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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"We really did not lose contact with them, they just have not come back from their job. It's been three days now, so I am getting worried. They were pretty young ladies and not too experienced either, so there are all kinds of possibilities that could have happened, none of which I'll go into since you can probably think what the worst scenarios are in this matter." Samson explained briefly before Shiulin went into further detail. "There was this somewhat sleazy guy who had a mission, look for his lost family members, or so he said. He certainly did not look like someone who could manage himself in a fight for too long, so we took the request as he had decent pay to give for it. A pair of newbie hunters took the job and went with him to the location, which he provided for us. I don't think he is personally responsible for this, but the job was clearly too much for our two girls since they have not returned. So, now we need to look into this and see what happened to them."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see I see... hopefully they're alright, and yeah I can imagine some pretty bad stuff happening. Whereabouts did they go then? And what do you want me to do about the guy if it turns out he's the one responsible for something happening to the girls? Want me to put a bullet in his ass in that case?" Adelle said, glancing over at Lacri to see what she thought of this.

Once they had the job specifics and the whereabouts of the girls, or at least where they were supposed to have gone anyway, Adelle would nod, and this time hurry on out without a drink, which would show Samson and Shiulin that she was in serious mode right now, because peoples lives were at stake or possibly at stake anyway, and the two girls were younger like her so she could relate somewhat to them. She'd climb onto her bike and start it up, then rev it up as Lacri climbed on behind her, where she told Lacri to direct her to where they were needing to go.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If the truth turns out to be that he had indeed used our system for kidnapping, you should try to apprehend him, we can make them regret it with the victim testimonies. The police might be understaffed and having troubles, but they still are very serious about justice being served. But if you need to defend yourselves, do that however you deem necessary, even if it means spraying his guts to the nearby wall." Samson gave his usual serious advice towards the situation while holding onto the just attitude he had always been demonstrating when the two had interacted on these matters. Shiulin did her part as well, holding out a map for the two so they could find their way. But before Adelle could get it, the female taskmaster pulled it back. "No. You are not going there." she told them before turning on her seat and retrieving two different holsters, one for a pair of butterfly knives while the other appeared to be some kind of large pistol as a pistol grip came out from it. "Not without me. Lui is my friend and I talked her into becoming one of us, so I can't let her end up as a slave or worse." she announced her intention of coming along as she strapped the weapons to her bare thighs, still wearing that Chinese dress like she always had. "And it'll give all the people who doubt me here something to think about."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Samson, same with Jet, if it turns out he's the dick that's taken them or anything of the sort I'll try my best to bring him down without killing him," Adelle said, looking over to Shiulin to take the map she produced. However Adelle was surprised when Shiulin pulled the map back and said she was going with them. Nodding to Shiulin and giving her an approving look that she was wanting to take an active roll in this job with them, Adelle stood up as she did and looked over at Lacri as well. "Hmm, I don't think we'll all fit on my bike unfortunately, so we'll have to walk there. Hey Samson, can you watch my bike for me until we get back?" Adelle added to Shiulin and Lacri, and then to Samson before they headed out, handing the old hunter leader her key to her bike to hold onto for her until she got back so she didn't risk losing it.

"Okay then Shiulin, whereabouts are we going?" Adelle asked Shiulin, following her lead since she had the map, with Adelle taking the center as the main ranged attacker of the trio while Lacri could take the rear. Along the way to wherever they were heading, Adelle would check her pistols to make sure they were fully loaded in case they ran into any trouble.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No no no. Do you honestly think I'd want to walk around this dirty city too much? I do have a vehicle on me, so I'll just use it like I usually do." Shiulin put aside any need to get someone to look after bikes and whatnot with her own being there to help her get along with the two others. While Shiulin appeared to be eager to go, Samson had some reservations about her leaving. The two exchanged a brief conversation about it, which did little to dissuade the girl from going to look for her friend. So off they went, Shiulin taking the back door to get her vehicle.

Outside, the pair had to wait a little at the front, but soon the female taskmaster was with them. She came mounted on a more sports-style motorbike, probably of Asian origin. It was hard to say with no branding on the thing. Shiulin took the lead, driving a little slower than her bike probably could to not get too far ahead and lose the other two on the way. Again, she showed a dislike towards the city with her driving style as she was barely looking for pedestrians and their safety, almost hitting a few on the way towards the southern regions of the city. The target appeared to be another abandoned residential complex, something which the city appeared to have no shortage of. Shiulin locked her bike down and left her driving goggles on the vehicle, apparently not having much interest if they were stolen or not. The building itself was another three-story one, so there would be some space to look through if they intended to find the targets there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... okay then, bikes it is I guess. You lead we'll follow then," Adelle replied when Shiulin mentioned having a vehicle, not tossing her key over to Samson to hold onto for her.

Adelle waited for the exchange of words between Shiulin and Samson to finish up before she went out front and started her bike up, waiting for Lacri to climb on and for Shiulin to move out for her to follow along behind. Along the way Adelle saw the little regard Shiulin had for others which kind of ticked her off a bit as she gave others a wider berth than Shiulin did, for not only their sake but for her own and Lacri's as well.

Following along further, they soon made their way to the location in question, with Adelle pulling up beside Shiulin's bike. Adelle kept what she wanted to say to Shiulin to herself for now, figuring she'd tell Samson later when they got back. For now she focused on the task at hand with Adelle looking up at the building they'd stopped at with a bit of a sigh after locking her bike up so it wouldn't be stolen. "Man this is going to take a while from the looks of it. Hope we're in time before something bad happens," Adelle said as she put her key into her pocket for now, pulling her smaller pistol out for a few moments before holstering it again and pulling her blade out to use for a more stealthy approach as she followed the two inside to begin their search. "Alright Shiulin, this place looks pretty abandoned to me. If this guy that hired them had known where his family members were then wouldn't it have made more sense to either ask for the best from us or go to the police? Something doesn't feel right to me about all this, dunno what it is. I say though that we stay together but spread apart a bit so we don't all get caught in the same trap if there are any," Adelle said, feeling suspicious of the whole situation... something just felt... off.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Fishy is certainly what this feels like, but I don't want to abandon my friend. We just need to be careful, just like you say." Shiulin agreed as the trio headed in, finding the entrance hall of the apartment complex as their first point of entry. There were two different ways to go as there were stairs on both the entry and the rear of the corridor, and a further look revealed that there was a way downstairs under the near stairs, probably going to the basement where the storage areas for the apartments were. In addition to those, there were a few apartment doors too, no real signs on them telling if they were occupied or not as this place appeared to be a little more looked after than most. There were people who visited it.

"So, what do you want to do with this? Looks like we have different ways to look around over here." Shiulin stated as she too saw the options they had.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not saying we should abandon them, just that something feels off about this," Adelle said as they entered the place, looking around at the inside the entrance hall of the place. "Probably be best to split up to look around and get more ground covered, but I've got a bad feeling about doing that. And it looks like there's a basement under the steps too. So we've got three ways to go and three of us. You think we ought to split up all three ways girls? I'd say I would probably have the most trouble in a fight alone, but I'm willing to split up in order to find the others faster in case they are in dire straits," Adelle went on to say, looking over at the other two and offering to split up.

"I'd be willing to check the basement myself, and if you hear me shooting my gun come a running," Adelle said, glancing over to the basement and heading over there to go downstairs, which she went cautiously down with her paired blades in her hands.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'll take the back stairs then..." Lacrimosa agreed to the idea of splitting up, though she appeared to be somewhat against it, a thing that the tone of her voice revealed. Shiulin opted to go for the other stairs, though she decided to check the rooms in the ground floor first so there would be no surprises waiting for them in case there was an ambush in the plans of the enemy side. Having to fight off attackers from different sides was probably a bad deal, especially in an indoor setting like this. With their selections made, Adelle could head into the basement level to look around.

Going down the stairs took Adelle into a small stairwell room with a door that had been removed from it's hinges and placed aside, the area behind it being the storage rooms. It was a single long room with about two dozen sections made by separating them with chain link fences and doors, each storage space having a small room's worth of space in them. While it would have been easy to look through the place with simple glance from the entryway, there was no light there to allow that simple convenience, and the light switch was busted up. It would probably end with a shock if the girl tried to mess with it, so there was only the small amount of light that came down from the upper floor to reveal what was there. So, it would require going into the path that went forward between the storage spaces to find out what there was to see there.

About halfway into the darkened room, Adelle could suddenly feels something wet drop onto her chest from the ceiling which was not all that high. The liquid was all she needed to realize that there was something there, and upon taking a look, the busty girl could see that the ceiling was halfway covered in a sheet of some fleshy substance, and that substance had just dripped onto her. A trio of tentacles reached at her from the ceiling as she looked, giving her the impression that the whole sheet was a single, large organism of some sort. A quick duck took her out of the way, the tripping liquid having alerted her early enough to avoid a potential sneak attack from the thing. Still, she was under the creature on the narrow corridor, not the best place one could be considering the creature was about as long as half of the corridor itself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Shiulin and Lacri and starting quite cautiously towards the basement stairs, Adelle kept a close eye around her. While they began their search up there, Adelle began her's as she headed down the stairs to the basement area. Once she got to the bottom, Adelle looked around the small room down there and found the doorway with the door taken off it hinges sitting to the side. She noticed the busted light switch for the basement, meaning she had no way of fixing the lights as of right now.

Waiting for her eyes to adjust a little bit, Adelle moved into the room after noticing the different storage spaces separated by the chain link fencing as she went in. A ways in though she felt something drip down directly onto her chest from the ceiling, and looking up with what little light she had, Adelle saw some sort of fleshy sheet of some sort above her. Gasping as she saw the three tentacles swat down at her, Adelle ducked down under them just in time. Staying low, Adelle looked around the room as best she could before looking up at the creature to see if perhaps one or both of the girls had been snatched up by it.

"Hello... Lui, are you down here?" Adelle called out into the room, remembering the name Shiulin had used earlier when talking about her friend. She'd keep a close eye on the tentacled creature above her while looking about, ducking under the tentacles when and if they swatted at her again, and even dropping to the floor onto her back and pushing across the floor with her legs if they got any closer than the first time. If nobody answered her and she didn't see anybody, Adelle would continue down the hall to the other side from where she came in, searching about for any sort of light source she could find while going through the room, however if she couldn't find any light source Adelle would quickly run back to the door and head back up for now until she could get some light down there.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Staying down appeared to be a good strategy, the tentacles being a little too short to reach all the way down to the floor. There was no sign of anyone being grabbed, only the dark purple mass that stuck to the ceiling and now tried to reach Adelle. Staying on all fours was enough to keep the creature away, only a slight brush or two connecting onto her back if she remained like that, though the previously missed fact that the creature had coated the floor with the liquid it dripped was now quite apparent as the busty girl had her knees and hands in the stuff. Still, she was quite safe as the thing did not have enough enthusiasm to drop onto her, which could end badly.

Keeping low allowed Adelle to look around, which revealed very little as the light was scarce, but it did appear that there was nothing else to be found in the basement besides the ceiling creature and whatever belongings were to be found in the storage units. Mostly it appeared that the things contained within were mundane items of everyday life that had been set aside from their homes due to low use. There was no other signs of life around besides the creature, no call coming back to answer Adelle's own one. There was no raped or non-raped girls around either, just storage rooms from one end to the other. As she went over to the other end of the room, the busty girl found herself under a normal ceiling again, which gave her some room to think and not be harassed constantly. Even better, the other storage space on the end of the corridor appeared to have a large, industrial flashlight with a handle lying on the shelf inside. It would only require a little bending of the fence to get it as there was a partial hole in metal which she could stick her arm through after forcing some of the chain links down.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully the tentacles that were reaching down for her didn't appear to have enough reach in them to snatch her up, leaving her able to crawl along on all fours while they were at best brushing against her butt and back. Putting a hand down right into the goo that had been dripped down onto the floor, Adelle couldn't help but utter, "Eww, dammit," before wiping her hand on her pants leg as she continued onwards until she had gotten out from under the ceiling creature.

The fact that nobody answered her calling out into the room gave Adelle some hope that the girls they were looking for were alright, or at least unharmed, as she didn't see anyone either. When she got out from under the ceiling creature and to the furthest storage space, Adelle noticed the flashlight on a shelf inside it and decided to attempt to get it so she could see, bending the fencing out of the way as best she could to get her arm through it to grab the thing. Once she had the flashlight, Adelle would pull it out and click it on, shining it straight up at the ceiling where she was at to light the whole room up slightly so she could get a bit of a better look of her surroundings before she shined it directly at the stuff in the place to see if she could spot anyone in there or anything else like the ceiling creature.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After some careful maneuvering of the arm, Adelle reached and claimed the large flashlight for herself without getting any scratches on her hand or coat sleeve from the sharp points of the cut part of the fencing. The batteries were apparently of good quality as they still enabled the thing to turn on despite the look that it had been sitting there for some time. With the light there to guide her way, she could have some closer looks into the different storage spaces. One of the nearby units had a similar tentacled mass to the one on the ceiling on it's wall instead of any items, the missing door making it a somewhat devious trap if one was going around the place without the appropriate care to look at the surroundings. While this particular meat sheet was much smaller than the one on the ceiling, it would probably still put up a fight if someone got too close.

To go back, Adelle would need to go under the ceiling mass again, which was quickly reaching at her once it detected that someone was going around there. The tentacles grew and retreated based on the location of the girl, which revealed that it could spawn them in pretty huge numbers if needed. Passing the first few pairs of storage spaces, Adelle saw a box of ammo just sitting there on a shelf in one particular unit. Upon closer look, she saw that it was a still sealed .357 box, meaning that she could use it for either of her pistols. While it was there just sitting and waiting to be grabbed, the door between her and the box still made things difficult by not allowing her to go in there and get it. A simple padlock was all that kept the door closed, but there was the matter of the ceiling monster too, which was providing it's own fun twist to the situation.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankful for not getting any scratches on the fencing when she was pulling the flashlight through, which still had good batteries amazingly. Shining it around she found another creature similar to the one on the ceiling on the wall of one of the storage areas close to her. Crawling back under the central area, Adelle stayed under the ceiling creature as best she could, though it would likely brush across her back and butt a few times as she went.

"Jeez, what the hell are these things I wonder?" Adelle asked into the empty room as she evaded the tentacles reaching down for her.

On her way back through the central area, Adelle shined her light around and noticed a box of bullets in one of the storage areas and decided to attempt to get them. Getting an idea on how to get that padlock off of there without having to shoot it, Adelle raised up a little bit to wait for the ceiling creature to send a tentacle or two down at her, where she'd grab hold of one of them with her hand and pull it a little bit to try and loop it around the padlock to pull it loose. If that didn't work, Adelle would look around for anything she could use to bash the lock off the fence with, such as a wrench or hammer or something of the sort, so she didn't have to shoot or damage her swords.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Having an idea to get into the ammo that she could certainly use, Adelle went into action and sought to bait out a tentacle for a possible solution to her padlock trouble. It did not take long for the meat sheet of a creature to notice her rising, and it was reaching at her almost immediately. The extended tentacle offered an easy target, and the girl could grab for it handily. But as luck would have it, the creature was not quite that easily wrangled into service. Swirling the tentacle that the busty girl seeking to grab into a kind of round spring shape, it managed to both avoid her grapple and get a grab of it's own as the extended wrist was caught inside the coil. Not being one to waste an opportunity to get some prey, the sheet quickly tugged up on the grabbed wrist, pulling Adelle up to a position where she could be reached by the other tentacles unless she did something about it before the situation got worse. But there was some good to this too, as the strength of the pull showed that this creature could tear apart the padlock set-up if she somehow managed to get it into position to pull it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Coaxing the tentacles into action, she kept trying to grab one as they came down, though they kept wriggling about and made it tough for her to manage it. After a few moments of trying to wrangle the thing, Adelle found her wrist snatched as she attempted to grab one of them. As the thing tugged her up a little bit, Adelle grew worried that she'd made a bad move in doing this, but when she felt how strong the thing was she figured that surely it would take the padlock off with relative ease.

"Alright bud, you can't have me this time... but if you could just... pull this lock off for me, then I'd be grateful," Adelle grunted at the thing as she grasped the fence where the lock was and pulled on the thing, trying to get the tentacle pulled over enough to get it wrapped around the lock, even letting it hold onto her if she had to in order to get it around the lock before slashing it with her sword to force it to let her go if she couldn't pull free alone.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The start of the struggle saw Adelle drop back down again with all her weight, simultaneously pulling herself down towards the padlock. It was a good effort, giving her all that she had been looking for. The pull stretched the tentacle down past what it ordinarily would have gone, a painful event in all likeness as the grip on the girl's wrist loosened once they were farther down, but it enabled her to make a set-up where the tentacle needed to tug at the lock. And just like the earlier pull on her wrist had suggested, the lock could barely withstand it, breaking away after three or four pulls. The whole padlock snapped away from the force, catapulting itself into the creature and succeeding in raising it's ire as a whole bunch of tentacles sprouted out, waving themselves at the girl who was once more away from their reach. It was only a matter of opening the door to get into the safe area inside the storage unit and the ammo.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Pulling as hard as she could, Adelle managed to get the tentacle holding her pulled out enough so when it loosened up on her enough for her to get free she looped it around the lock and forced it to pull on the padlock, ripping it off the fence after a couple of tugs. "Ha, thanks friend. If I wasn't in a hurry and I knew you'd let me go when you were satisfied, then I might let you have your way with me for a little while for helping me out here," Adelle said to the creature as she pushed the fence gate open to get inside.

Chuckling a little as the creature sprouted lots of tentacles at what she'd done, Adelle made her way into the storage area holding the box of ammo. Grabbing the ammo and putting it into her pack, Adelle looked around this storage area a little more thoroughly since she was out of reach of the ceiling creature, wondering if she could find anything else useful within. Once she'd checked this storage area as thoroughly as she could, Adelle made her way back out of it, shining the flashlight around the room in an effort to find anything else of value she could get that might help them out along the way later on. If she found nothing worth much, Adelle would make her way out and back upstairs, switching the flashlight back off once back above, where she'd look around for the others, though she wouldn't call for them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Upon receiving the ammo, Adelle could see that it really was usable, the removal of the seals and taking a look inside revealing as much. Taking a trip to the basement had not been a complete waste as it had provided her with that, even though there was nothing else of importance. The items in that particular storage unit had no importance or usefulness besides the already taken ammo box. There was a box of old child-sized clothes, a pair of skis and an exercise bike that was missing the handlebars in the storage unit, but none of those would probably matter to Adelle in the current situation.

Crawling under the tentacle creature and taking the stairs back to the main floor had Adelle back in square one. All the rooms were now open over there, having most likely been dealt with by Shiulin during the start of their sweep.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing nothing else of use in the basement area, for the time being at least, Adelle headed on back up, ducking and crawling under the ceiling monster. Once back upstairs she saw that all of the rooms there within view were open and checked. Adelle took a peek in some of the rooms as she headed over to the stairs to go up where the other two most likely were at, mainly to see if there was anything of value to be gained from them such as more bullets or something of the sort.

After she found either Shiulin or Lacri one of the two, Adelle would team up with whichever one of them she ran into and continue the search as stealthily as they could. "Nothing in the basement really save some sort of creature, pretty strong too, but it was hanging on the ceiling and tried to grab me with some tentacles, and there was another one on a wall in a small storage area," Adelle would whisper to whichever of the two she found.