the top floor already. There is some sitting around involved, as is the usual with waiting jobs. I don't think there's anything special involved in this, though I would advise backing off from any heated conversations and looking for cover if they start fighting. We are not security. If you are ready, we could go there too."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I'm here for those guys, but don't worry about it Mikaila, no offense taken. I mean they're mostly alright I guess, the bikers, and they haven't really done me wrong yet. And I'm pretty sure Rosieta has worked for mister Miguel a while now, at least she seemed to have done so to me anyway at least. They even invited me to dinner that night so I wouldn't have to make the trek through the city back to the place I was staying at. I kind of liked him, he was rather nice to me and paid great too, and his daughter was quite nice as well," Adelle said to Mikaila, nodding at her when she said what she did about Adelle representing the bikers.

Adelle nodded again when Mikaila said that the other waitresses had probably gone on upstairs to the top floor of the place, which if she remembered correctly was where Isolda was murdered the other day. When asked if she was ready to go on now, Adelle nodded her head, first making sure her things were put away in a relatively safe place and checking to make sure of what all she had and making a mental note of it so she could check later to see if anything was missing, though she doubted it would if they assured her it wouldn't be and all. "Alright I'm ready now, let's head on up," Adelle said when she was done with checking her things over, following Mikaila and she assumed the Asian girl on upstairs to see how big a place and how many people she'd have to help wait on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Let us go then. You coming Chai?" Mikaila confirmed Adelle's intention while hollering the at the third member of the group to get a move on. The Asian had no apparent willingness to remain in the locker room as she had been ready a long time ago, and thus came along with the two of them. They went into the employee elevator and Mikaila hit the top floor button, sending them upwards.

The top floor was nothing short of fancy, a real luxury lounge. The hall was set up in a circular fashion, six tables around a final one in the middle of the circle, each table having six chairs with the middle one having a much more comfy set of seats than the others. The back wall was completely made of glass, giving a view to the city below. Another three girls were waiting there, two of them sitting at the counter while doing it but one of them had taken a seat at the middle table. This particular one stood out, for she had a nun's habit on her head with the uniform that they all had. A barkeep was there already as well, a slightly bored individual from the look of him. None of the people they were supposed to serve were there yet, some time still remaining before things started happening.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they went on out of the room, with the Asian girl known as Chai following them out as Mikaila called to her and said her name, letting Adelle know what it was now at least. She stepped into the elevator once they got to it and let Mikaila press the button up, riding the thing to the top. When they arrived at the top floor, Adelle saw it was quite fancy, but a bit smaller than she'd expected to say the least really, as there were only seven tables around the place, with six of them arrayed around the seventh one in the center, each with six chairs for them.

Stepping inside she also noticed the glass back wall that showed a good view of the city, which she took advantage of and looked out at since it seemed that they were the only ones there at the moment other than the bartender and three other ladies that were dressed in the waitress outfit. She did notice the one girl with the nuns habit on her head and decided to put her look out over the city on hold as soon as she noticed her, thinking it to be Lacrimosa for some reason. She just walked around the table enough to see the girl's face, to see if it was indeed Lacri, though she doubted that it was really, but you never know. After Adelle gave a look at the habit wearing waitress, she went around the room and introduced herself to the other girls and the bartender guy before taking a look out over the city, mainly to see if they were friendly or not really.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she had her suspicion about the nun, the sudden addition of a smoking cigarette caused Adelle's initial expectation to fade out fast. She had never seen Lacrimosa smoke, and once she had seen her face, there was no further connection between the two nuns besides their hat of choice. The smoking nun was a much more grumpy-looking specimen than the sister group nun was, and gave a bad look at the busty girl once she realized that there was some sort of analysis going on towards her.

The other people were not as difficult as she was though, the other two waitresses being much easily approachable. one of them, a blonde speaking in a heavy Russian accent, told that she was there to represent the Bratva. The other was more normal in speech, sporting a double-colored hairdo with red stripes on black. She told Adelle that she was representing the house. The barkeep didn't mind to introduce himself, but didn't seem to be too interested in talking either.

Looking at the city did not really provide Adelle with much besides an evening view of the area. But it appeared that they might have to start with the event as the other elevator in the room started going down. The first group of people were evidently on their way to the penthouse.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she leaned around enough to see the habit wearing waitress smoking, Adelle was fairly certain that it wasn't Lacri, and then when she actually saw her face a bit better she found the woman looking back with a grumpy look on her face, though Adelle couldn't really blame her too much really. "Oh sorry, I thought you were someone I knew, she wears a habit most of the time like yours too, I apologize if I disturbed you. I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle said in apology to the woman, bowing her head a bit too as she introduced herself before hurrying on over to the others in the room to introduce herself to them.

After introductions were done, with her finding out that the girl with the double hair color working for the place here and the other representing a group called Bratva, whoever they were. Once that was out of the way, she just kind of sat there and stared out the windows until she heard one of the elevators starting down. "Well Adelle, guess this is it. Now don't fuck it up okay, because who knows what'll happen if you do," she mumbled to herself, steeling her nerves for the coming... party was the only term she could think of really to describe this.

She quickly looked around at the tables as she came back over from the windows, making sure everything was in order there and nothing out of place, as well as quickly taking a peek under each table just in case. Hey, somebody was killed here just the other day, she felt she couldn't be too careful. Once her quick scan of the room was complete, she would go back over to Mikaila's side and stay with her until the elevator arrived there. "So... is there any special way we're supposed to greet these people or anything like that? If not then I'll just what you girls do, it'll be easier probably," Adelle asked Mikaila quickly before the elevators got up there, telling her that she'd just follow her lead if there was nothing special to do with greeting them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The other girls lined up near the elevator, ready to start performing their duties as the sound of the elevator signaled the approach of the first group. Again, Mikaila was the helpful one to guide Adelle in this particular duty. "Just be natural about it. Also, there is one thing I forgot to mention. When the groups start coming, one of us will escort each of them to their selected table and take their starting orders, except the leaders, they gather around the middle table. Whatever you do, do not be the one to perform this starting escort on the people you represent as that is not considered hospitable by the other groups and can give some bad vibes. Pick one of the other five groups instead, it doesn't matter which one." she gave a little tip to the busty girl.

Once the elevator reached the top, there was a beep and the door slid open as the first group entered. At the head of the group, a 30-something blonde woman was leading them. A red business suit with a knee-lenght skirt was her attire of choice, the huge hairdo of hers partially hiding a large burn mark on the other side of her face. She smoked a cigar as the others of her group came in, a crowd of seven men in almost identical clothes, all of them acting in a very careful and almost military-like fashion. One of the guys steadily hovered behind the leader lady, a long scar marking him out quite easily from the rest. All of them carried guns, from the looks of it.

Adelle could pick these people or wait for the next ones if she wanted to have a choice.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright thanks Mikaila, don't escort my people, and I think I'll leave the bosses to someone else since I've never really met them before, save mister Miguel that is. Which one is your people's table by the way? I'll take them when they come up if that's alright, unless somebody else does first that is. And do they all have specific tables that they're to sit at, or does it not matter which table we take them to really? Also am I supposed to take their orders over to the bartender? I assume so, but you know, best to make certain and all," Adelle quickly replied to Mikaila's tip just before the elevator stopped, thanking the other girl for it as she asked which table was which or if it mattered really, the busty girl glancing over at them to see if they were marked or anything of the sort.

When the elevator dinged and stopped, Adelle waited slightly apprehensively as the doors opened and a woman stepped out followed by seven other men, all of whom had submachine guns. Taking in the groups features quickly, Adelle glanced over at Mikaila to see if she was going to take them, where she waited for Mikaila's group that she was there representing, as she didn't think these were them. When Miguel's people came up, whenever that was, Adelle would step forth and welcome them with a bow of her head just like she did back when waitressing at the cafe in her old home town, escorting them to their table right afterwards where she got her pen and paper out to take their orders, quickly jotting what the group wanted down and taking it over to the bartender or wherever Mikaila told her she needed to, cheerfully smiling the whole time to let them know she was happy to serve them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Mikaila managed to point out the correct table for Miguel's goons before the first group entered, so Adelle would go astray when guiding them. And as she saw that the busty girl didn't intend to take the first group and instead appeared to go for her own group, the friendly girl opted to take them instead. As she went about with her business, the elevator moved again to pick up the second group, who soon emerged to the meeting. This was a curious but expected group as an elderly nun strode in the head of the second group of monks and nuns. They too had guns on them, ones that appeared to be pretty top-notch quality examples. Instead of being uniform, they had a variety of rifles, shotguns and large handguns. Despite her age, the lead nun still appeared to be a lethal gunfighter as her choice of weapon was something utterly gaudy and even a bit ridiculous, a gold-plated Desert Eagle. Suddenly, there was a reason for the habit-wearing waitress. Chai seemed to want and get doing her job, so she took them.

Third was the familiar sight of Miguel and a squad of his underlings, a big black dude with long dreadlocks standing as the leader of the goons. The man raised an eyebrow as he saw Adelle there, but did not start to question the sight or anything, letting her do her job like expected. "I'm feeling like some Cuba would be good tonight. Tell him to make me a mojito." Miguel requested as the busty girl guided the group of goons onto the left table near the window while he took the corresponding seat on the middle table. The goon leader took up a spot right behind him, as had other three lieutenants of the first three groups. The others gave their orders as well, ordering much more plain things like whiskey and beer.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thanks, didn't wanna make a fool of myself before I even really began or anything," Adelle whispered to Mikaila with a wink, waiting for Miguel's group of people to come on up.

As she waited for Miguel's group of people to come on up the elevator, Adelle watched who she assumed was part of the nun waitress woman's group come up, the elderly nun in front sporting a golden plated desert eagle which made Adelle's eyes widen a bit in awe at the beautiful piece. She nearly lost it and went over to ask if she could see it, but stopped herself short, figuring it unprofessional of her to do so. When the third group came up, she saw Miguel and his group, where she immediately stepped forth as soon as they were out of the elevator, where she bowed politely and greeted them all.

"Please, right this way everyone, and of course sir, I'll have it brought immediately," Adelle said to the group, nodding her head to Miguel as he made his request of a drink, writing it down as she guided them all to their assigned table, and gestured to the chair fixed at the center table nearest his men's table for Miguel to sit at. Once they were seated she took Miguel's mens orders and quickly jotted them down before taking them over to the bartender to get for them.

As soon as she had their drinks ready to take to them, Adelle placed them all onto a tray and took them over, setting Miguel's mojito in front of him with a napkin as she settled into the groove of a waitress once again. Then she headed over to the table with his underlings and set each of their drinks down for them with a napkin as well, looking around at the rest of the people to see if they were ordering food from their respective tables to see if she was supposed to ask the group if they wished for something to eat, doing so anyway whether it seemed like she was or not really, starting with Miguel.

"Would you like anything to eat sir?" Adelle asked Miguel in a soft and respectful voice, bowing her head slightly as she spoke, leaning a little closer after glancing around her. "I uh... honestly don't know if I'm supposed ask if you all want anything to eat or not sir really, so I figured I would just in case. Also... thank you for the other day," Adelle said in a whisper for Miguel to hear her but not likely that anyone else would be able to, speaking in a respectful manner and not looking like she was disturbing him in any way to anyone else.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Nah, not really hungry. I just had dinner at home." Miguel dismissed Adelle as he did not really seem to need anything to eat as the meeting began to approach the proper start. Once she had finished dealing out the orders to the group, the sixth one had arrived and completed the circle. Now there was a table of undoubtedly powerful criminal leaders gathered in the middle, each of them having a group of soldiers behind them at their own table. In addition to Miguel, the elderly nun and the imposing blonde, another three had joined. The first of them was a sharp-dressed Asian guy in a suit with a scarf and dimmed glasses with a pair of modern semi-automatics within reach. Behind him stood the selected guard, another Asian lady dressed in a Chinese dress and coat. This one was pretty slim and pretty, but had an easily detectable killer aura about her. Two hilts of some melee weapons could be seen behind her back, but Adelle was not sure entirely sure what she was wielding from her current position.

The bikers had arrived as well, the apparent leader of them standing out in a quite strange way as he was hardly big or anything. In fact, he looked quite ordinary, the only things marking him out being the vest and bandanna that he wore. Behind him was Pitbull in all of his massive glory, with the other guys at the table meant for them. The last one to come was an all-female group, one that could be assumed to be the house representatives. At the head was a beautiful tan redhead in a white cocktail dress with a figure to match Adelle's. While she was very pretty, there was something souring her mood, possibly the meeting itself. Her guard was composed of a variety of girls in leather garments, each of them having a whip and some sort of handgun, though the leader had no visible weapons on her. One of the dominatrixes assumed the guard duty of the leader as she took her seat. Once all of them were there and served, the circle raised their drinks, an apparent signal to begin the meeting in full.

With the meeting now in full swing, Miguel seemed to be eager to get some hard-hitting dialogue going. Another familiar thing came into play, the case that Adelle and Rosieta had retrieved. Pulling some papers out, he threw them onto the table for all of the others to see. "I found these the other day. With all the information in these papers, I'd like to lay a claim into gaining control of this fine estabilishment." he announced in a rather bold manner, only managing to further increase the bad mood of the beautiful lady that had taken up her spot on the opposite side of the table. "First I lose my sister, and then you come and intend to rob me of her legacy? Think again, amigo. I am beginning to suspect that this whole hassle is a machination of your doing." she snapped back at Miguel as the others began to look at all the papers.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, thanks... please don't hesitate to call if you need me," Adelle replied with a bow of her head before retreating a bit as the rest of the groups began to come up and generally just doing her job as a waitress here, while keeping a close eye on the happenings around her.

When the final group of all girls came up, Adelle saw that their leader looked a bit pissed about something, though what that was she didn't quite know. When they were all there and seated however they raised their glasses in a toast to their meeting, where Adelle noticed the briefcase she and Rosieta had gone and gotten for Miguel the other day, which he pulled some papers out of and tossed onto the table. His announcement seemed to piss the pretty woman that came in last off even more if that were possible she saw, and when she said what she did, Adelle got the vibe that Isolda had been her sister. Then she remembered seeing Margaret at Miguel's the other day too which really kind of scared her, because that was almost more than enough to finger him as the one that had Isolda killed right then and there in her eyes... and she knew it what's more.

This really put her into an extremely dangerous position she knew, but at the same time she knew she couldn't remain quiet about it. Really though it all came down to who Margaret was really working for when she killed Isolda. She needed more information before she even thought about trying to say or do anything, so she went over to check on some of the guards for Miguel and see if they wanted any refills or anything for their drinks, stealing a few glances over at the papers if she could to see what they said while at the same time glancing around the room to see if she could spot Margaret as well, fearing that if Miguel did indeed have Isolda bumped off, then he very well could be about to bump off her sister as well, or anyone else in this room for that matter, because they were all now in one confined place to do it in... and here she was stuck right in the middle of it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Approaching the middle table was not too hard, but Adelle still had to keep away a bit as the lieutenants were standing behind their leaders and had their eyes on her if she approached in a suspicious manner. But at least the validity of the documents wouldn't need confirming as the other leaders eyed through them, each of them finding them to be satisfactory. The Chinese guy and the tall blonde, who turned out to be a Russian, appeared to be the ones from the six who held the most power. Their approval seemed to serve as a further agitator to the sister of Isolda, who started to become more vocal with her objections as their discussion went on.

While the busty girl went to retrieve a few beers to Miguel's group, she could take a further look at all the people in the room. While there were the other waitresses and the house representatives, the number of females was smaller than the males, and none of them were Margaret. That much she could make out. Even if she were there, it would be suicidal to start a fight against all the armed goons and the more skilled lieutenants, not to mention the leaders themselves. Miguel's help in the matter would only serve that much against the heavy firepower of the church people and the Russians.

The conversation shifted to the assassin guild, who were apparently not in the good graces of these overlords of crime. There had been searches for members, but those had been unfruitful according to each leader. Even Miguel denied having dealt or met with them, though Adelle knew better than that. The leaders were looking for them, especially Margaret. That could not be a good thing, though the killers were skilled and secretive enough to avoid being found out by the other underground people who had been in the city longer than them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not wanting to draw too much attention to herself while she attempted to get closer, she nodded and went to get a few beers for Miguel's group of goons, making sure to steer clear of the central table enough that nobody was suspicious of her. While she got the beers, Adelle could tell that the papers must have been rights to the building here or something of the sort from sounds and looks of it, which kind of made her feel bad, because not only did Isolda get killed the other day, but now her sister and her people were about to be put out from the looks of it... because of her. Margaret was nowhere to be seen at the moment either she saw as she took the beers back over to Miguel's group's table, setting them down in front of the appropriate people that'd ordered them as she thought of what her options were at the moment.

She couldn't very well speak up and interrupt these powerful people, because first of all she had no proof, and second of all she didn't have any weapons on her right now even if she did speak up, so these people would either kill her for interrupting her and see it as a minor inconvenience to their meeting, or she'd be severely punished for doing so. The way she was seeing it, her only real options at the moment were either to wait until everyone was gone and linger around long enough to see if she could speak with Isolda's sister about the assassins guild and Margaret, and tell her that she saw Margaret at Miguel's house herself when she was there the other day... but that too came with its own dangers, because Isolda's sister might do something to her for bringing Miguel the briefcase in the first place or just anything... or she could simply keep her mouth shut and go on about her way. But that wouldn't be right to do since this was all caused because she got that dammed briefcase in the first place.

Gods what should she do? Was their really a right thing to do in this case, since they were all crime lords and whatnot and had likely wronged a lot of people in their time? Probably not, but at the very least it would be the just thing to do maybe, and besides, Isolda's group seemed to be the only female dominant group there, and if they lost their power then there wouldn't be any more that might look out for girls and whatnot and the others may just decide to use girls for their own pleasures... or something like that maybe. However Freya did say or insinuated at least that the other leaders at this meeting besides the biker guys were more... civil, or something like that, so maybe she was just jumping the gun on that thought. Either way she decided to try and linger around long enough to speak to Isolda's sister privately if she could, or maybe an anonymous written message would do better, so nobody could link her to informing Isolda's sister about Margaret being at Miguel's place.

Adelle went about her business, checking with the table she was supposed to be waiting on for the time being, doing her best to stay out of the way and out of trouble, yet still trying to get even a small glance at the papers while doing her job.