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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan get stunned by the sudden show of love from the little succubus, her aroused body shiver slighty and she fully blush before just smile to her and motherlike caress her hair, as her other arm press her lovely against her.

I understand, now show me a big smile. You will be always safe at my side. Susan say as she feel the girl chest pressing against her armor, her erected nipples were nearly feeling as if both girls bare chests were touching each other, she then kiss her servant forehead and giggle beore let her free, then they helped the hugh elf to return where Astra was.

The elf young girl react make Susan blush and look to a side, a little ashamed of how this looks like, she tried to dont think too much at this as she answer to Astra.

Thanks to worry for my, but we are all fine. Doubt than have them there will help them to feel bad about their crimes, but is an start. Meanwhile we wait, maybe whe should prepare all in case an emergency, do these slavers have food or clothes than we can use? doubt than they will be against give it after all what they had done. Susan then place the high elf resting at the floor as she looks for any girl needing her help, if all is fine and there was nothing than she could use to know the slavers plans or help herself in the future, them she will look around the cave leaving Andrea to take care of the noble girl with Astra as she try to investigate unless someone stop her
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Andrea smiled back at her and hugged her tighter before letting go and letting Susan kiss her forehead, looking very happy about Susan's affection.

"Well the best we can really do in case someone attacks is simply hope that we can hold them off until princess Allie gets back with the matriarch. But yes they have plenty of food over there, and we've already gotten everyone clothes as best we can for the moment," Astra said, pointing towards a few crates that had different kinds of foodstuffs in them, and Susan would see a couple of other crates sitting next to those their tops off and some clothing strewn about around them. If she glanced around at the girls in the room she'd see that they were all pretty much clothes, or at least covered with some of them.

After Andrea had helped her set the high elf down where the succubus then went and got a set of clothing to help the high elf dress in. While she did that, Astra told Susan to be careful while she explored the rest of the cave. Andrea grabbed her hand before she left and kissed it, telling her to be careful before she went. "Don't worry about us miss Susan, just try and not take too long or anything, because princess Allie may be back at anytime within the next hour or two," Astra said, telling her to hurry back as soon as she had explored the place enough to her liking.

After leaving the room with everyone else, Susan quickly made her way back to where the passage forked before she'd gotten to the first room where she'd found Astra. Traveling up that tunnel, Susan soon found herself in a large open room, with two more paths she could take, one leading straight ahead and one to the right. The room she was in was relatively empty other than showing her what was causing the foul smell she'd smelled earlier when first coming in, it was a dead wolf that looked to have been decomposing for a few days now.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan smiled and nod when she was looking how the girls were eating and dressing, maybe this was not much, but at least all these girls will feel better and more safe after all what had happened.

Then leave the high elf at the care of Andrea who soon kissed her mistress hand when she heard than Susan would leave for a while. Dont worry, i will return soon, meanwhile look for all specially that young girl over there and this oe. Said to the young succubus pointing to Lara and the High Elf. The young girl over there is named Lara, try to protect her and be her friend, also for any motive, please try to dont do or say anything sex related to her, her parents would get mad. With a kiss on the succubus cheek she leave her and then answer to Astra.

Understood, i will just secure the area in case than anything could be hiden there, if all looks bad i will return and infrom you about what i found. Answer to the angel after wave to all and start her walk toward the entrance tunnel who divide in two roads, soon smelling the odd smell who she notice was a dead wolf, Susan dont have good memories about these creatures, but she know than if there was a nest then she must be ready to leave and call for help.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Heading on to the right after the room with the dead wolf, Susan went down another hallway, this one long and winding, almost like one of those twisted hallways in a nightmare or something. Soon she found herself in another large room, where there was not one, but two beings inside. They looked like nekos, yet there was obviously something different about them, though it was hard to place what exactly it was. They both save for one little thing. The one on the right had a large fully erect penis.

Susan could see they were both staring at her intently, the one with the cock licking her lips a bit as she did. The two of them looked back to each other for a moment, then they looked back to Susan and smiled at her. Then they began moving towards her in unison, grins on both of their faces.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver haired swordswoman take a moment to decide if she should continue or return, but at the end her need to know what was inside these tunnels make her continue, choicsing the right one in an attempt to end it soon and choice the next one, as more she walk the young girl more regret to be walking alone at these creppy lands, she has never won a fight alone for what she remember and the next one could not be the exception, even then she suppose than she has been in a lucky rate and maybe she could find something important here than could she use.

Suddenly when she turn and get inside a long room she found herself in front of what looks to be a pair of twin nekos, the way than both looks really similar to each other just turn this into a most creppy moment, Susan know than as they were nekos, maybe they will reach her if she try to escape returning from the long and winding passage, so she prepare her sword and decide to face them using the stone wall in an attempt to dont be surrounded and attacked at her back.

Dont get closer, or i will defend myself!

she said before prepare herself to attack any of them, maybe the futa one, as this could certainly rape her badly if she lost the fight. Anyway she have still one of her potions if she need to restire her energy.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 17 vs 18 Fwc, miss

Werecat - 5 vs 7 Susan, miss
Futa werecat - 9 vs 18 Susan, miss

Susan - 3 vs 2 Fwc, hit

Werecat - 5 vs 8 Susan, miss
Futa werecat - 15 vs 20 Susan, miss

The two cat looking girls simply ignored Susan's warning and continued closing i on her, the futa one licking her lips hungrily as they did. As soon as they got close enough, Susan swung her sword, though missed her target, the futa one of the twins ducking under her swing. The non futa feral cat girl dove at Susan after that, missing the silver haired girl as Susan spun around and dodged. Then the feral futa cat girl dove in at her also after she completed her spin, missing her even more badly as Susan jumped over her.

After that, Susan was able to turn and swing her sword at the feral futa cat girl, cutting her a bit. The non futa one came at her again, missing her a second time as Susan apparently was able to simply outmaneuver her foes, then her futa foe also missed a second time, then growled in frustration, not liking that she'd just been cut a little and hadn't been able to grab Susan in retaliation. The two feral cat girls look at her after that, splitting up with the futa one staying in front while the other circled around behind her, both hissing a little at her as they began circling around her, as if she were their prey.

Susan - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10

Werecat - FP: 4/4
Futa werecat - FP: 4/5


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The young warrior found herself unable to talk with these creatrures, or they just decide to ignore her. Soon she was forced to dodge and attack them without too much results at the last one but at least remain untouched for the moment, they then started to try to surround her, but Susan tried to avoid that moving away as she remain eady to avoid any possible attack and then slash at the futa one when she have the chance, maybe if she beat her the other would run away or at least she will have a more easy fight.

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 4 vs 8 Fwc, miss

Werecat - 11 vs 16 Susan, hit
Futa werecat - 20 vs 2, crit hit on Susan for 2 FP and she's been grappled

Susan - 11 vs 11 Fwc, hit, but unfortunately she wasn't able to break free of the grapple

Werecat - 3 vs 19 Susan, crit miss and countered through the grapple for 2 FP dmg on the werecat
Futa werecat - 8 vs 20 Susan, hit for 2 AP dmg and pinned to the ground under the futa werecat

Susan moved in and swung her sword at the futa werecat, though this time she failed to connect and missed her horribly as she ducked under her. The non futa enemy rushed in at Susan, swinging her arm out and raking her claws across the back of Susan's left leg, causing her to yelp in pain. Then while she was distracted by that, the futa one jumped in behind her and before she could react, she'd scratched Susan's neck with one hand while wrapping the other around the silver haired human's waist, holding her there and not letting go.

Susan was able to struggle with the futa werecat enough to swing her sword around and cut her arm a bit, though she dug her claws in on the waist of Susan's armor, holding on tightly. The werecat that clawed her leg jumped back in at her to attack again, but Susan was able to swing her sword at her, cutting her arm pretty good. The futa werecat then lifted Susan into the air and slammed her down into the floor forcing her to her hands and knees as she tugged Susan's panties down and began rubbing the young human's soft virgin folds with her fingers, leaning forward and licking her neck with her rough catlike tongue a time or two before nibbling on it and leaving a hickey on Susan. Susan was now pinned to the floor on her hands and knees under the futa werecat, while the other one looked at her with an evil grin.

Susan - FP: 2/5, AP: 2/10

Werecat - FP: 2/4
Futa werecat - FP: 3/5


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With both agile foes, Susan tried to end one as fast as she can, but soon she found herself wounded and grappled as she do her best to defend herself. Damn, i should do something soon or these things will beat me. Said to herself before try to free herself wounding the futa one, but soon this pin her on the floor when Susan wounded the other. Tired and nearly defeated, Susan decide to gamble her luck and virginity, trying to push the neko away the time enough to drink her potion to recover herself, it was risky, but she know than they werent waiting than she could have something than could give her a buff at this fight.

If all goes right, Susan will try to beat the more weak of them first, rolling away and then making adeep slash to them.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 5 vs 8 for slight of hand to see if the werecats noticed her trying for her potion, which failed :(

Werecat - 12 vs 8 Susan, hits and grapples Susan more, pinning her very badly now
Futa werecat - 11 vs 1 Susan, hit and finishes Susan off... battle loss for Susan

As Susan tried to slide her hand around to grab her healing potion she had on her belt, the futanari werecat noticed her and grabbed her wrist and pushed it down to the floor, preventing her from grabbing hold of it. Then the other werecat moved over to Susan and pulled her head up where she then kissed Susan on the lips and then slid down where she bit down on her neck again, hard enough to bring blood but not hard enough to cause Susan to bleed a lot, after which the werecat licked the bite which sealed it. Before Susan could do anything else, the futa werecat roughly pushed her head back down to the floor, slamming her head down so hard she saw stars, the last of her strength leaving her body as she lay there.

The futa werecat then leaned over Susan and the young silver haired human felt the futa werecat's teeth sink into the back of her neck, keeping her there underneath the futa werecat in a submission hold. Then before she could even try and look back to see what was about to happen, she felt the futa werecat rubbing her fully erect member against her folds, prodding a time or two before realizing that Susan was a virgin, where she stopped, though didn't let go of her neck with her teeth. She rubbed Susan's tender virgin folds a bit more to get her nice and moist down there, then after Susan was wet enough to her liking, the futa werecat slammed her hips forward, hilting herself in a single thrust, likely sparking a bit of pain through Susan from the sudden loss of her virginity.

Susan would feel the futa werecat begin thrusting after only a few seconds of letting her adjust, setting a moderate pace as she went. The other werecat maneuvered herself around under Susan in a sixty nine position and began licking the silver haired human's clit, her rough catlike tongue raking across it after she pulled it out from under its hood, causing Susan intense pleasure that she just wasn't used to, the stimulation forcing her to moan. Susan's face was lifted up a bit while her clit was being licked and then mashed down against the non futa werecat's pussy, the smell of it very intoxicating to her, numbing her mind and washing away any thought of wanting to leave. Susan felt a knot forming in her belly while the futa werecat's erection raged inside of her, growing steadily until suddenly, she felt the knot burst, her climax wash over her like a tidal wave as she clamped down around the cock inside of her folds, milking it for all its worth, yet the futa werecat managed to hold out for now and didn't cum with her.

When she'd recovered from her first orgasm, Susan would feel herself being pulled up by a pair of strong arms, the futa werecat was lifting her up where she then sat Susan down in her lap facing away and began bouncing her up and down over her hot hard meat, which was starting to throb a great deal inside of the young silver haired girl's tight wet folds. The other werecat meanwhile moved around and pulled Susan's armor off of her, then the rest of her clothing, leaving her fully exposed to the two of them. The werecat then kissed Susan on the lips, purring softly as she did, her tongue invading Susan's mouth as she caressed Susan's breasts with her hands. After breaking the kiss, the werecat then went down a little further and licked Susan's hard nipples, then suddenly she bit down into Susan's breast, then she let go and bit the other one, leaving bite marks on her, but bringing no blood.

Soon after that, while she was being impaled upon the futa werecat's cock, Susan felt her breasts tingling, and when she glanced down to see why she would see her tits beginning to swell and grow, their size increasing quite a bit very quickly until they were E-cups. Within her now enormous breasts she could feel a lot of milk sloshing around and the werecat grabbed them both and squeezed down a bit, causing a jolt of pleasure to shoot through Susan at the same time. The werecat grinned evilly at this and leaned in, took one of Susan's nipples in her mouth and began suckling, Susan's milk squirting out and into her mouth. The futa werecat's cock was twitching and throbbing like mad inside of Susan and she felt another orgasm building very quickly after her breasts had filled with milk, the new sensation too much for her poor body and mind to handle. Soon she felt herself going over the edge again as the cock inside of her was hilted again, where she then felt something warm spurting out and filling her womb, the sheer amount of it swelling her belly some, the futa werecat meowing lewdly in ecstasy.

The other werecat continued suckling Susan's breasts for their milk, switching from one to the other at random intervals, while the futa werecat sat there for a minute or so without doing anything, regaining her stamina for another go. She lifted Susan off of her and sat her down on her knees, then stood up and placed her cock on Susan's lips, then grabbing the back of Susan's head, she thrust forward, forcing Susan to suck her off. She could taste her own feminine juices upon the shaft as well as the werecat's seed, the mixture of the two being too much for her to handle as she allowed the futa werecat to start thrusting her cock in and out of her mouth. It didn't take lone and Susan could feel the cock throbbing within her mouth and soon she felt it explode there, the futa werecat pulling her face forward and forcing her to deepthroat her as she came. Before she was even finished cumming, the futa werecat pulled back, spurting the last couple times to fill Susan's mouth and forcing her to taste it before swallowing the thick creamy seed, which in the state of mind Susan was in at this point tasted great.

After Susan was finished swallowing and choking down the load spurted out into her mouth, she would feel a tingling feeling on her head and just above her butt. Suddenly a pair of cat ears sprouted from her head and a cat tail sprouted from just above her butt, both the same color as her hair. The sudden change didn't stop there though, as Susan's eyes changed to be more like a cats which did wonders for her vision, increasing her ability to see in the dark and farther afield, as well as her hearing, which also greatly increased. However she also felt her libido and desire for a mate grow greatly, but nothing more was to come of that as her vision faded, her body too exhausted to continue on any longer without rest....


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan tried to move her aarms, but the cat woman stop any of her attempts to take her potions or get free, even then the silver haired woman continue her struggles

Ahhhhh Susan groans when the not futa neko bite her wound, exausted and wounded the other easily take her head and slam it at the floor, making than the human drop her sword at the floor and lay at the floor woundeed and defeated.

No wait... im... please dont do it. the woman request trying to protect her virginity, as she is secured with a bite at her neck at her backside and then feel the warm member pressing agains her untouched folds. Suan tried to get away but she was still so drowzee after the battle than she could not draw any streng of her exausted body, as also she cant stop to be a little sumise by the hold at her neck. With repulsion and ashamed she could feel the cock caressing her lower lips and closing her eyes and biting her lips she tried to endure when finaly it get inside her, making her leave a painful whimper. Unused to this kind of pleasure, once the other neko set bellow her and lick her pussy, Susan started to moan, as she started to remember how she was raped many times in her past game, but this was a little diferent, not so rought and yet she is under control of these strange humanoids, then her face was pressed on the cat woman wet cunt, the smell slowly calm her and soon Susan stop to struggle, thinking than she will be fine if she endure all this, after all these two maybe will only use her until get sattle, but for some reason a small worry remain at her mind, the pleasure continue and soon it make Susan reach her first orgasm, her hips eagerly sucked the futa woman dick, but this one still looks to be able to endure a little more before invade the pure woman womb with her warm tainted seed.

Its over...she whimper to herself before be taken again and be impaled by the strong member as she is pased to sit over the futa neko lap. She then moaned and tried to breath as she bounced without stop used like just a sex toy by the futa werecat, her moans get louder but soon her mouth get invaded by the other werecat, defeated she decide to cooperate and return the kiss, thinking ia her dazzed mind than she should just enjoy all this so they could end quickly with her and leave her alone. Without place any resistance she soon easily get undresed and placed at her birthing suit, even lifting her hands when her bluse was taken away, as she continued being used without stop, her breasts soon get some licks and the silver haired girl just whimper and closed her eyes trying to maintain her mind in place as her punishment continue, but soon she feel something sharp biting her breasts and turn down to see the neko eagerly leaving bite marks on both breasts.

W...why you... do that? shw whimper with the little breath than she have and then focus at her ride, trying to resist it until suddenly a strange feeling start to ivade her breasts, Susan wonder what was happening now and then she see her berasts grow so much until reach a E cup. T...they are ...growing, no again, they are so... big, she whine between moans, she was just close to touch them when the free neko grope them and make her shout a oan and squirmed as her captor played with them. usan nearly started to drol as she feel her body melt by the constants thrusts and suck at her breasts, she was completely limp and just continued filling the cave with her moans and whimpers until she feel the warm seed get close to release inside her. No, please, do it alone~ Said as she fight herself between by glad to be filled again and the fear to be impregnated by these unknown monstergirls, but she dont have other choice and soon her insides get filled again, making a relief breat she tried to just fall on the floor to rest after her new peek, but the other werecat continue sucking at her breasts as Susan moaned nearly instintively at her weak state, giving a lust groan when she get lifted away of the still firm rod and laced on her kness.

Even when she was raped merciless for hours by the tentacle creatures in her last adventure, this one certainly has taken alot of her energy and Susan was close to faint, but soon her head get placed on place to make her give a blow job to the futa werecat. The silver haired woman dont even complain and allow the member get inside her mouth, very tired and aroused to think clearly think of what exactly was happening, at their control she start to lick and taste the mix fluids, even enjoining it a little at her altered horny mind until the woman thrust and after a time free her manlike milk inside her mouth, forced to drink it all, she let a lot of it passed until she get free and had the chance to split some, but the damage was already made and she feel a pain at her head and rear.

AHHH ahhhhhhh!

she shout as she pressed her head and feel how herr ears changed of pace and some neko ears get out of her head as also a long cat tail from her rear, her vision started to change but before she could understand it she just pass out very aroused and with her mind filled with the idea of find someone who could mate with her and have her belly filled with babies.

Once awake, Susan will look around for something useful and also try to fight her urges to look for find a monster to rape her and if possible dress herself and recover her belongnings, before return with alls, thinking than maybe someone there could fulfill her needs
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Some time later, Susan felt her consciousness returning to her, very slowly, her mind was still a little clouded with lust, but for the most part she was back to normal, save for her new tail, eyes, and ears. When her strength had returned enough to open her eyes and look around, she would see a human looking woman standing beside her in a defensive stance, a rapier in her right hand and a longsword in her left, staring at the two werecats that had raped Susan, which were standing several feet away from them. Allie was also there, her silver hair hanging down behind her, as well as a dark elf with snowy white hair hanging in a ponytail that hung down to her mid back. There was also a gnome girl standing there as well, pointing a bolt action rifle at the two werecats, she had long autumnal orange hair pulled in a tight braid.

"Allie sweetie, get that poor girl and carry her. Let your papa handle this okay sweetie," the human woman said, turning her head enough to let Susan see she had a very beautiful face, solid raven black hair, with her bangs colored infernal red. She had E-cup breasts, which were slightly smaller than Susan's new breasts, which were still filled with milk, and she stood at five feet tall even, she had hazel eyes, and she wore the suit of studded leather armor, the same kind of armor that Susan had been wearing.

With that, Susan would see Allie come over to her where she then lifted her up, telling her not to worry that she would take care of her. Susan's strength had still not returned yet, so she could only let Allie carry her for the moment, but her ability to speak wasn't hindered in any way, giving her to ask any questions and whatnot she wished. The dark elf woman went around and took all of Susan's gear that was strewn about the room, and the gnome girl with the rifle shouldered her weapon and followed Allie as she left the room, carrying Susan. A few moments later Susan would hear a loud cutting sound like a sword slicing through skin, followed by a painful meow and grunt, then two thuds. After that the human woman followed them out of the room, then came over to Susan.

Don't worry young one, we'll take care of you, and we'll help heal you of their diseased bite as soon as possible. We don't want you to turn into a werecat like them. I'm the matriarch of Crimea, Elise Langray Crimea,” the human woman said, smiling gently down at Susan and caressing her cheek, letting the young silver haired girl know who she was, then she gestured at the dark elf who nodded at her, “This is my fifth wife Elia.” then she gestured at the gnome who smiled and gave a little wave, “This is my fourth wife Tana.” then she gestured at Allie, “And this is my second eldest blood child, Allie. I believe you've already met her though from what she's told me.

With that, the matriarch started walking off and the other three followed her, Allie still carrying Susan. A short time later, Susan was carried back to the entrance area of the whole cavern, where she saw Astra, Andrea, and all the rest waiting, and there was also around fifty soldiers standing around, a few guarding the prisoners which were all bound and gagged. Susan also noticed another succubus standing there, this one looking rather matronly, her long pink hair flowing in the wind, her enormous G-cup breasts swaying back and forth with every move she made as she pointed around and gave orders to the soldiers. Allie carried Susan over to where Astra and the others were all sitting, with Astra and Andrea both looking very worried.

Susan my friend... are you alright? When you didn't come back we started getting worried, but we weren't sure where you'd gone exactly. And just as we were about to come and look for you the matriarch came, and after we told her what happened she said that she would go and find you for us,” Astra said as Allie set Susan down on a bedroll beside her, which was set up under a small pavilion that flew the Crimean banners from a flag on top of it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Still very tired after being usd by both monstergirls, Susan just opened her eyes to notice a group of strange women armed and aiming toward the two feral humanoids, she was not sure exactly what was happeneing but once she saw the pricess Allie she suppose than all would be fine. She was not completely sure, but all these new persons looks to be really strong but even then she was worried than all leaved one of them alone to fight the werecats, even when she name herself Allie's Papa. Susan tried to just dont place all her weight on Allie once she come to her and move her away of the battlefield. The battle noises soon make her notice than the creatures were defeated easily just moments before she leave.

Soon the human woman return to them and then introduce herself and all her family, what really surprised Susan and also ashamed her by how she had meet the famous matriarch and part of her family, blushed and amazed, the silver haured girl bow her head not sure how she could do this less denigrant for her. Its a pleasure to meet you Matriarch Crimea, at my little time here i had heard a lot of great things about you... and your family... sorry for cause all this problem. Susan started to get all red until remember what crimea had said about the possibility than she could be turned in one werecat, even if this was just a game, Susan really would try her bet to never let that happen and a lot of questions come to her mind, but Allie mothers and father leave her with only Allie at her side.

Still aroused she was taken to the entrance where the others girls were waiting, she just wave and tried to smile when she notice the worry sights of Astra and Andrea.

Yes, i guess than im fine, Miss Astra, sorry for make all of you get worried Can i ask who is that pink haired woman and also... Allie, can you say me more about this illiness, i fear than i could infect someone more by mistake... how much time i have? Susan really dont wanted to know this, but she should have this info in order to dont hurt others, she stay close the others for a while as she see if all was right, then if nothing more happen, she will try to dress herself and hide her ample breasts at least, what make her blush, even more than be naked in front of all these soldiers and women.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh it's okay Susan, you don't have to worry about infecting anyone else. We'll get you back to Crimea castle and treat you before that happens. And the pink haired succubus over there is my mama Hazel, she is my mother's best friend and is my papa's second wife, and she's a really powerful sorcereress. And the soldiers won't stare overly much at you, so don't worry about that, but if they do it's only because they think you're pretty," Allie said to Susan, taking a blanket and laying it over Susan to give her some modesty.

"I'm really glad you're okay miss Susan, but next time please be more careful okay," Astra told her, pulling the blanket she had around herself a little more.

After that, a couple of minutes pass while the soldiers start moving off to prepare their ambush that Allie spoke of, while the young princess stayed near Susan, Astra, and the others. Andrea sidled her way over to Susan in the meantime putting an arm around her and laying her head on Susan's shoulder, apparently not concerned about the possibility of Susan doing anything to her. Once more of the soldiers had left the area around them, save for a dozen or so, the matriarch came back over to Susan after going off to give orders to the soldiers.

"Hello again young Susan. I noticed you admiring my second wife Hazel from over there. She's beautiful isn't she? Of course you're quite beautiful yourself you know," the matriarch said, staring over at the huge breasts pink haired succubus, who was indeed very beautiful, one of the most beautiful people that Susan had ever seen, though the matriarch herself was quite beautiful as well, and her other wives and princess Allie as well now that she was cleaned up and clothed and all.

Hazel as they had named her started walking towards them, her breasts swaying back and forth perfectly with every move, and her body had the most perfect curves a woman could have, looking like the perfect succubus to Susan. Matriarch Elise licked her lips as Hazel approached, looking like she wanted nothing more than to just run over and have sex with her right there in the clearing in front of them all.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Thanks, i was close to fear than this illiness would be hard to handle. Susan said taking away a big weight. for what it looks i only need to endure this damn arousal for a while she said to herself, before heard the rest of the princess words. So, lets see, your Mother is the first wife...Alluria Neris Crimea right? then she is the second wife named Hazel, Miss Tana is the fourth and Miss Elia is the fifth... All the matriarch's wife are really beautiful and stronger, so i guess than with all of you, i m not needed, but even then i want to help in any way if possible. Susan tried to try to change of topic with this, but each time than turn down, she could see her big lewd breasts who arching a little and beg to be milked and groppled, her cat eyes fall down even when she tried to smile and looks fine, but being surrounded with all these beautiful girls really make her burn in needs to have some fun with them, her mind had from time to times images of her having sex with some of the girls at the room or the matriarch herself, Susan confidence after the fight was also at the floor and she suppose than she should just go to sleep and leave the rest to all, as a horny weak cat girl would not help at all at the ambush, but them Astra helpher to cover herself with a blanket than the princess Allie had given to her. Yes, i will be more careful, Miss Astra. Susan said trying to sound normal but she have a lot of things at the mind, her feelings and needs to find a mate were really a pain, but then she feel a arm around her and then looking to a side she saw her servant Andrea resting at her shoulder. Even when she was having some dirty ideas at her mind, Susan just shake her head and caress the poor girl, Andrea should had been really worried for her after had dissapear for a long time, the silver haired cat girl start to pur without know thanks to the warm show of affection, out of have someone soo close, this calm her mind more and give her streng to resist so she could take care of Andrea, the poor young succubus has lost all and just when she found her, Andrea was close to lost her too, even when Susan said many times than she will be there to protect her and in some way be like a big sister for her.

After just rest a while with Andrea at her side, the matriarch walk toward them and even started to talk with Susan again. Her words make the cat girl to place her blue eyes toward the delicious well made succubus again, her face blush again and a fire started at her insides, as her tail move showing her needs to be close that woman.

W...Well, at the start i was wondering if she was Princess Allie mother, but i just know than she is not... sorry for see her too much, she... all of you are really so beautiful... Susan then notice how Hazel was getting close them, her words stoped and she was not sure what to do now, these two women looks to be close to just have a passionate sex moment in middle of all, if that happen, she was not sure if she would be abble to restrain herself.

M...M...Matriarch Crimea... I know than all of you had made much for me, but can i ask you a favor, please? Susan tried to change the attention away of the perfect succubus before something really bad could happen.

This cute and sweet girl at my side, her name is Andrea... she is like a daughter for me, i love her so much even when i just has meet her here, she has lost all her family thanks to these slavers. Please help me to protect her and love her. Susan looks to the matriarch face with pleading sight, she was sure than this was not the moment and maybe she could be pissing the matriarch, but she cant just let than this continue or she could hurt someone or fuck one of them, as her need to mate was building with all of them around her
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Uh huh, my mother is Alluria. And papa's third wife is Serafina Mistraal Crimea, she's an angel. Neither her or my mother fight, they can't really stand the sight of blood any at all. Every time any of us comes back with wounds of any kind they get so sad," Allie said while her papa Elise was admiring Hazel, explaining some more of her family to Susan.

"Oh nonsense young one, even you can be of help to us in this ambush. But we don't know exactly what we'll be dealing with, so I could use your help if you don't mind helping me and doing what I tell you. And please, call me Elise, not matriarch," Elise said to Susan while she sat there, assuring the silver haired girl know that she could be of some help.


After Susan answered the question Elise had given her about the beautiful succubus Hazel, the matriarch glanced back at her and giggled. "I'm not angry about you admiring Hazel there. She is very beautiful after all, so I can't really fault you there. But no, Hazel isn't Allie's mother," Elise said in response to Susan's words about Hazel, just as the voluptuous succubus got over to them.

"Who's admiring me? Is it you Elise? I know you love me and all, but we've got stuff to do at the moment, so stop thinking so much about me or we'll end up having sex in front of everyone again," Hazel said in a playful tone, kissing Elise on the cheek and letting out a giggle, which soon degenerated into her smooching Elise full on the lips.

When Susan asked matriarch Elise for a favor, Elise perked up and listened, pulling away from Hazel who was busy now kissing her on the lips. Susan would see a bulge in the matriarchs battle skirt forming, which Hazel, and the other two of the matriarch's wives noticed almost instantly, smiling about it as if they knew what was happening. The dark elf Elia went off, shaking her head a little as she did, while the gnome Tana went over and climbed a tall tree, preparing for their ambush.

"Well Susan, I don't mind helping you with this poor girl, we'll take good care of her okay, I promise. And you can come to the castle and see her at any time, but I'm sorry to say that she must stay there until she recovers from this ordeal. I'm very protective of succubi," matriarch Elise said to her, sounding very firm in her words.

"Yeah our Elise here is very very protective of succubi. Mainly because she loves our race, which is one of the reasons I love her so much. But don't worry about anything little one, we don't mind you coming up to the castle later to see her," Hazel said, kissing Elise on the cheek again, though this time pulling away before she lost herself in the matriarch's lips again.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan frown and caress her head with her free hand to try remember all and calm herself after had made that mistake, then she turn to Allie and nod still blushed by how all for suddenly she was starting to be surrounded by so pretty girls at her high libido state. Sorry for the misunderstanding. it was not my intention... it sound like your mother and Miss Serafina are very kind and good persons as all of you. Susan then has to turn to her side to heard the Matriarch words I will be glad to help you and follow yours orders, ma...Elise. Susan answer a little worried at her inside than her sudden adventure at the cave and her defeat by the werecats would cause a disadventage at the battlefield if she lost the control in middle of the battle.

I was... but it was just... again!? the silver catgirl stoped her words when she heard than Elise and Hazel could start to fuck in middle of all and they had do it before, not only that but the sudden buldge on the matriarch skirt, made wonder her if she also have a futanary like the high elf and the werecat. Susan just can wish than the matriarch dont order her to join some kind of orgy or just give her some services, even her mind was starting to think than the matriarch could be the best mate than she could find, but she tried to take away that through for the moment.
I ... understand, but... only if i can see your home first to know how and where she will live until be completely fine, im really sure than all will treat her will love and sattle her needs, thats why i accept, but i just cant leave her at others hands without know that. Also can i visit her in any moment, right?

If all goes right, Susan will start to prepare herself for the ambush and follow the matriarch orders, expecting than her clothes and armors will fit her after her body changes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Everything is alright young one, don't worry so much about it okay. And don't worry about Andrea here, I take extra special care of ex-slaves, especially if they're succubi ex-slaves. Our home is the large castle on the top of the hill in Nevassa and Andrea here will be taken care of with the utmost care, and she'll be fed by me personally when I can, and by one of my trusted friends when I can't. But as you rescued my daughter and since you care so much about Andrea here, you have my leave to come and see her whenever you wish, I'll give you something or Allie will to let the guards know you're a friend of the family," Elise answered her, still sounding very firm with her words, letting Susan know that Andrea was going to stay with them, but also letting Susan know that she would have leave to come and see her whenever she wished.

Once that was taken care of Elise stood up again and went to get something which Susan couldn't make out what it was until the matriarch had come back. Then she saw what Elise carried... it was a collar and leash. "Well young Susan, I hope you don't mind consenting to doing this, but I could really use your help with this. I need you to be the bait for this while I and my wife Elia here act as your mistresses. I'll have your sword fixed where you can get it to fight though, so don't worry about that. I'll go ahead and tell you that I won't force you into doing this, and if you would rather not I'll find someone else to. But if you do agree to do it, then you'll have to stay naked for now or the ones we're supposed to be meeting would get suspicious," Elise said, holding the collar up in front of Susan's face, likely embarrassing the silver haired girl some.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan decide to acept finally than the Matriarch take care of Andrea for a while, after all the swordswoman was an adventurer without a real hme and even when she could rent the best room of an hotel, Andrea would be without her when she need to go out to end a mission, as she is sure than she would dont fit working at a normal work when there could be someone in need like these girls waiting for help in others missions or unknown places.

Thanks for understand Miss Elise. said the defeated Susan trying to look happy for Andrea, but from that moment Susan remain caresing and hugging the young succubus as much as she could, what would not be much as the matriarch return with something for the silver haired catgirl.

Soon her tail and ears helped to show how ashamed and humillated she feel, not only she will need to be naked all the time in front of all, but she would need also to act and look like an slave in this naughty body than she was not so proud to wear thanks to this illiness, Susan remain silent for a moment, as she tried to think clearly out of her high libido and hurted honor, then she sigh and caress her servant before accept and take away the blanket, her instincs made her try to cover her nudity with her limbs but she should stop soon or the persons who will come will know than she was not a true slave. Her hand slowly take the collar and look it and then she saw Elise beffore nod. I will try to do my best to acomplish my part... the silver haired girl said in a weak tone, trying to dont think in what will happen soon, her hands had a hard work to place the collar but at the end she put it at her neck and wonder if this could make her fall lower in order to help all to success in this mission
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"It's quite alright dear, I understand your want to make sure she's going to be alright, but I assure you she'll be in good hands with us. and no offense, but we can take much better care of her than you can, as we can provide for every one of her needs," Elise said to Susan as she helped her get the collar and leash on, with Andrea looking a little worried about Susan.

"M-Miss matriarch, you won't let mistress Susan get hurt will you?" Andrea asked, clearly not liking their plan.

"Now Andrea, first thing's first. Susan here isn't your mistress, nobody is. And second of all you don't need to worry about her, I'll take good care of her," Elise said sternly to Andrea, actually causing her to flinch a little from just how stern she spoke, but Elise let up with her sternness and pulled Andrea into a hug, letting her know she wasn't angry with her.

After that, Elise got up and helped Susan to her feet as well, where she then handed her a potion of some sort, "Go ahead and drink this. It'll help with the arousal for a little while so you can think a little straighter, and then put these on," Elise told Susan, putting the pinkish potion in her hand, then she handed her a skimpy bra and some panties, both red. When she drank the potion, Susan would feel the arousal starting to leave her body a good bit, clearing her head of any lingering lust that was still in there and giving her the chance to think straight now for getting ready to fight.

Once Susan had put the lingerie on, Elise put a cloak on and pulled the hood over her head and led her to the mouth of the cave along with her wife Elia, who also had a cloak on with the hood pulled up. The two of them told Susan to sit on the ground in front of them and they stood there, one of them on either side of the cave mouth with Elise holding the leash, and then they waited. Elise got a pile of leaves gathered up and then set Susan's sword down on the ground in front of the silver haired girl, placing the leaves over it to hide the thing, telling her not to take it until they started fighting if it came to it. While they prepared themselves out front, princess Allie led everyone else back into the cave for now, telling them to stay down and out of the fight, to let them all handle everything. Hazel was just inside the cave behind Susan, Elise, and Elia, waiting for the right moment to strike when Elise gave them the signal.