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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The children appeared to be a bit confused about their current situation, not really sure what they should be doing right then. But shortly, the doctor person that Priscilla had called Roman emerged from the nearby houses. After a brief discussion with a few of the children, he began to guide them away from the open, most likely directing them towards the little homeless community that the girls had visited the day before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the doctor relieved some of Adelle's worries, but not all, as she still didn't see Priscilla yet. From the looks of it he had been treating the children, though why and how they'd gotten here already when she and Rachaela hadn't gone with Priscilla yet to help was really bothering her. After Roman the doctor guy had directed the children off to rest or whatnot, Adelle approached him cautiously, but not with an unkind look about her.

"Hey Roman... um... when did they all get here? And where's Priscilla? We were supposed to meet her like five minutes from now to go find that bastard who was controlling them. Did she go it alone or something?" Adelle asked curiously, a worried expression on her face because they didn't see Priscilla here just yet, though she softened up a bit and took her hands off her weapons after seeing that everything was quite calm around here.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The doc did not seem to mind having a brief discussion with the girls, and did not go after the kids just then. "It does look like she did just that. The lady did just talk with me, though she did not show herself. But she did ask us to take those children into the community for their protection, and said that she did not want to be of more trouble before the conversation was cut and she went along her way. As good as it it that she is up and going again, I could not miss the strained tone of her voice. I wish she had a little bit more concern towards herself, that sort of pushing against your limits has potential for serious consequences." the doc told Adelle what had happened just a little while ago.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sighing sadly at Priscilla's lack of taking care of herself and thoughts of needing to go it alone, Adelle looked over at the doctor when he finished talking, shaking her head slightly. "Dammit, I told her to wait for us here, at noon. She really needs a talking to and to learn not to take such risks without at least a little bit of help before she ends up getting herself killed. Then who'll help you all out in a pinch I wonder. Because I'm not that good a fighter myself," Adelle said, thinking... no knowing that Priscilla would end up getting herself killed. "Do you know where she is now by chance Roman? I suppose I'll talk to her if I can and see if I can get through that thick head of hers," Adelle added to the doctor guy.

If he gave her Priscilla's location then Adelle would go off to look for her, though if he didn't know where she was then she'd look over at Rachaela and ask what she wanted to do now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Can't say that I disagree with that. While I have nothing but respect towards what she does, the recklessness that she appears to have going is not something I can agree to easily." Roman told his own opinion, adjusting his glasses a bit as he talked. "If I knew where she lived, trust me, I would already be there doing that. But even with the amount of contact that she has with us, none of the homeless that I know have figured out where our benevolent lady actually lives. She appears to move around while invisible most of the time, and combines that ability with climbing and jumping on buildings, which makes following her practically impossible without any advanced equipment. Still, I can't help but think that it is maybe better that none of us know." he carried on for a bit more before turning to head back into the semi-hidden encampment in the building.

For her part, Rachaela did not appear to have any plans made, stating that the other sisters were most likely out already and doing some job or another.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hah... true that I suppose. Maybe it is better I don't know where she lives. because that can be used against her and she'd do whatever she had to in order to help me most likely if someone was trying to force the location out of me. Still though I really want to talk to her and tell her to stop being so crazy about doing everything alone. Hell I know she could easily beat the hell out of me too, but that doesn't matter to me, because she's a friend and I don't want my friends to get hurt. Do you know if she killed the guy that was mind controlling the kids here by chance Roman?" Adelle said to Roman, heaving a sigh as she looked around at the place, curious if Priscilla had gotten rid of the mutant bastard that did that to the kids. "Anyway though Roman, give me a shout if you need any help and I can provide it. Don't know what all I can actually do to help, but if I can help even a bit I will," Adelle added before the doctor guy went on back into the building.

After that and after Rachaela stated the other sisters were probably doing something else, Adelle shrugged her shoulders since it seemed like they wouldn't be finding Priscilla until she was good and ready to be found, and suggested to the mage sister that they go find themselves a job to do and make a bit of extra money since they were already out and about.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Will have to keep that in mind. I won't be shouting at you though, someone from our community will approach you in the appropriate manner if we require your assistance on some matter. As for the perpetrator, I did not receive enough details to know the extent of the events that transpired. Still, the lady did mention that these children are under no danger from any mental issues and acting of their own will entirely. Whatever she did, it relieved those children from the mental slavery they were in." the doc told what little he knew and accepted Adelle's offer if there was need for assistance. The parties split paths then, Roman going in a mild hurry as he probably needed to attend to all the kids. The treatment they had been subjected to was probably not the kindest one, so there could be a bit of work for the good doctor to do. Since the two would be on the lookout for a job, the logical place to go was the bar.

By the time the girls got to the bar, things had gone to business as usual over there. Jobs appeared to be plentiful, and the two had some choice. "Do you have something specific you'd like? There is variety here." Samson asked from the pair.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Roman, and that's good to hear. I'm glad she freed them, though I was wanting to give that bastard a one two punch myself to be honest," Adelle replied, waving bye to him as he went on to check up on the children.

After the girls had gone and made their way to the bar, they found that there seemed to be quite a few jobs ready for the taking. Adelle was quite pleased to see so many different jobs there for them to choose from and looked over at Rachaela when Samson asked if they wished for anything specific or something like that. "Hmm, you got anything in mind Rachaela? Something with high pay really is what I'm looking for. What all do you got for us that just the two of us could handle without too much trouble but pays good," Adelle asked Rachaela, then Samson, seeing if the mage girl had anything in mind to do before Samson gave them a rundown on a few jobs for them both.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I doubt it will be that easy, never has been that easy. I am not really specific, but of course I prefer to take as less time fighting as I can. Not my best field, as you might know." Rachaela stated her opinion. But the two were interrupted by Shiulin, the idea that Adelle suggested apparently being something that might be possible. "There is one job we have that might have the potential for that, a really strange one." she told the two, and Samson seemed to agree. "Oh yes, that strange girl with her ideas..." the old cowboy pointed out a girl among the customers who looked pretty darn outlandish even with all the oddity that seeing the sisters and the few knights and other themed guys that Adelle had seen and dealt with earlier. A girl that was most likely younger than any of the sisters and the busty girl herself was following a card game that a few other hunters were playing, dressed in something that one could consider the garb of royalty. "That young lady claims to be a princess of some settlement in the wilds, and came over to us earlier to ask for a guided tour around the city so she could take in the sights. It's a load of bull if you ask me, but she appeared to have the necessary money to back it up at least a little as she had a wad of cash in that purse of hers. There was no specific fee that she stated, but said that she would pay as much as the quality of the service warranted. Initially it sounded pretty weird, but we've had more wacked-out jobs than this before." Shiulin explained the situation briefly, giving the alternative that might just be the most productive one. Of course, the girls could leave that one alone and try something more static.

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, well not many things in life are easy really when you think about it Rachaela, and that's the reason I asked for something that paid well but was easy enough to do on us both, because I'm not that great a fighter myself. Not one of my strongest points really," Adelle said to Rachaela before Shiulin interrupted and started to tell them about a particular job.

Adelle perked up and listened intently about this new job after Samson spoke up, her gaze following Samson's finger as he pointed at the girl in question that they spoke of. Taking in what she looked like, Adelle turned back to the two and listened to what this girl apparently wanted of the hunters and nodded her head. "Hmm... what do you say about it Rachaela? You know more about the city than I do, and I can go on as security and stuff. I mean yeah sure know where a few places are now, but nowhere near as much as you and the others do. And if she's really a princess then I doubt she'd like a couple of the places I know of," Adelle asked Rachaela curiously, looking a bit eager to take on this particular job, as it would be a good change of pace from fighting every time or trying to find someone. "I mean if you don't want to do it then I'm sure I can handle it myself," Adelle added, confident that she could manage if Rachaela decided that she didn't wish to do this job with her.

Once Rachaela made her decision one way or the other, Adelle would get up an suggest going over to introduce themselves if Rachaela was coming with her, or tell the three that she would go and introduce herself if Rachaela wasn't. Adelle saw this as a possible opportunity to make some a lot of money, because if this girl was really a princess then she had to have a lot of money.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose it is better for me to come along, not only for my knowledge but also for fighting potential. That girl might not be capable of fighting as she does not appear to have a weapon, nor is there anything particularly powerful about her, so I don't think she is a martial artist or magician either. We need to be able to take care of her security as well if there is some issue related to that. Who knows what kind of brat she might be." Rachaela stated her participation with some reasoning as to why it was so.

The approach of the pair did not go unnoticed, and the strange princess-type character of a girl was faster on the draw than Adelle. "Oooh, are you like, so going to show me places in this city?" she blurted out before the two could manage to get anything said.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye that's true Rachaela, never know what we might run into out there. And I think we can handle her well enough, though if worse comes to worse, you grab her and run while I hang back and hold off whatever is after us," Adelle agreed and also said as they went over to the girl.

Whens the girl blurted out what she did before Adelle could even say hello, Adelle just smiled and nodded to her. "Hey there, yes we are going to show you around, and keep you safe while we do, or as safe as safe can get in the city at least. I'm Adelle, and this is Rachaela," Adelle replied cheerfully, offering a hand to shake to the girl. "May I ask your name miss? And is there anything that we might need to know about by chance? Just making sure if there's anything you need to to before we go or anything," Adelle went on to ask the girl after she introduced herself and Rachaela to her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Amelia Alexandra Catherine Lindburg." the girl broke out her somewhat silly and long name as she looked over the two girls that were supposed to help her out with this assumed sightseeing. "It's good to have strong peasants such as yourself to help me around. I don't think there is much to be said, let's just go..." she managed to continue briefly before Rachaela smacked her with her staff. "And just who are you calling peasant, you faker?" the mage sister heated up rather quickly when she was being referred to as a peasant. There was an instant face-off between the two, and soon they were going all over the place in a strange rich girl fight.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Adelle Lynn Ashlyng, since you gave me you're whole name and all," Adelle replied, giving her middle name, which would be the first Rachaela or anyone else in the city would have heard it spoken by her.

When the girl called them peasants and said they should go on, Adelle was about to say something but stopped herself, however Rachaela didn't seem to feel like stopping and Adelle's mouth gaped when she heard the small mage sister speak and bop the girl with her staff. "R-Rachaela, I can't believe you just..." Adelle began saying before trailing off as the two began their tussle. "W-Wait you two stop it come on, please. There's no reason to fight, a-and we've got to show Amelia around the city," Adelle told them, stepping in between the two to try and break them apart so they didn't fight, squishing Rachaela against her breasts and grabbing Amelia around the waist and holding them apart, though as much as Rachaela would probably be struggling around along with Amelia they may end up shifting Adelle's shirt around enough to make her massive hooters pop out if they moved the wrong way.

Regardless once she had their fight broken up, Adelle would fix her clothing if necessary with her cheeks flushed with embarrassment in that case, not worrying about it until she'd broken the two up. Then she would stay between the two so they didn't go at each other again and look between them. "N-Now Rachaela, what do you mean by she's a faker? Can't we all be friends and all?" Adelle asked Rachaela seriously but in a neutral tone so that neither girl would think she was taking sides over the other, then she turned to Amelia. "And just who are you exactly Amelia? It isn't nice to call people peasants just because they were unlucky enough to be born without status or wealth, and I'm willing to let it slide myself, but I think we deserve at least a little bit of an explanation as to where you come from and stuff," Adelle then said to Amelia in the same neutral tone.

If neither girl was willing to speak, then Adelle would just suggest they head on with the tour, staying between the two and holding Amelia's hand in a friendly manner as they headed out to carry on with their tour.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Somehow, Adelle managed to hold the two back from hurting each other too much, and even avoided getting herself into some embarrassing situation in the process. The situation still provided some amusement to the surrounding patrons who were mostly male, the idea of two rich girls fighting in a catfight being something that they might have liked to see. "There are no kingdoms in this world anymore. Not true ones at least, the nuclear war took care of that. The only ones are the types that are really small and really made up in someone's mind. I think we have a case here, and not a particularly nice one either." Rachaela told what she knew, managing to bop Amelia on the butt somehow with her staff before laying off. While the mage sister sounded pretty legit with her explanation, it was a little less easy to believe Amelia. "Be quiet, you. I'll have you know that my dad's kingdom is like the biggest and best one you can find from around here. It's maybe not like as big as this city, but close enough. I'll tell you more if I feel like it." the princess gave a pretty vague story as to where she was coming from. "I'll see and judge when I see it." Rachaela stated her disbelief before going out in an uncharacteristically huffy manner. "Oooh like, whatever. As if I'd let you see my home." Amelia had a reply ready, and sticked her tongue out at Rachaela's back as she went.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully she was able to hold the two back from hurting each other, which likely would have ended with Rachaela getting hurt more so because of her size. Fixing her hair after the tussle, Adelle asked her questions to the two as she stayed between them both. Watching the next exchange between the two again made Adelle giggle a bit, as it seemed to her that they were rivals now after only just meeting. Pushing Rachaela's staff away after the mage girl bopped Amelia on the butt to keep the peace, Adelle had to admit to herself that Rachaela was probably right about Amelia's kingdom being imaginary or something, but she wasn't going to burst her bubble just yet and took on a more friendly approach to the matter.

"Well regardless, she's a guest in our city here Rachaela, so we should show her at least every respect that we do other guests," Adelle told Rachaela, winking at her where Amelia wouldn't see her doing so. Then she turned to look over at the other girl. "Miss Amelia, I don't know really how to treat nobles or rich people or anything like that other than my normal way of speaking, but my parents taught me to treat everyone with respect so long as they showed me as much. So... well I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that please," Adelle told Amelia, bowing her head respectfully a she requested not being called a peasant.

After that she would gesture to the doors and head on out into the city, hopefully with Rachaela still with them to help show the girl around. "Might I ask why you're wanting a tour around the city Amelia?" Adelle would ask the girl curiously after they exited the building, taking the girl's hand in her own and leading the way for now and towards some of the places that she herself knew of.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she certainly heard what Adelle had to say, it was another thing entirely if Amelia acknowledged it in any way. Regardless, the group managed to get some cohesive action going as they met outside, though the princess and Rachaela still tried to burn holes into each other with their gazes. "Why would I not want to take a tour when I'm on vacation?" was what she had to say about the question, afterwards asking the pair to take her to a shopping mall or market of some sort.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once outside and on their way, Adelle noticed the two staring daggers at each other pretty much the whole way as Adelle led a step or two ahead, though she remained back enough to get between them if necessary. Adelle wanted to tell them both to stop acting like little kids, that people might think she was the mother of them both, but she held her tongue for now, figuring or hoping that everything would sort itself out soon enough with any luck.

"I see, well I didn't know you were on vacation honestly. And... I know of the main market area that I go to, but it's no mall really. Not sure if there are any in the city really. Do you know Rachaela?" Adelle replied to Amelia, asking Rachaela if she knew if there was a mall within the city, though the busty girl seriously doubted there was. If there was another mall by some chance, or another market than she'd been shown by the girls, then Adelle would have Rachaela lead the way to it, otherwise she'd lead the way to the market she knew of and had been to before to get her coat and whatnot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Can't say that I know of one. The way I know it, there is the main marketplace and the scattered stores that can be found wherever they are. If there is another large concentration of stores in the city, I have never been there or heard of it." was what Rachaela knew about the city, so it would be the marketplace for them. While she initially had a few somewhat elitist comments about the state of the marketplace, Amelia quickly switched off from the critique mode and started to zoom from stall to stall as she looked for things to get. It was almost scary as she picked up a decent amount of random things, soon having about half-dozen bags of them, and all of those she quickly handed off to the other two girls to carry. "This place is fun! So many interesting things." the enthusiastic princess stated her newly-discovered interest towards the many stores that were present before taking off to another one as something new caught her eye yet again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thought so, sorry Amelia, no malls to be had unfortunately, but the main marketplace area is pretty good I think," Adelle replied, apologizing to Amelia that there wasn't a mall, but that the marketplace should do just fine as she led the way there.

Heading along and into the marketplace, Adelle just looked around, mostly ignoring Amelia's few snobbish comments about the place. When Amelia switched gears though she did her best to keep up as Amelia sped from stall to stall collecting things to buy. The rate she got things shocked Adelle a bit, because she had to be careful with her own money just to get by, and seeing someone with obviously more than enough money to throw at just about anything really kind of stunned her for a couple of minutes. She quickly shook herself out of her daze though as she took four of the six bags, two in either hand, as she didn't have time to be stunned from the looks of it.

"Yeah the market is quite fun I believe, plenty of nice things to get if you know where to look," Adelle commented as she followed Amelia to the next store, wondering which one she planned on going into next, actually hoping a bit that she didn't find Josephine's clothing store, because she figured that they'd be carrying about a dozen bags a piece after leaving there, but nonetheless Adelle was intent on playing it cool and friendly to perhaps get them a hefty bonus from Amelia here, since she seemed to have plenty to throw around from the looks of it.