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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Upon entering the cavern with her sword drawn and ready to fight if need be, Susan saw it was quite dark, though there were torches every ten to fifteen feet or so to light the way, while allowing her ample darkness to sneak up on someone should she find them. She amazingly didn't bump into any more traps or people thankfully. A little ways in she found herself at a crossroads, there was a fork in the tunnel going left and right. This would likely only increase her worry for the noble girl as she now had to make a decision that could end up being wrong and costing the poor girl her virginity if she still had it, or possibly even her life.

The right path looked better lit as it descended down and she wasn't sure but she thought she could make out the moaning she kept hearing coming from down there, it also had what smelled like lots of sex and sweat drifting up from it. The left path was much darker and barely had enough light to see by as it ascended upwards some, it had a very foul smell drifting down from it and she couldn't hear much coming from up there at the moment, but that didn't mean there was nobody up there of course. Upon closer inspection of the area around the fork, Susan saw there were footsteps leading up the left path, and down the right path, though the right path looked the more traveled at the moment.

Thankies. :)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With the torches's light Susan could get inside faster, her eyes work harder to find any possible trap, but fortunately she had a complete free path. However her luck looks to end, as she must decide a very important choice where the noble girl is in bet.

The swordswoman girl check both paths as her right hand play a little with her silver hand to calm herself. The girm whimper softly and decide to take the right path, not doubt than there could be a monster or the kidnapers having some fun with a girl, the worse could be than this unknown woman is just someone else, but the left path just feels to be unused.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

After taking a minute or so to make her decision on which direction to go after coming to the fork, Susan ended up choosing the right path as she quietly continued onwards, hoping that she would find the girl she was searching for soon. As she slowly and carefully made her way down the right tunnel, Susan heard the moaning sounds getting clearer the closer she got, indicating she was about to run into someone, or something. She could now make out that it was a female, and it sounded more like moans of pain rather than pleasure now that she could hear it better, and Susan could also faintly hear what sounded like a whip cracking, and every time she heard it crack, she heard a muffled moan of pain again.

She hurriedly moved on and quickly made her way into an open area, it was a big rounded room with a few large pillars that she could use as cover, and she could also see another passageway the led further down on the far side of the room as she moved in as well. Moving in behind one of the pillars, she looked around it to see several cells and manacles set around the walls to hold prisoners. She saw seven different girls being held, each in cells, three catgirls were in three different cells, one quite young looking elf girl that didn't look any older than thirteen or fourteen was in the same cell as an angel girl, and two human girls were both in their own cell together right next to the one the angel girl and young elf girl were in. There was also a succubus in a set of the manacles against the wall, she looked like she had a few cuts, bruises, and whip marks on her as she hang limply from the wall, she looked exhausted and practically broken from her ordeal though Susan could tell her naughty juices were slowly leaking down her inner thighs despite what had been done to her, and she looked like she'd been raped... and lastly she saw a wolf girl that was in the center of the room, hanging by her wrists from some manacles hanging from the ceiling, she was limp and looked to have been beaten quite badly as fresh blood dripped to the floor from the whip marks on her back and butt, and she looked all but completely broken from what had been done to her.

(Stealth check passed)

When she looked a little closer, Susan would see the wolf girl had tears silently streaming down her cheeks and dripping to the floor to mix with her blood. She'd also notice that all of these girls were completely naked, save for the slave like collars around their necks. There were two men standing in the room as well, one right behind the wolf girl holding a whip in one hand, and a riding crop in the other, he seemed to be alternating between the two weapons. The other man was sitting in a chair near Susan's position and had a longsword laying across his lap just watching what was going on, apparently not fazed any by what was going on as if he'd witnessed it before. Susan had the drop on the men, as they didn't seem to have noticed her as of yet.

Susan saw the the elf girl was facing away from the two men and the wolf girl while the snowy white haired angel girl held her in her lap as she held the young elf girl's head to her chest, using one hand and soothingly stroking her hair long brown hair while using her other to cover her ear that wasn't against her chest so she didn't hear what all was going on. The angel girl also looked like she had a few cuts and bruises on her as she sat there with her wings wrapped around the elf girl. The two brunette haired human girls neither one seemed to have any wounds on them yet as they hugged each other and cried silently in each others arms, fearing that was going to happen to them next most likely.

One of the three catgirls, this one with blonde hair, was asleep, likely having been knocked out because Susan could see cuts and bruises on her as well and her hands were bound behind her back. The second one, which had black hair, was staring daggers at the man behind the wolf girl and had a look on her face that told Susan if she wasn't in her cell she'd have already rushed and attacked him, not caring if he had weapons or not. The third cat girl, which had dark red hair, looked terrified at what was going on in front of her and looked like she was barely sixteen years old, she had tears running down her cheeks and was in the back of her cell trying to hide her face and ears so she didn't have to see or hear what was going on.

"Alright bitch, ready to submit completely? It'll save you a whole lot more pain and suffering in the long run you know," the man right behind the wolf girl said to the poor beaten and battered wolf girl as he pulled the gag she had in her mouth out for a moment to let her speak.

"Fu... fuck off... bastard," the wolf girl replied, spitting a small mouthful of blood out at him where it landed on his cheek after he'd walked in front of her.

"Ugh... fucking stupid dog, this is for spitting on me," the guy said, backhanding her right across the face, forcing a cry of pain from her lips because he hadn't put the gag back in yet, but after he wiped his face he began gagging her again while the other man that was sitting in the chair near her laughed at him.

Susan would be able to see that the angel girl seemed to have noticed her while she held and tried to soothe the young elf girl and was giving her a pleading look, as if saying please help us get out of this horrible place. The angel girl looked from Susan to the gate of her cell, then to the cell door of the black haired neko, then back to Susan.

Holy shit man, sorry about this update being so long but I just started writing and this is how it came out. Hope you like the fact that you're actually getting to fight now, because this is an unavoidable battle just so you know. I've tried to give Susan many different options she can take as well, I'll also give you better descriptions for each of the girls in the room if you want so just let me know if you'd like to know.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The painful moans only increased Susan speed, she soon start to fear the worse, as maybe these thieves were torturing the noble or something worse to have some fun. Even then she stay stealthy and get close with caution, she just was not expecting this, they were more likely slavers than normal thieves, just looking to the wounds of those poor girls was enough to make Susan forget her fears to wound other human and prepare for the battle, the torture wolf girl looks to have them busy, so Susan look everywhere to find a way to free these girls, her eyes get focused in the angel, she is so beautiful and kind, the swordswoman eyes shine looking at her and how she tried to protect that poor little girl, just then both the angel and the swordswoman sights get connected.

The winged woman soon looks to ask to Susan to help them with her sight, there were also a valiant and furious neko who could help her to save them all. Even when this could affect her mission and risk herself, Susan tried to dont make any noise and release both girls before start her fight against these vile men.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Miss... can you hear and understand me? If so don't speak out loud, just say it in your mind and I'll hear it. Are you here to rescue all of us? If so, then free me and that neko over there first and we can help you fight, I can't help you until I'm out of this cell, it has a magic draining aura that saps my powers to the point that I can barely use them at all and me doing this is very taxing on what little I can use. Hurry, the key is there on that peg over there," Susan heard an angelically beautiful voice speak in her mind, and she'd notice instantly that it was the angel that was speaking to her telepathically, the angel then pointed at the key peg which was beside the cell on the wall.

From where she was, neither of the men could see her unless they turned around at all, which easily gave her the chance to snatch the key. Once Susan grabbed the key, which she managed to do with relative ease without alerting the two men, she then slowly, and carefully inserted it into the keyhole on the cell door.

(Susan passed her stealth check against both of the men so she can free the angel girl from her cell without her foes noticing.)

Susan suddenly heard the wolf girl cry out again through her gag that had been stuffed back into her mouth as the man began using the riding crop and literally beating her as hard as he could with it, leaving large bloody welts mixed in with the lash marks all over her body.

She was able to use the poor wolf girl's muffled screams of pain to dampen her turning the key, and then open the cell door as well while using them. The angel girl quickly and quietly whispers something to the young elf girl as Susan opens the cell door, who takes her hands and covers her ears with them both and shuts her eyes tight, facing away from the men. The angel girl turned back to Susan and nodded to her after giving the young elf girl a rather motherly look like a mother would to their daughter. Susan would see the young elf girl was trembling with fear, but she seemed to be rather calm considering.

"Thank you for freeing me, these vile men deserve death for this... depravity. There are a couple of more further on through that door over there down a hall that I know of, but we should deal with these two first. I'll free the neko, you go ahead and attack them okay, and then all three of us shall attack them together," the angel said telepathically to Susan as she stepped quietly out of her cell while giving the men a disgusted look.

It was up to Susan really which of the two men to attack, she could go after the one beating the poor wolf girl, who seemed to have lost even the strength to scream out any longer as she just hang limply in her bonds, blood dripping from her multiple wounds. The man looked like he was genuinely trying to beat her to death from how hard he was hitting her, but to get to him she would have to risk jumping past the man sitting in the chair and hope she could either kill the first one with her first strike, or she could go after the one sitting first.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

At the start the sudden voice than appear inside her mind confuse her, but soon Susan understand than this beautiful voice come from the angel.

I come here to beat them and save a young woman from them, but dont worry i will try to save all of you too. Tried to said inside her mind expecting to be heared by the angel.

Soon she get answered when the white haired angel point to where the key rest, not wasting any moment she take them with caution of dont call the men attention and then she used the noise from the torture to open the jail without being detected.

The angel once again used her mind powers to communicate with Susan who just nod and give the keys to the angel before move to a good place where she could kill that man on the chair slicing his throat, this was a hard task for Susan even when this is just a game, she had never killed someone, but the live of that wolf girl is in danger and also the freedom of all these girls and even herself. Trying to dont think in something more she try her best to make a silent and deadly slash to the swordsman neck
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The snowy haired angel, nodded to Susan when the swordswoman answered her through her mind and gave her a grateful smile when she told her she would try and save all of them. “We'll talk more when we've defeated them then, because they have a few more girls further in as well that I overheard them say they were going to try and sell off to fund their operation,” the angel replied to Susan through the telepathic link as she opened the cell door.

When Susan had opened the cell door and everything and the angel had told her what to do, she crept over towards the man sitting in the chair watching the scene in front of them after the angel took the keys offered by Susan. She didn't want to kill anyone, but she knew that if she didn't do something soon then the poor wolf girl would die herself, or worse her mind broken from such cruel and harsh treatment.

(Susan passed her stealth check to get a sneak attack bonus of +2)

Susan – 18 vs 2 Sm2, critical hit which kills him
Angel – uses her magic and opens the neko's cell door
Neko – 5 vs 5 Sm1, hit

Slaver man 1 – 5 vs 7 neko, miss

(Great rolls dude. ;))

Susan's stealth held out as she crept up behind the man and before he even knew she was there, she had already brought her blade across his throat, silencing him before he could even blink. He gurgled slightly as he threw a hand up to his neck, trying desperately to close his wound, though after only a few seconds he slumped silently in his chair while his blood flowed and streamed down from his neck.

The angel waved her hand towards the neko's cell that was giving the evil eye at the slaver men, the cell door creaked open which alerted the remaining slaver man, who turned to see the cell door opening, and the angel's cell door already opened, as well as Susan standing next to his now dead companion. The neko rushed out of the cell as soon as the door opened and threw herself at the slaver man where she began clawing at him wherever she could get her claws on him. She managed to claw his face pretty badly in the process.

Susan – FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Angel – FP: 4/6, MP: 4/4, AP: 2/10
Neko – FP: 2/4, AP: 1/10

Slaver man 1 – FP: 7/8, AP: 0/10
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The cut was perfect and Susan remain in silence looking how the man die in front of her, even when it could be right, she just cant feel proud for end a live, even when its a virtual one. The fight continue without her for an instant as she see the angel free the neko and then this angry monster girl rush toward the man like a feral beast.

Susan shake her feelings away and get in place for the battle, if the angel was right, the noble will be sell to earn money and then this place will turn into a slave market or maybe these bandits have something worse in mind, Susan tried to place herself trying to make a tiangle where the man would be in middle, this will cause him problems to see the three of them and she will go first trying to do as much damage as possible before this evil man could try to defend himself.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 8 vs 2 Sm1, hit
Angel - casts 'heal' on the neko, who recovers all of her FP as a result
Neko - 12 vs 2 Sm1, hit

Slaver man 1 - 20 vs 7 neko, 2 FP dmg and 1 AP dmg (he's stronger than normal because it's 3 vs 1, I couldn't make it that easy you know.)

Susan felt terrible for ending a persons life like that, even though she knew she had to do it. She took a moment to steel herself so that she could fight without her feelings preventing her from doing so as the neko rushed over and attacked. When she finally shook away her feelings about killing for the moment, Susan rushed over and to the slaver the neko was currently clawing at, maneuvering around so the slaver man was surrounded by her, the neko, and the angel. When she got within range to use her sword, Susan swung it with all her might at him, her blade biting deeply into him and causing a rather bad wound across his back.

"AHH! YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU'LL SUFFER THE SAME AS THE REST OF THEM!" the slaver man shouted, turning back at Susan when she cut him.

"Not if I have anything to say about it you scum. You shall pay for this disgusting act, once the matriarch finds out about your operation here she's going to find and utterly destroy every last one of you," the angel said to him as she extended her wings to their fullest, giving a look of disgust at the slaver man.

The angel moved in a little closer to complete their triangle around the man to keep him from getting away. Susan could notice out of the corner of her eye that the angel was using her magic again, as she saw a glowing aura around the angel's hand, then she spent her gathered magical energy and the neko looked as if she'd just gotten her second wind, indicating to Susan if she took notice, that the angel cast a healing spell on the neko.

The neko used her new found strength and launched herself over at the slaver man again and clawed at his face once more, scratching it once more a bit and leaving claw marks all over it.

He retaliated by bringing the riding crop in his left hand right across her face however, knocking her to the floor as she rolled and bounded back to her feet, clutching her face where he hit it. She pulled her hand away a moment later and Susan and the angel could see the red welt left there from his strike, with a little stream of blood running down her cheek.

Susan – FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Angel – FP: 4/6, MP: 3/4, AP: 2/10
Neko – FP: 2/4, AP: 2/10

Slaver man 1 – FP: 5/8, AP: 0/10

(If you want I'll do 2 turns of action per update unless something major happens that I think you'd like to post on. Or would you rather stay at one turn per update?)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

two or even three rounds per post are fine if nothing happen

The slave shouts just pass unnoticied by Susan, she already know what could happen if she lost, but even then she had decided to risk all to save these girls. The angel words and her full opened wings give more courage to the young swordswoman.

Dead will be not enough punishment for all of you. Her words appear after see how the bandit wounded the furious catgirl on the head. Ready to make him suffer and give up, Susan swing her sword toward his arms trying to incapacitate him and cause a lot of pain to the man, as also trying to get his attention to avoid more damage to the others two girls.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 3 vs 5 Sm1, miss
Angel - 8 vs 3 Sm1, hit with magic attack for 2 FP dmg.
Neko - 4 vs 4 Sm1, hit

Slaver man 1 - 6 vs 3 Susan, hit for 2 FP dmg

Susan - 4 vs 20 Sm1, miss and countered for 1 FP dmg
Angel - 15 vs 12 Sm1, hit with magic attack for 2 FP dmg, battle over in favor of Susan.

Susan just ignored the slaver's shouts, because she knew what all was at stake with this fight, and she knew that she couldn't afford to lose, not now. She shouts back at the slaver man after he hit the neko, moving in and swinging her sharp blade at his arms to incapacitate him. Her blade sang through the air as she swung it, however she just wasn't quick enough to connect with her attempt to hit him.

The angel however blasted him with her magic, sending an arrow of holy light into his shoulder, which knocked him back a bit as he stumbled from the impact. The neko then jumped in behind him and raked her sharp catlike claws across the back of his legs, bringing blood from both.

The slaver guy managed to shrug that off though and swung his riding crop at Susan this time, and unfortunately she just wasn't fast enough and he caught her full in the face with it, leaving a red welt on her left cheek and causing her to stumble some as she saw stars in her eyes, though the angel girl would catch her before she fell and help her maintain her footing.

When Susan got back up to go at the man again, she only managed to bring her sword up over her head to attempt a downwards stroke before he kicked her in the gut and pushed her back, knocking the wind out of her as she fell to the dungeon floor. However before Susan even got back to her feet, the angel had already blasted another arrow of holy energy at the man, this one smacking him in the side of the head and knocking him out cold.

"There, that takes care of that, we'll take him back to matriarch Elise to deal with, she'll make him wish he'd never been born," the angel girl said, looking quite satisfied with that decision.

The neko looked as if she was about to finish him off anyway, but the angel girl stopped her with a gentle touch on her shoulder, shaking her head a little at the neko when she looked over her shoulder at the angel. She didn't speak, and merely nodded her head at the angel. Once she was calmed down, the neko went over and opened the rest of the cells for all the others, while the angel helped Susan back to her feet.

"Are you okay miss? Come help me with this poor thing, quickly so I can heal her. I'll get to you and the others as soon as I heal her. After we get her down, go and free the succubus over there for me will you," the angel asked Susan, then moved over to the wolf girl that was hanging limply from the manacles.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The battle dont continue completely as Susan was expecting, her sword just fly at a side of he slaver, making he loss her guard and turn into an easy target for him. Without being able to dodge the riding crop, the poor girl only manage to close her eyes and receive the painful strike, not expecting to feel the pain as the last game turn pain into energy lost. new to this her moves were affected and after say a thanks to the angel for stop her fall, Susan just miss completely her guard stance and receive a counter attack from her foe, this time she fall on the floor, starting to get pissed by this guy who looks to be able to see her temporal weakness, she started to get up and prepare to try again, but the battle has already ended.

Looking to the bandit body and hearing the angel words, Susan start to clean the blood from her face, whining softly as she feel her little wound, she even start to think to leave the neko do as she wish, but the angel words make her return to her last choice of leave this guy get punished a long time before die.

Thanks said Susan as the angel help her to get up. It was a hard battle, doubt than i could have a chance to win it alone, i hope than the others bandits dont are so skilled like this one. The silver haired girl start to get close the badly wounded wolf girl and begging to untie her bonds to then let her softly on the floor. She is so badly wounded. Susan said nearly close to give to the angel one of her potion, but stop herself and wait to see if the angel could heal her, then she walk toward the succubus, a little worried than this girl could be badly broken.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With Susan's help the the angel gently lowered the poor wolf girl to the floor after they got her loose from the chains holding her. The angel gingerly rolled her over onto her back and pulled her head up into her lap where she then placed her hands over the wolf girl's chest. Susan would see a soft glow being emitted from her hands that washed over the wolf girl. Quickly the wolf girl's wounds started slowly sealing, though by the time she exerted all of the energy for her healing spell the wolf girl still had several cuts and bruises, though all of her cuts were no longer bleeding any thankfully.

When Susan went on over to the succubus, she looked at the poor thing hanging limply in the manacles holding her to the wall for a moment, looking rather worried for her. After standing there for a moment, Susan would see the succubus slowly lift her head a little to look up at her, looking rather scared.

"W-Who... who are you? Are you... are you the one... they said was going to... to buy me? I... I promise I won't... cause you any trouble... just don't hurt me please, I'll do anything you ask master," the young succubus asked Susan in a scared voice, her eyes looking submissive and a bit defeated, as if her spirit had been totally beaten down and any defiance she had nearly gone from her. Susan would notice that the young succubus never once made eye contact with her as she spoke.

Meanwhile the neko had opened all of the cells and had helped the terrified neko out along with the two human girls, all three of which were huddling together in the center of the room where they had taken some blankets that were laying around to cover themselves with. The neko then got the young elven girl's attention, who then got up and went out to help the angel girl, not seeming to be too bothered by the sight of the dead slaver man that Susan had killed. The neko then went into the cell where the unconscious neko was laying, taking off her bindings and the gag in her mouth while she tried to wake her up.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The warrior stay looking how the angel heal part of the wounds on the wolf girl, maybe the girl should rest a little even after receive the healing bleesing from the Celestial being. With the wolfgirl out of range she only have to see how is the young succubi.

It was a little sad looks how that poor girl talk to her, only she and the slavers know for what she has passed to act like this, even then Susan decide to try to do her best to make her recover completely of this trauma.

You have nothing to fear, little one. I dont want to harm you and will take you away of this cursed place. Said the silver haired girl as she try to pet the girl to calm her before start to release her, Susan tried to do her best to earn the trust of the girl not very sure if she should take her with her at her missions, maybe she could rent a room for her and make all the maids pamper her until she get better.

Susan take this out of her mind, as she have a job to do in this hideout. You can call me Susan. Which is your name, Dear? Can i ask from where you come? Susan ended to free her just in that moment, even then she is ready for any reaction from the girl.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When Susan spoke and gently pet the succubus' head, she would see the succubus gently nuzzling against her hand, looking as if she were enjoying the attention she was getting. It seemed as if her words and the gentle touch of her hand earned Susan the succubus' trust as Susan released her from the chains holding her to the wall. The young succubus didn't try and do anything at all really and merely fell into Susan's arms as she was released, apparently too weak to do much of anything other than that.

Y-You promise you won't hurt me? W-Will you... f-feed me? The masters here, they barely fed me enough to live on...” the succubus replied in a fairly weak voice, still not making eye contact with Susan and looking down like a slave would, though Susan would notice also that she didn't seem to be underfed all that much as she was plenty more than just skin and bones. She continued speaking after Susan spoke again, saying in the same weak voice, “My name? I... the name my parents gave me is Andrea... but the masters here killed them and told me... that they would sell me to a good home... far away from where I was born in Hespera. You may call me whatever you like though mistress Susan, I-I'm ready to serve you just like I've been taught to do. You'll be a good mistress to me won't you?

The neko meanwhile roused the unconscious one from her slumber finally, who got up and rubbed her head, looking around at what had happened while she was out. The angel during that time finished up healing the wolf girl, though the wolf girl still looked in a good deal of pain as the angel wasn't able to completely heal her extensive wounds with just one healing spell. The angel whispered something to the young elf girl who pulled the wolf girl's head over to lay in her lap while the angel got up and checked over the rest of the others first, then she came over to where Susan was with Andrea and knelt beside them, looking at Andrea sadly.

I heard you from over there. You said your name was Susan right? Call me Astra. Andrea here was taken before any of the rest of us were, and she's the only one from outside of Crimea that I know of that was taken. I was taken myself about two months ago, and I know for a fact that Andrea has been here at least twice as long as I have. In return for helping us escape, I'll help you clear out the rest of the slavers in this place miss Susan, but I'd like to take them captive and back out of here, because matriarch Elise Crimea abhors slavery and any caught doing it within the borders of Crimea are executed by the matriarch herself personally. But first allow me to heal you, then I'll heal Andrea here,” the angel said to Susan through the telepathic link she'd used earlier, apparently not wanting Andrea or the others to hear her as she placed a hand over Susan's cheek where she'd been hit earlier. Susan would feel her cheek grow warm for a couple of moments before all of the pain vanished from her wound.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Just when the poor succubi fall at her arms, Susan cant avoid to be worried and feel more pity to her. How can someone treat a poor girl like this?

Dont worry, i will never raise my hand against you. Feed you? I only have some rations and water, but once we return to the city i will feed you until you cant eat anymore. Susan said a little worried than the demon girl could ask something different to eat.

The succubus story just help more to Susan' idea to take her with her, the silver warrior cant stop to hug and pet the poor girl. Yes, i will be a good mistress for you Andrea, but you must stop to call this people your masters, they dont deserve that right and also i preffer than you look at my like your family, i know than it could be hard at the start, but i will be glad if you try it. Susan take a moment to heard the girl answer and also check the others girls, who looks to be fine for themselves. Just then the angel come and used her mind to inform about the others and than she will help Susan to clean the cave.

Thanks Astra, i will take care of Andrea as much as needed. lets do this quickly to save the others girls. Susan answer with her mind giving just a nod to the angel before feel her holy magic heal Susan, if all get fine, Susan will advice the others about the traps and ask them what they will do now, as they could have a low chance to return to the city without her help.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"You might not want to tell her she can feed all she wants miss Susan, she meant she wasn't fed enough spirit energy. They didn't feed her hardly any at all and succubi need it really to survive... at least survive and be sane. They don't feed just through sex, they can also feed through any intimate contact of any kind, be it a kiss or that sort of thing. And also it would be best to let matriarch Elise take care of her after we get back to the city, she's helped many succubi that this has happened to in the past," Astra said to Susan through her mental link as she healed her cheek, not sounding so much sickened by Andrea's need to feed but rather sounding a little sad about it, then once she was done with Susan she began looking Andrea over and healing her wounds.

When Susan start asking about traps and whatever else any of them knew about the place, the neko that had been unconscious earlier got up and came over to her, still rubbing her head a little.

"I uh... I've been to the room after this one before, and there aren't any traps that I know of between here and there, so you'd be alright heading on that way if you wanted. But I don't think I'm in much shape to fight unless I had to honestly, I'll stay here and protect the others while you three go on ahead, because there are others up ahead," the blonde haired neko said to Susan, then she introduced herself after seemingly forgetting to do so, "Oh I'm Kagari by the way."

Yes Kagari is right, now we must go, as the others up ahead may be in even greater danger now if they heard the fighting here. Tia dear, can you make certain this man here doesn't wake up and try to get away or anything?” Astra said, then turned to ask the young elf girl, who's name was apparently Tia.

Y-Yeah miss Astra, I'll make sure he doesn't escape okay. The matriarch is going to punish him real bad,” Tia replied in a brave tone, though Susan could easily see the fear in her eyes.

"Good girl Tia, you're very brave. And yes Matriarch Elise will punish them very badly for what they've done," Astra said to her as she began healing Andrea's wounds all over her body.

The black haired neko came over after making sure the human girls and the other neko were all okay, which though they were quite shaken up, they didn't look like they had been beaten as badly as the succubus, or the other two neko's, and especially not the wolf girl. Susan would also see the neko grab the sword that the now dead slaver had as she came over to them.

They deserve to die for this... all of this. But the matriarch will deal with them and punish them harshly after we get out of here. I'm Maya by the way,” the black haired neko said after coming over to Susan, introducing herself in the process.

As soon as Maya was through introducing herself to Susan, Astra finished up with healing Andrea and asked Kagari if she would take care of her as well and Kagari told her of course she would. Astra helped Kagari move Andrea over to where the rest were huddled around and gently set her down to rest beside the wolf girl and she tried to raise up but Kagari geently pushed her back down to rest. With that Astra looked back to Susan and told her she was ready whenever she was, as did Maya.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan open wide her eyes when she heard what Andrea was asking to get feeded, the swordswoman dont have too much experience with monstergirls and even less with succubus, so she continue hearing Astra mental words until decide what she will do with the yound demon.

Thanks for your sugestion Astra, but i just cant let her completely at the matriarch hands, this poor girl lost her family and even when she could be happy with Matriarch Elise, i want to stay at her side too, like a big sister or maybe a mother. Susan tried to answer toward the psichic link with the angel before turn to the blonde neko and hear her info, Astra soon join and between both make her get worried for the noble girl, she was loosing too much time here and she could be in danger.

Nice to meet you Kagari, we will try to return soon so all of you can get out of this terrible place.

With so little time to waste Susan decide to do something more before leave, once she heard Maya words and give her the thanks for her help at the battle, Susan decide to get close Andrea and whisper to her. Please just take a little of my energy, i will have a hard battle and i need to be ready, but once i return i will give you more. Just then Susan give a kiss to the succubus, it was maybe a wrong idea, but if something bad happen to her in the next fight, Andrea could at least escape of this place with the others girls
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh you wouldn't have to worry about her all that much really miss Susan, matriarch Elise takes those that have been slaves and makes them her family and showers them with all the love they would ever want. She's much kinder than you might think, so Andrea would be in very good hands with her. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Astra replied through her mental link once more, though she didn't sound mad or anything, just slightly concerned for both Susan and Andrea.

When Susan moved over to Andrea and whispered in her ear, the young succubus looked up at her with a happy look on her face as Susan pressed her lips to Andrea's, though at the same time Susan would see a hungry look in Andrea's eyes. As soon as their lips touched, Susan would immediately feel a sudden pleasant feeling washing through her body, while at the same time she felt herself very slowly becoming weaker, as if she'd just run a mile. Andrea didn't look to be stopping anytime soon so after about ten seconds Susan would feel a hand on her shoulder forcefully yank her back and she'd see it was Astra that did so. In just the ten seconds that the devil girl was feeding on her, Susan felt quite tired from her feeding, though not so tired that she couldn't fight at all.

"Miss Susan, you may have given too much to Andrea with that. I hope it won't affect you're fighting abilities any, because I don't think we can afford it, but... that was a very kind thing you did, and I'll make certain it is known what a good person you are. As such things will take you far in Crimea," Astra said to Susan aloud this time as she pulled her back and away from Andrea, looking slightly concerned for Susan.

Despite how weakened she was from Andrea feeding upon her spirit energy, Susan would likely be glad to see that the young succubus looked a little stronger than she did a few seconds before and could actually move her arms and legs a little now too. Andrea now had a bit more light in her eyes now also, so if Susan looked closely enough she would see this as well.

Susan will take a -1 to all combat rolls from the succubus feeding, though she likely has a much clearer conscience and feels better about herself for doing such a good thing, and the girls all wouldn't forget about her kindness either.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan can feel herself slowly getting tired as the kiss continue, she tried to get away, but the succubus magic make her unable to do it, this cause a little of worries to Susan who was unable to act, but then Astra come to help her and remove her from be close Andrea. After be there confused by wht had happened, Susan see the others girls looking at her, not really sure why she just get up

My appologizes, lets just go to free the others. Said the swordswoman slighty ashamed by Astra words, as Susan was not expecting than the angel could look at this as a good thing, but at the end Susan decide to just think in what she have in front. She is not sure how strong these last slavers are and she is sure than maybe they could have problems in defeat them even if she has not give some of her energy to Andrea, at least now they can escape if they fail in their next battle.