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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Adelle was certainly entitled to know about what this job was about, it appeared that Rosieta was not quite as interested in explaining herself. The cold business side of the maid came to the fore, and she fixed her gaze onto the busty girl, who could not fully return the look as the maid's glasses were large and partially mirrored. "You don't need to do this. Someone else will take the job if it is not to your liking to go on another little hunt with me." she told Adelle before the leaders could even get a word into the conversation. The maid appeared to be far more determined this time around, and even had a slight hint of viciousness in her tone of voice, as calm and official as it was.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... I would like to know who or what I'm supposed to be hunting though before I accept. I mean if it's someone of something that can like... you know, kill me, well I think you can understand that surely. It would help me make my decision most likely if I knew, but... if you can't specify exactly who or what it is, just tell me this much. Is it a person or a thing, and where would we be going?" Adelle replied, trying to get some info, a tiny piece of her mind thinking that Rosieta was being sent to try and find Priscilla if her tone was any indication, which she couldn't allow.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fact that she was being questioned appeared to cause some tenseness in Rosieta, but the maid remained cold and business-like regardless, not losing her temper. "No, I'm not looking for a person. Retrieval, like he said? Surely, a simple maid needs some protection, hmmm?" she gave some small relief with a confession that they would not be going out to look for a person, which implied that the job was not related to Priscilla in any way, despite the very real beef she had towards the towering vigilante.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Figuring it best to go along with it, so that perhaps she could maybe get some info on Miguel that she could pass along to Liliana and the others or something of the sort, Adelle looked intrigued at Rosieta's mission. She didn't know what to expect really, but she figured the only way to find out what Miguel was up to this time was to go with Rosieta on this mission, Adelle thought to herself.

"Hmm... alright I'll go, if only because last time was... interesting to say the least, despite being a bit... weird. And you paid pretty good too, so I can't complain about that either. So if this time around will pay just as good or better, then sure, I'm in," Adelle said, shrugging her shoulders as she got up, downing the last of her drink before setting the empty glass down and stretching. "Hey, I'll be out in a minute, need to run to the bathroom real quick, you can wait for me out front if you like," Adelle added to Rosieta, nodding to her and her two bosses before heading to the bathroom, where she did her business and washed her hands before peeking out to see if Rosieta was still in there or not before coming on out, hoping to get a word or two in with Samson before she left.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting herself some aid softened Rosieta up a little bit, though she was still somewhat tense-looking even after the good news. Not seeing any real reason to wait around inside, the maid headed outside as per the suggestion that Adelle offered. Taking her brief toilet session, the busty girl could see that the coast was clear, and there was indeed an opening for her to use while evading the maid's attention. Samson appeared to have been expecting the return as he was looking over to the bathroom door from the moment Adelle came out. "I can guess what's bothering you, but do speak your mind. You are entitled to it." he told her before the two could even start, letting the blue-haired girl come out with whatever she had planned.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... after what I told you yesterday, I think you know what could be wrong here. If Rosieta is trying to get something it can't be good for anyone but Miguel. You know what to do if you don't hear from me for a while and all, so I won't tell you to come after me and stuff. If what she's trying to get looks like it'd be very dangerous in Miguel's hands, do you think I should try and keep it from her? I mean... if there's going to be a gang war, I don't want any part of it, but I damn sure don't want his side winning," Adelle whispered to Samson with a nod before heading on out of the bar, waiting only for his answer to her question of what he thinks she ought to do in the case of whatever Rosieta was looking for being too dangerous.

Once that was all done, Adelle would head outside and find Rosieta, leaving her bike key with the bartender again so it was looked after, though she didn't think anyone would mess with it at the Hunter's guild hangout surely. "Hey, you ready? And now can you tell me where we're going? While we head there of course," Adelle asked curiously as she found Rosieta, preparing to head on out with her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Yes, we just might be giving further fuel for the proverbial fire here by aiding them. Even if it doesn't involve us, there might be further destruction and loss of life coming as a result, we can't know really. I'll leave it to your discretion if you want to interfere with the retrieval, though I'd make sure you were discreet and avoided making any moves against them while she can see it. Just might urge her to turn on you. Samson pondered the possibilities that could result from the mission that Adelle had just accepted. Still, he appeared to have his concern towards her safety. "I'll see if I can have someone shadow you from a safe distance. I know a few people who are good at that."

Much like before, the barkeep stored the key in his safe when asked, where it would remain until Adelle came back to ask for it again. Outside, Rosieta was waiting, looking a bit impatient, but that went away once the blue-haired girl was in sight. "There is this old church near the rich folk district. That is our target." she briefly explained where they would be going. Adelle had seen the church a few times as she had passed by it some distance away each time she visited Rachaela's place, which was inside the district.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, tell whoever it is to just keep an eye out unless they see me and Rosieta having a standoff or something alright. Don't want to start something if I can just... misplace whatever it is she is looking for and either hold onto it or somehow let it fall into the hands of the other gang groups if it would make Miguel look bad," Adelle whispered back to Samson with a nod before heading on out to meet Rosieta.

Seeing Rosieta looking a bit impatient, Adelle apologized after asking where they were going, not wanting her to get angry at her. "Sorry sorry, was just thinking about some stuff I needed to get later after this job's over. Need to restock on some ammo most likely," Adelle said to Rosieta after she'd told her where they were going.

With that, Adelle followed Rosieta along towards the church, which she knew somewhat as she'd passed by many times coming and going to and from Rachaela's place. She could only wonder why Rosieta would need to go to this church. Adelle held her tongue for now, but when they came within sight of the place, Adelle couldn't help herself and looked over at her companion. "So... what are we doing at a church? You meeting someone, or is the something you're supposed to get here? Because I've passed this place several times on my way back and forth through town and haven't noticed anything odd about it," Adelle asked curiously, preparing herself to go inside.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"There is something there that I need to retrieve. We might end up fighting someone, so be prepared." Rosieta gave a rather short but still direct answer to what was being asked from her. She took them towards the church, which looked like it was not being visited much due to the ill-kept facade from the outside. While the two could have entered right from the front door, the maid took them around the building and right to a basement door. She threw the double doors open, which revealed a set of stairs going down a rather long way since they could not see the other end from their current position. Instead of going first, Rosieta gestured that Adelle go in front.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... well alright then, let's get in there and do what we gotta do," Adelle replied, following Rosieta's lead over to the building.

When they didn't go in the front doors, Adelle grew a tiny bit worried, especially when Rosieta gestured for her to go first. "Alright, I am supposed to be helping to protect you after all, stay ready okay," Adelle said, pulling her pistol out and taking point.

Adelle walked slow and steady down the steps, tentatively testing each one before putting her whole weight on it to make sure they didn't collapse with her. She also kept taking glances back behind them too to make sure nobody was following them down, and to make sure Rosieta wasn't trying something. But she didn't give any hint that she was looking around at Rosieta specifically and made sure to look past her when looking back.

"So... how far down do these steps go?" Adelle asked quietly as she led them downwards. "Feels like I'm walking down to hell it's so far down, and kinda reminds me of when I went down into the deep sewer area a while back," she added, remembering her trip down with the sisters and meeting Lacri's sister down there and feeling the same creepy feeling she did on the trip down into those depths.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The stairs were longer than most to be found, but were not endless or anything like that thankfully. Compared to the long path they had gone down during the visit to the underground town, it was positively short. "Should not be that far, just out of sight from up there." Rosieta commented as the pair went down the dimly-lit stairs after she had closed the doors behind them. There were no real light sources at first, but soon there were a bunch of grimy glow tubes on the walls to make going around manageable. After several dozen steps, the pair reached the end, where a somewhat labyrinthine-looking network of hallways was greeting them, with four different directions to go into. The lights were not much better, though there were candles to be found here and there in addition to them.

Some distance away, Adelle could see a floating figure pass by. It was shaped like a humanoid and was similar in size, but appeared to be made from a packet of dried straw. It went across the intersection farthest from their position, most likely being on patrol at the moment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, that's good to know. Not that I'm claustrophobic or anything like that, just pays to be cautious and stuff after our last outing," Adelle replied as they went further down, breathing a sigh of relief that there weren't all that many steps down.

Once at the bottom, Adelle took a peek around, aiming her pistol this way and that at any potential foes. In the distance, Adelle saw a humanoid figure floating past her vision as she aimed her pistol at it. "W-What the fuck was that Rosie?" Adelle asked in a whisper, not truly frightened by the thing since she'd seen so many other strange and scary things lately, what with being friends with the 4 sisters and all and having a ghostly being try to haunt her through town a few days back. "I'm assuming that's something we don't want to catch us. So... where's this thing you're supposed to find down here huh, and what does it look like so I'll know it when I see it if we get split up again like last time? And you didn't say anything about ghosts and shit again, though now at least I don't need to waste bullets since they won't work," she added with a raised eyebrow, putting her pistol up for now until they ran into something that it would actually work against as she drew her sword, more for her own piece of mind than anything as she prepared to head in the direction that Rosieta directed her to find whatever this thing was that she was looking for.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As strange as the thing that had passed by appeared to be, Rosieta did not appear too surprised about seeing it there. "It's a sentry of some sort. Not sure what particular type of creature it is, but it just might be some sort of magical construct. Most certainly not a natural creature." she answered before mentioning that Adelle would know the target that they were looking for once they actually reached it without making any further specifications about it. "These things appear to be magical, but I wager they are more susceptible to cutting than bullets, given their construction."

With nothing further to say, the maid took the two onward, leading them along the leftmost corridor. They could turn the corner after taking a look to confirm that there were no straw sentries around. Midway across the corridor, they got into something of a situation as one sentry came across their path from behind a corner, stopping briefly to analyze the surroundings. Just then, another one arrived from the same direction that the girls had come from, moving towards them. Neither of them appeared to have a sniff about them yet, suggesting that they had a small sensory range, but the one approaching them from the back would likely be upon them soon. There were options, the pair could stand their ground and engage the things or take a quick right that was right in front of them to see if there was a clear path for them to go into.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... well let's be quiet and careful. And I'll keep my blade out for now, plus shooting a gun will just alert more of them probably," Adelle whispered in response, looking out for more of the sentries floating about the place.

Adelle was a bit disappointed that Rosieta didn't tell her exactly what they were looking for and only that she'd know it when she saw it, but she didn't let it show for now so they could get the job done, hoping that nothing bad happened down here... although if anything bad did happen she hoped it was more like what had happened at the sex toy factory and at least pleasurable... well what had happened there was pleasurable for the most part anyway. As they went along though, Adelle saw the one coming up behind them from around the area they'd started from, where she inwardly cursed their luck so far.

She decided against starting a fight with it, in case it drew more towards them as a result, and instead she quickly peeked around the corner to the right in front of them, hoping no more of the things were down that way. If it looked clear, Adelle would tap Rosieta's arm and gesture down that path before heading down that way herself, her blade now firmly in hand as she went.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Making a quick decision, the pair advanced as cautiously as they could in their current situation, going around the corner after Adelle confirmed it to be clear for them. They skipped ahead, coming to another fork where one direction would likely take them back towards the entryway, while the other would lead to the opposite direction where unknown things were waiting for them maybe. The one construct that had come from behind earlier was shortly following the pair again, it's patrol route apparently overlapping with the path they went. Again, quick decisions were in order as the thing would catch wind of the duo if allowed near them, and their abilities were still unknown to the girls. Rosieta had shown some remarkable ferocity the last time they had ventured about, but there was no real way to know how many of these things were present.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Darting on forward through the corridor, Adelle and Rosieta managed from what she could tell at least, to have dodged the creepy floating straw men for now, but the one that was closing to begin with was still closing in on them it seemed as she looked back after they came to the next fork in the path. "Damn... had to be another fork in the path. Alright... we go left, because we went right first, so another right would probably take us back to where we started... if had to guess," Adelle whispered quietly to Rosieta before heading down the left path, her blade at the ready just in case.

Hopefully, Adelle and Rosieta weren't traveling down the wrong path and would get clear of these creepy things. A thought also occurred to Adelle, that she needed to tell Lacri about this, and that one priestess lady that helped her with that ghost that followed her through the city streets there for a bit a few days before, once they got out of here of course.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Another quick decision was made, and the girls moved again to make way forward and away from the entryway. There was another quick corner to be found a little ways down the path, the sight of which started to open up the layout of the labyrinth halls to Adelle, and they did not actually appear to be as complex as it initially looked like they were. Basically, the place was an outer square path and a smaller inner one with connecting pathways on the middle of each side. And if the patterns that the sentries had used were the same on all of them, it appeared that each of them had a quarter on these double squares that they patrolled in the clockwise direction. Behind the corner, there was basically confirmation to this as there was a path to the left, which would likely lead them onward, and another right turn a little farther back. Another straw sentry came into view from behind the corner, stopping briefly in the corner. It was not in the way yet, but would likely be coming towards them soon if the pattern was to be believed. The duo could most likely make it past the thing if they hurried, or they could take it more carefully and take the longer path around the labyrinth by exploiting the predictable patrol patterns of the near-sighted sentries.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle and Rosieta moved along further, the busty blue haired huntress started to figure out the pattern to the tunnels a little bit, and peeking around the next corner, Adelle's suspicions of a pattern in both the patrol paths and the tunnels was confirmed a bit more as she saw the next sentry moving along. She looked back at Rosieta and leaned close, explaining this to her. "So you wanna go the longer safer route, or do you need this item very quickly? I'll go ahead and say if you wanna go quickly, decide now, because we'll have to hurry along to beat that patrol path, and the more dangerous the path we pick, the more I expect to get paid for it afterwards too," Adelle asked Rosieta after explaining her probably correct theory on the patterns and whatnot, curious as to how badly Rosieta wanted this item, whatever it was.

Once Rosieta had answered how quickly she needed or wanted this thing they sought, Adelle would proceed accordingly, moving quickly if Rosieta told her she needed it as quickly as possible, or moving slowly if the maid told her that they could afford to take their time and be safer with this.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The faster we get through the better, so let's go." Rosieta was quick on the reply, urging the two into trying for the fast slip through the gap that was present for them at that moment. The pair rushed forward, the sentry near them still remaining in place as Adelle went first but starting towards the two shortly after. The busty girl was easily out of sight as it advanced, but then there was a hiccup as the maid tripped up on something slippery on the ground, almost landing face-first onto the tile floor but saving herself at the last second. As much as that was a relief, she did not manage to avoid detection as the oncoming sentry reached a spot that was closer than any point before. The thing started to sound like it was blowing air with random puff sounds being clearly audible while all four of it's straw limbs began to extend into longer appendages with actual claws or fingers, depending on how one wanted to look at it. With the quick transformation complete, it moved towards Rosieta with all the limbs extended, now going in far more brisk pace than it had before.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, get ready," Adelle replied, preparing to make a dash for the opening before it disappeared on them.

Adelle dashed around the corner quickly to a blind spot in the sentry's path with Rosieta right on her heels. She moved forward and out of sight of the one nearest to them, but Rosieta slipped on something slippery on the floor, likely water or something similar, which alerted the sentry to their presence, as it closed in before Rosieta could get back up and over to Adelle's position.

"Damn... what shitty luck. Looks like we're gonna have to fight," Adelle mumbled to herself.

Adelle ran back to Rosieta's position and kicked off the opposite wall from her and the sentry, where she spun in midair and swung her blade at the thing's center mass, hoping to end it before it could alert any others to their presence with a quick powerful attack. She kept a watch out for whatever Rosieta had slipped on too so she didn't slip and maybe fall on her blade in the process of all this, as she didn't like the looks of these things, but she maintained a calm demeanor and remained quiet, hoping against hope that the other sentries wouldn't hear them if she remained quiet.