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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan continues to slash at the monster, but it seems to handle her untrained attacks quite comfortably. Deflecting her sword yet again, the creature lunges wit a crushing blow...

But Susan sidesteps it and the staff creates a terrific splash in the shallows of the river. Then with a sudden whoosh of burning heat, Tess brings her torch down onto the creature's scaly hide, and the thing emits a loud hiss and covers its eyes.

Susan notes that the Troglodyte seems to dislike the bright light! It cringes away into deeper, faster water, trying to get away from the flame.

Trog 4/5
Susan 5/5
Tess 3/3
Re: Susan (plmnko)

( -_- im starting to hate this monster)

The constants fail attacks were making a gap in the self-esteem of Susan, she cant believe than her desperation was so great than she expected a moments later than this creature could stand her attempt to make him escape.

This battle probably could have last a long time until someone could not resist more and fall for tiredness of course Susan will be that one. Then Tess join the battle with the light of the torch she offered new hope to hr partner.

Susan saw how the light affect her foe "His eyes cant resist the light!" nearly shout with a satisfaction, making notice it be Tess. The swordgirl see a open just when Trog use his hand to cover his sensitive eyes and sand a surprise attack once again but trying to don't be noticed as she make a jump (in case than Trog have escaped to the river) to try to avoid make noise when she enter in the water making an slash in the body of the Troglodyte, then after recover her balance she try to avoid the counter of the beast once again.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The creature falls back where the current begins to quicken, and Susan follows it with a tremendous leap, bringing her sword across the thing's chest in a vicious arc, splitting its scales and drawing out a screech of pain that echoes down the river's cavern.

The creature flails wildly, but blinded as it currently is, it misses Susan by a wide margin.

The creature backs into the river to where it is up to its waist in water. It seems to have momentarily recovered its sight, but it is angered by the blood drawn from Susan's blade.

It stands defensively, waiting for the swordswoman to wade further into the river to confront it. Tess holds back, uncertain whether to slosh out and approach it, or use this opportunity to get back to the dry rocks and continue on.

Trog 3/5
Susan 5/5
Tess 3/3
Re: Susan (plmnko)

With a sigh of relief Susan saw the badly wound of Trog as she try to don't loss the balance by the current, with her feet's firmly resisting the water she looks her options pass in a instant through her mind.

"lets retreat to the road for the moment Tess. but, don't take out your guard"
Say the swordswoman as she return with caution without apart the sight of her reptilian foe,as prepared a sudden attack in case he still want to continue the fight.

The running water was so fast and something could go wrong if she pursue him in his advantage terrain.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Backing away slowly and being sure to keep her footing, Susan soon made it back to the dry rock where Tess had gathered herself, still holding her torch tightly in front of her with both hands, her chest heaving from the adrenaline of being in a fight against such a wicked creature.

For its part, the troglodyte hissed at them, then, clutching its wounded chest and perhaps thinking better of its chances against the two women, it dove beneath the waves of the river and swam at a rapid speed into the darkness.

Susan finds that the kicking and splashing of the water has soaked her clothes, and they cling to her body and show off her physique in the torchlight. Tess seems to be staring at her chest, but quickly looks away when she sees that Susan has noticed her.

"That was frightening..." she said, still panting. "I'm glad you were there, I could never stand up to one of those things. But what if it goes and tells its friends about us? We'd better hurry if we don't want to get caught!"

The river continues on into the darkness, sloping slightly downwards. After several more minutes of walking, a passageway appears on their left, sloping upwards. There is a strange smell coming from it, partly sweet, yet also there is the stench of mold, corrupting it. They could take this new passageway upwards, or continue to follow the river, which seems to be widening ahead, with the dry edges along it narrowing.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan looks pleased as she saw how the troglodite decide to escape, the adrenaline of the fight have hidden the feeling of the cold water.Some steeps later she reach the place were her friend was. Just then she saw how Tess was looking at her now nearly transparent clothes, quickly she turn to the other side "It was a team work, we need to help each other to get out of here. Also yes, you are right Tess, we need to get out of here now, but before that give me a secont to take a little of this water off my skirt". Susan after check than the archer was not looking,the swordwoma take out her wet skirt revealing a nearly transparent wet plain white panty, she squeeze her clothes as the water left her red skirt. She put on her the skirt still wet and then proceed to move. "Done, please give the torch, i will go first just in case than something appear also, im starting to lost heat"

Both continue her road as Susan still feel how Tess still look at her, "why I'm so ashamed is just only an NPC and wath is my goal in this game?" Susan think to herself as she note an smell from another passage.

"Lets take this road" say the swordswoman as she point the a passageway than appears on her left "probably the lizardman will wait us below the river".As she enter there some kind of smell invade the area, her sweat scent make her believe than there could be some kind of flore." It smell good here, maybe is an exit" She said to the girl behind her.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess handed the torch to Susan and followed behind her as they moved away from the river and up into the strange smelling passage way.

As the moved upwards the smells became more intense, both sweeter and moldier. Patches of wild fungi started to become commonplace along the floor, and then Susan became aware of a green glow becoming stronger from further down the corridor, around a sharp bend to the right.

Rounding the bend, Susan was surprised to see that the walls here were lined with strange glowing green veins of gemstone ore. The glow lit the large chamber beyond naturally, making the torch unnecessary to see.

Giant mushrooms, as large as Susan was tall, grew in the chamber, and in between them there was a sweet smelling moss covering the walls and dripping ceiling. The way appeared clear at first but a sudden shuffling sound made Susan stop in her tracks and peer carefully around the room. Nothing presented itself to her, but she was certain she had heard something.

Directly across the chamber there was an opening in the cavern wall that led further up.

"Something about this place feels wrong, and the smell is very powerful..." Tess said from behind Susan. "Maybe... maybe we should turn back?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan walks through the weird road, every wonder invite her to go more inside as she ask herself what could make this kind of smell.

She nearly try to take some green stones as presents, she avoid to touch the gigant mushrooms she have learned than they sometimes throw dangerous spores when someone touch then all that thanks to some discovery channel programs than she have saw, the same goes for the moss. As she ask herself if this kind of things really are in the real word.

Then a sound make her stop "it must be a monster"the doubt to continue increased as she heard the opinion of her partner. "This smell and the fact than we haven't saw any creature make me think than we will find a stronger monster, but we could find the exit too. Lets just walk a little,if we dont see any light from outside after a minute we go back, don't worry i will defeat any monster." Say the swordswoman to Tess, she always have try to resolve any mystery of the games than she play, like that time when she played a classic Internet game named "Demon girl" until find a bug than let you reach always 700000 easily if you master it.

First Susan with caution look around the zone in case than any monster was hidden, then she will use the smoke of the torch to try to find an air draught than could say her if she will find an exit if she follow this path. But if all of this fail she will just give up and return to the river path
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Observing the drift of the smoke from her torch in the green gloom, Susan has difficulty determining if there is any exit to this place at all. It seems to drift in both directions as far as she can tell - which is not well at all.

As the pair continue to tread across the damp cave floor, there is another shuffling sound, followed by a low hiss...

The two women see in the dark, three small masses of tentacles slither out from among the mushrooms.

"Oh no, not again... no more..." Tess begins to moan at the sight of the tentacles, her hands instinctively moving down to her belly.

The sweet smell seems to be getting more intense, and a warmness begins to spread through Susan's body, and she finds herself becoming aroused for no good reason.

Tentacle A 2/2
Tentacle B 2/2
Tentacle C 2/2
Susan 5/5, AP 1
Tess 3/3, AP 1
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Disappointed after saw that she was loosing her time, Susan decide to proceed the tread across the damp cave floor, it was all going well and a little boring although the smell start to get stronger as they continue.

Just then some weirds sounds appear and both saw how a great quantity of tentacle appear. In a instant Susan give the torch to tess "forget all your fears and fight them, that's the only way to avoid being raped by them"

The swordswoman start to get aroused without motive as she start to strike the mass of tentacle more close as she try the tactic to maintain her distance. "Could be than i want to see her raped again?" think Susan as she try to don't remember how she meet her partner
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Sensing that Susan is the larger threat, two of the the tentacles (A and B) swerve over to the swordswoman just as she finishes handing the torch back to Tess.

Susan fights defensively and scores a hit on one of the tentacles while warding off the other. But the wounded tentacle also manages to slap Susan against her hip hard on one side, leaving a trail of dissolving slime as it passes and grabs a hold of her leg, grappling her successfully.

The third tentacle bunch eludes a frightened and unskilled swing of the torch by Tess and bowls her over as it wraps itself around her, tearing at her simple garbs. Tess screams and begins to flail.

Both girls continue to get a growing sense of arousal, but they don't know how to explain it!

Tentacle A 1/2
"" B 2/2
""C 2/2

Susan 4/5, AP 2, status: entangled, -2 to attacks
Tess 2/3, AP 2, status: entangled, -2 to attacks
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan get surprised by the speed of the tentacles as she try her best to evade and attack at the same time. Unfortunately for her she is not skilled enough to don't get graped by one of them as her arousal start to affect her more.

"No, Tess resist. until i take care of these 2, please." Susan try to cut the tentacle than was graping her leg as the slime substance start to make her job.

(escape and tactical evasion )
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan is dismayed as the tentacle coils tightly around her and trips her to the floor before she can make good her escape. The second tentacle tries to take advantage of the situation but Susan has the good sense to ward it off with a flurry of her sword. The tentacle that is at her legs however rips violently at her clothing and she feels her panties torn asunder, leaving her rapidly moistening cunny exposed to the dripping tendrils.

For her part, Tess slams her torch into the tentacle assaulting her and lights the thing partially on fire, causing it to screech and writhe on the ground, letting go of her.

Susan notices that the feeling of arousal is steadily increasing and showing no signs of stopping. She has yet to take the opportunity to discover its source, but she is a little busy with other things afterall...

Tent A 1/2 (currently grappling Susan)
Tent B 2/2
Tent C 1/2

Susan 3/5, AP 3, status: entangled, about to be fucked, -2 to attacks.
Tess 2/3, AP 3
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"How dare you, they were new!You will pay for that with your live". As the fight go on Susan try to let for later the search of the source of this scent, it was not normal to her to feel so aroused.

Trying to free herself as to tie the battle, the swordswoman sand a blow to the core of the mass of tentacles
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan struggles are to no avail as the second tentacle suddenly dives on her in a moment when her attention is on the beast preparing to penetrate her.

With a *WHUMP!* the mass of tentacles clatters into her arm, sending her sword flying and then falling and coiling tightly around her shoulders, breasts and face with breath taking speed and force! ((critical hit!))

This sudden assault leave Susan helpless for the final blow to her strength, as she feels the head of the first tentacle stab and push deep inside her, stretching her insides mercilessly as it begins to fuck her into submission. Susan can do nothing but yelp and groan in horror as the two beasts begin to work her over, and her upper clothes are quickly disolved and ripped apart. The tentacles wrap around her enormous breasts and squeeze them tightly, two tentacle heads opening up slightly at their tips and pinching and sucking her now fully erect nipples. The pleasure from the surrounding air continued to envelop her, making her react pleasantly and lewdly to the advances of the tentacles. When a slimy tendril dripping with precum smeared against her mouth, she opened her lips gladly, driven by instinct and need to take the thing into her mouth. Below her, as she was pounded hard and without pause in her dripping honeypot, a third tendril made its way to her back entrance, determined to taste her dirty hole as well.

Meanwhile Tess, in a fit of strength fueled by trauma and fear, beat down the flaming tentacle with her torch until the thing stopped twitching. Then turning to see what was happening to Susan, the red haired archer's eyes went wide and her hand slipped beneath the tattered remnants of her clothes to touch her fingers against her own moistened slit, her eyes locked on Susan's bucking form and her own arousal clearly spiraling out of control.

Tent A 1/2 (fucking Susan in the pussy and ass)
Tent B 2/2 (fucking Susan in the mouth and suckling her breasts)
Tent C 0/2 (toasted, roasted, and burnt to a crisp)

Susan 0/5, AP 4, status: being fucked silly, out of the fight
Tess 2/3, AP 4, status: masturbating to Susan being raped
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The final of the fight was so sudden for the poor Susan as she saw how her weapon fly until disappear in the distance. "No go away... Noooo" She feels how both mass start to rape her completely as one of them penetrate her merciless sending waves of pain and pleasure than start to combine with the arousal from the scent. "Please, stop i don't want to be preg..." a tentacle stop her to finish her sentence and then she feels how they squeeze and suck her breasts just then she start the really have panic. "I don't want to lactate... i don't want than my... breast grow more, i was a B cup...please save me.. Tess... aaahhh.""

The time passed and she lost herself to the pleasure she make more lewd moans and her face show how she have forget the pregnancy and the possible permanent damage to her avatar. Without thinking she accept with delight the tentacle in her mouth and her rear as she start to use her tongue to take the now for her delicious fluid. Some Part of her was waiting for Tess to get ride of all these monster, how disappointed she will be if she could saw how her friend was using her to masturbate herself
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess seems to be fighting an internal battle with herself, struggling to hold the torch aloft with one hand while grinding into herself with the other. Her eyes flit around and finally land on a large mushroom releasing a steady stream of spores into the air. Wrenching herself up off her knees, Tess staggered to the humongous fungus and attempted to light it on fire.

Immediately the mushroom popped upwards from the ground and stopped releasing spores. A feminine squeak came from it, and a female form, colored a milky white like the stem of a mushroom, with a large green cap flopping on its head like a wide hat, ran away from Tess' torch, shuffling quickly away on its two feet towards the exit.

Dumbstruck, Tess just stared after it...

Meanwhile the tentacles were continuing to stuff Susan to her breaking point. The third tendril had entered her ass as roughly as the first and punished her pussy, and now the two were rubbing against each other through the linings inside Susan. A fourth, smaller tentacle head teased and rubbed at Susan's swollen clit while several others smeared slime against her belly in an almost caressing circular pattern. The sucker tentacles at her teats continued to tug, and suddenly Susan was aware of a pinching sensation at each sensative nipple as they were pierced at the tip by what might have been a very thin tooth.

Her cry of pain was mixed with completely overwhelming pleasure, muffled by the pumping tentacle insider her throat.

After a few more moments, Susan felt the tentacle rubbing against her tongue swell, and saw a large surge running up its length, as though a blockage in a hose was rocketing towards her.

With a gushing torrent, she felt hot gooey cum fill her mouth to the brim and coat the back of her throat. Moments later, she felt similar sensations below as both her cunt and anus were filled with the sticky cream. The tentacles, having dumped their loads in her withdrew and made way for a second team of tentacles, which penetrated her in each hole again and began the pistoning process anew.

The sucker tentacles pinched her again, and Susan felt a warmness spread through her breasts, interspersed with sharp spasms of pleasure, causing the mammary glands to jiggle and shudder.

tent A 1/2, fucking Susan below for the second time
tent B 2/2, facefucking Susan and doing strange things to her breasts

Susan 0/5, AP 5, status: being rendered into a cum dumpster
Tess 2/3, AP 4, status: very horny, startled by living mushroom, will soon help.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The pleasure continue for the young warrior as she feels how more tentacles enter through her warm holes, she move her body harmonize the move of her hips with the rhythm of the creatures as she only wish to have more space for them. She feels how the unlucky ones press her body and soaking her full body with his scent and then she feels a pair of pinchs in her nipples, the pain just make her increase her pleasure and she cry in extasis,

She Reach another orgasm at the same time as all the tentacles fill her with cum and left her drown by the great quantity "More...cum, please fu..." her request was sated as another monsters take the please of the first group as she expect the same pleasure they surprise her when another pair of tentacles pinch her breasts and instantly her body start to an amazing feeling in her bust than never have feeling before.

As a way to say thanks her body instinctly use her arms and legs to stroke some of them, the speed of the moves of her hips increase as her holes are ready to give more space to others tendrils and her mouth and tongle make her best to make them come and drink more of the cum of the beasts.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess ran up to the tentacles, but she was clenching her legs tight together when she arrived, and a slickness was running down the inside of her thighs.

"hannh.... I'm here, Susan!" she said, raising the torch above her head. Her approach had been too obvious, such that even Susan in the midst of her bliss had noticed her. The tentacle mass that had been throat fucking the swordswoman lay in wait until the final moment, then with a sudden twist and a lash, the torch was struck out of Tess' hand and a follow up strike ripped across her bodice, tearing her top completely away.

"EEEeek!" Tess yelped in surprise. Then the tentacle followed its counter strike with an attack of its own, pinning Tess' arms completely behind her back and coiling around her large breasts tightly, forcing some dribbles of milk to trickle out.

The tentacles followed this strike by hoisting Tess off her feet and ripping a hole in the crotch of her pants and panties. With a groan and a whimper, Tess' shoulder's slumped in fatigue and defeat. Her feet were spread wide by her ankles, and the tentacle that had just finished cumming into Susan's mouth slide easily into Tess' wet cunny, schlicking and sloshing noisily as the tentacles pulled her up and down on the tentacle's rigid, throbbing head.

Susan shut her eyes and realized that they had been completely defeated.

After ten minutes of continual fucking and cumming, more tentacles began to be attracted to the pair. Along with the standard tentacles that came to simply fuck a random hole and then dump their cum inside, there were also several larger pinkish tentacles that waited patiently for their turn at each girl's pussy. When their time comes, the pink tentacles enter the girls and grind heavily, coating their insides in a sweet smelling syrupy coating. The smell is vaguely familiar to Susan and she believes she smelled it in the room where she had rescued Tess.

After depositing the syrupy goop, the pink tentacles begin to convulse at their far ends, and Susan can see six to seven large bulges slowly make their way up the pink tentacle towards her womb. Looking desperately over at Tess, she sees the redhead look dully back at her with a semi-glazed look in her eyes, nodding to her dumbly and muttering a "Mmmhhmmm..." through the tentacle currently fucking her mouth.

Susan winces as her pussy stretches wide as the first lump enters her, feeling like the weight of a large rock and squishy like a wet sponge ball. She feels her womb stretch as the lump is depositesd inside her and her belly begins to stretch. Then the second lump arrives, followed swiftly by a third.

Tears stream down Susan's cheeks as she is pushed beyond her limits, thinking that surely these things must be about to tear her apart. She is amazed when the seventh lump jams its way into her and the pink tentacle withdraws from her snatch, leaving her filled to the brim.

Her breath came in ragged shudders as the final tentacles came in her mouth and ass, and then left her, binding her against the mossy wall of the chamber with their bodies, slithering about her waiting for the birth....
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan lay there close to Tess completely tired after been used for a unknown quantity of tentacles.They were pinching and playing with her breast as others playing with her body and sending the spunk to any available hole, as they make her reach the point were nothing more could go inside the poor body of the swordswoman, as they saw this they start to cover her entire body with the smelly cum. They leave them there alone as the body of both victim girls start to drop something of the cum from their holes.

Her body was completely covered by her sweat and the substances of these creatures. Between low moans and sighs she with her glazed vision try look to her partner, her breath increase after see the state of the once again extremely fully distended belly of the little girl, as she realized than she have the same state as her she start to sob, she need all her strength left to try to touch her belly as tears once again come out after know than both of them will give birth to more of these monsters, filling the dungeon as they wait for younger females to impregnate them, even they could be the victims of the things than were growing in theirs wombs. Her hand reach the height enough to her now distended bally she accidentally brush her breast, instantly she feels the new sensibility of her nipple as this make her shake lowly, instantly the pain of her belly make her stop to feel pleasure.

There was both girls has her bodies reflect the bright green light of the gemstones. "This is just a game...this is a game" think Susan as she try to take the hand of Tess and comfort to know than at least someone was at her side even if that person was a AI. She try to calm herself trying to recover her breath as her air capacity was reduced by her pregnant state and her breast, she was to busy to see if they grow bigger as she remember her rations.

"I just need to take my bag" a thought come to her mind, she look around trying to find it and to know if there are still monsters. If they were alone she will try to stand up and collect their things than still could use, of course these attempts will be futile as she could not raise her new weight with the little strength than she have how, As she pray than they don't get spot by another creature
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