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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan happily turn to Astra once this say than maybs she would maybe take part in an adventure in the future. Yes, certainly many missions must be fun as you learn new things in each of them, but is dangerous going alone, so i will be glad to go with you in a mission when you decide to make one. the warrior say thinking than both would be better working in a team in a future mission.

So a portal to others lands and even planes!? that sound amazing and no doubt practical for many porposes, but like how many planes are? Ask Susan as she also start to think than it could be aslo dangerous have something like that in each city, but maybe there were some segurity system to avoid attacks.


The sudden act of the matriarch take Suan by surprise even nearly pointing to her wondering if she heard right, but then she just bow and move toward the seat a little blushed Thanks Elise. once there she was introduced to the wifes than she dont know yet as also the remain persons of the room, Susan was never very good to remember names and soon this turned into a really difficult moment as she heard how each person was intriduced by the matriarch, the silver girl turn and bow to each of them saying the person name and saying than was a pleasure to meet her/him and givving a wave to the ones than she already know. There were many questions about how the Matriarch meet them or anothers similars but Susan suppose than they should do it in another chance, as the others should have hungry and the breakfast is already served.

The silver dresed girl smiled and nod to the Matriarch before see the food, after two days in bed she really feel as if she have a big hole on her stomach, but even then trere were so much food, than she was not sure if all the guests could end it. Just then she notice than she had not went to the maner lesson about the order of the food and how each spoon and fork have certain kind of food type. She tried to wait for the others, looking how they were eating and if there not much manners maybe she could eat normaly yet with caution of dont ashame herself or anyone. Susan resolved herself to take an steak and some vegetables, it was weird to eat this in the morning as she ussually eat bacon with waffles or hot cakes, cereal and yogurt with fruit were also the ones than she take at the real world, yet she decide to adventure herself to these new meals. Just in middle of her unusual breakfast, some beautiful women start to come at the great hall and she wide opened her blue eyes by how cute they look.

The princess were really so beautiful and each of them looks to be even more glamorouse than a celebrity or royalty at the real world. But this was not all good for Susan as she had to remember more names and the breast size of each girl make her frown slighty, thinking than the women of this country have nearly all big breasts thanks to these strange breakfasts, maybe these aliments have hormones or some kind of special qualities to increase the women breasts, she finally get more calmed once she notice the young silver angel, the princess not only have also silver hair but also modest average breats nearly as the size than she have. Nice to meet you all

Susan was close to continue to end her meal so she could heard what the matriarch want to say her when suddenly Elise start to talk with Hope about the two princess who werent here, Susan smiled softly, looking how Elisa was giving her best to maintain a so large family as also she take care of this big city.

Still trying to remember all the names, Susan turn to Elise a little curiouse. You really have a beautiful family Elise. Can i ask how many childrens do you have?

Susan ask waiting the answer before end her breakfast.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well yes it can be dangerous, but they have securities in place to keep them safe enough, plus there are wards so that demons can't come through, or undead. So no worries about that really. And yes, I'd like to go on a job or two with you sometime later on Susan, you're really nice and you really saved me back there, even though princess Allie could probably have gotten us free whenever the time was right herself," Astra said to Susan about the portal and maybe working with Susan later on.


Seeing how surprised Susan was to be told to sit beside her, Elise giggled a little and smiled, and giggled more when it seemed the young silver haired human had a bit of trouble with names. Elise patted Susan on the head a little bit and ruffled her hair some before going back to eating for a few minutes before her children came in. After introducing them all to Susan, Elise watched her for a few moments to gauge her reactions towards them all and liking that she was admiring them, smiling a bit when she noticed Susan stared at their breasts for an extra moment or two. As breakfast went on, Elise was all but done with her food, having gone through not 1 or 2, but 3 full helpings of food.

"Thank you Susan, that's very kind of you to say. And I've got a lot of children, more than I can count on all of my fingers and toes together, though some are adopted children that I love just as much as my blood children, like the two we were talking about, Faye and Nimisa. These are all of my oldest blood children though save Leah, but she's just as much mine as the others are though, most of the younger ones aren't here though, as a couple of them are leading some of the armies, while the rest are on diplomatic missions all around the world and on the other planes," Elise said to Susan when she told her that she thought her family was very beautiful, smiling at the young human girl and pulling her into a quick hug. "Also I noticed you glancing at our breasts a bit. Does it impress you? Or are you a little jealous? And would you like larger breasts yourself?" Elise whispered while she hugged Susan, smiling a little at her with a kind look on her face.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

True, the Princess Allie and each member of the Matriarch family are really strong. Also thats why i think than this is too much, i dont want to disspoint any of you, but i need a lot of training, also i was only doing my job and do what i think was correct. Susan said not really sad but just trying to say what she think about all this, the clothes and the breakfasts were really good, but she know than she could not have do it alone, Even Astra and the others girls helped her to survive that mission.


Amazed by thinking about how many princess are, Susan dont expected the sudden hug of the Matriarch and blushed as she hug her in front of all. This only get worse when Elise whisper her about if she wanted bigger breasts making her shake her head I...i was just impressed and im really fine with my size... Is possible changed them of size? Susan whisper shyly and ashamed than the Matriarch had noticed her looking them, yet hearing the Matriarch talking about changing the breasts size as something normal make her wonder how can them do it and if it were easy in this world.

The silver haired girl tried to shake these trhoughts and decide to ask something than could really be of her total interest. So many of your daughters are adopted, like the princess Faye and Nimisa. Will you try to adopt the little Andrea too? Susan add worried but she really know than she dont have any power over Andrea and they arent nothing even when Susan had given her word of always protect her and treat her as part of her family.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh we aren't all that strong really Susan. Papa, and our momma's are much stronger than we are," princess Allie said with a bit of a giggle, smiling kindly at Susan while they finished up eating.

"Well most of our momma's anyway hehehe," the one Elise had named as Leah said with a giggle.

"Hey now Leah, you be nice. We raised you better than that. Apologize to your momma Alluria right now. Just because she doesn't fight doesn't mean she isn't strong," Hazel said seriously, giving her daughter a stern look which the younger succubus cringed under a little and hung her head.

"I'm sorry momma Alluria," Leah said, looking obviously apologetic for what she'd said.

"It's quite alright Leah, I know you didn't mean it after all," Alluria said to Leah with a soft smile.


"Well of course it's possible to chance their size silly. Just let me know if you ever want to and I can give you a potion or two to make them bigger," Elise whispered back to Susan when the nervous and shy silver haired girl spoke, giving her a wink as well in the process.

"Well not a whole lot of them are adopted, only a few. Technically Leah is adopted, but she's known me since before she could walk or talk I don't consider her adopted or anything. But I think Andrea is a little old for me to adopt like that, but she's more than welcome to stay here for as long as she wants to," Elise said when asked how many of her children were adopted.

Once they were all done with breakfast, there was a few more plates brought in, each bearing a dessert of some kind. Elise herself took a rather large piece of cherry pie, offering a piece to Susan after grabbing her own piece, though she did ask if she'd like another kind instead or something else for dessert perhaps. Regardless of whether or not Susan chose to eat some dessert, once dessert was done, the tables were all cleaned up and the stuff moved off of them to be taken to wash, while Elise and the others all stood up and stretched.

"Now, we were supposed to talk about your rewards for aiding us in this whole thing. Alluria wants me to make it this grand thing in the great hall here where a hundred or more people see it all and there's clapping and stuff like that, but I'd personally prefer to just give your reward to you in private so I don't have to deal with some of my vassals, because some are annoying as hell sometimes, always asking for this and that. Anyway though, it's all supposed to happen in an hour or so, but I'll go ahead and tell you that I'm supposed to give you two boons to do with as you please. Think of them as me owing you a favor, or rather the royal family owing you a favor... well two actually, but you get the idea. So in the hour or so you'll be waiting for it all to happen, take some time to think of a couple of things you want that are within my power to give, just... don't go overboard on your choices is all I ask," Elise told Susan while everyone was clearing out of the hall, or moving things about in it. With that, Elise would wait for a couple of minutes to give Susan time to talk some more to her before sending her on her way, past a couple of guys rolling out a red carpet towards the throne from the doors.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The young warrior heard the talk between the princess and Allurie, she was sure than all were very kind and would never try to insult each other. This made her remember her real family and her firends when they were in Tess ranch before went to that cursed town, where she nearly loss the hope for that place, making her stop playing for somedays until find time to return to play again, it was a shame than she never had the chance as the storm destroy her data and maybe her friends. Susan just smile and heard all before the hug and words of the Matriarch make her think in something more actual.

I will have it in mind, thanks Elise. Susan answer more needed of reducing ones as this world could have others breasts increase curses.

True, Andrea have the age to decide her fate, but not mather her choice we must be there for her. Susan said maybe a little glad to hear than Andrea could decide to stay with her and Elise, maybe this could be the young succubus new house, even that great hotel or the church where Astra will work could be fine, but only if Susan could visit her in any time.

The desserts come and Susan just cant decide between all the amazing quabtity of great cakes and others desserts, she could need to fight a lot to dont get bigger if she eat like this each time. Thinking than a time breaking her usual diet will not hurt her, Susan accept the piece than the matriarch offer her with a smile, giving the thanks se slowly taste it and enjoy for a while not interested in eat much, but more likely take her time to enjoy each littletaste and good moment.

A reward!? but Elise you had made a lot for me and i really dont know what to ask for, you already give me your friendship, the chance to visit Andrea, you even save me from that curse, invite me to this breakfast and give me tis beautiful dress. I have nothing to ask, except... I come to these lands to find some friends, they could be in any place at this country, please help me to find them and also i want to help you to protect these lands, but im still weak, once i had get better please leave me help you in anything than you need.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I understand your concern for Andrea, Susan dear, but please believe me when I say she'll be very well taken care of okay I promise, and you can come here and see her anytime you wish. That is one of your rewards for aiding us as much as you did, you can come and go as you please within the castle now, save into someone's bedroom, any of our study's, and the dungeons of course, but you wouldn't be going there in any case save unless we sent you there for something or if you broke the law, which I doubt you'd do," Elise told Susan when the silver haired human girl expressed her concerns for Andrea to her once more, patting Susan on the head as she spoke.


"Yes dear a reward, well two of them actually. Alluria told me I have to give you something for your troubles and because of what you went through and all, and I can't say no to Alluria, or any of my wives to be honest, because they'll make me regret it in bed later. But just tell me a couple of things when the time comes and I ask you in front of everyone okay. Remember, in an hour, and two things, helping you find your friends is only one thing," Elise said to Susan, smiling kindly at her as she turned to head over to where Elia and the red skinned devil man were at, along with several commanders wearing armor and uniforms and such, as well as several of the princesses, Tana, and Hazel. It seemed that Elsie was supposed to meet some commanders and such for whatever war they were in the middle of at the moment.

After a minute or so, Susan would see Alluria and Sera, the two queens she had yet to meet that were there in the country at the moment, coming towards her. "Come on young one, these sorts of meetings don't sit well with me, I find them distasteful, because when she has to have a war meeting it only means that eventually her and Allie, and the others have to go off and fight, which worries me to no end. I can't stand fighting, and I just don't understand why everyone can't just live in peace," Alluria said as her and Sera led Susan out of the great hall and out to what was obviously the royal gardens, where Susan would only see a single succubus fluttering about gardening for them, the succubus queen sounding rather angry about to whole idea of fighting. "But I also understand that fighting is necessary, because there are always going to be those that wish to do evil in the world, and that's where people like our Elise come in to play, and people like yourself as well Susan. People like you all are the ones that stand against the evils that plague the world today," Alluria added after heaving a sigh about the fighting. Also something that Susan noticed about Alluria that she hadn't noticed before, was that she had elven ears rather than human like ears which Hazel and all of the other succubi she'd met had.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was glad to heard the Matriarch words, she even feel to maybe come here everyday to stay with Andrea for a while, maybe even this could work better than what she has expected. The use of nearly all the palace make her suppose than she could also use the training room and the portal, yet she is not concerned for that right now.

She give the thanks to Elise again and hug her unable to control herself, her worries for Andrea had been taken away and now she should just think in how she should decide her two wishes, a very little problem for her, as she sudenly ntice to be returning the hug to Elise and slowly get away blusing and giving a little sorry, she just expect than this dont get seen bad by Elise or the others.

I will try to think in something, yet i would also had preffer a private talk too. Susan said, sure than do all that big event is not really her style, thinking than maybe they should give honors to the fallen brave soldiers instead of her normal actions that day. Once solved this the two queens than she had just meet them get close her and invite her to follow them outside, the silver haired girl agreed, she just dont feel as if she should be in middle of these kind of talks. It was a great Brakfast, thanks Elise. She then get close the Matriarch and bow, yet if the Matriarch had said than a hug is fine when she by mistake do it, then she will repeat with her and also each of the princess, Tania and Hazel, if not then a wave to then and the others guests would be enought.

Once she follow the others two to the garden, she just enjoy the view before sit and start a talk with them, feeling bad for Alluria, a so kind person should be heavily worried by seen her loved ones going to a war where many dont return. I also think than any war or fight to lead to the death of someone should be avoided, but if Elise is fighting it certainly for the safety of all. I never expected to hurt baddly someone or even kill my foe until today, it was really painful, but there was not any other way, as the safety and freedom of the kidnaped girls were on risk, so in part i understand both of you and also Elise, she would had chosen for other solution if it were possible. Susan was not pleased to heard than she has been compared with Elise, she feared than all were expecting too much of her and she would be unable to fill theirs expectatives, even then she accept the queen words but then tried to change the topic.

Can we change the topic? i would love to know more of both, i was wondering how both meet Elise and if these times are getting worse than some years before, i dont know as i just come to this country a pair of days ago. Also can i ask about the Celestial plane and the Fey one? how much are different from this world?
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When Susan came over and thanked Elise for the breakfast and bowed to her, Elise smiled kindly at her. "You're very welcome sweetie, but I've got work to do now, so I'll talk with you afterwards when we do the ceremony for your rewards and such. And yes I know you'd rather not do that, but it's expected of me, so my hands are tied," Elise said, giving the silver haired girl a hug after she'd raised back up after the bow, with Elia, Tana, and Hazel all giving her a kind hug also.


"Of course dear, I don't mind changing the subject... in fact I prefer to not talk about Elise having to fight," Alluria said, with Serafina nodding her head eagerly at that, agreeing with the succubus. "I first met Elise a very long time ago, long before you were born I'm sure. It was at the end of the last age, some two hundred and forty four years ago now, and she snuck into my manor back in Hespera, then snuck into my bed dressed with only a bow around her like a gift. At that time I... didn't stick to any one lover, and had had many before then, because I was fifty seven or fifty eight years old at the time. Anyway though, I... unwrapped my gift, though I didn't know Elise at the time, not even her name, but that didn't stop me from going over and unwrapping my present. When I saw her body and saw what she was, being a futanari and all, I was... very giddy to say the least. After that we had sex and a few short months later I ended up moving to Melior with her and not longer after that we got married, and Elise always told me that with me... it was love at first sight," Alluria said after clearing her throat, explaining how her and Elise had first met and ended up getting married, looking dreamy eyed as she finished her short tale.

"And I first met Elise on the beach of my old home, her, Alluria, and Hazel had come there to find Hazel's and Alluria's mothers who had moved there a long time before. I ended up going with the three of them and later on after we left there I went with them to Hespera to Alluria's manor, where Elise took my first," Serafina said, blushing deeply red as she recounted how her and Elise first met, though she didn't go into very much detail, Susan could only imagine what had happened since she knew that Elise was a futanari and all.

"Celestia is a massive city in the astral plane where three of the major good gods live and it's virtually a city of angels really, but it has many ascended and exalted people there as well. Arvandor, where Sera here is from is another such place, though it's much larger than Celestia. The netherworld, where I'm from, which Hespera is a part of, is another such place as well, as well as Hestavar. I can explain more if you like, but you can read most of these things in any book at a library. The fey realm though is just that, the fey realm," Alluria explained, giving Susan a bit of knowledge about the other planes.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

After stay calmed hearing the answer of both Queens, the silver young woman notice than Elise was very pasionate, as both girls had sex with her nearly the same day as they meet. The two story were so lovely and the words of both woman fill the place with a great love, Susan never expected this at her game, she wanted to just pay the debt with herself for fail at her last attempt, but once she heard these two girls she wonder if she could have the chance to fall in a true love with someone in this virtual world, maybe that could be fun but that would not be as lying to herself with a false reality?

Wow, Elise is just so Amazing and Romantic. Thanks to share these past moments with me, they were really beautiful and i even get jeaulose in a good way, many dont find the true love in all a life. Also, i will try to read more about all these worlds soon, never expected to heard than there were a lot of planes. Susan answer happily yet a little worried to have to look for her friends in all these huge places.

Susan blushed and crossed her arms for a moment, turning her blue eyes to look at the garden and decide if she should ask more or just wait. Its really a beautiful garden, so relaxing and i havent see many of these plants at my life. Both should enjoy this place alot, any of these flowers are from another plane. Susan say trying to still make them forget the war for a moment more.

If all this fail she would decide to say something more, maybe a little worried for the answer. Queen Alluria im really glad to be honored for all what Elise and all of you had given to Andrea and me, it is really a lot and now these two debts are just too much for what happened in that cave. Maybe its strange to ask but i dont know what more ask for, can i give my second wish to Andrea when she get completely recover, i only need one.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh yes, Elise is very romantic dear. She always showers all of us with gifts and her love, despite us being together for over two centuries. Everyday that she's with us she tells us that she loves us at least three times, once when w wake up in the morning, once around the middle of the day when she's not busy, and once when we go to bed at night, unless we have sex of course, then she's screaming our names and that she loves us over and over," Alluria said with a little giggle, rubbing her thighs together a little in the process. "And you don't need to rush yourself with reading any Susan, take your time with it," Alluria added,

"Thank you Susan, I asked Elise to have us a nice garden made here, because the goddess I used to serve is the goddess of nature and such, and I really like nature, but I like the beach a lot too, and we all enjoy some peace and quiet here when we get the chance to do so," Serafina said, smiling happily as they looked out over the royal gardens.

"I understand Susan dear, but you helped our Elise in that fight a couple of days ago, and I feel you need to be rewarded properly for it. So please, take them both and decide on a couple of things. If nothing comes to mind for you though you can always ask for gold as payment instead of trying to come up with something in particular. But if you want my advice you could ask for an enchantment be placed on your weapon or armor, or you can ask for land or just anything, though don't ask for too much land if you ask for that," Alluria said, smiling kindly at Susan.

A few moments later the succubus that had been tending to the gardens was apparently done for the day and came over to them, where she bowed to Alluria and Sera. "My ladies, I'm done for the day, if you need anything more for the gardens today just let me know okay," the succubus said before heading on.

"Thank you Vivian, and go ahead and enjoy your day alright, we won't be needing you to tend the gardens any more today," Alluria said to the succubus as she waved bye to her.

After that it was really up to Susan what to do next, she could head on back down to see Andrea or back into town for some reason or another, or whatever she liked. Alluria and Sera were also still open for talking to if Susan wished to speak with them about anything further.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

So Romantic. Susan said after giggle softly, she cant believe how long Elise and her wifes has loved each other, maybe this is really what is called true or eternal love, so different of nearly all the relashionships at the true world, even then she ask herself if she want something like that in a virtual world

True, maybe i just will love more exploring these worlds for myself, but get a little of info will not hurt before that. Say the silver girl before turn to the garden and lost herself for a moment until, nodding to Serafina words. Maybe i should find a job close the beach the next time, this continent must have some beautiful ones, can i ask what are the best zones to pass a day or two?

Once answered, Susan will talk a little more with the two queens, asking for any fun stories about the royal family and with the time Susan will feel the needs to see Andrea again.

Well, i dont know about enchantments and i will feel bad if something happen to that equipment, but maybe a place were stay in this city or a farm could be fine if Andrea... Susan shake her head and stop, she really will love to give a home to Andrea but she could not be so selfish, Andrea must have a complete freedom to choice what to do, sorry but i must look if Andrea has awaken. It was really a pleasure talk with both of you, i hope than we can talk soon again

After bow to both queens and hug them if they want, Susan walk toward her room expecting to sit at her bed and see how Andrea sleep until she awake.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I certainly hope that one day you'll be able to find someone that loves you as much as Elise loves us Susan. And don't worry about any equipment you have enchanted maybe getting damaged or destroyed, that's one of the things enchanting does for a persons battle gear, prevents it from breaking and such," Alluria said, smiling softly at Susan and patting her on the head.

"And it'll be hard for you to find a beach around here unfortunately lady Susan, because this is a landlocked country. We go to the Hespera beach though, it's the greatest beach in any of the worlds," queen Serafina said, sounding rather dreamy in fact. "I remember it was after a day on the Hespera beach that Elise and me... well, that we had sex for the first time," Sera said, sighing softly as she remembered the memory from long long ago.

When Susan asked if they had any good fun stories to share about their family, Alluria nodded and smiled. "Yes actually I do have a story if you'd like, I can't guarantee it's a funny one to you, but you might find it a little cute at least," Alluria said before clearing her throat softly and taking a drink of water before continuing on and telling her tale, "Let's see now. You know how Elise told you earlier that Leah wasn't her child by blood through Hazel? Well Leah has always called Elise her papa, despite her father being an old duke many many years ago in the kingdom of Ellyria. He and Elise had some words with each other, after her and Hazel got married while she was pregnant with Mari, because Hazel made Elise think for the longest that Leah was her's instead of Kyle's. She teased her about it so much that Elise kind of really got used to the idea of being a 'father' to a child, but when Hazel finally let her know that Leah wasn't her's and was Kyle's instead, it kind of broke Elise's heart. But anyway though, Leah has always called Elise papa, because Hazel taught her to call her that when she first learned to talk and stuff, and she followed Elise everywhere, barely ever left her side for her first few years. And when she grew up she wanted to be just like her papa, never mind that she was a succubus and Elise a human, as well as a futanari. Hmhm, it was like watching Elise if she were a child again, and a succubus to boot."

After Alluria had finished her cute little story about Elise and princess Leah, she nodded her head when Susan stated that she needed to go and check on Andrea, and smiled when the silver haired girl thanked them both for their stories. "I understand what you're saying Susan, and don't worry about Andrea, she's free to leave whenever she wishes. But we ask that she at least stay here for a while longer to help ease her mind more and help her recover some more, and I hope we may speak again sometime soon again as well, and keep thinking on what you'd like to ask for," Alluria assured Susan as the silver haired human left them in the gardens.

Leaving the gardens, it was a relatively uneventful journey back to the room she'd been asleep in and where Andrea was still sleeping at. When she arrived back in her room, Susan found that Andrea was still sleeping on the sofa next to the bed, though she looked to have rolled around a little bit and looked to have woken at some point and gone back to sleep, as the blanket had been messed up as if it had been thrown off of her and then pulled back up over her.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Thanks, i hope it too. Answer Susan blushing, wishing to really find a lover like Elise outside this game. so... they can place something like that on a equipment!? Wonder what others kinds of enchantments can be placed The silver girl said ashamed of her lack of knowlege as is pat at her head by the succubus queen.

Oh i see, well i guess than then i must go to Hespera one of these days, i guess than that beach must be famous everywhere. Susan said smiling expecting than many persons know of how Serafina meet Elise, as the angel looks to love talking of this.

The tale started and Susan get focused in the queen words, really having a great time and earning another point of view of the famous Matriarch. That was a great story, the princess Leah and all the others princess must be so kind and brave as their father, all must be always trying to help the others, even then all try to gather at the breakfast and maybe others times at the day. Susan sigh, maybe thinking than she should help them in a way, but first she should find to solve her own problems to do put them on help them and make their weight even bigger.

After that the time to leave come and waving the silver dressed girl think in the queens words, hopping to choice right what she will ask in some hours. She walked toward her room, thinking at Andrea and what she will do now, she wanted to have something more in mind so the choice werent so hard, the money than she got could help her for a while, but she dont want to spen her time here just living. Between throughts she get inside her room and arrage the blanket over Andrea and then sit close her if she could or at the bed looking her for a moment, maybe caressing the succubus hair for a moment as she think about how beautiful the young girl looks sleeping at the sofa, after a while if Andrea dont awake, Susan will take a tour trying to clear her mind, maybe taking a look at the training place.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh yes they can enchant items to be virtually unbreakable really, unless something magical is used to destroy them, or if you run into something that eats magic items of course," Alluria told Susan, nodding her head a little bit. "And Hespera is my original home, and it's also where one of Elise's best friends rules now... well I mean he has ruled there for about the same amount of time we've ruled here in Crimea. He's really nice too, but he can be a bit... tiring at times," Alluria added after Susan spoke again, sounding as if she liked, yet disliked the man she spoke of.

"Well they don't call her father, but papa. Makes her sound less like a man. Let's see, Leah and all of our adopted children, as well as Hazel's other children before she met Elise of course, are the only ones of any of our children that aren't Elise's. And yes they are always helping each other and stuff, and when we can we always gather together for breakfast," Serafina said, smiling softly as she spoke, appearing to love not only her's and Elise's own children, but also the children of Elise's other lovers and wives as well.


After placing the blanket back over Andrea and began stroking her hair, the succubus stirred a little and slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw Susan her eyes lit up like Susan hadn't seen them do as yet. Andrea smiled up at her and placed her hand over Susan's. "H-Hey there... are you alright? They told me that they didn't know how long you'd be out for, so I waited here with you all this time when they weren't reteaching me things," Andrea said, sounding much different than she had when Susan first found her, she sounded... normal again, which would probably make Susan happy.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver dressed girl heard with attention the queen Alluria explanation about the enchant items and the ruller of Vesperia, both topics looks to be of interest for the future of the girl journey and Susan start to wonder why the queen looks to have something against that ruler. I suppose than creatures who eat magic items arent so ussual but even then i will try to be careful. The human nod to Serafina. Indeed, Papa sound better. Susan and the qqueens soon ended the talk and after this little moment, Susan decide to just stop of think as if this was only a game and enjoy her little time in the EGG, after all when the time to leave come the system will inform her anyway.


As she place the blanket and caress softly the young succubus hair, Susan soon saw how the young girl wake up. Of course than im alright, maybe i should take a rest today of my adventures but you dont need to worry for me. Susan said with a smile and give a motherly like hug to Andrea no mather if the younggirl were still resting on the sofa or she sit before that. You are so sweet Andrea, thanks to stay with me all this time, i really apreciate it. Are you hungry? You looks so much better from the last time than i saw you. Susan have too much questions for Andrea but decide to focus on her and enjoy their time together.

I guess than you had made so many friends here and you also had a lot of fun with Elise family, if you want you can say me what you had made these two days or would you love to come with me to the training room or your favorite place. The swordswoman was just so happy to know than Andrea had made a great improvement in just two days, maybe the young succubus could be completely healty in a week or even less.

Susan tried to pass the rest of her free time with Andrea trying to know more of her, her likes and dislikes, then in the right moment she will turn to her and with a smile say. Sweetheart, do you best to recover completely and dont worry all of us will be happy to help you in anything, i think than i will make this city my home, so i will try to visit you as much as i can. The blue eyes of the human turn to the floor for a moment, she really want to live close Andrea but both were just guests of the royal family, she just wonder if there could be a way where Andrea would not lost her or Elise.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When Susan hugged her, Andrea hugged her back, smiling softly when Susan caressed her head. “You're welcome Susan, and I did it because I was concerned for you. And yeah I've made a few friends, and the princesses have all come to see me a lot. We've talked about a lot of things with each other, and they've really treated me like a sister every time they've come to see me,” Andrea said, still smiling a bit as she raised up and stretched a little, her shirt she had on sliding up a bit to show Susan her body some. “I wouldn't mind going to the training room with you if you'd like to. Just let me go to the bathroom and stuff before we go, hang on,” Andrea added after stretching, going over to the bathroom.

Andrea didn't even bother shutting the door to the bathroom, then she brushed her hair out and then she brushed her teeth before coming back into the bedroom and got dressed in a beautiful yet simple white dress. “I'll get better soon enough I'm sure Susan, they've all really done a lot to help me out as much as they can since we got back here. Queen Serafina used her healing magics on me to heal all of my wounds, internal and external. And queens Hazel and Alluria have been talking to me a lot about things that have really helped me through a lot of the trauma too. And I would really like it if you stayed here in Nevassa Susan, I might even move in with you once the queens tell me I'm healed enough to their liking to go out on my own once again,” Andrea said once she came out of the bathroom and got dressed, following Susan to wherever she wished to go, though grabbing an apple to eat and hold her over until lunchtime.

The matriarch told me what she planned on giving you Susan. Has she told you yet? If so, have you decided on what to ask her for yet?” Andrea would ask curiously as she followed Susan out of the room, munching on her apple.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The improvement of the sucubus dont stop to amaze the silver warrior, she is now so cheerful and talk as a normal girl now without call her mistress and just say her by her name, Of course, lets walk around for a while inside the castle Susan said as she notice the girl body than let the shirt free as she strech, the marks of the slavement looks to had vanished from the young girl skin and Susan remain looking her as she wait for her, without any bad through, just thinkingabout the girl improvement.

Susan stop looking to the floor when the words from Andrea solved her doubts about what she will happen once she get completely healed. The silver haired human remain specheless and just nodded giving a soft smile than hide all the happiness than come to her after heard it. I will be glad, but dont worry, just take your time to recover completely, please dont rush yourself. Susan then watch the girl on the white dress and give her hand to walk toward the trining room.

As they walked Andrea asked about the Mathriarch favors and the swordswoman nod. Yes, she said me at the breakfast, yet just now i decided what to ask. Susan was close to ask what Andrea would decide if she have the chance, but maybe Susan should not ask, this could be hard for Andrea if the young succubus ask for a way to recover her family or ask to find any other responsable of the slavers attack. Susan just hope than she and the mathriarch family could fulfill the wishes of the young girl, as she live happily in this realhm.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Andrea noticed Susan staring at her body while she stretched out herself out a bit before going to the bathroom, smiling softly as she got up and went on about her morning business, apparently not caring that Susan was staring. When she was through and got her white dress on Andrea walked along beside Susan towards the training room. "Oh don't worry about me Susan, I'll be just fine. And if you want, I don't mind helping you figure something out to ask for," Andrea replied as glanced over at her, their way soon bringing them to the main training room in the castle where they saw quite a few people inside doing their training.

They saw a total of 19 people inside the room, 3 succubi, 2 elves one man one woman, 2 drow women, a high elf woman, a neko girl, an okami man, 3 humans two of which were female, 2 gnomes one male one female, a half orc girl that looked quite pretty all things considered, a halfling girl, and 2 strange looking girls, one that had literally flaming red hair that looked like it was slightly smouldering, and the other that had frigid looking blue hair that looked as if it it would be cold to the touch.

One of the succubi was facing off in one of the battle circles with the half orc girl, the succubus wielding a rapier and the half orc girl an axe. They looked thoroughly tired out and like they had been going at it for a few minutes now, and the succubus looked slightly less tired than the half orc girl. In another battle circle there was one of the drow women and the high elven woman were battling it out with each other, both had pads on and boxing gloves and were just quite literally beating the hell out of each other.

"Ah hello there you two. Are you here to train with us today? I don't believe we've met before," the strange flaming headed girl said as she turned away from the fighting she was was watching and noticed Susan and Andrea entering the room.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The human take a moment to decide if she should say what she will say to the matriarch, Andrea looks very fine and Susan finally suppose than all will be fine.

Well... i come to these lands to find some friends, im not exactly sure if all are here, but i have hopes than i can find them more easily with the Matriarch help. Im not completely sure of what else ask, i guess than a safe good land for both of us would be the best, but maybe after some jobs i could get one land for myself, but i dunno how much time could take me that. What do you think than i should ask, Andrea? Susan said to the young succubus.

After a while they reach the training room, Susan never expect to find a lot of people, so she stay just looking all until a possible fire girl tal to her

Hi, yes is our first time here, i wanted to know the place so i could train here once my body get completely healed. She is Andrea and im Susan, do you come here often? we could have a small friendly duel if you want Answer Susan to the fire girl as she from time to time continue looking the fights
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well Susan I really don't know what you should ask for, I mean I don't know well enough to really help you pick something out to be honest. It's really up to you," Andrea replied to Susan, looking unsure enough to let Susan know she didn't know what to suggest as they neared the training room.


"Ah yes, you're the one that helped the matriarch the other day. I'm Cassie, the master of arms here at the castle, so yes I do come here often. And sure I'm game if you think you can take me, though I'll have you know that the matriarch herself helped to train me. Also if you ever want to have a match with anyone else here then just let me know alright and I'll set it up," the woman said, introducing herself and holding out her hand to shake Susan's.

Behind Cassie, Susan could see high elf and the drow still going at it, the high elf seeming to have gotten the upper hand for the moment, and now that she could see her a little better, Susan would notice that the drow girl was princess Adriel, and she looked like she was having the time of her life in there, a happy smile plastered on her face.