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Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine

Lavender had traveled for many leagues, a journey made shorter (by time if not by distance) by the speed at which she was able to travel while beneath the waves. The reefs below her were filled with life as they seemingly always had been, the stretch of largely barren islands that she'd been traveling along in search of someone interesting being surrounded by fairly shallow waters, home to many wild creatures. She'd been dancing among the waves with a pod of dolphins only an hour ago, but they had since moved off to hunt in deeper waters, where she would not find what she sought.

Up ahead, the mermaid spotted something unusual. Beached upon the shore of the largest of the islands was a boat, leaned over on its side. It looked too large to be a rowboat, and it almost looked as if the boat had run aground by accident judging by the damage upon it. There was only one person visible near the wrecked vessel, a single man who looked to be human judging by the stories that she'd heard, lying face down in the sand while the waves washed up to his thighs. The island that he was stranded on had a small forest within it, and was surrounded by reefs that would be dangerous to such a vessel, but posed no threat to Lavender's smaller more agile form.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Still laughing and smiling, Lavender waved to the dolphins and bid them farewell. She knew they had to hunt and she wished them luck, but Lavender couldn't travel with them today. She had other creatures on her mind, the kinds without fins that she heard all about as a little mermaid.

When Lavender saw the boat, the mermaid thought it was strange. Curious, she swam closer, navigating the reefs with her agile tail. Eventually, Lavender poked head out of the water to get a better look and what she saw stirred her little mermaid heart. Lavender gasped sharply, sucking in her breath hard and slapped her hand over her lips in concern.

Oh no! the mermaid thought to herself as she wiggled her vibrant purple tail into overdrive, shooting through the water like a shimmering torpedo. She swam like that until it was getting to be so shallow that she couldn't swim anymore.

Feeling her tail getting stuck in the sand, Lavender pouted softly, wiggling futilely and looking around as she desperately tried to get to shore to help the man. Realizing she wouldn't make it in her true form, Lavender decided to shapeshift. Her fin ears and tail shimmered like a hologram for a few seconds until they slowly molded and took the shape of human legs and ears, matching the skin color of her upper body.

The newly "human" mermaid desperately crawled toward the sprawled man, calling out to him. "Hello? Mister? Are you okay? Say something!" When she reached his side, Lavender pushed, rolling him onto his back, looking down at him with her face full of concern. "Hey! Wake up!"
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine

The man stirred slightly as Lavender called out to him, and when she flipped him onto his back he looked up at her blearily. He was unshaven and filthy, particles of sand visible stuck within the short bristly hairs on his chin and neck, and his clothes were ragged and torn. A tearing wound was present on his chest just below his right shoulder, filthy and showing clear signs of infection though thankfully the bleeding had already stopped. His eyes blinked repeatedly, clearing sand from them and adjusting to the daylight. "Where.... Who.... Are you?" he mumbled quietly, and then simply blacked out again.

The man was apparently human as far as Lavender was able to tell, possessing no features significantly different from those that she possessed in her current form save for the differences inherent in those of the opposite gender. He seemed extremely ill and dehydrated, and the wound on his chest was bright red and heavily swollen. The man himself looked to be in his early twenties and had tanned skin and short dark hair. Numerous tattoos written in dark ink covered various parts of his body, though Lavender didn't recognize any of the designs drawn on his flesh herself. The strange man also possessed numerous scars in addition to his festering wound.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Use Lay on Hands for 10 EP to restore 60HP (6*10)

When Lavender flipped over the man, she looked him over curiously. His filthiness didn't seem to bother her nor the strange symbols tattooed all over his body, but when she saw his gaping wound, Lavender gasped and immediately touched his other shoulder consolingly.

"You're hurt..." Lavender said softly as the mermaid in human form knelt above the man. She was a sight to behold with her opaque jellyfish silk dress, trident strapped on her back, and coral necklace contrasting with her light purple long straight hair. Her face was full of concern, especially her eyes.

Seeing the man black out again, Lavender tensed and bit her lip nervously. She couldn't just let the first human she met ever just die like this. That's not how it went in her fantasies! She had to save him! "Ummm... Ummm... don't worry, I'll save you!"

Lavender clasped her hands against her chest and squeezed her eyes shut. She took a deep breath to calm herself, then slowly began to chant in her ancient Adamantian tongue.

<I pray to thee Elric, protector of the sea and all its life. Please let this man bask in your light and soothe his wounds with your grace. Give me the strength to save him...>

As Lavender prayed, her hands began to glow a faint shade of purple, holding them clasped against her soft bosom. The light pulsating around Lavender's hands shimmered, seeming to radiate outward from her body. As the mermaid reached out to the man, the light washed over him too. She focused her energy especially on the wound at his chest. Lavender didn't touch the man but hovered her hands just above him, moving them all over his chest and abdomen just to be sure he didn't have any other hidden injuries. Finally, she pulled her hands back and the glowing stopped so she could inspect her work.
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Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

The man was, perhaps unsurprisingly, too busy being unconscious to respond to Lavender's promise that she'd help him, but when she hovered her glowing hands over his chest he suddenly bolted awake again, emitting a loud gasp as his back arched upwards. The wound on his chest closed, as well as several other smaller ones all over her body. He let out a low cry of pain and arched higher, his chest lightly touching against Lavender's hands as she started to move them down his body.

He stared up at her with wide eyes for a moment, not saying anything until the glow had faded from her hands. A moment after she had settled back to examine her handiwork, finding the man largely clear of wounds, he repeated what he'd said before but in a much clearer voice, "Where am I? Who are you?" He slowly rose up to his elbows while maintaining eye contact, waiting for an answer to his questions. Lavender hadn't ever been to these islands and thus didn't know if they had a name herself, but there was a much larger mass of land a ways to the North, plainly visible given the clear skies today.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender smiled radiantly at the man, especially proud of her handy work. When he got up though, Lavender's lips parted like an "o" in consternation and pushed him back down with her hand forceful enough to do it but still gentle.

"Hey! I just healed those wounds... be careful you might get hurt again!"

After her cute outburst, Lavender looked around the surroundings and scratched her finger through her long faint purple hair in thought.

"I don't know... I just saw you here and wanted to help. My name is Lavender. Are you feeling better?" She said with a smile, looking hopeful.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

The man she'd healed tried to resist Lavender's attempt to push him down, but he was still fairly weak and thus eventually sunk back down onto the sand. "I think I'll be alright," he said in a fine attempt at a reassuring voice, "I'm a little thirsty though... My throat feels dry. How long was I out here? Do you know?" The man's crashed ship, if it was indeed his ship, was lying on the beach only a few feet away. A whole in the side would permit entry into the decks if Lavender felt like exploring, but it was dark inside and she couldn't tell what might lay within. The island itself had a modest patch of greenery in the center, mostly beach grasses and palm trees as far as Lavender was able to tell, but there might be something more useful deeper within.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

"Thirsty? Hmmmm..." Lavender wondered aloud, looking around, until she looked back at the man with an innocent smile. "There's a whole load of water you could drink right there in the sea isn't there?" Having never really had to drink anything except sea water, Lavender didn't know the difference. It seemed tasty enough!

Her smile turned apologetic at the man's other question. "No... it's like I told you before. I just saw you and came to help.... but with how scruffy you're face is, maybe a few days?" The disguised mermaid offered helpfully. Sitting on her knees in front of the man, Lavender looked around curiously. "I'm wondering about you too. What's your name? Why'd you come to this little island all alone and so sick? You were dying..." Lavender opined with a concerned expression.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

The wounded man looked up incredulously at her for a moment after she suggested that he could drink the water from the sea, "I can't drink that! It's salt water! I'd grow delirious and die if I drank that! Are you daft lass?" He gazed up at her suspiciously as Lavender as she smiled apologetically to him, but slowly raised a hand to feel how his beard had grown. For a few moments, the strange man was lost in thought and didn't answer Lavender's questions.

His eyes suddenly snapped back to her as if he'd only just realized that she had spoken, and he rushed to say; "My name is Markus... Markus Cadacross. I was sailing as part of the crew of a privateer searching out pirate vessels.... I think there was a storm. Something happened, and our vessel sank... That ship isn't mine," he gestured toward the damaged, beached vessel with one hand before his eyes unfocused again. "I could have sworn... But... No..... That's impossible... Couldn't have been...." he mumbled quietly to himself.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

As Markus was lost in thought, Lavender looked down, starting to play with the sand in front of her. This human is sure strange. I wonder if all of them are like him? The mermaid wondered to herself until the man snapped back to life when her eyes gazed back up at him with a caring but somewhat distracted smile.

It was when he mentioned pirates that the curious mermaid's eyes lit up with wonder. "You were hunting pirates? Neato, what an adventure!" Lavender followed the man's gesture to the ship then looked back to him, nodding. As he continued, Lavender leaned forward until her hands were resting on her knees as she sat in the sand, eyes getting wider with curiosity as he went. She hang onto every word, relishing the mystery of the story. When Markus finally trailed off, Lavender burst out. "What's impossible? What happened?!?!"
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

The man looked at her weirdly at Lavender's proclamation, but initially said nothing. When questioned about what he'd been mumbling about, he hesitating for a moment before apparently deciding that she was crazy enough to hear whatever he might have to say, "My... Our ship was attacked by... Some sort of monster! A beast from the sea with tentacles as big around as a man's torso, ten of 'em at least. That's all I saw of it, I thought I was hallucinating when it attacked, but since I'm here.... It must have been real!"

Lavender, who had not only heard of but seen gigantic squid and octopi before, might not find this tale so strange, but the human lying on the beach before her certainly did. At the same time, she'd never heard of even the largest sea creatures going after human vessels, not even the ones that hunted and killed them like the whaling vessels that occasionally passed over the city of her birth.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Hearing Markus's exclamation, Lavender's eyes widened in concern. The mermaid gasped and clapped her soft hand over her lips. "Oh no!! That's awful... I wonder why it would attack you like that..." Lavender trailed off in wonder after her exclamation. The mermaid admitted to herself that squids and octopi weren't exactly the friendliest of sea creatures. Still, it was strange for them to be so aggressive. Then there was his wound too. "What about your stab wound too though? A tentacle couldn't have done that!"

"Anyways, you must be so thirsty, you poor thing. Let's find you a nice drink..." Lavender decided as she tried to stand up for the first time...ever. Being a mermaid, she'd never actually stood before, but it couldn't be that hard could it? Just kinda push with the legs and heave... The first time Lavender tried it, she dug her foot into the ground, starting to push with a great big thrust... before plopping back down on her butt. "Hmph!" The mermaid glanced to Markus with a light pink blush.

On her second try, she pulled what looked like a small, gleaming titanium pipe from her waist. Making sure to point it away from Markus, Lavender pressed a button and suddenly a large pole sprung out, forming a great big shiny trident. Schloop! Trident in hand, Lavender dug the pole into the ground, meaning to use it as a crutch to stand up. The mermaid got on her knees, wrapping her soft arms around the pole tightly. She tried again to stand, this time getting on both feet. Her feet dug into the sand and desperately struggled to get upright. Cmon cmon cmon... I can do it... almost... Not quite. She was almost there when the purple haired mermaid started stumbling forward again. Her feet struggled futilely, but it was no use. "Nooo!! EEP!" Lavender squeaked out in surprise as she tumbled forward with her trident and landed face first in the sand in a heap. The mermaid slowly pulled up her head and blew the sand from her lips in a pouty gesture. "Phooey." She muttered to herself. How did the humans do it?!
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

"My... What? Oh.... That was... An accident. When the ship was coming apart, and I fell off, into the water. Must have stuck myself on a piece of wood or something," Markus explained... Perhaps a little bit too quickly, though whether that mattered to Lavender or not was up to her. The wounded man watched her try to fumble to her feet for a moment blankly, showing a hint of amazement for a moment as she drew out her trident and extended it out to use as an aid towards getting to her feet. It after she plopped down onto her face on the sand, taking a bunch of it up her nose for her efforts, that he had apparently had enough of her antics.

Grunting in pain and effort for what should have been a simple act, Markus pulled himself up to a sitting position and then stumbled to his feet, ignoring any protests that Lavender might have made to his sudden action. "How did you get to this island?" he asked once he was on his feet, and then he stumbled about drunkenly for a moment before offering her his hands, "C'mon clumsy, on your feet!" If Lavender accepted, he would jerk her up to a standing position, but the effort of it would force the wounded man to lean on her lest he topple over again.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender had sat up on her haunches again and was wiping the sand and dirt from her face when Markus offered her his wobbly assistance. The mermaid looked up at him, blinking. This was sure a strange man, she thought to herself. He seemed nice enough though. Certainly not anything mean, diabolical, and scary like her fellow merfolk told her about. Lavender took Markus's hand, still holding her trident with her other hand, eeping softly as he jerked her upright. The mermaid wobbled unsteadily when Markus leaned against her, but she managed to stay on her feet with the help of her trident AKA walking stick. She could only imagine the faces of her shaman and warrior teachers at the use of her sacred weapon in such a way! Good thing they were tucked away in Adamantia.

When Lavender had steadied herself and Markus, she tilted her head toward him with an innocent smile. "I swam." The mermaid replied matter of factly. Lavender started moving them inland on the island slowly. She was deliberate, leaning into her trident each time, trying to get used ot this whole walking thing.

"C'mon let's find you some water without the salt and stuff!"
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

"Swam did ya? That must have been quite a feat of endurance. No wonder you're so tired that you can barely stand!" Markus replied jovially, and he actually seemed quite earnest. Placing an arm gently around her waist, he leaned slightly on her in a manner similar to the way in which she leaned on her trident, which he was careful to give a wide berth despite her current mundane use for it. They moved inland together, climbing slowly and awkwardly up the side of a sand dune that thankfully wasn't too steep, and entered into a thin stand of trees that at least got them out of the sun.

As they walked through the thin, scrably brush that coated much of the sandy island, Markus pointed towards a stand of trees that looked slightly different from the palm trees that covered most of the island and said; "Head towards the center of the island, over there, not all of those trees can live off of salt water." As the slowly made their way in that direction, Markus suddenly tensed and put a bit of pressure on Lavender's shoulder, trying to get her to stop just as they were about to step into a clearing in the trees and brush. "Quicksand! There are no plants in this part of the island, there must be a sinkhole under there, no telling how deep it goes. Don't want to fall into that, we'd both suffocate! C'mon, lets go around it."

A few moments later, they arrived at the center of the stand of trees to find a small pool of crystal clear water, which Markus knelt next to and dipped one cupped hand into immediately. Raising it up to his mouth, he paused to sniff at it before sucking the liquid greedily into his mouth. After another brief pause, he bent down and started shoveling the water into his mouth, drinking as much as he could as quickly as he could. Markus kept at this for a full minute without stopping before he pulled back with a sigh, apparently sated for the moment. He turned towards Lavender to say something, but before he could get a word out there came a soft, feminine giggle from all around the two of them. Markus looked alarmed, and called out; "Who's there?" The same soft, feminine voice answered only in a laugh, though this time it was richer and heartier. "We ought to get away from here Lavender!" he whispered urgently to her while his eyes scanned the trees around them.
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender smiled innocently and shrugged in reply to Markus's compliment of her endurance. As they trudged through the sand on her new wimpy human legs, Lavender began to realize what he meant though. It must be really hard to swim with these puny things! The mermaid seemed to be having just as much trouble with the climb as Markus, but she managed to get up the hill without falling.

The mermaid was following Markus's directions, trying to balance focusing on not falling with admiring the scenery she'd never seen before. That is until Markus pointed out the quicksand and the sinkhole. Lavender looked horrified. Sand that pulls you in just like water? How awful! The mermaid steered clear of the apparent sandy maelstrom, still looking over at it in horror as they made their way around until they finally made it to the fountain like pool. "Ohhh there's your drink!" Lavender exclaimed just as Markus had took off toward it to slurp it up with his hands.

Lavender was watching Markus drink the water curiously when the sudden giggle startled her. It sent a cold shiver down her spine, and she looked around worriedly. When the feminine voice started laughing, Lavender frowned though. Lavender thumped the shaft of her trident into the sand, looking around nervously. "Hey what's so funny huh?? He's just thirsty!" Lavender managed to squeak out nervously as she held her ground. Who did this girl think she was to just laugh at him like that anyway?
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

More soft laughter came from their surroundings, growing steadily closer as Markus scrambled around in a circle in search of the source of the sound. "Show yourself!" the man said as he scrambled to his feet, standing in front of Lavender and allowing his back to face the small pool. Whoever was doing the laughing didn't answer, but the soft giggling was most definitely getting closer by the second, and as it got closer the voice split into three separate entities that seemed to be coming toward the Lavender and Markus in a spiral pattern.

Lavender could feel Markus tense beside her just as the laughter stopped at the edge of the clearing, and Lavender saw the bushes shaking out of the corner of her eye, but wherever she turned to look there was nothing but the thin vegetation of the island and the endless sea lying beyond it. Markus, however, turned out to be more perceptive than she. The voices circled around them for a moment, but suddenly Markus grabbed Lavender's trident and yanked it out of her grasp. He lunged at one of the trees, pointing the three tips at the base of the tree as a woman materialized there.

"So... What's so funny?" Markus said in a low voice while the astonished woman gazed up at him, her hands raised beside her head in a gesture of submission. It was difficult to tell given that she was sitting down, her back tight against the trunk of the palm tree while her legs splayed out in front of her, but she looked to be a bit shorter than Lavender and with a fairly curvy physique, to the point that she was almost pudgy. Her skin was tanned fairly dark, her hair was a light green color that matched the leaves of the palm trees perfectly, and was cut fairly short despite how wavy it was. She wore a one piece dress that only came halfway up her thighs, its color matching that of her hair. "Uhm.... Nothing!" the woman squeaked fearfully, but two more voices giggled around them once again, one from the spring and one from just behind Lavender.

Whether she was still on her feet or had fallen to the ground with the loss of her trident's support, Lavender would suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around her, a pair of soft breasts pressing against her back and warm breath passing over the back of her neck as someone suddenly nuzzled her affectionately. "He's no fun at all~ Are you as boring as he is sweety?" said the woman behind her, and if she turned Lavender would find a woman with pure white hair and skin pressed against her back, her chin resting lightly on the mermaid's shoulder and ruby red lips mere inches from Lavender's. A third voice suddenly spoke up from the pool of water, and a lithe woman with blue hair and creamy skin was to be found standing in it, completely naked and frowning at Markus's back. Her nudity distracted Lavender momentarily from the fact that she was standing on the surface of the water, touching it but not sinking in.

"While I understand that our entrance was not as well received as we might have liked, could you please not point that at my sister? It's not yours anyway!" the woman standing on the spring said, to which Markus scoffed, "And why should I do that? What promise do I have that one of you three won't try something funny?" The woman who he was pointing Lavender's trident at smiled nervously, "I, uhm... I swear I won't do anything! I was just trying to have a little fun!" Markus continued to scowl grimly, but when the blue-haired woman added, "I allowed you drink some of my water without asking anything of you in return! We aren't going to hurt you, now will you please let my sister up!" he grunted softly and raised the trident away from her.

"Fair enough." Turning aside, he offered Lavender back her trident without making any apology for taking it or leaving her to fall if she had done so.
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Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

When Lavender had stood up for Markus, she didn't have any pretense of being brave. As the laughter increased and swirled all around the mermaid, she cringed, pressing her body closer to her trident, looking back and forth nervously. "Okay, okay laugh if you want just don't hurt me.." Lavender started to whisper meekly when Markus suddenly snatched her trident. The movement caught her by surprise, knocking her onto her heels. "Who-Whoa!" she cried out, waving her arms frantically as she fell onto her butt. "Ooof..."

Her purple eyes widened at the sight of the green haired girl sitting by the tree. No time to pout; there was new sights to see! Lavender watched curiously, wondering who this girl was and why she was living on this little island. The mermaid started to shuffle on the ground, trying to get up to get a better look... until the pair of arms wrapped around her out of a sudden. "EEP~!" Lavender squeaked out in surprise. She turned her head slowly and blushed a light shade of pink when she saw the pale girl's lips so close to her's. "I... ummm... no? I'm not... I mean... he's just... hasn't anyone ever told you it's not nice to be so... ... startley?"

When Lavender noticed the blue haired one on the water, she got distracted again, first by her body which was very much naked but then more and more by her feet that were just resting on top of the water like laurels. The mermaid looked back at the pale one then back to the blue one. She found that even though the pale one frightened her, the way she held her in her arms, made her relax a little. She didn't seem to be harmful at least.

"Sorry we didn't mean to take from your pool. I mean if we knew it was your's. I thought it was just a pool... a umm.. nice looking pool. A very nice looking, sparkly and blue pool. Very blue... and very naked... Anyway... I'm Lavender." Lavender couldn't help but look at the blue one's feet again. "How are you.. doing... that?"
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine

The woman that had appeared behind Lavender laughed lightly at the startled mermaid's stuttered question. "But where's the fun in that? The look on your face is so cute! I could just kiss you right now~" she said, and from the way that she leaned forward, her lips nearly brushing against Lavender's, it was clear that the pale woman would be happy to do just that if she wasn't careful. Every time that Lavender turned toward her, the woman behind her would hug her a little bit more tightly and slowly begin creeping her mouth closer to Lavender's, her lips parting slowly if Lavender let her get too close...

The woman standing on the water smirked at Lavender, not a hint of shame on her face when the mermaid pointed out her nudity. She leaned forward and arched her back slightly, clasped her hands behind her, and thus emphasizing her curves. Briefly turning from Markus after he removed the trident from the tanned woman's throat, she said; "Oh don't fret over it dear! The water is here for all to drink, not just to be pretty! Even if your friend there did turn out to lack any sense of humor or even the basest of manners, I won't begrudge him a drink."

She opened her mouth to answer Lavender's question, but Markus beat her to the punch; "She's a water nymph, that's how she's standing on the water like that. The other two are likely earth and air nymphs, and I'm betting all three of them are tied to this island." The woman with blue hair, labelled a water nymph, nodded and smiled, "That's right~ I felt you coming when you were still a ways away from here and made sure that you made it to this island before a shark or a squid got you." Turning to Lavender, she explained; "I am a fairy, a spirit of nature as you might say, and as my particular element is water, I can exert some control over it. Watch!" She lifted both hands, her fingers all pointed downwards, and jets of water rose up from the pool until they reached her palms. She wiggled her fingers, and the water falling from her fingers slowed its descent and began to twirl around the jets that still fired up at her hands.

Markus watched the grinning water nymph's display with a conflicted expression on his face, and if Lavender for some reason opted to pay attention to him over the nude fairy's water trick she would note that his eyes were wavering from her face at times. A part of him was very clearly impressed on some level by the woman's magic, while another part was resisting the first quite resolutely out of sheer contrariness, and that was allowing a third part, one perhaps not necessarily located in his brain to take a bit more control than the disciplined man might normally allow it. "Very impressive," he said, and then turned back to the tanned woman and offered her a hand up, which she hesitantly took. He pulled her to her feet, and then released her and turned to Lavender without a glance back, causing the green haired nymph to pout just a little bit.

Moving over to Lavender, he offered her a hand while the other kept a hold of her trident, "You're holding my friend a little tightly there.... Mind letting her go so that she can get back onto her feet?" The white haired woman glared up at Markus defensively, "Oh she's quite fine where she is!" She turned to Lavender, "Isn't that right sweety? You're quite comfy right here in my arms, right?" She gave Lavender's belly a light rub and smiled charmingly at her while her other arm tightened just slightly around the beleaguered mermaid. The water nymph, seeing that her trick was likely being ignored at this point, put a stop to it and added; "She looked quite comfortable from where I was standing!"

The girl with green hair rolled her eyes and exclaimed; "You two are such horndogs! Honestly! She just got here and you're already trying to pounce on her!" In return, the woman holding onto Lavender lightly snapped back; "Oh like you'd be doing any differently with him if he hadn't pointed something a bit sharper at you than you're used to!" She gestured towards Markus, and the nymph to whom she was speaking blushed slightly and didn't refute the claim. "Charming...." Markus said sardonically, and then shifted his hand invitingly, "Lavender."
Re: Strange Tidings (Ranger Princess)

Lavender felt safe and warm in the air nymph's arms, but still she felt herself leaning her head back and to the side just slightly. She was like... breathing on her! She tilted her head to the side, smiling curiously as Markus bantered with the water nymph, her light purple hair brushing on the air nymph as she turned. She felt herself drawn to the water one, maybe because her element was water, something Lavender was so connected with - or because she seemed so very regal and smart ... or maybe just because her hair was so very blue.

The mermaid watched as the water nymph did her water magic display. She smiled happily and clapped. "Wow! That's really cool!" Lavender could have mentioned that she could do the same thing herself, but she kept that particular information to herself for now. Besides, Lavender liked to make people feel special.

Smiling apologetically to the air nymph as she took Markus's hand, Lavender tried to reassure her. "You're really nice! ...but we only just met." After Markus had pulled her up, Lavender yoinked back her trident and used it to help hold herself up on her own. She continued, her cheeks rosy with blush. "I'd like to get to know everyone, but I don't even have your names yet..."

Then a bit later after the nymphs had replied, Lavender walked over to the blue one. "You said you could feel what's going on in the water?" Then she didn't speak it outloud, but she spoke telepathically in the water nymph's mind. <Do you know why the squids attacked his boat? Usually they just keep to themselves... They are ugly and big grumpy grumps, but they don't usually bother people...>

Telepathy to water nymph: 2 EP
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