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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I won't... maybe." Rachaela gave a backhanded kind of promise, not fully out from her domineering mode by the sound of it. The critters did not seem to mind having to share a place in the bag, and went along with the idea without any disagreeable wiggles towards the contrary. By the time she was all prepared again, Adelle could make out that the sounds were more audible, easily recognizable as footsteps, and by the time that they were nearing the stairwell again, words could be picked up as sneaked a look into the stairs. There was some talk about a girl, along with lookout for possible intruders, though it all appeared to come from the same person while two different steps could be detected. One was pretty light and had that particular quality about it that suggested heels while the other were far heavier and more likely common shoes. If she heard right, the footsteps went into the main area, and soon enough there was conversation going about the dead tentacle creature that was still there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle merely blushed at Rachaela's almost empty sounding promise and just kind of looked down at her feet, her two new little pets thankfully seeming to not want to start anything again with her for the time being. "Now you two can help us out a little bit too and I'll reward you later with some more fun, m'kay," Adelle whispered to the two tentacle critters, leaving the bag open enough for them to have air and for them to get out in an emergency.

Heading on towards the stairwell brought them close enough to overhear someone's voice as they spoke. It appeared that whoever these two she heard walking were seemed to be the ones that had kidnapped the girl that she and Rachaela were searching for. Glancing at Rachaela, Adelle nodded towards the main area where the two appeared to have gone towards. "You want to ambush them on their way back? Knock'em out and then head on downstairs. Seems a pretty solid plan to me to do that, plus we'll get to maybe question them as to who they are and what they kidnapped the girl for," Adelle whispered quietly and suggested something for them to do to whoever these two were.

If Rachaela agreed to an ambush, then Adelle would work out a good spot with her companion and lay in wait for the two to make their way upstairs, since they appeared to be checking the area. Adelle would get into a good hiding spot, using the dead tentacle creature Rachaela had killed up there as something to draw their attention to the center of the room she'd just been raped in, while she was behind a desk for cover and Rachaela was wherever she wanted to get, then Adelle would creep up behind the one that was wearing the high heels from the sounds of it and bonk her on the head with the hilt of her sword, or the handle of her gun whichever would do the job the best.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela seemed to agree, mentioning that it was probably better to stage a prepared ambush over at their location rather than try to go down and meet the kidnappers in what could end up being a head-on encounter straight away. Using that plan, the two waited for a while. Eventually the sound of footsteps came back to the stairwell again and the suspects began to ascend to the second floor.

Eventually they entered, a brute of a man with messy hair leading the way as he almost blocked the door compeletely with his bulk upon entry. He wore a set of dark red pants and a pink, leopard-patterned tank top, readily showing off his strenght and tattoos with the get-up. Somehow, his appearance alone gave away that this person was probably not the brightest of men, but had the power to manage without. Behind him came the other, the user of the heels. A woman in a rather scandalous outfit that was made up from a cut tank top that just fit to cover her large breasts and a pair of jean shorts that could be described as micro shorts. A chain and a pair of handcuffs were attached onto the belt of those shorts, and she carried a riding crop with her, a rather unusual choice for a weapon unless you had completely different ideas of defeating opponents in mind. A long mane of rugged pink hair was topped off with a police cap, giving her a pretty believable thug make-up. The two began to make their way across the room and towards the office, remaining pretty close to each other at all times.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Rachaela in agreement Adelle moved to help her set up their ambush as carefully as they could, to get the best advantage possible that they could get. Adelle set up some boxes onto a couple of the desks for her and Rachaela to push over onto whoever it was as part of their ambush, making sure said boxes were stuffed with heavy things to deal the most damage possible when pushed over onto someone.

After waiting a while, they finally heard the two coming upstairs to give them their chance at making the ambush worth the wait, with Adelle narrowing her eyes slightly in concentration. When the pair entered, Adelle saw the big guy that was damn near as big as Kozlov if not bigger... too bad she didn't have him here to help with this, though considering what had just happened to her she was glad he wasn't there to laugh at her earlier predicament. The woman in the high heels had large breasts like her own Adelle saw, and they were underneath a tanktop that barely covered them from the looks of it. That was something to keep in mind as she might be able to use that to her advantage later. Her weaponry made Adelle think she was a dominatrix like Rachaela seemed to be almost, though Rachaela was someone she knew that she could trust... mostly at least.

From her hiding place, Adelle glanced over at Rachaela's hiding spot and nodded, about to spring the trap. When it was time, Adelle would pop out and creep over to the boxes and tip them over onto the big guy, as she was on his side, while Rachaela did the same to the woman, where she would then slam the hilt of her sword into the back of his head as hard as she could manage in hopes of knocking the big guy out cold so that they'd at least have an easier time with the girl. However if the blow to his head didn't knock him out, then Adelle would raise her pistol at the two and cock it for them to see and hear it, then she'd order them to surrender while Rachaela used some magic to tie them up if possible.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even as it could have served to give their ambush away with the introduction of the boxes to a strange place where they should probably not be, the two set up a little surprise to give the two an advantage. Every little thing could help, possibly. Somehow, the two did not find the boxes to be strange and entered the threshold where they could be bombarded with the weight. The surprise attack actually had a good effect on the woman, who seemed to be a little too focused on other things and got hit in the head with a box. Even files could be devastating if there were enough of them. She went down, but it would be only a matter of time until she was back up again. The man however, was not such an easy target, reacting with scary speed as the boxes began to tip. Not only did he catch the pile, but actually sent it back towards Adelle, who was lucky to not end up under her own trap. Before she could properly recover, she saw the desk get flipped over her head and end up in the back of the room, now facing the man who did not look happy in his current situation.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Amazingly their plan they'd set up seemed to be working, as the two didn't find the stacked up boxes too suspicious thankfully. However when they tipped them over, they did manage to catch the woman, but not the guy who actually managed to turn the tables on Adelle's trap and tipped them back at her instead, though she managed to avoid getting caught underneath them thankfully. Adelle knew they had to take the big guy down fast, so she focused on speed and smarts over his raw brute strength. She looked around for any sort of larger cardboard box that she could chuck at him, aiming it straight at his face, while following it in at him as fast as she could, where she'd duck down and attempt to slash or stab his feet and legs as much as she possibly could with precision, to hopefully take him down as quickly as possible.

She could only hope that Rachaela either went for the woman and knocked her out to make it two on one against this guy, or that she immediately blasted him with a spell to help her knock him out, because that was her plan in any case, to try and subdue without outright killing these two if possible.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The boxes that she had used were the only ones with enough heft in them to have some actual hurting power, but thankfully one of them had gone a little to the back after the failed attempt at tipping a pile, so that one could be used for a single attempt. The box flew straight and good despite the hasty and awkward attempt, causing the man to slow as he was already making his way towards Adelle with rapid steps. The box made him block it with his forearms, serving a good enough distraction to allow her into an attacking position. The girl came forward to poke at his legs, managing to score a hit on the brute's right upper leg, which served to hinder him further. But shockingly enough, it was not a good move as the man pushed on despite the wound, quickly bringing his huge hands onward and grabbed Adelle's neck with one hand and her sword-wielding arm with the other. The power was crushing, and the girl would have a hard time against him in a prolonged grapple.

On her side, Rachaela had moved over to the woman who was trying to get back to her feet, quickly subduing her with a knockout blow to the back of the head with her staff as the woman was still vulnerable.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Chucking the box at the guy made him do exactly as she'd wanted as he raised a hand to block it, where she went to work with her blade and slashed his right leg a bit around the top, but this was no time for celebration as he swung out both of his large hands and one went right around her throat while the other went for her sword hand, catching it too. She gagged as his hand went around her throat, the feel of something choking her not something she liked nor wanted to feel again anytime soon. Thinking quickly, Adelle jumped with into the air and then she swung both legs around his neck since both of his hands were busy elsewhere, the target too good to pass up and considering her options she didn't have much choice she figured.

"R-Rachaela... a little... help here... kinda out of my weight class," Adelle gasped out to her companion as she locked her legs around the guy's neck the same as his hand was her own, where she squeezed them together as hard as she could to knock him out before he knocked her out, and she wouldn't let go no matter how much he shook her around to try and get rid of her, and she'd use her free hand to try and loosen his hand around her neck to catch her breath, digging her fingernails into the back of his hand as hard as she could to force him to loosen his hold.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Somehow, Adelle managed to get her head scissors into place, though this did not stop the man from keeping his hold on as he hoisted the girl high over his head before moving forward a bit and slamming the girl's back onto a nearby desk, almost causing her to let go right away as pain lanced through her. Rachaela interfered from the rear with her magic, keeping herself casting the ice spells as she surely did not want to taze Adelle by using a lightning spell that could carry into her through the huge man's body. With an icicle in his back, the man loosened up his grip, leaving the busty girl hanging upside-down with her back against his chest.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle grunted as she was slammed down onto the desk, still being choked by the big guy, but she held on tight with her legs regardless and choked back despite the pain of being slammed as hard as she had been, nearly releasing her own choke hold but barely managing to hold it. When Rachaela's ice spell slammed into the big guy's back, Adelle felt the hold on her throat loosening up a bit, where she used the opportunity to try and slide around to hop up and around onto the guy's back, knocking the icicle around a bit as she did so. If she managed to swing herself around, then Adelle would wrap her arms around his neck and start choking at him out as hard as possible, while Rachaela helped to take him down too.

"T-Time to sleep big guy... no hard feelings though. But... we can't let you keep the girl," Adelle grunted in his ear if she managed to clamber around to hop on his back, her arms locking around his neck as hard as she could to take him down, and as soon as he was out cold she would help Rachaela tie him up somehow.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With her movement a bit less restrained, Adelle saw an opportunity to swing around for a more advantageous hold. While she did her best to get there despite having a lot of weight to heft around, the man saw through her attempt and blocked the attempt with his arm before wrapping both of them around Adelle's waist to keep her in place for what would happen next. Taking a step back, the man did a short hop, coming down into a sitting position as he drove the girl in his grip down onto the office floor shoulders first, coming pretty close to causing a serious crack to the head. Another ice spear hit him in the back, but he was still operating, much to the hurt Adelle's chagrin.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle struggled to gain leverage with which to switch the position around on the big guy, she simply couldn't get enough oomph in her body to break his hold, where she found herself slammed to the floor shoulder first, which dazed her a bit to say the least as she let out a cry of pain. Thankfully she hadn't hit her head, else she'd probably have been knocked out. She wouldn't let go with her legs though and continued choking away at the big man however, refusing to release him. As Rachaela blasted him with another ice spell, Adelle saw the situation looking a bit bleak for them so she tried to use his own weight against him to flip him over her since he was bent over like he was to hold her down, where she'd put her knee on his throat and start punching him in the face with her free hand.

If she couldn't manage that however, Adelle would use her free hand to whip her pistol out handle first into the side of his head, where she'd then aim it straight into one of his eyes and cock it. "Let go now fucker or die," she'd demand in the case of having to bring her pistol out to do so, her finger already on the trigger and starting to pull it some, so if he tried to stop her he'd still probably get a bullet in him somewhere.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After receiving the hard hit from the man's throw, Adelle got a bit more lucky with her attempts as she managed to pull the flipping maneuver off somehow despite the obvious hefty weight difference between the two of them. The follow-up did not succeed quite that well though and the man pushed her back as he got back to his feet, just to catch another ice spear, to the chest this time. The brute was starting show signs of fading out, but still was coming onto the busty girl as she got her balance back and posture straight once more. It was beginning to show that there was more than simple strength in play here, something out of place still keeping the man going despite his wounds.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Amazingly Adelle managed to flip the big guy over her using his own weight against him, but he didn't stay down long and pushed her off of him and got back to his feet almost as soon as she managed the flip. She watched Rachaela blast the big guy again with another ice spell to the chest this time as he continued to come at her, where she raised her blade up again, ready to continue their fight now that she could breathe again. She could tell that he was weakening, but it was obvious that something else was keeping him going, though what that was she didn't know.

"Rachaela... this guy should have gone down by now," Adelle said as the guy came back in at her again, with her ready to slash at his arms now to keep him from hurting her as much.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Them lucks man. Critical and then counter.)

The approaching man soon drew Adelle's attack towards himself as he approached, still seeking to grab and break her but ending up with a slew of cuts as the girl unloaded onto her with the sword that she carried. After getting an arm nearly cut off, he was still coming onto the busty girl, but was stopped as the fourth icicle in row hit him square in the eye. Only then did he collapse right there at Adelle's feet, and even then he still managed to wrap his hand around her ankle before finally expiring, still holding on to the girl that he was supposed to subdue.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Slashing his arm as he came at her to snatch her up yet again, Adelle managed to avoid his big hands this time around thankfully as she backed away. He continued pressing onwards at her despite her nearly cutting an arm off from the blows she'd dealt with her blade, and this scared her a bit to be honest, as she wasn't expecting someone, even a guy as strong as this one obviously was to keep coming and ignore the pain he had to be in. She prepared to meet his rush head on as Rachaela shot another icicle into his eye this time, where the big guy finally fell unconscious... or dead it was hard to tell really in the panicked state she was in after nearly being choked out like she'd been.

"Jeez, what the hell was wrong with him? Something ain't right here, nobody should be able to take that much punishment without at least howling in agony," Adelle asked Rachaela as she pulled the icicle out of the guy's eye and pulled his hand off of her ankle, where she looked around in her pack for something to tie him and the girl both up with that would hold them good and prevent escape, and she'd ask Rachaela for help on this matter if she couldn't find any rope to bind them with.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe we can find that out." Rachaela said as she came over to look at the deceased man. While she had usually been pretty considerate about the dead, the mage now went to pat the man's pockets, producing a set of different, unmarked bottles with suspicious pills and liquids. "Should have guessed, he had drugged himself up with these. A combination of these things is a common booster that some of the more shady mercs and even a few of us use when they have serious fights. No wonder he wasn't giving a crap about being impaled multiple times..." she revealed the secret of the man's endurance, confirming that there was no need to look after him either as he had no pulse. While Adelle looked at her pack for things to bind a person, she found little besides the tentacle creatures who wiggled at her when she looked in. But again, there was an easy solution available as the knocked-out woman did have a set of handcuffs on her belt. They could use those.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that the man was dead, Adelle remembered the set of handcuffs on the woman and pulled them loose from her belt and cuffed her hands behind her back before tearing a strip of cloth from the guy's shirt to use as a gag for their prisoner and got to work on that while Rachaela explained the mysterious endurance the guy had shown against them. She was sad that they'd been forced to kill him, but in the end she understood that it was him or them in that case, because as pumped up on drugs as he was he'd likely have killed them if they didn't surrender, which Adelle wouldn't have done without one helluva fight.

"You two stay in there for now okay you little devils, if you sense I need help though then come on out and do so, and I'll reward you later for it," Adelle told the two critters in her pack when she noticed them wriggling at her while she was looking for some rope to tie up the woman.

"So drugs huh, I wonder if that guy from the other day that I got the bike from was on some. You think he was too? And we might as well take them with us, who knows we might find someone that wants to buy them back at the bar or something, might be good to have on hand in case something really dangerous comes our way," Adelle said to Rachaela, taking the bottles of drugs and putting them into her pack to safely hold onto for now, figuring she might as well since there wasn't much else to do other than either go downstairs now or wait for the woman to wake back up.

She then checked the guy's pockets further to see what else she could find, figuring he was dead and that he didn't need anything on his body any longer in that case. After looting the dead guy, she then checked the woman to see what all she had other than the handcuffs and the riding crop, which she blushed at the sight of and held it up to Rachaela. "Say... you want this?" Adelle asked Rachaela while checking the woman's gear and whatnot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I assume he had at least some in his system, though he was clearly in much better condition and had probably went with a more controlled dose of these things." the mage sister stated what she thought about the situation from the other day. As one might expect, there really was no resistance from the unconscious woman or the dead man, so Adelle got to do what she had planned without a hitch. Both of them had very little in the way of belongings, only having small amounts of cash on them besides their obvious equipment.

The offer to take the riding crop caused a look of disbelief in Rachaela. "And just what makes you think I do not already have one? No, put that thing away, I have no need for it."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I figure he probably was, considering I watched him take a punch right to the face from Lacri and barely flinch at all," Adelle commented on the guy the other day she got the bike from, having already figured he had been using some sort of stimulants to increase his strength and endurance at least a little bit.

"Oh... well I just... never mind," Adelle then said as her cheeks flushed again at Rachaela's words about the riding crop, figuring that surely she did indeed already have one to use.

She gathered what money they had and pocketed it and did as told with the riding crop, putting it down and out of reach of the woman. Adelle then looked over at Rachaela and shrugged. "Alright I think that's everything of value they had on them. Should we wake her up and question her, or just leave her there and check downstairs? Might be good to see if we can get anything out of her first I think, because we don't know what might be down below, then again though if there's anyone else down there they might start looking for these two soon. Can you wake her up by chance?" Adelle said once the looting was done, suggesting they try and wake the girl up to question her about some things to do with this mission and why they took the girl.