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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't worry about it, you didn't know what you were getting involved in. It is the nature of this line of work." Liliana spoke up from her seat, one which Adelle could see from her own place on the other side of the table, where Miguel had been sitting just ten minutes ago. It sure did not feel like it though, as a coat of rime covered it still and brought a funny cold feeling to the sitting experience. "Somehow I doubt they will skimp out on payment. Even though the bikers are somewhat unsophisticated and chauvinistic, they still have a surprisingly strong honor code that they go with. You will get paid, even if you are a mere female to them."

Once Adelle went into talk mode again, Liliana had the lieutenant get the bottle that she had opened, one of the few remaining, and got herself a drink as well. The glass she had used before was there still, so the owner of the business had a drink from a really cold glass. "Well yes, that was what those basically were. But no longer." she looked at the remains that littered the table between the two huge-chested ladies. "Why he would not want this place for himself? This business of mine is one of the most profitable places in the city. The grandest of all that the sex working industry has to offer. Adding this place to his other businesses would increase his power among this circle of six, for sure. And I think why he and sis had such problems was mostly on his part. I think he's not happy that sis was not the kind of woman to fall for his charm. I wouldn't be surprised if it was purely because of annoyance of being denied the chance to have a go with her. Sis was a highly desired woman, no matter how you look at it, business or pure carnal desire. You know how men can be when it comes to the matters of human lust." the gorgeous female explained what she knew of the rivalry that had once been quite a hot one.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Liliana said, Adelle didn't worry too much about working for Miguel before because there was no point in worrying about it in her eyes really. "Knowing that they've got enough honor to pay me for everything despite what happened here is good, because I was a little worried about that," Adelle said to Liliana, nodding her head as she passed the bottle to Liliana's lieutenant.

"Oh, I didn't realize that you made so much money with this place here. And I wish I'd have gotten the chance to meet your sister, I'd heard she was quite beautiful, but I must say that you are as well Liliana. And yeah... I kind of know how men can be I guess... though... I personally prefer women myself. A woman knows how to pleasure another woman much better than a man does," Adelle said after taking another sip of her drink, blushing slightly when mentioning that she preferred women. Adelle's eyes fell on Liliana's breasts for a moment after that, which were similar in size to her own she could see, then she tore her eyes away from admiring the beauty of the woman in front of her. "So um... do you all know who that was that attacked earlier, or anything about her for that matter?" Adelle asked after tearing her gaze away from the woman's beauty, shaking her head slightly to get back to the task at hand where she stood up as she asked her question, heading over to begin putting the weapons into her backpack, well at least all of the ones that would fit anyway, the shotgun and assault rifle both she figured wouldn't. But she could always fix them up between her backpack and her back to conceal them at least a little bit when she left here so nobody would notice unless they looked a bit closer, or she could just tell them that she was going to leave from here and head on back to her place to get some rest and would collect her pay the next day. In that way she'd be able to probably walk out of there with all of her new weaponry.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmmhmmhmm, well, we were pretty much alike in the looks department. Twins and all that. Sometimes we covered for each other in business as not all that many could tell us apart." Liliana revealed something that might have been a secret once upon a time. To each their own preference, but I think you should still not underestimate men either. They can prove to be quite skilled on their own right, with the right conditioning and a bit of guidance to help them along. Or are you just not interested in them? Personally, I enjoy both sides equally. she carried on with the discussion, turning it to what could be the start of a conversation about sexuality between the two ladies. It was obvious that she had noticed the gazing, but someone with her status was surely used to such things as she undoubtedly was a public figure within her own establishment and had to deal with it regularly. About Priscilla she had no clue, despite a brief mention of slight interest towards such an exotic female, in a business sense of course.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh you were twins... I had no idea. And yeah men can be skilled in that regard I suppose, I'm not underestimating them really. I've just not met one yet myself that was quite that skilled, though I've met a couple of women that were. But no it isn't that I dislike men altogether, I merely prefer women more is all. I think women are... nicer to hold and play with personally, though if I find a man I fancy then I might give them a try all the same. I've just not... had any experiences with men yet I guess you could say, though I've come close a few times to men and... other things grabbing me," Adelle said to Liliana, grabbing her glass and draining the last of it and setting her things on the table before sitting back down.

Adelle looked intrigued about what she'd said about Priscilla though, wondering what her interest in Priscilla was. She smiled slightly at the thought, because she imagined that Liliana here would like Priscilla to work here or something, which Priscilla was a pretty woman Adelle thought, but she wasn't about to mention that she thought she might be on the roof. "So what do you plan to do miss Liliana? Will you let me go? Or will you... dispose of me or ensure that I won't talk about this to anyone? I can assure you that I'm not going to be talking about this... meeting of ours here, and I'd be a little too scared to work for Miguel anymore. Well at least work for him and go to his house afterwards anyway," Adelle said after a minute, glancing around at Liliana's guard lady for a moment, wondering what Liliana planned to do with her now and if she'd let her go or not.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The comments about women and how Adelle felt about them caused a little chuckle from the mistress of the house. "So, you are lacking in experience then. Maybe find someone to try things out them? Hmm? Do not lose faith in them, they are here for us to use after all." Liliana suggested briefly and revealing a bit more of her personality before shifting back to the current situation. "What will I do? I don't think you are going to make this known to anyone unless it is some deathly serious circumstance. It can be seen that you are far too honest to lie about this matter. Thus, there is no hostility between us." the beauty revealed what she thought, pouring herself another drink afterwards.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, I'll have to remember that then miss Liliana, that men are here for me to use," Adelle said with a chuckle, then she blushed again slightly and looked to the floor. "I just... well, my first experience was just the other day, and it was... against my will. A woman with a... well to put it bluntly, a woman with a dick raped me and I've been a little wary of dicks since then. But I doubt you want to hear about that at the moment," Adelle added as she poured herself a second drink, wondering what she could do now, because she doubted Liliana would allow her to stay here while she left, which meant that she'd have to find another way to the roof to see if Priscilla was okay or even still there.

"Well I doubt I'd live long enough to get into hiding if Miguel found out I'd told you about this, so yeah, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. Though I believe that if I did start blabbing about it, that it'd only help you since it would show against Miguel really," Adelle said after taking a sip of her second glass. "So... would you like me to leave now, or is there anything you'd like to ask me before I go?" Adelle asked after taking her drink and swallowing it down, pondering if she should let Liliana know she knew Priscilla in any way.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't really care to hear about it, no. And I believe you too might be off a bit better if you don't dwell on it too much." Liliana shushed the talk about rape aside, sensing that it was something of a stingy topic with Adelle. "No, I don't really have much to say about what you do, nor do I have anything to ask really. I feel like finishing this booze, so that's what I'm going to do. You can share it with me if you want. This bottle was meant to be emptied today, but all that hassle and the departure of the others caused a problem with that. You can go, too. Whatever your little mind desires."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, and yeah you're probably right about not dwelling on it, it's in the past so I can't really do anything about it now, so I shouldn't let it get me down and should look to the future, make better memories and not let that one rule my life. And sure, I wouldn't mind helping you to empty it, if you don't mind me joining you for this drink that is," Adelle said, nodding her head at Liliana about that what she'd said about being raped the other day, deciding now that she shouldn't dwell on it so much like Liliana said. "If you by chance have any work though that you think I could handle... don't forget about me okay. I wouldn't mind helping you out some, as thanks for letting me loot the dead I guess you could say," Adelle added, taking another drink, but downing it slowly so as to not get too much of a buzz, though it was helping to keep her calm after the death all around her.

At this point, Adelle was figuring to herself that if Priscilla had been hurt then she would have gotten well enough away that she could tend to her wounds and wouldn't have stayed, and if she had stayed then they probably would have found out by now most likely. So without even finishing her glass of liquor, to keep from getting too tipsy before getting back to Rachaela's place, Adelle got up and thanked Liliana for not doing anything to her. "I suppose that I'll see you later then, and if you have any need of me for anything, send word to the Hunters and Samson will know how to get word to me. Also... you wouldn't happen to have a bag I could put these in would you? So nobody asks why I have a couple of big guns on me that were upstairs just a few minutes ago and all," Adelle said to Liliana as she got up, sliding whatever might be left of her drink forward a bit as she looked around at some of the dead people, eying a couple of them closer to see if she spotted their wallets or wherever they'd kept their money, because she was feeling a little bit braver with the drink in her now and figured if Liliana didn't mind sparing her a bag for these guns that she'd have the time to see if there was any money extra to be had, and she'd tell Liliana what she did about the guns, that they wouldn't be needing it and it would do more good with her than them now, unless Liliana wanted it, in which case Adelle would back off from the money and await a satchel or something to put the larger guns in if the woman would give her one to do so.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I might. Will try to keep that in mind when there is something that requires an outsider. I can usually task some of my own girls with most of these kinds of duties, but there are exceptions." Liliana assured Adelle that she would not just forget about this encounter. Once it was asked for, the house mistress pointed Adelle towards the partially wrecked counter. "Should have a roll of black plastic bags that you can use over there. Don't think that there is a proper bag around right now." she said while continuing her drink. Looting around did not interest her too much, though the guard and Jenny the waitress did not look at the act with approval. Strangely enough, there were no real wallets to be found, all of the dead having their little cash in loose form around their pockets.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alrighty then, seeya later, and one of those bags should do just fine, thanks," Adelle said to Liliana, not taking any money from anyone in there that she knew worked for Liliana and her people.

Collecting the money in the room brought a look of disapproval from the waitress Jenny and the guard lady, but Adelle was still adamant about the fact that the dead didn't need it anymore, and since she didn't get to collect any tips earlier from the people in the room for her work, she figured that she deserved at least a little bit of it. She even offered half of it to Jenny, saying that it was the tip money she didn't get to get earlier, though if the other waitress didn't want to take it, then Adelle would keep it for herself. She then grabbed one of the plastic garbage bags and stuffed the guns into her that wouldn't fit into her backpack, then she strapped it around her backpack between it and her back and headed on back down the elevator, her work here now done.

Once downstairs she would look around for the bikers and hang around them until they got ready to go, staying a cautious distance from them, but close enough so nobody else messed with her really. She would put on a face of concern as she remained near them, letting them see or at least think that she was scared of what was going on, but trying to be brave about it all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she did look somewhat reluctant about taking money from the dead folks, Jenny still accepted the offer in silence. Maybe she too was at a bit of a loss after the scene and having lost the additional moneymaking opportunities.

Down at the bottom floor, Adelle couldn't find the bikers at all. It might just be that the survivors were not interested in their substitute waitress and had gone off to see that their boss was taken away from the street, even as he was dead. There was that whole brotherhood thing that they did, and the biggest respects always lied within their leaders, after all. It looked like the busty girl was on her own.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Smiling softly at Jenny, Adelle handed her half of that money she'd looted and went on back downstairs, where she found the bikers already gone from the looks of it. Finding them all gone kind of annoyed her, as they were her ride out of here, so she'd have to make her own way now apparently. She looked around for any bikes of the ones that were now dead, thinking to maybe use one of them to get her to Rachaela's house, but if they were all gone then she'd have to go by foot.

If it turned out she had to go by foot and no bikes were there to use, then Adelle would stick to the main streets on her way back to Rachaela's, figuring them to be the safest ones along the way, though she'd keep her two main pistols ready and loaded, the safeties off, and her old pistol her dad had given her would be in her hand the whole way back, so she could maybe ward off anyone that might think to attack her along the way. She figured that she could head over to the wrestling place the next day to collect her pay since they'd already left her and whatnot. If she did get one of the bikes by chance, then she'd head on back to Rachaela's by the main streets, intending to drive the thing over to the wrestling place the next day when she went to collect her pay, though she wasn't going to keep her hopes up on finding one still there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Outside, Adelle took a brief look at the parking spot of the bikes, finding that there were still five of them left. Using them was an entirely other matter, not having any keys would make it hard to operate the vehicles. To get one would require going back up to the penthouse of the dead to look for one, and that was no real guarantee for finding any as the other bikers might have gotten them already. Walking it was.

Even the main roads were practically untravelled during the night as Adelle went about her business of returning to Rachaela's place. Somewhere along the way, there was a surprising encounter as a child dashed from an alley once approached by her. The child in question seemed to be a poor or a homeless one if one used her scraggly clothes as an indication. She took a look around before noticing the busty girl, then beelined straight for her. "Miss! There's something wrong with this person in the alley. Can you help him?" she called out before tugging at Adelle's belt to urge her into following.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Why do I get the feeling that Adelle is probably going to lose all of her new hard earned weaponry? Or be put into a situation where she'll likely end up doing so if she makes the wrong choice. The poor thing just can't catch a break with trouble finding her it seems.)

"Well damn, don't feel like going back up there and Liliana probably wouldn't like it too much either... (sigh)... looks like I'm walking," Adelle muttered to herself as she spotted the bikes, not liking the idea of sticking around here for too long or going back inside to look around for a key to any of them.

As she went along the main roads, Adelle saw it was damn near deserted despite being the main roads that people used throughout the whole day. This worried her a bit, but so long as she wasn't left completely alone with a few passersby then she felt safe enough to make it to Rachaela's for the night, where she could unload her new weaponry to keep it safe until she needed it. While nearing Rachaela's place however, Adelle saw a young girl come out of an alley, where she looked around and apparently decided to come straight for her for whatever reason, though she suspected that this girl was going to lead her off to get mugged and or worse for some reason. Probably because it was late and children should be asleep, even if they were on the poor side.

Cursing the fact that she had too good a heart to outright say no, Adelle grabbed the girl's hand and stopped her from tugging so hard on her belt for a moment, not doing so harshly or anything, but making sure she didn't grab anything she ought not be grabbing. "Hey sweetie, what's the matter now exactly? What's wrong with this person in the alley? Is he sick or hurt or something?" Adelle asked the girl, following along a little bit, but cautiously, and not entering said alley yet and looking from a distance at whoever was down there that the girl was talking about. She'd learned a thing or two since coming here, and that was to always be cautious, especially in the night time around here.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once Adelle hit the brakes a bit, the girl appeared to calm down a bit as well, stopping the pulling but still clinging onto her. "I don't know... He just stopped moving or talking and just sits there and wheezes. He's my uncle so I'm worried." she told Adelle and pointed at a slumped figure in a rag robe that was leaning against the side of the dumpster near the alley entrance. Even from a distance, the busty girl could hear his wheezing breath faintly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Feeling she couldn't in good conscience leave without at least seeing if the man was okay or not, or if this was a trap, Adelle sighed and shook her head slightly. She just couldn't bring herself to be mean to a kid, no matter what just about. Adelle cautiously stepped into the alley, checking anything and everything that could be used for cover as she went, and keeping the girl close but not too close just in case. "Gods why am I so kind?" Adelle muttered in her head where the girl wouldn't hear her as they went in.

She pulled her pistol out in one hand and clicked the safety off as she walked, to cover herself if need be so she wouldn't have to quickly whip it out and click the safety off which could very well mean the difference between life and death in a bad situation, and in her other hand she got her hand on her sword just in case, getting ready for a fight that hopefully and likely wouldn't come from the looks of it, but it paid to be ready all the same. Once she got to the man, Adelle would kneel down slightly in front of him about six feet away, giving him room to breath without getting too close. "Sir... what's the matter? Are you ill? Your niece here came to get me in the street on my way home. Do you need me to help you to get somewhere? I can help if you need it, but I need to know how I can help okay," Adelle asked the man in a calm and kind voice, trying to see his face and if he was okay.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The only other hiding place in the long alley was another dumpster on the other end, too far away for any real ambushing unless it was used for a shooting cover. In that regard, it was safe to approach.

That was the only thing that appeared to be safe though. Once she had approached and asked the questions from the supposed sick uncle, the situation changed. The assumed person reared up from their previous hunched position and entered a proper sitting stance as the hood he had been using slipped down to reveal something that was definately not fully human. A pair of dog or cat ears replaced what usually was there, it was not that sure to identify in the darkened surroundings. A huge bulb of a nose was there as well, under a pair of sinister, green-lit eyes that radiated malice. If there even was a mouth on it, it could not be seen. The creature stretched it's arm out and dropped a round coin with a hole that was suspended by a string into sight, the thing starting to swing from side to side with small hand motions. That and the glow of it's eyes produced an effect that seemed to be pushing at Adelle's mental resistance. It was a very... hypnotic sight.

And to make things worse, the child suddenly threw herself onto Adelle as well, trying to keep her from raising her gun by clinging and hanging on her arm. The same green glow was now present on the little girl's eyes as well, most likelly signifying a connection between the girl and "uncle".
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Nobody ever really just needs help do they? She may pull out one of those submachine guns and hose the whole alley if they don't back off, because she ain't losing those guns to anyone, not after having to stomach what she did to get them, because guns cost money and she's probably gonna sell a few of those pistols.)

As soon as she got into the alley, the girl's "uncle" rose to his feet and pulled his hood down to reveal something not entirely human. This did this not really surprise her all that much, because she'd expected a trap of some sort as soon as she stepped into the alley, though she'd expected several people to have come out rather than this to say the least. She glanced at the green eyes that were nearly dripping with anger and or hate it seemed. When the thing dropped the coin from the string in front of her and began swinging it back and forth in an attempt to hypnotize her, Adelle shook her head firmly a time or two as the little girl jumped onto her arm to keep her from pulling her gun up.

Adelle jumped back away from the "uncle" and tried to prize the girl off of her arm as soon as she latched on and she noticed the greenish glow in the girl's eyes as well, keeping her own eyes away from the coin and the larger of the two save at his feet to see how far away he was. Adelle knew that the girl was small enough to do this, so she made for the main road again with the girl still on her arm "W-What the fuck... do you want you bastards? I come in genuinely gonna help, and then you ambush me like this. No fucking dignity left in this world," Adelle grunted as she drew her other gun out quickly and clubbed the girl on the back of the head with the handle of the gun Miguel had given her to knock the girl out or at least off of her, as it had a bit more weight in it to hit with.

At the same time she did this, Adelle tried to pull her right arm up a bit that the girl was holding so she could give a couple of shots in the general direction of the girl's "uncle" to try and dissuade him from attacking her. If this didn't work to dissuade him, then Adelle would use the arm the girl was holding to tangle her up some where she'd place the barrel of the gun Miguel had given her against the girl's body somewhere and see if that would dissuade them from anything further, because she wasn't in the mood for this. Adelle would also never stop backing away towards the main road at the end of the alley during this whole time, kicking a few trash cans out in front of him to slow him down, and not looking directly at his eyes or that coin again so the hypnotizing effects wouldn't do anything more to her.

"Look I don't want any trouble, I just want to go home and rest... I've had a long fucking day," Adelle would say as she threatened to shoot the girl, or after she knocked her out with the butt of her gun, whichever had worked to stop the larger of the pair.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(There might be a few of those. But there are also monsters and bad guys and stuff. Adelle's titty magic attracts more of the latter two. Also good rolls happen.)

While it was a trap that had caught Adelle a bit off-guard at least, she still managed to react in a suitably strong way. The little girl was indeed light enough to be dragged around, and had little in the way of self-preservation, almost as if she was giving more value to the strange creature than her own safety or well-being. She even took the hit from the revolver grip without trying to protect her head, ending up in an unconscious pile on the ground. Once the situation began to go against it, the uncle did their move as well, showing that this might not be the most pleasant encounter as a few loose bricks from the nearby building were thrown at the busty girl with a few gestures of the free hand. This thing was clearly some sort of magician, apparently capable of both psychokinesis and hypnotism. Fortunately, the flying building matter did not hit her as it could have been some serious damage if they connected.

Firing at the strange humanoid proved to be somewhat easy actually, two of the first rounds hitting it in the midsection before it could react better, but the third shot it evaded by doing what could only be a teleport, moving few feet to the side in a flash. The threat of shooting the girl appeared to have little effect on it, completely the opposite actually as it used some of the power to teleport the unconscious girl next to himself. "Shoot this useless trash? As if a mere tool mattered to me, I can find more children like this. Easy." it spoke, but not in the audible way, instead forming the words inside Adelle's mind to convey what it had to say. To further enforce the point, it picked the girl up by the neck, clamping the free hand around her neck as if to choke her out. "Trash. TRASH! Now my mood is spoiled, and I can't have some fun." further words entered the busty girl's mind before the child flew through the air and landed next to her. "You can have that one, I do not want such useless tools. Maybe she will be there when I have my way with you... next time we meet..." the last things that there were to say sounded in Adelle's mind before the thing teleported away.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Bonking the girl on the head proved to work for the most part at least, though it did worry her a bit that the girl didn't even try to protect herself any from the blow. The girl fell off of her arm, where she then managed to bring her gun up, dodging the flying debris coming at her and squeezing off three rounds, two of which hit the thing right in its midsection. Then when she pulled the girl up to make her threat about hurting her further, Adelle was taken aback as she was teleported out of her grasp and into the creature's waiting hand. Now Adelle hadn't actually been going to hurt the girl further or anything like that, but when the guy... thing... whatever he was did what he did to the girl and flung her at Adelle, Adelle pulled her gun back up and aimed at him again.

"And what makes you think you'll be having your way with me huh? I'm not going to let you," Adelle asked in an angry voice as he teleported away, not expecting or desiring an answer.

Once she was sure he was gone, Adelle looked around and back down to the girl, feeling terrible now after bonking her on the head like that, but she did have to get her off of her arm in a hurry and that was the only real thing she could do in a hurry like that. "Dammit... I can't leave her here like this, who knows what'd happen to her out here alone," Adelle said to herself, sighing slightly as she reloaded her guns and holstered them, kneeling down and picking the girl up in her arms, where she carried her on to Rachaela's place, feeling she couldn't just leave her there because she had a soft spot for children in her heart, probably because of her own sisters and whatnot. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, not when you were being controlled by that bastard like that," Adelle whispered to the girl as she carried her along.

She'd hurry along down the street after picking the girl up, and once she got to Rachaela's she knocked on the door or rang the doorbell, whichever she could do easier.
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