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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't see as to why I couldn't wake her up. Can you flip her to her back?" Rachaela asked as she was asked for possible ways to get the woman back to her senses. Once Adelle did so, the mage sister made a quick gesture which caused a brief but voluminous stream of water to fall from out of nowhere onto the woman's face to shower her back into consciousness and give her a drenching in the process. Initially she looked confused about the situation, but that quickly switched towards anger as she cast burning looks at the two.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye I can, give me a minute," Adelle said as she rolled the woman over onto her back for Rachaela to work her magic.

Adelle couldn't help but giggle a bit at how Rachaela's spell woke the woman up, as it was basically her dumping a bucket of water on the woman's face. As she woman sputtered and coughed a bit and looked around, Adelle watched as her look of confusion turned to one of anger as soon as she realized what was going on. Kneeling down, Adelle straddled the woman so she couldn't try and get up to run or anything, where she then nodded at Rachaela and looked back to the woman in as menacing a way as she could.

"Hello there sleepyhead, we're gonna ask you some questions okay. But if you try to scream or anything when I take this gag out of your mouth I'm gonna bop you one and who knows what my friend here will do, so best to just comply for now I think. First, where's the girl and is she okay? Second, how many more of you are there? And third, why did you take her?" Adelle said to the woman, giving a glance at Rachaela when she mentioned her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmph, doesn't matter to me at this point. The girl is down at the basement and she should be alright as far as I know, I did not get to have my fun just yet. We were going to sell her off after I had enjoyed her a bit, pretty young ladies like her can be worth a nice wad of cash from the right buyer. A girl has to make herself a living, you know?" the woman told Adelle, giving a smirk at the final comment. It looked like these two had dealt in the rather questionable trade of human trafficking. "Ain't more than the two of us, more half-wits like him can only make everything more difficult to get things done." she continued, not really having much interest towards the fate of her companion who was now lying down with his face in a blood pool.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I suppose I can't fault a person for trying to make a living, though I do think anything is better than selling someone like cattle, because I doubt you'd like the same to happen to you someday. So who hired you to do this? Or did you come up with this on your own? Since I doubt he had anything to do with the planning aspect," Adelle replied to the woman, pulling her to her feet and nodding to the dead man as she finished speaking.

They marched the woman on downstairs where the girl was, with Adelle prodding her along with the riding crop if necessary, where she let Rachaela take the lead while she continued on with their captive, so the magic sister could go ahead a little and check on the girl to make sure she really was okay, and so Adelle would have time to bop this woman on the head and knock her out in case there was someone else down there that she was lying about and whatnot.

Once Rachaela was out of earshot, Adelle glanced over at the woman again with a raised eyebrow. "Though I think I can kind of tell by the way you're dressed, I figure I might as well ask it anyway. What sorts of fun did you have in mind with her exactly?" Adelle said to the woman while Rachaela checked on the girl they were supposed to rescue.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"There was no-one besides us two involved, my planning and he did the physical work. I knew where to bring people to get paid, and that was all there is. No hard feelings, just bad luck on their part." the woman had very little excuse for her job, not really bothering to defend herself in any way. She did not resist either, coming along pretty agreeably as the trio went to the stairwell and down to the basement floor.

Rachaela went ahead as asked, leaving the two behind for a while. "Oh please, as if I need to say anything. Her and me, we could have a lot of fun. And I think you've had some of the same recently, that attempt at getting rid of the signs ain't really what I'd call good. Take a shower or seomething next time." the woman confirmed the ideas of fun without really coming out with it, simultaneously busting Adelle on her recent sexing with the tentacle monsters.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle didn't really say anything back to her about her line of work when she spoke up on that again, but she was thankful that she didn't resist any and make their job harder. Adelle blushed profusely when the woman brought up her having fun recently and that she should take a shower the next time to wash away the evidence of it. "W-Well I didn't have much of a choice in the matter, it was two on one and I was already pretty tied up... and I thought the girl was upstairs where my friend could just grab her and go while I was... you know. Turns out that isn't what happened, but I won't deny that it felt damn good," Adelle said with obvious embarrassment in her voice, though she tried to hide it as much as she could. She recovered quickly though and shook her head a bit before glancing over at her captive again. "If I knew I could trust you to not try and sell me off, then I might even be willing to have some of that fun you mentioned with you, because I'm... more partial to girls myself. But alas, you're a slaver so I dunno if it's possible," Adelle went on to say as they headed down the stairs towards the basement where Rachaela went on ahead of them, with Adelle keeping a close eye out just in case for anyone or anything else that looked dangerous.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That's a risk you gotta take." was all that the woman had to say about the awkward confessions that Adelle produced. The two of them went after Rachaela, shortly reaching the area in the basement that had once been a small warehouse, now converted to a hideout with some basic things that human beings would need to live. There was a remarkably big bed and a bunch of mattresses near each other, the signs suggesting that the woman had used the bed while the man had been sleeping on the mattresses on the floor. A fridge was there too, a toilet in the side which actually seemed to work despite the age of the building and a table with a few chairs and some stuff on it. Near the bed, there was a pulley system that was clearly made for kinky use, proven by the girl who was currently being let down by Rachaela. It did indeed look like she was untouched besides being a bit shaken from the experience.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, maybe we'll get to see one day. You do owe me one for not killing you after all, so if you're honorable in any sense of the word then maybe I can trust you enough for some fun," Adelle replied as they made their way into the basement area where Rachaela was at with the girl.

Looking around the place, Adelle took in what all was in there while Rachaela was getting the girl down from where they'd had the girl tied up on a pulley hook. She checked the fridge just to kill time while Rachaela was finished getting their objective off of the pulley, where she then sat down on the side of the bed and brought the woman with her to sit as well, grabbing any water that might be in the fridge to give the girl once she was down. "Are you okay miss? How long have you been here?" Adelle asked the girl once she was down.

Once she was sure that the girl was okay, Adelle would look over at Rachaela and then back to their captive. "Well, what do you think we ought to do with her now?" Adelle would ask her companion for her opinion, wondering if they could trust this woman to not attempt this again, or if they should turn her in to the authorities.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There were a few basic things to be found in the fridge, enough to manage for a day or two of laying down. There was a water bottle to be used, so Adelle could offer it to the girl as she had planned. "I... don't know really. What time is it now?" the girl was unsure about the time, the lack of windows in the underground chamber not really allowing her to see the time and the two captors had obviously not bothered to keep her up with the time of day. While the released girl sipped some water, Rachaela thought about what should be done. While the mage girl did not have a particular opinion as to what was the correct way to do things, she did state that she was not trusting this woman personally and would most likely end up hauling her over to the police herself as this was a slaver they were talking about. It was only what she would most likely do, of course, and did not try to aim Adelle into the same direction with it if that was not what the busty girl had in mind.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... you know I'm not entirely sure myself what time it is, as we've been in here a good while now I think. I kinda lost track of time earlier myself, but don't worry, we're here to take you home so it's a moot point now I guess as to what time it is," Adelle replied to the girl, not remembering the time because of the tentacle critters, who were probably more trustworthy than this slaver woman was once she thought about it. "I'm Adelle by the way, pleasure to meet you, though I'm sure you'll agree it could be under better circumstances," Adelle then told the girl, introducing herself and shaking her hand.

When Rachaela gave her opinion on things, Adelle sighed and agreed with her, though not reluctantly or anything, because slavery was a serious thing that shouldn't be allowed anywhere in her opinion, and left to her own devices this woman probably would do it again, possibly to her or Rachaela, or even this same poor girl again. "Aye, I agree with that, so to the police with you miss. Sorry, but you gotta learn slavery isn't the way to go. If it was animals you were trafficking in then I might be able to look the other way, so long as you were abusing them of course, but human trafficking is a big fucking no no with me as well as being against the law," Adelle said once Rachaela stated her opinion on the matter, the busty girl simply wanting to know what Rachaela's opinion, as she'd already made her mind up beforehand to turn this woman in for human trafficking as well as the big guy, though he was dead now unfortunately so he couldn't learn the error of his ways.

With that, Adelle would stand up and haul their captive to her feet, taking the riding crop and prodding her up the steps while Rachaela helped the girl along, where once outside again they would take the woman to the police to turn her in for human trafficking, and take the girl to wherever they were supposed to take her, which Adelle assumed would be either the police station or the bar for her to be escorted home, then once that was done they'd head on back to the bar to inform Samson of the job's events and to get paid, which Adelle assumed would be quite a bit considering they had captured a slaver and turned her in, figuring there would probably be a bonus for that.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The girl introduced herself as Jenny, a plain name on a mostly plain lady. The woman did not seem to have much to say about the whole situation, muttering something about silly goody-goody behaviour as they departed from the building via the window, leaving the place behind. The time could be found out once they came out, turning out that it was early evening, still a ways from dark. Getting the woman to the authorities took a little bit off from their time, Jenny's confessions about what had happened not leaving too much doubt in the police who took over the situation from there. While it was a good thing that they had brought her in, there was no monetary compensation to be had as the slaver lady was not someone on the list of wanted people.

The bar was their next destination, as that was where the brother would come once he had been given the word that his sister was brought back safely. And while he did pay them for the job properly, Samson too was not going to include any bonus as there were no mentions of such in the contract with the client. They were only paid for the return of the girl, and that was what they would get.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Look I've heard stories about what happens to those that are sold into slavery, and I doubt you'd like it to happen to you, and I know I damn sure wouldn't want it to happen to me. So all I can say is you brought it on yourself, and I can't help that," Adelle told the woman on their way when she muttered to herself, knowing that she wouldn't like it one bit really in the girl's shoes.

She was a little amazed that it was already early evening, thinking perhaps she'd taken a lot longer with her two little tentacled critter friends than she'd thought earlier. After stopping by the police station, Adelle found that there was no bounty on the woman they'd brought in unfortunately, which meant no extra pay for bringing her on in, but that was another slaver off the street, so that was something at least she figured. Perhaps one day the woman would see the error of her ways and would change, and then they might be able to have that fun, but Adelle doubted it would happen anytime soon, but you never knew what fate had in store for people.

Once they were back at the bar and informed Samson about the whole thing, they got their pay, which there was no bonus from the guy either, but Adelle figured that since it was a good deed and they'd saved the girl without her being hurt that it was for the best that they didn't. "Well, you wanna head on back and get some rest then? After we get a bite to eat too of course that is, I'm thinking something in the way of steaks perhaps, if you've got them of course," Adelle asked Rachaela once their pay was in their pockets and they were ready to go, with Adelle deciding to get a glass of wine to drink and relax with after the day's events at Rachaela's place instead of her glass of scotch here.

"Stay out of trouble Jenny, you hear. I'd like our next meeting to not be a rescue, and next time hopefully we'll get the chance to sit down for a nice relaxing drink," Adelle said the girl they'd rescued, patting her on the shoulder before she and Rachaela took their leave for the evening, unless Rachaela had somewhere else she wished to go before heading on home.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That will depend on Garagan and if he has gotten any. He is the one who usually manages the food, so I can't say for sure if he brought any from his visit to the marketplace." Rachaela said then. not giving a guarantee that there would be steak waiting for them in the house. Jenny remained in the bar area still, possibly waiting for her brother to come and pick her up.

As the two were about to head out, Adelle could see Kozlov, sitting at a table with another hunter, gesture at her. It appeared that he might have some business with her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I suppose so, if that's the case then I don't mind eating something else, was just a suggestion to celebrate the fact we rescued somebody from enslavement," Adelle said to Rachaela, remembering that she didn't cook really and that Garagan did the majority of the housework. She'd been wondering why he did so much when he could obviously overpower Rachaela easily, but figured that maybe he just liked the job and got paid well for it.

When they were nearing the door, Adelle noticed Kozlov and gave him a wave, then she saw him gesture her over to his table and looked curious about why he wanted her. She tapped Rachaela on the shoulder and pointed at Kozlov. "Hey Kozlov wants me to come over for a sec for something. You mind waiting a little longer so I can see what he wants?" Adelle said to Rachaela, asking for her to wait until she had seen what Kozlov wanted.

She headed over to his table, smiling as she got over to him. "Hey there big guy. Is there something wrong?" Adelle said when she reached the large man, reaching out to shake his hand as she smiled.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure we can. Come poke me once you are done with him." Rachaela agreed as she headed over to the counter for a drink and some talk with the bartender while Adelle had her talk with Kozlov.

The man invited Adelle to sit down, offering her a vodka shot as well if she wanted, holding the bottle over a spare glass that there was at the table. "No, there is nothing wrong. But I have a proposition you might like. A gun-toting little bird told me that you need place to live. My old house is now vacant, since I move over to Nadya's house for security. Might you be interested in it?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure, be back in a minute," Adelle said to Rachaela and went over to see Kozlov.

When she sat down, Adelle graciously took the shot of vodka that was offered with a smile, draining her shot glass before Kozlov spoke up about what he'd called her over for. "Oh wow... my own place. I... I dunno what to say honestly Koz. Um... could I by chance have a look at it before I decide? Say tomorrow sometime about a couple of hours before noon maybe? Because I've got a couple of things to do around noon that have to be done, so after I go to do them I probably won't be able to do anything else until later in the day, possibly around nightfall I'm not sure how long it'll take," Adelle said, amazed at the offer, though she of course looked very intrigued at the whole thing and eager, she was just wanting to take a look at the place and see how defensible it was and if it had a garage for her bike and whatnot.

If that was all, she'd thank him a few times for the offer before heading back over to Rachaela and letting her know she was ready to go now. Along the way back, she'd tell Rachaela what he'd wanted, looking extremely excited about the prospect of getting her own place. "I would of course still come and hang around with you girls too of course, but having my own place... gods I've dreamed of that since I turned sixteen," Adelle would say while they walked.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course you can have look. I would not sell you a cat in a bag, as they say. You come meet me again tomorrow over here, and I show you the house so you can see it." the man offered some sign that he was indeed being honest and serious about the whole deal. He had no further things to talk about, just that possibility.

Rachaela was just about done by the time Adelle got back to her, and soon the two were on their way again. "Well, I doubt that you'd just walk out like that after what we've done together, I don't think you are that kind of person. Getting one's own home is a thing that that needs to e experienced, for sure." the mage sister had to say, not apparently too concerned that it would mean any sort of breakup between them. Eventually the house of the wealthy sister was in sight, and the two got back, Garagan being there to welcome them home.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You got it Koz, seeya tomorrow morning around ten to ten thirty or so, I really just wanna see what it looks like to know if I'll be able to store my bike and stuff in it and whatnot and how big it is," Adelle told Kozlov before bouncing off with a quite happy look on her face, heading to Rachaela.


"Well I mean what I say that I'll still be over at your place a lot, at least until I get set up better on my own and better at fighting so I can keep myself safe. And even after that I'll still probably come over to see you every day, because... there's still plenty of fun things to do and that we need to continue... and... s-stuff," Adelle said, finishing with as her cheeks flushed red as a beet as she remembered what happened earlier and what Rachaela had said about continuing it at a later time, the busty girl gulping and wondering what Rachaela would think. "A-And... you've still got a lot to teach me I'm sure, and I'll probably have to fix the place up a bit how I want it and all before I move in too," Adelle added, still blushing a bit.

Once they were back and Garagan met them at the door, Adelle asked him where Clara was and if she was okay or not, and what they would be eating that day for dinner, that she was starving. Once she found out these things, Adelle would head on to take a bath after putting her clothes in to be washed, grabbing one of her newer plain old white T-shirts, a pair of panties, and a pair of lounging like pants to wear around the house while dinner was getting ready. But before jumping into the bath itself she would gingerly open the chest containing her two Roper pods to check on them first, though she doubted that they had grown much if at all since she was sure the chest would have broken by now if they had gotten too big. Once she checked up on them she would close and lock the chest with them back up, then she would grab another lockable chest large enough for her two newest critters, where she'd pat them both on what could be considered their heads before setting them gently down in there and shutting the chest up, telling them that she'd play some later with them but for now to rest up and she'd check on them again the next morning. If something was wrong with Clara though, then Adelle would see to her first before doing any cleaning up or anything else.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Weeeeeell... there just might be something still... that we can carry on with.." was what Rachaela had to say, that part of their encounter with the tentacles still fresh in her mind too.

Once Adelle asked about Clara, Garagan let out a big sigh. "You should be asking if I am alright. That girl... she is such a handful..." the man answered, apparently having gotten a fair deal of pestering along the day. "She is currently looking at the Lady's frogs." he carried on to inform them where the little girl actually was at the moment, the mention causing Rachaela to zoom off into the animal room herself to check up on things. This allowed Adelle to do what she had planned to do, get prepared and manage her belongings as needed. Garagan promised a treat for them, not revealing outright what he had prepared for the day's meal.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle just blushed at Rachaela's words and remained silent for the most part, though she whimpered slightly and took a step closer to Rachaela, feeling a small shudder go up her spine. She would remain close to Rachaela for the remainder of their journey back to her place as well without saying much else.


"Heh, run you ragged did she? I almost figured that she would honestly. So I'm sorry Garagan if you felt left out. Are you okay too big guy?" Adelle asked Garagan, looking a little amused at his words.

With Rachaela heading on to handle the situation with Clara for now, Adelle went on to put her things away, doing what she'd planned with her two new critters and checking on the two she already had before going to take her bath to get cleaned up for dinner, grabbing her clothes along the way for that.

While she was in the bath, Adelle would make sure she was completely cleaned of all the dirt, grime, and seed that had accumulated on her body from the day's events, likely for the last of those three to be put back on there sometime in the next little while if Rachaela came to visit her later that night. If any of her pets gave her any trouble before her bath, then she would just squish them against her large chest and talk to them a bit with soothing words to calm them down and for them to wait until the next day for any fun after they were done, though she didn't tell the two new little critters that Rachaela may bring them back out later for some fun.

After the bath, Adelle would came down in her fresh clean clothing and put her dirty laundry in the dirty clothes basket to be washed along with the towels she'd used, where she'd sit down for dinner if it was ready, though she'd just sit around and chat with Rachaela and Clara for a while if it wasn't.